
par Praat
Categorie Production Audio / Expérimental
Version 6.0.30
Format App
Compatibilité PraatMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Gratuit
Prix Gratuit
Mis à jour le 29 juil. 2017
Téléchargements 8 189
Télécharg. Mac 3 905
Categorie Production Audio / Expérimental
Version 6.0.30
Format App
Compatibilité PraatWindows
Licence Logiciel Gratuit
Prix Gratuit
Mis à jour le 29 juil. 2017
Téléchargements 8 189
Télécharg. PC 4 284

Analyse et synthèse phonétique

Praat est un logiciel écrit par Paul Boersma et David Weenick de l'institut des sciences phonétiques de l'Université d'Amsterdam, conçu pour l'analyse, la synthèse, le traitement de la parole.
Praat Praat v 6.0.30 29 juil. 2017 MacOS X UB
Removed a bug that caused an incorrect title for a PitchTier or PointProcess window.
Removed a bug that caused Praat to crash when doing a linear regression on a Table with no rows.
Scripting: object[], vectors.
Graphics: better text drawing details.
Linux: possibility to compile Praat without a GUI but with graphics file output.
Praat Praat Praat v 6.0.29 27 mai 2017 MacOS X UB
Sound window: channel muting.
Linux: support for Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indic, Arabic and Hebrew characters in TextGrids and elsewhere.
Praat Praat v 6.0.28 1 avril 2017 MacOS X UB
6.0.28 (23 March 2017)

Scripting: demoPeekInput() for animations in combination with demoShow() and sleep().

6.0.27 (18 March 2017)

TextGrid: fewer error messages in concatenation of multiple TextGrids.
Scripting: sleep() to pause Praat temporarily: useful for animations in combination with demoShow().
synth Praat v 6.0.26 4 mars 2017 MacOS X UB
Mac: more corrections in demoShow() and blankWhilePlaying.
PraatBarren: better error message when an attempt is made to run PraatBarren interactively.
telecharger Praat v 6.0.25 12 févr. 2017 MacOS X UB
Mac: made demoShow() and blankWhilePlaying compatible with MacOS 10.12 Sierra.
Mac SoundRecorder: more sampling frequencies, on behalf of external USB microphones.
mac Praat v 6.0.24 28 janv. 2017 MacOS X UB
Fixed a bug by which Remove right boundary would choose the wrong tier.
TextGrid window: click to insert a phonetic symbol from an IPA chart.
windows Praat v 6.0.23 18 déc. 2016 MacOS X UB
Linux: fixed a bug that caused Praat to crash when playing a sound of more than 7 channels.
Change Gender: fixed a bug introduced in 6.0.22 by which the pitch range factor could not be 0.
Improvements in the manual and in texts.
macintosh Praat v 6.0.22 20 nov. 2016 MacOS X UB
Scripting: correct error messages for expressions like: 5 + "hello"
Command line: the --open option works correctly in the GUI if you open multiple files.
pc Praat v 6.0.21 2 oct. 2016 MacOS X UB
ExperimentMFC: you can now specify font sizes and response keys for goodness judgments.
Table: when drawing ellipses, a font size of 0 can now be used to prevent drawing the labels.
Mac: dragging selections repaired for System 10.11.6 (but we advise to upgrade to 10.12).
Mac: re-enabled Return key for confirming some dialog boxes.
Praat v 6.0.20 11 sept. 2016 MacOS X UB
Can open UTF-8 text files with Byte Order Mark.
Scripting improvement: function names can now be used as names of indexed variables.
Praat v 6.0.18 26 mai 2016 MacOS X UB
Windows: better dotted lines.
TextGrid window: again better automatic alignment.
Praat v 6.0.16 12 avril 2016 MacOS X UB
Scripting: "hashes": variables can now be indexed with strings rather than only with numbers.
TextGrid window: fewer out-of-order messages in automatic alignment.
Praat v 6.0.15 26 mars 2016 MacOS X UB
TextGrid window: removed a bug whereby Praat could do automatic alignment only on sounds sampled at 44.1 kHz.
TextGrid window: improved the location of the final boundary in automatic alignment.
Table window: added a preference for the interpretation of graphical style symbols (%#^_@).
Praat v 6.0.14 12 févr. 2016 MacOS X UB
Linux: corrected a bug by which the Tab short-cut for playing a sound would not work if the NumLock key was on.
Mac 64-bit: corrected a bug that could cause Praat to crash if the Tab key was pressed in a dialog window.
Praat v 6.0.13 7 févr. 2016 MacOS X UB
Windows: corrected a bug that could cause Praat to crash when closing a script window.
Mac 64-bit: progress bars with movies.
Praat v 6.0.12 26 janv. 2016 MacOS X UB
Windows 32-bit: corrected a bug that could cause Praat to crash when closing the Sound window after popping up dialog boxes.
Mac 64-bit: better demoShow().
Mac 64-bit: working Matrix movies and articulatory synthesizer movies.
Praat v 5 déc. 2015 MacOS X UB
6.0.07 (30 November 2015)

Mac 64-bit: repaired dragging selections (which got broken in the El Capitan fix in 6.0.06).

6.0.06 (29 November 2015)

Mac 64-bit: correct early Info window updates and demoShow() in El Capitan.
Manual updates.
Corrected some small memory leaks.
Praat v 10 nov. 2015 MacOS X UB
A manual page that describes TextGrid file formats.
Corrected a bug that prevented some KlattGrid tiers from being edited.
32-bit Linux: correct use of PulseAudio (note: 6.0.04 on Debian already had this correct).
Praat v 1 nov. 2015 MacOS X UB
6.0.03 (31 October 2015)

Corrected a bug that caused Praat to crash when the Soundrecorder window was closed.
Scripting: when calling Praat from the command line, added the --run option to force script execution.

6.0.02 (30 October 2015)

Corrected the redrawing of analyses in the Sound window after a change in the sound.

6.0.01 (29 October 2015)

Windows: fixed a bug that caused Praat to crash at start-up in some Windows versions.
Praat v 6.0 30 oct. 2015 MacOS X UB
Linux: use PulseAudio as the server for playing sound.
Windows: removed Praatcon.exe, because Praat.exe can now be used from the command line.
Praat can now open files from the command line on all platforms.
The API change that requires raising the major Praat version to 6: no longer any need for Praatcon.exe, because Praat itself can now run a script from the command line on all platforms.
See Scripting 6.9. Calling from the command line for all command line options.
SpeechSynthesizer: corrected a potentially crashing bug.
Mac Retina graphics: made function drawing (e.g. in the TextGrid window) twice as fast.
LongSound: corrected playing of more than 2 channels.
Praat v 5.4.22 14 oct. 2015 MacOS X UB
Sound files: added support for MP3 files with ID3 version 2 headers.
Table: Line graph where: removed a bug that caused nothing to be drawn if the number of columns was larger than the number of rows and the column index was larger than the number of rows.
Mac: corrected horizontal spacing in graphical text on El Capitán.
Mac: corrected a bug that would cause Praat to crash if a PNG file could not be saved (from a script).
Windows: enabled PNG saving from Praatcon.
Praat v 5.4.20 29 sept. 2015 MacOS X UB
Corrected the graphical representation of numbers with exponents (wrong since 5.4.10).
Windows: prevented flashing console window in runScript().
Praat v 5.4.19 26 sept. 2015 MacOS X UB
LongSound: corrected saving of 8-bit files as 16-bit.
Praat v 5.4.18 9 sept. 2015 MacOS X UB
Regular expressions: if the pattern is illegal, you'll now get an error message instead of an empty string.
LongSound: removed a bug introduced in 1999 that could play long stereo sounds much too fast if they had unusual sampling frequencies. This bug has become more noticeable on the Mac since January 2015.
Guard better against sound files that contain 0 samples.
Scripting: faster look-up of variables.
Praat v 5.4.17 27 août 2015 MacOS X UB
Scripting: removed a bug that could cause Praat to crash when calling `writeFile()` with an empty text.
Praat v 5.4.16 18 août 2015 MacOS X UB
Mac 64-bit: removed a bug by which graphical text passed over the right edge in TextGrid intervals.
Mac 64-bit: removed a bug that allowed the general "Zoom" and "Close" commands to be accessible from a script.
Praat v 5.4.15 2 août 2015 MacOS X UB
5.4.15 (1 August 2015)

Introduced several command line options that make it easier to call Praat from a web server.
64-bit Mac: removed a bug introduced in 5.4.11 that caused incorrect spacing of vertical text in picture files.
Praat v 5.4.14 28 juil. 2015 MacOS X UB
5.4.14 (24 July 2015)

Windows and 32-bit Mac: removed a bug introduced in 5.4.12 that could cause weird behavior (even crashing) when pressing the Tab key in the script window or in the manual.

5.4.13 (22 July 2015)

The Demo window can now save itself to a PNG or PDF file.
Windows: removed a bug introduced in 5.4.10 whereby Praatcon would write garbled text to the console.

5.4.12 (10 July 2015)

Windows: removed a bug introduced in 5.4.10 whereby SpeechSynthesizer would only pronounce the first letter of the text.

5.4.11 (8 July 2015)

Windows: removed a bug introduced in 5.4.10 whereby the file selection window could try to open a file with a garbled name.
Removed a bug whereby the PointProcess window would crash when showing a perfectly silent sound.
Praat v 5.4.10 28 juin 2015 MacOS X UB
Removed a bug introduced in version 4.5.09 (January 2007) that caused incorrect upsampling of stereo sounds when the upsampling factor was exactly 2. This bug has caused incorrect playing of stereo sounds with a sampling frequency of 22050 Hz on the Mac since January 2015.
Removed a bug introduced in 2011 that could cause Praat to crash when you scrolled the LongSound window.
TextGrid: Count intervals where... and Count points where....
Praat v 5.4.09 6 juin 2015 MacOS X UB
?? Linux: the tab key can be used to play sounds on more computers.
• Windows: TextGrid files with non-BMP characters are now read correctly.
• Windows: files with names that contain non-BMP characters are now saved correctly.
• Updated manual.
Praat v 5.4.08 24 mars 2015 MacOS X UB
5.4.08 (24 March 2015)

• Sound window: removed a bug that caused a crash in "Editor info".

5.4.07 (22 March 2015)

• TextGrid window: Add interval now does the same thing as Add boundary if a time strectch is selected.
• Linux: better redrawing in TextGrid window.
Praat v 5.4.06 23 févr. 2015 MacOS X UB
5.4.06 (21 February 2015)

• Windows: repaired a bug that could cause Praat to crash if a metafile resolution was 200 dpi.

5.4.05 (13 February 2015)

• Better support for big integer numbers on Windows XP.
• Sound window: guarded against empty view ranges for the intensity curve.
Praat v 5.4.04 5 janv. 2015 MacOS X UB
  • €¢ Windows audio playback: if the sound has more channels than the audio hardware, distribute them evenly.
  • Praat v 5.4.03 23 déc. 2014 MacOS X UB
  • €¢ TextGrid reading: Praat now corrects some incomplete TextGrid files created by others.

  • • Better support for text files larger than 2 GB.
    Praat v 5.4.01 14 nov. 2014 MacOS X UB
  • €¢ MelSpectrogram, BarkSpectrogram.

  • • Linux: removed a bug that could cause too many flashes when scrolling a Sound window.
    • Mac: repaired a bug that could cause a crash in the VowelEditor window.
    Praat v 5.3.85 25 sept. 2014 MacOS X UB
    5.3.85 (19 September 2014)

    Mac audio: circumvented a bug in PortAudio by which playback of sounds with sampling frequencies below 44100 Hz could be distorted on some USB headsets.

    5.3.84 (26 August 2014)

    Manipulation: repaired a bug that could cause Praat to crash when playing a manipulation of a Sound created by the SpeechSynthesizer.

    5.3.83 (16 August 2014)

    TextGrid window: repaired a bug with automatic alignment that could cause an analysis tier to go out of order.
    Linux audio: created a second workaround that reduces even more the chances of a freeze that is due to a potential deadlock in the collaboration between Alsa and PulseAudio that can occur when the playback of a sound is cancelled.
    Smoother communication with Phon.
    Windows: repaired a memory leak when saving PNG files.

