
par Loomer
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 1.7.19
Compatibilité AspectMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $78  /  72€
Mis à jour le 18 nov. 2014
Téléchargements 2 521
Télécharg. Mac 2 018
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 1.7.20
Compatibilité AspectWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $78  /  72€
Mis à jour le 9 janv. 2015
Téléchargements 2 521
Télécharg. PC 503

Synthé soustractif

Aspect est un synthé virtuel 32 voix combinant synthèse soustractive, architecture semi-modulaire et interface intuitive.

Caractéristiques :

- architecture semi-modulaire dite flexible
- 2 oscillateurs sauce analogique, un générateur de bruit, 2 filtres, 3 enveloppes et 3 LFO synchronisables par voix
- mode unison
- interface intuitive pour la réalisation de patchs complexes
- Midi Learn
- Plus de 150 presets
Mac OS X v. 10.5 or later
Aspect Aspect v 1.7.19 18 nov. 2014 MacOS X Intel
(fix) Fix for issue where tempo synced LFOs would not align when running the plug-in in a host with the transport stopped (introduced in 1.7.18)
Loomer Aspect Aspect v 1.7.18 5 nov. 2014 MacOS X Intel
(fix) Fixed bug introduced into lag generator and random functions in 1.7.17 which could cause older presets to sound different under certain circumstances.
Loomer Aspect v 1.7.17 25 oct. 2014 MacOS X Intel
(new) AAX 64-bit Native plug-ins for Windows and Mac OS X.
(fix: Mac OS X VST) UI now renders correctly on Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
(fix) Polyphonic aftertouch now works correctly for all presets.
(feature) Keyboard entry of rotary parameter values. Rotary controls can now be typed directly into by clicking on the text value below the control.
(improvement) Improved performance on real-time and very low-latency systems.
(improvement: Windows) The 32-bit and 64-bit VST plug-ins are now installed as separate components. You can choose which one(s) to install, as well as selecting different install folders for each architecture.
(feature: Linux) Added "Show Directory" to the preset browser, which will will reveal the selected preset directory in your window manager.
(improvement: Mac OS X) Installer and all installed components are now signed in compliance with Mac OS X's Gatekeeper system.
(improvement) Significantly improved UI response speed; reduced CPU usage when parameters are automated whilst the UI is open.
(improvement: Linux) Presets and configuration files are now located to comply with the XDG Base Directory Specification. Older installations will still use any existing preset library location to maintain backwards compatibility.
(fix: Mac OS X Audio Unit) Fixed minor memory leak in parameter names.
synth Aspect v 1.7.10 1 mars 2012 MacOS X UB
Fixed in 1.7.10 are the following issues:

Fixed issue which made audio rate modulation of either oscillator's pitch by the noise modulation source slightly quantized. This caused previously created presets using this configuration to sound slightly different in Aspect 1.7.9.
Fixed bug which occasionally caused newly saved user presets to still be marked with the changed (*) flag in the preset name display.
architecture Aspect v 1.7.9 16 févr. 2012 MacOS X UB
Improvements in this release include:

(Windows) Fixed incredibly rare crash which may occur when first opening the plug-in on certain 32-bit VST Windows hosts.
Massively improved speed and responsiveness of all UI controls.
Improved CPU usage when tweaking parameters from a hardware controller.
(Windows) For the Windows VST plug-in, when using a relative path of "." for the presets folder, the path is now relative to the plug-in's DLL file and not the host's executable file. This makes it possible to easily create a portable or USB stick install of Aspect.
Standalone versions now support multiple simultaneous hardware controllers.
(Linux) User presets are now displayed in alphabetical order in the preset browser.
(Linux) Improved UI font selection means that a more appropriate font is often used in any Linux distributions which provide only a small selection of default fonts.
Fixed an issue where the OK button in the save preset browser would temporarily become disabled when switching from the Factory presets selection.
Various minor compatibility fixes for certain hosts.
Various minor user interface tweaks
intuitive Aspect v 1.7.6 13 sept. 2011 MacOS X UB
Native 64-bit VST plug-in for Mac OS X (64-bit VST support requires Mac OS X 10.6 or greater; 64-bit Audio Unit requires Mac OS X 10.5 or greater; all other formats require Mac OS X 10.4 or greater.)
Preset searches are now multi-threaded. Preset browser can now immediately respond to user interaction, even whilst searching a massive preset library, or when browsing a folder containing a large number of presets.
Preset meta data (ie, author name, notes, tags) is now correctly displayed after loading an .FXP based preset or restoring a saved project.
Vastly improved CPU usage when recalculating DSP graph as a result of realtime re-wiring of a modular preset.
Standalone application tempo can now be set to within two decimal places of accuracy.
Fix for GUI freeze that could occur in certain Mac OS X VST hosts.
Fix for LFOs being incorrectly reset every four bars when using the standalone application.
Fix for minor issue which caused a changed preset to temporarily be reverted to its original state when previewing presets via the browser.
interface Aspect v 1.7.4 11 mai 2011 MacOS X UB
* Fix for crash (on both Windows and Linux) that could occur when 'space' is pressed when confirming the overwrite preset dialog.
* VU meters now automatically reset their overload status after a few seconds.
* Preset Browser is now maximized to fill the entire plug-in window.
* For Windows VST (32-bit and 64-bit), the preferences file can be placed alongside the DLL file to facilitate USB or portable installs.
* Clearer font in PDF documentation.
semi-modulaire Aspect v 1.7.1 14 avril 2011 MacOS X UB
* Fix for hung note that could occasionally occur when using legato triggering for Envelope 1.
* Fix for certain non-ASCII characters being either missing, or displayed incorrectly in the interface.
* Integrated preset browser is now re-sizeable.
telecharger Aspect v 1.7.0 7 avril 2011 MacOS X UB
* Native 64-bit VST and Standalone application versions for Linux.
* Integrated undo and redo, with unlimited history size.
* Mono legato modes, with selectable low, high, and last note priority.
* Mono unison: stack up to five unison voices in mono legato mode.
* Independent trigger mode for each envelope: retrigger, reset, or legato.
* Category support in preset browser.
* Increased filter cutoff modulation range.
* CPU usage is now consistent when using the Mac OS X RTAS plug-ins.
* Windows VST 32-bit plug-ins and standalone applications no longer depend on additional runtime libraries. However, these libraries are still required - and installed - for the RTAS format plug-ins.
* libjack is now weak-linked for standalone Linux. This means JACK is not required (but still recommended) for Linux users.
* Windows RTAS plug-in is now installed to the correct location on 64-bit Windows operating systems.
* MIDI Program Changes are now multi-threaded, and so will no longer potentially stall the audio synthesis.
* Fix for rare issue that stopped presets from loading in Linux Renoise when LADSPA plug-in support is enabled.
* Factory presets now load significantly faster.
* Additional presets.
* Various host compatibility fixes.
mac Aspect v 1.6.2 18 août 2010 MacOS X UB
This release adds the following improvements:

* Fixed: Issue causing a stereo Aspect VST instance to appear as two mono channels when routing in Renoise.
* Fixed: In some circumstances, the current preset could still be marked as unsaved when saving it over an existing preset.
* New: Factory presets can now be deleted.
* New: Restore factory presets function to reinstate any deleted Factory presets.
* New: Confirmation now required when overwriting an existing preset.
windows Aspect v 1.6.1 28 juil. 2010 MacOS X UB
This release adds the following fixes and features:

* Native 64-bit versions for Mac OS X Audio Unit, and Windows VST.
* New built-in Preset Browser with support for xml, fxp, and fxb preset files.
* Presets can now have meta-data, such as author name, notes, and tags. Use meta-data to search your preset library.
* Hot-swap preset browsing: quickly step through and preview presets in context.
* Various host compatibility fixes.
* Audio-rate pitch modulation of Oscillator 1 from Oscillator 2 now works.
* Sample & Hold module's latched value is now correctly reset when the the input source is removed.
* Much faster GUI response.
* Slight reduction in CPU usage on particularily complex presets.
* Vastly reduced start-up time.
* Clearer font rendering: a larger font is now used for menu items.
* Additional and improved factory presets.
macintosh Aspect v 1.5.0 16 déc. 2009 MacOS X UB
  • New oscillators with improved sound due to significantly reduced aliasing.

  • Backwards compatibility options (for Registered Users only) to enable the use of legacy oscillators for perfect compatibility with older patches.

  • Reduced CPU usage: generally around 10% reduction, but up to 20% in some cases.

  • Massively reduced memory usage.

  • Aspect oscillators are now tuned down an octave to bring them more into line with other synthesizers. Older patches will still play at the tuning they were created with.

  • Fixed bug where very long release envelopes stop rather abruptly.

  • Fixed bug in Sonar where notes are left hanging when the Sonar Transport is stopped.

  • Factory presets are now categorized and sorted.

  • Rotary controls can now be tweaked to a finer degree with the mouse wheel by holding Shift.

  • Fixed bug where notes sustained over a sample rate change from 96KHz to 88KHz would play at the incorrect pitch.

  • Fixed bug that could cause a lock under some Linux VST hosts the first time Aspect is scanned.
  • pc Aspect v 1.4.2 31 août 2009 MacOS X UB
    This release adds a few minor fixes:
    * An uninstallation script is now available for the Mac OS X version. This will completely remove any installed Aspect components.
    * Fixed an issue when Aspect is hosted by Reaper that could cause audio glitches when either changing programs, or editing Aspect parameters.
    * Any notes playing when the host transport is restarted are now stopped.
    Aspect v 1.4.0 8 juil. 2009 MacOS X UB
    * Support for the sustain MIDI controller.
    * Lag Generator component now only filters audio rate modulation sources when the Lag is set to above 0%.
    * Lag Generator output can now be used as an audio source, as well as a modulation source.
    Aspect v 1.3.2 28 mai 2009 MacOS X UB
    * RTAS Plugin versions for users of Pro Tools LE, Pro Tools M-Powered, and Pro Tools|HD on Mac OS X, and Windows.
    * A|B comparison function for quickly auditioning program changes.
    * Significantly reduced CPU usage.
    * Improved font clarity on certain Linux distributions.
    * Fix for crashing when changing the current program when using more than five simultaneous instances in Ableton Live.
    * Fix for crashing when using certain multiple output soundcards on Mac OS X.
    * Faster loading user interface.
    * Fix minor audio glitch than would occur when adding a plugin to a playing track in Garage Band, and other hosts.
    Aspect v 1.2.2 20 mars 2009 MacOS X UB
    * Significantly reduced CPU usage.
    * Improved clarity on user interface.
    * Added accurate numeric CPU usage meter.
    * [Aspect] Added polyphony meter.
    Aspect Aspect v 1.7.20 9 janv. 2015 Windows
    (fix:Windows) Fix for the 64-bit VST plug-in not opening on certain hosts on Windows XP 64-bit.
    (fix:Windows) Fix for issue where confirmation dialogs in the preset browser could appear underneath and therefore be obscured by the preset browser window.
    Loomer Aspect Aspect v 1.7.19 18 nov. 2014 Windows
    (fix) Fix for issue where tempo synced LFOs would not align when running the plug-in in a host with the transport stopped (introduced in 1.7.18)
    Loomer Aspect v 1.7.18 5 nov. 2014 Windows
    (fix) Fixed bug introduced into lag generator and random functions in 1.7.17 which could cause older presets to sound different under certain circumstances.
    synth Aspect v 1.7.17 25 oct. 2014 Windows
    (new) AAX 64-bit Native plug-ins for Windows and Mac OS X.
    (fix: Mac OS X VST) UI now renders correctly on Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite.
    (fix) Polyphonic aftertouch now works correctly for all presets.
    (feature) Keyboard entry of rotary parameter values. Rotary controls can now be typed directly into by clicking on the text value below the control.
    (improvement) Improved performance on real-time and very low-latency systems.
    (improvement: Windows) The 32-bit and 64-bit VST plug-ins are now installed as separate components. You can choose which one(s) to install, as well as selecting different install folders for each architecture.
    (feature: Linux) Added "Show Directory" to the preset browser, which will will reveal the selected preset directory in your window manager.
    (improvement: Mac OS X) Installer and all installed components are now signed in compliance with Mac OS X's Gatekeeper system.
    (improvement) Significantly improved UI response speed; reduced CPU usage when parameters are automated whilst the UI is open.
    (improvement: Linux) Presets and configuration files are now located to comply with the XDG Base Directory Specification. Older installations will still use any existing preset library location to maintain backwards compatibility.
    (fix: Mac OS X Audio Unit) Fixed minor memory leak in parameter names.
    architecture Aspect v 1.7.10 1 mars 2012 Windows
    Fixed in 1.7.10 are the following issues:

