
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 9.5
Format App
Compatibilité ReasonMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $449  /  405€
4.7 / 5 , 16 votes
Mis à jour le 3 juin 2017
Téléchargements 131 582
Télécharg. Mac 124 775
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 9.5
Format App
Compatibilité ReasonWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $449  /  405€
4.7 / 5 , 16 votes
Mis à jour le 3 juin 2017
Téléchargements 131 582
Télécharg. PC 6 807

Studio Virtuel

Reason est un studio virtuel complet avec synthés, boîtes à rythmes, sequenceur, mixage, effets...
Mac OS X 10.7 or later (64-bit)
Windows 7 or later
Reason Reason v 9.5 3 juin 2017 MacOS X Intel
Added support for VST 2.4 instrument, effect and utility plug-ins
Added Delay Compensation functionality
Added Export Device Remote Info function to File menu, allowing you to export a text file with Remote-ables for selected device
Updated Reason Patch Collection with minor text and bug fixes
Improved handling of hidden displays in Rack Extensions
Improved error reports and statistics
Propellerhead Reason Reason v 9.2 28 janv. 2017 MacOS X Intel
Added support for Rack Extension SDK 2.5. Rack Extensions now support sample loading, hidable widgets and more.
Reason Patch Collection now includes all patches from Electromechanical and the office favorite patch Bass One’o’One (Reason only).
The patch Rheem GlitterTop is now correctly categorized as Electric Piano (Reason only).
Fixed a bug where a sample from the Factory Sound Bank could be self-contained which would lead to issues.
Fixed an issue where notes could hang when using Players with the External MIDI Instrument (Reason only).
Propellerhead Reason v 9.1 15 sept. 2016 MacOS X Intel
Support for Ableton Link
studio Reason v 9 25 juin 2016 MacOS X Intel
Reason 9 introduces three Player devices that instantly transform any MIDI input into compelling music. Note Echo creates rhythmic, pitched MIDI delays for melodies, drum rolls, and more. Scales & Chords turns simple melodies into beautiful harmonies and chords so you can stay focused on the music making. Transpose notes to a selected scale and automatically generate chords for your song, no music theory required. Dual Arpeggio transforms chords into intricate and inspiring rhythms. From classic up-and-down to polyphonic and polyrhythmic, Dual Arpeggio breathes new life into any instrument in your Reason rack.

Reason’s new Pitch Edit mode helps you produce flawless vocals. Fix out-of-tune notes, adjust vibrato, change your timing, create new melodies from your recording, change the dynamics, and more. Audio to MIDI lets you convert your vocals to MIDI notes for endless sound manipulation possibilities.

Reason 9 also comes with 1000 new cutting-edge sounds to ignite your creativity. Whether you make chart-topping anthems or the sound of the underground, Reason's new sound bank will take your music to the next level. The legendary Reason rack is also enhanced with key workflow improvements and darker theme options, perfect for late-night studio sessions.

Reason 9 also now includes the popular Pulsar dual channel LFO—previously available as a Rack Extension ($49) via the Propellerhead shop. Use Pulsar to introduce variation to your sounds, create entirely new ones using its advanced and flexible modulation, or load up any of the masterfully crafted presets for instant inspiration.
virtuel Reason v 8.3beta 12 juin 2015 MacOS X Intel
RV7000 mkII
Explore creative reverb sounds with RV7000 mkII! The new version of Reason’s cornerstone reverb effect turns RV7000 into a fully featured convolution reverb. Load any of the supplied impulse responses or create your own otherworldly reverb effects by sampling or loading your own impulse responses.

Browse where you are!
Call up Reason’s browser from where you work! The new browser introduced in Reason 8 offers a vastly improved workflow, but was previously only accessible from the main window. After feedback from users who use Reason with the rack in a detached window, you can now access the browser from there as well.

Zoom to Selection
Move quickly from birds-eye view to close-up. Hit the Z key to zoom to your selection and hit Z again to zoom back out. This is a real time-saver when editing and arranging!

MIDI in the Rack
Some Reason users spend most of their creative work in the rack view. Now you can select what device receives your master MIDI controller input directly from the rack, without having to go to the sequencer.
telecharger Reason v 8.2 2 avril 2015 MacOS X Intel
Reason will now automatically detect if there is a newer version available, and optionally download and install this.
A typical Reason update (without soundbanks) is now around 100 MB - a tenth of its old size!
If sound banks (Factory Sound Bank, Orkester and the content bank for ID8) are missing when Reason is launched, the program will now offer to download and install them.
Sound banks are now located in a global folder, which means new Reason updates can continue using the same sound banks without having them replaced or copied. It also means that different, parallel Reason installations can share the same sound banks.
Reason and Authorizer no longer includes the Codemeter driver. Reason will run with Internet Verification (or in Demo Mode) without Codemeter. Codemeter can be downloaded separately for new users, should they need to run Reason without internet access.
When browsing patches, you can now Revert back to the patch that was loaded when you started browsing.
The color palette for tracks, channels and clips has been extended to 32 colors.
The remotable items for Redrum have been extended to allow programming of Redrum patterns from a control surface.
Reinstated key command for Show/Hide Recording Meter: Command-F3 (Mac) or Ctrl-F3 (Windows).
Reason comes with a version of Authorizer that support Rack Extensions larger than 2GB.
Help files and documentation are no longer installed with the program, but accessed online.
Removed 32-bit support. Version 8.2 is a 64-bit application only.
Added updated Remote files for Livid Instruments.
Fixed a memory allocation bug in Reason Essentials that could cause glitches under some circumstances.
Fixed a bug where Authorizer misbehaved if initial installation duties failed.
Keyboard focus is now returned to the sequencer after the user makes settings in the Transport panel.
Fixed potential crash bug when scrolling time position during recording.
Fixed a bug where Reason would assert when adjusting clip length during recording.
Added version check of sound banks
Fixed typos on Login Screen (German localization)
Extended allowed username length in all login/authorization dialogs
Updated Drop to Propellerhead icon.
Updated template songs with larger Zoom in Edit Mode + larger screen size
Fixed a bug where Reason would assert if setting tempo / position to very high values.
Browse focus would be lost when adjusting any parameter on the browsed device, if it was inside a mixer channel Insert FX container.
Fixed a bug where Loop on/off wasn’t properly mirrored in both applications when Reason was ReWired.
Fixed a bug where Reason couldn’t start if there was a broken Rack Extension.
Fixed a bug where Reason could crash if the user didn’t have proper access rights to some folders.
Improved track pad scrolling in the sequencer.
mac Reason v 8.0 30 sept. 2014 MacOS X Intel
Reason 8 introduces a redesigned user interface, fresh new look and even smoother creative flow. Quickly and easily access your sounds, loops and patches whenever you need them using a new browser and search window—a one-stop-shop for creative inspiration. Dial-in incredible guitar and bass tones with a collection of new amps from legendary circuit modeler Softube—simply plug in your instrument, crank up the volume and experience the uncompromising tone, response and dynamics of the world’s finest classic amplifiers.

