
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 5.1
Compatibilité DrumagogMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $149 - $379
138€ - 351€
Mis à jour le 11 avril 2011
Téléchargements 10 462
Télécharg. Mac 7 496
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 5.1
Compatibilité DrumagogWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $149 - $379
138€ - 351€
Mis à jour le 11 avril 2011
Téléchargements 10 462
Télécharg. PC 2 966

Remplacement de batterie

Drumagog permet de remplacer automatiquement des pistes de batterie par un certain nombre de samples. Facile à utiliser, Drumagog possède aussi des fonctions avancées pour un contrôle total des remplacements à effectuer. Le plug-in est fourni avec une collection de plusieurs centaines samples.
Mac OSX 10.4 or greater
Windows XP, Vista, or 7
Drumagog Drumagog v 5.1 11 avril 2011 MacOS X UB
New Features:
  • Bleed Reduction feature allows Drumagog 5 to eliminate other drums from bleeding into a track and adding unwanted triggering. Simply setup Drumagog on each affected track and it will automatically remove the bleed.

  • Added a "DIRECT" fader when using GOG files with room sounds

  • Added License File authorization method

  • Added support for Auto Hi-Hat Tracking in Plug-in Hosting and MIDI Output

  • Added new Auto Hi-Hat control for adjusting choke level

  • Added ability to save a GOG file copy with a new name

  • Added Over 2 GB of samples to free library. Now includes the entire Rock Drums 3 and Ultra Drums libraries from Farview Recording. Free library is now nearly 7 GB total.

  • Bug Fixes
  • Fixed Auto Hi-Hat Tracking instances with extremely fast hits

  • Fixed issue when using MIDI or Plug-in Hosting in Live Triggering Mode

  • Fixed issue where Default GOG folder setting did not always save

  • Fixed issue where not all GOG file settings always saved in projects

  • Fixed sample list display issue when working with large GOG files

  • Fixed issue with Stealth Mode & Auto Ducking controls not displaying properly

  • Resolved issue in Basic version for those who previously had Demo version installed

  • Fixed issues with automation and preset management in Pro Tools

  • Fixed issue when saving a Pro Tools project while hosting BFD2
  • WaveMachine Labs Drumagog Drumagog v 5.0.2 16 nov. 2010 MacOS X UB
    * Fixed issue with pitch control on stereo samples.
    * Plugin scanning issue fixed.
    * Fixed delay when switching IR Reverb and Morphs.
    * IR Reverb and Morph Engine input is now post blend control, which allows you to apply IR and morph effects to the original track, as well as the replaced audio.
    * Fixed VST plugin path issue on PC installer.
    WaveMachine Labs Drumagog v 5.0.1 25 oct. 2010 MacOS X UB
    * Improved CPU usage. This should eliminate the need for higher buffer sizes in your audio card.
    * Fixed issue with clicks and pops due to higher CPU usage.
    * Reduced memory usage.
    * Fixed issues with Auto Align 2.0 which could cause mis-alignment of samples in certain cases.
    * Fixed issue that caused crash when switching between samples rapidly.
    * Fixed problem opening Drumagog on Power PC systems.
    * Fixed issue with re-loading of gog files.
    * Fixed intermittent issue with crashing when switching triggering modes.
    * Improved gog file loading time.
    samples Drumagog v 5.0 3 oct. 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Nouveau moteur de déclenchement, plus précis et plus performant

  • Auto Align 2.0 : nouvel algorithme d'alignement développé en collaboration avec Fraunhofer (inventeurs du format mp3): alignement parfait des hits à l'échantillon près.

  • Hôte de plug-in (version Platinum seulement) : jouez n'importe quel instrument virtuel directement à l'intérieur de Drumagog (BFD2, Kontakt, EZ Drummer, etc.)

