
Categorie Production Audio / Editeurs et Enregistreurs Audio
Version 2.1.2
Format App
Compatibilité AudacityMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Gratuit
Prix Gratuit
3.3 / 5 , 21 votes
Mis à jour le 26 janv. 2016
Téléchargements 41 607
Télécharg. Mac 19 456
Categorie Production Audio / Editeurs et Enregistreurs Audio
Version 2.1.2
Format App
Compatibilité AudacityWindows
Licence Logiciel Gratuit
Prix Gratuit
3.3 / 5 , 21 votes
Mis à jour le 26 janv. 2016
Téléchargements 41 607
Télécharg. PC 22 151

Editeur Audio Compatible VST

Audacity est un éditeur audio gratuit qui permet d'enregistrer, de lire des sons, d'importer et d'exporter des fichiers WAV, AIFF et MP3...
Il possède un éditeur d'enveloppes, un spectrogramme, une fenêtre d'analyse des fréquences audio, des effets et supporte les plug-ins VST.
Mac OS X 10.5 ou plus
Windows 8/7/Vista/XP
Audacity Audacity v 2.1.2 26 janv. 2016 MacOS X UB

Noise Reduction defaults changed.


We’ve made several improvements to the spectrogram view of tracks which are particularly valuable for vocal work.

New option ‘Spectral Reassignment’. This algorithm deduces a ‘finer’ spectrogram for vocal work.
Four new Spectrogram scales.
Improvement to the Pitch (EAC) algorithm – cleaner (sharper) display.
Spectrogram Settings are now available per-track.

Other Changes
Upgraded from wxWidgets 2.8.12 to wxWidgets 3.0.2.
Restructuring of the Preferences Menu
Restructuring of the Track Dropdown Menu (for the Spectrograms)
The Noise Reduction "Frequency smoothing" default has been increased to 3 to help avoid metallic artifacts. Resetting Preferences or deleting audacity.cfg will set the new default.
(Windows) The location of Audacity's work-in-progress folder has been changed, to avoid problems where certain disk cleaners treated them as deletable temporary files.

Bug Fixes

Crashes on reading .wav files with many channels (CVE-2016-2540) and corrupt .mp2 files (CVE-2016-2541) have been fixed. Thanks to Chris Navarrete from Fortinet’s FortiGuard Labs for notifying us of these bugs and associated security risk.
Audacity Audacity Audacity v 2.1.1 7 août 2015 MacOS X UB

Built-in effects now support presets.
New Limiter effect replaces Hard Limiter effect.
New Crossfade Clips effect to apply a simple crossfade to a selected pair of clips in a single audio track.
Can now add/remove effects from Generate and Effects menus.
New version of Vocal Removal Effect.
Classic Filters now included as an opt-in effect.

Much faster editing with larger projects, thanks to a faster method for storing the autosave recovery file.
Performance improvements for Draw Tool and zooming of Spectrogram views.
Zero-padding Spectrograms Preference smooths the image for short window sizes.
Scrubbing and Seeking, including backwards play.
Quick-Play from Timeline enhancements, particularly for looping.
(Windows) Language of Audacity user interface is now set in installer.
More VI usability enhancements for track focus & navigation.

Other Changes
Upgraded to Nyquist 3.0.9 and libflac 1.3.1.
Upgraded LV2 libs, LV2 GUIs on Linux, LV2 factory Presets.
Crash report integration.
Modules can be enabled in Preferences. Mod-nyq-bench available as an experimental module (but not in the default download).

Bug Fixes

Crash using Undo while dragging sample points
Crash using File > Close on project window when Screenshot Tools was open.
FFmpeg Custom Export: Crashes importing presets.
(OS X) Crash closing Track Gain or Pan adjustment box.
(OS X) Crash closing project window between save project dialogues
(Linux) TAL VST (but not other VST's) crashed if previewing built-in effect
(Linux) SPACE could not be used/could crash in context menus that have a checkbox.

LV2 effects did not use parameters when using Chains.
Built in Generators were not usable in Chains.
Plot Spectrum could not change values without losing focus.
Track dropdown menu settings could affect other tracks.
Slight mismatch of vertical scale with linear spectrogram view.
RTP effect Play/Stop button remained deactivated after built-in preview ended.
Contrast: "Move forward or backward through active windows" did not refocus Contrast.
LADSPA and LV2 generate plug-ins failed when white space selected.

Mac OS X
Confusing behaviour importing / exporting AU presets. In particular, Apple Audio Units silently applied an imported preset.
Audacity Audacity v 2.1.0 21 juil. 2015 MacOS X UB
Changes and Improvements:

* Effects:
* LADSPA, VST and Audio Unit (OS X) effects now support real-time preview,
save/load of user presets and saving effect settings across sessions.
Note: Real-time preview does not yet support latency compensation.
* VST effects now support import/export of FXB preset banks.
* Shell VST effects that host multiple plugins are now supported.
* All Effect Menu items (built-in or plugin) can now be used in a Chain.
* Items in the Effect, Generate or Analyze Menus can be sorted or grouped
by name, publisher or class of effect.
* Noise Removal is improved and renamed to "Noise Reduction".
* Change Speed has new time controls for current and new length. You can
now enter the speed change as a multiplier e.g. "2" is twice as fast.
* New "Crossfade Tracks" effect can be used for crossfading two tracks.
This replaces Cross Fade In and Cross Fade Out.
* Nyquist Prompt and most shipped Nyquist effects now have Preview button.

* Interface:
* Redesigned Meter Toolbars: The default shows separate Record and Playback
Meters, half-height so they can be wider while docked, in gradient style.
* A frequency selection can now be made (and spectral edit effects applied
to those frequencies) when in a spectrogram view. You can also create
or adjust frequency selections in a new "Spectral Selection Toolbar"
(available at View > Toolbars).
* Transcription Toolbar (Play-at-speed) can now loop play and cut-preview.
* Timer Record now saves recordings automatically into an existing project.
* New Armenian translation.

* Operating system and sound device support:
* (Windows) Audacity 2.1.0 requires Windows XP SP3 (32-bit) or XP SP2
(64-bit), Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or 8.1.
* (Windows) Audacity is now compiled using Visual Studio 2013.
* (Windows) Recording with WASAPI host now includes experimental support
for physical inputs (up to 24-bit depth) as well as loopback recording.
* (OS X) 10.10 (Yosemite) is now supported including Apple Audio Units.
* Please report any issues with WASAPI recording/playback or Yosemite
to .
* (Linux Ubuntu) Under Unity, keyboard shortcuts are not visible in the
Audacity menus. Keyboard shortcuts are visible if you install the classic
GNOME Flashback interface or under Unity if you open Audacity with the
UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 environment variable. Audacity compiled from source
will ship with src/ set to UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 but it
will remain up to distributions to use this desktop file.

Bug fixes:

* Interface:
* Typing "j" or "k" in a label track activated the "move cursor" shortcut.
* Spectrogram log (f) view displayed incorrectly until vertically zoomed.
* Fixed crash after zooming out on vertical scale beyond +/-1.0.
* Selections made with Selection Toolbar were not restored after Undo.
* Undo could fail silently if a selection included/touched a clip boundary.

* Imports and Exports
* If there were invalid FFmpeg libs in system PATH this prevented Audacity
recognising the installed FFmpeg or the FFmpeg specified in audacity.cfg.

* Mac OS X:
* Fix uninitialized buffer - this should correct playback buzz or crackle
where the upper of multiple tracks started with or contained white space.
* Device names were corrupted when using system language other than English.
* Fixed crashes using (external program).
* Waves v9 Audio Units should now work correctly.

* GNU/Linux:
* Fix "Audacity already running" error when using the command-line or
context menu to open multiple or further files.
* Fix segfault exporting an FFmpeg format to an unwritable folder.
* Fix silent failure exporting FFmpeg, MP2 or OGG to an unwritable folder.
* Fix ENTER activated an effect when OK button was greyed out.

* Addendum:
* The previous Audacity 2.0.6 version fixed an issue that projects did not
reopen correctly if they contained tracks having 2^31 samples or greater
of audio (just over 13.5 hours at 44100 Hz).
audio Audacity v 2.0.6 4 oct. 2014 MacOS X UB

better user interface for Keyboard Preferences
streamlining of several Menus
LV2 now supported on all platforms, and improved VST settings interface
translations updated, including adding Tamil language
other improvements, including to import/export and ease of installation on Mac OS X

Bug Fixes:

user interface bug fixes to Region Restore, dragging selections, and many others
effects bug fixes to add missing effects to Chains, fix accuracy of Analyze > Contrast, fix accuracy of Noise Removal attack and decay, and improve speed of Nyquist effects on OS X and Linux
other bug fixes to Timeline after Loop Play, Transcription Toolbar, and Linux build issues
diteur Audacity v 2.0.5 22 oct. 2013 MacOS X UB
Bug fixes

Shaped dither was corrupted and too loud on all stereo exports except FLAC.
Keyboard Preferences: some Edit and Align commands for different sub-menus showed the same name.
Recordings stopped with "Stop and Set Cursor" shortcut could not be undone.
In locales that use comma for decimal separator:
Text boxes with slider in Nyquist effects only produced whole numbers when using comma to enter a fractional number. Text boxes without slider still have this problem.
Built-in generators produced silence after running a Nyquist effect.
(Windows) When first changing to Windows WASAPI host, the input volume slider in Mixer Toolbar was enabled when it should have been permanently disabled.
(Windows) On some machines, launching Audacity then recording from the current Device Toolbar input would not record until the input was reselected.
(OS X) Frequent crashes occurred on importing audio files on some machines.
(OS X) Files did not open using Finder "Open with", double-clicking the file or dragging the file to the Audacity icon.
(Linux 64-bit) Fixed a crash when using Equalization.
(Linux) It was not possible to open an effect or other dialog then navigate through the dialog using TAB.
(Linux) The Play shortcut did not play a read-directly WAV, AIFF or FLAC import if the warning for importing uncompressed files appeared.

Changes and Improvements

Tracks Menu:
The separate commands that aligned track start or end with the cursor or with selection start are combined into "Cursor/Selection Start" commands.
"Align and Move Cursor" renamed to "Move Selection when Aligning".
Label Tracks:
Labels Editor now allows empty labels to be saved on closing the editor.
TAB and SHIFT+TAB when the label track has focus now always move forwards or backwards respectively to the nearest label.
(Windows) On a very few machines, the Windows WDM-KS low latency audio host introduced in Audacity 2.0.4 caused Audacity to hang or the computer to crash. WDM-KS has been removed from 2.0.5 until it can be safely enabled.
(Windows and OS X) Screen reader improvements for Install VST Effects dialog.
(OS X) Audio Unit plug-ins detected by Audacity on launch are now not loaded until chosen from the Effect menu. This should speed up launch and avoid crashes at launch due to misbehaving Audio Units.
(Linux) Update to PortAudio r1910 fixes memory and other bugs under ALSA.
(Linux) Applied fix for wxGTK 2.8.12 bug which resulted in loss of Audacity's menu bar (or visual corruption under Unity) on Debian-based systems.
telecharger Audacity v 2.0.4 9 sept. 2013 MacOS X UB
Bug fixes

Keyboard Preferences: Shortcuts for Generators, Effects and Analyzers were not exported. All imported shortcut changes were discarded.
Equalization curves were corrupted in Graphic EQ mode after switching to/from Draw Curves or after running the effect then reopening it.
Change Pitch displayed corrupted values when reducing pitch or editing "from" Frequency. Detection was very inaccurate at high sample rates.
Bass Boost no longer clips if the track contains 32-bit audio.
Auto Duck was excessively slow on older machines.
(Windows) Exported MP3 comments tags were not seen by Windows programs.
(Windows and OS X) Audacity crashed if you used system quit before file import was complete.
(Linux) Equalization crashed Audacity if the XML file was corrupted.
(Linux) When configuring effect parameters in "Edit Chains", "Preview" (not intended to be functional) caused a crash.
(Linux) LICENSE.txt and README.txt were wrongly installed in /usr/local/share/doc instead of /usr/local/share/doc/audacity/ .
Accessibility: ENTER did not toggle selectedness of a label track unless a label was selected.
Numerous other interface fixes.

Changes and Improvements

New "Reverb" effect to replace GVerb, based on the original "Freeverb".
New View > Go to Selection Start and Go to Selection End commands.
New Tracks > Align End to End command to append existing tracks to each other.
Change Tempo now supports fractional BPM.
Plot Spectrum now supports FFT sizes up to 65536.
WAV files now support "Album Title", "Track Number" and "Genre" LIST INFO tags and also support ID3 tags.
Handle a bug in older iPods or some OS X applications that cause them to refuse AIFF files whose metadata contains an uneven number of characters,
(Windows) Added support for "Windows WDM-KS" host which can provide very low latencies if you reduce "Audio to Buffer" in Recording Preferences.
(Windows Vista and later) You can now record computer playback by choosing the new "Windows WASAPI" host in Device Toolbar then a "loopback" input.
(Windows and Mac OS X): VST scanning dialog now replaced with a dialog for choosing which VST effects to load.
(Linux) CTRL + ALT can now be used to smooth samples in Draw Tool.
Modules Preferences replaced with a dialog on launch of Audacity enabling you to choose which modules to load.
mac Audacity v 2.0.2 24 août 2012 MacOS X UB
A significant bug that caused clicks on split lines has been fixed, and there are improvements to several toolbars and to some Nyquist effects.
windows Audacity v 2.0.1 2 juil. 2012 MacOS X UB
Bug fixes

Selection Toolbar: a value for the previous whole second displayed if the value was close to a whole second.
Finding zero crossings could cause the selection to expand into white space at either side of the clip.
Clips did not drag to another track if mouse was over a selection.
Mixer Board: Rendering four tracks resulted in a redundant Track Strip followed by a crash.

Imports, Exports and Files

Exporting to WAV or AIFF led to a "Libsndfile says" error or corrupted output due to order of metadata in imported files.
(Mac) Fixed crashes importing MP3 files on PPC machines.
(Linux Ubuntu) .Aup files could not be associated with Audacity (they opened in the web browser instead).

Effects and Analysis

Normalize: Fixed issues where normalization could be to wrong value if applied with DC offset correction, or if applied to "read-directly" WAV and AIFF files before On-Demand completed.
Sliding Time Scale: fixed an audible discontinuity at the beginning of the processed selection; fixed a serious quality problem on Linux 64-bit.

Other miscellaneous bug fixes

including fix to prevent zooming with mouse wheel or ball scrolling the content off-screen.

Changes and Improvements

Shortcuts can now be added in Keyboard Preferences to items in the Generate, Effect or Analyze menus, including user-added plug-ins.
Nyquist Effect plug-ins can now be added to Chains.
New "Paulstretch" effect for extreme slowdown without pitch change.
New "Sample Data Export" Analyze effect for exporting a file containing amplitude values for each sample in the selection.
New Preference (off by default) to import files On-Demand (without seek ability) when using the optional FFmpeg library.
New Preference (off by default) to retain labels when deleting a selection that snaps to the label without extending past it.
(Windows installer) New option to reset Preferences on next launch.
(Mac) Audacity now has excellent compatibility with the VoiceOver screen reader. For details, please see
CleanSpeech Mode (no longer supported) will not now be enabled even if it was enabled by an earlier version of Audacity.
Added Serbian (Latin and Cyrillic) translations.
macintosh Audacity v 2.0.0 14 mars 2012 MacOS X UB
Bug fixes

Fixed playback speed and synchronization problems when dragging clips or tracks between tracks having different sample rates.
(Windows) Removed a crash risk where shortcuts could be used to record or import in one project while importing or exporting in another.

Imports and Exports
Fixed crashes when changing the sample format of read-directly WAV or AIFF files using the Track Drop-Down Menu.
Fixed a crash importing MP3 files that had duplicate metadata tags (this is a bug in current libsndfile which has been patched in Audacity; MP3 files mislabeled as WAV which have duplicate tags will still crash Audacity on Linux if Audacity has been compiled against an affected version of system libsndfile).
Fixed an issue where excessively high or corrupted sample values in the audio could corrupt exports from the start of the problem for the rest of the file, and could corrupt the rest of the project.
(Linux) Fixed Audacity could not be compiled against FFmpeg 0.7.x and 0.8.x.

Effects and Analysis
Fixed crash on launch when using "Ambisonic Decoders (PC)" VST plug-ins and other plug-ins that enable additional floating point exceptions.
Fixed Plot Spectrum background could be transparent on some machines.
Bug fixes for Click Track, High Pass, Low Pass and Vocal Remover.
Chirp, Tone and Silence generators now remember their settings.

Other miscellaneous bug fixes

Changes and Improvements
New Interface preference to show the track name in the display (this is off by default).
Longer default Playback preference for effects preview and preview before cut.
Restored use of Page Up and Page Down to scroll horizontally.
pc Audacity v 1.3.14beta 13 déc. 2011 MacOS X UB
Bug fixes for:


Excessive delay occurred when typing into labels in long projects.
Last digit of TimeText controls could not be manipulated in some formats.
(Windows, OS X) Play and Record shortcuts did not work after clicking in Device Toolbar.
(OS X, Linux) Crash occurred if Toolbars were reset during playback or recording.

Imports and Exports:

MP2 files were not importable without FFmpeg library or an import rule.
Files that could only be imported using FFmpeg imported as noise with no error message if FFmpeg was not available.
Files containing PCM audio but an incorrect extension (such as MP3) caused a freeze.

Effects and Analysis:

An empty command could be added to a Chain which then displayed a Nyquist error message when run.
Plot Spectrum didn't preserve signal level if multiple tracks were analyzed.

Other bug fixes:

Audacity has been provisionally fixed so that it can no longer create block files longer than the sample format or project format allows, and can no longer delete these, which led to data loss. Any overlong blocks found are preserved but "orphaned", so will appear as silence.
Orphan block files were wrongly reported if cutting or copying to the clipboard then reopening the project in the same session.
Fixed some crashes and incorrect movement of audio when dragging tracks.
(Windows) Data loss is now prevented when encountering a corrupted .aup file created in ANSI builds.
(Linux) Restore building if USE_PORTMIXER is not defined.

