
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 2.9.4
Format AUVST
Compatibilité SpectrumWorxMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $119  /  110€
Mis à jour le 24 oct. 2014
Téléchargements 1 207
Télécharg. Mac 651
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 2.9.4
Format VST
Compatibilité SpectrumWorxWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $119  /  110€
Mis à jour le 24 oct. 2014
Téléchargements 1 207
Télécharg. PC 556

Effets modulaires

SpectrumWorx est un processeur d'effet modulaire fonctionnant exlusivement dans le domaine des fréquences. Vous disposez de plus de 50 modules librement combinables. SpectrumWorx offre des possibilités infinies pour "triturer" vos sons.

- plus de 50 modules pitch shifter, classic vocoder, wah-wah, robotizer, wobbler, autotune, reverser, etc.).
- moteur optimisé pour un usage modéré du processeur
- navigateur de preset
- plus de 100 presets
- LFOs configurables
- support audio externe
Mac 32-bit: Operating system: OS X 10.6 or later. Processor: Intel. VST or AU host software. Mac 64-bit: Operating system: OS X 10.7 or later. Processor: Intel. VST or AU host software.
Windows 32-bit: Operating system: Windows XP SP3 or later. Processor: with SSE2 or later. VST host software. Windows 64-bit: Operating system: Windows Vista x64 SP1 or later. Processor: with SSE3 or later. VST host software.
SpectrumWorx SpectrumWorx v 2.9.4 24 oct. 2014 MacOS X Intel
V 2.9.4 – 2014-10-20

* added:
- "User's guide" button in the About page
- new image for LFO controlled knobs when automatic knob updating is turned off

* fixed:
- LFOs for shared module parameters not getting updated with tempo or time signature changes
- frequency range control:
- control name not displayed
- wrong control name displayed (Start instead of Stop and vice verse)
- rare crashes while manually operating the control
- crashes when parsing licences with non-ASCII or “special” characters
- (PVD)PitchMagnet target frequency parameter unnecessarily quantized (again)
- broken Ableton Live undo history (partially fixed - still works properly only for “configured” parameters)
- appearance on scaled and/or ”high DPI” displays
- AU:
- automation of power-of-two parameters (e.g. DFT size and overlap factor)
- host-initiated channel count changes
- validation failure in 32 bit mode under OSX 10.9 Mavericks
- random crashes
- VST:
- mono output under Ableton Live
- OS X 32 bit: auxiliary windows not following the main window

* improved:
- undo/redo and VST program changing behaviour and performance (YMMV depending on the host)
- minor phase vocoder phase coherence improvement in certain edge cases
- minor overall performance improvements
- VST: dynamic automated parameter list functionality (YMMV depending on the host - works nicely with the latest Reaper)

v 2.9.3 – 2013-10-10

* fixed:
- Windows XP: crashes on startup
- VST:
  • various problems or crashes related to custom multi-channel IO modes and speaker arrangements and/or hosts which do not support dynamic IO mode changes

  • SpectrumWorx will now also report its channel configuration as “multiple mono channels” (rather than as stereo, 5.1, etc) as this is how it actually operates currently (there is no interchannel processing or analysis)

  • latency reporting in certain contexts

  • - possible rare crashes when validating licences
    - bogus “preset uses synced LFOs which the host does not support” warning messages

    v 2.9.2 – 2013-10-02

    * fixed:
    - rare crashes when loading large presets
    - OSX 64 bit: plugin not validating or loading

    v 2.9.1 – 2013-10-01

    * fixed:
    - OSX 32 bit: not loading at all on OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard
    - Windows installation:
    - folder access permissions
    - zombie Start menu entries after installing and uninstalling both the 32 bit and 64 bit versions

    * changed:
    - OSX 64 bit: reduced minimum OS requirements to OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard
    - Windows installation: reduced minimum required Microsoft Windows Installer version to 3.1
    Little Endian SpectrumWorx SpectrumWorx v 2.9.0 26 sept. 2013 MacOS X Intel
    * added:
    - 64 bit support, minimum requirements:
    - OS X: 10.7 Mountain Lion
    - Windows: Vista x64, SSE3 capable CPU
    - Cinning Bao's "SideChainables" preset collection
    - Random/LE Hectic preset

    * improved:
    - minor resource consumption reduction when operating without the GUI
    - OSX: TuneWorx performance

    * changed:
    - to reduce the package size all the samples were converted to the MP3 format
    - Windows: changed the installation engine from InstallJammer to the native Windows Installer (MSI). If you have a previous version installed and would like a clean system, please manually uninstall the previous version and delete the hidden "Program Files (x86)\InstallJammer Registry" folder if there are no other InstallJammer-based installations on your system (in which case the only file, along possible empty folders, in the "InstallJammer Registry" folder should be installkit.exe).

