Sonic visualiser

Categorie Outils / Analyse & Mesure
Version 3.0.2
Format App
Compatibilité Sonic visualiserMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Gratuit
Prix Gratuit
Mis à jour le 15 avril 2017
Téléchargements 15 376
Télécharg. Mac 8 188
Categorie Outils / Analyse & Mesure
Version 3.0.2
Format App
Compatibilité Sonic visualiserWindows
Licence Logiciel Gratuit
Prix Gratuit
Mis à jour le 15 avril 2017
Téléchargements 15 376
Télécharg. PC 7 188

Affichage et analyse de fichiers audio

- ouvre les fichiers aiff, wav, ogg et mp3
- visualisation du spectrogramme avec ajustement interactif des paramètres d'affichage
- annotations sur la forme d'onde ou le spectrogramme
- visualisation simultanée des mêmes données à différentes résolutions temporelles
- importation de données MIDI, en lecture simultanée avec l'audio
- lecture ralentie ou accélérée, synchronisée avec l'affichage
OSX 10.7 or newer
Sonic visualiser Sonic visualiser v 3.0.2 15 avril 2017 MacOS X Intel
Changes in Sonic Visualiser 3.0.2 (Mar 2017) since the previous release 3.0.1:
  • Fix crash when changing parameters for spectrum view

  • Fix incorrect measure tool crosshairs in spectrum view

  • Update Russian and Czech UI translations (thanks to Alexandre Prokoudine and Pavel Fric respectively)

  • Changes in Sonic Visualiser 3.0.1 (Mar 2017) since the previous release 3.0:
  • Fix crashes with MIDI devices and speedup/slowdown control on Windows

  • Update MIDI input driver layer

  • Changes in Sonic Visualiser 3.0 (Mar 2017) since the previous release 2.5:
  • Add ability to record audio, and ability to change the audio device for playback or recording in the preferences

  • Add complete support for high-resolution (Hi-DPI or retina) displays, including for layer data rendering as well as UI controls and icons. This makes the biggest difference when using a retina Mac, on which previous versions did not render layer data at retina resolution, but it also improves scaling and rendering of UI elements on Hi-DPI displays on Windows and Linux

  • Add ability to export scalable (SVG) image files

  • Run plugins in a separate process, so that if a plugin crashes, it no longer brings down Sonic Visualiser with it. In every other respect the behaviour should be unchanged

  • Scan plugins on startup in a separate process, and report on any that crash or won't load

  • Add ability to open, display, and analyse very long audio files (of more than 2^32 sample frames)

  • Change mp3 file loading so as to compensate for encoder/decoder delay and padding (using "gapless playback" logic). While this is a real improvement, unfortunately it does mean that the initial padding in mp3 file load has changed from previous versions, which may mean some sessions saved in previous versions are no longer correctly aligned. It's not a great idea to use mp3 as a file format of record, because of differences like this between decoders. The previous behaviour is still available as a preference.

  • Add new Hybrid normalisation type for spectrogram and colour 3d plot layers. This normalises each column to its peak value and then scales the normalised values by the log of the peak in order to restore some distinction in scale between columns with different levels. It can provide quite visually clear results.

  • Add function to subdivide time instant layers into regular intervals (and its inverse)

  • Add new preference for default colour scales

  • Add a basic ability to zoom (in the frequency axis) to the spectrum

  • Switch to using combined level/pan controls in layer property boxes and for the main volume control

  • Make CSV file reader better able to handle files with varying numbers of columns

  • Fix a number of problems on Windows with loading and saving some file formats to filenames not representable in system codepage

  • Add "What's New" dialog

  • Finally switch the Windows build to 64-bit by default (with adapters to run either 32- or 64-bit plugins)
  • Centre for Digital Music Sonic visualiser Sonic visualiser v 2.5 25 oct. 2015 MacOS X Intel
  • Add unit-converter dialog, for converting between various pitch and timing units

  • - Fix failure to reload note layers from session file
    - Use a more sensible scale for the play-speed dial
    - Fix crash when importing very wide CSV files
    - Fix generation of wrong layer type from some CSV files
    - Fix failure to export last instant in a time-instant layer
    Centre for Digital Music Sonic visualiser v 2.4.1 20 oct. 2014 MacOS X Intel
  • Fix a crash when rendering certain colour 3d plot layers
  • lecture Sonic visualiser v 2.4 26 sept. 2014 MacOS X Intel
  • Add support for left/right scrolling using a two-finger touchpad gesture (where available)

