Toontrack Solo

Categorie Production Audio / Hôtes de Plug-Ins
Version 1.2.1
Format App
Compatibilité Toontrack SoloMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Gratuit
Prix Gratuit
Mis à jour le 11 juil. 2009
Téléchargements 20 323
Télécharg. Mac 5 977
Categorie Production Audio / Hôtes de Plug-Ins
Version 1.2.1
Format App
Compatibilité Toontrack SoloWindows
Licence Logiciel Gratuit
Prix Gratuit
Mis à jour le 11 juil. 2009
Téléchargements 20 323
Télécharg. PC 14 346

Hôte pour les samplers signés Toontrack

Toontrack Solo est une application hôte pour les samplers orientés batterie de la marque. Compatible ASIO/Core Audio/Core MIDI ce dernier permettra d'utiliser les autres produits de la marque en standalone via n'importe quel contrôleur MIDI et ce en temps réel. D'autre part, Toontrack Solo est équipé d'un mixer supportant jusqu'à 16 sorties physiques.
Mac OS X 10.3.9, G4 1GHz with 512 Mb of Ram
Windows XP SP2, PIII/Athlon 1,8GHz with 512 Mb of Ram
Toontrack Solo Toontrack Solo v 1.2.1 11 juil. 2009 MacOS X UB
  • added support for Mad Catz XBox Rockband drumkit on PC

  • metronome should now work as expected on PC

  • click sounds are correctly recalled/found regardless of the project location on PC

  • default metronome settings are remembered

  • fixed a bug when opening save files with incorrect paths on PC

  • Open/Save/Save as/New combinations should remember the filename

  • some minor graphical issues in the mixer have been fixed
  • Toontrack Toontrack Solo Toontrack Solo v 1.2 1 juil. 2009 MacOS X UB
    Toontrack solo 1.2 boosts significantly the versatility of Toontracks standalone host, offering long time requested features and then some:

  • Graphical interface has been rebuilt, main drummer is treated as any other.

  • Re-organization of the application menus for a cleaner, more OS compliant experience.

  • Convenience toolbar for common application components and EZplayer.

  • New Master mute button to supplement existing shortcut.

  • New metronome feature, with time signature setting and volume control.

  • Support for multiple MIDI interfaces and ports (to be used at the same time).

  • Support for MME audio drivers on PC.

  • Toontrack solo 1.2 also introduces support for Rockband® and Guitar Hero® drum controllers, expanding further the appeal of the award winning range of Toontrack products.
    Toontrack Toontrack Solo v 1.0 20 mai 2008 MacOS X UB
    Toontrack Solo Toontrack Solo v 1.2.1 11 juil. 2009 Windows
  • added support for Mad Catz XBox Rockband drumkit on PC

  • metronome should now work as expected on PC

  • click sounds are correctly recalled/found regardless of the project location on PC

  • default metronome settings are remembered

  • fixed a bug when opening save files with incorrect paths on PC

  • Open/Save/Save as/New combinations should remember the filename

  • some minor graphical issues in the mixer have been fixed
  • Toontrack Toontrack Solo Toontrack Solo v 1.2 1 juil. 2009 Windows
    Toontrack solo 1.2 boosts significantly the versatility of Toontracks standalone host, offering long time requested features and then some:

  • Graphical interface has been rebuilt, main drummer is treated as any other.

  • Re-organization of the application menus for a cleaner, more OS compliant experience.

  • Convenience toolbar for common application components and EZplayer.

  • New Master mute button to supplement existing shortcut.

  • New metronome feature, with time signature setting and volume control.

  • Support for multiple MIDI interfaces and ports (to be used at the same time).

  • Support for MME audio drivers on PC.

  • Toontrack solo 1.2 also introduces support for Rockband® and Guitar Hero® drum controllers, expanding further the appeal of the award winning range of Toontrack products.
    Toontrack Toontrack Solo v 1.0 20 mai 2008 Windows

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