
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 3.1.2
Format AUVST
Compatibilité DiscordMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $59  /  55€
Mis à jour le 21 janv. 2014
Téléchargements 1 685
Télécharg. Mac 1 509
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 3.1.2
Format VST
Compatibilité DiscordWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $59  /  55€
Mis à jour le 21 janv. 2014
Téléchargements 1 685
Télécharg. PC 176


Pitch shifter stéréo combiné avec plusieurs lignes de retard et des filtres de style analogique. Ce plug-in cherche à simuler avec précision les effets de pitch et d'harmonizing vintage, tout en permettant de créer des effets originaux.
Mac OS X version 10.5 or newer Intel CPU
Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7
Discord Discord v 3.1.2 21 janv. 2014 MacOS X Intel
1. Graphics updated for legibility on high-resolution monitors.
2. .aupreset files added in the appropriate location on OS X for Ableton Live AU users.
3. Missing preset bug in Logic fixed.
4. Input and output levels in previous version defaulted to -9dB. We have changed this to 0dB on both controls.
5. New DRM-free digitally-signed installers. This is a recommended update for all users.
Audio Damage Discord Discord v 3.1.1a 9 févr. 2012 MacOS X Intel
The Discord 3 installer on OS X has been updated to 1.1.1a to fix a problem some users were experiencing installing the 64-bit AudioUnit. The plug-ins are unchanged; only the installer itself is updated.
Audio Damage Discord v 3.1.0 1 avril 2011 MacOS X Intel
We have made the version 1.1.0 installer available to existing Discord3 customers. This update includes both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of both the VST and AU of Discord3. If you do not use a 64-bit host, there is no reason to do this update at this time.
pitch Discord v 3.0.1 9 sept. 2010 MacOS X Intel
The "beep/honk" bug that occurred occasionally in the Granular engine has been fixed.
effets Discord v 3.0 5 juin 2010 MacOS X Intel
  • Two new pitch shifting algorithms. The original Discord algorithm is present as the "Vintage" mode. The "Clean" mode introduces a new, cleaner shifting algorithm with the same control set as the Vintage mode, The Granular is a granular pitch shifting algorithm that allows either smooth shifting or chaotic destruction, depending on the settings. These modes are designated P1, P2, and Gr

  • respectively.
  • Buffer Size control. The P1 and P2 algorithms introduce a buffer size control for each side that allows user control over the windowing of the algorithms, for fine tuning the shifting effect to the input material, or for special effects.

  • New filter control. The pair of filters for each delay have been replaced with a single X/Y control for a bandpass filter's width and center frequency, for easy programming and new feedback effects.

  • Completely redesigned user interface. Discord3 has introduced new controls to the Discord family; rather than knobs, which are poorly suited to fine control on a computer screen, we have introduced a numerical control. Each number in the value can be grabbed and individually adjusted. Furthermore, we have replaced all remaining knobs with sliders, for easier programming on a computer screen.

  • MIDI Learn. This effect has MIDI Learn like all our products, but we have added it to the AudioUnit

  • as well; if your AudioUnit host allows sending MIDI to an insert effect, Discord3 AU will respond to MIDI Learn just like the VST always has.
    telecharger Discord v 2.0 17 juin 2006 MacOS X UB
  • traitement stéréo, avec contrôles séparés gauche et droit pour tous les paramètres de pitch-shift, delay, LFO et filtre

  • délai maximal de deux secondes

  • synchronisation des delays et LFOs au tempo de l'application hôte

  • temps de délai modulable par LFO

  • feedback cross-channel pour des effets stéréo plus complexes

  • contrôle MIDI de tous les paramètres

  • nouveau look
  • mac Discord v 1.5 19 juil. 2005 MacOS X PPC
    Version VST
    Discord Discord v 3.1.2 21 janv. 2014 Windows
    1. Graphics updated for legibility on high-resolution monitors.
    2. .aupreset files added in the appropriate location on OS X for Ableton Live AU users.
    3. Missing preset bug in Logic fixed.
    4. Input and output levels in previous version defaulted to -9dB. We have changed this to 0dB on both controls.
    5. New DRM-free digitally-signed installers. This is a recommended update for all users.
    Audio Damage Discord Discord v 3.1.1a 9 févr. 2012 Windows
    The Discord 3 installer on OS X has been updated to 1.1.1a to fix a problem some users were experiencing installing the 64-bit AudioUnit. The plug-ins are unchanged; only the installer itself is updated.
    Audio Damage Discord v 3.0 5 juin 2010 Windows
  • Two new pitch shifting algorithms. The original Discord algorithm is present as the "Vintage" mode. The "Clean" mode introduces a new, cleaner shifting algorithm with the same control set as the Vintage mode, The Granular is a granular pitch shifting algorithm that allows either smooth shifting or chaotic destruction, depending on the settings. These modes are designated P1, P2, and Gr

  • respectively.
  • Buffer Size control. The P1 and P2 algorithms introduce a buffer size control for each side that allows user control over the windowing of the algorithms, for fine tuning the shifting effect to the input material, or for special effects.

  • New filter control. The pair of filters for each delay have been replaced with a single X/Y control for a bandpass filter's width and center frequency, for easy programming and new feedback effects.

  • Completely redesigned user interface. Discord3 has introduced new controls to the Discord family; rather than knobs, which are poorly suited to fine control on a computer screen, we have introduced a numerical control. Each number in the value can be grabbed and individually adjusted. Furthermore, we have replaced all remaining knobs with sliders, for easier programming on a computer screen.

  • MIDI Learn. This effect has MIDI Learn like all our products, but we have added it to the AudioUnit

  • as well; if your AudioUnit host allows sending MIDI to an insert effect, Discord3 AU will respond to MIDI Learn just like the VST always has.
    Audio Damage
    Acheter Discord près de , United States chez:

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    version 1.5, MacOS X PPC
    It seems a Eventide of the heroic times, but without noises. Great price!

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