  • - Make the octave numbering into a configurable option, and change the default. Previously Sonic Visualiser labelled middle-C as "C3"; now it labels middle-C as "C4", a more common standard in the world outside MIDI sequencer software. The previous system is available as an option in the Preferences. This affects only the visible labels: there is no change to analysis or to the file format
    - Sonify time-value layers. Any time-value curve whose scale unit is set to Hz will now acquire a playback toggle control; this control is off by default, but if it is switched on, the curve will be played back using a variable-frequency sound generator
    - Add support for playback of note layers with non-MIDI frequencies (formerly the note playback was limited to exact MIDI pitch)
    - Change the default playback sample for note layers from piano to an electric piano with sustain. The piano sample is still available, and any sessions saved using it should continue to use it
    - Add keyboard shortcuts to cycle the current layer (in addition to the existing ones to cycle the current pane)
    - Fix various bugs related to layer ordering: layer tabs re-ordering themselves randomly when new layer added, layers being ordered randomly when saving and reloading a session
    - Fix incorrect interaction with non-Unicode usernames when creating temporary and template directories on Windows
    - Shade the start and end of the main audio file, to make them easier to see for files that start or end in silence
    - Speed up rendering and scrolling in time-value layers
    - Make it possible to import CSV files directly into Note layers by adding Pitch as a data type in the CSV file import dialog
    - Fix problems with keyboard shortcuts when using Qt5 on OS/X. This is the first release in which the official builds use Qt5 for all platforms.
    spectrogramme Sonic visualiser v 2.3 17 déc. 2013 MacOS X Intel
  • Add a startup welcome dialog that also explains what SV makes network connections for and allows user to forbid them

  • - Add "Export Audio Data" feature

    - Show piano keyboard scale in note and time-value layers as well as spectrogram, where vertical scale is log Hz; also show numerical scale in note and region layers when not auto-aligned

    - Speed up CSV file import and avoid showing crazily wide window for CSV file format dialog when file has lots of columns

    - Fix incorrectly saved window geometry when exiting from maximised state

    - Reduce number of timer wakeups when idle

    - Add American English translation and make choice of translation into a preference (defaulting to system locale)

    - Permit installation to non-default location with Windows installer build
    simultan Sonic visualiser v 2.0 19 juil. 2012 MacOS X UB
  • Support 64-bit builds on OS/X (using CoreAudio instead of obsolete QuickTime audio file reader)

  • Simplify RDF reading and fix some bugs. Now requires Dataquay

  • ( rather than using Redland
    directly. Release builds use Sord/Serd rather than Redland
  • Add a fullscreen mode on the F11 key
  • fichiers Sonic visualiser v 1.9 12 oct. 2011 MacOS X UB
  • Add session templates; save session as template; apply template to session

  • Tidy up the file open logic so as to remove the dialog asking how to open a file, where possible

  • Various bug fixes.
  • visualisation Sonic visualiser v 1.8 16 avril 2011 MacOS X UB
  • Sonic Visualiser now registers as a file type handler on OS/X,

  • providing better integration with the desktop generally (Dan Stowell)

    - There is a new function to toggle all Time Rulers at once (key #)

    - The CSV import dialog has been overhauled, allowing more flexible
    selection of purpose for each column

    - Text overlays are now easier to read on dark backgrounds

    - Hidden layers are now ignored when exporting an image (Dan Stowell)

    - A crash when starting a new session or exiting the application
    after loading a session with saved alignment data has been fixed

    - The duplication of right-button menu functions when multiple files
    were loaded has been fixed

    - The layer-add menu functions now have shortcuts (Dan Stowell)

    - The codebase has been reorganised into libraries and a configure
    step added. It should be easier to build and maintain on OS/X and
    Linux than previously, although it won't make much difference on

    - A Czech translation is now included (thanks to Pavel Fric).
    telecharger Sonic visualiser v 1.7.1 29 oct. 2009 MacOS X UB
  • The RDF importer does a better job of assigning labels to layers,

  • layers to panes, and values to labelled regions

    - Interactive editing in the Text layer benefits from the same
    improvements as made in 1.7 to Note and Region layers

