
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 3.3
Format AUVST
Compatibilité AlphaMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $59  /  59€
Mis à jour le 17 avril 2014
Téléchargements 1 988
Télécharg. Mac 1 712
Categorie Production Audio / Instruments Virtuels
Version 3.3
Format VST
Compatibilité AlphaWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $59  /  59€
Mis à jour le 17 avril 2014
Téléchargements 1 988
Télécharg. PC 276

Synthétiseur soustractif

Synthétiseur soustractif destiné à recréer la chaleur et le caractère des synthétiseurs analogiques des années 80.

- synthétiseur polyphonique 24 notes (en fonction du CPU)
- 2 oscillateurs modulables avec pour chacun 30 formes d'onde différentes
- filtre modulables multimode avec saturation
- 2 enveloppes ADSFR
- matrice de modulation
- portamento / glide
A Mac or PC computer with at least 500 MHz CPU An AU or VST2.0 capable host software (DAW), like Cubase, Logic, Orion, FL Studio etc Alpha itself requires about 8 Mb memory only (first instance, 2 Mb for all additional instances) a Screen resolution of 1024 x 768 or better Mac OSX 10.4.8 or newer or Windows XP or newer
Alpha Alpha v 3.3 17 avril 2014 MacOS X Intel
Major update with the following changes (not all apply to FreeAlpha)

new, scale-able User Interface
new full window bank/preset browser
undo / redo functionality
noise now in three colours: white, pink and brown
prev/next switch for browsing through waveforms
pitch bend range now saved per preset
matrix now with 11 slots
filter drive/saturation now as destination in the matrix
main pan position now as destination in the matrix
new random and alternate modulation sources
LinPlug Alpha Alpha v 3.2.2 2 nov. 2012 MacOS X Intel
OSX 10.8 certified installers
Fixed hangs when switching presets
Compatibility enhancements
Added MIDI output (parameter feedback) for Audio Units
Ended support for PowerPC processors
LinPlug Alpha v 3.2.1 28 févr. 2012 MacOS X UB
Mac only update:

Fixed detune problem when loading on PowerPC systems (may require removal from rack)
Stability improvements
Fixed transport sync in RTAS
Ended support for PowerPC G3 processors
synth Alpha v 3.2 1 nov. 2011 MacOS X UB
Most changes apply to both Alpha and FreeAlpha
  • Additional new 24 db LP Filter type

  • Improved Bank / Preset system now for up to 200 banks

  • 44 new presets of various types (Alpha only!)

  • fixed Release time might be too short in rare cases

  • fixed ECS (MIDI Learn) not being stored permanently on Windows
  • tiseur Alpha v 3.1.5 19 juil. 2011 MacOS X UB
    Mac only update:
  • added support for Mac OSX 10.7 Lion

  • fixed crash when loading aupreset (AU only)
  • modulables Alpha v 3.1.3 2 juin 2011 MacOS X UB
  • Mac only update: 64 bit native Mac version included
  • soustractif Alpha v 3.1.2 11 déc. 2010 MacOS X UB
  • fixed crashes in Reaper x64 / Sonar 8.5 x64

  • fixed MIDI Controller feedback not working in 64 bit version

  • support for asian languages in filenames
  • telecharger Alpha v 3.1.1 27 févr. 2010 MacOS X UB
  • fixed audio problem on PowerPC Macs

  • fixed rare sound spikes with certain presets

  • corrected setup GUI (setting default preset on Mac)
  • mac Alpha v 3.1 3 déc. 2009 MacOS X UB
  • fixed program change issues

  • Mac OSX 10.6 compatibility

  • improved Windows Vista compatibility

  • Windows 7 compatibility

  • improved Digital Performer compatibility

  • native 64 bit version for PC available
  • windows Alpha v 3.0 9 févr. 2007 MacOS X UB
  • improved sound quality

  • noise oscillator

  • filter-FM

  • adjustable and modulatable ringmodulator

  • increased polyphony (now 32 voices)

  • improved ECS (MIDI learn)

  • now 3 LFO's

  • larger modulation matrix (now 7 slots)

  • more than 150 new presets from some of the best sound designers
  • Alpha Alpha v 3.3 17 avril 2014 Windows
    Major update with the following changes (not all apply to FreeAlpha)

    new, scale-able User Interface
    new full window bank/preset browser
    undo / redo functionality
    noise now in three colours: white, pink and brown
    prev/next switch for browsing through waveforms
    pitch bend range now saved per preset
    matrix now with 11 slots
    filter drive/saturation now as destination in the matrix
    main pan position now as destination in the matrix
    new random and alternate modulation sources
    LinPlug Alpha Alpha v 3.2 1 nov. 2011 Windows
    Most changes apply to both Alpha and FreeAlpha
  • Additional new 24 db LP Filter type

  • Improved Bank / Preset system now for up to 200 banks

  • 44 new presets of various types (Alpha only!)

  • fixed Release time might be too short in rare cases

  • fixed ECS (MIDI Learn) not being stored permanently on Windows
  • LinPlug Alpha v 3.1.2 11 déc. 2010 Windows
  • fixed crashes in Reaper x64 / Sonar 8.5 x64

  • fixed MIDI Controller feedback not working in 64 bit version

  • support for asian languages in filenames
  • synth Alpha v 3.1.1 27 févr. 2010 Windows
  • fixed audio problem on PowerPC Macs

  • fixed rare sound spikes with certain presets

  • corrected setup GUI (setting default preset on Mac)
  • tiseur Alpha v 3.1 3 déc. 2009 Windows
  • fixed program change issues

  • Mac OSX 10.6 compatibility

  • improved Windows Vista compatibility

  • Windows 7 compatibility

  • improved Digital Performer compatibility

  • native 64 bit version for PC available
  • LinPlug
    Acheter Alpha près de Columbus, United States chez:

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