
par ChucK
Categorie Production Audio / Expérimental
Version 0.2.0
Format App
Compatibilité miniAudicleMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Gratuit
Prix Gratuit
Mis à jour le 5 oct. 2009
Téléchargements 4 147
Télécharg. Mac 2 271
Categorie Production Audio / Expérimental
Version 0.2.0
Format App
Compatibilité miniAudicleWindows
Licence Logiciel Gratuit
Prix Gratuit
Mis à jour le 5 oct. 2009
Téléchargements 4 147
Télécharg. PC 1 876

Environnement de développement ChucK intégré

MiniAudicle est un environnement de développement intégré pour le langage de programmation audio ChucK. Il peut être utilisé de manière autonome ou en conjonction avec les modes traditionnels d'opérations 'chuck' et les autres outils chuck.
Osx 10.3.9 or later
miniAudicle miniAudicle v 0.2.0 5 oct. 2009 MacOS X UB
  • (added)(all) chuck-

  • - (added)(Mac) GUI buffer size option
    - (fixed)(Mac) Snow Leopard compilation fix
    ChucK miniAudicle miniAudicle v 31 mai 2009 MacOS X UB
    - (added)(all) chuck-
    - (added)(all) hooks into VM stall detection
    - (added)(Mac) device browser
    - (added)(Mac) on-the-fly programming visualization
    - (fixed)(Mac) smart indentation bugfixes/tweaks
    ChucK miniAudicle v 25 mars 2007 MacOS X UB
  • --

    - (added)(all) chuck-
    - (added)(all) command line argument support
    - (added)(Windows,Linux) graphical preferences interface
    - (added)(Windows,Linux) wxWidgets 2.8 support
    - (added)(Linux) ChucK/miniAudicle logo now associated
    with application windows
    - (added)(Mac) smart indentation (including enable/disable
    Prefs option) (not so smart sometimes)
    - (added)(Mac) buffer size Preferences option
    - (added)(Mac) Text, Gauge UI elements
    - (added)(Mac) enable/disable line numbers Preferences option
    - (fixed)(Linux) crash closing document windows
    - (fixed)(Mac) line numbers now scroll dynamically and
    continue to bottom of document view
    - (fixed)(Mac) VM and console monitors update when mouse is
    held down
    - (fixed)(Mac) improved console monitor performance
    environnement miniAudicle v 20 sept. 2006 MacOS X UB
  • --

    - (fixed)(Linux) massive stability improvements
    - (fixed)(Mac) resolved spurious 'undefined type' errors when using MAUI
    - (fixed)(Mac) Virtual Machine monitor CPU usage improvments
    - (fixed)(Mac) console monitor speed/performance improvements
    - (changed)(Linux,Windows) ChucK menu items now use same key bindings as miniAudicle OS X
    - (added)(all) chuck- integrated
    - (added)(Linux,Windows) ability to close and recall console monitor and virtual machine monitor
    - (removed)(Linux,Windows) console monitor buffer limit ignored (too slow)
    veloppement miniAudicle v 17 août 2006 MacOS X UB
    - (fixed)(all) fixed nasty bug where real-time audio would fail if more
    than one audio device was specified as default and one or more of the
    default devices had only input or only output channels
    - (fixed)(Mac) fixed threading issue which caused MAUI LEDs to erratically
    not light or unlight as directed
    - (changed)(Win32,Linux) changed default font size for document window and
    console monitor
    - (changed)(Win32,Linux) disabled network OTF thread
    - (changed)(Win32,Linux) changed syntax highlighting colors
    - (added)(all) console monitor now has limited, user-adjustable scrollback
    buffer size
    telecharger miniAudicle v 20 avril 2006 MacOS X PPC
    Version initiale
    miniAudicle miniAudicle v 0.2.0 5 oct. 2009 Windows
  • (added)(all) chuck-

  • - (added)(Mac) GUI buffer size option
    - (fixed)(Mac) Snow Leopard compilation fix
    ChucK miniAudicle miniAudicle v 31 mai 2009 Windows
    - (added)(all) chuck-
    - (added)(all) hooks into VM stall detection
    - (added)(Mac) device browser
    - (added)(Mac) on-the-fly programming visualization
    - (fixed)(Mac) smart indentation bugfixes/tweaks
    ChucK miniAudicle v 17 août 2006 Windows
  • (fixed)(all) fixed nasty bug where real-time audio would fail if more

  • than one audio device was specified as default and one or more of the
    default devices had only input or only output channels
    - (fixed)(Mac) fixed threading issue which caused MAUI LEDs to erratically
    not light or unlight as directed
    - (changed)(Win32,Linux) changed default font size for document window and
    console monitor
    - (changed)(Win32,Linux) disabled network OTF thread
    - (changed)(Win32,Linux) changed syntax highlighting colors
    - (added)(all) console monitor now has limited, user-adjustable scrollback
    buffer size
    environnement miniAudicle v 8 août 2006 Windows
  • Universal Binary

  • possibilité de sélectionner l'interface audio et le taux d'échantillonage vie le dialogue preferences

  • amélioration des commandes Replace Shred et Remove Shred

  • correction de bugs
  • ChucK

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    version, MacOS X UB
    ça tombe bien, je cherchais à programmer une poupée avec Chuck ...
    ok, je sors ...

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