    * fixed:
    - module frequency range control focus/selection tracking
    - Burrito applying the Side gain to the Main and Side sum instead of just the Side signal in Sum mode
    - Denoiser clipping/automuting in Noise footprint::Side mode with low Amount and side channel levels
    - Freeze controls becoming ineffective after certain automation scenarios
    - TuneWorx 'stereoizing' mono signals
    - reverted the 2.8.0 change to the Robotizer sound (the old behaviour was the correct one)
    - AU: garbled parameter value strings in generic UIs
    - Windows: samples referenced by presets created under OS X not loading even when copied into the default Samples folder
    Little Endian SpectrumWorx v 2.8.0 25 avril 2013 MacOS X Intel
    This version adds Audio Units support for Mac OS X. Both OS versions have been updated with several sound fidelity, stability and performance improvements.
    modules SpectrumWorx v 2.7.0 2 juil. 2012 MacOS X Intel
    This version adds Octaver module, improves pitch shifter quality, and significantly reduces memory consumption. Both OS versions have been updated with several stability and performance improvements.
    processeur SpectrumWorx v 2.6.0 19 déc. 2011 MacOS X Intel
    This version adds frequency range, gain and dry/wet controls to each module separately, all available from the main plug-in window. This addition significantly increases usability and makes the plug-in capable of producing subtle sound effects easier. Both OS versions have been updated with significant performance improvements.
    telecharger SpectrumWorx v 2.5.0 29 juil. 2011 MacOS X Intel
    This version adds Freeze and Convolver modules, and a 50-preset signature bank created by Syndicate Synthetique, thus representing a major update. Both OS versions have also been updated with stability and performance improvements.
    mac SpectrumWorx v 2.4.0 30 mars 2011 MacOS X Intel
    * added:
    - "Gamma Shift", signature preset bank by Martin Walker
    - automatable LFOs
    - new module parameter control: symmetric knob

    * fixed:
    - hosts are now correctly notified of automatable parameter changes when modules are added, moved or removed
    - LFO waveform icons alignment
    - default positions of the "In" and "Out" main editor knobs

    * improved:
    - more descriptive unit text for the Frecho Rate parameter
    - more descriptive LFO section of the GUI
    - overall efficiency improvements and binary size reduction
    windows SpectrumWorx v 2.3.0 22 févr. 2011 MacOS X Intel
    * added:
    - LFO phase adjustment
    - new module: "Frevcho", reversed frequency domain echo
    - new LFO waveforms: random and glide ("Grandom"), chaotic random ("Whacko"), impuls up and down ("Dirac up", "Dirac down")
    - 10 presets

    * removed:
    - automatic "Band Pitch Shifter" to "Pitch Shifter" compatibility translation for old presets

    * fixed:
    - no GUI in DSP Quattro
    - incorrect Burrito operation for non-mono input
    - incorrect LFO period snapping for triplet and dotted notes in the range between one beat and one bar duration
    - changing the tempo or the time signature no longer alters the period of free LFOs
    - LFOs are now correctly updated with time signature changes
    - enabling an LFO for a parameter now blocks automation for that parameter (instead of the previous one)
    - presets that were not updated with PVD Pitch Spring changes in version 2.2
    - presets that loaded an external audio sample without actually using it
    - interpretation of the host provided VST time position information, SW no longer strictly follows the VST 2.4 standard in this regard but this seems to work better with major hosts (e.g. SW LFOs will no longer run twice as fast when you switch from a quarter based to a quaver based meter in Reaper, Live or Cubase)
    - renamed random and hold LFO waveform from "Random" to "Hrandom"