Reason 8 also features countless usability improvements that put the flow back in workflow. Drag-and-drop from anywhere to anything and work faster with fewer clicks. Edit your tracks quickly with more powerful sequence note editing. Reason 8 lets you flow seamlessly from initial idea to completed song. And, with an ever-expanding selection of Rack Extension plug-ins available in the Propellerhead shop, you can easily expand your rack to include everything your music needs—now and in the future.
windows Reason v 7.1.1 31 mai 2014 MacOS X Intel
This free maintenance update addresses the following issues:

Fixed a problem where moving cables and rack devices could cause extremely slow rendering on some computers.
Fixed a bug where previewing certain WAV files in 32-bit floating point format could cause a crash.
Fixed a bug where arpeggiators in some Rack Extensions would get out of sync with the main Reason sequencer.
Attempting to download a huge number of Rack Extensions at the same time will no longer cause Authorizer to crash.
The asterisk indicating subtick lengths and positions is now always shown properly in the Clip Inspector.
Loading samples without root key info would sometimes cause root key to be set to the lowest possible key. It’s now properly set to C3.
A couple of internal fixes that could cause problems in some cases.
Added support for Akai MPK 225-261 controllers.
Added and extended support for several Livid Instruments controllers.
macintosh Reason v 7.1 10 avril 2014 MacOS X Intel
Support for Custom Displays in Rack Extensions (SDK v.2).
Rack Extensions built with SDK v.2 will perform math functions faster.
Improved MIDI Clock Sync, with new settings.
Reason can now send error reports and usage statistics.
Shift-dragging devices will now re-route them properly.
Better indications on audio clips.
Various ReWire fixes.
Reason can now import WAV files in 32 bit float format.
Slices in self-contained REX files can now be used as samples.
A Spectrum EQ button has been added to the Master Section device in the rack.
Adjusted BV-512 Dry/Wet behaviour.
It’s now possible to use the Razor tool on open audio clips.
Split at Slices with a huge amount of slices selected will no longer make Reason freeze.
Includes new Codemeter version: 5.10a
A great number of minor bugs fixed!
pc Reason v 7.0.1 17 mai 2013 MacOS X Intel
Fixed a bug that could lead to an “Unexpected Exception” message when starting Reason under certain conditions.
Fixed a bug where the spectrum EQ window did not function properly after sample rate changes.
Fixed a bug where Reason could crash under certain conditions after changing display settings on Mac.
Added Remote codec for Novation Launchkey.
Fixed Rack Extension download time-out problem in Authorizer.
Fixed a problem in Authorizer where an “Internal Error” dialog could be shown when trying to start a new Rack Extension download if old downloads were still in progress.
Reason v 7.0 30 avril 2013 MacOS X Intel
With Reason 7, users can integrate all their instruments into Reason with MIDI out, automatic audio slicing and audio quantize, and even convert their recordings into REX loops for further creative possibilities in the rack. For mixing, Propellerhead is introducing a spectrum analyzer with visual EQ controls; group and parallel mix channels; and many workflow improvements to help users sound better, easier. To inspire, Reason 7 makes it easier to import audio from users’ music libraries and the web with support for mp3, aac, wma and more. The enhanced Factory Sound Bank comes fully loaded with tons of new loops and drum kits, while the new Audiomatic Retro Transformer effect unit adds a futuristic-vintage sound to any tracks, never more than a mouse-click away.
Reason v 7beta 12 mars 2013 MacOS X Intel
With Reason 7, users can integrate all their instruments into Reason with MIDI out, automatic audio slicing and audio quantize, and even convert their recordings into REX loops for further creative possibilities in the rack. For mixing, Propellerhead is introducing a spectrum analyzer with visual EQ controls; group and parallel mix channels; and many workflow improvements to help users sound better, easier. To inspire, Reason 7 makes it easier to import audio from users’ music libraries and the web with support for mp3, aac, wma and more. The enhanced Factory Sound Bank comes fully loaded with tons of new loops and drum kits, while the new Audiomatic Retro Transformer effect unit adds a futuristic-vintage sound to any tracks, never more than a mouse-click away.
Reason v 6.5.3 8 janv. 2013 MacOS X Intel
Fixed a problem related to scrollbars under Mac OS 10.8, where the program could crash.
Fixed a Create Menu bug, where sometimes the wrong device would be created.
Fixed a bug in how the Browser uses the registry under Windows. This could lead to situations where some file types couldn’t be browsed and loaded.
The Download All function for Rack Extensions could cause the Authorizer to misbehave or fail.
Reason v 6.5.2 9 nov. 2012 MacOS X Intel
Authorizer now works properly under Windows 8.
Reason now works with AMD processors under Windows 8.
Fixed Combi patch backwards compatibility that was broken in 6.5.0 and 6.5.1.
Default browse locations now work as in Reason 6.0.2.
Rack Extensions now respond to sample rate changes in the ReWire host.
Dropped support for 22,050 Hz sample rate on playback and export.
Fixed crash bug when exporting song containing a placeholder device.
Stopping playback now cuts hanging notes in Rack Extension devices.
Fixed a bug that caused audio glitches in Neptune’s Live Mode.
Fixed resource/memory leak when browsing in locations with lots of items.
Fixed a bug in NN-XT when doing Set Root Notes From Pitch Detection.
Fixed a bug where bounced samples defaulted to 0% Loop.
Authorizer will no longer request downloading of license data when it’s not necessary.
Fixed some ReWire bugs.
Fixed a bug where the Master Section’s Insert FX would be moved when moving a connected device to another position in the rack.
Fixed some name label bugs in template songs.
Minor bug fixes.
Reason v 6.5.1 11 juil. 2012 MacOS X Intel
  • Fixed a bug where resetting a Combinator containing more than one selected device caused a crash.

  • Fixed performance issues with Alligator on 32-bit Windows.

  • Fixed a bug where context clicking on mixer parameters did not work if the rear of the rack was in view.

  • Fixed a bug where under specific conditions a Rack Extension could cause a crash.