    5.3.82 (26 July 2014)

    Audio playback: if the sound has more channels than the audio hardware, distribute them evenly.
    Pause forms: more consistent appearance of the Revert button.
    Scripting: pauseScript ( ) function.
    Praat v 5.3.81 8 juil. 2014 MacOS X UB
    EEG: can work with status numbers instead of only with status bits.
    Windows: repaired a bug that could cause Praat to crash if there was a 96-dpi printer.
    Praat v 5.3.80 2 juil. 2014 MacOS X UB
    5.3.80 (29 June 2014)

    Praat preferences: choice between Chinese and Japanese style for Han characters.

    5.3.79 (21 June 2014)

    Can now play sounds over more than two channels.
    Asynchronous play in scripts (see Demo window).
    EEG: blue-to-red colour scale for scalp distributions.

    5.3.78 (12 June 2014)

    Multithreading can now speed up pitch analysis by a factor of 4 or so, depending on the number of cores in your processor.
    Linux: can now open and save Photo objects (from PNG files) and use Insert picture from file....
    Open WAV files that are in the "extensible" format (previously "unsupported format -2").
    Windows: support for dropping more than one file on the Praat icon.
    Scripting: can now use the editor command with an object's ID instead of only with its name.
    Windows: removed a bug that sometimes disallowed saving more than one JPEG file.
    Linux audio: created a workaround that reduces the chances of a freeze that is due to a potential deadlock in the collaboration between Alsa and PulseAudio that can occur when the playback of a sound is cancelled.
    Praat v 5.3.77 23 mai 2014 MacOS X UB
    EEG: more facilities for EDF+ files.
    Praat v 5.3.74 30 avril 2014 MacOS X UB
    EEG: more interpretation of triggers in EDF+ files.
    Praat v 5.3.73 25 avril 2014 MacOS X UB
    5.3.73 (21 April 2014)

    EEG: understand more EGI/NetStation files.

    5.3.72 (17 April 2014)

    Windows: repaired a bug that caused two black edges in PNG files.
    Windows: repaired a bug that could cause Praat to crash if a metafile resolution was 360 dpi.
    Linux: repaired a bug that caused Praat to crash when cutting or pasting a sound in the Sound window.
    Praat v 5.3.71 12 avril 2014 MacOS X UB
    Windows: brought more unity in the style of Chinese characters.
    Praat v 5.3.70 5 avril 2014 MacOS X UB
    Added some query commands for DurationTier objects.
    Repaired a bug that caused Praat not to run as a console app.
    Praat v 5.3.69 29 mars 2014 MacOS X UB
    Picture window: can save to 300-dpi and 600-dpi PNG files.
    Graphics: sub-pixel precision line drawing on Mac and Linux.
    Repaired a bug that could show spurious buttons in the Objects window if a plug-in created objects.
    Praat v 5.3.68 21 mars 2014 MacOS X UB
    Mac: corrected a bug introduced in 5.3.19 that could cause crashes when drawing a spectrogram.
    Mac and Linux: Create Strings as file list... handles broken symbolic links more leniently.
    Praat v 5.3.67 19 mars 2014 MacOS X UB
    Corrected a bug that would create strange PNG files if the selection did not touch the upper left corner of the Picture window.
    Mac: can save the Picture window to PNG file.
    EEG: understand trigger letters in BDF/EDF files.
    Praat v 5.3.66 11 mars 2014 MacOS X UB
    Windows and Linux: can save the Picture window to PNG file.
    Windows: opening, modifying and saving PNG, TIFF or JPEG files (the Photo object, as on the Mac).
    Praat v 5.3.65 28 févr. 2014 MacOS X UB
    Scripting language: removed some bugs from runScript.
    Linux: can save the Picture window to PDF file.
    Praat v 5.3.64 16 févr. 2014 MacOS X UB
    Scripting language: writeInfo, procedure, exitScript, runScript: all with colons.
    64-bit Mac graphics: better highlighting and unhighlighting of selection.
    64-bit Mac graphics: full screen.
    Praat v 5.3.63 28 janv. 2014 MacOS X UB
    Scripting language: easier menu command invocation using the colon ":".
    64-bit Mac graphics: better handling of any absence of Doulos SIL or Charis SIL.
    Windows scripting: can now use "~" in file names to refer to home directory, as on Mac and Linux.
    Praat v 5.3.62 4 janv. 2014 MacOS X UB
    5.3.62 (2 January 2014)

    64-bit Mac: removed a bug introduced in 5.3.61 that could cause text containing "ff" to become invisible.

    5.3.61 (1 January 2014)

    EEG: understand status registers that contain text.
    KlattGrid: removed a bug introduced in May 2009 that could make Praat crash after editing an oral formant grid.
    Praat Praat v 6.0.30 29 juil. 2017 Windows
    Removed a bug that caused an incorrect title for a PitchTier or PointProcess window.
    Removed a bug that caused Praat to crash when doing a linear regression on a Table with no rows.
    Scripting: object[], vectors.
    Graphics: better text drawing details.
    Linux: possibility to compile Praat without a GUI but with graphics file output.
    Praat Praat Praat v 6.0.29 27 mai 2017 Windows
    Sound window: channel muting.
    Linux: support for Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Indic, Arabic and Hebrew characters in TextGrids and elsewhere.
    Praat Praat v 6.0.28 1 avril 2017 Windows
    6.0.28 (23 March 2017)

    Scripting: demoPeekInput() for animations in combination with demoShow() and sleep().

    6.0.27 (18 March 2017)

    TextGrid: fewer error messages in concatenation of multiple TextGrids.
    Scripting: sleep() to pause Praat temporarily: useful for animations in combination with demoShow().
    synth Praat v 6.0.26 4 mars 2017 Windows
    Mac: more corrections in demoShow() and blankWhilePlaying.
    PraatBarren: better error message when an attempt is made to run PraatBarren interactively.
    telecharger Praat v 6.0.25 12 févr. 2017 Windows
    Mac: made demoShow() and blankWhilePlaying compatible with MacOS 10.12 Sierra.
    Mac SoundRecorder: more sampling frequencies, on behalf of external USB microphones.
    mac Praat v 6.0.24 28 janv. 2017 Windows
    Fixed a bug by which Remove right boundary would choose the wrong tier.
    TextGrid window: click to insert a phonetic symbol from an IPA chart.
    windows Praat v 6.0.23 18 déc. 2016 Windows
    Linux: fixed a bug that caused Praat to crash when playing a sound of more than 7 channels.
    Change Gender: fixed a bug introduced in 6.0.22 by which the pitch range factor could not be 0.
    Improvements in the manual and in texts.
    macintosh Praat v 6.0.22 20 nov. 2016 Windows
    Scripting: correct error messages for expressions like: 5 + "hello"
    Command line: the --open option works correctly in the GUI if you open multiple files.
    pc Praat v 6.0.21 2 oct. 2016 Windows
    ExperimentMFC: you can now specify font sizes and response keys for goodness judgments.
    Table: when drawing ellipses, a font size of 0 can now be used to prevent drawing the labels.
    Mac: dragging selections repaired for System 10.11.6 (but we advise to upgrade to 10.12).
    Mac: re-enabled Return key for confirming some dialog boxes.
    Praat v 6.0.20 11 sept. 2016 Windows
    Can open UTF-8 text files with Byte Order Mark.
    Scripting improvement: function names can now be used as names of indexed variables.
    Praat v 6.0.18 26 mai 2016 Windows
    Windows: better dotted lines.
    TextGrid window: again better automatic alignment.
    Praat v 6.0.16 12 avril 2016 Windows
    Scripting: "hashes": variables can now be indexed with strings rather than only with numbers.
    TextGrid window: fewer out-of-order messages in automatic alignment.
    Praat v 6.0.14 12 févr. 2016 Windows
    Linux: corrected a bug by which the Tab short-cut for playing a sound would not work if the NumLock key was on.
    Mac 64-bit: corrected a bug that could cause Praat to crash if the Tab key was pressed in a dialog window.
    Praat v 6.0.13 7 févr. 2016 Windows
    Windows: corrected a bug that could cause Praat to crash when closing a script window.
    Mac 64-bit: progress bars with movies.
    Praat v 6.0.12 26 janv. 2016 Windows
    Windows 32-bit: corrected a bug that could cause Praat to crash when closing the Sound window after popping up dialog boxes.
    Mac 64-bit: better demoShow().
    Mac 64-bit: working Matrix movies and articulatory synthesizer movies.
    Praat v 5 déc. 2015 Windows
    6.0.07 (30 November 2015)

