
Categorie Education et composition / Partitions et tablatures
Version 2.564
Format App
Compatibilité NoteAbilityProMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $225  /  208€
Mis à jour le 12 mars 2014
Téléchargements 1 988
Télécharg. Mac 1 988

Notation Musicale Professionelle

Notation musicale professionnelle développée par Dr. Keith Hamel à l'université British Columbia.
NoteAbility combine flexibilité et intelligence musicale dans une interface utilisateur graphique directe et intuitive. Il permet de mettre sous forme de partition musicale aussi bien des mélodies simples que des orchestrations complexes, et les joue sur votre synthétiseur ou à l'aide des instruments musicaux MIDI de Quicktime
Il permet d'imprimer avec une qualité professionnelle vos partitions sur n'importe quelle imprimante compatible Mac OS X.
Mac PPC ou Intel Mac OS-X 10.4.11 ou plus
NoteAbilityPro NoteAbilityPro v 2.564 12 mars 2014 MacOS X UB
Opus 1 Music Inc. NoteAbilityPro NoteAbilityPro v 2.556 2 nov. 2013 MacOS X UB
Opus 1 Music Inc. NoteAbilityPro v 2.555 14 oct. 2013 MacOS X UB
  • €¢ A playback bug that caused notes to hang when multiple DLS devices were used was fixed.

  • €¢ A formatting bug that caused strange spacing when multiple verses of lyrics was used was fixed.

  • €¢ Complex cross staff beaming was fixed so that stems always go through the entire beam and beams always appear on the correct side of the main beam.
  • musicale NoteAbilityPro v 2.549 24 août 2013 MacOS X UB
    permet NoteAbilityPro v 2.536 1 avril 2013 MacOS X UB
    professionnelle NoteAbilityPro v 2.535 18 mars 2013 MacOS X UB
    notation NoteAbilityPro v 2.529 26 févr. 2013 MacOS X UB
    telecharger NoteAbilityPro v 2.524 2 nov. 2012 MacOS X UB
    mac NoteAbilityPro v 2.521 15 oct. 2012 MacOS X UB
    windows NoteAbilityPro v 2.520 10 oct. 2012 MacOS X UB
    macintosh NoteAbilityPro v 2.518 25 sept. 2012 MacOS X UB
    Airfoil Speakers now has full support for receiving audio from iOS 6, including metadata support.

    An Airfoil Video Player crash on Mac OS X 10.8.2 has been fixed.

    The Instant On component has been updated to version 6.0.2, fixing several small issues.

    An issue which caused a discolored stripe at the bottom of Airfoil's main window has been fixed.

    Airfoil now has an improved software update process, with automatic downloads and install on quit (based off a newer version of Sparkle).

    Audio from the WebKit application can now be captured on Mac OS X 10.8.

    The Welcome Windows for Airfoil, Airfoil Speakers, and Airfoil Video Player have been removed and replaced with manual pages.

    Airfoil Video Player now provides a more informative error when the computer is missing a DVD drive.

    Several other small bug fixes have been made.

    Good on you for reading the release notes!
    pc NoteAbilityPro v 2.507 8 févr. 2012 MacOS X UB
  • €¢ Some minor bug fixes to NoteWriter import and tablature font encoding were made.

  • €¢ Some problems with redraw on OS-X 10.7 (Lion) were addressed.
  • NoteAbilityPro v 2.506 26 janv. 2012 MacOS X UB
  • €¢ Some minor bug fixes to NoteWriter import and tablature font encoding were made.

  • €¢ Some problems with redraw on OS-X 10.7 (Lion) were addressed.
  • NoteAbilityPro v 2.505 25 janv. 2012 MacOS X UB
  • €¢ Some minor bug fixes to NoteWriter import and tablature font encoding were made.
  • NoteAbilityPro v 2.504 10 janv. 2012 MacOS X UB
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    NoteAbilityPro v 2.503 28 déc. 2011 MacOS X UB
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    NoteAbilityPro v 2.502 16 déc. 2011 MacOS X UB
  • The printing routines were redesigned to work properly in OS-X 10.7 and were tested in earlier versions.
  • NoteAbilityPro v 2.501 5 déc. 2011 MacOS X UB
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    NoteAbilityPro v 2.500 21 nov. 2011 MacOS X UB
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    NoteAbilityPro v 2.497 3 nov. 2011 MacOS X UB
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    NoteAbilityPro v 2.495 17 oct. 2011 MacOS X UB
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    NoteAbilityPro v 2.494 1 oct. 2011 MacOS X UB
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    NoteAbilityPro v 2.493 23 sept. 2011 MacOS X UB
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    NoteAbilityPro v 2.487 11 sept. 2011 MacOS X UB
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    NoteAbilityPro v 2.484 31 août 2011 MacOS X UB
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    NoteAbilityPro v 2.483 29 août 2011 MacOS X UB
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    NoteAbilityPro v 2.482 23 août 2011 MacOS X UB
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    NoteAbilityPro v 2.481 22 août 2011 MacOS X UB
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    NoteAbilityPro v 2.480 16 août 2011 MacOS X UB
  • Two buttons were added to the bottom of the score window which allow all Solo buttons or all Mute buttons to be turned off. This is a useful short cut for situations when you have engaged several solo or mute buttons and you want to disengage all of them at once.
  • NoteAbilityPro v 2.479 12 août 2011 MacOS X UB
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    NoteAbilityPro v 2.478 9 août 2011 MacOS X UB
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    NoteAbilityPro v 2.477 3 août 2011 MacOS X UB
  • Menu items were added to the Modify / Beam / Beam Extensions menu to allow flagged notes (i.e. single unbeamed 8th notes 16th notes etc.) to have a short beam replace the flag. The Beam Flag Left and Beam Flag Right operations are useful in situations when you want a single note to appear to be linked to a beam on the following system or to a beam on a previous system. The Clear Beam Flag menu removes the beam and the original flag will be drawn.
  • NoteAbilityPro v 2.474 1 août 2011 MacOS X UB
  • Support for automatic cautionary time signatures and key signatures was added. By default, new documents will have cautionary time signatures and key signatures appear at the end of systems before a time signature or key signature change. During re-formatting of measures on systems, time signatures and key signatures will be removed and added as needed. These objects are not editable - they are part of the underlying score structure. To support these features, new menu items were added to the Modify menu. Under the Time Signatures menu there are 4 items:

  • Score - Enable Cautionary Time Sigs - this engages cautionary time signatures for the entire score
    Score - Disable Cautionary Time Sigs - this disables cautionary time signatures for the entire score
    System - Enable Cautionary Time Sigs - this engages cautionary time signatures for the current system only
    System - Disable Cautionary Time Sigs - this disables cautionary time signatures for the current system only

    Under the Key Signatures menu there are 4 items:

    Score - Enable Cautionary Key Sigs - this engages cautionary key signatures for the entire score
    Score - Disable Cautionary Key Sigs - this disables cautionary key signatures for the entire score
    System - Enable Cautionary Key Sigs - this engages cautionary key signatures for the current system only
    System - Disable Cautionary Key Sigs - this disables cautionary key signatures for the current system only

    For compatibility reasons, old documents will not have automatic time signatures and key signatures engaged (since cautionary time signatures and time signatures may already have been added graphically.) However, if you want to engage automatic time signatures and key signatures in these documents, you can select the Score-Engage Cautionary Key Sigs and Score-Engage Cautionary Time Sigs menus. Parts extracted from these documents will have automatic time signatures and key signatures enabled. If desired, graphical time signatures and key signatures can be generated for the document using menus located in the pull-down menu located on the top-right corner of the Time Signatures and Key Signature panes in the Score Structure panel. If you do not want cautionary time signatures and key signatures generated in new documents, you can uncheck the boxes in the Rules pane of the Preference panel.

  • Staff Label positions for all subsequent systems (i.e. to the end of the score) can now be adjusted by holding down the option key while adjusting a Staff Label arrow.

  • Increased support for lyric dashes was added. In the Appearance pane of the Preference panel, it is now possible to select from three different options for the appearance of the separator between lyric syllables.

  • If you choose "hyphen" then the hyphen character (in the lyric font) will be used between syllables, if you choose "endash" the endash character (usually option-hyphen) will be used between syllables and if you choose dash, a thin line will be used between syllables. The dash option is necessary for non-western font which may not have hyphen or endash characters. If you select dash as an option, you can also set the relative length of the dash with the Dash Length slider. Finally, the vertical position of the underscore (at the end of words) can be adjusted to be higher or lower.

  • It is now possible to export and import the tempo map and playback settings of a score. Occasionally, when multiple files are open, the tempo map and playback settings of a score can get lost. If this happens, you can export the score data from a backup copy of the score and import it into the current document thereby restoring the settings. The Import Score Data and Export Score Data menus are located in the Help menu. This method should be used with caution since importing score data will replace the data currently in your score. None of the material in the score is affected by this operation, but the tempo map settings and the playback settings will be altered.

  • A bug which caused key signatures to disappear in extracted parts was fixed.
  • NoteAbilityPro v 2.471 24 juil. 2011 MacOS X UB
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    NoteAbilityPro v 2.470 18 juil. 2011 MacOS X UB
  • More improvements to the MusicXML import were made.

  • Menu items were added to the Modify / Beam menu to allow beams to be extended to the Right and Left of the last note in the beam group. Beam extensions are useful to indicate a beam starting in one system and continuing in the next. Beam extensions are additive so you can alter the length of the beam extensions by adding several beam extensions. The Clear Beam Extensions menu removes all Beam extensions.
  • NoteAbilityPro v 2.469 14 juil. 2011 MacOS X UB
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    NoteAbilityPro v 2.466 7 juil. 2011 MacOS X UB
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    NoteAbilityPro v 2.464 29 juin 2011 MacOS X UB
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    NoteAbilityPro v 2.462 22 juin 2011 MacOS X UB
  • Significant improvements in the MusicXML import and export have been made. There is a new MusicXML menu in the File menu which has submenus for XML import and export. Music xml files should have the suffix .xml in order to be opened by NAPro.

  • An antescofo transport control was added to the Tools menu. This transport is designed for use with antescofo score following - the buttons send reload score, start and play messages through the network to antescofo~ (running in MaxMSP or Pd).

  • The antescofo file export was enhanced to support trill and glissandi.
  • NoteAbilityPro v 2.458 3 juin 2011 MacOS X UB
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    NoteAbilityPro v 2.455 26 avril 2011 MacOS X UB
  • It is now possible to place rectangles, ovals and lines in the background byte using the "Send Import Graphic To Back" or Bring Import Graphic To Front menu items" located in the small pull-down menu to the right of the Graphics Pane. When these images are in the background, they will be drawn before the staves are drawn.
  • NoteAbilityPro v 2.452 3 mars 2011 MacOS X UB
  • Graphic Support

  • It is now possible to have dotted lines around rectangles and ovals. This is done after the rectangle has been entered onto the score, but selected it (using the bottom-left corner) and using the buttons on Lines pane to set the kind of dotted line you want (there is a solid line and three types of dashed lines) and clicking on the Change Line Type -- it does not matter which line type is visible in the view above since only the dash qualities will be applied to a rectangle or oval.

    I also added proper support for transparency in rectangles and ovals -- so it is possible to do use overlapping transparencies. The images will be drawn voice by voice and from left to right. Below you can see some ovals with 50% and 25% opacity -- the alpha channel can be set in the colour panel when the colour is being selected.

  • Accidental controls

  • Now, if you manually adjust an accidental horizontal position, the accidental will retain that position when it is exact pasted, and the accidental (and all other accidentals in the chord) will not adjust when you perform adjustments to the stem or format the page. The accidental positions are also retained when the part is extracted. If you want to free the accidentals from being locked, you can do so by adjusting one of the notes in the chord -- once a note has been moved to a different pitch - the accidentals will be automatically adjusted and will no longer be locked. However, if you just click on a note and do not actually adjust it - the lock should remain in place...

  • Tempo map changes

  • There is a clear button on the bottom of the tempo map that clears out all tempo information and resets it to q = 120 at the beginning.

    It is possible to enter duration notes as part of your tempo map -- There is a pull down menu for each setting of the tempo which has note values (sixteenth note through dotted half note)

    During playback the tempo is displayed in two ways -- one with the tempo against a quarter note and the other with the tempo against the specified duration value.... So, for example if I play back a score which switches to a tempo of eighth note = 68 (in measure three) I will see a display that looks like this:

  • Some modifications to the way lines and crescendo are adjusted was made. Under normal conditions, lines created as piano pedal markings, as well as crescendi and decrescendi will retain their association with the staff they are linked to -- even if the image is adjusted very close to another staff. They can no longer be pulled from one system onto another.
  • NoteAbilityPro v 2.438 15 nov. 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Small Mute and Solo buttons were added to the right of every staff. These buttons allow you to more easily single out staves for solo playback or mute staves you don't want to have included in your playback.
  • NoteAbilityPro v 2.435 15 nov. 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Multiple Measure rest compression was changed so that multiple measure rests are more compact in width. When you select a segment of the score using the Score Select tool and use the Build Measure Rests menu item (located in the Modify / Rests menu), the beat markers of the measures are hidden and only the barline markers remain. The width of the measures is reduced so that the entire series of measures takes up between 1 and 2 measures depending on your formatting settings.

