Synful Orchestra

par Synful
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 2.5.5
Compatibilité Synful OrchestraMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $479  /  443€
Mis à jour le 12 août 2011
Téléchargements 34 851
Télécharg. Mac 24 113
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 2.5.1
Format DXVST
Compatibilité Synful OrchestraWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $479  /  443€
Mis à jour le 4 janv. 2009
Téléchargements 34 851
Télécharg. PC 10 738

Orchestre symphonique virtuel

Synful Orchestra n'est pas un sampleur. Ce n'est pas non plus un synthétiseur à modélisation physique. Il s'agit d'un nouveau concept en synthèse musicale, basé sur la technologie 'Reconstructive Phrase Modeling' (RPM). Elle permet une réponse naturelle en fonction du jeu de l'interprète : si vous jouez legato, détaché, avec des accents... Synful répond automatiquement avec des sons réalistes de liaison, de jeu d'archet, d'articulation de langue...
Les instruments inclus sont le piccolo, la flûte, le hautbois, le cor anglais, la clarinette, la clarinette basse, le basson, le cor anglais, la trompette, le trombone, le tuba, le violon, l'alto, le violoncelle, la contrebasse.
  • Mac OS X 10.4.0 ou supérieur
  • Mac Intel ou G4 ou G5 Power PC
  • 1 Go RAM (2 Go recommandé)
  • 200 Mo d'espace disque
  • Windows XP ou supérieur
  • Processeur Pentium 1 GHz ou plus
  • 1 Go RAM (2 Go recommandé)
  • 200 Mo d'espace disque
  • Synful Orchestra Synful Orchestra v 2.5.5 12 août 2011 MacOS X UB
    Added support for Mac OSX 10.7 Lion.
    Synful Synful Orchestra Synful Orchestra v 2.5.1 4 janv. 2009 MacOS X UB
  • Fixed an important bug that occasionally caused users to lose their Synful Orchestra Control Panel setups when they saved a project file.

  • Fixed a problem that sometimes caused the challenge/response authorization window to freeze up so that it was not possible to paste in a response code.
  • Synful Synful Orchestra v 2.4.4 18 mars 2008 MacOS X UB
  • Fixed an important bug that occasionally caused users to lose their Synful Orchestra Control Panel setups when they saved a project file.

  • Fixed a problem that sometimes caused the challenge/response authorization window to freeze up so that it was not possible to paste in a response code.
  • clarinette Synful Orchestra v 2.4.3 18 févr. 2008 MacOS X UB
  • Protools/RTAS Compatibility (Mac Only)

  • Fixed memory consumption problem that caused sluggish behavior, and even occasional crashes, especially with Logic projects that include many instances of Synful Orchestra.

  • Fixed problem with intonation of high notes in tremolo, sul-pont, and sul-pont-tremolo playing modes.

  • Fixed problem with enabling, saving and restoring MIDI CC control assignments – this problem only occurred under some unusual circumstances.

  • Fixed problem with assigning MIDI CC automatically when loading pre 2.4 projects.

  • Fixed a problem that could cause random crashes do to improper handling of note-on events with pitch slide.

  • Fixed a problem which, under some conditions, caused the New Authorization window to come up even when Synful Orchestra was already authorized.

  • Protected against reading in of project files containing corrupted Synful Orchestra AU preset data
  • n'est Synful Orchestra v 2.4.1 12 déc. 2007 MacOS X UB
    Version 2.4.1 is the first non-beta release for 2.4.x. Version 2.4.1 fixes a number of bugs associated with the beta version 2.4.0. Version 2.4.1 introduces no new features that were not in 2.4.0.

    Bug fixes in 2.4.1:
    Fixed a bug that caused Synful Orchestra and the host sequencer to crash when scrubbing tracks by dragging the location button in DP and other sequencers.
    Fixed a significant bug in loading existing (pre 2.4.x) projects and templates that include Synful Orchestra. This bug was capable of causing a wide variety of irratic behavior – host sequencer crashes, random values in controls, interference with other plugins, etc.
    Fixed a bug that caused slow degradation in performance over time until 100% of CPU was used – noticeable if looping for a long time (e.g. 10 minutes to 1 hour).
    Fixed a bug that created erratic unpredictable behavior in saving and loading new programs. This would not cause a crash but would appear as random parameters not being saved or loaded with the project.
    Fixed a problem that would sometimes cause Synful Orchestra to be unrecognized by the host sequencer.
    Fixed problem with blank/white feature list during Windows 64 bit install and inability to complete install.
    Fixed problem with installaion of 64 bit Windows drivers.
    synth Synful Orchestra v 2.4.0b 14 nov. 2007 MacOS X UB
  • Full String Playing Modes. pizzicato, bartok-pizz, col-legno, tremolo, harmonics, sul-ponticello, sul-ponticello-tremolo.

  • New Synthesis Engine. The new string playing modes are the first to use our new synthesis engine which preserves full 24 bit fidelity while still allowing us the flexible morphing capabilities we need for Reconstructive Phrase Modeling (RPM).

  • New Control Parameters. With the new string playing modes we have introduced several new innovative controls: sforzando strength, tremolo rate, tremolo rate spread, pizzicato release sounds with release noise level control, release time adjust with timbre change on release, new bow noise control for tremolo. Try playing with release time, harmonic tilt, and harmonic parity, etc. on the new playing modes – the results can be quite interesting.

  • Keyswitching. To access the new playing modes you can use keyswitching, MIDI program changes, or the Control Panel. Articulations that normally occur in arco string playing such as spicatto, detaché, normal legato, bow-changes, attacks of various kinds, etc. are still automatically selected based on normal Midi input. However Playing Mode changes from arco, to pizz, sul-pont, etc. are choices that the composer/performer must make and keyswitching makes these very convenient.

  • Flexible MIDI Controller mapping. You can now map any MIDI continuous control to any Synful Orchestra parameter. No more Volume Only or Volume and Expression switches.

  • Flexible Control Parameter Names. The name of Control Parameters may now change depending on the Program and Playing Mode and are more appropriate to the instrument. For example, the old "sustain noise trim" is now called "breath noise" in flute and "bow noise" in strings. See Help for full details or just play with the Control Panel.

  • Simpler and More Flexible Program Management. See the Help for details about Local Channel Programs, Save Load Default Programs, Renaming Programs, etc.

  • Pre 2 .4 Mode. A number of things have changed in version 2.4.0 but we want to make sure your old projects load and sound the same. For the most part this happens automatically however there is a new button called Pre 2.4 mode on the Control Panel which is on by default when you open an older project. 99% of the time you can and should turn it off. See the Help section on Upgrading to 2.4.0 for full details.

  • Changed MIDI Program Number . It used to be that we displayed MIDI program or patch numbers from 1-128. Now we display them from 0-127. This will not affect your sequences or projects. It is just how we display the numbers in the Program and Playing Mode pop-up lists. So where Violin used to be displayed as MIDI Program (or patch) 41, now it is displayed as 40. The reason for the change is that most controllers and sequencers seem to do it this way (however, the fact remains that they do not all agree!).

  • Integrated Authorization. On Mac there is no more SynfulOrchestraAuthorizer – just a button on the Control Panel. Authorization and trial period status is displayed on the Control Panel.

  • Windows Machines Require Reauthorization. We have changed the copy protection scheme on Windows to be the same as Mac. See Purchasing and Authorizing in the Help for instructions.

  • Windows Vista, XP64 and Vista64 Compatible.

  • Mac Universal Binary, Leopard Compatible

  • Logic 8, Cubase 4, DP5 Compatible

  • Many Bug Fixes:

  • Switching Programs and Playing Modes while playing live or in the middle of sequences is now much more reliable.
    Fixed problems in time-spread control over sections.
    Fixed problem with Pitch Bend control being undelayed under certain circumstances when Delay for Expression is on.
    Many more.
    anglais Synful Orchestra v 2.3.2 21 déc. 2006 MacOS X UB
    Universal Binary
    telecharger Synful Orchestra v 2.3.0b 24 déc. 2005 MacOS X PPC
  • sections cordes, bois et cuivres : les instruments solo peuvent être changés en sections

  • divisi naturels

  • positionnement spatial des instrumentistes

  • amélioration de l'interface

  • meilleure performance CPU

  • meilleure modélisation des transitions entre notes

  • entrée des valeurs de contrôle par saisie au clavier

  • correction de bugs
  • mac Synful Orchestra v 2.2.2b 31 août 2005 MacOS X PPC
    Correction de bugs
    windows Synful Orchestra v 2.2.0b 9 août 2005 MacOS X PPC
  • support des fréquences d'échantillonnages suivantes : 11025, 22050, 44100, 48000, 88200, 96000, 176400, 192000

  • contrôle par MIDIcc des paramètres du Control Panel

  • corrections de bugs
  • Synful Orchestra Synful Orchestra v 2.5.1 4 janv. 2009 Windows
  • Fixed an important bug that occasionally caused users to lose their Synful Orchestra Control Panel setups when they saved a project file.

  • Fixed a problem that sometimes caused the challenge/response authorization window to freeze up so that it was not possible to paste in a response code.
  • Synful Synful Orchestra Synful Orchestra v 2.4.4 18 mars 2008 Windows
  • Fixed an important bug that occasionally caused users to lose their Synful Orchestra Control Panel setups when they saved a project file.

  • Fixed a problem that sometimes caused the challenge/response authorization window to freeze up so that it was not possible to paste in a response code.
  • Synful Synful Orchestra v 2.4.3 18 févr. 2008 Windows
  • Protools/RTAS Compatibility (Mac Only)

  • Fixed memory consumption problem that caused sluggish behavior, and even occasional crashes, especially with Logic projects that include many instances of Synful Orchestra.

  • Fixed problem with intonation of high notes in tremolo, sul-pont, and sul-pont-tremolo playing modes.

  • Fixed problem with enabling, saving and restoring MIDI CC control assignments – this problem only occurred under some unusual circumstances.

  • Fixed problem with assigning MIDI CC automatically when loading pre 2.4 projects.

  • Fixed a problem that could cause random crashes do to improper handling of note-on events with pitch slide.

  • Fixed a problem which, under some conditions, caused the New Authorization window to come up even when Synful Orchestra was already authorized.

  • Protected against reading in of project files containing corrupted Synful Orchestra AU preset data
  • clarinette Synful Orchestra v 2.4.1 12 déc. 2007 Windows
    Version 2.4.1 is the first non-beta release for 2.4.x. Version 2.4.1 fixes a number of bugs associated with the beta version 2.4.0. Version 2.4.1 introduces no new features that were not in 2.4.0.

    Bug fixes in 2.4.1:
    Fixed a bug that caused Synful Orchestra and the host sequencer to crash when scrubbing tracks by dragging the location button in DP and other sequencers.
    Fixed a significant bug in loading existing (pre 2.4.x) projects and templates that include Synful Orchestra. This bug was capable of causing a wide variety of irratic behavior – host sequencer crashes, random values in controls, interference with other plugins, etc.
    Fixed a bug that caused slow degradation in performance over time until 100% of CPU was used – noticeable if looping for a long time (e.g. 10 minutes to 1 hour).
    Fixed a bug that created erratic unpredictable behavior in saving and loading new programs. This would not cause a crash but would appear as random parameters not being saved or loaded with the project.
    Fixed a problem that would sometimes cause Synful Orchestra to be unrecognized by the host sequencer.
    Fixed problem with blank/white feature list during Windows 64 bit install and inability to complete install.
    Fixed problem with installaion of 64 bit Windows drivers.
    n'est Synful Orchestra v 2.4.0b 14 nov. 2007 Windows
  • Full String Playing Modes. pizzicato, bartok-pizz, col-legno, tremolo, harmonics, sul-ponticello, sul-ponticello-tremolo.

  • New Synthesis Engine. The new string playing modes are the first to use our new synthesis engine which preserves full 24 bit fidelity while still allowing us the flexible morphing capabilities we need for Reconstructive Phrase Modeling (RPM).

  • New Control Parameters. With the new string playing modes we have introduced several new innovative controls: sforzando strength, tremolo rate, tremolo rate spread, pizzicato release sounds with release noise level control, release time adjust with timbre change on release, new bow noise control for tremolo. Try playing with release time, harmonic tilt, and harmonic parity, etc. on the new playing modes – the results can be quite interesting.

  • Keyswitching. To access the new playing modes you can use keyswitching, MIDI program changes, or the Control Panel. Articulations that normally occur in arco string playing such as spicatto, detaché, normal legato, bow-changes, attacks of various kinds, etc. are still automatically selected based on normal Midi input. However Playing Mode changes from arco, to pizz, sul-pont, etc. are choices that the composer/performer must make and keyswitching makes these very convenient.

  • Flexible MIDI Controller mapping. You can now map any MIDI continuous control to any Synful Orchestra parameter. No more Volume Only or Volume and Expression switches.

  • Flexible Control Parameter Names. The name of Control Parameters may now change depending on the Program and Playing Mode and are more appropriate to the instrument. For example, the old "sustain noise trim" is now called "breath noise" in flute and "bow noise" in strings. See Help for full details or just play with the Control Panel.

  • Simpler and More Flexible Program Management. See the Help for details about Local Channel Programs, Save Load Default Programs, Renaming Programs, etc.

  • Pre 2 .4 Mode. A number of things have changed in version 2.4.0 but we want to make sure your old projects load and sound the same. For the most part this happens automatically however there is a new button called Pre 2.4 mode on the Control Panel which is on by default when you open an older project. 99% of the time you can and should turn it off. See the Help section on Upgrading to 2.4.0 for full details.

  • Changed MIDI Program Number . It used to be that we displayed MIDI program or patch numbers from 1-128. Now we display them from 0-127. This will not affect your sequences or projects. It is just how we display the numbers in the Program and Playing Mode pop-up lists. So where Violin used to be displayed as MIDI Program (or patch) 41, now it is displayed as 40. The reason for the change is that most controllers and sequencers seem to do it this way (however, the fact remains that they do not all agree!).

  • Integrated Authorization. On Mac there is no more SynfulOrchestraAuthorizer – just a button on the Control Panel. Authorization and trial period status is displayed on the Control Panel.

  • Windows Machines Require Reauthorization. We have changed the copy protection scheme on Windows to be the same as Mac. See Purchasing and Authorizing in the Help for instructions.

  • Windows Vista, XP64 and Vista64 Compatible.

  • Mac Universal Binary, Leopard Compatible

  • Logic 8, Cubase 4, DP5 Compatible

  • Many Bug Fixes:

  • Switching Programs and Playing Modes while playing live or in the middle of sequences is now much more reliable.
    Fixed problems in time-spread control over sections.
    Fixed problem with Pitch Bend control being undelayed under certain circumstances when Delay for Expression is on.
    Many more.
    Acheter Synful Orchestra près de Columbus, United States chez:

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    version 2.3.0b, MacOS X PPC
    I've gotten great results with Synful--I used the demo on preproduction tracks for an album and then had to cough up the $ after my 30 days were up...but I LOVE the results. Logic users: just make sure you've got a keyboard controller that can send cc 11 (expression) either from a slider or a pedal...
    Bienvenue visiteur: