Oxford Limiter

par Sonnox
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 2.0.0
Compatibilité Oxford LimiterMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $290 - $440
269€ - 408€
Mis à jour le 22 août 2013
Téléchargements 3 864
Télécharg. Mac 2 281
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 2.0.0
Compatibilité Oxford LimiterWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $290 - $440
269€ - 408€
Mis à jour le 22 août 2013
Téléchargements 3 864
Télécharg. PC 1 583


Limiteur haute qualité doté d'une fonction 'Enhance' permettant d'ajouter volume et punch sans overload, d'une section complète de metering, de fonctions de dithering avec noise shaping sélectionnable et variable.
Oxford Limiter Oxford Limiter v 2.0.0 22 août 2013 MacOS X Intel
First release in AAX 64-bit format
Sonnox Oxford Limiter Oxford Limiter v 1.0 21 mai 2013 MacOS X Intel
First release in AAX format
Sonnox Oxford Limiter v 2.0 13 déc. 2011 MacOS X Intel
As well as native compatibility with 64-bit DAWs, the new versions also sport updated graphic interfaces.
d'une Oxford Limiter v 1.2.3 8 août 2010 MacOS X UB
The issues addressed in this release include:
Some Mac users reported problems running the previous v1-2-2 installer - Fixed.
limiteur Oxford Limiter v 1.2.2 11 mars 2010 MacOS X UB
New features included in this release include:
1. New format installer
Checks for presence and version of iLok driver.
Checks for presence of iLok with correct licence before allowing plug-in installation.
2. Log file
Installer-Log.txt file created during installation and stored in :
System>Library>Application Support>Sonnox>Install Logs
3. Onboard Preset Manager
Allows users to save .spt format presets, stored in :
System>Library>Application Support>Sonnox>Presets
.spt presets allow users to name and save a preset using the VST plug-in, and load it on a different platform, eg. AU (Mac) or RTAS (on either Mac or Windows).
telecharger Oxford Limiter v 1.4.4 11 mars 2010 MacOS X UB
The issues addressed in this release include:
1. AudioSuite delay compensation
Now correctly implemented
2. AudioSuite metering
Smooth metering implemented for Pro Tools 8 users

New features included in this release include:
1. New format installer
Checks for presence and version of iLok driver.
Checks for presence of iLok with correct licence before allowing plug-in installation.
2. Log file
Installer-Log.txt file created during installation and stored in :
System>Library>Application Support>Sonnox>Install Logs
3. Onboard Preset Manager
Allows users to save .spt format presets, stored in :
System>Library>Application Support>Sonnox>Presets
.spt presets allow users to name and save a preset using the Pro Tools plug-in, and load it on a different platform, eg. AU (Mac) or VST (on either Mac or Windows).
mac Oxford Limiter v 1.4.5 11 mars 2010 MacOS X UB
The issues addressed in this release include:
1. AudioSuite delay compensation
Now correctly implemented
2. AudioSuite metering
Smooth metering implemented for Pro Tools 8 users

New features included in this release include:
1. New format installer
Checks for presence and version of iLok driver.
Checks for presence of iLok with correct licence before allowing plug-in installation.
2. Log file
Installer-Log.txt file created during installation and stored in :
System>Library>Application Support>Sonnox>Install Logs
3. Onboard Preset Manager
Allows users to save .spt format presets, stored in :
System>Library>Application Support>Sonnox>Presets
.spt presets allow users to name and save a preset using the Pro Tools plug-in, and load it on a different platform, eg. AU (Mac) or VST (on either Mac or Windows).
windows Oxford Limiter v 1.1.0 12 nov. 2009 MacOS X UB
The issues addressed in this release include:
1. Increased stability in Logic and Digital Performer
Resolves intermittent issues where a plug-in would (i) display a blank screen and/or (ii) could not be closed in a session and/or (iii) audio may not pass through the plug-in.

2. New format installer
Checks for presence and version of iLok driver.
Checks for presence of iLok with correct licence before allowing plug-in installation.

3. Log file
Installer-Log.txt file created during installation and stored in :
System>Library>Application Support>Sonnox>Install Logs

New features included in this release include:
  • Onboard Preset Manager

  • Allows users to save .spt format presets, stored in :
    System>Library>Application Support>Sonnox>Presets
    .spt presets allow users to name and save a preset using the Audio Units plug-in, and load it on a different platform, eg. VST or RTAS on either Mac or Windows. This technology is due to be released across all platforms shortly.
    Oxford Limiter v 1.0.2 3 mars 2009 MacOS X UB
    Oxford Limiter Oxford Limiter v 2.0.0 22 août 2013 Windows
    First release in AAX 64-bit format
    Sonnox Oxford Limiter Oxford Limiter v 1.0 21 mai 2013 Windows
    First release in AAX format
    Sonnox Oxford Limiter v 2.0 13 déc. 2011 Windows
    As well as native compatibility with 64-bit DAWs, the new versions also sport updated graphic interfaces.
    d'une Oxford Limiter v 1.3.3 8 août 2010 Windows
    The issues addressed in this release include:
    1. iLok Licence Check
    Although normally desirable, it is now possible to bypass the iLok Licence Check process during plug-in installation. This may prove useful where studio staff are preparing for a session before the authorised iLok is available.
    Some users have reported issues where the installer will not successfully locate and confirm the required iLok driver version. This feature will allow users to install the plug-in regardless, and afterwards re-install latest iLok drivers from www.ilok.com should this be necessary.
    New features included in this release include:
    1. 64-bit compatibility
    Plug-in now supports DAW's running in 64-bit mode via VST plug-in bridge.
    Note : Not compatible with Cubase 5.1 (64-bit) and earlier, Nuendo 4.x (64-bit) and currently not compatible with Sonar 8.x (64-bit)
    limiteur Oxford Limiter v 1.4.4 8 août 2010 Windows
    The issues addressed in this release include:
    1. AudioSuite Auto Delay compensation correctly implemented.
    2. Displaying plug-ins in 'plug-in manufacturer name' order shows inconsistent names.
    New features included in this release include:
    1. iLok Licence Check
    It is now possible to bypass the iLok Licence Check process during plug-in installation. This may prove useful where studio staff are preparing for a session before the authorised iLok is available.
    Some users have reported issues where the installer will not successfully locate and confirm the required iLok driver version. This feature will allow users to install the plug-in regardless, and afterwards re-install latest iLok drivers from www.ilok.com should this be necessary.
    2. Smooth Audio Suite metering
    Added – Supported in Pro Tools 8.
    Acheter Oxford Limiter en ligne chez:
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    Identifiez vous grace à votre compte 440Software (MacMusic, PcMusic, 440TV, 440Forums, 440Software, ...) ou via votre compte FaceBook, Twitter ou Google.

    version 1.2.3, MacOS X UB
    Excellent! Coloré?
    version 1.2.2, MacOS X UB
    Je l'ai HT.... Ca colore pas mal quand meme surtout avec la fonction Enhance.

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