
Categorie Education et composition / Partitions et tablatures
Version 1.2
Format App
Compatibilité TuxguitarMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Gratuit
Prix Gratuit
Mis à jour le 3 nov. 2009
Téléchargements 7 992
Télécharg. Mac 4 337
Categorie Education et composition / Partitions et tablatures
Version 1.2
Format App
Compatibilité TuxguitarWindows
Licence Logiciel Gratuit
Prix Gratuit
Mis à jour le 3 nov. 2009
Téléchargements 7 992
Télécharg. PC 3 655

Editeur multipiste de tablature

Tuxguitar est un éditeur de tablatures façon Guitar Pro offrant beaucoup de possibilités. Sous license GNU, il est par conséquent gratuit. Chose appréciable, l'interface est en français.
Tuxguitar Tuxguitar v 1.2 3 nov. 2009 MacOS X UB
* Support measure range to loop
* Transpose notes feature
* Optionally transpose afected notes when change tuning
* Move beats left|right support
* More song properties options.
* Add multiple measure support
* Clean multiple measure support
* Number of pastes support
* Better lilypond plugin
* Better fluidsynth plugin
* New jack plugin
* New community integration plugin
* New cocoa integration plugin
* New audio unit plugin
* Fix some bugs
TuxGuitar Tuxguitar Tuxguitar v 1.1 24 juin 2009 MacOS X UB
This release does not contain many visible changes.
It's actually a code structure rewrite, changes that are need to face the challenge of 2.0
TuxGuitar Tuxguitar v 1.0 25 mars 2008 MacOS X UB
Tuxguitar Tuxguitar v 1.2 3 nov. 2009 Windows
* Support measure range to loop
* Transpose notes feature
* Optionally transpose afected notes when change tuning
* Move beats left|right support
* More song properties options.
* Add multiple measure support
* Clean multiple measure support
* Number of pastes support
* Better lilypond plugin
* Better fluidsynth plugin
* New jack plugin
* New community integration plugin
* New cocoa integration plugin
* New audio unit plugin
* Fix some bugs
TuxGuitar Tuxguitar Tuxguitar v 1.1 24 juin 2009 Windows
This release does not contain many visible changes.
It's actually a code structure rewrite, changes that are need to face the challenge of 2.0
TuxGuitar Tuxguitar v 1.0 25 mars 2008 Windows

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