    - The layer data editor window has a text search feature

    - The main window status bar now shows the last label to have passed
    the playback position in the current layer, at the right end of the
    status bar

    - The Russian translation has been updated (thanks Alexandre)
    mac Sonic visualiser v 1.7 7 oct. 2009 MacOS X UB
  • A new "Insert Item At Selection" function on the Edit menu

  • can be used to create Note and Region layer items whose time
    extents correspond to the current selection(s)

    - Interactively editing points in the Note and Region layers
    now works much more smoothly

    - SV can now import MIDI files that use SMPTE timecode for event
    timing (importing MIDI files using with the more common
    timebase-based timing was already supported)

    - Time values throughout the display may optionally be shown in
    seconds and frames at various frame rates

    - A crash on exit in Windows has been fixed

    - A very unobtrusive user survey is now included

    - Various other bug fixes.
    windows Sonic visualiser v 1.6 6 juil. 2009 MacOS X UB
  • The Colour 3D Plot layer now supports logarithmic vertical

  • scale and linear interpolation options.

    - A new colour scheme (High Gain) has been added for spectrogram
    and Colour 3D Plot, which improves readability for some data.

    - Further performance improvements have been made to Colour 3D

    - Various other bug fixes.
    macintosh Sonic visualiser v 1.5 18 mars 2009 MacOS X UB
    Changes in Sonic Visualiser 1.5 since the previous version 1.4:

    - You can now insert time instants, time values, and notes using
    a MIDI device during playback. If a time value or note layer is
    current it will be used for insertion (giving a value equal to
    the pitch class, or the played note, respectively); otherwise an
    existing or new time instants layer will be used just as it is
    when inserting instants using the PC keyboard. Using a MIDI
    device should give better timing than using the PC keyboard.

    - There is a new Activity Log window with a (purely informative) list
    of events and user interactions that happen while SV is running.

    - The spectrogram has somewhat improved graphical scaling, and
    this is now the default (being much faster than the 4x oversampled
    method). The previous default is still available as a preference.

    - Visualisation of very dense colour plots (such as spectrograms
    calculated by plugins) is substantially faster in this release.

    - Spectrogram display is now faster in many circumstances.

    - Alignment using the MATCH plugin is faster on OS/X than before.

    - SV will take into account RDF plugin descriptions, if available,
    in order to make somewhat better decisions about display of plugin
    outputs (for example, placing segmentation data into a layer with
    segmentation plot type).

    - You can now switch layers by clicking on the spare area at the left
    end of the pane that is also used for the current pane indicator.

    - The vertical black lines dividing segments in the time value
    layer's segmentation plot style are now optional.

    - Several widget layout bugs on OS/X have been fixed.

    - Several serious crashing, deadlock, and data corruption bugs have
    been fixed.
    Sonic visualiser Sonic visualiser v 3.0.2 15 avril 2017 Windows
    Changes in Sonic Visualiser 3.0.2 (Mar 2017) since the previous release 3.0.1:
  • Fix crash when changing parameters for spectrum view

  • Fix incorrect measure tool crosshairs in spectrum view

  • Update Russian and Czech UI translations (thanks to Alexandre Prokoudine and Pavel Fric respectively)

  • Changes in Sonic Visualiser 3.0.1 (Mar 2017) since the previous release 3.0:
  • Fix crashes with MIDI devices and speedup/slowdown control on Windows

  • Update MIDI input driver layer

  • Changes in Sonic Visualiser 3.0 (Mar 2017) since the previous release 2.5:
  • Add ability to record audio, and ability to change the audio device for playback or recording in the preferences

  • Add complete support for high-resolution (Hi-DPI or retina) displays, including for layer data rendering as well as UI controls and icons. This makes the biggest difference when using a retina Mac, on which previous versions did not render layer data at retina resolution, but it also improves scaling and rendering of UI elements on Hi-DPI displays on Windows and Linux

  • Add ability to export scalable (SVG) image files

  • Run plugins in a separate process, so that if a plugin crashes, it no longer brings down Sonic Visualiser with it. In every other respect the behaviour should be unchanged

  • Scan plugins on startup in a separate process, and report on any that crash or won't load

  • Add ability to open, display, and analyse very long audio files (of more than 2^32 sample frames)

  • Change mp3 file loading so as to compensate for encoder/decoder delay and padding (using "gapless playback" logic). While this is a real improvement, unfortunately it does mean that the initial padding in mp3 file load has changed from previous versions, which may mean some sessions saved in previous versions are no longer correctly aligned. It's not a great idea to use mp3 as a file format of record, because of differences like this between decoders. The previous behaviour is still available as a preference.

