
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 2.2.0
Compatibilité vielklangMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $299  /  249€
Mis à jour le 19 déc. 2014
Téléchargements 1 695
Télécharg. Mac 1 301
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 2.2.0
Compatibilité vielklangWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $299  /  249€
Mis à jour le 19 déc. 2014
Téléchargements 1 695
Télécharg. PC 394

Harmoniseur quatre voix

Vielklang est un plug-in d'harmonisation audio générant jusqu'à quatre voix à partir d'un unique voix en entrée. La progression de chaque coix est contrôlée par des modèles sophistiqués de progression harmonique et de conduite des voix, permettant de créer des sections voix ou cuivre naturelles. Vielklang permet aussi de modifier une ligne mélodique en termes de hauteur ou de gamme, et dispose d'une fonction Audio vers MIDI.
Mac OS X 10.6+
Windows XP/Vista/7
vielklang vielklang v 2.2.0 19 déc. 2014 MacOS X Intel
Zplane releases version 2.2.0 of the harmony plugin vielklang Instant Harmony V2. This release brings support for AAX for MacOs and Windows. Besides this, several bug fixes were applied. Here's the change log:

(all) fixed: occasional crash when two files were superposed in the arranger
(all) fixed: second digit of the bar counter was overwritten by the cursor on playback
(all) fixed : sometimes drop-outs when exporting audio
(all) fixed : the warn sound of the operating system was triggered, when hitting the space-bar and vielklang had the focus
(all) fixed : multiple warnings upon reload of a project with mismatching sample rates. Now you will be informed only once
(all) fixed : multiple file relocation dialogs when a file in a project was deleted or moved. Now you will only be asked once
(all) fixed: potential crash upon relocating to a different file
(all) fixed : potential mismatch between intelligent harmonizer 'accordion' display and actual harmonizer settings
(all)fixed: potential crash when deleting a note in the HybridView
Zplane.development vielklang vielklang v 2.1.0 11 juin 2014 MacOS X Intel
Multi output bug in Sonar [fixed]
UI bug in Sonar [fixed]
Cubase7 MAC crash [fixed]
MIDI note off issue when jumping/looping [fixed]
re-engineered MIDI output
Zplane.development vielklang v 2.0.12 11 févr. 2013 MacOS X Intel
[enh] improved scrubbing
[enh] improved note transitions
[enh] better time grid resolution
[enh] zoom in with CTRL(CMD)+right mouse button drag, zoom out CTRL(CMD)+right mouse button click
[fix] multichannel output in Sonar
[fix] crash when playing harmonized MIDI
progression vielklang v 2.0.11 2 nov. 2012 MacOS X Intel
[fix] MIDI output in RTAS fixed
[fix] some other MIDI out issues fixed

[enh] added option to sync to host tempo
[fix] fixed missing multiple outputs in RTAS and AU
[fix] removed necessity to register with vielklang 1 serial before upgrading
audio vielklang v 2.0.9 29 sept. 2012 MacOS X Intel
Advanced pitch editing with direct tool access
new sleek interface
vibrato and tremolo generator
hybrid view for score-like harmony visualization
MIDI harmonization
multiple file harmonization
quatre vielklang v 1.5.5 16 nov. 2010 MacOS X UB
* [enh] verified Pro Tools 9 compatibility (32bit)
* [fix] fixed GUI bug in Pro Tools 8 on Windows after closing a project with vielklang
* [fix] fixed noise output bug in Logic8/9 when using vielklang as multichannel instrument
telecharger vielklang v 1.5.4 5 janv. 2010 MacOS X UB
* [enh] MIDI chord file output now in one MIDI channel
* [fix] MIDI file output sometimes produced erroneous MIDI data
* [fix] OSX: VST plugin now works with Reaper
mac vielklang v 1.5.3 12 sept. 2009 MacOS X UB
+ ready for snow leopard
+ fixes for several minor issues
windows vielklang v 1.5.2 30 juin 2009 MacOS X UB
Maintenance update, several small fixes mainly for Logic
macintosh vielklang v 1.5.1 30 mars 2009 MacOS X UB
* [enh] OSX: improved transport position tracking in AU hosts, cursor in vielklang now also follows transport position when the host is not playing
* [fix] OSX: looping in Logic didn't work correctly
* [fix] OSX: vielklang didn't play in Pro Tools on G4/G5 Macs
pc vielklang v 1.5 17 déc. 2008 MacOS X UB
* live MIDI input: play chords or voicings directly with the keyboard to control vielklangs harmonization
* new harmonization styles: 3-voice intelligent, Block Chords, Fauxbourdon, Organum
* new export options: Audio/MIDI File Export for individual voices, MIDI export of harmony tracks
* improved input melody analysis: new note detection algorithm improves accuracy and robustness
* Ready for Pro Tools 8 and Cubase 5
vielklang v 1.1.3 2 avril 2008 MacOS X UB
* improved note onset detection accuracy
* new serial number based unlocking system
* several Vista stability fixes
* fixed beat grid display inaccuracy
* fixed potential crash with Logic 8 under MacOsX 10.4 after closing vielklang dialogue windows
* several minor fixes
vielklang vielklang v 2.2.0 19 déc. 2014 Windows
Zplane releases version 2.2.0 of the harmony plugin vielklang Instant Harmony V2. This release brings support for AAX for MacOs and Windows. Besides this, several bug fixes were applied. Here's the change log:

(all) fixed: occasional crash when two files were superposed in the arranger
(all) fixed: second digit of the bar counter was overwritten by the cursor on playback
(all) fixed : sometimes drop-outs when exporting audio
(all) fixed : the warn sound of the operating system was triggered, when hitting the space-bar and vielklang had the focus
(all) fixed : multiple warnings upon reload of a project with mismatching sample rates. Now you will be informed only once
(all) fixed : multiple file relocation dialogs when a file in a project was deleted or moved. Now you will only be asked once
(all) fixed: potential crash upon relocating to a different file
(all) fixed : potential mismatch between intelligent harmonizer 'accordion' display and actual harmonizer settings
(all)fixed: potential crash when deleting a note in the HybridView
Zplane.development vielklang vielklang v 2.1.0 11 juin 2014 Windows
Multi output bug in Sonar [fixed]
UI bug in Sonar [fixed]
Cubase7 MAC crash [fixed]
MIDI note off issue when jumping/looping [fixed]
re-engineered MIDI output
Zplane.development vielklang v 2.0.12 11 févr. 2013 Windows
[enh] improved scrubbing
[enh] improved note transitions
[enh] better time grid resolution
[enh] zoom in with CTRL(CMD)+right mouse button drag, zoom out CTRL(CMD)+right mouse button click
[fix] multichannel output in Sonar
[fix] crash when playing harmonized MIDI
progression vielklang v 2.0.11 2 nov. 2012 Windows
[fix] MIDI output in RTAS fixed
[fix] some other MIDI out issues fixed

[enh] added option to sync to host tempo
[fix] fixed missing multiple outputs in RTAS and AU
[fix] removed necessity to register with vielklang 1 serial before upgrading
audio vielklang v 2.0.9 29 sept. 2012 Windows
Advanced pitch editing with direct tool access
new sleek interface
vibrato and tremolo generator
hybrid view for score-like harmony visualization
MIDI harmonization
multiple file harmonization
quatre vielklang v 1.5.5 16 nov. 2010 Windows
* [enh] verified Pro Tools 9 compatibility (32bit)
* [fix] fixed GUI bug in Pro Tools 8 on Windows after closing a project with vielklang
* [fix] fixed noise output bug in Logic8/9 when using vielklang as multichannel instrument
telecharger vielklang v 1.5.4 5 janv. 2010 Windows
* [enh] MIDI chord file output now in one MIDI channel
* [fix] MIDI file output sometimes produced erroneous MIDI data
* [fix] OSX: VST plugin now works with Reaper
mac vielklang v 1.5.3 12 sept. 2009 Windows
+ ready for snow leopard
+ fixes for several minor issues
windows vielklang v 1.5.2 30 juin 2009 Windows
Maintenance update, several small fixes mainly for Logic
macintosh vielklang v 1.5 17 déc. 2008 Windows
* live MIDI input: play chords or voicings directly with the keyboard to control vielklangs harmonization
* new harmonization styles: 3-voice intelligent, Block Chords, Fauxbourdon, Organum
* new export options: Audio/MIDI File Export for individual voices, MIDI export of harmony tracks
* improved input melody analysis: new note detection algorithm improves accuracy and robustness
* Ready for Pro Tools 8 and Cubase 5
pc vielklang v 1.1.2 9 janv. 2008 Windows
* improved audio file caching in order to avoid workload peaks
* fixed occasional GUI crash in Logic8 when several vielklang instances are open
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