    Mac 64-bit: repaired dragging selections (which got broken in the El Capitan fix in 6.0.06).

    6.0.06 (29 November 2015)

    Mac 64-bit: correct early Info window updates and demoShow() in El Capitan.
    Manual updates.
    Corrected some small memory leaks.
    Praat v 10 nov. 2015 Windows
    A manual page that describes TextGrid file formats.
    Corrected a bug that prevented some KlattGrid tiers from being edited.
    32-bit Linux: correct use of PulseAudio (note: 6.0.04 on Debian already had this correct).
    Praat v 1 nov. 2015 Windows
    6.0.03 (31 October 2015)

    Corrected a bug that caused Praat to crash when the Soundrecorder window was closed.
    Scripting: when calling Praat from the command line, added the --run option to force script execution.

    6.0.02 (30 October 2015)

    Corrected the redrawing of analyses in the Sound window after a change in the sound.

    6.0.01 (29 October 2015)

    Windows: fixed a bug that caused Praat to crash at start-up in some Windows versions.
    Praat v 6.0 30 oct. 2015 Windows
    Linux: use PulseAudio as the server for playing sound.
    Windows: removed Praatcon.exe, because Praat.exe can now be used from the command line.
    Praat can now open files from the command line on all platforms.
    The API change that requires raising the major Praat version to 6: no longer any need for Praatcon.exe, because Praat itself can now run a script from the command line on all platforms.
    See Scripting 6.9. Calling from the command line for all command line options.
    SpeechSynthesizer: corrected a potentially crashing bug.
    Mac Retina graphics: made function drawing (e.g. in the TextGrid window) twice as fast.
    LongSound: corrected playing of more than 2 channels.
    Praat v 5.4.22 14 oct. 2015 Windows
    Sound files: added support for MP3 files with ID3 version 2 headers.
    Table: Line graph where: removed a bug that caused nothing to be drawn if the number of columns was larger than the number of rows and the column index was larger than the number of rows.
    Mac: corrected horizontal spacing in graphical text on El Capitán.
    Mac: corrected a bug that would cause Praat to crash if a PNG file could not be saved (from a script).
    Windows: enabled PNG saving from Praatcon.
    Praat v 5.4.20 29 sept. 2015 Windows
    Corrected the graphical representation of numbers with exponents (wrong since 5.4.10).
    Windows: prevented flashing console window in runScript().
    Praat v 5.4.19 26 sept. 2015 Windows
    LongSound: corrected saving of 8-bit files as 16-bit.
    Praat v 5.4.18 9 sept. 2015 Windows
    Regular expressions: if the pattern is illegal, you'll now get an error message instead of an empty string.
    LongSound: removed a bug introduced in 1999 that could play long stereo sounds much too fast if they had unusual sampling frequencies. This bug has become more noticeable on the Mac since January 2015.
    Guard better against sound files that contain 0 samples.
    Scripting: faster look-up of variables.
    Praat v 5.4.17 27 août 2015 Windows
    Scripting: removed a bug that could cause Praat to crash when calling `writeFile()` with an empty text.
    Praat v 5.4.15 2 août 2015 Windows
    5.4.15 (1 August 2015)

    Introduced several command line options that make it easier to call Praat from a web server.
    64-bit Mac: removed a bug introduced in 5.4.11 that caused incorrect spacing of vertical text in picture files.
    Praat v 5.4.14 28 juil. 2015 Windows
    5.4.14 (24 July 2015)

    Windows and 32-bit Mac: removed a bug introduced in 5.4.12 that could cause weird behavior (even crashing) when pressing the Tab key in the script window or in the manual.

    5.4.13 (22 July 2015)

    The Demo window can now save itself to a PNG or PDF file.
    Windows: removed a bug introduced in 5.4.10 whereby Praatcon would write garbled text to the console.

    5.4.12 (10 July 2015)

    Windows: removed a bug introduced in 5.4.10 whereby SpeechSynthesizer would only pronounce the first letter of the text.

    5.4.11 (8 July 2015)

    Windows: removed a bug introduced in 5.4.10 whereby the file selection window could try to open a file with a garbled name.
    Removed a bug whereby the PointProcess window would crash when showing a perfectly silent sound.
    Praat v 5.4.10 28 juin 2015 Windows
    Removed a bug introduced in version 4.5.09 (January 2007) that caused incorrect upsampling of stereo sounds when the upsampling factor was exactly 2. This bug has caused incorrect playing of stereo sounds with a sampling frequency of 22050 Hz on the Mac since January 2015.
    Removed a bug introduced in 2011 that could cause Praat to crash when you scrolled the LongSound window.
    TextGrid: Count intervals where... and Count points where....
    Praat v 5.4.09 6 juin 2015 Windows
    ?? Linux: the tab key can be used to play sounds on more computers.
    • Windows: TextGrid files with non-BMP characters are now read correctly.
    • Windows: files with names that contain non-BMP characters are now saved correctly.
    • Updated manual.
    Praat v 5.4.08 24 mars 2015 Windows
    5.4.08 (24 March 2015)

    • Sound window: removed a bug that caused a crash in "Editor info".

    5.4.07 (22 March 2015)

    • TextGrid window: Add interval now does the same thing as Add boundary if a time strectch is selected.
    • Linux: better redrawing in TextGrid window.
    Praat v 5.4.06 23 févr. 2015 Windows
    5.4.06 (21 February 2015)

    • Windows: repaired a bug that could cause Praat to crash if a metafile resolution was 200 dpi.

    5.4.05 (13 February 2015)

    • Better support for big integer numbers on Windows XP.
    • Sound window: guarded against empty view ranges for the intensity curve.
    Praat v 5.4.04 4 janv. 2015 Windows
  • €¢ Windows audio playback: if the sound has more channels than the audio hardware, distribute them evenly.
  • Praat v 5.4.03 23 déc. 2014 Windows
  • €¢ TextGrid reading: Praat now corrects some incomplete TextGrid files created by others.

  • • Better support for text files larger than 2 GB.
    Praat v 5.4.01 14 nov. 2014 Windows
  • €¢ MelSpectrogram, BarkSpectrogram.

  • • Linux: removed a bug that could cause too many flashes when scrolling a Sound window.
    • Mac: repaired a bug that could cause a crash in the VowelEditor window.
    Praat v 5.3.85 25 sept. 2014 Windows
    5.3.85 (19 September 2014)

    Mac audio: circumvented a bug in PortAudio by which playback of sounds with sampling frequencies below 44100 Hz could be distorted on some USB headsets.

    5.3.84 (26 August 2014)

    Manipulation: repaired a bug that could cause Praat to crash when playing a manipulation of a Sound created by the SpeechSynthesizer.

    5.3.83 (16 August 2014)

    TextGrid window: repaired a bug with automatic alignment that could cause an analysis tier to go out of order.
    Linux audio: created a second workaround that reduces even more the chances of a freeze that is due to a potential deadlock in the collaboration between Alsa and PulseAudio that can occur when the playback of a sound is cancelled.
    Smoother communication with Phon.
    Windows: repaired a memory leak when saving PNG files.

    5.3.82 (26 July 2014)

    Audio playback: if the sound has more channels than the audio hardware, distribute them evenly.
    Pause forms: more consistent appearance of the Revert button.
    Scripting: pauseScript ( ) function.
    Praat v 5.3.81 8 juil. 2014 Windows
    EEG: can work with status numbers instead of only with status bits.
    Windows: repaired a bug that could cause Praat to crash if there was a 96-dpi printer.
    Praat v 5.3.80 2 juil. 2014 Windows
    5.3.80 (29 June 2014)

    Praat preferences: choice between Chinese and Japanese style for Han characters.

    5.3.79 (21 June 2014)

    Can now play sounds over more than two channels.
    Asynchronous play in scripts (see Demo window).
    EEG: blue-to-red colour scale for scalp distributions.

    5.3.78 (12 June 2014)

    Multithreading can now speed up pitch analysis by a factor of 4 or so, depending on the number of cores in your processor.
    Linux: can now open and save Photo objects (from PNG files) and use Insert picture from file....
    Open WAV files that are in the "extensible" format (previously "unsupported format -2").
    Windows: support for dropping more than one file on the Praat icon.
    Scripting: can now use the editor command with an object's ID instead of only with its name.
    Windows: removed a bug that sometimes disallowed saving more than one JPEG file.
    Linux audio: created a workaround that reduces the chances of a freeze that is due to a potential deadlock in the collaboration between Alsa and PulseAudio that can occur when the playback of a sound is cancelled.
    Praat v 5.3.77 23 mai 2014 Windows
    EEG: more facilities for EDF+ files.
    Praat v 5.3.74 30 avril 2014 Windows
    EEG: more interpretation of triggers in EDF+ files.
    Praat v 5.3.73 25 avril 2014 Windows
    5.3.73 (21 April 2014)

    EEG: understand more EGI/NetStation files.

    5.3.72 (17 April 2014)

    Windows: repaired a bug that caused two black edges in PNG files.
    Windows: repaired a bug that could cause Praat to crash if a metafile resolution was 360 dpi.
    Linux: repaired a bug that caused Praat to crash when cutting or pasting a sound in the Sound window.
    Praat v 5.3.71 12 avril 2014 Windows
    Windows: brought more unity in the style of Chinese characters.
    Praat v 5.3.70 5 avril 2014 Windows
    Added some query commands for DurationTier objects.
    Repaired a bug that caused Praat not to run as a console app.
    Praat v 5.3.69 29 mars 2014 Windows
    Picture window: can save to 300-dpi and 600-dpi PNG files.
    Graphics: sub-pixel precision line drawing on Mac and Linux.
    Repaired a bug that could show spurious buttons in the Objects window if a plug-in created objects.
    Praat v 5.3.68 21 mars 2014 Windows
    Mac: corrected a bug introduced in 5.3.19 that could cause crashes when drawing a spectrogram.
    Mac and Linux: Create Strings as file list... handles broken symbolic links more leniently.
    Praat v 5.3.67 19 mars 2014 Windows
    Corrected a bug that would create strange PNG files if the selection did not touch the upper left corner of the Picture window.
    Mac: can save the Picture window to PNG file.
    EEG: understand trigger letters in BDF/EDF files.
    Praat v 5.3.66 11 mars 2014 Windows
    Windows and Linux: can save the Picture window to PNG file.
    Windows: opening, modifying and saving PNG, TIFF or JPEG files (the Photo object, as on the Mac).
    Praat v 5.3.65 28 févr. 2014 Windows
    Scripting language: removed some bugs from runScript.
    Linux: can save the Picture window to PDF file.
    Praat v 5.3.64 16 févr. 2014 Windows
    Scripting language: writeInfo, procedure, exitScript, runScript: all with colons.
    64-bit Mac graphics: better highlighting and unhighlighting of selection.
    64-bit Mac graphics: full screen.
    Praat v 5.3.63 28 janv. 2014 Windows
    Scripting language: easier menu command invocation using the colon ":".
    64-bit Mac graphics: better handling of any absence of Doulos SIL or Charis SIL.
    Windows scripting: can now use "~" in file names to refer to home directory, as on Mac and Linux.
    Praat v 5.3.62 4 janv. 2014 Windows
    5.3.62 (2 January 2014)

    64-bit Mac: removed a bug introduced in 5.3.61 that could cause text containing "ff" to become invisible.

    5.3.61 (1 January 2014)

    EEG: understand status registers that contain text.
    KlattGrid: removed a bug introduced in May 2009 that could make Praat crash after editing an oral formant grid.

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