Sound Byte

Categorie Outils / Catalogues
Version 4.7.1
Format App
Compatibilité Sound ByteMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $39 - $149
36€ - 137€
Mis à jour le 29 mai 2015
Téléchargements 2 657
Télécharg. Mac 2 215
Categorie Outils / Catalogues
Version 4.7.1
Format App
Compatibilité Sound ByteWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $39 - $149
36€ - 137€
Mis à jour le 29 mai 2015
Téléchargements 2 657
Télécharg. PC 442

Catalogueur et Lecteur de Sons

Sound Byte permet de classer des sons sous forme de play list et ensuite de les lire d'un simple clic de souris.
Il permet de cataloguer vos morceau de musique, ou toutes sortes de son, jingles radio, annonces, pub ou effets sonores.
La version Pro permet de cataloguer 50 play-list et plus de 3750 sons.
Il supporte tous les formats audio reconnus par Quicktime.
Sound Byte Sound Byte v 4.7.1 29 mai 2015 MacOS X Intel
Black Cat Systems Sound Byte Sound Byte v 4.7.0 18 mars 2015 MacOS X Intel
Black Cat Systems Sound Byte v 4.6.3 1 août 2014 MacOS X Intel
Added a checkbox in the Preferences window to enable the serial port popup menu. Bug fix – the channel for the MIDI Abort note was not being saved.
permet Sound Byte v 4.6.0 24 juin 2014 MacOS X Intel
Changed MIDI channel numbering to start at 1 rather than 0. Bug fix – preserved volume setting of queued carts when playback was stopped early. MIDI control now includes support for channels. Added MIDI triggers for various commands. Log file now includes the length of the sound file. Carts that will be reloaded on play are opened from a copy now, so the sound file can be over- written by other apps. Added insert cart. Added delete cart. Added option to not mark individual carts as PLAYED. Added option to force reload of sound file when a cart is played, both in prefs and cart options. PLAYED text on carts that have been played is more subtle in color.
cataloguer Sound Byte v 4.5.0 5 févr. 2014 MacOS X Intel
Added marking of played carts
Added an option to disable played carts to preferences
Added cart text color and bold Alphabetizing rack is now not case sensitive
Added option to drop the serial port DTR and RTS lines when a cart is paused.
Added a management menu item to disable cart clicks
Enlarged active area for dragging a cart.
Bug fix - carts would not fade in when triggered by MIDI.
Bug fix - could try to set in/out times on a playlist in a cart, which would cause a crash
Bug fix - MIDI control not working when multiple racks were open.
telecharger Sound Byte v 4.2.0 10 sept. 2012 MacOS X UB
mac Sound Byte v 4.1.2 9 sept. 2011 MacOS X UB
windows Sound Byte v 4.1.0 22 juil. 2010 MacOS X UB
Added rack archiving
Several additions for future versions of the iPhone/iPad remote control apps
macintosh Sound Byte v 4.0.3 11 juin 2010 MacOS X UB
Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause a rack window to not be correctly positioned when opened.
pc Sound Byte v 4.0.2 31 mai 2010 MacOS X UB
Bug fixes related to the iPhone and iPad remote control apps.
Sound Byte v 4.0.1 20 mars 2010 MacOS X UB
Bug fix - The sound devices menu was blank in a newly created Playlist window.
Sound Byte v 4.0.0 19 févr. 2010 MacOS X UB
Added the option to play a radomly selected cart when a group of carts are all assigned the same hotkey.
Sound Byte v 3.9.7 19 nov. 2009 MacOS X UB
Fixed a bug with playlists - dragging an entry past the bottom of the list could cause a crash, or duplication of another entry.
Sound Byte v 3.9.6 5 nov. 2009 MacOS X UB
Added the TALK button to change the volume of playing carts.
Can double click on a playlist entry to edit/delete it.
Added queuing option for carts.
Added ability to fade in playback of a cart by holding down shift and option/alt while clicking on
the cart button.
Bug fix - Alphabetizing carts did not update rack window
Bug fix - Clearing rack did not clear cart names in spreadsheet window.
Bug fix - Indicator on cart not always turned off when a playlist is stopped.
Bug fix - Queuing and playing playlists assigned to cart buttons.
Bug fix - Properly resetting the cart volume after a fadeout.
Sound Byte v 3.9.5 19 août 2009 MacOS X UB
Bug fix - clicking on the progress indicator of an unused cart could cause a crash.
Sound Byte v 3.9.3 4 août 2009 MacOS X UB
Fixed a problem with the cart title not appearing after a new file was dragged into a cart.
Sound Byte v 3.9.2 28 juil. 2009 MacOS X UB
Fixed a problem with the cart title not appearing after a new file was dragged into a cart.
Sound Byte v 3.9.1 23 juil. 2009 MacOS X UB
  • No longer attempts to mount an unmounted volume on startup.

