
Categorie Outils / Convertisseurs
Version 4.81
Format App
Compatibilité SwitchMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $30  /  28€
Mis à jour le 25 mars 2015
Téléchargements 16 683
Télécharg. Mac 12 356
Categorie Outils / Convertisseurs
Version 4.76
Format App
Compatibilité SwitchWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $30  /  28€
Mis à jour le 11 mars 2015
Téléchargements 16 683
Télécharg. PC 4 327

Convertisseur de fichiers sons

Fonctions :
- possibilité de convertir une grande variété de formats dont wav, mp3, ogg, flac, aac, au, aiff, ogg, vox, amr, gsm et mov.
- jusqu'à 32000 fichiers peuvent être convertis à la fois
- lecture audio
Switch Switch v 4.81 25 mars 2015 MacOS X Intel
Non indiquées
NCH Software Switch Switch v 4.67 10 déc. 2014 MacOS X Intel
Non indiquées
NCH Software Switch v 4.57 22 nov. 2013 MacOS X Intel
Non indiquées
fichiers Switch v 4.34 27 oct. 2012 MacOS X UB
Version 4.34
Mac OS X Spanish Version Release:

Uploaded 2012-08-27

Version 4.33
Mac OS X Version Release:

Fixed user is not able to open help page through shortcut key(command+?)
Fixed "convert button" is not display at the right side of bottom.
Fixed add image Tag support for Flac.
Fixed when we select Output format is ".caf", Conversion failed and component "alacconvert" downloading failed.
Fixed conversion to .mov using default settings produces broken .mov file.
Fixed mostly application hangs while converting wma file to other formats
Fixed after Play some file Play ".wma" file, application is not responding for a long time
Fixed converting CD track does not work
Fixed when user first maximize the application and select the conversion tab on Preferences dialog then OK,Cancel and Help buttons are hidden at bottom of the dialog.
Fixed Switch unable to display image in flac
Done remove Stop button from toolbar
Uploaded 2012-08-14

Version 4.32
Mac OS X Spanish Language Version Release:

Uploaded 2012-06-13

Version 4.32
Mac OS X French Language Version Release:

Uploaded 2012-06-13

Version 4.31
Mac OS X German Language Version Release:

Uploaded 2012-06-12

Version 4.31
Mac OS X Japanese Language Version Release:

Uploaded 2012-06-12

Version 4.30
Mac OS X Version Release:

Uploaded 2012-06-06

Version 4.30
Mac OS X Version Release:

Fixed UI issue on main window
Fixed all buttons are overlapped on Lion OS
Fixed While trying to convert a CAF file, appears 2 error messages for each conversion.. and output file sounds fine.
Fixed convert the audio file from.vox to .wav format then every time switch become not reasonding.
Fixed user should not be able to use shortcut keys if they are not available in tool tip.
Fixed in file menu, there is no option for "Edit with wave pad"
Fixed convert mp3 file to .wav file with 8 bit sample rate then Application becomes not reasponding
Fixed user is able to play file with space key
Fixed often Switch doesn't load a full list of CD files
Fixed it is not possible to eject disc from drive if it played before in Switch
Fixed validation missing for 'stream URL' in convert audio stream wizard.
Done if user attempt to convert video file, show suggestion to download and install Prism
Done artwork lost when converting to flac and from flac.
Fixed in Help Encoder Options page, raw / vox encoder options link redirect to Decoder Settings page
Uploaded 2012-06-05
telecharger Switch v 1.42 7 mars 2009 MacOS X Intel
Windows Upgrade Release:
* Improved components installation on Windows Vista
* Fixed bug on Windows 98 where combo output file box was not appearing
mac Switch v 1.42 7 mars 2009 MacOS X PPC
Windows Upgrade Release:
* Improved components installation on Windows Vista
* Fixed bug on Windows 98 where combo output file box was not appearing
windows Switch v 1.05 27 janv. 2006 MacOS X PPC
Switch Switch v 4.76 11 mars 2015 Windows
NCH Software Switch Switch v 4.29 27 oct. 2012 Windows
Version 4.29
Windows Japanese Language Version Release:

Fixed failed Convert to playlist formats(m3u, wpl) and play output playlist in player(WMP)
Fixed blank name accepts while conversion
Fixed for multiple file selection - View Information menu are in disabled state, but short cut keys will work
Fixed list of not-translated strings. Possible LANG() missed for strings in the list
Fixed Play window - seek do not work. Not able to set position to play
Uploaded 2012-05-07

Version 4.28
Windows Spanish Language Version Release:

Uploaded 2012-05-03

Version 4.28
Windows German Language Version Release:

Uploaded 2012-05-03

Version 4.28
Windows French Language Version Release:

Uploaded 2012-05-03

Version 4.27
Windows Version Release:

Fixed Switch hangs while trying to convert attached file. Seems it's not valid
Fixed .m3u, .pls and .wpl is absent in output list
Fixed 'Repeat this action for any remaining conflicts' skips all files from conversion
Fixed Switch unable to convert any supported file to .caf.
Uploaded 2012-05-01
NCH Software Switch v 1.42 7 mars 2009 Windows
Windows Upgrade Release:
* Improved components installation on Windows Vista
* Fixed bug on Windows 98 where combo output file box was not appearing
fichiers Switch v 1.0 4 janv. 2007 Windows
NCH Software
Acheter Switch près de Columbus, United States chez:

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version 1.05, MacOS X PPC
Leopard Mac Book Pro
Works well
No problems
version 1.05, MacOS X PPC
It's an ok converter. Although, I'd wish for 2 things to be implemented:
1.) Automatic channel detection (mono / stereo), so that it can convert to the same channel format as the original file.
2.) I'd like it to be able to save the converted files to the same folder as the original files are.

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