Changes and Improvements:

Normalize: Faster processing and improved interface. Left-right balance in unsplit stereo tracks is now preserved by default, with a checkbox option provided to process stereo channels independently.
Spectrograms now allow window sizes up to 32768 and frequencies up to half the sample rate (the maximum possible).
Mix and Render now preserves clip length by not rendering white space between time zero and first audio, and preserves audio before time zero. To retain silence before the audio starts, generate silence after render.
Grouped some Edit Menu items into "Remove Audio" and "Clip Boundaries".
CleanSpeech Mode removed from Interface Preferences (it still runs if it was enabled in a previous Audacity but can only be turned off there).
(OS X) Added support for AudioUnit MusicEffects (but no MIDI support).
(Linux) Set the per-user files directory per the program name set in configure.
(Linux) Changed the default location of the Audacity temporary directory to be in /var/tmp not /tmp, so preserving the directory between reboots.
Audacity v 1.3.13beta 12 avril 2011 MacOS X UB
Bug fixes for:


* Cutting or copying from a track at a given sample rate into a track at another rate resulted in speed-changed audio.
* Generating inside a clip could modify the clip length or create spurious clips.
* Recorded stereo tracks were only half the height of imported or generated stereo tracks. Imported stereo files had a "1" appended to the track name.
* Edit > Region Save did not save the cursor position.
* (Windows) Projects crashed when clicking rapidly inside the interface or when applying repeated effects towards the end of audio tracks.
* (Windows) Some Unicode characters could not be typed into labels,or caused a freeze using some input methods.
* (OS X) Crash when quitting an empty project window, or when closing the main project window while a progress dialog was on screen.
* Numerous other interface fixes including Dependencies dialog, Keyboard Preferences and spurious lines drawn on waveform.

Imports and Exports:

* Support added for later versions of the optional FFmpeg library up to current FFmpeg HEAD. This should significantly improve FFmpeg support on Linux. FFmpeg downloads for Windows and Mac updated to v0.6. This fixes mono AAC files importing as stereo, though current 0.5 versions of FFmpeg will still work.
* Both FFmpeg and LAME should now be properly detected even when other versions of those libraries exist on the system.
* New warning (on by default) for importing uncompressed audio files. Better error messages when read-directly uncompressed files are missing.
* Imported ID3v2 metadata tags were removed when exporting without the Metadata Editor appearing (for example, when using an export command in Chains). Note: As a result of this fix, ID3v1 tags must now be written by exporting using (external program) and an installed LAME.
* U-Law/A-Law files with WAV headers now use the standard 18 byte fmt chunk, so should now be recognised by most telephony applications.
* Variable bit rate MP3s exported using "MP3 Files" were larger than necessary because using the bit reservoir was disabled.
* (OS X) Files imported from iTunes could create invalid characters in the .aup project file, causing an error when re-opening the project. Note: An error "reference to invalid character number" will still occur if re-opening a project created in previous Betas that contains such characters. To fix the issue, open a back-up copy of the .aup file in a text editor, turn off word wrap, then in the line indicated in the error message, remove the string of characters that starts with &# and ends with a semi-colon (;).

Other bug fixes:

* Nyquist effects: fixes for crashes, incorrect slider behaviour and better support for backslashes, double quotes and Unicode characters.
* (Windows and OS X) Processing of VST effects was substantially slower than in previous versions of Audacity.
* (OS X 10.5 PPC) A first-time installation of Audacity Beta would hang on launch if VST effects were detected.
* (Linux) Recordings made with the pulse device crashed or stalled when using overdub and/or software playthrough.
* (Linux) Play-at-Speed crashed at 0.08 speed or lower if Audacity was configured with libsamplerate.

Changes and improvements:

* Control Toolbar renamed to Transport Toolbar.
* Device Toolbar (on by default) now contains all input and output device choices, including host and recording channels. Input/output choices are no longer in Mixer Toolbar on Windows XP or some older operating systems. New Transport > Rescan Audio Devices menu item to refresh the device list.
* New "Sync-Lock Tracks" feature (turned on in the Tracks menu) to allow groups of audio and/or label tracks to retain synchronisation when the track length changes.
* Equalization: New "Manage Curves" dialog for importing and exporting curves.
* Noise Removal: New "Sensitivity" slider to adjust the noise threshold, and new option to isolate noise.
* New "Extended Import" Preferences for specifying different importers to open specific file extensions.
* Improved Automatic Crash Recovery with all project changes autosaved.
* MIDI tracks can be vertically zoomed, time shifted and display bar lines. Note: the channel selection buttons are not available in 1.3.13.
* (Windows and Linux) The window Close button and other system close or shutdown commands now quit on closing the last window. File > Close now always clears to a new, empty project.
* (OS X) Simpler installer with top-level "Audacity" folder.
Audacity v 1.3.12beta 21 janv. 2011 MacOS X UB
Bug fixes for:

Imports and Exports:
* AAC files could not be exported at 48000 Hz
* When importing multiple native file formats using FFmpeg, all files after the first reverted to using the native importer
* FFmpeg custom export window too large on 800 x 600 resolution monitors
* Projects froze if files imported via On-Demand were no longer available
* (Linux) WAV/AIFF exports were corrupted if overwriting an aliased file which had been imported using the command line

* Cutting or deleting a region in the waveform and label track did not move the labels in advance of the cut
* Incorrect behavior snapping to labels and boundaries with Snap To enabled
* Labels can now be reversed if included with the audio selection
using the command line

Other bug fixes:
* When using non-English languages, Generate effects truncated the selected region
* Mice with high-precision scroll-wheels could cause a crash
* Changing recording preferences using the Transport menu did not update the menu in other open projects
* (Windows 7) Clicking in a file open or save dialog caused files or folders to disappear from the list, and file filtering was broken

Changes and improvements:
* A hover tooltip is now provided if the Mixer Toolbar input selector cannot control the system slider for the selected input.
* More intuitive behavior when moving and resizing labels by dragging
* Support added for importing lists of files (LOF) containing relative paths
* Export Multiple: new option to use a numerical prefix before existing label or track names; "Success" dialog now resizable
* New Equalization preset "Inverse RIAA", with new button to invert other curves
* Timer Record now remembers last scheduled duration
* Meter Toolbar can now be made much narrower, and so more suitable for vertical orientation
* New Preferences choice for "System" language which is used on first run instead of asking user to choose language
* Warning now provided if WAV/AIFF exports are not successfully completed
* (Linux) Improved icon set in compliance with Icon Theme Specification 0.6
Audacity v 1.3.11beta 19 janv. 2010 MacOS X UB
Bug fixes for:

Imports and Exports:
* Bug when exporting partial selections caused too much audio to be exported is fixed
* Fix corrupt files exported through FFmpeg when metadata included (metadata is now exported correctly in M4A files)
* Prevent saving a new Audacity Project over an existing one as this could corrupt both projects
* Improved help for files that cannot be imported because the relevant optional library is missing

* Allow effects which change the length of the audio they work on to also be applied to selected label tracks, thus keeping them synchronized
* Fixed inability in Nyquist plug-ins to add labels to an existing label track
* (Mac) Equalization window was corrupted after Preview
* (Linux 64-bit) Fixed crash Generating Click Track

Audio Devices:
* Fixed bug causing recording to stop short when the recording sample rate is not supported by the sound device and libsamplerate is used for resampling
* Fix crash when opening Preferences on a machine where there are no available audio devices
* Fixes for bugs using Timer Record and Sound Activated Recording

User Interface:
* Sizes of some dialogs adjusted to ensure they fit on the screen
* Fix for supposedly "hidden" items appearing on screen with large monitors
* Various keyboard shortcut and translation fixes

Other bug fixes:
* Several timing-dependent crashes and minor incorrect behaviours have been fixed
* Windows installer now installs correctly over previous versions of Audacity

Changes and improvements:
* (Windows) Better icon file with higher resolution and transparency
* New SoundFinder plug-in to label regions of audio between silences, so allowing silences between tracks to be excluded when exporting multiple
Audacity v 1.3.10b 2 déc. 2009 MacOS X UB
Bug fixes for:

Imports and Exports:

* Freeze importing audio files when Default View Mode set to Pitch (EAC)
* Simultaneous On-Demand imports sorted incorrectly
* WAV or AIFF files imported as noise if Preferences set to copy in the data at 24-bit quality
* WMA exports corrupted if they contained metadata
* Metadata Editor appeared before the Export window when exporting to any format


* Crash or hang using Equalization on longer tracks
* Reverse did not reverse clip boundaries
* Nyquist:
o Excessive memory consumption led to slow processing or crashes
o Values appearing in text boxes not always the default or previously entered values
o Errors running in European locales where comma used as decimal separator
* VST effects remained in Effect menu even when re-scanned and no longer available
* Truncate Silence produced incorrect results if silences spanned a block boundary

Other bug fixes:

* Spurious "not writable/disk full" errors when saving projects
* Playing, rendering or exporting multiple tracks led to desynchronized playback or loss of audio data
* Crash opening Preferences when no recording and/or playback devices enabled or connected
* Preferences window: OK button did not respond to ENTER when a tab selected in left-hand panel
* Mixer Board solo button handling
* (Windows) After a period launching correctly, Audacity sometimes did not come up on top at launch
* (Mac OS X) Correctly installed Help folder could not be found
* (Mac OS X and Linux) Output slider could affect VU playback meter which then did not reflect actual waveform volume level
* (Linux) Undoing or redoing a label edit could cause a crash

Changes and improvements:

* Linked audio and label tracks disabled until a future Beta version so they can be bug fixed
* Input volume slider will be disabled if it doesn't have proper control of system slider; use the system slider instead
* Proper support for copying/pasting label-with-audio including label text; new Edit > Paste Text to New Label menu item to paste system clipboard
* Contrast Tool now modeless, more intuitive handling of multiple project windows, various other minor improvements
Audacity v 1.3.9 2 sept. 2009 MacOS X UB
  • Bug fixes for:

