
Categorie Production Audio / Editeurs et Enregistreurs Audio
Version 3.6
Format App
Compatibilité ClickRepairMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $40  /  37€
Mis à jour le 15 nov. 2011
Téléchargements 4 368
Télécharg. Mac 3 489
Categorie Production Audio / Editeurs et Enregistreurs Audio
Version 3.6
Format App
Compatibilité ClickRepairWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $40  /  37€
Mis à jour le 15 nov. 2011
Téléchargements 4 368
Télécharg. PC 879

Restauration audio

ClickRepair est une application pour nettoyer les clics et les craquements de fichiers audio produits par la numérisation de disques vinyl (LP) et shellac (78). ClickRepair n'est pas un réducteur de bruits : il cherche et répare des dommages localisés. Pour des disques en état raisonnable, 99.5% ou plus du signal audio reste inchangé.
Apple's Java 1.4.2 ou plus Mac OS X 10.2.6 ou plus
ClickRepair ClickRepair v 3.6 15 nov. 2011 MacOS X UB
  • Drag and Drop interface for single file processing (see new manual, p10).

  • More robust handling of unacceptable files.

  • Changes to File Dialog workaround introduced in version 3.4.2 (Mac only).

  • Requests users to print registration information.

  • Minor bug fixes.
  • Brian Davies ClickRepair ClickRepair v 3.5.2 29 août 2011 MacOS X UB
  • Further changes to breakpoint behaviour.
  • Brian Davies ClickRepair v 3.5 20 août 2011 MacOS X UB
  • Can set breakpoints (see new manual, p52).
  • audio ClickRepair v 3.4.5 27 juin 2011 MacOS X UB
  • Automatic update notification.
  • disques ClickRepair v 3.4.4 13 juin 2011 MacOS X UB
    Minor bug fixes.
    telecharger ClickRepair v 3.4.3 21 mai 2011 MacOS X UB
    Fixed Windows bug introduced in previous release.
    mac ClickRepair v 3.4.2 4 mai 2011 MacOS X UB
  • Work-arounds for problems with FileDialogs on Mac OS X. • Minor bug files.
  • windows ClickRepair v 3.4.1 16 sept. 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Improvements to user interface.

  • Fixed bug in handling files with meta-data.
  • macintosh ClickRepair v 3.4 8 août 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Improvement to batch processing interface.

  • Sound output further revised.

  • Minor bug fixes in dialogs.
  • pc ClickRepair v 3.3 5 avril 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Can process files up to 192kHz (using exact reconstruction).

  • Facility to save and restore custom settings to file.
  • plus...
    ClickRepair v 3.1.2 14 déc. 2009 MacOS X UB
  • Revised Java Sound Output features.

  • Restored Mac file-association feature accidentally omitted from version 3.1.1.

  • Minor bug fixes.
  • ClickRepair v 3.1.1 6 déc. 2009 MacOS X UB
  • Minor interface enhancements.

  • New bundled Java for WIndows.
  • ClickRepair v 3.1 25 oct. 2009 MacOS X UB
  • New options for Java Sound Output settings.

  • New preferences location for WIndows.

  • Minor interface enhancements.
  • ClickRepair v 3.0.2 16 août 2009 MacOS X UB
  • Will process AIFF files longer than 2GB.

  • Java defaults updated for Mac OS.

  • New launcher and installer for Windows version.
  • ClickRepair v 3.0 19 déc. 2008 MacOS X UB
  • Additional wavelet layers (existing methods unchanged).

  • - Option for reverse processing (useful for percussive music).
    - Minor interface enhancements.
    ClickRepair v 2.3.1 7 mai 2008 MacOS X UB
    Version 2.3.1 (build 37b) released May 2, 2008:
    - Minor improvements to batch dialog.
    - Minor bug fixes.

    Version 2.3 (build 37a) released April 22, 2008:
    - Extensive rewrite resulting from release of DeNoise, DeNoiseLF and Equalizer.
    - Minor interface improvements.
    - Minor bug fixes.

    Version 2.2.1 (build 35e) released December 5, 2007:
    - Direct link from application for purchase of license code.
    Version 2.2 (build 35d) released October 25, 2007:
    - New Windows Installer is Vista compatible.
    - All versions now employ Java 1.4.2.

    Version 2.2 (build 35b) released July 5, 2007:
    - The menus have been reorganised and extended.
    - It is now possible to operate the interface entirely from the keyboard.
    - Voice Over support for Mac OS X, enabling use by sight-impaired users.
    - Batch processing is now enabled in trial mode.
    - New installer for Windows users.
    ClickRepair v 2.1.2 25 mai 2007 MacOS X UB
    Interim release which fixes the problem that the program "hangs" randomly.
    A further planned update should restore dual-core processing for Windows users.
    This version retains dual-core processing for Mac OS users.
    ClickRepair v 2.0.5 14 nov. 2006 MacOS X UB
    Important bug-fix for the operation of the "Stereo>Mono" merge algorithm, which could drift during the processing of long files (not completely fixed in version 2.0.4).
    ClickRepair v 2.0.4 1 nov. 2006 MacOS X UB
    Important bug-fix for the operation of the "Stereo>Mono" merge algorithm, which could drift during the processing of long files.
    Further minor interface enhancements.
    ClickRepair v 2.0.2 21 oct. 2006 MacOS X UB
    Version 2.0.2 (build 33d) released October 21, 2006:

    Fixed bug which could cause processing to stall in some exceptional circumstances.
    Minor user interface enhancements.
    Version 2.0.1 (build 33c) released September 21, 2006:

    ClickRepair 2 is greatly changed and enhanced compared to the previous version 1.3.2. Some of the changes will be obvious (to existing users) from the interface. The most important are:

    There is a new processing method which splits the audio data (in each channel) into two streams, using the theory of wavelets. This allows for better resolution.
    The previous method of processing each channel as a single stream are still available as an option (with some improvements to the algorithms).
    There is a new algorithm for protection of brass instruments and other highly pitched material.
    The previous method for mono material, which simply pre-mixed to a single data stream, is replaced by independent treatment of the channels, followed by an automatic merge.
    The previous method for shellac (78) material involved both pre-mixing and post-filtering. Both of these restrictions have been removed.
    The detection and repair algorithms have been improved – with the new version it is much more likely that marginal and/or false repairs will amount to minor changes.
    Following user feedback, the sensitivity settings have been re-defined, with the new numbers (0–100) corresponding to lower sensitivity than in version 1.3.2. However, the maximum sensitivity (100) remains unchanged, for the benefit of users with older material.
    Visual feedback has been updated to allow the user to simultaneously monitor the operations of declick, decrackle, and pitch detection.
    The manual has been expanded as a result of these changes. The French Manual has also been updated by Philippe Bonin.
    ClickRepair ClickRepair v 3.6 15 nov. 2011 Windows
  • Drag and Drop interface for single file processing (see new manual, p10).

  • More robust handling of unacceptable files.

  • Changes to File Dialog workaround introduced in version 3.4.2 (Mac only).

  • Requests users to print registration information.

  • Minor bug fixes.
  • Brian Davies ClickRepair ClickRepair v 3.5.2 29 août 2011 Windows
  • Further changes to breakpoint behaviour.
  • Brian Davies ClickRepair v 3.5 20 août 2011 Windows
  • Can set breakpoints (see new manual, p52).
  • audio ClickRepair v 3.4.5 27 juin 2011 Windows
  • Automatic update notification.
  • disques ClickRepair v 3.4.4 13 juin 2011 Windows
    Minor bug fixes.
    telecharger ClickRepair v 3.4.3 21 mai 2011 Windows
    Fixed Windows bug introduced in previous release.
    mac ClickRepair v 3.4.2 4 mai 2011 Windows
  • Work-arounds for problems with FileDialogs on Mac OS X. • Minor bug files.
  • windows ClickRepair v 3.4.1 16 sept. 2010 Windows
  • Improvements to user interface.

  • Fixed bug in handling files with meta-data.
  • macintosh ClickRepair v 3.4 8 août 2010 Windows
  • Improvement to batch processing interface.

  • Sound output further revised.

  • Minor bug fixes in dialogs.
  • pc ClickRepair v 3.3 5 avril 2010 Windows
  • Can process files up to 192kHz (using exact reconstruction).

  • Facility to save and restore custom settings to file.
  • plus...
    ClickRepair v 3.1.2 14 déc. 2009 Windows
  • Revised Java Sound Output features.

  • Restored Mac file-association feature accidentally omitted from version 3.1.1.

  • Minor bug fixes.
  • ClickRepair v 3.1.1 6 déc. 2009 Windows
  • Minor interface enhancements.

  • New bundled Java for WIndows.
  • ClickRepair v 3.1 25 oct. 2009 Windows
  • New options for Java Sound Output settings.

  • New preferences location for WIndows.

  • Minor interface enhancements.
  • ClickRepair v 3.0.2 16 août 2009 Windows
  • Will process AIFF files longer than 2GB.

  • Java defaults updated for Mac OS.

  • New launcher and installer for Windows version.
  • ClickRepair v 3.0 19 déc. 2008 Windows
  • Additional wavelet layers (existing methods unchanged).

  • - Option for reverse processing (useful for percussive music).
    - Minor interface enhancements.
    Brian Davies
    Acheter ClickRepair près de , United States chez:

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    Loopy C
    version 3.4.2, MacOS X UB
    Though I own other more expensive tools, Click Repair has remained the hero app for EASILY removing digital clicks from files made with granular apps that don't internally smooth them out. For some reason, all the pro apps just won't do it to satisfaction in all my attempts and adjustments whereas Click Repair will right off the bat with it's default settings.
    Suffice it to say it's handling of that kind of a delicate situation reflects how good it is when applied to 'regular record clicks ;-)
    version 2.0.4, MacOS X UB
    It works great, I've converted many of my old LP's to digital.
    A great software for anybody who doesn't want to to spend a load of cash for WAVES.

    Autres Logiciels par Brian Davies (2)

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    Restauration de vinyls numérisés. Equalizer est un application conçue comme assistant à la capture et restauration de disques anciens, en particuliers dans les cas où la capture audio effectuée...
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