    Fixed issue which made audio rate modulation of either oscillator's pitch by the noise modulation source slightly quantized. This caused previously created presets using this configuration to sound slightly different in Aspect 1.7.9.
    Fixed bug which occasionally caused newly saved user presets to still be marked with the changed (*) flag in the preset name display.
    intuitive Aspect v 1.7.9 16 févr. 2012 Windows
    Improvements in this release include:

    (Windows) Fixed incredibly rare crash which may occur when first opening the plug-in on certain 32-bit VST Windows hosts.
    Massively improved speed and responsiveness of all UI controls.
    Improved CPU usage when tweaking parameters from a hardware controller.
    (Windows) For the Windows VST plug-in, when using a relative path of "." for the presets folder, the path is now relative to the plug-in's DLL file and not the host's executable file. This makes it possible to easily create a portable or USB stick install of Aspect.
    Standalone versions now support multiple simultaneous hardware controllers.
    (Linux) User presets are now displayed in alphabetical order in the preset browser.
    (Linux) Improved UI font selection means that a more appropriate font is often used in any Linux distributions which provide only a small selection of default fonts.
    Fixed an issue where the OK button in the save preset browser would temporarily become disabled when switching from the Factory presets selection.
    Various minor compatibility fixes for certain hosts.
    Various minor user interface tweaks
    interface Aspect v 1.7.6 13 sept. 2011 Windows
    Native 64-bit VST plug-in for Mac OS X (64-bit VST support requires Mac OS X 10.6 or greater; 64-bit Audio Unit requires Mac OS X 10.5 or greater; all other formats require Mac OS X 10.4 or greater.)
    Preset searches are now multi-threaded. Preset browser can now immediately respond to user interaction, even whilst searching a massive preset library, or when browsing a folder containing a large number of presets.
    Preset meta data (ie, author name, notes, tags) is now correctly displayed after loading an .FXP based preset or restoring a saved project.
    Vastly improved CPU usage when recalculating DSP graph as a result of realtime re-wiring of a modular preset.
    Standalone application tempo can now be set to within two decimal places of accuracy.
    Fix for GUI freeze that could occur in certain Mac OS X VST hosts.
    Fix for LFOs being incorrectly reset every four bars when using the standalone application.
    Fix for minor issue which caused a changed preset to temporarily be reverted to its original state when previewing presets via the browser.
    semi-modulaire Aspect v 1.7.4 11 mai 2011 Windows
    * Fix for crash (on both Windows and Linux) that could occur when 'space' is pressed when confirming the overwrite preset dialog.
    * VU meters now automatically reset their overload status after a few seconds.
    * Preset Browser is now maximized to fill the entire plug-in window.
    * For Windows VST (32-bit and 64-bit), the preferences file can be placed alongside the DLL file to facilitate USB or portable installs.
    * Clearer font in PDF documentation.
    telecharger Aspect v 1.7.1 14 avril 2011 Windows
    * Fix for hung note that could occasionally occur when using legato triggering for Envelope 1.
    * Fix for certain non-ASCII characters being either missing, or displayed incorrectly in the interface.
    * Integrated preset browser is now re-sizeable.
    mac Aspect v 1.7.0 7 avril 2011 Windows
    * Native 64-bit VST and Standalone application versions for Linux.
    * Integrated undo and redo, with unlimited history size.
    * Mono legato modes, with selectable low, high, and last note priority.
    * Mono unison: stack up to five unison voices in mono legato mode.
    * Independent trigger mode for each envelope: retrigger, reset, or legato.
    * Category support in preset browser.
    * Increased filter cutoff modulation range.
    * CPU usage is now consistent when using the Mac OS X RTAS plug-ins.
    * Windows VST 32-bit plug-ins and standalone applications no longer depend on additional runtime libraries. However, these libraries are still required - and installed - for the RTAS format plug-ins.
    * libjack is now weak-linked for standalone Linux. This means JACK is not required (but still recommended) for Linux users.
    * Windows RTAS plug-in is now installed to the correct location on 64-bit Windows operating systems.
    * MIDI Program Changes are now multi-threaded, and so will no longer potentially stall the audio synthesis.
    * Fix for rare issue that stopped presets from loading in Linux Renoise when LADSPA plug-in support is enabled.
    * Factory presets now load significantly faster.
    * Additional presets.
    * Various host compatibility fixes.
    windows Aspect v 1.6.2 18 août 2010 Windows
    This release adds the following improvements:

