
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version beta
Format AAXN
Compatibilité Stylus-RMXMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $299  /  277€
Mis à jour le 27 juil. 2013
Téléchargements 26 798
Télécharg. Mac 23 117
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version beta
Format AAXN
Compatibilité Stylus-RMXWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $299  /  277€
Mis à jour le 27 juil. 2013
Téléchargements 26 798
Télécharg. PC 3 681

Module de Groove en temps réel

Nouvelle version de Stylus bénéficiant de la technologie S.A.G.E. développée par Spectrasonics, qui autorise des manipulations et des combinaisons en temps réel des samples.

• Nouvelle technologie S.A.G.E. (Spectrasonics Advanced Groove Engine) permettant de modifier/combiner des samples en temps réel.
• 7.4 GB de sons, dont la bibliothèque du Stylus original
• Nouvelle interface avec browser intégré
• Synchro automatique et en temps réel avec le rythme ou le tempo du séquenceur hôte
• LFO synchronisables et enveloppes
• Multitimbralité de 8 parties
• Sorties séparées
• Rack d'effet
• Possibilité de glisser-déposer les fichiers MIDI dans le séquenceur hôte
• Possibilité de créer ses propres kit et ses propres librairies de...
Nouvelle version de Stylus bénéficiant de la technologie S.A.G.E. développée par Spectrasonics, qui autorise des manipulations et des combinaisons en temps réel des samples.

• Nouvelle technologie S.A.G.E. (Spectrasonics Advanced Groove Engine) permettant de modifier/combiner des samples en temps réel.
• 7.4 GB de sons, dont la bibliothèque du Stylus original
• Nouvelle interface avec browser intégré
• Synchro automatique et en temps réel avec le rythme ou le tempo du séquenceur hôte
• LFO synchronisables et enveloppes
• Multitimbralité de 8 parties
• Sorties séparées
• Rack d'effet
• Possibilité de glisser-déposer les fichiers MIDI dans le séquenceur hôte
• Possibilité de créer ses propres kit et ses propres librairies de samples
• Possibilité d'ajouter des sons avec les S.A.G.E. Xpander series
• Compatible avec les fichier REX1 et REX2 (format de Propellerheads)
• Half speed / Double Speed sur tous les sons
• Possibilité de créer votre propre liste de favoris, et d'avoir vos propres menus Groove !
• Fonction "Reverse" qui vous permet de retourner les grooves, individual slices ou combinaisons de slices appelés Edit Group... Idéal pour les remix !
• Trois heures d'entrainement Vidéo sont fournis sous forme de DVD pour vous permettre de vous familiariser plus facilement avec le produit
• Fonction "Edit Templates" qui permet d'essayer tous les paramètres d'édition sur les Grooves ou les sons séparés (comme une sélection de formes d'onde sur un synthé ! - Mais avec des grooves !)
Stylus-RMX Stylus-RMX v beta 27 juil. 2013 MacOS X Intel
AAX 64 bit public beta for Pro Tools 11
Spectrasonics Stylus-RMX Stylus-RMX v 1.9.5 31 mars 2011 MacOS X UB
Non indiquées
Spectrasonics Stylus-RMX v 1.9.4d 16 juin 2010 MacOS X UB
Contains fixes for the following:
  • Time Designer sequence display MIDI drop now working properly

  • Check marks fixed on Groove Lock menu

  • Right-click opens correct preset menus in FX racks in Pro Tools

  • ProVerb crash in large or lengthy sessions in 32-bit mode eliminated

  • Master level parameter MIDI Learn now restores properly

  • MIDI Learn temporary HTML file is now written to correct location

  • Problem using imported REX files on OSX with case-sensitive formatted volumes addressed
  • temps Stylus-RMX v 1.9.3f 12 févr. 2010 MacOS X UB
    Contains fixes for the following:
  • VST version didn't treat ctrl-click as a mouse right click on the Mac.

  • Edit group assignments could interfere with Time Designer time shift feature in some cases.

  • Problems with Flame Distortion effect in Mac 64 bit version.

  • Loading a MIDI Learn template would affect the Time Designer groove lock.
  • possibilit Stylus-RMX v 1.9.2d 4 déc. 2009 MacOS X UB
    Contains fixes for the following:
  • Prompt for SAGE folder when the alias present would not work.

  • Problems with power filter and flame effect.

  • Kit mode not working in some cases in 64 bit version on Mac.

  • Knob mode was incorrectly set to circular on Pro Tools.

  • Ctrl-click on Mac not emulating right-click.
  • nouvelle Stylus-RMX v 1.9.0e 17 sept. 2009 MacOS X UB
  • Logic 9 compatibility

  • This version provides compatibility with Logic 9, including a fix for the crash when typing in a tempo into Logic's transport window. Also, this version supports the new feature in Logic9 where parameter names are displayed in Logic9's automation menu (finally!).

  • OSX 10.6 compatibility

  • Fixes AU Validation problem in 10.6.

  • Host Sync Improvements

  • Fixes a problem where the first beat would be missing when working with slow tempos or large audio buffer sizes.

  • Mac 64 bit support

  • This version includes 64 bit support on the Mac. At the moment, the only 64 bit host on the Mac is AULab 2.0.1, but expect more shortly.
    grooves Stylus-RMX v 1.8.2d 26 juin 2009 MacOS X UB
    Fixes :

  • Loading a MIDI learn template now clears current assignments.

  • Improved timing precision in RTAS version when using very large audio buffer sizes.

  • Changed Time Designer templates so they have an effect when non-Main edit group selected.

  • Improved graphics performance with some video cards.

  • Fixed Flame Distortion in 64 bit version of plug-in.
  • samples Stylus-RMX v 1.8.1d 15 avril 2009 MacOS X UB
    Contains fixes for:
  • Clear All not working properly with parameter automation.

  • Swing, strength, and simplify not automatable.

  • Stylus window must remain open for automation to work in Pro Tools.

  • Graphics problems on occasion when scaling Time page display.

  • LFO random shape not working properly.

  • Kit mode edit group names displayed in multi mode.

  • Host sync not working in some cases with Pro Tools.

  • Windows SAGE Converter was using incorrect SAGE folder location.
  • telecharger Stylus-RMX v 1.8.0 2 avril 2009 MacOS X UB
    Stylus RMX 1.8 introduces a new and more flexible system for parameter automation. This new system is similar to the automation system in Omnisphere, so if you've used Omnisphere, you'll find this system familiar. To enable a parameter for automation, pop up the RMX Utility Menu (in the lower right corner of the plugin window) and choose MIDI Learn->Enable Host Automation. Then touch any knob, slider, or on/off button which you want to enable for automation. Once enabled, the parameter for that control may then be automated.

    In addition, this version contains a fix for a display problem on Windows when using multiple monitors while using the 3GB switch in your boot.ini file.
    mac Stylus-RMX v 1.7.2f 18 mars 2009 MacOS X UB
    Contains fixes for:
    - Improved groove menu loading performance and fixed the following problems:
    - In Logic and Live, when using host sync mode, the first beat sometimes doesn't play at the beginning of playback.
    - In Energy XT, grooves sometimes don't sync properly when transport is stopped at certain points in the song.
    - With unusual grooves which only have a small number of slices, changing the time signature sometimes leads to incorrect results.
    - Grooves with & character in name would not load properly.
    - Chaos export would not work on some systems.
    - In Cubase, when using large audio buffer sizes, playback sync would be briefly incorrect at beginning of song.
    - Using host sync for a part while simultaneously sending midi to the same part in slice mode could interfere with the sync.
    windows Stylus-RMX v 1.7.1e 8 mars 2009 MacOS X UB
    Contains fixes for:
    - Automatic creation of SAGE shortcut doesn't perform validation on SAGE folder.
    - Sync-to-host initially plays out of sync from bar 1/beat 1 in Cubase.
    - Auditioning grooves with sync-to-host on but transport stopped sometimes play out of sync.
    - Phew and Phar grooves in Example Groove Menus/Classic Stylus Groove Menu 1 cause crash.
    - Automating certain parameters causes graphics artifacts in some hosts.
    - Mixer page doesn't update mute display properly when restoring a song which has solo on.
    - Including tempo in midi causes problems on some hosts.
    macintosh Stylus-RMX v 1.7 3 mars 2009 MacOS X UB
    Time Designer :

  • Worlds-first software to rearrange audio loops into different time signatures in real-time

  • Create instant Pattern Variations for any groove, with smart algorithms based on musical rules

  • Groove Lock(tm) any RMX groove to another RMX groove's feel

  • Groove Lock(tm) to external MIDI files

  • 'Simplify' control alters the pattern complexity of any RMX loop

  • Strengthen or Loosen the feel of any groove.

