PDFtoMusic Pro

Categorie Education et composition / Partitions et tablatures
Version 1.3.1d
Format App
Compatibilité PDFtoMusic ProMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $199  /  199€
Mis à jour le 16 mai 2012
Téléchargements 1 319
Télécharg. Mac 978
Categorie Education et composition / Partitions et tablatures
Version 1.3.1d
Format App
Compatibilité PDFtoMusic ProWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $199  /  199€
Mis à jour le 16 mai 2012
Téléchargements 1 319
Télécharg. PC 341

Convertit les fichiers partitions PDF

Les partitions saisies avec votre ancien éditeur de partition ne sont plus compatibles avec le nouveau ?

Vous possédez des partitions au format PDF, et vous désirez les modifier avec votre éditeur de partition favori ?

Jusqu'ici, vos seules options étaient soit de saisir à nouveau entièrement vos morceaux, soit de les imprimer puis d'utiliser un logiciel de reconnaissance optique pour les convertir, avec plus ou moins de succès, en documents éditables.

Ce temps est révolu. A partir d'un document au format PDF (que vous pouvez générer à partir de n'importe quel logiciel, même ancien), PDFtoMusic Pro reconstruit la partition originale, et l'exporte par exemple au format MusicXML, utilisable dans la plupart des logiciels professionnels d'édition de partition.
PDFtoMusic Pro PDFtoMusic Pro v 1.3.1d 16 mai 2012 MacOS X UB
Title, Composer, Remarks are extracted from the PDF and exported

Better management of repeat start/end recognized as piece start/end
Myriad Software PDFtoMusic Pro PDFtoMusic Pro v 1.3.1 20 avril 2012 MacOS X UB

Better beam handling
PDF files are now managed up to version 1.7
Better ledger lines management
Management of copy/paste protected PDF files
New version auto detect
Better broken slurs management
Better 8va and 8vb management


Recent files menu
User's toolbar
Mensurstrich notation
Dynamics vertical position on one line staves
Myriad Software PDFtoMusic Pro v 1.3.0 11 mars 2011 MacOS X UB
1. The Kooplet music search engine is included, to search the Internet for PDF scores
2. Possible to deactivate the chord name search ("Correction" menu)

1. Position of the play bar in multi-rest bars

1. Rest display
2. Marcato Staccato ornament display
3. Tuplet rests in MusicXML export
4. Rests that fill a bar in MusicXML export
5. Rests vertical position
partitions PDFtoMusic Pro v 1.2.1 1 mai 2010 MacOS X UB
1. Management of forced bar numbers
2. Management of incomplete time signatures
3. PDFtoMusic Pro: Command-line access (without GUI)
4. PDFtoMusic Pro: Batch processing: Messages can be saved in a log file
5. PDFtoMusic Pro: Expert mode: Maximum grace note size setting

1. General improvement of musical or alphabetical characters
2. Better management of double barlines
3. Improvement of numbered endings management

1. Page number in the drawer
2. Dots localisation problem
3. On some files, accidentals and grace notes recognition
4. MusicXML export: "<" character in lyrics
5. Space character management
format PDFtoMusic Pro v 1.2.0 27 avril 2009 MacOS X UB
  • New

  • 1. The toolbar can now be customized
    2. A folder of sample PDF files is now provided
    3. It is now possible to exclude break symbols (segno, coda...) from the processing

  • Improvements

  • 1. Better export of grace notes (appoggiaturas) in MusicXML.
    2. Better recognition and export of tremolos.
    3. Better management of repeat start and end symbols
    4. Better management of drum staves, especially on documents that only include such staves.
    5. .myr export now manages metronome
    6. Verse number in lyrics are now better managed.
    7. Better recognition for half notes
    8. Crossed grace notes are now located and exported
    9. Better management of whole bar rests
    10. All actions available from menus can be activated through an icon, and vice versa

  • Corrections

  • 1. Fixed performance of some kind of drum staves
    2. Fixed a small problem of file compatibility between PDFtoMusic and Melody Player
    3. Fixed problem in beam recognition
    4. Crash on embedded Adobe Type 1 fonts with composite diacritics.
    nouveau PDFtoMusic Pro v 1.1.0 9 sept. 2008 MacOS X UB
  • New

  • Packed MusicXML format (.mxl) is now managed
    Correction Menu : item to allow bracket to create groups
    Correction Menu : item to ignore the clefs vertical offset
    Management of implied tuplets
    Now possible to export in MusicXML 2.0 format (global setup)