  • Add new Hybrid normalisation type for spectrogram and colour 3d plot layers. This normalises each column to its peak value and then scales the normalised values by the log of the peak in order to restore some distinction in scale between columns with different levels. It can provide quite visually clear results.

  • Add function to subdivide time instant layers into regular intervals (and its inverse)

  • Add new preference for default colour scales

  • Add a basic ability to zoom (in the frequency axis) to the spectrum

  • Switch to using combined level/pan controls in layer property boxes and for the main volume control

  • Make CSV file reader better able to handle files with varying numbers of columns

  • Fix a number of problems on Windows with loading and saving some file formats to filenames not representable in system codepage

  • Add "What's New" dialog

  • Finally switch the Windows build to 64-bit by default (with adapters to run either 32- or 64-bit plugins)
  • Centre for Digital Music Sonic visualiser Sonic visualiser v 2.5 25 oct. 2015 Windows
  • Add unit-converter dialog, for converting between various pitch and timing units

  • - Fix failure to reload note layers from session file
    - Use a more sensible scale for the play-speed dial
    - Fix crash when importing very wide CSV files
    - Fix generation of wrong layer type from some CSV files
    - Fix failure to export last instant in a time-instant layer
    Centre for Digital Music Sonic visualiser v 2.4.1 20 oct. 2014 Windows
  • Fix a crash when rendering certain colour 3d plot layers
  • lecture Sonic visualiser v 2.4 26 sept. 2014 Windows
  • Add support for left/right scrolling using a two-finger touchpad gesture (where available)

  • - Make the octave numbering into a configurable option, and change the default. Previously Sonic Visualiser labelled middle-C as "C3"; now it labels middle-C as "C4", a more common standard in the world outside MIDI sequencer software. The previous system is available as an option in the Preferences. This affects only the visible labels: there is no change to analysis or to the file format
    - Sonify time-value layers. Any time-value curve whose scale unit is set to Hz will now acquire a playback toggle control; this control is off by default, but if it is switched on, the curve will be played back using a variable-frequency sound generator
    - Add support for playback of note layers with non-MIDI frequencies (formerly the note playback was limited to exact MIDI pitch)
    - Change the default playback sample for note layers from piano to an electric piano with sustain. The piano sample is still available, and any sessions saved using it should continue to use it
    - Add keyboard shortcuts to cycle the current layer (in addition to the existing ones to cycle the current pane)
    - Fix various bugs related to layer ordering: layer tabs re-ordering themselves randomly when new layer added, layers being ordered randomly when saving and reloading a session
    - Fix incorrect interaction with non-Unicode usernames when creating temporary and template directories on Windows
    - Shade the start and end of the main audio file, to make them easier to see for files that start or end in silence
    - Speed up rendering and scrolling in time-value layers
    - Make it possible to import CSV files directly into Note layers by adding Pitch as a data type in the CSV file import dialog
    - Fix problems with keyboard shortcuts when using Qt5 on OS/X. This is the first release in which the official builds use Qt5 for all platforms.
    spectrogramme Sonic visualiser v 2.3 17 déc. 2013 Windows
  • Add a startup welcome dialog that also explains what SV makes network connections for and allows user to forbid them

  • - Add "Export Audio Data" feature

    - Show piano keyboard scale in note and time-value layers as well as spectrogram, where vertical scale is log Hz; also show numerical scale in note and region layers when not auto-aligned

    - Speed up CSV file import and avoid showing crazily wide window for CSV file format dialog when file has lots of columns

    - Fix incorrectly saved window geometry when exiting from maximised state

    - Reduce number of timer wakeups when idle

    - Add American English translation and make choice of translation into a preference (defaulting to system locale)

    - Permit installation to non-default location with Windows installer build
    simultan Sonic visualiser v 2.0 19 juil. 2012 Windows
  • Support 64-bit builds on OS/X (using CoreAudio instead of obsolete QuickTime audio file reader)

  • Simplify RDF reading and fix some bugs. Now requires Dataquay

  • ( rather than using Redland
    directly. Release builds use Sord/Serd rather than Redland
  • Add a fullscreen mode on the F11 key
  • fichiers Sonic visualiser v 1.9 12 oct. 2011 Windows
  • Add session templates; save session as template; apply template to session

  • Tidy up the file open logic so as to remove the dialog asking how to open a file, where possible

  • Various bug fixes.
  • visualisation Sonic visualiser v 1.8 16 avril 2011 Windows
  • Sonic Visualiser now registers as a file type handler on OS/X,

  • providing better integration with the desktop generally (Dan Stowell)

    - There is a new function to toggle all Time Rulers at once (key #)

    - The CSV import dialog has been overhauled, allowing more flexible
    selection of purpose for each column

    - Text overlays are now easier to read on dark backgrounds

    - Hidden layers are now ignored when exporting an image (Dan Stowell)

    - A crash when starting a new session or exiting the application
    after loading a session with saved alignment data has been fixed

    - The duplication of right-button menu functions when multiple files
    were loaded has been fixed

    - The layer-add menu functions now have shortcuts (Dan Stowell)

    - The codebase has been reorganised into libraries and a configure
    step added. It should be easier to build and maintain on OS/X and
    Linux than previously, although it won't make much difference on

    - A Czech translation is now included (thanks to Pavel Fric).
    telecharger Sonic visualiser v 1.7.1 29 oct. 2009 Windows
  • The RDF importer does a better job of assigning labels to layers,

  • layers to panes, and values to labelled regions

    - Interactive editing in the Text layer benefits from the same
    improvements as made in 1.7 to Note and Region layers

    - The layer data editor window has a text search feature

    - The main window status bar now shows the last label to have passed
    the playback position in the current layer, at the right end of the
    status bar

    - The Russian translation has been updated (thanks Alexandre)
    mac Sonic visualiser v 1.7 7 oct. 2009 Windows
  • A new "Insert Item At Selection" function on the Edit menu

  • can be used to create Note and Region layer items whose time
    extents correspond to the current selection(s)

    - Interactively editing points in the Note and Region layers
    now works much more smoothly

    - SV can now import MIDI files that use SMPTE timecode for event
    timing (importing MIDI files using with the more common
    timebase-based timing was already supported)

    - Time values throughout the display may optionally be shown in
    seconds and frames at various frame rates

    - A crash on exit in Windows has been fixed

    - A very unobtrusive user survey is now included

    - Various other bug fixes.
    windows Sonic visualiser v 1.6 6 juil. 2009 Windows
  • The Colour 3D Plot layer now supports logarithmic vertical

  • scale and linear interpolation options.

    - A new colour scheme (High Gain) has been added for spectrogram
    and Colour 3D Plot, which improves readability for some data.

    - Further performance improvements have been made to Colour 3D

    - Various other bug fixes.
    macintosh Sonic visualiser v 1.5 18 mars 2009 Windows
    Changes in Sonic Visualiser 1.5 since the previous version 1.4:

    - You can now insert time instants, time values, and notes using
    a MIDI device during playback. If a time value or note layer is
    current it will be used for insertion (giving a value equal to
    the pitch class, or the played note, respectively); otherwise an
    existing or new time instants layer will be used just as it is
    when inserting instants using the PC keyboard. Using a MIDI
    device should give better timing than using the PC keyboard.

    - There is a new Activity Log window with a (purely informative) list
    of events and user interactions that happen while SV is running.

    - The spectrogram has somewhat improved graphical scaling, and
    this is now the default (being much faster than the 4x oversampled
    method). The previous default is still available as a preference.

    - Visualisation of very dense colour plots (such as spectrograms
    calculated by plugins) is substantially faster in this release.

    - Spectrogram display is now faster in many circumstances.

    - Alignment using the MATCH plugin is faster on OS/X than before.

    - SV will take into account RDF plugin descriptions, if available,
    in order to make somewhat better decisions about display of plugin
    outputs (for example, placing segmentation data into a layer with
    segmentation plot type).

    - You can now switch layers by clicking on the spare area at the left
    end of the pane that is also used for the current pane indicator.

    - The vertical black lines dividing segments in the time value
    layer's segmentation plot style are now optional.

    - Several widget layout bugs on OS/X have been fixed.

    - Several serious crashing, deadlock, and data corruption bugs have
    been fixed.
    Centre for Digital Music

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