  • * Crash, slow launch or excessive CPU/memory use arising from automatic VST support:
    o VST instrument plug-ins should now be correctly ignored
    o VST effects now scanned only at start of first session that detects them, then cached
    o Effects are now not loaded or opened until needed
    o New "Effects" tab in Preferences to enable/disable VST effects and enable VST rescan on next launch
    * Default View Mode now works
    * Chains now always apply their stored parameters rather than those last used in Effect menu
    * Non-MP3 files imported via drag or Recent Files caused crash if filter in file open window set to MP3
    * AAC exports (using the optional FFmpeg library) silenced
    * Generating audio always fitted the project in the window; fit now done only if generating in new track
    * View menu items/shortcuts incorrectly disabled when playing or recording
    * DTMF generator defaulted to zero duration on open
    * Unwanted interactions between linked audio and label tracks
    * (Windows XP) Failure to launch on some machines due to "incorrect configuration" issue
    * (Windows) Crash importing a stereo file while a screen reader such as JAWS is running
    * (Mac OS X) :
    o Audio Units effects applied to all tracks in project even if not selected
    o QuickTime importer now handles files greater than 16-bit or 64000 Hz
    * Various other interface bugs

    * Compressor: new option to compress based on peaks, improved attack and decay time support
    * Mixer Board: improved design, more responsive meters and now interacts fully with Track Panel in main window
    Audacity v 1.3.8b 18 juil. 2009 MacOS X UB
    New Features

  • Effects and Analysis:

  • * VST Effects now display GUI by default
    * Faster Equalization and Noise Removal; improved Truncate Silence and Click Track
    * Chains applied to files now clear temporary data after processing each file
    * Updated Nyquist implementation with support for SAL syntax and improved memory management
    * Plot Spectrum now analyzes up to 237.8 seconds of audio, with separate windows for each project and improved display; new preferences for Spectrograms
    * Contrast Analysis tool now modeless for easier use

    * Draft Manual/Quick Help included in Windows and Mac installers
    * New "Mixer Board" view with per-track VU meters
    * Mute, solo, gain, pan and track height saved in projects
    * More compact Preferences window with easier-to-use Keyboard tab and new toolbars shortcuts
    * New Screenshot Tools and improved screen reader support

    * Record more than 16 channels (hardware/drivers permitting)
    * Improved support for non-mmap ALSA devices such as PulseAudio
    * 32-bit float data over 0 dB now handled without clipping
    * "Stop" option when importing preserves already imported data
    * AMR NB export now supported if the optional FFmpeg library is installed
    * Faster waveform drawing and better response in multi-track projects

    Bug fixes for:
    * Export Multiple: failed if empty label encountered; files silenced if overwriting imported WAV files without copying them in
    * Metadata Editor hidden if it was on a now unavailable second monitor
    * Misaligned audio after "Split New" or Noise Removal effect
    * Incorrect label movement and paste with linked audio and label tracks
    * Equalization, Cut Preview and Advanced Mixing Options dialogue
    * (Linux) Mixer Toolbar should now adjust levels and select input sources properly
    * "Audio cache" preference caused crashes - data is now only cached in memory if available RAM is above a level defined in preferences
    * Various other crashes
    Audacity v 1.3.7b 30 janv. 2009 MacOS X UB
    Cross-platform Bug Fixes:
    * Muting/soloing caused incorrect channel results in exported
    stereo files
    * Noise Removal and all Nyquist effects pasted the original
    unmodified audio at the end of the modified region
    * Noise Removal inserted a tail of low level noise at the end
    of the modified region
    * Nyquist and Compressor plug-ins did not display moving bars
    in progress dialogue and over-estimated "Remaining Time"
    * Cancelling Nyquist effects deleted unprocessed audio
    * Change Speed and Change Tempo failed to modify the original
    selection length
    * Cut lines invisible
    * Fixed various bugs importing multi-stream files via FFmpeg
    * File > Export as WAV could be corrupted if overwriting
    an imported WAV read direct from the file
    * Export multiple "Other uncompressed files" choice always
    produced 16-bit PCM audio irrespective of chosen options.
    * MP3 export usually produced a 128 kbps constant bit rate file
    irrespective of chosen options; reported length often
    * MP3 ID3 Genre tag misread on import if the genre list in
    Metadata Editor was opened and saved
    * Exported metadata tags in MP3, OGG and FLAC often not seen by
    player software - now substantially improved
    * WMA exports (via FFmpeg)corrupted if metadata tags included
    * Some multi-channel recording devices that previously recorded
    more than two channels no longer did so
    * Generated audio did not fit in window
    * No warning was given when saving an empty project
    * Beep on completing longer process did not work on many
    * fixed crashes importing lists of files (.LOF), in Meter Toolbar
    and Change Speed

    Platform-specific Bug Fixes:
    * Windows Vista: crash opening Preferences with no sound
    devices enabled and connected
    * Mac OS X and Linux:
    * Spurious clipping at start of playback
    * Labels did not accept certain legal characters
    * Shortcuts did not work after running effects
    * Project Rate did not change to respect rate of first
    imported file if that rate was unsupported
    * Mac OS X only:
    * Crash resizing project window
    * Menu items became inactive or visibly corrupted
    * File > Open dialogue did not always work on OS X 10.4
    * Impossible to set independent Command and Control
    shortcuts that shared the same key
    * Freeze importing uncompressed files via On-Demand
    (please report any remaining instances of this to:
    * Portable settings were not picked up, instead settings
    were taken from the default location
    * Fixed unavailability of FFmpeg installer

    New Features:
    * F11 Full Screen mode
    * High-quality "Sliding Time Scale/Pitch Shift" effect
    * Audio Contrast Analyzer for testing audio on the
    internet for WCAG2 accessibility compliance.
    * Windows: sound devices can now be opened using the
    more efficient DirectSound API

    Other changes:
    * Latency correction should be improved for many users
    by employing a fixed rather than variable correction
    * Grouping of Effects into categories turned off until
    a way is added for users to do so themselves
    * Numerous minor interface improvements such as Metadata
    Editor navigation, new "hh:mm:ss + hundredths"
    selection format
    * Note: Windows users wanting to export MP3 files will
    require the latest version of the LAME encoder from
    Audacity v 1.3.6b 26 oct. 2008 MacOS X UB
    * FFmpeg support (downloadable separately) permits import and export of a much wider range of file formats, including WMA, M4A and AC3, plus import of audio from video files
    * On-demand loading of uncompressed files eliminates the wait before files can be played or edited
    * Linked audio and label tracks allow labels to move with their corresponding audio when cutting, pasting or changing speed or tempo
    * Hierarchical plug-in grouping for built-in plug-ins
    Audacity Audacity v 2.1.2 26 janv. 2016 Windows

    Noise Reduction defaults changed.


    We’ve made several improvements to the spectrogram view of tracks which are particularly valuable for vocal work.

    New option ‘Spectral Reassignment’. This algorithm deduces a ‘finer’ spectrogram for vocal work.
    Four new Spectrogram scales.
    Improvement to the Pitch (EAC) algorithm – cleaner (sharper) display.
    Spectrogram Settings are now available per-track.

    Other Changes
    Upgraded from wxWidgets 2.8.12 to wxWidgets 3.0.2.
    Restructuring of the Preferences Menu
    Restructuring of the Track Dropdown Menu (for the Spectrograms)
    The Noise Reduction "Frequency smoothing" default has been increased to 3 to help avoid metallic artifacts. Resetting Preferences or deleting audacity.cfg will set the new default.
    (Windows) The location of Audacity's work-in-progress folder has been changed, to avoid problems where certain disk cleaners treated them as deletable temporary files.

    Bug Fixes

    Crashes on reading .wav files with many channels (CVE-2016-2540) and corrupt .mp2 files (CVE-2016-2541) have been fixed. Thanks to Chris Navarrete from Fortinet’s FortiGuard Labs for notifying us of these bugs and associated security risk.
    Audacity Audacity Audacity v 2.1.1 7 août 2015 Windows

    Built-in effects now support presets.
    New Limiter effect replaces Hard Limiter effect.
    New Crossfade Clips effect to apply a simple crossfade to a selected pair of clips in a single audio track.
    Can now add/remove effects from Generate and Effects menus.
    New version of Vocal Removal Effect.
    Classic Filters now included as an opt-in effect.

    Much faster editing with larger projects, thanks to a faster method for storing the autosave recovery file.
    Performance improvements for Draw Tool and zooming of Spectrogram views.
    Zero-padding Spectrograms Preference smooths the image for short window sizes.
    Scrubbing and Seeking, including backwards play.
    Quick-Play from Timeline enhancements, particularly for looping.
    (Windows) Language of Audacity user interface is now set in installer.
    More VI usability enhancements for track focus & navigation.

    Other Changes
    Upgraded to Nyquist 3.0.9 and libflac 1.3.1.
    Upgraded LV2 libs, LV2 GUIs on Linux, LV2 factory Presets.
    Crash report integration.
    Modules can be enabled in Preferences. Mod-nyq-bench available as an experimental module (but not in the default download).

    Bug Fixes

    Crash using Undo while dragging sample points
    Crash using File > Close on project window when Screenshot Tools was open.
    FFmpeg Custom Export: Crashes importing presets.
    (OS X) Crash closing Track Gain or Pan adjustment box.
    (OS X) Crash closing project window between save project dialogues
    (Linux) TAL VST (but not other VST's) crashed if previewing built-in effect
    (Linux) SPACE could not be used/could crash in context menus that have a checkbox.

    LV2 effects did not use parameters when using Chains.
    Built in Generators were not usable in Chains.
    Plot Spectrum could not change values without losing focus.
    Track dropdown menu settings could affect other tracks.
    Slight mismatch of vertical scale with linear spectrogram view.
    RTP effect Play/Stop button remained deactivated after built-in preview ended.
    Contrast: "Move forward or backward through active windows" did not refocus Contrast.
    LADSPA and LV2 generate plug-ins failed when white space selected.

