
par HighC
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 2.86
Format App
Compatibilité HighCMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $32  /  30€
Mis à jour le 5 avril 2011
Téléchargements 1 500
Télécharg. Mac 1 060
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 2.86
Format App
Compatibilité HighCWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $32  /  30€
Mis à jour le 5 avril 2011
Téléchargements 1 500
Télécharg. PC 440

Dessinez votre musique

HighC est un outil graphique de création musicale. Il comprend synthétiseur, séquenceur et mélangeur. Son but est de rendre la composition aussi directe que le dessin.

Un outil professionnel...
Maitrisez les techniques avancées: synthèse additive, granulaire, FM et ring modulation, et plus encore. Pas de panneaux complexes de boutons et connecteurs aux effets imprévisibles. Pas de programmation. Une seule limite: votre créativité!

amusant et éducatif
Nul besoin de connaitre la musique: créez des paysages sonores étonnants, ou des sonneries de téléphone inouïes en quelques minutes. Découvrez la synthèse sonore et les bases de l'harmonie en toute simplicité.
MacOSX 10.3.9 ou supérieure
Java 1.4
HighC HighC v 2.86 5 avril 2011 MacOS X UB
The software has been fully translated (including documentation) in French, and localized in Spanish.
HighC HighC HighC v 2.81 10 mars 2010 MacOS X UB
View > Set Background... lets you import an image (png, gif, tiff) and use it as a background on your piece. This can be used either in the classroom, or to create guides on which you can show any kinds of marks to draw your sounds over.

Standalone version (http://highc.org/HighCstandalone.exe) for use in shared school computer labs without requiring any installation on the shared computer.
HighC HighC v 2.8 10 déc. 2009 MacOS X UB
# Improved look and feel in the waveform editors
# Bug fixes in MIDI capture
synth HighC v 2.75 3 juil. 2009 MacOS X UB
# Impression de la partition
# Curseurs dans la vue d'ensemble
# Reajustement de la
# Import de fichiers audio FLAC (fichiers compresse's sans perte de signal)
# Distribution compressee de 16Mo a 10Mo.
musique HighC v 2.6 3 mars 2009 MacOS X UB
This version offers new noise generation waveforms, and integrates many user requests.
* A wide variety of filtered noise generators, to use as is or with modulations. Check the Waveform/noises library
* French language version. If you want to contribute to a version in your language, please check the forum.
* Time Controls toolbar.
* MIDI instruments are now slightly closer to the MIDI standard bank.
* smart cut and paste: objects are pasted relatively to the location of the current selection, avoiding numerous sequences of move/paste/move/paste...
* start time scale at 0.
* default quality preference.
* color mappings for waveforms follow a new, perceptually consistent, scheme.
* View/Show Lead Sound Attribute. lets you see the name of the waveform and envelope associated with a sound.
* bug fixes, notably clicks heard on MacOSX, and bad redraws during playback on MacOSX Leopard and Windows Vista, ability to edit composite waveforms.

Known limitations:
* Windows/Linux: if your machine name contained an accentuated character, you could not obtain a proper key. This issue is resolved: your machine name can contain accents, such as in "Héphaistos". It is possible, though unlikely that some licence keys do not work properly with this version. If this is a case, send an email and I'll answer with a new key.
* Windows Vista 64 bits: untested platform.
* MacOSX/Intel 64 bits Java: tooltips are lost when leaving and reentering the piece window. workaround: insist a little bit: tooltips will come back.
outil HighC v 2.5 24 déc. 2008 MacOS X UB
Version axée sur les besoins des enseignants.
  • "Show Pitch with Color" assigne la teinte des sons en fonction de leur hauteur. C'est un excellent moyen de visualiser les tonalités et changements d'accords.

  • Special Machines lentes: Mac OS 10.3.9 est maintenant supporté.

  • ...
    votre HighC v 2.3 1 sept. 2008 MacOS X UB
    Vues spectrales et temporelles aident a la mise au point des formes d'ondes du synthetiseur,
    telecharger HighC v 2.2 22 mai 2008 MacOS X UB
    Transformer un jeu de sons en forme d'onde, feedback visuel du pitch et du temps des courbes de sons.
    HighC HighC v 2.86 5 avril 2011 Windows
    The software has been fully translated (including documentation) in French, and localized in Spanish.
    HighC HighC HighC v 2.81 10 mars 2010 Windows
    View > Set Background... lets you import an image (png, gif, tiff) and use it as a background on your piece. This can be used either in the classroom, or to create guides on which you can show any kinds of marks to draw your sounds over.

    Standalone version (http://highc.org/HighCstandalone.exe) for use in shared school computer labs without requiring any installation on the shared computer.
    HighC HighC v 2.8 10 déc. 2009 Windows
    # Improved look and feel in the waveform editors
    # Bug fixes in MIDI capture
    synth HighC v 2.75 3 juil. 2009 Windows
    # Printing functionality, enabling export to PDF file format
    # Overview shows the cursor in all views during playback.
    # Set the default pitch of imported sound samples (to correct potential pitch detection algorithm errors).
    # Tune the sampled audio files.
    # Audio file import in the FLAC format. FLAC is a lossless audio compression format that saves about 2/3rds of the original file size.
    # Distribution reduced from 16 to 10Mb.
    musique HighC v 2.6 3 mars 2009 Windows
    This version offers new noise generation waveforms, and integrates many user requests.
    * A wide variety of filtered noise generators, to use as is or with modulations. Check the Waveform/noises library
    * French language version. If you want to contribute to a version in your language, please check the forum.
    * Time Controls toolbar.
    * MIDI instruments are now slightly closer to the MIDI standard bank.
    * smart cut and paste: objects are pasted relatively to the location of the current selection, avoiding numerous sequences of move/paste/move/paste...
    * start time scale at 0.
    * default quality preference.
    * color mappings for waveforms follow a new, perceptually consistent, scheme.
    * View/Show Lead Sound Attribute. lets you see the name of the waveform and envelope associated with a sound.
    * bug fixes, notably clicks heard on MacOSX, and bad redraws during playback on MacOSX Leopard and Windows Vista, ability to edit composite waveforms.

    Known limitations:
    * Windows/Linux: if your machine name contained an accentuated character, you could not obtain a proper key. This issue is resolved: your machine name can contain accents, such as in "Héphaistos". It is possible, though unlikely that some licence keys do not work properly with this version. If this is a case, send an email and I'll answer with a new key.
    * Windows Vista 64 bits: untested platform.
    * MacOSX/Intel 64 bits Java: tooltips are lost when leaving and reentering the piece window. workaround: insist a little bit: tooltips will come back.
    outil HighC v 2.5 24 déc. 2008 Windows
    Version axée sur les besoins des enseignants.
  • "Show Pitch with Color" assigne la teinte des sons en fonction de leur hauteur. C'est un excellent moyen de visualiser les tonalités et changements d'accords.
  • votre HighC v 2.2 22 mai 2008 Windows
    Transformer un jeu de sons en forme d'onde, feedback visuel du pitch et du temps des courbes de sons.
    Acheter HighC près de Columbus, United States chez:

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    Identifiez vous grace à votre compte 440Software (MacMusic, PcMusic, 440TV, 440Forums, 440Software, ...) ou via votre compte FaceBook, Twitter ou Google.

    version 2.8, MacOS X UB
    Un remarquable hommage aux travaux de Xenakis. Un outil extraordinaire pour son prix, et indépendamment. Simple, clair, puissant.
    version 2.2, MacOS X UB
    L'interface sobre presente un melange assez deroutant de simplicite' et de sophistication a la fois.
    Ce n'est pas un logiciel pour composer des melodies simples, mais pour les effets, c'est tres impressionant.
    Un nouveau venu dans le paysage...
    Bienvenue visiteur: