Sweet MIDI Player

Categorie Production Audio / MIDI
Version 2.6.1
Format App
Compatibilité Sweet MIDI PlayerMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $25  /  23€
Mis à jour le 6 août 2013
Téléchargements 6 809
Télécharg. Mac 6 029
Categorie Production Audio / MIDI
Version 2.6.1
Format App
Compatibilité Sweet MIDI PlayerWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $25  /  23€
Mis à jour le 2 juil. 2013
Téléchargements 6 809
Télécharg. PC 780

Lecteur de MIDI-files

Sweet MIDI Player permet de lire tous les types de fichiers MIDI, mais aussi de les modifier, il possède une interface de type mixer qui permet de modifier et éditer, les messages MIDI, de changer le tempo de transposer ou muter certaines pistes.
Vous pouvez ensuite sauvegarder le résultat au format MIDI-file.

Vous pouvez créer des play-lists de vos fichiers MIDI grâce au Jukebox inclu à Sweet MIDI Player
OS X 10.4 ou plus
Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Windows 7
Sweet MIDI Player Sweet MIDI Player v 2.6.1 6 août 2013 MacOS X UB
1. Change - Better error handling for unsupported MIDI messages when using the DLS Music Device
2. Bug fix - Loop was set to off when loading a new song when in playlist mode
Roni music Sweet MIDI Player Sweet MIDI Player v 2.6.0 26 mai 2013 MacOS X UB
1. New - Better looking history dialog
2. Bug fix - Didn't work on OS X 10.4
Roni music Sweet MIDI Player v 2.5.9 13 févr. 2013 MacOS X UB
1. Bug fix - Certain note on and off events could possibly be reversed
player Sweet MIDI Player v 2.5.8 3 janv. 2013 MacOS X UB
1. Change - Improved lyrics display for many MIDI Karaoke files
2. Bug fix - Fixed a crash that occurred when saving files (affects OS X 10.4 only)
permet Sweet MIDI Player v 2.5.6 15 sept. 2012 MacOS X UB
1. New - Now possible to change master volume, reverb and tuning for the DLS Music Device (MIDI Menu -> Music Device Settings)
2. New - Support for saving as AAC/M4a audio file
3. Change - Better support for Audacity Lame MP3 encoder
fichiers Sweet MIDI Player v 2.5.3 21 févr. 2012 MacOS X UB
1. New - Better support for Karaoke MIDI files with stray text events
2. New - More support for "non standard" Karaoke MIDI files
3. New - Support for MIDI files with 0xF7 "escape events" (very rare)
sweet Sweet MIDI Player v 2.5.2 12 déc. 2011 MacOS X UB
1. New - Support for extremely long MIDI files
2. New - The Karaoke display now supports "Marker" events
3. Change - Minor corrections in the Karaoke display
4. Change - Better support for "non standard" Karaoke MIDI files
pouvez Sweet MIDI Player v 2.5.1 18 sept. 2011 MacOS X UB
1. New - Spacebar may now toggle between Pause/Continue (Preferences setting)
2. New - Automatic insertion of missing controller events
3. Change - Better support for damaged/faulty MIDI files
telecharger Sweet MIDI Player v 2.5.0 7 juin 2011 MacOS X UB
1. Change - Better behavior when using the "Mute" and "Solo" buttons during playback
mac Sweet MIDI Player v 2.4.9 16 mars 2011 MacOS X UB
1. Change - Much faster loading of MIDI files
2. Change - Button icons are now resized according to the current zoom setting
3. Bug fix - Fixed a font drawing issue in the Karaoke screen
4. Bug fix - Zoom menu item check marks were not updated correctly
windows Sweet MIDI Player v 2.4.8 9 févr. 2011 MacOS X UB
1. New - Escape key acts as Loop on/off command
2. New - Key commands for the zoom choices
3. Bug fix - Saving as an audio file could possibly affect the currently loaded MIDI file
4. Bug fix - Now displays correct song length after editing
5. Bug fix - Didn't work OK if using Apple's "Magic Trackpad"
macintosh Sweet MIDI Player v 2.4.7 11 oct. 2010 MacOS X UB
1. Bugfix - Better support for very long files
pc Sweet MIDI Player v 2.4.6 7 août 2010 MacOS X UB
1. Bugfix - Minor fix in Load MIDI File
2. Bugfix - Drag/Drop from iTunes was broken
Sweet MIDI Player v 2.4.5 24 févr. 2010 MacOS X UB
1. Bugfix - Minor fix in Load MIDI File
2. Change - Now requires OS X 10.4 or later
Sweet MIDI Player v 2.4.4 21 déc. 2009 MacOS X UB
1. New - Saving as a MP3 file provided you have the free Lame MP3 encoder installed
2. Change - Better behaviour when running with multiple monitors
3. Change - Finally changed the display name from "Sweet MIDI X" to "Sweet MIDI Player"
Sweet MIDI Player v 2.4.3 17 oct. 2009 MacOS X UB
1. Change - Now supports files available on external discs or networks
2. New - Added a "Recent Playlists" menu item in the File Menu
Sweet MIDI Player v 2.4.2 19 août 2009 MacOS X UB
Changes for version 2.4.2 2009-08-18
1. Bugfix - The "DLS Music Device" didn't work on "Snow Leopard"
2. Change - Now converts any bank change messages into bank 0 if using the DLS Music device (banks other that 0 will make drum sounds)

Changes for version 2.4.1 2009-05-19
1. New - Now stores left and right locator values when saving a MIDI file
2. Bugfix - Some key commands didn't work on laptops
Sweet MIDI Player v 2.4.0 30 sept. 2008 MacOS X UB
1. New - Karaoke display
2. New - Key commands for setting the left and right locators
2. New - Added an "Edit Sequence Name" item in the Edit Menu
4. Change - Looping is now also possible when the Jukebox is enabled
5. Change - Now checks for too long MIDI files
6. Bugfix - Didn't handle multiple text events with the same time position correctly
7. Bugfix - Mixer controls didn't always update correctly if changed during playback
Sweet MIDI Player v 2.3.5 14 mai 2008 MacOS X UB
2.3.5 080514 Bugfix - Intel version didn't send correct SysEx events when using CoreMidi
2.3.4 080410 New - Save as Audio FIle now also supports Unicode characters + no need to save the MIDI file before converting to audio
2.3.3 080107 Bugfix - Workaround for bug/change in CoreAudio when running under OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
2.3.2 071129 Minor changes for OS X 10.5 (Leopard) - now requires OS X 10.3.9 or higher
2.3.1 070706 Now creates files with 'Midi' as the file type so GarageBand will open a saved MIDI file + stores the sequence name when saving a MIDI file
Sweet MIDI Player v 2.3.0 4 mai 2007 MacOS X UB
Now possible to save as MIDI Format 1 files regardless of the original format + possible to disable the MIDI input
Sweet MIDI Player v 2.2.9 1 avril 2007 MacOS X UB
Added a "Cue" slider
Sweet MIDI Player v 2.2.7 5 déc. 2006 MacOS X UB
Full Unicode file name support
Sweet MIDI Player v 2.2.6 25 oct. 2006 MacOS X UB
Save as Format 0 file + added keyboard shortcut 'M' for metronome on/off
Sweet MIDI Player v 2.2.5 19 juin 2006 MacOS X UB
MIDI click - enable/disable in the MIDI Menu / Added a recent file menu
Sweet MIDI Player v 2.2.4 5 juin 2006 MacOS X UB
Muting a MIDI channel does not any longer affect other sounding MIDI channels
Sweet MIDI Player v 2.2.2 13 mars 2006 MacOS X UB
Changement de tempo facilité
correction de bugs mineurs sur MacIntel
Sweet MIDI Player v 2.2.1 6 mars 2006 MacOS X UB
Universal Binary
correction de bugs
Sweet MIDI Player v 2.2.0 6 janv. 2006 MacOS X PPC
Mise à jour de maintenance
Sweet MIDI Player Sweet MIDI Player v 2.6.1 2 juil. 2013 Windows
1. Change - Minor changes needed for touch devices such as Windows Surface PRO
Roni music Sweet MIDI Player Sweet MIDI Player v 2.6.0 26 mai 2013 Windows
1. New - Better looking history dialog
2. Bug fix - Didn't work on OS X 10.4
Roni music Sweet MIDI Player v 2.5.9 13 févr. 2013 Windows
1. Bug fix - Certain note on and off events could possibly be reversed
player Sweet MIDI Player v 2.5.8 3 janv. 2013 Windows
1. New - Inproved lyrics display for many MIDI Karaoke files
permet Sweet MIDI Player v 2.5.5 14 juil. 2012 Windows
Maintenance update - minor changes only
fichiers Sweet MIDI Player v 2.5.3 21 févr. 2012 Windows
1. New - Better support for Karaoke MIDI files with stray text events
2. New - More support for "non standard" Karaoke MIDI files
3. New - Support for MIDI files with 0xF7 "escape" events (very rare)
sweet Sweet MIDI Player v 2.5.2 12 déc. 2011 Windows
1. New - Support for extremely long MIDI files
2. New - The Karaoke display now supports "Marker" events
3. Change - Minor corrections in the Karaoke display
4. Change - Better support for "non standard" Karaoke MIDI files
pouvez Sweet MIDI Player v 2.5.1 18 sept. 2011 Windows
1. New - Spacebar may now toggle between Pause/Continue (Options Menu -> Preferences)
2. New - Automtic insertion of missing controller events
3. Change - Better support for damaged/faulty MIDI files
4. Change - Removes GS and XG SysEx messages to circumvent a bug in the Windows 7 and Vista software synth
5. Bugfix - Some Karaoke words were not correctly updated
telecharger Sweet MIDI Player v 2.5.0 7 juin 2011 Windows
1. New - Added a switch in the "Preferences" dialog to circumvent a bug in the Windows 7 and Vista software synth
mac Sweet MIDI Player v 2.4.9 16 mars 2011 Windows
1. Change - Much faster loading of MIDI files
2. Change - Some minor cosmetic changes
windows Sweet MIDI Player v 2.4.8 9 févr. 2011 Windows
1. New - Escape key acts as a Loop on/off command
2. New - Key commands for the zoom choices
3. Bug fix - Saving as audio file could possibly affect the currently loaded MIDI file
4. Bug fix - Now displays correct song length after editing
macintosh Sweet MIDI Player v 2.4.7 11 oct. 2010 Windows
1. Change - Better the detection of the screen size when running for the first time
2. Bugfix - Better support for very long files
pc Sweet MIDI Player v 2.4.6 7 août 2010 Windows
1. Bugfix - Minor fix in Load MIDI File
2. Bugfix - Drag/Drop from iTunes was broken
Sweet MIDI Player v 2.4.5 24 févr. 2010 Windows
1. Bugfix - Minor fix in Load MIDI File
2. Change - Now requires OS X 10.4 or later
Sweet MIDI Player v 2.4.4 21 déc. 2009 Windows
1. New - Saving as a MP3 file (if QuickTime and LAME encoders are installed )
Sweet MIDI Player v 2.4.3 17 oct. 2009 Windows
1. New - Added a "Recent Playlists" menu item in the File Menu
Sweet MIDI Player v 2.4.1 19 août 2009 Windows
1. New - Now stores left and right locator values when saving a MIDI file
Sweet MIDI Player v 2.4.0 30 sept. 2008 Windows
1. New - Karaoke display
2. New - Key commands for setting the left and right locators
3. New - Added an "Edit Sequence Name" item in the Edit Menu
4. Change - Looping is now also possible when the Jukebox is enabled
5. Change - Now checks for too long MIDI files
6. Bugfix - Didn't handle multiple text events with the same time position correctly
7. Bugfix - Mixer controls didn't always update correctly if changed during playback
Sweet MIDI Player v 2.3.5 14 mai 2008 Windows
2.3.5 080514 Bugfix - Intel version didn't send correct SysEx events when using CoreMidi
2.3.4 080410 New - Save as Audio FIle now also supports Unicode characters + no need to save the MIDI file before converting to audio
2.3.3 080107 Bugfix - Workaround for bug/change in CoreAudio when running under OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
2.3.2 071129 Minor changes for OS X 10.5 (Leopard) - now requires OS X 10.3.9 or higher
2.3.1 070706 Now creates files with 'Midi' as the file type so GarageBand will open a saved MIDI file + stores the sequence name when saving a MIDI file
Sweet MIDI Player v 2.3.0 4 mai 2007 Windows
Now possible to save as MIDI Format 1 files regardless of the original format + possible to disable the MIDI input
Sweet MIDI Player v 2.2.9 1 avril 2007 Windows
Added a "Cue" slider
Sweet MIDI Player v 2.2.7 5 déc. 2006 Windows
1. Bugfix - Updating of controls are now flicker free
2. New - All preferences files are now stored in the
"C:\Documents and Settings\YourUserName\Application Data\Roni Music\Sweet MIDI Player"
folder which means you can now run ASD whithout administrator rights

3. New - Completly rewritten help file
4. Change - Now fully compatible with Windows Vista
Sweet MIDI Player v 2.2.5 5 juin 2006 Windows
MIDI click - enable/disable in the MIDI Menu / Added a recent file menu
Roni music
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Facile à installer, facile à exploiter. Merci.
version 2.0.7, MacOS X PPC
Freezes after a while

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