    Mac OS X
    Confusing behaviour importing / exporting AU presets. In particular, Apple Audio Units silently applied an imported preset.
    Audacity Audacity v 2.1.0 21 juil. 2015 Windows
    Changes and Improvements:

    * Effects:
    * LADSPA, VST and Audio Unit (OS X) effects now support real-time preview,
    save/load of user presets and saving effect settings across sessions.
    Note: Real-time preview does not yet support latency compensation.
    * VST effects now support import/export of FXB preset banks.
    * Shell VST effects that host multiple plugins are now supported.
    * All Effect Menu items (built-in or plugin) can now be used in a Chain.
    * Items in the Effect, Generate or Analyze Menus can be sorted or grouped
    by name, publisher or class of effect.
    * Noise Removal is improved and renamed to "Noise Reduction".
    * Change Speed has new time controls for current and new length. You can
    now enter the speed change as a multiplier e.g. "2" is twice as fast.
    * New "Crossfade Tracks" effect can be used for crossfading two tracks.
    This replaces Cross Fade In and Cross Fade Out.
    * Nyquist Prompt and most shipped Nyquist effects now have Preview button.

    * Interface:
    * Redesigned Meter Toolbars: The default shows separate Record and Playback
    Meters, half-height so they can be wider while docked, in gradient style.
    * A frequency selection can now be made (and spectral edit effects applied
    to those frequencies) when in a spectrogram view. You can also create
    or adjust frequency selections in a new "Spectral Selection Toolbar"
    (available at View > Toolbars).
    * Transcription Toolbar (Play-at-speed) can now loop play and cut-preview.
    * Timer Record now saves recordings automatically into an existing project.
    * New Armenian translation.

    * Operating system and sound device support:
    * (Windows) Audacity 2.1.0 requires Windows XP SP3 (32-bit) or XP SP2
    (64-bit), Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 or 8.1.
    * (Windows) Audacity is now compiled using Visual Studio 2013.
    * (Windows) Recording with WASAPI host now includes experimental support
    for physical inputs (up to 24-bit depth) as well as loopback recording.
    * (OS X) 10.10 (Yosemite) is now supported including Apple Audio Units.
    * Please report any issues with WASAPI recording/playback or Yosemite
    to .
    * (Linux Ubuntu) Under Unity, keyboard shortcuts are not visible in the
    Audacity menus. Keyboard shortcuts are visible if you install the classic
    GNOME Flashback interface or under Unity if you open Audacity with the
    UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 environment variable. Audacity compiled from source
    will ship with src/ set to UBUNTU_MENUPROXY=0 but it
    will remain up to distributions to use this desktop file.

    Bug fixes:

    * Interface:
    * Typing "j" or "k" in a label track activated the "move cursor" shortcut.
    * Spectrogram log (f) view displayed incorrectly until vertically zoomed.
    * Fixed crash after zooming out on vertical scale beyond +/-1.0.
    * Selections made with Selection Toolbar were not restored after Undo.
    * Undo could fail silently if a selection included/touched a clip boundary.

    * Imports and Exports
    * If there were invalid FFmpeg libs in system PATH this prevented Audacity
    recognising the installed FFmpeg or the FFmpeg specified in audacity.cfg.

    * Mac OS X:
    * Fix uninitialized buffer - this should correct playback buzz or crackle
    where the upper of multiple tracks started with or contained white space.
    * Device names were corrupted when using system language other than English.
    * Fixed crashes using (external program).
    * Waves v9 Audio Units should now work correctly.

    * GNU/Linux:
    * Fix "Audacity already running" error when using the command-line or
    context menu to open multiple or further files.
    * Fix segfault exporting an FFmpeg format to an unwritable folder.
    * Fix silent failure exporting FFmpeg, MP2 or OGG to an unwritable folder.
    * Fix ENTER activated an effect when OK button was greyed out.

    * Addendum:
    * The previous Audacity 2.0.6 version fixed an issue that projects did not
    reopen correctly if they contained tracks having 2^31 samples or greater
    of audio (just over 13.5 hours at 44100 Hz).
    audio Audacity v 2.0.6 4 oct. 2014 Windows

    better user interface for Keyboard Preferences
    streamlining of several Menus
    LV2 now supported on all platforms, and improved VST settings interface
    translations updated, including adding Tamil language
    other improvements, including to import/export and ease of installation on Mac OS X

    Bug Fixes:

    user interface bug fixes to Region Restore, dragging selections, and many others
    effects bug fixes to add missing effects to Chains, fix accuracy of Analyze > Contrast, fix accuracy of Noise Removal attack and decay, and improve speed of Nyquist effects on OS X and Linux
    other bug fixes to Timeline after Loop Play, Transcription Toolbar, and Linux build issues
    diteur Audacity v 2.0.5 22 oct. 2013 Windows
    Bug fixes

    Shaped dither was corrupted and too loud on all stereo exports except FLAC.
    Keyboard Preferences: some Edit and Align commands for different sub-menus showed the same name.
    Recordings stopped with "Stop and Set Cursor" shortcut could not be undone.
    In locales that use comma for decimal separator:
    Text boxes with slider in Nyquist effects only produced whole numbers when using comma to enter a fractional number. Text boxes without slider still have this problem.
    Built-in generators produced silence after running a Nyquist effect.
    (Windows) When first changing to Windows WASAPI host, the input volume slider in Mixer Toolbar was enabled when it should have been permanently disabled.
    (Windows) On some machines, launching Audacity then recording from the current Device Toolbar input would not record until the input was reselected.
    (OS X) Frequent crashes occurred on importing audio files on some machines.
    (OS X) Files did not open using Finder "Open with", double-clicking the file or dragging the file to the Audacity icon.
    (Linux 64-bit) Fixed a crash when using Equalization.
    (Linux) It was not possible to open an effect or other dialog then navigate through the dialog using TAB.
    (Linux) The Play shortcut did not play a read-directly WAV, AIFF or FLAC import if the warning for importing uncompressed files appeared.

    Changes and Improvements

    Tracks Menu:
    The separate commands that aligned track start or end with the cursor or with selection start are combined into "Cursor/Selection Start" commands.
    "Align and Move Cursor" renamed to "Move Selection when Aligning".
    Label Tracks:
    Labels Editor now allows empty labels to be saved on closing the editor.
    TAB and SHIFT+TAB when the label track has focus now always move forwards or backwards respectively to the nearest label.
    (Windows) On a very few machines, the Windows WDM-KS low latency audio host introduced in Audacity 2.0.4 caused Audacity to hang or the computer to crash. WDM-KS has been removed from 2.0.5 until it can be safely enabled.
    (Windows and OS X) Screen reader improvements for Install VST Effects dialog.
    (OS X) Audio Unit plug-ins detected by Audacity on launch are now not loaded until chosen from the Effect menu. This should speed up launch and avoid crashes at launch due to misbehaving Audio Units.
    (Linux) Update to PortAudio r1910 fixes memory and other bugs under ALSA.
    (Linux) Applied fix for wxGTK 2.8.12 bug which resulted in loss of Audacity's menu bar (or visual corruption under Unity) on Debian-based systems.
    telecharger Audacity v 2.0.4 9 sept. 2013 Windows
    Bug fixes

    Keyboard Preferences: Shortcuts for Generators, Effects and Analyzers were not exported. All imported shortcut changes were discarded.
    Equalization curves were corrupted in Graphic EQ mode after switching to/from Draw Curves or after running the effect then reopening it.
    Change Pitch displayed corrupted values when reducing pitch or editing "from" Frequency. Detection was very inaccurate at high sample rates.
    Bass Boost no longer clips if the track contains 32-bit audio.
    Auto Duck was excessively slow on older machines.
    (Windows) Exported MP3 comments tags were not seen by Windows programs.
    (Windows and OS X) Audacity crashed if you used system quit before file import was complete.
    (Linux) Equalization crashed Audacity if the XML file was corrupted.
    (Linux) When configuring effect parameters in "Edit Chains", "Preview" (not intended to be functional) caused a crash.
    (Linux) LICENSE.txt and README.txt were wrongly installed in /usr/local/share/doc instead of /usr/local/share/doc/audacity/ .
    Accessibility: ENTER did not toggle selectedness of a label track unless a label was selected.
    Numerous other interface fixes.

    Changes and Improvements

    New "Reverb" effect to replace GVerb, based on the original "Freeverb".
    New View > Go to Selection Start and Go to Selection End commands.
    New Tracks > Align End to End command to append existing tracks to each other.
    Change Tempo now supports fractional BPM.
    Plot Spectrum now supports FFT sizes up to 65536.
    WAV files now support "Album Title", "Track Number" and "Genre" LIST INFO tags and also support ID3 tags.
    Handle a bug in older iPods or some OS X applications that cause them to refuse AIFF files whose metadata contains an uneven number of characters,
    (Windows) Added support for "Windows WDM-KS" host which can provide very low latencies if you reduce "Audio to Buffer" in Recording Preferences.
    (Windows Vista and later) You can now record computer playback by choosing the new "Windows WASAPI" host in Device Toolbar then a "loopback" input.
    (Windows and Mac OS X): VST scanning dialog now replaced with a dialog for choosing which VST effects to load.
    (Linux) CTRL + ALT can now be used to smooth samples in Draw Tool.
    Modules Preferences replaced with a dialog on launch of Audacity enabling you to choose which modules to load.
    mac Audacity v 2.0.2 24 août 2012 Windows
    A significant bug that caused clicks on split lines has been fixed, and there are improvements to several toolbars and to some Nyquist effects.
    windows Audacity v 2.0.1 2 juil. 2012 Windows
    Bug fixes

    Selection Toolbar: a value for the previous whole second displayed if the value was close to a whole second.
    Finding zero crossings could cause the selection to expand into white space at either side of the clip.
    Clips did not drag to another track if mouse was over a selection.
    Mixer Board: Rendering four tracks resulted in a redundant Track Strip followed by a crash.

    Imports, Exports and Files

    Exporting to WAV or AIFF led to a "Libsndfile says" error or corrupted output due to order of metadata in imported files.
    (Mac) Fixed crashes importing MP3 files on PPC machines.
    (Linux Ubuntu) .Aup files could not be associated with Audacity (they opened in the web browser instead).

    Effects and Analysis

    Normalize: Fixed issues where normalization could be to wrong value if applied with DC offset correction, or if applied to "read-directly" WAV and AIFF files before On-Demand completed.
    Sliding Time Scale: fixed an audible discontinuity at the beginning of the processed selection; fixed a serious quality problem on Linux 64-bit.

    Other miscellaneous bug fixes

    including fix to prevent zooming with mouse wheel or ball scrolling the content off-screen.

    Changes and Improvements

    Shortcuts can now be added in Keyboard Preferences to items in the Generate, Effect or Analyze menus, including user-added plug-ins.
    Nyquist Effect plug-ins can now be added to Chains.
    New "Paulstretch" effect for extreme slowdown without pitch change.
    New "Sample Data Export" Analyze effect for exporting a file containing amplitude values for each sample in the selection.
    New Preference (off by default) to import files On-Demand (without seek ability) when using the optional FFmpeg library.
    New Preference (off by default) to retain labels when deleting a selection that snaps to the label without extending past it.
    (Windows installer) New option to reset Preferences on next launch.
    (Mac) Audacity now has excellent compatibility with the VoiceOver screen reader. For details, please see
    CleanSpeech Mode (no longer supported) will not now be enabled even if it was enabled by an earlier version of Audacity.
    Added Serbian (Latin and Cyrillic) translations.
    macintosh Audacity v 2.0.0 14 mars 2012 Windows
    Bug fixes

    Fixed playback speed and synchronization problems when dragging clips or tracks between tracks having different sample rates.
    (Windows) Removed a crash risk where shortcuts could be used to record or import in one project while importing or exporting in another.

    Imports and Exports
    Fixed crashes when changing the sample format of read-directly WAV or AIFF files using the Track Drop-Down Menu.
    Fixed a crash importing MP3 files that had duplicate metadata tags (this is a bug in current libsndfile which has been patched in Audacity; MP3 files mislabeled as WAV which have duplicate tags will still crash Audacity on Linux if Audacity has been compiled against an affected version of system libsndfile).
    Fixed an issue where excessively high or corrupted sample values in the audio could corrupt exports from the start of the problem for the rest of the file, and could corrupt the rest of the project.
    (Linux) Fixed Audacity could not be compiled against FFmpeg 0.7.x and 0.8.x.

    Effects and Analysis
    Fixed crash on launch when using "Ambisonic Decoders (PC)" VST plug-ins and other plug-ins that enable additional floating point exceptions.
    Fixed Plot Spectrum background could be transparent on some machines.
    Bug fixes for Click Track, High Pass, Low Pass and Vocal Remover.
    Chirp, Tone and Silence generators now remember their settings.

    Other miscellaneous bug fixes

    Changes and Improvements
    New Interface preference to show the track name in the display (this is off by default).
    Longer default Playback preference for effects preview and preview before cut.
    Restored use of Page Up and Page Down to scroll horizontally.
    pc Audacity v 1.3.14beta 13 déc. 2011 Windows
    Bug fixes for:


    Excessive delay occurred when typing into labels in long projects.
    Last digit of TimeText controls could not be manipulated in some formats.
    (Windows, OS X) Play and Record shortcuts did not work after clicking in Device Toolbar.
    (OS X, Linux) Crash occurred if Toolbars were reset during playback or recording.

    Imports and Exports:

    MP2 files were not importable without FFmpeg library or an import rule.
    Files that could only be imported using FFmpeg imported as noise with no error message if FFmpeg was not available.
    Files containing PCM audio but an incorrect extension (such as MP3) caused a freeze.

    Effects and Analysis:

    An empty command could be added to a Chain which then displayed a Nyquist error message when run.
    Plot Spectrum didn't preserve signal level if multiple tracks were analyzed.

    Other bug fixes:

    Audacity has been provisionally fixed so that it can no longer create block files longer than the sample format or project format allows, and can no longer delete these, which led to data loss. Any overlong blocks found are preserved but "orphaned", so will appear as silence.
    Orphan block files were wrongly reported if cutting or copying to the clipboard then reopening the project in the same session.
    Fixed some crashes and incorrect movement of audio when dragging tracks.
    (Windows) Data loss is now prevented when encountering a corrupted .aup file created in ANSI builds.
    (Linux) Restore building if USE_PORTMIXER is not defined.

    Changes and Improvements:

    Normalize: Faster processing and improved interface. Left-right balance in unsplit stereo tracks is now preserved by default, with a checkbox option provided to process stereo channels independently.
    Spectrograms now allow window sizes up to 32768 and frequencies up to half the sample rate (the maximum possible).
    Mix and Render now preserves clip length by not rendering white space between time zero and first audio, and preserves audio before time zero. To retain silence before the audio starts, generate silence after render.
    Grouped some Edit Menu items into "Remove Audio" and "Clip Boundaries".
    CleanSpeech Mode removed from Interface Preferences (it still runs if it was enabled in a previous Audacity but can only be turned off there).
    (OS X) Added support for AudioUnit MusicEffects (but no MIDI support).
    (Linux) Set the per-user files directory per the program name set in configure.
    (Linux) Changed the default location of the Audacity temporary directory to be in /var/tmp not /tmp, so preserving the directory between reboots.
    Audacity v 1.3.13beta 12 avril 2011 Windows
    Bug fixes for:


    * Cutting or copying from a track at a given sample rate into a track at another rate resulted in speed-changed audio.
    * Generating inside a clip could modify the clip length or create spurious clips.
    * Recorded stereo tracks were only half the height of imported or generated stereo tracks. Imported stereo files had a "1" appended to the track name.
    * Edit > Region Save did not save the cursor position.
    * (Windows) Projects crashed when clicking rapidly inside the interface or when applying repeated effects towards the end of audio tracks.
    * (Windows) Some Unicode characters could not be typed into labels,or caused a freeze using some input methods.
    * (OS X) Crash when quitting an empty project window, or when closing the main project window while a progress dialog was on screen.
    * Numerous other interface fixes including Dependencies dialog, Keyboard Preferences and spurious lines drawn on waveform.

    Imports and Exports:

    * Support added for later versions of the optional FFmpeg library up to current FFmpeg HEAD. This should significantly improve FFmpeg support on Linux. FFmpeg downloads for Windows and Mac updated to v0.6. This fixes mono AAC files importing as stereo, though current 0.5 versions of FFmpeg will still work.
    * Both FFmpeg and LAME should now be properly detected even when other versions of those libraries exist on the system.
    * New warning (on by default) for importing uncompressed audio files. Better error messages when read-directly uncompressed files are missing.
    * Imported ID3v2 metadata tags were removed when exporting without the Metadata Editor appearing (for example, when using an export command in Chains). Note: As a result of this fix, ID3v1 tags must now be written by exporting using (external program) and an installed LAME.
    * U-Law/A-Law files with WAV headers now use the standard 18 byte fmt chunk, so should now be recognised by most telephony applications.
    * Variable bit rate MP3s exported using "MP3 Files" were larger than necessary because using the bit reservoir was disabled.
    * (OS X) Files imported from iTunes could create invalid characters in the .aup project file, causing an error when re-opening the project. Note: An error "reference to invalid character number" will still occur if re-opening a project created in previous Betas that contains such characters. To fix the issue, open a back-up copy of the .aup file in a text editor, turn off word wrap, then in the line indicated in the error message, remove the string of characters that starts with &# and ends with a semi-colon (;).

    Other bug fixes:

    * Nyquist effects: fixes for crashes, incorrect slider behaviour and better support for backslashes, double quotes and Unicode characters.
    * (Windows and OS X) Processing of VST effects was substantially slower than in previous versions of Audacity.
    * (OS X 10.5 PPC) A first-time installation of Audacity Beta would hang on launch if VST effects were detected.
    * (Linux) Recordings made with the pulse device crashed or stalled when using overdub and/or software playthrough.
    * (Linux) Play-at-Speed crashed at 0.08 speed or lower if Audacity was configured with libsamplerate.

