
Categorie Outils / Catalogues
Version 3.0.1
Format App
Compatibilité MyMusicMacOS X PPC
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $50  /  46€
Mis à jour le 28 juil. 2005
Téléchargements 1 266
Télécharg. Mac 1 266

Créez Votre Bibliothèque Musicale

MyMusic permet de créer et gérer une base de donnée regroupant tous vos CD musicaux.
  • PowerPC
  • - 16 Méga de Ram (32 recommandé) - 20 Méga sur le HD (10 pour le logiciel + 10 pour la base de données) - Connection internet
    MyMusic MyMusic v 3.0.1 28 juil. 2005 MacOS X PPC
    New Features :
  • Duplicate album. - Alt/Option-clicking the New button will now provide the capability to duplicate an entire album. Very handy if you have multiple copies of an album on different media.

  • Play MP3 Tracks from the Find Window. Just enter your search criteria and play directly from the Results list.

  • Create External SQL Logon. Now you can use any sql tool to access your MyMusic data (limited permissions). Just choose Create External SQL Logon from the Utilities menu and then logon from your favorite tool. This feature will allow you to publish your collection data via a web site and php or other tools that can access FrontBase data.

  • Changes :
  • Preference added to enable/disable sql logging for troubleshooting purposes.

  • SQL scripts now encrypted on disc for added security.

  • Bug Fixes :
  • Corrected Find menu item to correctly open the Find window.

  • Print to File now prompts on each Print for destination. This avoids overwriting previous report prints.

  • Corrected Cancel on custom sort options so that list is not sorted when user cancels selection.

  • Corrected More results on Cataloging window to return correct result counts from

  • Updated Cataloging by Barcode to use EAN numbers for CA, DE, and JP versions of

  • Track data now correctly ommitted from Amazon cataloging when selected by the user.
  • Computer Dynamic MyMusic MyMusic v 2.5 14 avril 2004 MacOS X PPC
    Computer Dynamic MyMusic v 2.5 14 avril 2004 MacOS 9
    Computer Dynamic
    Acheter MyMusic près de Columbus, United States chez:

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    version 2.2.3, MacOS X PPC
    The post for this says OS9 however it really shines in OSX 10.3 The new version 2.5 is due out very soon according to the developers and includes handy drawers, lookup of vinyl LP's enhanced shopping and I don't know what all else.
    I would rate it as excellent.
    Bienvenue visiteur: