Categorie Production Audio / Hôtes de Plug-Ins
Version 1.54
Format App
Compatibilité VSTHostWindows
Licence Logiciel Gratuit
Prix Gratuit
Mis à jour le 25 juin 2013
Téléchargements 8 667
Télécharg. PC 8 667

Hôte VST

- hôte de plug-ins VST
- entrée et sortie MIDI
- ouvre et sauve les fichiers .fxb / .fxp
- entrée/sortie par les drivers Windows MME ou ASIO
- Lecteur de fichier wave / enregistreur
- lecteur MIDI
VSTHost VSTHost v 1.54 25 juin 2013 Windows
  • Fixed incompatibility with ReaJS and other PlugIns that don't pass back a

  • chunk before one's been loaded
  • Restructured File menu and added "Mute Performance On Load"

  • Added "Delete" button to Load Performance and Save Performance As dialogs

  • VST3 PlugIns' custom context menu could kill VSTHost; corrected

  • VST3 MIDI Controller -> Parameter ID remapping didn't work correctly

  • performance loading didn't work correctly for Shell PlugIns

  • (only if the previously loaded performance did NOT contain them)
  • MIDI->Parameter output mode "Relative" added

  • new MIDI->Parameter types "Note On/Off Velocity" and "Note On/Off Key" added

  • new MIDI->Parameter modes "From" and "To" added (for defined triggers)

  • added Pre-/Post-Fader recording

  • added soft clipping

  • bridge program stability increased;

  • robustness against bridge program failures increased;
    bridge speed improvements
  • added some REAPER-style PlugIn calls and host callbacks;

  • see http://www.reaper.fm/sdk/vst/vst_ext.php for further details.
    Presumably only of interest for a few PlugIn developers.
  • added PlugIn Editor window support for VST Module Architecture PlugIns.

  • NB: this is limited to the few VSTMA PlugIns I could find on the 'net.
    If you got others which use additional features of Steinberg's over-the-top
    XML UI specification, please let me know.
  • Added SysEx window to list of possible MIDI inputs for PlugIns

  • PlugIns can send MIDI to SysEx window, and SysEx messages are passed from

  • SysEx window to PlugIns
  • PlugIn Parameter window remodeled to match Cubase's getParameterProperties()

  • support; this might spell "t-r-o-u-b-l-e" for PlugIns that were modeled after
    VSTHost's implementation, which was done in 2006...
  • added manual to distribution (not for betas)

  • Now if only I could force people to READ it...
  • added "Double x64" distribution for people with too much CPU time
  • Hermann Seib VSTHost VSTHost v 1.53 8 janv. 2013 Windows
    The usual tons of enhancements, bug fixes and internal changes
    Hermann Seib VSTHost v 1.51 4 août 2011 Windows
    Hermann Seib

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