    Changes and improvements:

    * Control Toolbar renamed to Transport Toolbar.
    * Device Toolbar (on by default) now contains all input and output device choices, including host and recording channels. Input/output choices are no longer in Mixer Toolbar on Windows XP or some older operating systems. New Transport > Rescan Audio Devices menu item to refresh the device list.
    * New "Sync-Lock Tracks" feature (turned on in the Tracks menu) to allow groups of audio and/or label tracks to retain synchronisation when the track length changes.
    * Equalization: New "Manage Curves" dialog for importing and exporting curves.
    * Noise Removal: New "Sensitivity" slider to adjust the noise threshold, and new option to isolate noise.
    * New "Extended Import" Preferences for specifying different importers to open specific file extensions.
    * Improved Automatic Crash Recovery with all project changes autosaved.
    * MIDI tracks can be vertically zoomed, time shifted and display bar lines. Note: the channel selection buttons are not available in 1.3.13.
    * (Windows and Linux) The window Close button and other system close or shutdown commands now quit on closing the last window. File > Close now always clears to a new, empty project.
    * (OS X) Simpler installer with top-level "Audacity" folder.
    Audacity v 1.3.12beta 21 janv. 2011 Windows
    Bug fixes for:

    Imports and Exports:
    * AAC files could not be exported at 48000 Hz
    * When importing multiple native file formats using FFmpeg, all files after the first reverted to using the native importer
    * FFmpeg custom export window too large on 800 x 600 resolution monitors
    * Projects froze if files imported via On-Demand were no longer available
    * (Linux) WAV/AIFF exports were corrupted if overwriting an aliased file which had been imported using the command line

    * Cutting or deleting a region in the waveform and label track did not move the labels in advance of the cut
    * Incorrect behavior snapping to labels and boundaries with Snap To enabled
    * Labels can now be reversed if included with the audio selection
    using the command line

    Other bug fixes:
    * When using non-English languages, Generate effects truncated the selected region
    * Mice with high-precision scroll-wheels could cause a crash
    * Changing recording preferences using the Transport menu did not update the menu in other open projects
    * (Windows 7) Clicking in a file open or save dialog caused files or folders to disappear from the list, and file filtering was broken

    Changes and improvements:
    * A hover tooltip is now provided if the Mixer Toolbar input selector cannot control the system slider for the selected input.
    * More intuitive behavior when moving and resizing labels by dragging
    * Support added for importing lists of files (LOF) containing relative paths
    * Export Multiple: new option to use a numerical prefix before existing label or track names; "Success" dialog now resizable
    * New Equalization preset "Inverse RIAA", with new button to invert other curves
    * Timer Record now remembers last scheduled duration
    * Meter Toolbar can now be made much narrower, and so more suitable for vertical orientation
    * New Preferences choice for "System" language which is used on first run instead of asking user to choose language
    * Warning now provided if WAV/AIFF exports are not successfully completed
    * (Linux) Improved icon set in compliance with Icon Theme Specification 0.6
    Audacity v 1.3.11beta 19 janv. 2010 Windows
    Bug fixes for:

    Imports and Exports:
    * Bug when exporting partial selections caused too much audio to be exported is fixed
    * Fix corrupt files exported through FFmpeg when metadata included (metadata is now exported correctly in M4A files)
    * Prevent saving a new Audacity Project over an existing one as this could corrupt both projects
    * Improved help for files that cannot be imported because the relevant optional library is missing

    * Allow effects which change the length of the audio they work on to also be applied to selected label tracks, thus keeping them synchronized
    * Fixed inability in Nyquist plug-ins to add labels to an existing label track
    * (Mac) Equalization window was corrupted after Preview
    * (Linux 64-bit) Fixed crash Generating Click Track

    Audio Devices:
    * Fixed bug causing recording to stop short when the recording sample rate is not supported by the sound device and libsamplerate is used for resampling
    * Fix crash when opening Preferences on a machine where there are no available audio devices
    * Fixes for bugs using Timer Record and Sound Activated Recording

    User Interface:
    * Sizes of some dialogs adjusted to ensure they fit on the screen
    * Fix for supposedly "hidden" items appearing on screen with large monitors
    * Various keyboard shortcut and translation fixes

    Other bug fixes:
    * Several timing-dependent crashes and minor incorrect behaviours have been fixed
    * Windows installer now installs correctly over previous versions of Audacity

    Changes and improvements:
    * (Windows) Better icon file with higher resolution and transparency
    * New SoundFinder plug-in to label regions of audio between silences, so allowing silences between tracks to be excluded when exporting multiple
    Audacity v 1.3.10b 2 déc. 2009 Windows
    Bug fixes for:
    Imports and Exports:

    * Freeze importing audio files when Default View Mode set to Pitch (EAC)
    * Simultaneous On-Demand imports sorted incorrectly
    * WAV or AIFF files imported as noise if Preferences set to copy in the data at 24-bit quality
    * WMA exports corrupted if they contained metadata
    * Metadata Editor appeared before the Export window when exporting to any format


    * Crash or hang using Equalization on longer tracks
    * Reverse did not reverse clip boundaries
    * Nyquist:
    o Excessive memory consumption led to slow processing or crashes
    o Values appearing in text boxes not always the default or previously entered values
    o Errors running in European locales where comma used as decimal separator
    * VST effects remained in Effect menu even when re-scanned and no longer available
    * Truncate Silence produced incorrect results if silences spanned a block boundary

    Other bug fixes:

    * Spurious "not writable/disk full" errors when saving projects
    * Playing, rendering or exporting multiple tracks led to desynchronized playback or loss of audio data
    * Crash opening Preferences when no recording and/or playback devices enabled or connected
    * Preferences window: OK button did not respond to ENTER when a tab selected in left-hand panel
    * Mixer Board solo button handling
    * (Windows) After a period launching correctly, Audacity sometimes did not come up on top at launch
    * (Mac OS X) Correctly installed Help folder could not be found
    * (Mac OS X and Linux) Output slider could affect VU playback meter which then did not reflect actual waveform volume level
    * (Linux) Undoing or redoing a label edit could cause a crash

    Changes and improvements:

    * Linked audio and label tracks disabled until a future Beta version so they can be bug fixed
    * Input volume slider will be disabled if it doesn't have proper control of system slider; use the system slider instead
    * Proper support for copying/pasting label-with-audio including label text; new Edit > Paste Text to New Label menu item to paste system clipboard
    * Contrast Tool now modeless, more intuitive handling of multiple project windows, various other minor improvements
    Audacity v 1.3.9 2 sept. 2009 Windows
  • Bug fixes for:

  • * Crash, slow launch or excessive CPU/memory use arising from automatic VST support:
    o VST instrument plug-ins should now be correctly ignored
    o VST effects now scanned only at start of first session that detects them, then cached
    o Effects are now not loaded or opened until needed
    o New "Effects" tab in Preferences to enable/disable VST effects and enable VST rescan on next launch
    * Default View Mode now works
    * Chains now always apply their stored parameters rather than those last used in Effect menu
    * Non-MP3 files imported via drag or Recent Files caused crash if filter in file open window set to MP3
    * AAC exports (using the optional FFmpeg library) silenced
    * Generating audio always fitted the project in the window; fit now done only if generating in new track
    * View menu items/shortcuts incorrectly disabled when playing or recording
    * DTMF generator defaulted to zero duration on open
    * Unwanted interactions between linked audio and label tracks
    * (Windows XP) Failure to launch on some machines due to "incorrect configuration" issue
    * (Windows) Crash importing a stereo file while a screen reader such as JAWS is running
    * (Mac OS X) :
    o Audio Units effects applied to all tracks in project even if not selected
    o QuickTime importer now handles files greater than 16-bit or 64000 Hz
    * Various other interface bugs

    * Compressor: new option to compress based on peaks, improved attack and decay time support
    * Mixer Board: improved design, more responsive meters and now interacts fully with Track Panel in main window
    Audacity v 1.3.8b 18 juil. 2009 Windows
    New Features

  • Effects and Analysis:

  • * VST Effects now display GUI by default
    * Faster Equalization and Noise Removal; improved Truncate Silence and Click Track
    * Chains applied to files now clear temporary data after processing each file
    * Updated Nyquist implementation with support for SAL syntax and improved memory management
    * Plot Spectrum now analyzes up to 237.8 seconds of audio, with separate windows for each project and improved display; new preferences for Spectrograms
    * Contrast Analysis tool now modeless for easier use

    * Draft Manual/Quick Help included in Windows and Mac installers
    * New "Mixer Board" view with per-track VU meters
    * Mute, solo, gain, pan and track height saved in projects
    * More compact Preferences window with easier-to-use Keyboard tab and new toolbars shortcuts
    * New Screenshot Tools and improved screen reader support

    * Record more than 16 channels (hardware/drivers permitting)
    * Improved support for non-mmap ALSA devices such as PulseAudio
    * 32-bit float data over 0 dB now handled without clipping
    * "Stop" option when importing preserves already imported data
    * AMR NB export now supported if the optional FFmpeg library is installed
    * Faster waveform drawing and better response in multi-track projects

    Bug fixes for:
    * Export Multiple: failed if empty label encountered; files silenced if overwriting imported WAV files without copying them in
    * Metadata Editor hidden if it was on a now unavailable second monitor
    * Misaligned audio after "Split New" or Noise Removal effect
    * Incorrect label movement and paste with linked audio and label tracks
    * Equalization, Cut Preview and Advanced Mixing Options dialogue
    * (Linux) Mixer Toolbar should now adjust levels and select input sources properly
    * "Audio cache" preference caused crashes - data is now only cached in memory if available RAM is above a level defined in preferences
    * Various other crashes
    Audacity v 1.3.7b 30 janv. 2009 Windows
    Cross-platform Bug Fixes:
    * Muting/soloing caused incorrect channel results in exported
    stereo files
    * Noise Removal and all Nyquist effects pasted the original
    unmodified audio at the end of the modified region
    * Noise Removal inserted a tail of low level noise at the end
    of the modified region
    * Nyquist and Compressor plug-ins did not display moving bars
    in progress dialogue and over-estimated "Remaining Time"
    * Cancelling Nyquist effects deleted unprocessed audio
    * Change Speed and Change Tempo failed to modify the original
    selection length
    * Cut lines invisible
    * Fixed various bugs importing multi-stream files via FFmpeg
    * File > Export as WAV could be corrupted if overwriting
    an imported WAV read direct from the file
    * Export multiple "Other uncompressed files" choice always
    produced 16-bit PCM audio irrespective of chosen options.
    * MP3 export usually produced a 128 kbps constant bit rate file
    irrespective of chosen options; reported length often
    * MP3 ID3 Genre tag misread on import if the genre list in
    Metadata Editor was opened and saved
    * Exported metadata tags in MP3, OGG and FLAC often not seen by
    player software - now substantially improved
    * WMA exports (via FFmpeg)corrupted if metadata tags included
    * Some multi-channel recording devices that previously recorded
    more than two channels no longer did so
    * Generated audio did not fit in window
    * No warning was given when saving an empty project
    * Beep on completing longer process did not work on many
    * fixed crashes importing lists of files (.LOF), in Meter Toolbar
    and Change Speed

