
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 2.3.2h
Compatibilité OmnisphereMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $499  /  399€
Mis à jour le 4 mars 2017
Téléchargements 15 465
Télécharg. Mac 13 080
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 2.3.2h
Compatibilité OmnisphereWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $499  /  399€
Mis à jour le 4 mars 2017
Téléchargements 15 465
Télécharg. PC 2 385

Synthétiseur hybride

Après plusieurs années de développement, Spectrasonics présente Omnisphere, son nouvel instrument virtuel. Une synthèse hybride en temps réel, une grosse bibliothèque de sons "Psychoacoustic", et une nouvelle technologie STEAM sont les éléments moteurs de ce nouvel instrument.

Omnisphere contient tout un assortiment de synthèses : Variable Waveshaping DSP synthesis, Granular synthesis, Timbre Shifting, FM synthesis, polyphonic Ring Modulation, Sample Playback en streaming, Harmonia , Dual Multimode Filter, Chaos Envelopes , un mode Unison sophistiqué et Flex-Mod un système de modulation propre à Spectrasonics.

Parmis les autres fonctions du logiciel, on trouve des arpégiateurs qui se synchronisent automatiquement avec Stylus RMX, en analysant le groove de ce dernier et en s'y...
Après plusieurs années de développement, Spectrasonics présente Omnisphere, son nouvel instrument virtuel. Une synthèse hybride en temps réel, une grosse bibliothèque de sons "Psychoacoustic", et une nouvelle technologie STEAM sont les éléments moteurs de ce nouvel instrument.

Omnisphere contient tout un assortiment de synthèses : Variable Waveshaping DSP synthesis, Granular synthesis, Timbre Shifting, FM synthesis, polyphonic Ring Modulation, Sample Playback en streaming, Harmonia , Dual Multimode Filter, Chaos Envelopes , un mode Unison sophistiqué et Flex-Mod un système de modulation propre à Spectrasonics.

Parmis les autres fonctions du logiciel, on trouve des arpégiateurs qui se synchronisent automatiquement avec Stylus RMX, en analysant le groove de ce dernier et en s'y adaptant, grâce à la technologie Groove Lock. La fonction Live Mode permettra de passer d'un préset à l'autre sans transition, tandis que la fonction "Stack Mode" permet la configuration et superposition de layers en tout genre. Omnisphere intègre aussi toute une gamme d'effets.

Omnisphere est présenté comme le successeur d'Atmosphere, et contient des versions améliorées des sons de ce dernier.
OSX 10.9 Mavericks or higher
Microsoft Windows 7 or higher
Omnisphere Omnisphere v 2.3.2h 4 mars 2017 MacOS X Intel
Spectrasonics Omnisphere Omnisphere v 2.1.0e 18 août 2015 MacOS X Intel
Spectrasonics Omnisphere v 2.1.0d 5 août 2015 MacOS X Intel
Adds easier patch share functionality
synth Omnisphere v 2.0 2 mai 2015 MacOS X Intel
Vast New Synthesis Possibilities:

Audio Import - Use your own audio file as a soundsource in Omnisphere
Over 400 New DSP Waveforms for the Synth Oscillator - an increase of 100X
Wavetable Synthesis - Each Waveform is now a Morphing Wavetable
Powerful New Granular Synthesis algorithm
Deeper FM/Ring Mod capabilities for aggressive timbres
8 New Filter Types - New Power Filters, Vowel, Resonators
New Unison Drift models Analog Polysynth behavior
Expanded Modulation with new sources and many more targets
Polyphonic LFO and Modulation Envelope options
Soundsource Reversing

Now includes over 10,000 sounds!

More than 3,000 New patches and soundsources from acclaimed Spectrasonics Sound Design Team
New Omnisphere EDM library with cutting-edge, modern sounds
New Exclusive Soundsources from Diego Stocco's Custom Built Instruments
New category of Phrase-based Soundsources for granular synthesis
Hundreds of new Circuit Bent Soundsources
Many Innovative new Psychoacoustic Soundsources
New Melodic Cave Stalactites Soundsources
…and much, much more!

