
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 1.1r3
Compatibilité RemedyMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Gratuit
Prix Gratuit
3.4 / 5 , 10 votes
Mis à jour le 3 oct. 2007
Téléchargements 18 222
Télécharg. Mac 12 982
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 1.1r3
Compatibilité RemedyWindows
Licence Logiciel Gratuit
Prix Gratuit
3.4 / 5 , 10 votes
Mis à jour le 3 oct. 2007
Téléchargements 18 222
Télécharg. PC 5 240

Synthétiseur soustractif

Caractéristiques :

- portamento avec réglage automatique ou par l'utilisateur
- polyphonie 5 voix
- mode monophonique
- mode Legato

Section LFO:
- ON/OFF global
- 6 formes d'onde
- taux ajustable et atténuation
- pitch
- modulation FM
- modulation PW

Section Amp:
- Atténuation
- Contrôles d'enveloppe AHDSR
- niveau de modulation FM
- niveau de modulation PW

Section oscillateur
- Deux oscillateurs
- Osc1 : 5 formes d'onde
- Osc2 : 7 formes d'onde
- contrôle de mixage entre Osc.1 et Osc.2
- modulation PW
- modulation FM

Section filtre
- niveau de filtre
- contrôles Attack, Decay, Sustain
- fréquence de coupure
- niveau de résonnnance
- niveau de contrôle de molette de modulation
- niveau de contrôle de vélocité

Section Arpégiateur
- Synchronisation à l'application hôte
- Etendue 1 à 4 octaves
- Effet d'écho
- 7 modes
- 7 patterns
Remedy Remedy v 1.1r3 3 oct. 2007 MacOS X UB
Remedy Remedy v 1.1r3 3 oct. 2007 Windows

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version 1.1r3, MacOS X UB

links from:

;D killer synth
version 1.1r3, MacOS X UB
As the link is dead, does anybody got a copy they could send me or a working link would do?
version 1.1r3, MacOS X UB
Link is dead
Dr. Nyquist
We have updated Remedy now to version 1.1r3. RTAS 6 (for protools 6.x) is now supported, however, we have scene a little weirdness with it.
Burgos - we are pretty much both a Mac and PC type of company. I have worked for Digidesign in the past when they were Mac only, and was there when PT5 was first offered for PC (NT service pack 4.287364483). Kidding about the service pack number obviously... but it was sumtin like that. I also worked with Opcode during the last couple years before Gibson swallowed them along with Studio Vision - so I do have my roots in Audio on a Mac. Oh yeah, my partner and I put out the Studio9000, one of the first virtual instruments only for Mac back in the day... so, we have been around Mac Audio for some time. Thanks for the suggestions though, you make valid points - Mac users have come to expect a certain experience using a Mac and that should be considered. Rest assured though, we don't have bugs to annoy Mac users.
Anyways, keep your ears open for upcoming preset design contests and other contests using Remedy where you can win a full version of Nexsyn.
version 1.1r3, MacOS X UB
Logic has no bugs?
nice little synth....could use a few more presets.
Metro SE
version 1.1r3, Windows
Works great on MacBook Pro now. Thanks.
Thanks for replying Dr. Nyquist. I agree that keeping up with "every possible host" can be difficult, but we're talking about LOGIC It's probably the second most popular DAW for the Mac just under ProTools. I've got a feeling you guys are primarily PC, so I'll give you a bit of advice in regards to selling to the Mac world. First, we're not used to bugs the same way the Windows world is, so if you release something bad to begin with, it's difficult to shake that reputation.
Dr. Nyquist
You bring up very good points. We do have issues with AU validation. Rest assured this will be fixed. With three of us making up the company KeyToSound, it is almost impossible to keep up with every possible host for a synth we give away for free… we are trying though.
With the feedback we get about Remedy, we are able to focus on the issues. Had the Remedy been sold commercially, of course this unknown behavior on certain hosts would not have been accepted. We just wanted to put something out there for you… for free… so, all I can say is if it's not working in your host, don't use it and hang tight… we're working on it. does work, so feel free to email your host version, platform, and system specs. Thank you!
We've also had many reports from many satisfied users on most popular hosts. Unfortunately, a free synthesizer doesn't get the attention a commercial synth would… but I can tell you that we will have these issues with Remedy fixed, and it will always be free.
keep on rockin in the free world.
Does not pass the Logic AU validator so the company must not have tested it on Logic. You can force Logic into using it, but when you instantiate it, it comes up without an interface. Not a good sign in my opinion to release your first thing in a half ass state. The other major problem is that KeyToSounds support e-mail get returned.
I can't believe that this is free! What a great synth. Excellent work Keytosound.

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