  • Minor Rack Extension hosting fixes.
  • Reason v 6.5 15 juin 2012 MacOS X Intel
    Propellerhead today released new versions of their award-winning music making platform: Reason 6.5 and Reason Essentials 1.5. New in these versions is the introduction of Rack Extensions—a groundbreaking new technology from Propellerhead that opens up the rack to third parties, enabling developers to create their own instruments and effects for Reason and allowing users to expand their collection of instruments and effects with the Reason devices they want.
    Reason v 6.0.2 21 déc. 2011 MacOS X Intel
    This version fixes the following issues:

    Viewing the sequencer area by pressing F7 would always reset keyboard focus to the track list, with confusing results. Now the keyboard focus setting is properly remembered.
    If you changed settings in the Tool window when there was no open song document, the program could crash.
    The output of the RV-7 "Large Hall" algorithm was in mono.
    Copy command (Copy to clipboard) could cause an "Unknown Exception" error message.
    A few remote codecs (including Behringer BCR/BCF, Korg Kontrol49 and mikroKontrol) were not properly replaced when Reason 6 was installed over an existing Reason 5 installation, which made them stop working under Windows 64. Now they are replaced by the new version at installation.
    Some audio hardware models (that worked fine in Record) stopped working with Reason 6 under Mac OS X.
    If Reason received MIDI Clock while in ReWire mode, the program could crash.
    With some HID devices (e.g. Tablet input devices of certain brands) connected, Reason couldn't launch properly.
    Bounce Mixer Channels would cause Reason to hang if the program was in MIDI Clock Sync mode.
    Using the Speaker tool repeatedly in the audio editor could occasionally make the program hang.
    When the scratch disk became full, Reason 6 could crash.
    Old non-unicode keyboard layouts (Mac only) could cause Reason 32-bit to crash at startup
    On a Mac with a two-monitor setup and the SecondBar tool running, some actions could cause Reason to crash.
    Loading samples, opening and saving songs could take a very long time in some situations.
    General performance has been improved in many areas.
    The Novation Automap Control remotemap has been updated
    Remote support for Teenage Engineering OP-1 has been added.
    Reason v 6.0.1 30 sept. 2011 MacOS X Intel
    In rare cases, the Save and Optimize could destroy the song file. This would happen if the operating system reported a problem to Reason at a bad (very specific) moment during save and optimize.
    Using the context menu on text fields in the tool window that could cause a crash.
    If some actions were performed in the browser while the name of a Favorite was being edited, this could cause a crash.
    Tempo map information embedded in audio files within ReFills couldn't be read properly. Now it can.
    The program now includes Line 6 TWXY 5.26.0. This allows access to computer authorized Line 6 models in Reason and makes the program compatible with Pod Farm 2.5.
    Zooming with the scroll wheel has been made smoother.
    The vertical navigator in the mixer did not reappear correctly (after being automatically hidden).
    The previous version accidentally included a beta version of ReWire. Now, the deployment version is included instead.
    Removed some misplaced text from the context menu in mixer (when running the program in French).
    Reason v 6.0 10 sept. 2011 MacOS X Intel
  • Mix in studio grade quality

  • The fully equipped mixing desk adds a big studio signal chain to all your sound sources. Every audio and instruments track has its own channel strip — the built-in EQ, dynamics and advanced routing will give your music that unmistakable million-dollar console sound. The "radio ready" master bus compressor gives your mixes that extra punch.

  • Pulveriser

  • Pulveriser puts crunchy compression, dirty distortion, a multimode filter and flexible modulation in a single, sound-crunching effect.

  • The Echo

  • The Echo is an advanced stereo echo bringing together the brilliance of modern delays with the organic sounds of analog circuitry and old-school tape machines. The Echo is equal parts pristine stereo delay, sound sculpturing toolbox, and playable performance effect.

  • Alligator

  • Alligator is a three band pattern-based gate effect that turns bland pads into rhythmic textures, radically twists your loops, and tweak boring beats into blockrocking breaks.

  • Neptune

  • New in the Reason rack is the Neptune pitch correction and voice synth device. Neptune turns your performances into pitch-perfect ones in no time. Simply play your new harmonies on your MIDI keyboard for instant backing vocals.

  • Audio recording

  • Capture your ideas with a minimum of mouse clicks and menu actions — version 6 introduces unlimited hard disk tracks and rock solid audio recording in Reason.

  • Time stretch & audio transpose

  • With our now legendary non-destructive time stretch, you can actually record first and pick your tempo later. And with the brand new audio transpose you can even record first and change the key later. Change the tempo of your song, and the audio follows right along. Non-destructively change the pitch with a mouse click.

  • Recording meter

  • The large Recording Meter overlay lets you tune your guitar and set the levels from across the room.

  • Line 6 guitar and bass amps

  • With the virtual guitar and bass PODs® from amp and cab simulation experts Line 6, Inc. you are never short of interesting tones and timbres.

  • Comp editor

  • As a perfect performance may be less than perfect from scratch, Reason 6 features our swift and easy to use comp editor. Building the ultimate vocal track is as simple as selecting the parts that work and muting the ones that don't. Exit the comp editor and listen to the results; a perfect take containing only the good parts.

  • Expert exporting

  • Want to move your song over to your DAW? In one single click, Reason will export your separate mixer channels as individual audio stems, with or without effects. Need just the effects? No problem.

  • More sounds

  • The included Factory Sound Bank has been expanded with thousands of new patches and loops for Reason's instruments, and hundreds of patches for the new Pulveriser, The Echo and Alligator effects. Finding your sound has never been easier.
    Reason v 5.0.1 30 nov. 2010 MacOS X Intel
    * The handling of bad sound drivers has been improved, lessening the risk of a crash due to faulty drivers.
    * Added Remote support for M-Audio Oxygen 88.
    * Added localized help and documentation in German, Japanese and French. Note: The localized help and documentation files are automatically included when Reason or Record are installed from the DVD. When downloading Reason or Record, you need to download and install localized help and documentation separately.
    * During certain circumstances, if a MIDI control surface was locked to a device and the user deleted any device from that song, the program could crash. This would happen if there was another song open and that song was playing back in the background.
    * The "Arpeggio Notes to Track" function on the RPG-8 could cause the program to crash if some of the RPG-8 parameters had been automated.
    * Saving a patch could in rare cases cause the program to crash. This happened if the user loaded a patch from a folder containing a huge number of patches, then moved the patch file to another folder and finally attempted to resave the patch by Alt-clicking the Save Patch button on the device.
    * In some cases, after copying and pasting a sample-based device from one song to another, the pasted device could refer to the wrong samples if the samples were self-contained.
    * Cable drawing has been slightly improved.
    * Thor's step sequencer in random mode triggered two voices. This could happen when the "Step" run mode was selected and the direction was set to "Random".
    * The program will occasionally check the available hard disk space. On some systems, these checks could make the user interface temporarily unresponsive.
    * Duplicating devices a large number of times could cause a graphical bug in the rack.
    * A number of localized (translated) text strings were cut off.
    * Voice handling for the NN-XT has been optimized slightly.
    * Dr. OctoRex slice numbers were not shown correctly in Edit mode when using the application in German.
    * If a song used SoundFonts under Windows Vista or Windows 7, the program could store the wrong path to the referenced samples. As a result, there would be missing sounds next time the song was opened.
    * Switching from MIDI sync to internal sync could result in an "Unknown Exception" alert.
    * The program could become very unresponsive when working with songs with a large number of self-contained samples.
    * Songs or combi patches could load with incorrect settings. This happened if a Combi rotary or button had been programmed to control a certain device parameter, and this parameter had been changed "manually" so that its state conflicted with the Combi rotary/button. After saving and loading, the setting of the device parameter was reset to match the Combi settings.
    * When stopping after recording in ReWire mode, the program could freeze for a few seconds.
    * Updated some Japanese translations.
    * The program could assert when changing to virtual MIDI input settings.
    * Kong's Nurse Rex in Slice Trig mode within a Mute Group would not mute the voice when another pad was triggered.
    * A crash could be caused by dragging one or more half width devices and hovering over a Disk Channel device that doesn't show inserts.
    * The function of bouncing several audio clips to new samples or to a new recording could take longer than expected.
    * The remote override mode was not completely blocked while the program tried to quit.
    * Muted audio clips in Blocks while adjusting the Block Clip offset could look a bit peculiar.
    * Sample Editor now handles samples with a sampling frequency below 8000 HZ correctly.
    * Names of Mix Channels could become blank in certain cases.
    * Bug in the Mix/Disk-channel, which could occur whenever a device was added or removed in the combi of a channel device (insert effects). This bug might show itself by some short clicking sound, artifact or short freeze when adding or removing devices in a channel device. The Combinator was not affected, and also not the master section.
    * There was a bug when the user tried to move the notes that were being recorded either by scaling the tempo in the tool window or nudging them with Ctrl-left/right.
    * Handling of ReGrooved blocks has been improved.
    * NN-Nano now uses High Quality Interpolation when pitching samples.
    * Converting pattern automation to notes disregarded pattern offsets incorrectly.
    * Automation of aftertouch, expression and breath are now smoothed in Thor.
    Reason v 5.0 25 août 2010 MacOS X Intel
  • Kong Drum Designer

  • GrooveBox avec 16 pads, 9 modules de batterie, synthèse analogique, modélisation physique, sampling, boucles REX, effets, routage flexible, banque sonore et kits de batterie intégrés.

  • Live Sampling

  • Tous les lecteurs de samples de Reason permettent maintenant d'enregistrer vos samples à la manière des sampleurs hardware. Editeur de samples avec détecteur de pitch et mappage automatique de zones pour créer des instruments multi-samples.

  • Neptune

  • ajusteur de pitch pour voix, transpositeur et harmoniseur

  • Blocks

  • Blocs de séquenceur regroupant les éléments d'un refrain, d'un couplet, d'une boucle de 8 mesures, etc. Toute modification sur un bloc affecte tous les blos identiques.

  • Dr. Octo Rex

  • chargement jusqu'à 8 boucles REX. Nouvelles fonctions

  • Autres nouveautés:

  • Automatic Self-Contain of Samples (incl from ReFills)
    Record Notes on Multiple Tracks
    Scale Clips by Resizing
    Mute Tool
    Set and move loop functions
    Tap Tempo
    Improved key commands for laptop use
    Hierarchical menus in Combinator programmer
    Additional CV inputs on Combinator
    Updated Help system (incl Help on Mac)
    Normalize and reverse audio clips
    Bounce clip to sample
    Reason v 4.0.1 10 janv. 2008 MacOS X UB
    A maintenance update that resolves a few minor issues and, as a response to user feedback received for Reason version 4, brings some small workflow changing alterations.
    Reason v 4.0 30 sept. 2007 MacOS X UB
    Thor : Synthétiseur Polyphonique
    RPG-8 : Arpégiateur Monophonique
    Mixer ReGroove
    Un Nouveau Séquenceur
    Localisation en français, allemand et japonais
    nouveaux patchs
    fenêtre outils
    mises à jour de Combinator et NN-XT
    Reason v 3.0.5 19 mai 2006 MacOS X UB
  • version compatible MacIntel

  • amélioration de performances ReWire
  • Reason v 3.0.4 25 août 2005 MacOS X PPC
    Correction de bugs concernant :
  • import MIDI

  • chargement de sessions anciennes

  • cross-browsing

  • gestion de notes combinées

  • icônes manquantes sous Tiger
  • Reason v 3.0.3 7 juil. 2005 MacOS X PPC
  • support pour contrôleur sans fil Frontier Design Group TranzPort

  • support pour M-Audio Ozonic

  • contrôle possible de solo et mute pour chaque piste sélectionnée

  • nombreux bugs corrigés
  • Reason v 2.5 13 mai 2003 MacOS X PPC
  • RV7000 Advanced Reverb : Une réverbe stéréo disposant de nombreux algorythmes. Des grands halls aux réverbérations à ressorts .

  • - BV-512 Digital Vocoder : Un vocoder 4 à 512 bandes avec EQ.
    - Scream 4 Sound Destruction Unit : Une distorsion capable de toutes les destructions, d'une subtile bande magnétique aux gouffres digitaux.
    - UN-16 Unison : Un chorus classique pour grossir et élargir le son, spécial synthés des années 80 !
    - Spider Audio Merger & Splitter : Une petite boite à malice pour les furieux des parcours de l'audio, des routing avancés bien plus faciles.
    - Spider CV Merger & Splitter : Un utilitaire de routing pour expérimenter sur le CV/gate pour explorer des chemin impossible auparavant dans Reason.
    Reason v 2.5 27 avril 2003 MacOS 9
  • RV7000 Advanced Reverb : Une réverbe stéréo disposant de nombreux algorythmes. Des grands halls aux réverbérations à ressorts .

  • - BV-512 Digital Vocoder : Un vocoder 4 à 512 bandes avec EQ.
    - Scream 4 Sound Destruction Unit : Une distorsion capable de toutes les destructions, d'une subtile bande magnétique aux gouffres digitaux.
    - UN-16 Unison : Un chorus classique pour grossir et élargir le son, spécial synthés des années 80 !
    - Spider Audio Merger & Splitter : Une petite boite à malice pour les furieux des parcours de l'audio, des routing avancés bien plus faciles.
    - Spider CV Merger & Splitter : Un utilitaire de routing pour expérimenter sur le CV/gate pour explorer des chemin impossible auparavant dans Reason.
    Reason Reason v 9.5 3 juin 2017 Windows
    Added support for VST 2.4 instrument, effect and utility plug-ins
    Added Delay Compensation functionality
    Added Export Device Remote Info function to File menu, allowing you to export a text file with Remote-ables for selected device
    Updated Reason Patch Collection with minor text and bug fixes
    Improved handling of hidden displays in Rack Extensions
    Improved error reports and statistics
    Propellerhead Reason Reason v 9.2 28 janv. 2017 Windows
    Added support for Rack Extension SDK 2.5. Rack Extensions now support sample loading, hidable widgets and more.
    Reason Patch Collection now includes all patches from Electromechanical and the office favorite patch Bass One’o’One (Reason only).
    The patch Rheem GlitterTop is now correctly categorized as Electric Piano (Reason only).
    Fixed a bug where a sample from the Factory Sound Bank could be self-contained which would lead to issues.
    Fixed an issue where notes could hang when using Players with the External MIDI Instrument (Reason only).
    Propellerhead Reason v 9.1 15 sept. 2016 Windows
    Support for Ableton Link
    studio Reason v 9 25 juin 2016 Windows
    Reason 9 introduces three Player devices that instantly transform any MIDI input into compelling music. Note Echo creates rhythmic, pitched MIDI delays for melodies, drum rolls, and more. Scales & Chords turns simple melodies into beautiful harmonies and chords so you can stay focused on the music making. Transpose notes to a selected scale and automatically generate chords for your song, no music theory required. Dual Arpeggio transforms chords into intricate and inspiring rhythms. From classic up-and-down to polyphonic and polyrhythmic, Dual Arpeggio breathes new life into any instrument in your Reason rack.

    Reason’s new Pitch Edit mode helps you produce flawless vocals. Fix out-of-tune notes, adjust vibrato, change your timing, create new melodies from your recording, change the dynamics, and more. Audio to MIDI lets you convert your vocals to MIDI notes for endless sound manipulation possibilities.

    Reason 9 also comes with 1000 new cutting-edge sounds to ignite your creativity. Whether you make chart-topping anthems or the sound of the underground, Reason's new sound bank will take your music to the next level. The legendary Reason rack is also enhanced with key workflow improvements and darker theme options, perfect for late-night studio sessions.

    Reason 9 also now includes the popular Pulsar dual channel LFO—previously available as a Rack Extension ($49) via the Propellerhead shop. Use Pulsar to introduce variation to your sounds, create entirely new ones using its advanced and flexible modulation, or load up any of the masterfully crafted presets for instant inspiration.
    virtuel Reason v 8.3beta 12 juin 2015 Windows
    RV7000 mkII
    Explore creative reverb sounds with RV7000 mkII! The new version of Reason’s cornerstone reverb effect turns RV7000 into a fully featured convolution reverb. Load any of the supplied impulse responses or create your own otherworldly reverb effects by sampling or loading your own impulse responses.

    Browse where you are!
    Call up Reason’s browser from where you work! The new browser introduced in Reason 8 offers a vastly improved workflow, but was previously only accessible from the main window. After feedback from users who use Reason with the rack in a detached window, you can now access the browser from there as well.

    Zoom to Selection
    Move quickly from birds-eye view to close-up. Hit the Z key to zoom to your selection and hit Z again to zoom back out. This is a real time-saver when editing and arranging!

    MIDI in the Rack
    Some Reason users spend most of their creative work in the rack view. Now you can select what device receives your master MIDI controller input directly from the rack, without having to go to the sequencer.
    telecharger Reason v 8.2 2 avril 2015 Windows
    Reason will now automatically detect if there is a newer version available, and optionally download and install this.
    A typical Reason update (without soundbanks) is now around 100 MB - a tenth of its old size!
    If sound banks (Factory Sound Bank, Orkester and the content bank for ID8) are missing when Reason is launched, the program will now offer to download and install them.
    Sound banks are now located in a global folder, which means new Reason updates can continue using the same sound banks without having them replaced or copied. It also means that different, parallel Reason installations can share the same sound banks.
    Reason and Authorizer no longer includes the Codemeter driver. Reason will run with Internet Verification (or in Demo Mode) without Codemeter. Codemeter can be downloaded separately for new users, should they need to run Reason without internet access.
    When browsing patches, you can now Revert back to the patch that was loaded when you started browsing.
    The color palette for tracks, channels and clips has been extended to 32 colors.
    The remotable items for Redrum have been extended to allow programming of Redrum patterns from a control surface.
    Reinstated key command for Show/Hide Recording Meter: Command-F3 (Mac) or Ctrl-F3 (Windows).
    Reason comes with a version of Authorizer that support Rack Extensions larger than 2GB.
    Help files and documentation are no longer installed with the program, but accessed online.
    Removed 32-bit support. Version 8.2 is a 64-bit application only.
    Added updated Remote files for Livid Instruments.
    Fixed a memory allocation bug in Reason Essentials that could cause glitches under some circumstances.
    Fixed a bug where Authorizer misbehaved if initial installation duties failed.
    Keyboard focus is now returned to the sequencer after the user makes settings in the Transport panel.
    Fixed potential crash bug when scrolling time position during recording.
    Fixed a bug where Reason would assert when adjusting clip length during recording.
    Added version check of sound banks
    Fixed typos on Login Screen (German localization)
    Extended allowed username length in all login/authorization dialogs
    Updated Drop to Propellerhead icon.
    Updated template songs with larger Zoom in Edit Mode + larger screen size
    Fixed a bug where Reason would assert if setting tempo / position to very high values.
    Browse focus would be lost when adjusting any parameter on the browsed device, if it was inside a mixer channel Insert FX container.
    Fixed a bug where Loop on/off wasn’t properly mirrored in both applications when Reason was ReWired.
    Fixed a bug where Reason couldn’t start if there was a broken Rack Extension.
    Fixed a bug where Reason could crash if the user didn’t have proper access rights to some folders.
    Improved track pad scrolling in the sequencer.
    mac Reason v 8.0 30 sept. 2014 Windows
    Reason 8 introduces a redesigned user interface, fresh new look and even smoother creative flow. Quickly and easily access your sounds, loops and patches whenever you need them using a new browser and search window—a one-stop-shop for creative inspiration. Dial-in incredible guitar and bass tones with a collection of new amps from legendary circuit modeler Softube—simply plug in your instrument, crank up the volume and experience the uncompromising tone, response and dynamics of the world’s finest classic amplifiers.