New Interface:

Redesigned Wider User Interface with many improvements
New Show Modulation pane opens modulation routings/sources on left side
New Mini-Browser available at all times
Larger Full Browser Design

Enhanced Browsing Experience:

Sound Match™ feature instantly locates any related sounds in the library
Sound Lock™ allows endless useful variations by locking sound aspects while you browse
Easy Sound/Project Sharing for collaborators and third party libraries
Greatly Improved sound organization system
Fast Progressive Loading allows rapid auditioning
Browse Patches by Mood
Expanded Genres
Browse by Oscillator type
Boolean search options

New Arpeggiator Features:

Note transposition for step seq-style patterns
Arp pattern lock while browsing
Speed Offset control allows slow down/speed up effects
New modulation capabilities

25 New FX Units:

Quad Resonator
Thriftshop Speaker
Classic Twin
Rock Stack
Stompbox Modeler
Metalzone Distortion
Toxic Smasher
Foxxy Fuzz
Analog Phaser
Analog Flanger
Analog Chorus
Analog Vibrato
Solina Ensemble
Vintage Tremolo
Envelope Filter
Crying Wah
Precision Compressor
Studio 2-Band EQ

Flexible New FX Features:

16 FX units per patch
Full matrix modulation of every FX slot
New Aux FX rack per patch with Pre/Post fader sends
Hundreds of New FX Presets and Racks
Lock FX while browsing

Improvements/Special Features:

Live Mode with key splits
Enhanced Orb with Attractor mode
Tweak Trilian Custom Controls Interface inside Omnisphere
Global Clock Speed (Halftime, Doubletime, etc)
synthesis Omnisphere v beta 27 juil. 2013 MacOS X Intel
AAX 64 bit public beta for Pro Tools 11
nouvel Omnisphere v 1.5.6 22 juin 2011 MacOS X Intel
Includes fixes for the following:
  • Sine wave noise when using symmetry

  • Performance problem when midi learning automatable parameters

  • Envelope sliders in Omni TR don't update when loading a new patch

  • Envelope mode buttons don't always respond
  • instrument Omnisphere v 1.5.5 12 mai 2011 MacOS X Intel
    Non disponible
    groove Omnisphere v 1.5.4 31 mars 2011 MacOS X Intel
    Non disponible
    telecharger Omnisphere v 1.5.3 22 mars 2011 MacOS X Intel
    Non disponible
    mac Omnisphere v 1.5 18 févr. 2011 MacOS X Intel
    * Innovative "Orb" 'circular sound manipulation' interface with Motion Recording and "Dice" button for infinite variations and one-touch sound customization.
    * Expanded Synthesis capabilities:
    o Harmonia: New zoom page shows all Harmonia parameters per layer adding up to 10 oscillators per patch with new independent modulation options for Levels and Fine Tuning on each Harmonia oscillator.
    o Waveshaper: New zoom page with extreme new processing modules including polyphonic 'Crusher' and 'Reducer' sections with 'Force' and 'Animation' controls that can all be modulated.
    o Granular Synthesis: New 'Speed' and 'Position' modes. New zoom page with new 'Granular Visualizer' showing a graphic model of the effect of parameter edits which makes Granular synthesis easier to use.
    * Patch Library Update: Over 700 brand new patches created by renowned Spectrasonics sound development team gives Omnisphere over 5,000 patches and 8,000 total sounds.
    * New 5-Column Browser view displays more sound categories and attributes simultaneously.
    * New Online Video Tutorials for Version 1.5 capabilities.
    * Support for new 'Omni TR' iPad app.
    * New "Recently Added" Browser sorting option.
    * Added support for MIDI devices which send polyphonic aftertouch.
    * New 'Clone Part' feature allows easier editing/setup with multichannel MIDI controllers.
    * New MIDI Learn hardware control mode follows Live Mode selection.
    * Modulation Envelope points can be key-command snapped to semitone when modulating pitch.
    * User-assignable Legato Interval rule added.
    * FREE update for registered users of Omnisphere.
    windows Omnisphere v 1.3.2c 17 mai 2010 MacOS X UB
    Omnisphere Software 1.3.2c
    • Fixed issue of note precisely at start of playback not playing properly
  • Increased number of simultaneously automatable parameters to 256

  • New "Featured" Sort Option in Browser for future Patch updates

  • Various compatibility and support improvements
  • macintosh Omnisphere v 1.3.1c 1 mai 2010 MacOS X UB
    Omnisphere Software 1.3.1c
    This update adds the following features and enhancements:
  • New "Latch" performance features for Live Stack modes allow notes from any part to be "frozen"

