FuzzMeasure Pro

Categorie Outils / Analyse & Mesure
Version 3.2.4
Format App
Compatibilité FuzzMeasure ProMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $125  /  105€
Mis à jour le 29 oct. 2011
Téléchargements 2 790
Télécharg. Mac 2 790

Analyse et mesure acoustique et audio

FuzzMeasure Pro est une suite d'outils de mesure de d'analyse acoustique et audio utilisables en home studio, studio d'enregistrement, sur scene, etc.
Requires Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard (Supports 10.6 and 10.7)
FuzzMeasure Pro FuzzMeasure Pro v 3.2.4 29 oct. 2011 MacOS X UB
Non indiquées
SuperMegaUltraGroovy FuzzMeasure Pro FuzzMeasure Pro v 3.2.3 27 oct. 2010 MacOS X UB
Non indiquées
SuperMegaUltraGroovy FuzzMeasure Pro v 3.2.2 19 août 2010 MacOS X UB
The largest change in this release is an important one, as I believe I may have finally found a 'silver bullet' to deal with widespread confusion about FuzzMeasure's results. Now, FuzzMeasure will fail gracefully when a measurement is captured incorrectly, rather than giving you bad data.

You see, I get a lot of support emails from customers who are new to FuzzMeasure, and acoustic measurements in general. In many cases, their misunderstanding stems from the fact that FuzzMeasure will happily let you measure silence, and give you a meaningless graph.

Not any more!

FuzzMeasure now checks and ensures that there is a distinct impulse peak that should be well above the noise floor of a signal. This serves as a built-in failsafe that will force you to repeat measurements until you get your levels set up correctly.

Setting levels may be a combination of adjusting the volume of your amplifier to produce a louder input for your microphone, or changing the gain on your microphone preamplifier to pick up more signal. At any rate, you should be sure to use the Level Meter window to keep an eye on how quiet (or loud) your input is being picked up during the measurement.

In addition to this change, you can now also choose to normalize the impulse graph "post calculation." Just choose Impulse > Normalize from the main menu to enable this feature. This feature basically allows you to view the Envelope Time Curve and Log Squared Impulse Response with their peak at 0dB. Normalizing the record (Measurement > Normalize) would not necessarily guarantee this.

I also boosted performance considerably for users that find themselves viewing lots of Envelope Time Curve graphs. Because that calculation is very intensive, I now use a caching scheme that will stash already-calculated ETCs to disk for faster recall when switching between records.
audio FuzzMeasure Pro v 3.2.1 15 mai 2010 MacOS X UB
Release notes not available
studio FuzzMeasure Pro v 3.0 19 nov. 2007 MacOS X UB
Release notes not available
acoustique FuzzMeasure Pro v 2.0.11 3 nov. 2006 MacOS X UB
Resolved cases in this release

  • Feature 2057 — Normalize frequency response graph

  • Users may now apply a normalization operation to records, which normalizes the impulse response and allows for better comparisons between measurements taken at different volume levels.
  • Feature 3820 — Remove icon bar from inspector window, add shortcut keys

  • Cleaned up the inspector window to allow greater flexibility and more obvious text to denote the contents of each inspector view. Also added shortcut keys to quickly access specific inspector views.
  • Bug 3178 — Microphone calibration settings/records not saved between launches

  • Microphone calibration settings are now retained between launches.
  • Bug 3516 — Y offsets for frequency/impulse graphs

  • Users can now offset graphs in the Y axis for individual records using the adjustment tool in the inspector (5th tab).
  • Bug 3604 — Minor graph lines not close enough

  • Improved the spacing of graph lines so that they can get as close as 1 pixel apart, to show as much resolution as possible for easier at-a-glance graph reading.
  • Bug 3605 — Labels on graph can get too close together

  • Added spacing between labels so that they don't get too close together.
    mesure FuzzMeasure Pro v 2.0.8 31 août 2006 MacOS X UB
  • Bug 2678: Waterfall plot draws slowly while rotating on PowerPC machinesWhile rotating the waterfall plot using the mouse on PowerPC machines, the display would update very slowly despite having a fast CPU and GPU. Waterfall plots now rotate much more smoothly. This fix also makes Intel-based systems redraw even faster than before.

  • Bug 2677: Waterfall plot labels not present on PowerPC-based systemsWhen displaying waterfall plots in FuzzMeasure Pro on a PowerPC machine, labels would not show at all, or show up garbled. This is now fixed.
  • telecharger FuzzMeasure Pro v 2.0.6 27 août 2006 MacOS X UB
  • Users can now set the impulse response analysis window as short as 0.1ms for particularly quick impulse responses.

  • Under certain conditions, automatic microphone correction would not take effect on channels that appear after a gap in the record channel list. This is now fixed.

  • Users can now read values off the screen more easily in a single glance without resorting to adding markers, thanks to more lines getting drawn between text labels on the graph where appropriate.
  • SuperMegaUltraGroovy
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