    Platform-specific Bug Fixes:
    * Windows Vista: crash opening Preferences with no sound
    devices enabled and connected
    * Mac OS X and Linux:
    * Spurious clipping at start of playback
    * Labels did not accept certain legal characters
    * Shortcuts did not work after running effects
    * Project Rate did not change to respect rate of first
    imported file if that rate was unsupported
    * Mac OS X only:
    * Crash resizing project window
    * Menu items became inactive or visibly corrupted
    * File > Open dialogue did not always work on OS X 10.4
    * Impossible to set independent Command and Control
    shortcuts that shared the same key
    * Freeze importing uncompressed files via On-Demand
    (please report any remaining instances of this to:
    * Portable settings were not picked up, instead settings
    were taken from the default location
    * Fixed unavailability of FFmpeg installer

    New Features:
    * F11 Full Screen mode
    * High-quality "Sliding Time Scale/Pitch Shift" effect
    * Audio Contrast Analyzer for testing audio on the
    internet for WCAG2 accessibility compliance.
    * Windows: sound devices can now be opened using the
    more efficient DirectSound API

    Other changes:
    * Latency correction should be improved for many users
    by employing a fixed rather than variable correction
    * Grouping of Effects into categories turned off until
    a way is added for users to do so themselves
    * Numerous minor interface improvements such as Metadata
    Editor navigation, new "hh:mm:ss + hundredths"
    selection format
    * Note: Windows users wanting to export MP3 files will
    require the latest version of the LAME encoder from
    Audacity v 1.3.6b 26 oct. 2008 Windows
    * FFmpeg support (downloadable separately) permits import and export of a much wider range of file formats, including WMA, M4A and AC3, plus import of audio from video files
    * On-demand loading of uncompressed files eliminates the wait before files can be played or edited
    * Linked audio and label tracks allow labels to move with their corresponding audio when cutting, pasting or changing speed or tempo
    * Hierarchical plug-in grouping for built-in plug-ins

    Vous devez vous identifier pour poster un commentaire:

    Identifiez vous grace à votre compte 440Software (MacMusic, PcMusic, 440TV, 440Forums, 440Software, ...) ou via votre compte FaceBook, Twitter ou Google.

    version 2.0.4, MacOS X UB
    Pour un logiciel gratuit, je le trouve passablement performant. Bien sûr, je suis un amateur, mais il comble mes besoins. Sur certains plans, il égale des logiciels payants. Donc bravo aux concepteurs!
    version 2.0.1, Windows
    Génial ce logiciel
    version 2.0.2, MacOS X UB
    Ce serait encore mieux en 64 bits
    OSX 1.2.5
    fonctionne très bien.
    C'est un peu juste comme appli, l'ergonomie n'est pas terrible, il manque des raccourcis évidents et ca devient vite énervant. Si il y a avait une fonction de split sur seuil ce serait cool mais la non.
    N'ouvre pas la plupart de mes samples , quitte inopinement assez souvent .
    Pour le prix c'est largement bien pour s'initier à la bidouille audio. Utilisation très simple.
    Super logiciel pour de l'édition sonore basique
    Le problème c'est pour exporter les fichiers en aiff, j'aimerais bien trouver un convertisseur. à part ça, c'est gratuit, c'est dans mes prix et question plantage, faut savoir s'y prendre avec lui. bravo au concepteur!
    Il plante, il ne veut pas ouvrir certain fichier, il a du mal avec certain VST
    Mis à part l'interface à la norme Windows, très bon soft, complet et gratuit!
    Tres simple d'utilisation et très pratique
    J'en avais eu une bonne impression sur PC ; sur mac c'est une horreur... à éviter absolument..
    version 1.3.11beta, MacOS X UB
    This is a GREAT free editor. In a pinch, it's pretty good for multi-tracking too.
    version 1.3.11beta, MacOS X UB
    Buen programa , lastima que sea demo
    I downloaded 'Audacity', because open source geek friends keep telling me that it's 'great'.. It is platform agnostic, open-source, free, and supports VST plugins.... Sounds good so far.. I then spent the last 2 hours mucking around with it.
    Man... what a disappointment. It has about the same level of functionality as SoundEdit 16 on a Mac from the early to mid nineties, albeit with proper undo. Here are some of its limitations
    1) No real-time FX.... only file based processing with a 2-3 second preview. GUIs for VST plugins also not working at present, resulting in very non-intuitive parameter lists and generic faders.
    2) No 'region' capturing, or clip based editing... you have to chop into the waveform and do copy/pastes to make a simple loop.. no way of slipping clips around in a track - you can only slip the whole track in time.... very SoundEdit 16, very primitive, unusable.
    3) Every time you import a new audio file, Audacity creates a new track. This is annoying. There is no 'audio clips bin' like most basic editors and no dragging and dropping of clips into the timeline from a 'library', which is a fairly basic requirement for any sort of editing.
    4) You can cut and paste selected audio from one track to another, but when you paste, Audacity automatically butts the copied audio up against the previous and you are not able to paste at a point beyond the end of the previous audio, nor slip the pasted audio in the timeline after you have pasted it. The only way of creating a gap between the previous audio and the audio you wish to paste is to 'generate silence' from a menu before pasting. Once you have done this, you still can't easily vary the silence gap or slip the position of the pasted audio. To shorten the gap (bring the pasted clip earlier in the session) you have to select some silence and 'delete' it.... then the pasted clip slips back closer to the previous.... You can't do proper editing this way and you will end up tearing your hair out fairly swiftly!!
    5) There is no such thing as a cross-fade edit in a track. This makes cutting and pasting audio between tracks unworkable. To achieve cross-fades (even small ones) you need to use two tracks and write volume automation on the outgoing and incoming audio. I cannot see how you are able to do any real editing in this kind of environment. Even simple 2 track editing becomes difficult.
    6) No video clip import/sync
    7) No midi file editing or playback, or support for VST instruments
    8) A frustratingly clunky volume automation editor, where you can't nail the break points properly without zooming in to micro level.
    9) No decent navigation keyboard shortcuts, like for example jumping to the beginning or end of a selection when zoomed in, or parking the cursor at the end of a clip etc... or selecting from a point to the beginning or end of a clip. The basic editing necessities aren't there - you need basic keyboard shortcuts for navigation and selection... if you are expected to shift click, drag and zoom everything, you will go completely crazy in a short space of time.
    I then went to the Audacity Wiki server to look at some of the discussion... There is a development wishlist, which seems to have some strange priorities with some of the basic issues above not even appearing... There are also occasional examples of excessive hubris such as this Audacity developers statement about Pro Tools in the comparisons page - "[pro tools is] cumbersome at times, but the basic functions of Audacity closely emulate those of Pro Tools",
    I don't think so pal.... (please see list of limitations above!!!!) and i really want to believe you!
    There are a couple of good things, such as support for 96khz/32bit, capacity to have files of different sample rates in a session, mp3 and ogg vorbis export, 'batch like' processing for exports and an undo history list - but that's about it.
    Some may say... well what can you expect for a free, open-source tool? Well, fair enough, the price is right and the politics are too, but the truth of the matter is that I would find this tool almost impossible to deploy into even a beginner's lab, as it lacks the simple features which allow people to grasp some of the basic principles of non-linear audio editing and production.
    Sorry to be so harsh.
    my problem is that i can't download it due to very poor host "distributors".
    i've tried a very early version of this software and found it very promising. sucks/at least needs a server that can deal with it's "traffic"!
    an open letter to soundforge;
    stream your clients. don't force me to endure computer game adverts whilst i'm trying to download a peice of potentially "serious" software.
    if you host a download, make sure it actually functions.
    all pop-up/banner oriented sites will go the same way as junk mail sooner or later. you already know this. use your brains! it's what you're paid for!!
    harsh comments but no hard feelings,
    apologies for any lack of inarticulacy,
    best wishes,
    paul waller.
    Only one problem: it doens't work with my external audio device. I use an Edirol FA-101. Quite a few applications that I've come across have neglected support for this device, even though it uses no special drivers or fancy features- it's just straight CoreAudio.
    Yeah, this is becoming a nice piece of software! Congrats to the developers. There are a few things I would like to see implemented, like a master level meter to tell you when your mix is clipping. But a great little audio editor to go along with Pro Tools. I use it to do stuff like edit away from my Mbox and import multichannel AIFFs recorded in MaxMSP. Since version 1.2 Audacity has been extremely stable for me!
    I've made some really good recordings with just this and the pre-amps on a yamaha MG10/2. Tracks clean up very well. I was gonna buy protools but now i don't really have a reason to.
    Very nice simple recorder
    Bienvenue visiteur: