Bass Line

Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 3.0.5
Format AUVST
Compatibilité Bass LineMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $102  /  95€
4.7 / 5 , 4 votes
Mis à jour le 7 janv. 2017
Téléchargements 6 974
Télécharg. Mac 6 313
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 3.0.5
Format VST
Compatibilité Bass LineWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $102  /  95€
4.7 / 5 , 4 votes
Mis à jour le 7 janv. 2017
Téléchargements 6 974
Télécharg. PC 661


Synthétiseur de basses modélisant la célèbre TB 303, équipé d'un séquenceur à pas.
Bass Line Bass Line v 3.0.5 7 janv. 2017 MacOS X Intel
Fixed Step Rec causing crash/hang in Reaper
AudioRealism Bass Line Bass Line v 17 févr. 2015 MacOS X Intel
Fixed: Mislabeling as ReDominator in Cubase 8
AudioRealism Bass Line v 12 févr. 2015 MacOS X Intel
  • Fixed: Parameter recall issue with Live 9
  • synth Bass Line v 27 janv. 2015 MacOS X Intel
  • Improvements to authorisation system
  • tiseur Bass Line v 15 nov. 2014 MacOS X Intel
    Fixed tempo / pattern rocker display issue
    telecharger Bass Line v 2.5 27 avril 2010 MacOS X UB
    * Improved 18dB/oct filter emulation and overall sound improvements
    * Beefed up distortion unit
    * MIDI keyboard programming (i.e you can assign MIDI keys to buttons on ABL2's interface and program remotely).
    * MIDI pattern export
    * Other minor changes
    mac Bass Line v 2.1.3 5 oct. 2009 MacOS X UB
    Compatibility with Snow Leopard (32-bit)
    windows Bass Line v 1.531 6 juil. 2006 MacOS X UB
    Universal Binary
    macintosh Bass Line v 1.5.1 16 mai 2005 MacOS X PPC
    Ajout de triolets
    optimisation de l'usage CPU
    pc Bass Line v 1.5 15 sept. 2004 MacOS X PPC
    Bass Line Bass Line v 3.0.5 7 janv. 2017 Windows
    Fixed Step Rec causing crash/hang in Reaper
    AudioRealism Bass Line Bass Line v 17 févr. 2015 Windows
    Fixed: Mislabeling as ReDominator in Cubase 8
    AudioRealism Bass Line v 12 févr. 2015 Windows
  • Fixed: Parameter recall issue with Live 9
  • synth Bass Line v 27 janv. 2015 Windows
  • Improvements to authorisation system
  • tiseur Bass Line v 15 nov. 2014 Windows
    Fixed tempo / pattern rocker display issue
    telecharger Bass Line v 2.9.0 27 avril 2012 Windows
    * Added 64-bit support
    * Improved Window compatability by storing patches and other files under My Documents
    * Improvements to the 303 engine
    * Patches are now stored in .pat and .param files instead of embedding the parameters into the .pat via meta-tags
    mac Bass Line v 2.5 27 avril 2010 Windows
    * Improved 18dB/oct filter emulation and overall sound improvements
    * Beefed up distortion unit
    * MIDI keyboard programming (i.e you can assign MIDI keys to buttons on ABL2's interface and program remotely).
    * MIDI pattern export
    * Other minor changes
    windows Bass Line v 2.1.2 5 août 2009 Windows
    macintosh Bass Line v 1.5.1 6 août 2005 Windows
    Acheter Bass Line près de Columbus, United States chez:

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    version 1.531, MacOS X UB
    Haha - anyone know when bassline pro is available UB?
    version 1.5, MacOS X PPC
    I'm kind of stupid...
    Great as long as it does not fade out (and in) in the full version.
    version 1.5.1, MacOS X PPC
    Ehm. Have you tried note mode? ;)
    version 1.5.1, MacOS X PPC
    A terrible program. Just the same rythm all the time, and you cant play bass with it...

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