    * Fixed: Issue causing a stereo Aspect VST instance to appear as two mono channels when routing in Renoise.
    * Fixed: In some circumstances, the current preset could still be marked as unsaved when saving it over an existing preset.
    * New: Factory presets can now be deleted.
    * New: Restore factory presets function to reinstate any deleted Factory presets.
    * New: Confirmation now required when overwriting an existing preset.
    macintosh Aspect v 1.6.1 28 juil. 2010 Windows
    This release adds the following fixes and features:

    * Native 64-bit versions for Mac OS X Audio Unit, and Windows VST.
    * New built-in Preset Browser with support for xml, fxp, and fxb preset files.
    * Presets can now have meta-data, such as author name, notes, and tags. Use meta-data to search your preset library.
    * Hot-swap preset browsing: quickly step through and preview presets in context.
    * Various host compatibility fixes.
    * Audio-rate pitch modulation of Oscillator 1 from Oscillator 2 now works.
    * Sample & Hold module's latched value is now correctly reset when the the input source is removed.
    * Much faster GUI response.
    * Slight reduction in CPU usage on particularily complex presets.
    * Vastly reduced start-up time.
    * Clearer font rendering: a larger font is now used for menu items.
    * Additional and improved factory presets.
    pc Aspect v 1.5.0 16 déc. 2009 Windows
  • New oscillators with improved sound due to significantly reduced aliasing.

  • Backwards compatibility options (for Registered Users only) to enable the use of legacy oscillators for perfect compatibility with older patches.

  • Reduced CPU usage: generally around 10% reduction, but up to 20% in some cases.

  • Massively reduced memory usage.

  • Aspect oscillators are now tuned down an octave to bring them more into line with other synthesizers. Older patches will still play at the tuning they were created with.

  • Fixed bug where very long release envelopes stop rather abruptly.

  • Fixed bug in Sonar where notes are left hanging when the Sonar Transport is stopped.

  • Factory presets are now categorized and sorted.

  • Rotary controls can now be tweaked to a finer degree with the mouse wheel by holding Shift.

  • Fixed bug where notes sustained over a sample rate change from 96KHz to 88KHz would play at the incorrect pitch.

  • Fixed bug that could cause a lock under some Linux VST hosts the first time Aspect is scanned.
  • Aspect v 1.4.2 31 août 2009 Windows
    This release adds a few minor fixes:
    * An uninstallation script is now available for the Mac OS X version. This will completely remove any installed Aspect components.
    * Fixed an issue when Aspect is hosted by Reaper that could cause audio glitches when either changing programs, or editing Aspect parameters.
    * Any notes playing when the host transport is restarted are now stopped.
    Aspect v 1.4.0 8 juil. 2009 Windows
    * Support for the sustain MIDI controller.
    * Lag Generator component now only filters audio rate modulation sources when the Lag is set to above 0%.
    * Lag Generator output can now be used as an audio source, as well as a modulation source.
    Aspect v 1.3.2 28 mai 2009 Windows
    * RTAS Plugin versions for users of Pro Tools LE, Pro Tools M-Powered, and Pro Tools|HD on Mac OS X, and Windows.
    * A|B comparison function for quickly auditioning program changes.
    * Significantly reduced CPU usage.
    * Improved font clarity on certain Linux distributions.
    * Fix for crashing when changing the current program when using more than five simultaneous instances in Ableton Live.
    * Fix for crashing when using certain multiple output soundcards on Mac OS X.
    * Faster loading user interface.
    * Fix minor audio glitch than would occur when adding a plugin to a playing track in Garage Band, and other hosts.
    Aspect v 1.2.2 20 mars 2009 Windows
    * Significantly reduced CPU usage.
    * Improved clarity on user interface.
    * Added accurate numeric CPU usage meter.
    * [Aspect] Added polyphony meter.
    Acheter Aspect près de Columbus, United States chez:

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