Sample Manager

Categorie Production Audio / Editeurs et Enregistreurs Audio
Version 3.4.1
Format App
Compatibilité Sample ManagerMacOS X UB
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $69  /  64€
Mis à jour le 3 août 2011
Téléchargements 1 894
Télécharg. Mac 1 894

Traitement audio par lots

- Support total des fichiers audio AIFF, WAVES et SD2
- Support partiel des fichiers ACID, Recycle et Apple Loop
- Supporte tout taux d'échantillonnage et toute résolution
- Fichiers classables selon tout paramètre
- Vue détaillée de la forme d'onde du fichier sélectionné
- Informations détaillées du fichier audio sélectionné
- Traitements : Change Gain, Fade, Trim, Reverse, Convert, Process with AudioUnit
- Les traitements supportent tous formats, fréquence d'échantillonage et résolution, avec auto-dithering
- Ecrasement automatique des fichiers, avec option de renommer les nouveaux fichiers
- Undo illimité
- Lecture par MIDI du fichier audio sélectionné
Mac OS X 10.5 or 10.6
Sample Manager Sample Manager v 3.4.1 3 août 2011 MacOS X UB
* now allows files that are not analyzed to play back
* "Add to ProTools Project" action renamed to "Add to Pro Tools Session"
  • resolved an issue where Sample Manager would stop processing a large number of files

  • resolved an issue where command+delete would not remove a file from the list

  • other various fixes and improvements
  • Audiofile Engineering Sample Manager Sample Manager v 3.4.0 2 juil. 2011 MacOS X UB
  • resolves an issue where holding down "s" at launch would not skip plug-in validation

  • + added Sample Manager Action Pack, 10 new advanced actions for US $19.99:

    Add to ProTools Project
    Advanced Apple SRC
    Advanced iZotope MBIT+ Dither
    Advanced iZotope SRC
    Advanced iZotope Type I+II
    Set Finder Label
    Detach Beginning Below
    Detach Beginning To
    Detach End Below
    Detach End For
    Audiofile Engineering Sample Manager v 3.3.3 15 févr. 2011 MacOS X UB
  • Resolved an issue updating the waveform of processed files
  • fichiers Sample Manager v 3.3.2 8 févr. 2011 MacOS X UB
  • Resolved an issue renaming a file

  • Resolved an issue adding a folder with subfolders to the list

  • Resolved an issue with the Join Channels action
  • audio Sample Manager v 3.3.1 4 févr. 2011 MacOS X UB
  • Resolved a interface glitch when enabling/disabling actions

  • Resolved an issue wherein the "Mix" action did not process files properly

  • Resolved an issue wherein "Process with Effect" action only processed files with "Preview" checked

  • Fixed UI problem when resizing main window
  • lectionn Sample Manager v 3.3.0 1 févr. 2011 MacOS X UB
    + Requires Mac OS X 10.5 or 10.6
    + SoundCloud support
    * Interface improvements
    * Split "Set Musical Property" action into six actions: Set Bars and Beats, Set Musical Key, Set Musical Scale, Set Playback Type, Set Tempo, and Set Time Signature
    * Modified "Set MIDI Base Note from Pitch" action interface
  • Various bug fixes
  • fichier Sample Manager v 3.3.0b4 28 sept. 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Various bug fixes
  • traitements Sample Manager v 3.2.2 25 mars 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Fixed an issue converting files to AIFF or Apple Loops with Convert Format action
  • telecharger Sample Manager v 3.2.1 24 mars 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Fixed an Audio File First Aid error that occurred when repairing files with unusually placed MARK chunks

  • Fixed an issue wherein changing output converter and/or device caused an effect error

  • Fixed application error wherein files were sorted by calculated properties

  • Fixed an audio output issue regarding files with three or more channels
  • mac Sample Manager v 3.2.1b2 23 mars 2010 MacOS X UB
  • Fixed an Audio File First Aid error that occurred when repairing files with unusually placed MARK chunks

  • 3.2.1b1
  • Fixed an issue wherein changing output converter and/or device caused an effect error

  • Fixed application error wherein files were sorted by calculated properties

  • Fixed an audio output issue regarding files with three or more channels
  • plus...
    windows Sample Manager v 3.2.0 27 janv. 2010 MacOS X UB
    + Audio File First Aid
    + Native support for VST plugins in "Process with Effect" action
    + Audio Units and VSTs that don't match channel counts can now be used
    + Calculate command
    + Preferences for split-file naming scheme (implemented in "Convert Format" action)
    * Fully Snow Leopard compatible
    * updated iZotope resampler
    * updated iZotope MBIT+ dither
    * Help Desk improvements
    * improved manual activation system
    * improved definitions of "bad" files: a file missing required data is considered "bad",
    * improved definitions of "bad" files: a file not able to be appended to is considered "bad", but is readable and playable
    * improved definitions of "bad" files: all other files are read as best as possible and not considered "bad"
    * "Repair" > "Diagnose"
    * improved files table behavior with regards to selected items
    * preference for re-scanning the files in the file list when the application comes to the front
    * ReCycle format files are now converted to Apple Loops or ACID before loading into the file list (user preference)
    * support for metadata in "Export As FLAC" action
    * numerous performance improvements
  • numerous bug fixes
  • macintosh Sample Manager v 3.2.0rc9 15 nov. 2009 MacOS X UB
  • Fixed an issue wherein the iZotope Resampler would not process files.
  • pc Sample Manager v 3.1 13 déc. 2007 MacOS X UB
    Improved main window
    New icon
    "Collections panel" replaces drawer
    Compress Action
    Expand Action
    Bypass for Actions
    Updated iZotope 64-bit SRC
    Search moved to Open panel
    "Show in Finder" in the File menu
    "Rename Workflow" in the Workflow menu
    "Convert to Group" command for folders & Smart Groups
    Support for Growl
    New licensing system
    Support for Sassfras K2 KeyServer
    Improved memory usage
    Sample Manager v 2.0.0 13 janv. 2005 MacOS X PPC
  • fenêtre de navigation multiples et sauvegardables

  • possibilité de régler un document pour qu'il soit lancé à chaque démarrage

  • possibilité de glisser des données d'un document à un autre

  • possibilité de lancer une nouvelle fenêtre de navigation avec des documents sélectionnés

  • AppleScript

  • toutes les commandes et attributs sont accessibles en AppleScript

  • accès au dictionnaire via l'éditeur de script et aux exemples via le dossier de scripts (~/Library/Scripts/Sample Manager Scripts/)

  • execution de script depuis le menu Script dans Sample Manager

  • cache de forme d'onde

  • stockage des données d'analyse dans un dossier cache local

  • support des fichiers ACID
  • moins...
    Audiofile Engineering
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    version 2.0.0, MacOS X PPC
    I can't live without this software. If you want a sample manager/editor/Batch processor... This is the one!

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