
Categorie Production Audio / MIDI
Version 3.1
Format App
Compatibilité RondoMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $25  /  24€
Mis à jour le 27 sept. 2011
Téléchargements 4 120
Télécharg. Mac 4 120

Lecteur MIDI

Rondo est un lecteur MIDI simple d'utilisation. Il contient quelques caractéristiques originales comme un piano roll vertical, une tête de lecture affichant les notes sur un clavier en temps réel, et un système de contrôle de boucles.
Mac OS X 10.4 or later Power PC G4 or Intel Mac
Rondo Rondo v 3.1 27 sept. 2011 MacOS X UB
  • A minor update to fix an audio incompatibility with OS X 10.7 'Lion'.

  • The library now has a search function.

  • New Exporting options include a tool to transpose a MIDI file upto +/- 2 Octaves and remap MIDI channels. Individual channels can also be excluded.
  • FracturedSoftware Rondo Rondo v 2009r2 2 sept. 2009 MacOS X UB
    # minor update to fix an audio incompatability with OS X 10.6 'Snow Leopard'.
    # The '+' and '-' keys to adjust the rate now work with extended keyboards.
    # Known Issue - There is a minor visual glitch on the window, where the title bar and toolbar have a slightly different color tone. Possibly due to changes in gamma between OS X version 10.5 and 10.6.
    FracturedSoftware Rondo v 2009r1b1 8 avril 2009 MacOS X UB
    * The font size in the Library views can be changed via the Preferences dialog.
    * The Library playlist view now has a contextual menu with a number of commands such as finding a file on disk, creating a new playlist from the selection, selecting duplicates or 'lost' files etc.
    * A playlist selection can now be copied and pasted into another application such as Text Edit or a word processor.
    * Playlists can now be printed. The font size used for printing is the same as for display. The contextual menu mentioned above can also show where the page breaks will be.
    * When importing files into the library, if duplicates are detected a dialog will appear asking how they should be handled. They can be ignored, added as usual, or the files location can be updated in the database. This last method makes it easy to relocate files after moving Rondo to a new computer or hard drive. See the help file for more info.
    * Exported files can now be made more General MIDI compatible by removing bank change and system Exclusive events. This may make GS and XG files play better in Rondo.
    * Fixed a bug in the Song Info sheet that gave incorrect counts for some meta events.
    lecteur Rondo v 2.8.1 8 oct. 2008 MacOS X UB
    Fixed a bug which prevented the destination being saved between sessions
    telecharger Rondo v 2.8 2 oct. 2008 MacOS X UB
  • All piano columns can now be set to show a full width piano rather than the minimum required to display a file

  • An absolute rate preference allows you to specify the tempo in BPM rather than as a percentage of the original rate

  • Help is now integrated into the application rather than a seperate PDF

  • There are a number of small interface improvements including proper buttons to change views

  • The mousewheel now scrolls all listboxes and PageUp/PageDown now works in most listboxes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented some MIDI files made with Finale from opening
  • mac Rondo v 2.7 10 janv. 2008 MacOS X UB
  • Added some basic MIDI file exporting options

  • There is now a midiTicks display mode to show ellapsed, remaining and total midiTicks for a file

  • You can now drag a file from the finder to the piano roll viewer to load it into Rondo

  • Columns set to show visual tracks now have an eye indicator so they are easy to recognize

  • When the sequence is at the beginning the position is offset slightly to make it easier to inspect events right at the beginning of the file

  • Playlist columns are now sortable

  • The number of items in a playlist is now shown

  • Two 'user' text fields have been added to the library. The fields can be renamed via the Preferences.Library panel

  • The selected output device can now be saved between launches

  • Added a preference to send a GM Reset after each file has loaded

  • Esc key now closes both About and Preferences windows

  • Added "Begin Playing after Opening" preference so song starts playing as soon as its loaded from Open Dialog

  • Added preference to show note names on the white keys of pianos
  • windows Rondo v 2.5 14 mars 2007 MacOS X UB
    Universal Binary
    mise à jour graphique
    pianos plus réalistes
    support de molette de souris
    dossiers playlists
    support du glisser-déposer dans la bibliothèque musique
    macintosh Rondo v 2.0 11 août 2006 MacOS X PPC
    Nouveaux pianos
    bibliothèque Midi avec playlists
    pc Rondo v 1.2 23 août 2005 MacOS X PPC
  • modification possible des couleurs (canaux, fond...)

  • dialogue Show Song Info dans le menu file

  • plusieurs nouveaux éléments de menu : Select All, Select None, Select Section, Go to Section, Play Section et Recent Items

  • mise à jour du panneau de filtrage

  • préférence 'Check for new version'
  • Rondo v 0.85b 19 nov. 2004 MacOS X PPC
  • icône propre à l'application

  • implémentation du pitchbend, de la pression par canal et de la polypression

  • zoom avant et arrière gràce à des flèches haut et bas

  • panneau de préférences

  • curseurs propres pour glisser et changer la taille des colonnes

  • la position de la tête de lecture est enregistrée quand celle-ci est cachée

  • Rondo peut être ouvert en faisant glisser l'icône d'un fichier compatible sur son icône

  • la musique continue même si vous changer le taux

  • les faders ont été déplacés

  • corrections de bugs
  • FracturedSoftware
    Acheter Rondo près de Columbus, United States chez:

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