  • Browse core library in real-time with any time signature, feel or variation you need

  • Time Shift can rush, drag or offset the groove in milliseconds or rhythmic values

  • Grid Quantize and Swing controls

  • Factory Groove Lock templates library includes legendary Akai MPC, SP-1200, TR-808/909, Latin, Blues, New Orleans, Breakbeat, Jazz feels

  • Make your own library of Time Designer Presets with your own REX or MIDI Files.

  • Time Designer works with Third Party and User REX/RMX libraries too!

  • Greatly expands any RMX user's existing library, with unlimited useful variations

  • Plus :

  • New effects from Omnisphere included : Formant Filter, Smoke Amp, Ultra Chorus, Retro-Phaser, Retro-Flanger, Chorus, Echo

  • 64-Bit native support on Windows (Mac 64-bit support to follow in a future version)

  • Suite Editing for easy customization and improved 'Favorites' management

  • Host Transport sync : RMX follows sequencer transport controls

  • Song Position sync - RMX patterns follows correct song position of host
  • pc Stylus-RMX v 1.6.0 19 févr. 2007 MacOS X UB
    Support Mac Intel
    Stylus-RMX v ub 5 avril 2006 MacOS X UB
    Version Universal Binary beta
    Stylus-RMX v 1.5 15 janv. 2006 MacOS X PPC
  • Sound Enhancement Update

  • The 1.5 update offers a completely new factory patch library, including 500 new Multi Grooves and 250 new Kits created by the acclaimed Spectrasonics sound design team, which take advantage of all the new features and effects that have been added since the original release of Stylus RMX. The complete patch library is now also organized by mood and genre. The expanded Groove Elements sound directory adds new "Tonal Elements" and "4x4 Kicks" suites geared for European dance club styles. The Core Library update also includes new Example Groove Menus in various genres – such as Drum 'n Bass, Electronica, Urban, Percussion, Film Action/Suspense/Chase, etc.

    - New Sound Design Feature: "Chaos Buzz"
    The unique new Chaos Designer "Buzz" feature allows real-time stutter edits, "bouncing-ball" and unusual tonal buzzing noises to be instantly applied to any groove, sound menu and Edit Group. The user can control the time between the repeats to get different pitches of buzzing, as well as controlling the acceleration speed and direction of the repeat FX. Chaos can be applied to the probability of how often the buzz effect is heard, as well as chaotically varying the range of acceleration and the range of time and pitch change. Buzz is a wild effect that's perfect for creative electronic music remixing in real-time.

    - Comprehensive Integrated Documentation
    The new embedded "Help System" provides instant access to the brand new comprehensive Reference Guide for Stylus RMX, right from within the RMX plug-in. A modern way to get just the information you need, when you need it! This new manual is over 68,000 words and covers every area of the instrument – with full cross-referencing to all of the video tutorials and links to relevant chapters and to the Internet. As RMX continues to evolve, so will this new electronic Reference Guide – ensuring that the manual is always up to date with the software.

    - Over 4.5 Hours of New Video Tutorials Included
    This 1.5 update brings the total RMX video tutorials up to nearly 8 hours of included training! In the 36 new video tutorials, the Spectrasonics team goes deep into showing how to unlock the full potential of Stylus RMX 1.5 in creative musical applications, demonstrating the new hardware controller templates in action and also teaching "host-specific" video tutorials for Apple Logic, Digidesign Pro Tools, Steinberg Cubase SX, Ableton Live, Cakewalk Sonar, MOTU Digital Performer and more. All the new video tutorials are posted in the RMX Community on the Spectrasonics website for free download to registered users at:

    - Windows RTAS Support
    Native support for the Windows version of Digidesign's RTAS plug-in format has been added. Stylus RMX is now available to Pro Tools users on both platforms of Windows XP and OSX.