  • MorphEngine (version Platinum seulement) : développé en collaboration avec le sound designer Sabinon Cannone de MoReVoX, réalise un morphing sonore dynamique des sons de batteries traitées

  • Réverbération à convolution (version Platinum seulement) fournie avec une bibliothèque complète de réponses à impulsion adaptés aux samples de Drumagog, accueillant aussi des fichiers IR externes 16 ou 24-bit

  • Auto Hi-Hat tracking: détection automatique de la pédale de charleston (ouverte/fermée) et ajustement des samples en fonction.

  • Room Samples: le format Gog s'étend maintenant aux samples de room et mic: réglez simplement le niveau de room désiré à l'aide de la nouvelle interface mixeur.
  • batterie Drumagog v 4.11 10 sept. 2008 MacOS X UB
  • Fixed graphics issue in Logic 8

  • Added Vista installer

  • Fixed PC issue that required installing extra runtime files

  • Fixed "unloadable" problem with Cubase SX3

  • Fixed Logic 8.0.2 AU validation issue

  • Fixed problems with moving sessions between Intel and PowerPC Macs, and vice versa

  • Fixed Add From File crashing bug under Vista

  • Fixed issue in WaveLab, Audition, Sound Forge and others that caused problems rendering tracks

  • Fixed various other graphics issues
  • telecharger Drumagog v 4.1 13 juil. 2007 MacOS X UB
  • Fixed latency problem when using blend control on Logic and other hosts

  • Fixed problem with Logic that caused left over drum hits to be played when stopping and starting transport

  • Fixed Positional Group naming problem

  • Further refined auto align accuracy

  • Fixed corruped Rosetta files when installing Intel version
  • mac Drumagog v 4.0.9 3 janv. 2007 MacOS X UB
  • Fixed latency problem when using blend control on Logic and other hosts

  • Fixed problem with Logic that caused left over drum hits to be played when stopping and starting transport

  • Fixed Positional Group naming problem

  • Further refined auto align accuracy

  • Fixed corruped Rosetta files when installing Intel version
  • windows Drumagog v 4.0.6 15 mai 2006 MacOS X PPC
    Non renseignées
    macintosh Drumagog v 4.0.5b 20 avril 2006 MacOS X PPC
  • correction de bugs (problèmes avec fichiers SD2 et AIF, problèmes graphiques, problèmes d'exports WAV)

  • possibilité de cliquer directement sur la vidéo
  • pc Drumagog v 4.0.5 10 avril 2006 MacOS X PPC
    Add from Track feature added.
    New samples page layout and features: Groups mode, 384 sample limit for gog files, multi-select.
    Export gog samples to WAV feature.
    Left/Right Hand support.
    Positional group names.
    Improved auto-align algorithms.
    Fixed Pro Tools preset issue on fixed latency version.
    Fixed various graphic issues.
    Fixed MIDI input on Pro Tools Mac.
    Fixed stereo to mono issue on some hosts.
    Drumagog v 4.0.4 8 mars 2006 MacOS X PPC
  • Visual Triggering issue when switching between simple and advanced modes fixed.

  • Filter audition issue fixed.
  • Drumagog v 4.0.3 8 févr. 2006 MacOS X PPC
  • nouveau plug-in "Fixed Latency". Vous pouvez choisir la version "fixed latency" du plug-in Drumagog dans les hôtes dotés d'une compensation automatique de delay (comme Pro Tools HD et produits Steinberg)

  • support MIDI complet pour toutes plateformes

  • corrections de bugs mineurs
  • moins...
    Drumagog Drumagog v 5.1 11 avril 2011 Windows
    New Features:
  • Bleed Reduction feature allows Drumagog 5 to eliminate other drums from bleeding into a track and adding unwanted triggering. Simply setup Drumagog on each affected track and it will automatically remove the bleed.

  • Added a "DIRECT" fader when using GOG files with room sounds

  • Added License File authorization method

  • Added support for Auto Hi-Hat Tracking in Plug-in Hosting and MIDI Output

  • Added new Auto Hi-Hat control for adjusting choke level

  • Added ability to save a GOG file copy with a new name

  • Added Over 2 GB of samples to free library. Now includes the entire Rock Drums 3 and Ultra Drums libraries from Farview Recording. Free library is now nearly 7 GB total.

  • Bug Fixes
  • Fixed Auto Hi-Hat Tracking instances with extremely fast hits

  • Fixed issue when using MIDI or Plug-in Hosting in Live Triggering Mode

  • Fixed issue where Default GOG folder setting did not always save

  • Fixed issue where not all GOG file settings always saved in projects

  • Fixed sample list display issue when working with large GOG files

  • Fixed issue with Stealth Mode & Auto Ducking controls not displaying properly

  • Resolved issue in Basic version for those who previously had Demo version installed

  • Fixed issues with automation and preset management in Pro Tools

  • Fixed issue when saving a Pro Tools project while hosting BFD2
  • WaveMachine Labs Drumagog Drumagog v 5.0.2 16 nov. 2010 Windows
    * Fixed issue with pitch control on stereo samples.
    * Plugin scanning issue fixed.
    * Fixed delay when switching IR Reverb and Morphs.
    * IR Reverb and Morph Engine input is now post blend control, which allows you to apply IR and morph effects to the original track, as well as the replaced audio.
    * Fixed VST plugin path issue on PC installer.
    WaveMachine Labs Drumagog v 5.0.1 25 oct. 2010 Windows
    * Improved CPU usage. This should eliminate the need for higher buffer sizes in your audio card.
    * Fixed issue with clicks and pops due to higher CPU usage.
    * Reduced memory usage.
    * Fixed issues with Auto Align 2.0 which could cause mis-alignment of samples in certain cases.
    * Fixed issue that caused crash when switching between samples rapidly.
    * Fixed problem opening Drumagog on Power PC systems.
    * Fixed issue with re-loading of gog files.
    * Fixed intermittent issue with crashing when switching triggering modes.
    * Improved gog file loading time.
    samples Drumagog v 5.0 3 oct. 2010 Windows
  • Nouveau moteur de déclenchement, plus précis et plus performant

  • Auto Align 2.0 : nouvel algorithme d'alignement développé en collaboration avec Fraunhofer (inventeurs du format mp3): alignement parfait des hits à l'échantillon près.

  • Hôte de plug-in (version Platinum seulement) : jouez n'importe quel instrument virtuel directement à l'intérieur de Drumagog (BFD2, Kontakt, EZ Drummer, etc.)

  • MorphEngine (version Platinum seulement) : développé en collaboration avec le sound designer Sabinon Cannone de MoReVoX, réalise un morphing sonore dynamique des sons de batteries traitées

  • Réverbération à convolution (version Platinum seulement) fournie avec une bibliothèque complète de réponses à impulsion adaptés aux samples de Drumagog, accueillant aussi des fichiers IR externes 16 ou 24-bit

  • Auto Hi-Hat tracking: détection automatique de la pédale de charleston (ouverte/fermée) et ajustement des samples en fonction.

  • Room Samples: le format Gog s'étend maintenant aux samples de room et mic: réglez simplement le niveau de room désiré à l'aide de la nouvelle interface mixeur.
  • batterie Drumagog v 4.11 10 sept. 2008 Windows
  • Fixed graphics issue in Logic 8

  • Added Vista installer

  • Fixed PC issue that required installing extra runtime files

  • Fixed "unloadable" problem with Cubase SX3

  • Fixed Logic 8.0.2 AU validation issue

  • Fixed problems with moving sessions between Intel and PowerPC Macs, and vice versa

  • Fixed Add From File crashing bug under Vista

  • Fixed issue in WaveLab, Audition, Sound Forge and others that caused problems rendering tracks

  • Fixed various other graphics issues
  • telecharger Drumagog v 4.1 13 juil. 2007 Windows
  • Fixed Positional Group naming problem

  • Further refined auto align accuracy

  • Fixed corruped Rosetta files when installing Intel version
  • WaveMachine Labs
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