
Categorie Outils / Analyse & Mesure
Version 1.7.0
Format App
Compatibilité SpectreMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $88  /  81€
Mis à jour le 17 mai 2014
Téléchargements 7 077
Télécharg. Mac 7 077

Multi-analyseur audio en temps réel

Spectre est un analyseur audio en temps réel "multi-instruments". Basé sur Quartz, OpenGL et CoreAudio, Spectre propose spectrographe, spectrogramme, VU-mètres, oscilloscope, fenêtre Lissajous, et mesures multicanal et multi-traces. Il est également capable d'analyser un signal en insert Audio Units depuis un autre ordinateur en réseau (grâce à AUNetSend/AUNetReceive).
Mac OS X 10.8+
Spectre Spectre v 1.7.0 17 mai 2014 MacOS X Intel
?? Greatly improved performance and stability
  • €¢ Fully optimized for Retina displays

  • €¢ Audio Bundles enable you to create groups of channels for your audio input hardware, making configuration even easier

  • €¢ Comprehensive Full Screen support

  • €¢ Meter configuration is now integrated into each Meter

  • €¢ Traces now have their own spectral analysis settings

  • €¢ Updated User Guide in iBooks and PDF formats
  • Audiofile Engineering Spectre Spectre v 1.6.0 25 mai 2012 MacOS X Intel
    + new LU Meter and LU History Meter (EBU R128 loudness standard)
    * manual has been updated and is now in PDF format
  • resolves an issue where the app would not launch on 10.7.4

  • addresses minor issues related to performance and stability
  • Audiofile Engineering Spectre v 1.5.5 17 août 2011 MacOS X Intel
    NOTE: This build requires Mac OS X 10.6 and an Intel processor. All future builds of Spectre are Intel-only. We will no longer be releasing Universal binaries of our apps.

  • resolved an issue where meters would not relocate to main display when secondary display is disconnected

  • resolved and issue where the an error would be generated when adding a FLAC file to the player

  • resolved a rare issue where an error would be presented after calibrating the VU meter and then clicking on another meter

  • resolved an issue where audio input preferences would not be retained between launches

  • resolved an issue where an error would be presented while configuring input preferences

  • resolved an issue where an error would be presented when multiple meters were open and input preferences were changed

  • resolved a rather annoying error message related to auto-update and appcasts
  • audio Spectre v 1.5.3b1 1 oct. 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Various bug fixes
  • temps Spectre v 1.5.2 10 sept. 2010 MacOS X UB
    + Leq Meter
    + Leq(m) filter
    + Leq(RLB) filter
    + Leq(R2LB) filter
    + ITU-R 468
    + Starter License
    * Various internal cleanups and updates
    telecharger Spectre v 1.5.2b1 3 sept. 2010 MacOS X UB
    + Leq Meter
    + Leq(m) filter
    + Leq(RLB) filter
    + Leq(R2LB) filter
    + ITU-R 468
    + Starter License
    * Various internal cleanups and updates
    mac Spectre v 1.5.1 3 juin 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Fixed effect error when enabling/disabling the Player
  • windows Spectre v 1.5.1b1 23 mars 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Fixed effect error when enabling/disabling the Player
  • macintosh Spectre v 1.5.0 9 févr. 2010 MacOS X UB
    + Inspector
    + A/B/C-weighted filters
    + VU and BBC Meters: calibration
    + VU Meter: Peak LED light (is a trace type)
    + Oscilloscope: trigger sync
    + Numerical Meter > Measurement: Crest Factor (ratio of the peak to the RMS)
    + Numerical Meter > Measurement: Form Factor (ratio of the peak to the average)
    + Lissajous meter: autozoom switch
    + gain control for individual traces
    + individual traces can be active/inactive
    + individual traces hidden/visible
    + improved trace labels
    + View > Rulers
    + "Duplicate Meter" in Edit menu
    + ability to show/hide grid in relevant meters
    * Fully Snow Leopard compatible
    * Added support in the player for FLAC and Ogg Vorbis
    * Labels renamed to Rulers
    * ability to re-order traces
    * redesigned Player
    * improved resize rules
    * Preferences > Input
    * various stability and performance improvements
    pc Spectre v 1.5.0rc2 15 nov. 2009 MacOS X UB
    * Fully Snow Leopard compatible
    * Added support in the player for FLAC and Ogg Vorbis
  • fixed a bug clicking on the full-screen background

  • fixed a bug recalling a horizontal level meter
  • Audiofile Engineering
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