    - Conversion Support for more Groove Control® Libraries
    Four more Groove Control CD-ROM titles are now supported in the SAGE Converter: Ethno Techno, Big Bad Beats, Stark Raving Beats, and NoizBox

    - Batch Conversion of REX Files and Libraries
    Batch conversion of REX files and REX libraries via a single drag and drop in the SAGE Converter, greatly simplifying the process of getting audio loops into Stylus RMX.

    - Browse Core Library by Genre & Category
    You can now browse the Core Library by genre and new categories including: Epic Energy, Breakbeats, Electronic, Urban, Swing and Club

    - New MIDI Learn Features
    A new MIDI Learn submenu has been added to the utility menu that contains many new options. "Show All" displays your current MIDI Learn settings in your web browser. MIDI Learn templates can now be saved and loaded for easy hardware setup. Assignments can now be cloned and placed in Omni mode for easier control of multi-channel systems. MIDI Learn has been added as an option to the value display that shows the "MIDI CC assignment" of a parameter when you tweak it.

    - Hardware Controller Templates
    A selection of custom MIDI Learn templates for some of the most popular hardware controllers on the market including the Korg microKontrol, Kontrol 49, Behringer BCR/BCF-2000, M-Audio Trigger Finger, O2, Ozonic and others. Full documentation and detailed tutorials are also provided for users to create and share their own hardware controller RMX templates for any MIDI device.

    - 16 Active Edit Groups
    With the performance improvements in v1.5, Stylus RMX now has doubled the number of active Edit Groups to 16. This brings the total number of RMX parameters to over 20,000 in a single instance!

    - Expanded LFO Sync Capabilities
    Improved LFO behavior allows all LFO waveforms to be phase locked to the bar of the song, allowing greater capability for rhythmic LFO modulation that performs consistently. When the LFO SYNC and RETRIGGER are turned on, the phase of the LFO is locked to the song beat so, for example, the sawtooth shape will always start on a beat boundary.

    - Enhanced Browser Display Mode
    The Browser now displays the most recently played groove with a speaker icon. This is very useful in Groove Menu mode to correlate the name of the groove you are playing from a MIDI controller.

    - Show Author
    An item has been added to the utility menu to display information about the author of the current Suite.

    - New Edit Group Functions in Groove Menu Mode
    In Groove menu MIDI mode, choosing "Create edit group" will now create an edit group for the last groove played and put the entire groove in that edit group. This facilitates very fast real-time editing on any groove within a Groove Menu.

    - New Confirmation Dialogs
    Confirmation Dialogs are now displayed at various points where a significant amount of work could be lost. This includes: part clear, part revert, multi clear, favorites delete, and switching to, or from, kit mode.

    - Also includes performance enhancements for Windows systems, various fixes and improved user interface display feedback.
    Stylus-RMX v 1.2 24 janv. 2005 MacOS X PPC
    Nouveaux effets : Radio Delay, Pro Verb, et Spring Verb.
    Presets d'effets
  • Nouveau mode trigger : mesure suivante (démarre un groove au début de la mesure suivante)

  • automatisation du bouton Master All Play

  • corrections de bugs
  • moins...
    Stylus-RMX Stylus-RMX v beta 27 juil. 2013 Windows
    AAX 64 bit public beta for Pro Tools 11
    Spectrasonics Stylus-RMX Stylus-RMX v 1.9.5 31 mars 2011 Windows
    Non indiquées
    Spectrasonics Stylus-RMX v 1.9.4d 16 juin 2010 Windows
    Contains fixes for the following:
  • Time Designer sequence display MIDI drop now working properly

  • Check marks fixed on Groove Lock menu

  • Right-click opens correct preset menus in FX racks in Pro Tools

  • ProVerb crash in large or lengthy sessions in 32-bit mode eliminated

  • Master level parameter MIDI Learn now restores properly

  • MIDI Learn temporary HTML file is now written to correct location

  • Problem using imported REX files on OSX with case-sensitive formatted volumes addressed
  • temps Stylus-RMX v 1.9.3f 12 févr. 2010 Windows
    Contains fixes for the following:
  • VST version didn't treat ctrl-click as a mouse right click on the Mac.

  • Edit group assignments could interfere with Time Designer time shift feature in some cases.

  • Problems with Flame Distortion effect in Mac 64 bit version.

  • Loading a MIDI Learn template would affect the Time Designer groove lock.
  • possibilit Stylus-RMX v 1.9.2d 4 déc. 2009 Windows
    Contains fixes for the following:
  • Prompt for SAGE folder when the alias present would not work.

  • Problems with power filter and flame effect.

  • Kit mode not working in some cases in 64 bit version on Mac.

  • Knob mode was incorrectly set to circular on Pro Tools.

  • Ctrl-click on Mac not emulating right-click.
  • nouvelle Stylus-RMX v 1.9.0e 17 sept. 2009 Windows
  • Logic 9 compatibility

  • This version provides compatibility with Logic 9, including a fix for the crash when typing in a tempo into Logic's transport window. Also, this version supports the new feature in Logic9 where parameter names are displayed in Logic9's automation menu (finally!).

  • OSX 10.6 compatibility

  • Fixes AU Validation problem in 10.6.

  • Host Sync Improvements

  • Fixes a problem where the first beat would be missing when working with slow tempos or large audio buffer sizes.

  • Mac 64 bit support

  • This version includes 64 bit support on the Mac. At the moment, the only 64 bit host on the Mac is AULab 2.0.1, but expect more shortly.
    grooves Stylus-RMX v 1.8.2d 26 juin 2009 Windows
    Fixes :

  • Loading a MIDI learn template now clears current assignments.

  • Improved timing precision in RTAS version when using very large audio buffer sizes.

  • Changed Time Designer templates so they have an effect when non-Main edit group selected.

  • Improved graphics performance with some video cards.

  • Fixed Flame Distortion in 64 bit version of plug-in.
  • samples Stylus-RMX v 1.8.1d 15 avril 2009 Windows
    Contains fixes for:
  • Clear All not working properly with parameter automation.

  • Swing, strength, and simplify not automatable.

  • Stylus window must remain open for automation to work in Pro Tools.

  • Graphics problems on occasion when scaling Time page display.

  • LFO random shape not working properly.

  • Kit mode edit group names displayed in multi mode.

  • Host sync not working in some cases with Pro Tools.

  • Windows SAGE Converter was using incorrect SAGE folder location.
  • telecharger Stylus-RMX v 1.8.0 2 avril 2009 Windows
    Stylus RMX 1.8 introduces a new and more flexible system for parameter automation. This new system is similar to the automation system in Omnisphere, so if you've used Omnisphere, you'll find this system familiar. To enable a parameter for automation, pop up the RMX Utility Menu (in the lower right corner of the plugin window) and choose MIDI Learn->Enable Host Automation. Then touch any knob, slider, or on/off button which you want to enable for automation. Once enabled, the parameter for that control may then be automated.

    In addition, this version contains a fix for a display problem on Windows when using multiple monitors while using the 3GB switch in your boot.ini file.
    mac Stylus-RMX v 1.7.2f 18 mars 2009 Windows
    Contains fixes for:
    - Improved groove menu loading performance and fixed the following problems:
    - In Logic and Live, when using host sync mode, the first beat sometimes doesn't play at the beginning of playback.
    - In Energy XT, grooves sometimes don't sync properly when transport is stopped at certain points in the song.
    - With unusual grooves which only have a small number of slices, changing the time signature sometimes leads to incorrect results.
    - Grooves with & character in name would not load properly.
    - Chaos export would not work on some systems.
    - In Cubase, when using large audio buffer sizes, playback sync would be briefly incorrect at beginning of song.
    - Using host sync for a part while simultaneously sending midi to the same part in slice mode could interfere with the sync.
    windows Stylus-RMX v 1.7.1e 8 mars 2009 Windows
    Contains fixes for:
    - Automatic creation of SAGE shortcut doesn't perform validation on SAGE folder.
    - Sync-to-host initially plays out of sync from bar 1/beat 1 in Cubase.
    - Auditioning grooves with sync-to-host on but transport stopped sometimes play out of sync.
    - Phew and Phar grooves in Example Groove Menus/Classic Stylus Groove Menu 1 cause crash.
    - Automating certain parameters causes graphics artifacts in some hosts.
    - Mixer page doesn't update mute display properly when restoring a song which has solo on.
    - Including tempo in midi causes problems on some hosts.
    macintosh Stylus-RMX v 1.7 3 mars 2009 Windows
    Time Designer :

  • Worlds-first software to rearrange audio loops into different time signatures in real-time

  • Create instant Pattern Variations for any groove, with smart algorithms based on musical rules

  • Groove Lock(tm) any RMX groove to another RMX groove's feel

  • Groove Lock(tm) to external MIDI files

  • 'Simplify' control alters the pattern complexity of any RMX loop

  • Strengthen or Loosen the feel of any groove.

  • Browse core library in real-time with any time signature, feel or variation you need

  • Time Shift can rush, drag or offset the groove in milliseconds or rhythmic values

  • Grid Quantize and Swing controls

  • Factory Groove Lock templates library includes legendary Akai MPC, SP-1200, TR-808/909, Latin, Blues, New Orleans, Breakbeat, Jazz feels

  • Make your own library of Time Designer Presets with your own REX or MIDI Files.

  • Time Designer works with Third Party and User REX/RMX libraries too!

  • Greatly expands any RMX user's existing library, with unlimited useful variations

  • Plus :

  • New effects from Omnisphere included : Formant Filter, Smoke Amp, Ultra Chorus, Retro-Phaser, Retro-Flanger, Chorus, Echo

  • 64-Bit native support on Windows (Mac 64-bit support to follow in a future version)

  • Suite Editing for easy customization and improved 'Favorites' management

  • Host Transport sync : RMX follows sequencer transport controls

  • Song Position sync - RMX patterns follows correct song position of host
  • pc Stylus-RMX v 1.5.1c 5 févr. 2006 Windows
  • Sound Enhancement Update

  • The 1.5 update offers a completely new factory patch library, including 500 new Multi Grooves and 250 new Kits created by the acclaimed Spectrasonics sound design team, which take advantage of all the new features and effects that have been added since the original release of Stylus RMX. The complete patch library is now also organized by mood and genre. The expanded Groove Elements sound directory adds new "Tonal Elements" and "4x4 Kicks" suites geared for European dance club styles. The Core Library update also includes new Example Groove Menus in various genres – such as Drum 'n Bass, Electronica, Urban, Percussion, Film Action/Suspense/Chase, etc.

    - New Sound Design Feature: "Chaos Buzz"
    The unique new Chaos Designer "Buzz" feature allows real-time stutter edits, "bouncing-ball" and unusual tonal buzzing noises to be instantly applied to any groove, sound menu and Edit Group. The user can control the time between the repeats to get different pitches of buzzing, as well as controlling the acceleration speed and direction of the repeat FX. Chaos can be applied to the probability of how often the buzz effect is heard, as well as chaotically varying the range of acceleration and the range of time and pitch change. Buzz is a wild effect that's perfect for creative electronic music remixing in real-time.

    - Comprehensive Integrated Documentation
    The new embedded "Help System" provides instant access to the brand new comprehensive Reference Guide for Stylus RMX, right from within the RMX plug-in. A modern way to get just the information you need, when you need it! This new manual is over 68,000 words and covers every area of the instrument – with full cross-referencing to all of the video tutorials and links to relevant chapters and to the Internet. As RMX continues to evolve, so will this new electronic Reference Guide – ensuring that the manual is always up to date with the software.

    - Over 4.5 Hours of New Video Tutorials Included
    This 1.5 update brings the total RMX video tutorials up to nearly 8 hours of included training! In the 36 new video tutorials, the Spectrasonics team goes deep into showing how to unlock the full potential of Stylus RMX 1.5 in creative musical applications, demonstrating the new hardware controller templates in action and also teaching "host-specific" video tutorials for Apple Logic, Digidesign Pro Tools, Steinberg Cubase SX, Ableton Live, Cakewalk Sonar, MOTU Digital Performer and more. All the new video tutorials are posted in the RMX Community on the Spectrasonics website for free download to registered users at:

    - Windows RTAS Support
    Native support for the Windows version of Digidesign's RTAS plug-in format has been added. Stylus RMX is now available to Pro Tools users on both platforms of Windows XP and OSX.

    - Conversion Support for more Groove Control® Libraries
    Four more Groove Control CD-ROM titles are now supported in the SAGE Converter: Ethno Techno, Big Bad Beats, Stark Raving Beats, and NoizBox

    - Batch Conversion of REX Files and Libraries
    Batch conversion of REX files and REX libraries via a single drag and drop in the SAGE Converter, greatly simplifying the process of getting audio loops into Stylus RMX.

    - Browse Core Library by Genre & Category
    You can now browse the Core Library by genre and new categories including: Epic Energy, Breakbeats, Electronic, Urban, Swing and Club

    - New MIDI Learn Features
    A new MIDI Learn submenu has been added to the utility menu that contains many new options. "Show All" displays your current MIDI Learn settings in your web browser. MIDI Learn templates can now be saved and loaded for easy hardware setup. Assignments can now be cloned and placed in Omni mode for easier control of multi-channel systems. MIDI Learn has been added as an option to the value display that shows the "MIDI CC assignment" of a parameter when you tweak it.

    - Hardware Controller Templates
    A selection of custom MIDI Learn templates for some of the most popular hardware controllers on the market including the Korg microKontrol, Kontrol 49, Behringer BCR/BCF-2000, M-Audio Trigger Finger, O2, Ozonic and others. Full documentation and detailed tutorials are also provided for users to create and share their own hardware controller RMX templates for any MIDI device.

    - 16 Active Edit Groups
    With the performance improvements in v1.5, Stylus RMX now has doubled the number of active Edit Groups to 16. This brings the total number of RMX parameters to over 20,000 in a single instance!

    - Expanded LFO Sync Capabilities
    Improved LFO behavior allows all LFO waveforms to be phase locked to the bar of the song, allowing greater capability for rhythmic LFO modulation that performs consistently. When the LFO SYNC and RETRIGGER are turned on, the phase of the LFO is locked to the song beat so, for example, the sawtooth shape will always start on a beat boundary.

    - Enhanced Browser Display Mode
    The Browser now displays the most recently played groove with a speaker icon. This is very useful in Groove Menu mode to correlate the name of the groove you are playing from a MIDI controller.

    - Show Author
    An item has been added to the utility menu to display information about the author of the current Suite.

    - New Edit Group Functions in Groove Menu Mode
    In Groove menu MIDI mode, choosing "Create edit group" will now create an edit group for the last groove played and put the entire groove in that edit group. This facilitates very fast real-time editing on any groove within a Groove Menu.

    - New Confirmation Dialogs
    Confirmation Dialogs are now displayed at various points where a significant amount of work could be lost. This includes: part clear, part revert, multi clear, favorites delete, and switching to, or from, kit mode.

    - Also includes performance enhancements for Windows systems, various fixes and improved user interface display feedback.
    Acheter Stylus-RMX en ligne chez:
    Acheter Stylus-RMX près de Columbus, United States chez:

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    Identifiez vous grace à votre compte 440Software (MacMusic, PcMusic, 440TV, 440Forums, 440Software, ...) ou via votre compte FaceBook, Twitter ou Google.

    Vraiment génial car on peut agir profondément et facilement sur le contenu des loops qui sont automatiquement calées au tempo. Rien à voir avec son grand frère stylus : un vrai outil créatif
    Way more creative than old Stylus. This new software succeeded to add creative controls to audio loops.

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    Synthétiseur hybride. Après plusieurs années de développement, Spectrasonics présente Omnisphere, son nouvel instrument virtuel. Une synthèse hybride en temps réel, une grosse...
    Générateur de Groove. Stylus est un nouveau type d'instrument virtuel qui intègre une bibliothèque core massive de milliers d'éléments, de boucles et d'échantillons de grooves, avec...
    Basses virtuelles. Successeur de Trilogy, Trilian par Spectrasonics offre une bibliothèque sonore de 34GB de basses acoustiques, électriques et synthétiques, auxquelles s'ajoute...
    Synthétiseur de Basses Electriques et Acoustiques. Trilogy est spécialisé dans les sons de basses, il est livré avec une core librairie de 3 Giga de sons de basses remarquables. Son interface, utilisateur permet...

    Autres Applications iOS par Spectrasonics (1)

    Omni TR (Touch Remote) is designed to turn an iPad into a performance-oriented, remote control surface for Spectrasonics Omnisphere software synthesizer running...
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