    Reason 8 also features countless usability improvements that put the flow back in workflow. Drag-and-drop from anywhere to anything and work faster with fewer clicks. Edit your tracks quickly with more powerful sequence note editing. Reason 8 lets you flow seamlessly from initial idea to completed song. And, with an ever-expanding selection of Rack Extension plug-ins available in the Propellerhead shop, you can easily expand your rack to include everything your music needs—now and in the future.
    windows Reason v 7.1.1 31 mai 2014 Windows
    This free maintenance update addresses the following issues:

    Fixed a problem where moving cables and rack devices could cause extremely slow rendering on some computers.
    Fixed a bug where previewing certain WAV files in 32-bit floating point format could cause a crash.
    Fixed a bug where arpeggiators in some Rack Extensions would get out of sync with the main Reason sequencer.
    Attempting to download a huge number of Rack Extensions at the same time will no longer cause Authorizer to crash.
    The asterisk indicating subtick lengths and positions is now always shown properly in the Clip Inspector.
    Loading samples without root key info would sometimes cause root key to be set to the lowest possible key. It’s now properly set to C3.
    A couple of internal fixes that could cause problems in some cases.
    Added support for Akai MPK 225-261 controllers.
    Added and extended support for several Livid Instruments controllers.
    macintosh Reason v 7.1 10 avril 2014 Windows
    Support for Custom Displays in Rack Extensions (SDK v.2).
    Rack Extensions built with SDK v.2 will perform math functions faster.
    Improved MIDI Clock Sync, with new settings.
    Reason can now send error reports and usage statistics.
    Shift-dragging devices will now re-route them properly.
    Better indications on audio clips.
    Various ReWire fixes.
    Reason can now import WAV files in 32 bit float format.
    Slices in self-contained REX files can now be used as samples.
    A Spectrum EQ button has been added to the Master Section device in the rack.
    Adjusted BV-512 Dry/Wet behaviour.
    It’s now possible to use the Razor tool on open audio clips.
    Split at Slices with a huge amount of slices selected will no longer make Reason freeze.
    Includes new Codemeter version: 5.10a
    A great number of minor bugs fixed!
    pc Reason v 7.0.1 17 mai 2013 Windows
    Fixed a bug that could lead to an “Unexpected Exception” message when starting Reason under certain conditions.
    Fixed a bug where the spectrum EQ window did not function properly after sample rate changes.
    Fixed a bug where Reason could crash under certain conditions after changing display settings on Mac.
    Added Remote codec for Novation Launchkey.
    Fixed Rack Extension download time-out problem in Authorizer.
    Fixed a problem in Authorizer where an “Internal Error” dialog could be shown when trying to start a new Rack Extension download if old downloads were still in progress.
    Reason v 7.0 30 avril 2013 Windows
    With Reason 7, users can integrate all their instruments into Reason with MIDI out, automatic audio slicing and audio quantize, and even convert their recordings into REX loops for further creative possibilities in the rack. For mixing, Propellerhead is introducing a spectrum analyzer with visual EQ controls; group and parallel mix channels; and many workflow improvements to help users sound better, easier. To inspire, Reason 7 makes it easier to import audio from users’ music libraries and the web with support for mp3, aac, wma and more. The enhanced Factory Sound Bank comes fully loaded with tons of new loops and drum kits, while the new Audiomatic Retro Transformer effect unit adds a futuristic-vintage sound to any tracks, never more than a mouse-click away.
    Reason v 7beta 12 mars 2013 Windows
    With Reason 7, users can integrate all their instruments into Reason with MIDI out, automatic audio slicing and audio quantize, and even convert their recordings into REX loops for further creative possibilities in the rack. For mixing, Propellerhead is introducing a spectrum analyzer with visual EQ controls; group and parallel mix channels; and many workflow improvements to help users sound better, easier. To inspire, Reason 7 makes it easier to import audio from users’ music libraries and the web with support for mp3, aac, wma and more. The enhanced Factory Sound Bank comes fully loaded with tons of new loops and drum kits, while the new Audiomatic Retro Transformer effect unit adds a futuristic-vintage sound to any tracks, never more than a mouse-click away.
    Reason v 6.5.3 8 janv. 2013 Windows
    Fixed a problem related to scrollbars under Mac OS 10.8, where the program could crash.
    Fixed a Create Menu bug, where sometimes the wrong device would be created.
    Fixed a bug in how the Browser uses the registry under Windows. This could lead to situations where some file types couldn’t be browsed and loaded.
    The Download All function for Rack Extensions could cause the Authorizer to misbehave or fail.
    Reason v 6.5.2 9 nov. 2012 Windows
    Authorizer now works properly under Windows 8.
    Reason now works with AMD processors under Windows 8.
    Fixed Combi patch backwards compatibility that was broken in 6.5.0 and 6.5.1.
    Default browse locations now work as in Reason 6.0.2.
    Rack Extensions now respond to sample rate changes in the ReWire host.
    Dropped support for 22,050 Hz sample rate on playback and export.
    Fixed crash bug when exporting song containing a placeholder device.
    Stopping playback now cuts hanging notes in Rack Extension devices.
    Fixed a bug that caused audio glitches in Neptune’s Live Mode.
    Fixed resource/memory leak when browsing in locations with lots of items.
    Fixed a bug in NN-XT when doing Set Root Notes From Pitch Detection.
    Fixed a bug where bounced samples defaulted to 0% Loop.
    Authorizer will no longer request downloading of license data when it’s not necessary.
    Fixed some ReWire bugs.
    Fixed a bug where the Master Section’s Insert FX would be moved when moving a connected device to another position in the rack.
    Fixed some name label bugs in template songs.
    Minor bug fixes.
    Reason v 6.5.1 11 juil. 2012 Windows
  • Fixed a bug where resetting a Combinator containing more than one selected device caused a crash.

  • Fixed performance issues with Alligator on 32-bit Windows.

  • Fixed a bug where context clicking on mixer parameters did not work if the rear of the rack was in view.

  • Fixed a bug where under specific conditions a Rack Extension could cause a crash.

  • Minor Rack Extension hosting fixes.
  • Reason v 6.5 15 juin 2012 Windows
    Propellerhead today released new versions of their award-winning music making platform: Reason 6.5 and Reason Essentials 1.5. New in these versions is the introduction of Rack Extensions—a groundbreaking new technology from Propellerhead that opens up the rack to third parties, enabling developers to create their own instruments and effects for Reason and allowing users to expand their collection of instruments and effects with the Reason devices they want.
    Reason v 6.0.2 21 déc. 2011 Windows
    This version fixes the following issues:

    Viewing the sequencer area by pressing F7 would always reset keyboard focus to the track list, with confusing results. Now the keyboard focus setting is properly remembered.
    If you changed settings in the Tool window when there was no open song document, the program could crash.
    The output of the RV-7 "Large Hall" algorithm was in mono.
    Copy command (Copy to clipboard) could cause an "Unknown Exception" error message.
    A few remote codecs (including Behringer BCR/BCF, Korg Kontrol49 and mikroKontrol) were not properly replaced when Reason 6 was installed over an existing Reason 5 installation, which made them stop working under Windows 64. Now they are replaced by the new version at installation.
    Some audio hardware models (that worked fine in Record) stopped working with Reason 6 under Mac OS X.
    If Reason received MIDI Clock while in ReWire mode, the program could crash.
    With some HID devices (e.g. Tablet input devices of certain brands) connected, Reason couldn't launch properly.
    Bounce Mixer Channels would cause Reason to hang if the program was in MIDI Clock Sync mode.
    Using the Speaker tool repeatedly in the audio editor could occasionally make the program hang.
    When the scratch disk became full, Reason 6 could crash.
    Old non-unicode keyboard layouts (Mac only) could cause Reason 32-bit to crash at startup
    On a Mac with a two-monitor setup and the SecondBar tool running, some actions could cause Reason to crash.
    Loading samples, opening and saving songs could take a very long time in some situations.
    General performance has been improved in many areas.
    The Novation Automap Control remotemap has been updated
    Remote support for Teenage Engineering OP-1 has been added.
    Reason v 6.0.1 30 sept. 2011 Windows
    In rare cases, the Save and Optimize could destroy the song file. This would happen if the operating system reported a problem to Reason at a bad (very specific) moment during save and optimize.
    Using the context menu on text fields in the tool window that could cause a crash.
    If some actions were performed in the browser while the name of a Favorite was being edited, this could cause a crash.
    Tempo map information embedded in audio files within ReFills couldn't be read properly. Now it can.
    The program now includes Line 6 TWXY 5.26.0. This allows access to computer authorized Line 6 models in Reason and makes the program compatible with Pod Farm 2.5.
    Zooming with the scroll wheel has been made smoother.
    The vertical navigator in the mixer did not reappear correctly (after being automatically hidden).
    The previous version accidentally included a beta version of ReWire. Now, the deployment version is included instead.
    Removed some misplaced text from the context menu in mixer (when running the program in French).
    Reason v 6.0 10 sept. 2011 Windows
  • Mix in studio grade quality

  • The fully equipped mixing desk adds a big studio signal chain to all your sound sources. Every audio and instruments track has its own channel strip — the built-in EQ, dynamics and advanced routing will give your music that unmistakable million-dollar console sound. The "radio ready" master bus compressor gives your mixes that extra punch.

  • Pulveriser

  • Pulveriser puts crunchy compression, dirty distortion, a multimode filter and flexible modulation in a single, sound-crunching effect.

  • The Echo

  • The Echo is an advanced stereo echo bringing together the brilliance of modern delays with the organic sounds of analog circuitry and old-school tape machines. The Echo is equal parts pristine stereo delay, sound sculpturing toolbox, and playable performance effect.

  • Alligator

  • Alligator is a three band pattern-based gate effect that turns bland pads into rhythmic textures, radically twists your loops, and tweak boring beats into blockrocking breaks.

  • Neptune

  • New in the Reason rack is the Neptune pitch correction and voice synth device. Neptune turns your performances into pitch-perfect ones in no time. Simply play your new harmonies on your MIDI keyboard for instant backing vocals.

  • Audio recording

  • Capture your ideas with a minimum of mouse clicks and menu actions — version 6 introduces unlimited hard disk tracks and rock solid audio recording in Reason.

  • Time stretch & audio transpose

  • With our now legendary non-destructive time stretch, you can actually record first and pick your tempo later. And with the brand new audio transpose you can even record first and change the key later. Change the tempo of your song, and the audio follows right along. Non-destructively change the pitch with a mouse click.

  • Recording meter

  • The large Recording Meter overlay lets you tune your guitar and set the levels from across the room.

  • Line 6 guitar and bass amps

  • With the virtual guitar and bass PODs® from amp and cab simulation experts Line 6, Inc. you are never short of interesting tones and timbres.

  • Comp editor

  • As a perfect performance may be less than perfect from scratch, Reason 6 features our swift and easy to use comp editor. Building the ultimate vocal track is as simple as selecting the parts that work and muting the ones that don't. Exit the comp editor and listen to the results; a perfect take containing only the good parts.

  • Expert exporting

  • Want to move your song over to your DAW? In one single click, Reason will export your separate mixer channels as individual audio stems, with or without effects. Need just the effects? No problem.

  • More sounds

  • The included Factory Sound Bank has been expanded with thousands of new patches and loops for Reason's instruments, and hundreds of patches for the new Pulveriser, The Echo and Alligator effects. Finding your sound has never been easier.
    Reason v 5.0.1 30 nov. 2010 Windows
    * The handling of bad sound drivers has been improved, lessening the risk of a crash due to faulty drivers.
    * Added Remote support for M-Audio Oxygen 88.
    * Added localized help and documentation in German, Japanese and French. Note: The localized help and documentation files are automatically included when Reason or Record are installed from the DVD. When downloading Reason or Record, you need to download and install localized help and documentation separately.
    * During certain circumstances, if a MIDI control surface was locked to a device and the user deleted any device from that song, the program could crash. This would happen if there was another song open and that song was playing back in the background.
    * The "Arpeggio Notes to Track" function on the RPG-8 could cause the program to crash if some of the RPG-8 parameters had been automated.
    * Saving a patch could in rare cases cause the program to crash. This happened if the user loaded a patch from a folder containing a huge number of patches, then moved the patch file to another folder and finally attempted to resave the patch by Alt-clicking the Save Patch button on the device.
    * In some cases, after copying and pasting a sample-based device from one song to another, the pasted device could refer to the wrong samples if the samples were self-contained.
    * Cable drawing has been slightly improved.
    * Thor's step sequencer in random mode triggered two voices. This could happen when the "Step" run mode was selected and the direction was set to "Random".
    * The program will occasionally check the available hard disk space. On some systems, these checks could make the user interface temporarily unresponsive.
    * Duplicating devices a large number of times could cause a graphical bug in the rack.
    * A number of localized (translated) text strings were cut off.
    * Voice handling for the NN-XT has been optimized slightly.
    * Dr. OctoRex slice numbers were not shown correctly in Edit mode when using the application in German.
    * If a song used SoundFonts under Windows Vista or Windows 7, the program could store the wrong path to the referenced samples. As a result, there would be missing sounds next time the song was opened.
    * Switching from MIDI sync to internal sync could result in an "Unknown Exception" alert.
    * The program could become very unresponsive when working with songs with a large number of self-contained samples.
    * Songs or combi patches could load with incorrect settings. This happened if a Combi rotary or button had been programmed to control a certain device parameter, and this parameter had been changed "manually" so that its state conflicted with the Combi rotary/button. After saving and loading, the setting of the device parameter was reset to match the Combi settings.
    * When stopping after recording in ReWire mode, the program could freeze for a few seconds.
    * Updated some Japanese translations.
    * The program could assert when changing to virtual MIDI input settings.
    * Kong's Nurse Rex in Slice Trig mode within a Mute Group would not mute the voice when another pad was triggered.
    * A crash could be caused by dragging one or more half width devices and hovering over a Disk Channel device that doesn't show inserts.
    * The function of bouncing several audio clips to new samples or to a new recording could take longer than expected.
    * The remote override mode was not completely blocked while the program tried to quit.
    * Muted audio clips in Blocks while adjusting the Block Clip offset could look a bit peculiar.
    * Sample Editor now handles samples with a sampling frequency below 8000 HZ correctly.
    * Names of Mix Channels could become blank in certain cases.
    * Bug in the Mix/Disk-channel, which could occur whenever a device was added or removed in the combi of a channel device (insert effects). This bug might show itself by some short clicking sound, artifact or short freeze when adding or removing devices in a channel device. The Combinator was not affected, and also not the master section.
    * There was a bug when the user tried to move the notes that were being recorded either by scaling the tempo in the tool window or nudging them with Ctrl-left/right.
    * Handling of ReGrooved blocks has been improved.
    * NN-Nano now uses High Quality Interpolation when pitching samples.
    * Converting pattern automation to notes disregarded pattern offsets incorrectly.
    * Automation of aftertouch, expression and breath are now smoothed in Thor.
    Reason v 5.0 25 août 2010 Windows
  • Kong Drum Designer

  • GrooveBox avec 16 pads, 9 modules de batterie, synthèse analogique, modélisation physique, sampling, boucles REX, effets, routage flexible, banque sonore et kits de batterie intégrés.

  • Live Sampling

  • Tous les lecteurs de samples de Reason permettent maintenant d'enregistrer vos samples à la manière des sampleurs hardware. Editeur de samples avec détecteur de pitch et mappage automatique de zones pour créer des instruments multi-samples.

  • Neptune

  • ajusteur de pitch pour voix, transpositeur et harmoniseur

  • Blocks

  • Blocs de séquenceur regroupant les éléments d'un refrain, d'un couplet, d'une boucle de 8 mesures, etc. Toute modification sur un bloc affecte tous les blos identiques.

  • Dr. Octo Rex

  • chargement jusqu'à 8 boucles REX. Nouvelles fonctions

  • Autres nouveautés:

  • Automatic Self-Contain of Samples (incl from ReFills)
    Record Notes on Multiple Tracks
    Scale Clips by Resizing
    Mute Tool
    Set and move loop functions
    Tap Tempo
    Improved key commands for laptop use
    Hierarchical menus in Combinator programmer
    Additional CV inputs on Combinator
    Updated Help system (incl Help on Mac)
    Normalize and reverse audio clips
    Bounce clip to sample
    Reason v 4.0.1 10 janv. 2008 Windows
    A maintenance update that resolves a few minor issues and, as a response to user feedback received for Reason version 4, brings some small workflow changing alterations.
    Reason v 4.0 30 sept. 2007 Windows
    Thor : Synthétiseur Polyphonique
    RPG-8 : Arpégiateur Monophonique
    Mixer ReGroove
    Un Nouveau Séquenceur
    Localisation en français, allemand et japonais
    nouveaux patchs
    fenêtre outils
    mises à jour de Combinator et NN-XT
    Reason v 3.0.4 3 août 2005 Windows
    Correction de bugs concernant :
  • import MIDI

  • chargement de sessions anciennes

  • cross-browsing

  • gestion de notes combinées

  • icônes manquantes sous Tiger
  • moins...
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    Identifiez vous grace à votre compte 440Software (MacMusic, PcMusic, 440TV, 440Forums, 440Software, ...) ou via votre compte FaceBook, Twitter ou Google.

    version 4.0, MacOS X UB
    Je l utilise depuis sa version 2 et franchement je suis sur que reason de Propellerhead n a pas fini de nous etonner
    on va en entendre encore parler je l espere en tout cas
    version 3.0.5, MacOS X UB
    J'aimerai une option pour configurer Reason en simple rack d'instrument virtuel. Ni transport, ni séquenceur. Juste un rack de son à connecter en Rewire.
    La version 3.0.5 est plus "profonde" que la précédente grace au combinator et les banques de sons livrées sont bien plus riches aussi.
    version 3.0.5, MacOS X UB
    Je comprend pas je tombe sur une page qui me demande mon pass et mon username, mais je suis déja connecter à mon compte, donc je ne peux pas le telecharger c'est bisarre .... Quelqu'un peux m'aidé ???
    version 3.0.5, MacOS X UB
    Voila ca marche, j'ai simplement pris soins de tout désinstaller et réinstaller :) en résumé : cette version est nickel chrome.
    version 3.0.5, MacOS X UB
    J"adore... mais je n'arrive pas à le faire fonctionner en rewire esclave avec GarageBand 3.0.2 : les timelines sont bien synchro, mais le son de reason ne semble pas etre redirigé vers GB du coup tout ce qui est fait sous Reason reste muet... Des idées ? Je lande GB puis Reason, Reason detecte le mode rewire... mais rien ne sort de reason
    version 3.0.4, MacOS X PPC
    Très bonne mise à jour et Reason 3 demeure le meilleur soft sorti cette année, car Live 5 déçoit beaucoup pour l'instant. Le Combinator est un instrument merveilleux qui s'approcherait de l'esprit de Reaktor et autre Bidule... Il suffit d'imaginer des combinaisons d'instruments et d'effets, de déterminer leur intéraction entre eux et vous obtenez un instument "inédit". On sort des sons "classiques" de Reason...
    Autre amélioration - et de taille : les éléments de mastering de classe M. Une tuerie ! Ne pas hésiter à acheter ce programme car ces Suédois le mérite !!!
    Une tuerie, manque juste une entrée audio live, sinon perfect.......
    version 2.5, MacOS X PPC
    C vraiman exelan ce site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    version 2.5, MacOS X PPC
    Excellent logiciel remplaceant avantageusement un sampleur et plusieurs synthés virtuels. Très bon complément de Protools 6 en Rewire, il est extrèmement économe en CPU, et très simple d'utilisation. Même les effets sont surprenants.
    version 2.5, MacOS X PPC
    Très efficace, je n'en vois pas les limites...
    version 2.5, MacOS X PPC
    Un produit excellent
    version 2.5, MacOS X PPC
    Moi je ne m'en passe plus, pour tous les styles de musiques :)
    Fantom X
    I love it. I'm just having problems linking with Pro tools 002 rack. Can someone please help
    version 2.5, MacOS X PPC
    A perfect compagnion for Protools or any other audio sequencer. Light CPU USE, power, versatility, ease of use...
    version 2.5, MacOS X PPC
    Must have
    version 2.5, MacOS X PPC
    Just got the demo from this site,excellent stuff,great synthesizers and effects and a nice sample library.

    Autres Logiciels par Propellerhead (3)

    ReBirth RB-338
    Synthétiseur logiciel. ReBirth 2.0.1 comprend 2 synthés de basses analogiques et 2 boîtes à rythmes classiques avec un delay, un compresseur, une distortion et le PCF (Pattern...
    Station de travail audio-MIDI. Record vous offre un nombre de pistes illimité, des effets et des outils de mixage de grande qualité, et une nouvelle approche de l'enregistrement musical. Doté...
    Outil pour boucles. Recycle résoud les problèmes de groove et nettoie les boucles avec un pitch, time stretch, effets et permet ainsi d'utiliser la boucle préparée soit dans un...
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