    * improved
    - echoed signal in Frecho is not low-passed
    - waveform icon for random and hold
    macintosh SpectrumWorx v 2.2.0 31 janv. 2011 MacOS X Intel
    This version brings the much awaited "tempo-synchronized LFOs" feature and more presets, totaling 145. Both OS versions have been updated with stability and performance improvements.
    pc SpectrumWorx v 2.1.0 16 déc. 2010 MacOS X Intel
    * added:
    - Mac OSX 10.5 and 10.6 support
    - Preset browser "SaveAs" functionality

    * removed:
    - Preset browser "Revert" functionality
    - ".swp" preset file extensions from the Preset Browser display
    - the "Pitch Shifter" module:
    - renamed the "Band Pitch Shifter" module to "Pitch Shifter"
    - existing presets with the "Pitch Shifter" module will load correctly except that SW will warn you about missing start and stop frequency parameters, simply dismiss the warnings and press "Save" (to update the preset with the new Pitch Shifter setup)
    - SW will handle existing presets with the "Band Pitch Shifter" module and will load them with as if they referred to the (new) "Pitch Shifter" (please update your affected presets as this special handling may be removed in a future version)

    * fixed:
    - Frecho: dry signal leakage
    - crashes and/or lockups when automating global parameters
    - lost automated parameter changes when rendering
    - deadlock in Reaper when in demo mode
    - hosts are now correctly notified about SW IO mode changes (including during project loading)
    - changed the Overlap factor parameter to take only power-of-two values thereby eliminating modes with inherent audibile artefacts

    * improved:
    - slightly polished exported parameter name generation
    - new preset name generation (name of the current program instead of simply "current")
    - significant overall speedup (up to 15%) and binary size reduction
    - minor system resource usage reduction (SpectrumWorx no longer spawns unnecessary threads)

    * known issues:
    - Mac: Audio Mulch 2.1, Studio One 1.6.0 and Live 8.2 (on OS X 10.5) are known to crash if closed while a SpectrumWorx GUI is open with one of the auxiliary windows (Settings and/or Preset Browser).
    - Mac: Live 8.2 is known to crash when loading a project file with a SpectrumWorx instance that tries to set a non-default IO mode.
    - Mac: real-time LFO knob animation uses a lot of CPU power (until this is fixed you can workaround the issue by changing the LFO update GUI option to either never or only for selected/active controls).
    - Mac: SpectrumWorx GUI does not work in Audacity.
    SpectrumWorx SpectrumWorx v 2.9.4 24 oct. 2014 Windows
    V 2.9.4 – 2014-10-20

    * added:
    - "User's guide" button in the About page
    - new image for LFO controlled knobs when automatic knob updating is turned off

    * fixed:
    - LFOs for shared module parameters not getting updated with tempo or time signature changes
    - frequency range control:
    - control name not displayed
    - wrong control name displayed (Start instead of Stop and vice verse)
    - rare crashes while manually operating the control
    - crashes when parsing licences with non-ASCII or “special” characters
    - (PVD)PitchMagnet target frequency parameter unnecessarily quantized (again)
    - broken Ableton Live undo history (partially fixed - still works properly only for “configured” parameters)
    - appearance on scaled and/or ”high DPI” displays
    - AU:
    - automation of power-of-two parameters (e.g. DFT size and overlap factor)
    - host-initiated channel count changes
    - validation failure in 32 bit mode under OSX 10.9 Mavericks
    - random crashes
    - VST:
    - mono output under Ableton Live
    - OS X 32 bit: auxiliary windows not following the main window

    * improved:
    - undo/redo and VST program changing behaviour and performance (YMMV depending on the host)
    - minor phase vocoder phase coherence improvement in certain edge cases
    - minor overall performance improvements
    - VST: dynamic automated parameter list functionality (YMMV depending on the host - works nicely with the latest Reaper)

    v 2.9.3 – 2013-10-10

    * fixed:
    - Windows XP: crashes on startup
    - VST:
  • various problems or crashes related to custom multi-channel IO modes and speaker arrangements and/or hosts which do not support dynamic IO mode changes

  • SpectrumWorx will now also report its channel configuration as “multiple mono channels” (rather than as stereo, 5.1, etc) as this is how it actually operates currently (there is no interchannel processing or analysis)

  • latency reporting in certain contexts

  • - possible rare crashes when validating licences
    - bogus “preset uses synced LFOs which the host does not support” warning messages

    v 2.9.2 – 2013-10-02

    * fixed:
    - rare crashes when loading large presets
    - OSX 64 bit: plugin not validating or loading

    v 2.9.1 – 2013-10-01

    * fixed:
    - OSX 32 bit: not loading at all on OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard
    - Windows installation:
    - folder access permissions
    - zombie Start menu entries after installing and uninstalling both the 32 bit and 64 bit versions

    * changed:
    - OSX 64 bit: reduced minimum OS requirements to OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard
    - Windows installation: reduced minimum required Microsoft Windows Installer version to 3.1
    Little Endian SpectrumWorx SpectrumWorx v 2.9.0 26 sept. 2013 Windows
    * added:
    - 64 bit support, minimum requirements:
    - OS X: 10.7 Mountain Lion
    - Windows: Vista x64, SSE3 capable CPU
    - Cinning Bao's "SideChainables" preset collection
    - Random/LE Hectic preset

    * improved:
    - minor resource consumption reduction when operating without the GUI
    - OSX: TuneWorx performance

    * changed:
    - to reduce the package size all the samples were converted to the MP3 format
    - Windows: changed the installation engine from InstallJammer to the native Windows Installer (MSI). If you have a previous version installed and would like a clean system, please manually uninstall the previous version and delete the hidden "Program Files (x86)\InstallJammer Registry" folder if there are no other InstallJammer-based installations on your system (in which case the only file, along possible empty folders, in the "InstallJammer Registry" folder should be installkit.exe).

    * fixed:
    - module frequency range control focus/selection tracking
    - Burrito applying the Side gain to the Main and Side sum instead of just the Side signal in Sum mode
    - Denoiser clipping/automuting in Noise footprint::Side mode with low Amount and side channel levels
    - Freeze controls becoming ineffective after certain automation scenarios
    - TuneWorx 'stereoizing' mono signals
    - reverted the 2.8.0 change to the Robotizer sound (the old behaviour was the correct one)
    - AU: garbled parameter value strings in generic UIs
    - Windows: samples referenced by presets created under OS X not loading even when copied into the default Samples folder
    Little Endian SpectrumWorx v 2.8.0 25 avril 2013 Windows
    This version adds Audio Units support for Mac OS X. Both OS versions have been updated with several sound fidelity, stability and performance improvements.
    modules SpectrumWorx v 2.7.0 2 juil. 2012 Windows
    This version adds Octaver module, improves pitch shifter quality, and significantly reduces memory consumption. Both OS versions have been updated with several stability and performance improvements.
    processeur SpectrumWorx v 2.6.0 19 déc. 2011 Windows
    This version adds frequency range, gain and dry/wet controls to each module separately, all available from the main plug-in window. This addition significantly increases usability and makes the plug-in capable of producing subtle sound effects easier. Both OS versions have been updated with significant performance improvements.
    telecharger SpectrumWorx v 2.5.0 29 juil. 2011 Windows
    This version adds Freeze and Convolver modules, and a 50-preset signature bank created by Syndicate Synthetique, thus representing a major update. Both OS versions have also been updated with stability and performance improvements.
    mac SpectrumWorx v 2.4.0 30 mars 2011 Windows
    * added:
    - "Gamma Shift", signature preset bank by Martin Walker
    - automatable LFOs
    - new module parameter control: symmetric knob

    * fixed:
    - hosts are now correctly notified of automatable parameter changes when modules are added, moved or removed
    - LFO waveform icons alignment
    - default positions of the "In" and "Out" main editor knobs

    * improved:
    - more descriptive unit text for the Frecho Rate parameter
    - more descriptive LFO section of the GUI
    - overall efficiency improvements and binary size reduction
    windows SpectrumWorx v 2.3.0 22 févr. 2011 Windows
    * added:
    - LFO phase adjustment
    - new module: "Frevcho", reversed frequency domain echo
    - new LFO waveforms: random and glide ("Grandom"), chaotic random ("Whacko"), impuls up and down ("Dirac up", "Dirac down")
    - 10 presets

    * removed:
    - automatic "Band Pitch Shifter" to "Pitch Shifter" compatibility translation for old presets

    * fixed:
    - no GUI in DSP Quattro
    - incorrect Burrito operation for non-mono input
    - incorrect LFO period snapping for triplet and dotted notes in the range between one beat and one bar duration
    - changing the tempo or the time signature no longer alters the period of free LFOs
    - LFOs are now correctly updated with time signature changes
    - enabling an LFO for a parameter now blocks automation for that parameter (instead of the previous one)
    - presets that were not updated with PVD Pitch Spring changes in version 2.2
    - presets that loaded an external audio sample without actually using it
    - interpretation of the host provided VST time position information, SW no longer strictly follows the VST 2.4 standard in this regard but this seems to work better with major hosts (e.g. SW LFOs will no longer run twice as fast when you switch from a quarter based to a quaver based meter in Reaper, Live or Cubase)
    - renamed random and hold LFO waveform from "Random" to "Hrandom"

    * improved
    - echoed signal in Frecho is not low-passed
    - waveform icon for random and hold
    macintosh SpectrumWorx v 2.2.0 31 janv. 2011 Windows
    This version brings the much awaited "tempo-synchronized LFOs" feature and more presets, totaling 145. Both OS versions have been updated with stability and performance improvements.
    pc SpectrumWorx v 2.1.0 16 déc. 2010 Windows
    * added:
    - Mac OSX 10.5 and 10.6 support
    - Preset browser "SaveAs" functionality

    * removed:
    - Preset browser "Revert" functionality
    - ".swp" preset file extensions from the Preset Browser display
    - the "Pitch Shifter" module:
    - renamed the "Band Pitch Shifter" module to "Pitch Shifter"
    - existing presets with the "Pitch Shifter" module will load correctly except that SW will warn you about missing start and stop frequency parameters, simply dismiss the warnings and press "Save" (to update the preset with the new Pitch Shifter setup)
    - SW will handle existing presets with the "Band Pitch Shifter" module and will load them with as if they referred to the (new) "Pitch Shifter" (please update your affected presets as this special handling may be removed in a future version)

    * fixed:
    - Frecho: dry signal leakage
    - crashes and/or lockups when automating global parameters
    - lost automated parameter changes when rendering
    - deadlock in Reaper when in demo mode
    - hosts are now correctly notified about SW IO mode changes (including during project loading)
    - changed the Overlap factor parameter to take only power-of-two values thereby eliminating modes with inherent audibile artefacts

    * improved:
    - slightly polished exported parameter name generation
    - new preset name generation (name of the current program instead of simply "current")
    - significant overall speedup (up to 15%) and binary size reduction
    - minor system resource usage reduction (SpectrumWorx no longer spawns unnecessary threads)

    * known issues:
    - Mac: Audio Mulch 2.1, Studio One 1.6.0 and Live 8.2 (on OS X 10.5) are known to crash if closed while a SpectrumWorx GUI is open with one of the auxiliary windows (Settings and/or Preset Browser).
    - Mac: Live 8.2 is known to crash when loading a project file with a SpectrumWorx instance that tries to set a non-default IO mode.
    - Mac: real-time LFO knob animation uses a lot of CPU power (until this is fixed you can workaround the issue by changing the LFO update GUI option to either never or only for selected/active controls).
    - Mac: SpectrumWorx GUI does not work in Audacity.
    Little Endian
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    version 2.1.0, MacOS X Intel
    Cela fait bien longtemps que les accrocs de traitement spectral attendaient que SpectrumWorx soit porté sous osx. Personnellement, l'unique raison d'être de ma partition Win était justement la V1 de SpectrumWorx, qui compilait la plupart des traitements spectraux recensés à ce jour, y compris les plus exotiques. C'est chose faite, avec une interface plus accessible, de nouveaux modules, des possibilités de modulations simples très intuitives, l'ensemble bénéficiant de la puissance de traitement des processeurs d'aujourd'hui. Et pour les créatifs qui souhaiteraient, par exemple surmoduler dans Max for Live, tous les paramètres répondront avec souplesse - en modulant la loop dur/in/out de sequenceurs propres à M4L qui contrôleraient Spectrumworx, le résultat peut vite être bluffant. Expérimentateurs, essayez. Note à macmusic.org, ce n'est plus Delaydots, mais Little Endian !
    Bienvenue visiteur: