
Categorie Outils / Convertisseurs
Version 1.20
Format App
Compatibilité AudioMoveMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Gratuit
Prix Gratuit
Mis à jour le 11 juil. 2010
Téléchargements 4 828
Télécharg. Mac 3 304
Categorie Outils / Convertisseurs
Version 1.20
Format App
Compatibilité AudioMoveWindows
Licence Logiciel Gratuit
Prix Gratuit
Mis à jour le 11 juil. 2010
Téléchargements 4 828
Télécharg. PC 1 524

Programme de conversion de fichiers audio

- Convertit tout format lisible par libsndfile au format WAV et AIFF
- Utilise libsamplerate pour une meilleure qualité de conversion (11.025kHz-192kHz)
- Supporte le 8-bit, 16-bit, 24-bit, 32-bit, ou virgule flottante
- Plus grande rapidité sur les machines multi-processeur
- Pas d'installation nécessaire, il suffit juste de le dézipper.
AudioMove AudioMove v 1.20 11 juil. 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Added support for reading and writing FLAC and OGG file types.

  • - The Win32 build of AudioMove can now read .cda files directly
    from audio CD, thanks to Andy Key's AKRip CD-ripping library.
    (used under the terms of the GPL)
    - Added an "Add Folder..." button that make it a bit more
    intuitive to set up recursive batch conversions.
    - Upgraded the included muscle distribution to v4.50.
    - Upgraded the included libsamplerate distribution to v0.1.7.
    - Upgraded the included libsndfile distribution to v1.0.19.
    - Added included distributions for libogg, libvorbis, and libFLAC.
    - Added a script to make building AudioMove
    more automatic under MacOS/X and Linux. (The Windows build doesn't
    have a build script, so you still have to assemble everything
    manually. It's probably best just to use the Windows AudioMove.exe
    binary instead, and leave that pain to me)
    o Update AudioMove code to compile against (and require) Qt4.5.x.
    * Fixed a bug where convert-in-place mode would try to replace
    unusual filename extensions with their more usual ones, and
    in the process create a renamed copy of the input file instead
    of overwriting the input file (e.g. converting "file.aif" in-place
    would instead output to "file.aiff")
    Level Control Systems AudioMove AudioMove v 1.14 26 mars 2007 MacOS X PPC
    AudioMove AudioMove v 1.20 11 juil. 2010 Windows
  • Added support for reading and writing FLAC and OGG file types.

  • - The Win32 build of AudioMove can now read .cda files directly
    from audio CD, thanks to Andy Key's AKRip CD-ripping library.
    (used under the terms of the GPL)
    - Added an "Add Folder..." button that make it a bit more
    intuitive to set up recursive batch conversions.
    - Upgraded the included muscle distribution to v4.50.
    - Upgraded the included libsamplerate distribution to v0.1.7.
    - Upgraded the included libsndfile distribution to v1.0.19.
    - Added included distributions for libogg, libvorbis, and libFLAC.
    - Added a script to make building AudioMove
    more automatic under MacOS/X and Linux. (The Windows build doesn't
    have a build script, so you still have to assemble everything
    manually. It's probably best just to use the Windows AudioMove.exe
    binary instead, and leave that pain to me)
    o Update AudioMove code to compile against (and require) Qt4.5.x.
    * Fixed a bug where convert-in-place mode would try to replace
    unusual filename extensions with their more usual ones, and
    in the process create a renamed copy of the input file instead
    of overwriting the input file (e.g. converting "file.aif" in-place
    would instead output to "file.aiff")
    Level Control Systems AudioMove AudioMove v 1.14 20 mars 2007 Windows
    Level Control Systems

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