  • A new tremolo symbol (Z) was added to the list of available tremolos in the Tremolo Pane.
  • NoteAbilityPro v 2.432 8 nov. 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Audio Unit support was extended so that up to 6 Audio Unit Instruments (eg. software samplers, physical model players, analog synthesizer modules) can be used at any one time. This compliments the 6 DLS synthesizers already available. In the Audio Units panel you can select an Audio Unit from those available in your system and then have selected staves of your score access that Audio Unit by choose Audio Unit 1 through Audio Unit 6 in the pull down menu on the left side of the Track Setup panel. Remember, many Audio Unit Instruments are capable of controlling up to 16 different channels with different instruments on them, so you do not normally need more than one copy of an Audio Unit. However, for some software samplers, it may be advantageous to have more than one copy of the Audio Unit loaded. Most recent software samplers can be loaded as Audio Units. NoteAbilityPro preferences remembers the last Audio Unit configuration used, so those Audio Units will be loaded next time NAPro starts. The Audio Unit Panel was re-designed to support multiple audio units.
  • NoteAbilityPro v 2.430 31 oct. 2010 MacOS X UB
  • system formatting was improved -- and a bug which extra pages to be created was fixed

  • some problems with accidentals being lost during editing was fixed

  • a menu item which allows intervals to be converted to Artificial Harmonics (with transposition of the lower note) was added to the Modify / Notes menu. Select the two notes (which should be either a P5, p4 or M3 interval) and select the Create Artificial Harmonic menu item. The top note will have its notehead changed to a diamond notehead and will be muted, the bottom note will have its playback transposed by a P12, a P15th or and a M17th. The Remove Artificial Harmonic menu item reverses this process.
  • NoteAbilityPro v 2.428 18 oct. 2010 MacOS X UB
    NoteAbilityPro Version 2.428
  • support for DLS banks was added -- banks settings are now stored in the Track Setup panel and can be changed in the score using bank change markers (inserted with b#) commands.

  • some bugs with auto-beaming and tuplet adjustments were fixed

  • NoteAbilityPro Version 2.426
  • a Custom Staff panel was added to the Tools… menu. The Custom Staff panel allows you to create a custom staff configuration (line positions, line colour and background colour) and to embed it in the score as one of 4 custom staff configurations. You can also save your staff configuration in a file and load the configuration later should you want to use it in a different score.

  • support for the newest versions of the Sibelius and Finale fonts was added

  • NoteAbilityPro Version 2.425
  • a Preference was added to all you to automatically include rests in beams

  • A lock was added to the Image Size panel to stop image size from resetting back to 24 when the Entry Cursor moves to a new staff

  • More MusicXML import improvements.

  • NoteAbilityPro Version 2.423
  • Support for custom page sizes was added to the Document Setup panel. Set the dimensions of the desired paper size, then choose Custom from the pull-down menu.

  • NoteAbilityPro Version 2.420
  • More improvements to MusicXML import

  • Support for Unicode Staff Labels was added at all levels throughout the program (Score templates, Document Setup, Change Label functions). To add non-Western characters, use the Font Panel Character sub-menu and Insert the extended characters into the Text box.

  • NoteAbilityPro Version 2.417
  • More improvements to MusicXML import

  • It is now possible to add multiple symbols and/or format to individual notes and chords.

  • NoteAbilityPro Version 2.413
  • Duration bars can now be added to notes and the thickness of the duration bar can be set in NAPro Preferences. Duration bars are commonly used in spatial notation to show the duration of the note.

  • It is now possible to convert notes to GFWD messages (for antescofo files). The GFWD Note Editor (in the Tools menu) provides a table which allows selected notes to be loaded and converted into GFWD messages with arguments.

  • More support for MusicXML import has been added.

  • NoteAbilityPro Version 2.407
  • A new editor for Nested tuplets was added -- documentation to follow.. Basically this editor lets you change the configuration of nested tuplets to any configuration or grouping your want…. The durations of the notes are not modified by this editor.

  • NoteAbilityPro Version 2.406
  • A quick scroll view was added to the top of the score -- click in the area to jump to a different location in the score

  • some support for French keyboard added -- and some interface translations

  • NoteAbilityPro Version 2.401
  • more remote messaging supported between NoteAbilityPro and Max -- details to be included in the Help files soon

  • NoteAbilityPro Version 2.396
  • added floating window which displays GFWD data and added support for LFWD and KILLFWD

  • NoteAbilityPro Version 2.393
  • more improvements to gfwd including loading and saving GFWD data.

  • NoteAbilityPro Version 2.391
  • Changes to support antescofo score generation and GFWD messages -- details coming soon...

  • NoteAbilityPro Version 2.373
  • Bank changes are now supported during playback. To enter a bank change within a track (staff) use the command b# (eg. b3.) When the staff is played back a bank change message will be sent to the synthesizer. Bank changes are used by several Audio Unit synthesizers for switching between playing techniques on an instrument (eg. switching between arco and pizzicato). As with patch changes, you can disable or enable printing of the bank change markers with a setting in the Other pane of the Preference panel.
  • NoteAbilityPro v 2.371 31 mai 2009 MacOS X UB
    NoteAbilityPro Version 2.373

  • Bank changes are now supported during playback. To enter a bank change within a track (staff) use the command b# (eg. b3.) When the staff is played back a bank change message will be sent to the synthesizer. Bank changes are used by several Audio Unit synthesizers for switching between playing techniques on an instrument (eg. switching between arco and pizzicato). As with patch changes, you can disable or enable printing of the bank change markers with a setting in the Other pane of the Preference panel.
  • NoteAbilityPro v 2.316 5 sept. 2006 MacOS X UB
  • It is now possible to load beams with more than 14 notes into the beam pane of the Music Images panel. The final beam setting is used for all beams beyond the 14 notes limitation.

  • - The DLS sound font is now stored with the score so that if you are using a sound font other than the default DLS (based on quicktime instruments) you will not have to load it when you open your score. Many free sound fonts are available at:
    NoteAbilityPro v 2.304 27 mars 2006 MacOS X UB
  • This version of NoteAbilityPro has been compiled for Universal Binaries, so it will run natively on either Macintosh computers with PPC or Intel processors.

  • - The interface was re-designed and the help files updated to reflect the new appearance.
    - When saving standard MIDI files, you have the option in having the tempo changes in the score computed in the Standard MIDI file so that the file can be played back using simple players such as the Quicktime Player. If you are exporting the MIDI file to a sequencer, you should use the default method of saving the MIDI file. The Save To panel allows both MIDI file types to be saved.
    - A number of reported bugs were fixed (smart slur drawing problems, incorrect printing pages, etc., Track Setup not updated when new staves were added, etc.)
    - The MIDI environment has been reworked and a number of bugs were fixed.
    NoteAbilityPro v 1.997 23 janv. 2004 MacOS X PPC
    Quelques changements et corrections mineurs
    NoteAbilityPro v 1.996 12 nov. 2003 MacOS X PPC
  • permet l'affichage multi-pages

  • import et export de graphiques EPS (sous OS X 10.3)

  • support du copier-coller au format PDF directement de et vers Adobe Illustrator 10

  • nouveau panneau pour entrer les tablatures de guitare et dulcimer

  • plusieurs niveaux d'Undo - Redo
  • NoteAbilityPro v 1.992 20 janv. 2003 MacOS X PPC
  • Lecture en quart de ton

  • Panoramique stéréo en lecture

  • Amélioration de la sélection des instruments Quicktime

  • Mapping de percussions
  • moins...
    Opus 1 Music Inc.
    Acheter NoteAbilityPro près de Columbus, United States chez:

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    Identifiez vous grace à votre compte 440Software (MacMusic, PcMusic, 440TV, 440Forums, 440Software, ...) ou via votre compte FaceBook, Twitter ou Google.

    version 1.997, MacOS X PPC
    Je ne peux pas dire encore excellent car j'en suis à explorer la version demo.
    Mais je trouve ce logiciel d'une rare intelligence dans sa catégorie,
    le génie là ayant été de réunir les possibilité de notations traditionnelles
    -notes rythmes mesures tec...avec d'étonnantes possibilité graphiques.
    Je rêvais parfois que finale n'où invente un update avec possibilité de dessins direct
    et bien finale ne l'a pas fait, NoteAbility oui, en plus le programme semble trés stable
    rapide, et remarquablement pensé sur le plan ergonomique, même si quelques améliorations sont encore nécessaire (la mise en page). On sent que le travail(de dévellopement) est fait par un musicien en relation avec son temps et non avec le 19éme sciècle, pas grand chose d'impossible avec son truc, et avec une certaine élégance simple...voilà, encourageons

    Autres Logiciels par Opus 1 Music Inc. (1)

    Editeur de partition orienté graphique. NoteWriter traite les images musicales comme des graphiques, de façon à ce que toute image puisse être placée n'importe où dans la page, ce qui donne un très...
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