  • Improvements

  • Better management of drum staves
    Opening a PDF file from the desktop doesn't load the last documents
    Shift + mousewheel changes display scale

  • Fixes

  • Confusion between tuplets and part start
    Chord diagrams management
    Confusion on drum staves
    Memory crash when deleting a change made to the document
    PDFtoMusic Pro PDFtoMusic Pro v 1.3.1d 16 mai 2012 Windows
    Title, Composer, Remarks are extracted from the PDF and exported

    Better management of repeat start/end recognized as piece start/end
    Myriad Software PDFtoMusic Pro PDFtoMusic Pro v 1.3.1 20 avril 2012 Windows

    Better beam handling
    PDF files are now managed up to version 1.7
    Better ledger lines management
    Management of copy/paste protected PDF files
    New version auto detect
    Better broken slurs management
    Better 8va and 8vb management


    Recent files menu
    User's toolbar
    Mensurstrich notation
    Dynamics vertical position on one line staves
    Myriad Software PDFtoMusic Pro v 1.3.0 11 mars 2011 Windows
    1. The Kooplet music search engine is included, to search the Internet for PDF scores
    2. Possible to deactivate the chord name search ("Correction" menu)

    1. Position of the play bar in multi-rest bars

    1. Rest display
    2. Marcato Staccato ornament display
    3. Tuplet rests in MusicXML export
    4. Rests that fill a bar in MusicXML export
    5. Rests vertical position
    partitions PDFtoMusic Pro v 1.2.1 1 mai 2010 Windows
    1. Management of forced bar numbers
    2. Management of incomplete time signatures
    3. PDFtoMusic Pro: Command-line access (without GUI)
    4. PDFtoMusic Pro: Batch processing: Messages can be saved in a log file
    5. PDFtoMusic Pro: Expert mode: Maximum grace note size setting

    1. General improvement of musical or alphabetical characters
    2. Better management of double barlines
    3. Improvement of numbered endings management

    1. Page number in the drawer
    2. Dots localisation problem
    3. On some files, accidentals and grace notes recognition
    4. MusicXML export: "<" character in lyrics
    5. Space character management
    format PDFtoMusic Pro v 1.2.0 27 avril 2009 Windows
  • New

  • 1. The toolbar can now be customized
    2. A folder of sample PDF files is now provided
    3. It is now possible to exclude break symbols (segno, coda...) from the processing

  • Improvements

  • 1. Better export of grace notes (appoggiaturas) in MusicXML.
    2. Better recognition and export of tremolos.
    3. Better management of repeat start and end symbols
    4. Better management of drum staves, especially on documents that only include such staves.
    5. .myr export now manages metronome
    6. Verse number in lyrics are now better managed.
    7. Better recognition for half notes
    8. Crossed grace notes are now located and exported
    9. Better management of whole bar rests
    10. All actions available from menus can be activated through an icon, and vice versa

  • Corrections

  • 1. Fixed performance of some kind of drum staves
    2. Fixed a small problem of file compatibility between PDFtoMusic and Melody Player
    3. Fixed problem in beam recognition
    4. Crash on embedded Adobe Type 1 fonts with composite diacritics.
    nouveau PDFtoMusic Pro v 1.1.0 9 sept. 2008 Windows
  • New

  • Packed MusicXML format (.mxl) is now managed
    Correction Menu : item to allow bracket to create groups
    Correction Menu : item to ignore the clefs vertical offset
    Management of implied tuplets
    Now possible to export in MusicXML 2.0 format (global setup)

  • Improvements

  • Better management of drum staves
    Opening a PDF file from the desktop doesn't load the last documents
    Shift + mousewheel changes display scale

  • Fixes

  • Confusion between tuplets and part start
    Chord diagrams management
    Confusion on drum staves
    Memory crash when deleting a change made to the document
    Myriad Software
    Acheter PDFtoMusic Pro près de Columbus, United States chez:

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    Identifiez vous grace à votre compte 440Software (MacMusic, PcMusic, 440TV, 440Forums, 440Software, ...) ou via votre compte FaceBook, Twitter ou Google.

    version 1.3.0, MacOS X UB
    Bel outil. Précision : le document pdf ne peut pas être un scan, mais doit être généré au départ d'un programme de partitions musicales.

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