  • New Trigger modes allow Omnisphere and Trilian parts to be synchronized and quantized in real-time performance

  • New "Sustain2" mode allows for much more realistic Rock-style Bass playing in Trilian

  • All Envelopes now have Groove Lock feature. Envelope Patterns can be created via drag and drop of MIDI Files

  • New Browser 'Search Lock' and 'Search Clear' features improve workflow

  • Cross-platform support for Omni Live iPhone app on OSX and Windows

  • Numerous compatibility, performance and support improvements

  • Omnisphere Patch Library 1.3.0 Update
    Installs the following:
  • 121 New Omnisphere patches!

  • (v1.3 Factory library = 7,234 total sounds)
  • 8 New Latch Mode Example Multis

  • Updated "Taste of Omnisphere" demo library

  • Revised 1.3 edition of Omnisphere Reference Guide

  • Various fixes and enhancements

  • *NOTE: To view only the new sounds added in this version, simply enter 1.3 in the Search field of Omnisphere's Browser
    Omnisphere software version 1.3.0 or higher is REQUIRED to use this Patch Library or the patches will not sound correct.
    pc Omnisphere v 1.2.0n 24 févr. 2010 MacOS X UB
    Omnisphere Software 1.2.0n

    This update adds the following features and enhancements:
  • 64-bit native support with Mac OSX 64-bit hosts

  • 32-bit Sample File Server - more memory access in 32-bit systems (Mac only)

  • New Browser "Favorites" system with star ratings

  • "Projects" quick tagging for easy sound organization

  • New "Juicy" and "Power" synthesizer filter algorithms

  • Triplets and Dotted values in Arpeggiator

  • Support for "Omni Live" remote control iPhone App (Mac only)

  • Numerous compatibility and support improvements

  • Omnisphere Patch Library 1.2.0 Update
    Installs the following:
  • 215 New Omnisphere patches!

  • (v1.2 Factory library = 7,106 total sounds)
  • Revised 1.2 edition of Omnisphere Reference Guide

  • New and Improved Filter Preset Library

  • Over 50 New Arpeggiator Presets

  • Various fixes and enhancements

  • Omnisphere Software version 1.2.0n or higher is REQUIRED to use this 1.2.0 Patch Library.
    If you don't have v1.2.0n or higher of the plug-ins installed, the patches will not sound correct.
    Omnisphere v 1.1.4c 17 nov. 2009 MacOS X UB
    Omnisphere Software 1.1.4c
    Contains fixes for the following:
  • Don't display inverted note learns on Live page.

  • Prompt for STEAM folder when STEAM shortcut is missing.
  • Omnisphere v 1.1.3c 10 nov. 2009 MacOS X UB
    Omnisphere Software 1.1.3c

    The new features in 1.1.3c are:
  • Trilian Library Integration - Support for loading Trilian factory soundsources, patches and multis in Omnisphere. (see Support Knowledgebase for authorization instructions)

  • 64-bit native support on Windows.

  • Support for new STEAM engine features introduced in Trilian, including: Round Robin soundsources, Release layers, Multichannel soundsources, Legato articulation triggering.

  • Memory Management features: Lite Version feature, sample thinning, training/purging for maximizing efficiency and faster loading/auditioning.

  • Various interface improvements - Soundsource Zoom page mixing, Edit page soundsource images, memory meter, etc.

  • Support for maximum number of RTAS processors in Pro Tools.

  • Omnisphere Patch Library 1.0.5 Update
  • Required install for compatibility with Omnisphere 1.1.3c or higher.
  • Omnisphere v 1.0.4i 17 sept. 2009 MacOS X UB
  • Fixes a problem with creating/deleting Omnisphere repeatedly during a Receptor session.
  • Omnisphere v 1.0.4f 20 avril 2009 MacOS X UB
    Omnisphere Software 1.0.4f

  • Improved arpeggiator performance.

  • Fixes for the following:
  • Multiple outputs sometimes generate noise in Cubase.

  • Moving STEAM folder would break user tags.

  • Parameter value display values for LFO Hz were incorrect.

  • Effects would not always reset when resetting transport in Logic.

  • Sample start envelope incorrect under some circumstances.

  • Problem in Power Filter when used in multiple instances simultaneously.
  • Omnisphere v 1.0.3f 27 janv. 2009 MacOS X UB
    Includes :

  • Support for the 1.0.3 Patch Library.

  • Fixes for the following :

  • Thumbnail images for small soundsources don't always update properly on Windows.

  • Graphics artifacts when stepping through soundsources while details are displayed.

  • MIDI learn clone and omni don't work with note MIDI learn.

  • First arpeggiator note doesn't always trigger when looping in host.

  • Problem with deep FM in synth mode when playing in a high register.

  • Chorus echo noise at high sample rates and when changing tempo.

  • Live touch mode for MIDI CC not working properly.

  • Clicking in Radio Delay effect.

  • Multis saved in Live mode would sometimes open in Stack mode.
  • Omnisphere v 1.0.2d 24 oct. 2008 MacOS X UB
    Includes fixes for the following:
    - Aftertouch mod controller preference can't be reset to aftertouch.
    - Master and aux effects racks don't have sample rate set properly.
    - MIDI Learn of attack and release on Main page doesn't work.
    - Tuning scale doesn't reset upon patch restore in some cases.
    - Patch saving fails when STEAM is in a folder called Omnisphere Library.
    - Legato LFOs should not be retriggered with each Arpeggiator note.
    - Need Part Clear on Utility Menu.
    - MIDI Note Learn problem in Live Mode.
    - Multi browser may step down to next item when host loads a multi while Multi browser is displayed.
    - Startup performance problem with preset menus on some systems.
    - Arpeggiator problem when closing plug-in window.
    Omnisphere v 1.0.1d 30 sept. 2008 MacOS X UB
    Includes fixes for the following:
    - Auto chaos not working for non-looped envelopes.
    - Streaming preferences incorrectly initialized.
    - New Value Option text field doesn't disappear after entering text in AU hosts.
    - Part names get restored when loading a midi learn template.
    - Startup time affected by files in temp folder.
    - Error message when a subcategory folder needs to be selected for a save isn't clear enough.
    - Tuning scale menu check marks don't restore properly.
    - EZ-Phaser parameters dont have "EZ-Phaser" prefix in mod-matrix target menu.
    - Patches that use tuning files in nested folders are not sharable.
    - Keystroke handling in Logic interferes with key commands.
    Omnisphere Omnisphere v 2.3.2h 4 mars 2017 Windows
    Spectrasonics Omnisphere Omnisphere v 2.1.0e 18 août 2015 Windows
    Spectrasonics Omnisphere v 2.1.0d 5 août 2015 Windows
    Adds easier patch share functionality
    synth Omnisphere v 2.0 2 mai 2015 Windows
    Vast New Synthesis Possibilities:

    Audio Import - Use your own audio file as a soundsource in Omnisphere
    Over 400 New DSP Waveforms for the Synth Oscillator - an increase of 100X
    Wavetable Synthesis - Each Waveform is now a Morphing Wavetable
    Powerful New Granular Synthesis algorithm
    Deeper FM/Ring Mod capabilities for aggressive timbres
    8 New Filter Types - New Power Filters, Vowel, Resonators
    New Unison Drift models Analog Polysynth behavior
    Expanded Modulation with new sources and many more targets
    Polyphonic LFO and Modulation Envelope options
    Soundsource Reversing

    Now includes over 10,000 sounds!

    More than 3,000 New patches and soundsources from acclaimed Spectrasonics Sound Design Team
    New Omnisphere EDM library with cutting-edge, modern sounds
    New Exclusive Soundsources from Diego Stocco's Custom Built Instruments
    New category of Phrase-based Soundsources for granular synthesis
    Hundreds of new Circuit Bent Soundsources
    Many Innovative new Psychoacoustic Soundsources
    New Melodic Cave Stalactites Soundsources
    …and much, much more!

    New Interface:

    Redesigned Wider User Interface with many improvements
    New Show Modulation pane opens modulation routings/sources on left side
    New Mini-Browser available at all times
    Larger Full Browser Design

    Enhanced Browsing Experience:

    Sound Match™ feature instantly locates any related sounds in the library
    Sound Lock™ allows endless useful variations by locking sound aspects while you browse
    Easy Sound/Project Sharing for collaborators and third party libraries
    Greatly Improved sound organization system
    Fast Progressive Loading allows rapid auditioning
    Browse Patches by Mood
    Expanded Genres
    Browse by Oscillator type
    Boolean search options

    New Arpeggiator Features:

    Note transposition for step seq-style patterns
    Arp pattern lock while browsing
    Speed Offset control allows slow down/speed up effects
    New modulation capabilities

    25 New FX Units:

    Quad Resonator
    Thriftshop Speaker
    Classic Twin
    Rock Stack
    Stompbox Modeler
    Metalzone Distortion
    Toxic Smasher
    Foxxy Fuzz
    Analog Phaser
    Analog Flanger
    Analog Chorus
    Analog Vibrato
    Solina Ensemble
    Vintage Tremolo
    Envelope Filter
    Crying Wah
    Precision Compressor
    Studio 2-Band EQ

    Flexible New FX Features:

    16 FX units per patch
    Full matrix modulation of every FX slot
    New Aux FX rack per patch with Pre/Post fader sends
    Hundreds of New FX Presets and Racks
    Lock FX while browsing

    Improvements/Special Features:

    Live Mode with key splits
    Enhanced Orb with Attractor mode
    Tweak Trilian Custom Controls Interface inside Omnisphere
    Global Clock Speed (Halftime, Doubletime, etc)
    synthesis Omnisphere v beta 27 juil. 2013 Windows
    AAX 64 bit public beta for Pro Tools 11
    nouvel Omnisphere v 1.5.6 22 juin 2011 Windows
    Includes fixes for the following:
  • Sine wave noise when using symmetry

  • Performance problem when midi learning automatable parameters

  • Envelope sliders in Omni TR don't update when loading a new patch

  • Envelope mode buttons don't always respond
  • instrument Omnisphere v 1.5.5 12 mai 2011 Windows
    Non disponible
    groove Omnisphere v 1.5.4 31 mars 2011 Windows
    Non disponible
    telecharger Omnisphere v 1.5.3 22 mars 2011 Windows
    Non disponible
    mac Omnisphere v 1.5 18 févr. 2011 Windows
    * Innovative "Orb" 'circular sound manipulation' interface with Motion Recording and "Dice" button for infinite variations and one-touch sound customization.
    * Expanded Synthesis capabilities:
    o Harmonia: New zoom page shows all Harmonia parameters per layer adding up to 10 oscillators per patch with new independent modulation options for Levels and Fine Tuning on each Harmonia oscillator.
    o Waveshaper: New zoom page with extreme new processing modules including polyphonic 'Crusher' and 'Reducer' sections with 'Force' and 'Animation' controls that can all be modulated.
    o Granular Synthesis: New 'Speed' and 'Position' modes. New zoom page with new 'Granular Visualizer' showing a graphic model of the effect of parameter edits which makes Granular synthesis easier to use.
    * Patch Library Update: Over 700 brand new patches created by renowned Spectrasonics sound development team gives Omnisphere over 5,000 patches and 8,000 total sounds.
    * New 5-Column Browser view displays more sound categories and attributes simultaneously.
    * New Online Video Tutorials for Version 1.5 capabilities.
    * Support for new 'Omni TR' iPad app.
    * New "Recently Added" Browser sorting option.
    * Added support for MIDI devices which send polyphonic aftertouch.
    * New 'Clone Part' feature allows easier editing/setup with multichannel MIDI controllers.
    * New MIDI Learn hardware control mode follows Live Mode selection.
    * Modulation Envelope points can be key-command snapped to semitone when modulating pitch.
    * User-assignable Legato Interval rule added.
    * FREE update for registered users of Omnisphere.
    windows Omnisphere v 1.3.2c 17 mai 2010 Windows
    Omnisphere Software 1.3.2c
    • Fixed issue of note precisely at start of playback not playing properly
  • Increased number of simultaneously automatable parameters to 256

  • New "Featured" Sort Option in Browser for future Patch updates

  • Various compatibility and support improvements
  • macintosh Omnisphere v 1.3.1c 1 mai 2010 Windows
    Omnisphere Software 1.3.1c
    This update adds the following features and enhancements:
  • New "Latch" performance features for Live Stack modes allow notes from any part to be "frozen"

  • New Trigger modes allow Omnisphere and Trilian parts to be synchronized and quantized in real-time performance

  • New "Sustain2" mode allows for much more realistic Rock-style Bass playing in Trilian

  • All Envelopes now have Groove Lock feature. Envelope Patterns can be created via drag and drop of MIDI Files

  • New Browser 'Search Lock' and 'Search Clear' features improve workflow

  • Cross-platform support for Omni Live iPhone app on OSX and Windows

  • Numerous compatibility, performance and support improvements

  • Omnisphere Patch Library 1.3.0 Update
    Installs the following:
  • 121 New Omnisphere patches!

  • (v1.3 Factory library = 7,234 total sounds)
  • 8 New Latch Mode Example Multis

  • Updated "Taste of Omnisphere" demo library

  • Revised 1.3 edition of Omnisphere Reference Guide

  • Various fixes and enhancements

  • *NOTE: To view only the new sounds added in this version, simply enter 1.3 in the Search field of Omnisphere's Browser
    Omnisphere software version 1.3.0 or higher is REQUIRED to use this Patch Library or the patches will not sound correct.
    pc Omnisphere v 1.2.0n 24 févr. 2010 Windows
    Omnisphere Software 1.2.0n

    This update adds the following features and enhancements:
  • 64-bit native support with Mac OSX 64-bit hosts

  • 32-bit Sample File Server - more memory access in 32-bit systems (Mac only)

  • New Browser "Favorites" system with star ratings

  • "Projects" quick tagging for easy sound organization

  • New "Juicy" and "Power" synthesizer filter algorithms

  • Triplets and Dotted values in Arpeggiator

  • Support for "Omni Live" remote control iPhone App (Mac only)

  • Numerous compatibility and support improvements

  • Omnisphere Patch Library 1.2.0 Update
    Installs the following:
  • 215 New Omnisphere patches!

  • (v1.2 Factory library = 7,106 total sounds)
  • Revised 1.2 edition of Omnisphere Reference Guide

  • New and Improved Filter Preset Library

  • Over 50 New Arpeggiator Presets

  • Various fixes and enhancements

  • Omnisphere Software version 1.2.0n or higher is REQUIRED to use this 1.2.0 Patch Library.
    If you don't have v1.2.0n or higher of the plug-ins installed, the patches will not sound correct.
    Omnisphere v 1.1.4c 17 nov. 2009 Windows
    Omnisphere Software 1.1.4c
    Contains fixes for the following:
  • Don't display inverted note learns on Live page.

  • Prompt for STEAM folder when STEAM shortcut is missing.
  • Omnisphere v 1.1.3c 10 nov. 2009 Windows
    Omnisphere Software 1.1.3c

    The new features in 1.1.3c are:
  • Trilian Library Integration - Support for loading Trilian factory soundsources, patches and multis in Omnisphere. (see Support Knowledgebase for authorization instructions)

  • 64-bit native support on Windows.

  • Support for new STEAM engine features introduced in Trilian, including: Round Robin soundsources, Release layers, Multichannel soundsources, Legato articulation triggering.

  • Memory Management features: Lite Version feature, sample thinning, training/purging for maximizing efficiency and faster loading/auditioning.

  • Various interface improvements - Soundsource Zoom page mixing, Edit page soundsource images, memory meter, etc.

  • Support for maximum number of RTAS processors in Pro Tools.

  • Omnisphere Patch Library 1.0.5 Update
  • Required install for compatibility with Omnisphere 1.1.3c or higher.
  • Omnisphere v 1.0.4i 17 sept. 2009 Windows
  • Fixes a problem with creating/deleting Omnisphere repeatedly during a Receptor session.
  • Omnisphere v 1.0.4f 20 avril 2009 Windows
    Omnisphere Software 1.0.4f

  • Improved arpeggiator performance.

  • Fixes for the following:
  • Multiple outputs sometimes generate noise in Cubase.

  • Moving STEAM folder would break user tags.

  • Parameter value display values for LFO Hz were incorrect.

  • Effects would not always reset when resetting transport in Logic.

  • Sample start envelope incorrect under some circumstances.

  • Problem in Power Filter when used in multiple instances simultaneously.
  • Omnisphere v 1.0.3f 27 janv. 2009 Windows
    Includes :

  • Support for the 1.0.3 Patch Library.

  • Fixes for the following :

  • Thumbnail images for small soundsources don't always update properly on Windows.

  • Graphics artifacts when stepping through soundsources while details are displayed.

  • MIDI learn clone and omni don't work with note MIDI learn.

  • First arpeggiator note doesn't always trigger when looping in host.

  • Problem with deep FM in synth mode when playing in a high register.

  • Chorus echo noise at high sample rates and when changing tempo.

  • Live touch mode for MIDI CC not working properly.

  • Clicking in Radio Delay effect.

  • Multis saved in Live mode would sometimes open in Stack mode.
  • Omnisphere v 1.0.1d 30 sept. 2008 Windows
    Includes fixes for the following:
    - Auto chaos not working for non-looped envelopes.
    - Streaming preferences incorrectly initialized.
    - New Value Option text field doesn't disappear after entering text in AU hosts.
    - Part names get restored when loading a midi learn template.
    - Startup time affected by files in temp folder.
    - Error message when a subcategory folder needs to be selected for a save isn't clear enough.
    - Tuning scale menu check marks don't restore properly.
    - EZ-Phaser parameters dont have "EZ-Phaser" prefix in mod-matrix target menu.
    - Patches that use tuning files in nested folders are not sharable.
    - Keystroke handling in Logic interferes with key commands.
    Acheter Omnisphere en ligne chez:
    Acheter Omnisphere près de Columbus, United States chez:

    Vous devez vous identifier pour poster un commentaire:

    Identifiez vous grace à votre compte 440Software (MacMusic, PcMusic, 440TV, 440Forums, 440Software, ...) ou via votre compte FaceBook, Twitter ou Google.

    version 1.5.6, MacOS X Intel
    Le synthé que j'utilise quasi exclusivement depuis plus d'un an alors que j'en ai pourtant un bon paquet d'autres. Je ne m'en lasse pas. Gros sons de rêve. Depuis l'achat il y a eu de nombreuses mises à jour gratuites importantes, tant au niveau de fonctionnalités inespérées ou inattendues (comme OmniTR qui communique avec l'Ipad) que des banques de sons. Le créateur d'Omnisphère, Eric Persing, est un sound designer de génie auquel on devait déjà de magnifiques choses lorsqu'il officiait pour Roland par exemple. Pour vous faire une idée de ce que ce synthé peu faire, recherchez sur le site de Spectrasonics (ou Youtube) les démos du précité, voire mieux encore celles du cultissime Jordan Rudess.
    Loopy C
    version 1.5, MacOS X Intel
    Now that I had a little chance to poke around...this is one INSANE update!!!
    'The Orb' is going to be an incredible sound design tool, revealing and extending the accessibility of Omnispere's true power to us mere mortals.
    Unfortunately this all comes while I am battling an ear infection and now maybe the flu but even those havn't stopped me from being blown away with some 'sick break' experimentations.
    Congrats Eric and company ONCE again on surpassing even your own high standards and elevating the meaning of 'investment' and long term worth in the software world
    Please note, the 'Update' function in Omnisphere itself didn't work last time I tried, you need to go to the actual 'Updates' page on their site and manually get it. Also make sure you pay attention to the proper install order.

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    Générateur de Groove. Stylus est un nouveau type d'instrument virtuel qui intègre une bibliothèque core massive de milliers d'éléments, de boucles et d'échantillons de grooves, avec...
    Module de Groove en temps réel. Nouvelle version de Stylus bénéficiant de la technologie S.A.G.E. développée par Spectrasonics, qui autorise des manipulations et des combinaisons en temps réel...
    Basses virtuelles. Successeur de Trilogy, Trilian par Spectrasonics offre une bibliothèque sonore de 34GB de basses acoustiques, électriques et synthétiques, auxquelles s'ajoute...
    Synthétiseur de Basses Electriques et Acoustiques. Trilogy est spécialisé dans les sons de basses, il est livré avec une core librairie de 3 Giga de sons de basses remarquables. Son interface, utilisateur permet...

    Autres Applications iOS par Spectrasonics (1)

    Omni TR (Touch Remote) is designed to turn an iPad into a performance-oriented, remote control surface for Spectrasonics Omnisphere software synthesizer running...
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