  • Reduced the delay in resetting the volume of a cart after a fade.

  • Fixed a protential crashing problem under Windows, when scrolling a rack window.

  • 3.9.0
  • Fixed a bug with default sound output channels.

  • Corrected a registration code issue.

  • Playlist windows can now specify the output device and channels to use.

  • Add... button added to the playlist window to directly select a sound file without dragging and dropping it.

  • Can delete playlist entries.

  • Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when a playlist window is closed.

  • Added a delay option to playlists.

  • Added control of which channels to use on sound output devices.

  • Remembers the size and position of the cart window.
  • Sound Byte v 3.8.0 5 mars 2009 MacOS X UB
    Added MIDI input.
    Added support for using Function Keys as hotkeys
    Sound Byte v 3.7 31 oct. 2008 MacOS X UB
    Version 3.7:

    * Added an option to automatically display playlist windows that are assigned to carts.
    * Added an option to lock settings against unauthorized changes.
    * Added repeat option to carts.
    * When the cart size is made larger, the entire rack is now displayed.
    * Added the Click Pauses Playback option to the card options.
    * Added the Click Start Aborts Others option to the card options.
    * Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when pauses are used in a playlist.
    * Control-arrow keys can be used to adjust the volume of the selected cart while it is playing.
    * Can paste the registration code email into the registration code email.
    * Playing carts now show elapsed and remaining time.
    Sound Byte v 3.3 1 avril 2007 MacOS X UB
    Added ability to select sound output device.
    Added support for Apple IR Remote.
    Can right click to open cart editing window.
    Added menu item to lock/unlock all volume sliders in a rack.
    Added continuous option to play carts one after the other in order.
    Added option to allow the spacebar to abort playback like the ESC key.
    Can set In and Out times for a cart.
    Can set fadeout time for a cart.
    Added option to copy a cart.
    Sound Byte v 2.7.1 27 mars 2006 MacOS X PPC
    Critical bug fixes, fixing some bugs that could cause a crash when a rack file is opened.
    Sound Byte v 2.7 9 janv. 2006 MacOS X PPC
    Fonction mute
    option pour jouer la carte suivante avec la barre d'espace
    option pour stopper la lecture des autres cartes à la lecture d'une nouvelle carte
    option pause
    option fade out
    correction de bug
    Sound Byte v 2.6 30 août 2005 MacOS X PPC
    Added large display of details on the currently playing cart.
    Enlarged the size of the displayed hotkey for better visibility.
    Added feature to change volume numbers for all recording files in a rack.
    Added a hot spot in the PlayList window in which to drop recordings.
    Fixed a bug with fading - if a cart finished playing wile fading, the next cart
    played would start fading.
    Some Tiger Mac OS X 10.4 related bug fixes.
    Sound Byte v 2.5 15 juil. 2005 MacOS X PPC
    Réglage automatique de la taille des cartes à l'ouverture d'un rack
    navigation par barre d'espace et touches flèches
    Sound Byte v 2.3 5 nov. 2004 MacOS 9
    Possibilité de cliquer n'importe où dans chaque case pour arrêter la lecture
    Possibilité d'effacer les entrées dans la fenêtre playlist
    Sound Byte Sound Byte v 4.7.1 29 mai 2015 Windows
    Black Cat Systems Sound Byte Sound Byte v 4.7.0 18 mars 2015 Windows
    Black Cat Systems Sound Byte v 4.6.3 1 août 2014 Windows
    Added a checkbox in the Preferences window to enable the serial port popup menu. Bug fix – the channel for the MIDI Abort note was not being saved.
    permet Sound Byte v 4.6.0 24 juin 2014 Windows
    Changed MIDI channel numbering to start at 1 rather than 0. Bug fix – preserved volume setting of queued carts when playback was stopped early. MIDI control now includes support for channels. Added MIDI triggers for various commands. Log file now includes the length of the sound file. Carts that will be reloaded on play are opened from a copy now, so the sound file can be over- written by other apps. Added insert cart. Added delete cart. Added option to not mark individual carts as PLAYED. Added option to force reload of sound file when a cart is played, both in prefs and cart options. PLAYED text on carts that have been played is more subtle in color.
    cataloguer Sound Byte v 4.5.0 5 févr. 2014 Windows
    Added marking of played carts
    Added an option to disable played carts to preferences
    Added cart text color and bold Alphabetizing rack is now not case sensitive
    Added option to drop the serial port DTR and RTS lines when a cart is paused.
    Added a management menu item to disable cart clicks
    Enlarged active area for dragging a cart.
    Bug fix - carts would not fade in when triggered by MIDI.
    Bug fix - could try to set in/out times on a playlist in a cart, which would cause a crash
    Bug fix - MIDI control not working when multiple racks were open.
    telecharger Sound Byte v 4.2.0 10 sept. 2012 Windows
    mac Sound Byte v 4.1.2 9 sept. 2011 Windows
    windows Sound Byte v 4.1.0 22 juil. 2010 Windows
    Added rack archiving
    Several additions for future versions of the iPhone/iPad remote control apps
    macintosh Sound Byte v 4.0.3 11 juin 2010 Windows
    Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause a rack window to not be correctly positioned when opened.
    pc Sound Byte v 4.0.2 31 mai 2010 Windows
    Bug fixes related to the iPhone and iPad remote control apps.
    Sound Byte v 4.0.1 20 mars 2010 Windows
    Bug fix - The sound devices menu was blank in a newly created Playlist window.
    Sound Byte v 4.0.0 19 févr. 2010 Windows
    Added the option to play a radomly selected cart when a group of carts are all assigned the same hotkey.
    Sound Byte v 3.9.7 19 nov. 2009 Windows
    Fixed a bug with playlists - dragging an entry past the bottom of the list could cause a crash, or duplication of another entry.
    Sound Byte v 3.9.6 5 nov. 2009 Windows
    Added the TALK button to change the volume of playing carts.
    Can double click on a playlist entry to edit/delete it.
    Added queuing option for carts.
    Added ability to fade in playback of a cart by holding down shift and option/alt while clicking on
    the cart button.
    Bug fix - Alphabetizing carts did not update rack window
    Bug fix - Clearing rack did not clear cart names in spreadsheet window.
    Bug fix - Indicator on cart not always turned off when a playlist is stopped.
    Bug fix - Queuing and playing playlists assigned to cart buttons.
    Bug fix - Properly resetting the cart volume after a fadeout.
    Sound Byte v 3.9.5 19 août 2009 Windows
    Bug fix - clicking on the progress indicator of an unused cart could cause a crash.
    Sound Byte v 3.9.3 4 août 2009 Windows
    Fixed a problem with the cart title not appearing after a new file was dragged into a cart.
    Sound Byte v 3.9.2 28 juil. 2009 Windows
    Fixed a problem with the cart title not appearing after a new file was dragged into a cart.
    Sound Byte v 3.9.1 23 juil. 2009 Windows
  • No longer attempts to mount an unmounted volume on startup.

  • Reduced the delay in resetting the volume of a cart after a fade.

  • Fixed a protential crashing problem under Windows, when scrolling a rack window.

  • 3.9.0
  • Fixed a bug with default sound output channels.

  • Corrected a registration code issue.

  • Playlist windows can now specify the output device and channels to use.

  • Add... button added to the playlist window to directly select a sound file without dragging and dropping it.

  • Can delete playlist entries.

  • Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when a playlist window is closed.

  • Added a delay option to playlists.

  • Added control of which channels to use on sound output devices.

  • Remembers the size and position of the cart window.
  • Sound Byte v 3.8.0 5 mars 2009 Windows
    Added MIDI input.
    Added support for using Function Keys as hotkeys
    Sound Byte v 3.7 31 oct. 2008 Windows
    Version 3.7:

    * Added an option to automatically display playlist windows that are assigned to carts.
    * Added an option to lock settings against unauthorized changes.
    * Added repeat option to carts.
    * When the cart size is made larger, the entire rack is now displayed.
    * Added the Click Pauses Playback option to the card options.
    * Added the Click Start Aborts Others option to the card options.
    * Fixed a bug that could cause a crash when pauses are used in a playlist.
    * Control-arrow keys can be used to adjust the volume of the selected cart while it is playing.
    * Can paste the registration code email into the registration code email.
    * Playing carts now show elapsed and remaining time.
    Black Cat Systems
    Acheter Sound Byte près de , United States chez:

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