Finale v 2014d
4 déc. 2014
MacOS X Intel
It offers more palette options, a means to disable Smart Shape snapping, and many Mac-specific improvements including updated support for Quick Look, Spotlight, and Yosemite.
In addition to providing popular feature requests, 2014d also gives users an option to share anonymous Finale usage data with MakeMusic. This data will be used to better inform the design of future versions of Finale; no personally-identifiable or document-specific information will ever be collected, and you can change your mind about sharing at any time by choosing Help > Help Improve Finale.
Finale v 2014c
8 juil. 2014
MacOS X Intel
Finale 2014c addresses the following issues for both Windows and Mac users:
MIDI key velocity information is now played back in all layers.
Stop and start values are now interpreted correctly by Human Playback.
��it also addresses this Windows-specific issue:
Crashing behavior introduced in Finale 2014b on some Windows computers has been resolved.
��and these two Mac issues:
The audio sample rate is now retained in the Finale preferences.
Documents no longer print off-center when selecting crop marks or registration marks.
Finale v 2014a
9 janv. 2014
MacOS X Intel
Windows highlights include new View and Layout palettes and expanded compatibility for ASIO devices with locked sample rates.
Mac highlights include the resolution of a handful of playback issues (including older VST plug-ins, switching audio devices, and attached Bluetooth devices). Improvements were also made in the entry of multi-stroke characters, the use of Human Playback techniques, extract parts naming, and in a variety of scenarios using expressions.
Finale v 2014
4 nov. 2013
MacOS X Intel
Among Finale 2014’s technological investments is a completely new file format, offering great flexibility for the future, and allowing Finale 2014 users to effortlessly share files, back and forth, with users of the previous version of Finale. Other architecture enhancements include improved Apple OS X support and a new audio engine.
Finale’s Linked Parts feature, which provides a dynamic link between a score and the associated parts, has been enhanced to provide increased flexibility in areas where users may wish selected items to look different in the score than the parts.
Dozens of additional world-class Garritan instrument sounds have also been added to Finale’s already robust collection. MakeMusic’s purchase of the Garritan Corporation in 2011 ensures this partnership is also poised for the future.
Finale v 2012c
2 nov. 2012
Fixes in Finale 2012c
The Delete Element dialog box now always appears when deleting an expression from the Expression Selection dialog box that exists in the score.
Smart Shapes
Custom smart-lines now copy and paste properly.
The Delete Element dialog box now always appears when deleting a custom smart shape from the Smart Line Selection dialog box that exists in the score.
Finale v 2012b
27 juin 2012
Automatic Range Checking
Automatic Octave Adjustments when copying between staves
The ability to export EPUB compatible files (viewable on most tablet devices)
New Finale Lyrics font makes lyrics more legible (even on tablet devices)
Dozens of improvements that target long-standing customer requests
Finale v 2012a
12 janv. 2012
Finale 2012a is a free, downloadable update available to registered Finale 2012 Macintosh users. It offers an updated and resizable ScoreManager, expanded Audio Setup control, the ability to create SmartMusic accompaniments with vocal assessment, and more.
Finale v 2012
8 oct. 2011
Unicode Text Support
Score Manager controls how staves look and sound
More Garritan Sounds
Improved MIDI Instrument Setup
Playback Portability
Music Education Worksheets including Jazz Improvisation, Flashcards Repertoire
Finale Numerics and Finale Copyist Fonts
Improved Setup Wizard
Import graphics in PDF format
Export your score as a PDF and graphics tool enhancements
Improvements to Finale AlphaNotes Font
Improved Staff Layout
Finale v 2011c
6 avril 2011
Finale 2011c is a free, downloadable update available to registered Finale 2011 Macintosh users. It offers improved performance when switching tools while using a font management application (such as Font Explorer X or Font Agent Pro) and provides faster redraw when scrolling or entering notes in scores with many staves.
Finale v 2011b
6 nov. 2010
Fixes in Finale 2011b
Expressions are no longer duplicated and linked to one another in specific files.
Extract Parts now correctly saves to Program Files\Finale 20011b, and will not concatenate the entire file path into the file name. (Windows only)
Opening a specific file no longer causes a crash. (Macintosh only)
All Finale document fonts are now recognized in other MakeMusic products including SmartMusic, PrintMusic, Finale NotePad and Finale Reader. (Macintosh Only)
Font type names now work consistently in non-U.S. operating systems. (Macintosh Only)
Type into Score now advances correctly when the Enter key is used. (Windows only)
All lyrics, including those on the first system, now update when their fonts are changed via the Lyric Window. (Macintosh only)
Changes to a user's "Configuration Files" location no longer cause the updater to rename the MacOS folder within the Finale application. (Macintosh only)
The updater no longer changes the MacOS folder within the Finale application. (Macintosh only)
Finale v 2011a
11 oct. 2010
Updated Scanning Technology. Updated scanning recognition technology provides improved scanning results
and expanded support for Canon-brand scanners
Additional Expression Menu Commands. Four additional commands now allow convenient copying of expressions to adjacent staves.
Updated Broadway Copyist Font. The Broadway Copyist Text Extended font now includes additional characters including Æ, Ø, Œ, ¡, ¿, and others.
Improved Font menus and dialog boxes. Finale's updated Font menu and dialog box make selecting and editing fonts easier. (Macintosh only) Improved Quality for Exported Graphics. Exported bitmap graphics are now cleaner and sharper. (Macintosh only)
Bug fixes
Finale v 2011
3 juil. 2010
Improved Lyric Entry and Spacing
Lyrics are more easily entered, instantly appear exactly as they'll print out, and are automatically spaced with engraver precision.
Easier Staff Layout
New Staff Layout capabilities make it simple and intuitive to hide, move, and edit staves, groups, and brackets. Work in any order you wish, and never lose a note.
Garritan sounds
Finale now includes more than 375 world-class instrument sounds from the makers of Garritan Personal Orchestra. Free new sounds include bass trombone, brass section, children's choir ahs, flute section, electronic drum kit and more.
Music Education Worksheets
Finale now includes more than 800 ready-made, customizable music education worksheets and flashcards. New this year are jazz improvisation worksheets and more than 100 titles of classroom repertoire.
New Fonts
Hundreds of new font characters are included for percussion, mallet and handbell graphics.
Finale AlphaNotes Font
Created for use with beginning music students, the Finale AlphaNotes font places note names or solfège syllables inside noteheads.
Expanded Percussion Playback
Last year we simplified the process of getting notes on percussion staves to look – and playback – exactly the way you want them to. This year Finale 2011 makes it easy to switch between pitched and non-pitched percussion anywhere in your score.
Updated Aria Player
The Garritan Aria Player simplifies the process of changing MIDI channel assignments. Updated for Finale 2011, the Garritan Aria Player has an integrated Ambience reverb and the ability to save Ensembles.
Instant Capo Chords
Automatically add capo chords to your music with the freedom to control whether they replace or appear in addition to non-capo chords.
Improved Pickup measures and more
Pick-up measures automatically insert the correct rests when you start your score, improved file support for multiple-user environments, and a new Quick Reference Guide that shows you how to complete common tasks quickly and easily in Finale.
Finale v 2010b
21 déc. 2009
Deleting a measure stack no longer deletes chords in the subsequent measure.
Time Signature changes now copy correctly when notes are excluded in the Edit Filter dialog box.
Exported EPS files without embedded fonts now properly refer to the system's fonts upon viewing. (Mac Only)
Linked Parts
Expressions and chord symbols in the score no longer move when their corresponding items are moved across a barline in a linked part.
All Row-Loff percussion sounds are now defined correctly for MIDI input.
Problems regarding non-contiguous measure selection have been resolved.
Special Part Extraction now works properly for staves requiring multi-measure rests.
Chord playback has been corrected in some ear training worksheets.
Finale v 2010a
20 oct. 2009
# New Percussion Functionality including new options in the Percussion MIDI Map Editor that allow you to create custom percussion MIDI maps for ultimate control over the sounds your percussion staves play back.
# Support for Macintosh OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard)
# Enhanced integration of Staff Styles and Linked Parts – Apply Staff Styles to only the part or score you are viewing, and easily update staff styles in a score to match its part and vice versa.
# 271 Classroom Flash Cards designed to print double-sided (with the answers on the back) and to be used in front of the classroom. Topics include keys, note names, rhythm, vocabulary, and musical symbols.
# 126 Individual Flash Cards designed to print double-sided (with the answers on the back) and used by individual students for self-quizzing. Topics include keys, note names, and musical symbols.
# 30 Ear Training Worksheets designed to be used with the free, downloadable Finale Reader. Students can print the worksheets, use the Finale Reader to play the examples, and write the answers on the printed worksheets. Topics include intervals, chords, and melodic dictation.
Finale v 2009c
16 août 2009
Finale 2009c solves an authorization issue in Macintosh OS 10.5.7 and adds support for Aria-based Garritan Sound Libraries that are sold separately.
Finale v 2010
5 juin 2009
Percussion Notation
We've simplified the process of getting notes on percussion staves to look – and playback – exactly the way you want them to.
Change or delete notes without changing your chords. Attach chords to measures – whether or not they contain notes or rests – and have the chords appear and playback correctly.
Garritan sounds
Finale now includes more than 350 world-class instrument sounds from the makers of Garritan Personal Orchestra. Free new sounds include organ, a variety of electric guitars, five octaves of handbells, and a brush drum kit. Learn more.
Automatic Rehearsal Marks
Use a keystroke to enter rehearsal marks and Finale automatically sequences them correctly and dynamically updates them when you delete, insert, or move any rehearsal mark or measure.
Music Education Worksheets
Finale now includes hundreds of ready-made, customizable, music education worksheets designed for K-12 students.
Graphics Support
Export as .JPEG, and .PNG and import as .JPEG, .PNG, .BMP, and .GIF in addition to previously supported formats of .TIFF, .EPS.
Broadway Copyist
Inspired by the golden era of handwritten Broadway scores, the Broadway Copyist hand-written font offers a lighter, classic appearance.
VST/AU Support & Updated Aria Player
Finale now supports all third-party VST/AU Instruments and Effects, providing users with unlimited sonic possibilities. Updated for Finale 2010, the Garritan Aria Player simplifies the process of changing MIDI channel assignments.
Measure Numbers
Control measure number alignment, positioning, and fonts separately in your score and linked parts.
Scanning Improvements and More
New Smartscore Lite scanning interface enables you to specify the instrumentation so that your staves will automatically be properly transposed and configured for playback. Also new are transparent selection handles, exporting lyrics to a word-processing document, and improved help documentation.
Finale v 2009b
6 nov. 2008
Exported EPS files now properly display ties.
Finale v 2009a
29 oct. 2008
* Many more time-saving enhancements to the entry of expressions, including Staff Assignment Lists, an expanded category designer, layer assignment improvements, more Score Lists (formerly "Staff Lists") and additional powerful timesaving keystrokes. More
* Ambience Reverb is now included for Intel-based Macs, offering advanced control over great–sounding reverb. Macintosh playback problems, where users of specific audio interfaces only heard the left channel, have been resolved.
* SmartScore Lite Scanning Improvements – Support for triplet recognition and improved results when scanning polyphonic music.
* Improved Cross-Platform Font Handling. If you share Finale files between Mac and Windows computers, you've probably been puzzled by "MacSymbolFonts.txt" messages. Never again. Now Finale makes intelligent decisions for you AND offers better control if you need it.
* Improved placement of articulations. Fermatas and other articulations entered on a rest will automatically center correctly.
* Clearing Staff Styles is Now Easier. With the Staff Tool selected, press the Clear or Backspace key to clear any existing Staff Style in the selected region, and press the same key twice to clear the music.
* Graphic Export Settings are now preserved between Finale sessions.
* The appearance of Finale's interface in Windows Vista has been updated.
* Dozens of other improvements, including the playback of slurs, Human Playback, Cautionary Accidentals, EPS and PostScript output, and much more.
Finale v 2009
15 juil. 2008
New Features in Finale 2009:
- Categorized Expressions -- Finale's new Expression categories allow all markings of a similar type (e.g. dynamics) to share font, positioning, and staff list settings.
New Expression Positioning -- Expression positioning is now part of every expression category's definition, and can also be assigned individually.
Drag-apply Expressions -- You can now click and drag over multiple staves to apply expressions en masse.
Simplified Staff Lists -- Staff lists are now part of expression categories, which makes editing, copying, and assigning expressions that apply to the full score easier.
Easier Metatool Assignment -- You can now assign several metatools at once in the Expression Selection dialog box.
Attachment Indicators -- Each expression is now equipped with an indicator that displays its attachment point on the staff (relative to the beat or measure). Expressions can now be dragged to different beats, measures, or staves to change their attachment point.
Selection Dialog Box Zooming and Resizing -- New "Zoom In" and "Zoom Out" buttons, and resize functionality have been added to Finale's selection dialog boxes for easier navigation. Some dialog boxes that benefit from this are the Expression Selection dialog box, Articulation Selection dialog box, and Shape Selection dialog box.
Multiple Page Viewing and Editing -- Finale now displays more of your score at once with multiple pages accessible for convenient editing.
Finalescript 2.0 -- Finale's scripting language is now capable of calling virtually any command, whether in a dialog box, menu, or list. Press any button, check any check box, or enter a value into any text box. With an integrated dictionary and dynamic text coloring, creating powerful scripts is easier than ever.
Updated Human Playback -- Human Playback Enhancements include user interface improvements, compatibility with the Aria player, a new technique set supporting Finale 2009's open VSTAU abilities, and additional fixes and improvements. Plus Human Playback options are now found in Finale's MIDI menu, making access to different styles – as well as techniques and preferences – much more accessible.
New Aria Player -- The Garritan Aria Player is included FREE and is fully integrated into Finale 2009. It offers superior sound, more control, and a vastly improved user playback experience.
Full VST/AU Instrument Support -- Use any VST instrument plug-in and accompanying instrument libraries.
Improved Playback Performance -- With new ASIO drivers, Finale's playback engine has been retooled to allow for higher playback quality.
Updated SmartMusic Accompaniment Creation -- Creating SmartMusic Accompaniments (.SMP files) has never been easier with improvements to both Finale's saving mechanism and SmartMusic's interpretation capabilities.
Updated Music XML -- With support for MusicXML 2.0, +90 new features and a more transportable compressed file format, sharing documents between notation programs and between different versions of Finale is more accurate than ever.
Tapspace Virtual Drumline Sounds -- Finale now includes a library of performance-quality marching and concert percussion sounds by Tapspace.
Garritan Sounds -- Additional Garritan sounds include baritone sax, vintage electric piano, electric guitar, electric bass, vibraphone, handbells, mellophone group, baritone group, additional marching percussion cymbals, and more.
Enhanced VST/AU plug-in management -- Now specify which VST/AU plug-ins load, eliminating conflicts and assisting troubleshooting.
Fixes in Finale 2009:
Exercise Wizard
The session specific Items To Copy no longer affects the Exercise Wizard (i.e. if notes are not selected to be copied, the exercise will no longer be empty [no notes present]).
Copy Multiple no longer causes Expressions to be duplicated.
The Begin Playback at 'Position in Measure' setting of the Expression Assignment dialog box now functions properly.
Default file extensions are no longer uppercase.
The "Allow Individual Edits Per Score" setting no longer causes expressions to jump when selected or nudged.
The mouse cursor is now hidden while dragging Expressions.
Unnecessary full redraws no longer occur when using the arrow keys in the - Expression Selection dialog box.
Unmodified keys (i.e. D) no longer modify objections in the selection dialog box.
In an overfilled measure, you can now assign expressions to beats outside the normal time signature.
Human Playback
Fermatas no longer hang some files during playback with Human Playback.
Human Playback now considers tempo when applying tempo changes to "rit." expressions.
The Mass Edit Tool can no longer be accessed by using the traditional tool palettes.
Ties in the source measure are no longer ignored in ossia measures.
Page Layout
Scrolling no longer deselects Page Layout handles.
Horizontal scroll now works at low view percentages.
Page View
Show Postscript Preview no longer only shows one page.
The window frames for VST plug-ins are no longer resizable.
With HP set to None, Measure expressions with key velocities no longer playback incorrectly.
Scroll View
Setup Wizard's default time signature is now 4/4 (instead of C).
Setup Wizard
The mnemonic for the Measure control no longer indicates the letter A.
The Expression Designer in Finale for creating SmartMusic Marker Expressions no longer uses the 1-100 scale for IA instead of 1-10.
A warning appears no longer while trying to do a SmartFind and Paint function recommending you turn on partial measure selection.
Selection between optimized staves no longer produces unexpected results.
Smart Shapes
Custom Smart Shapes no longer cause certain files to hang.
Slurs attached to notes with articulations no longer draw and print with unduly high slur contours.
Staff Tool
Staff styles are no longer duplicated on Paste Multiple.
Applying a staff style no longer causes manuscript paper to be absent from pages 2 and up.
Chord symbols on staves set to a chromatic transposition are now transposed properly.
Finale v 2005b
8 févr. 2005
Nombreuses corrections de bugs, concernant le menu Edit, l'outil Mesure, le plug-in Human Playback
Finale v 2005
22 oct. 2004
Finale Performance Assessment (FPA) : Finale 2005 peut créer des fichiers musicaux que les étudiants peuvent lire et jouer grâce à l'application FPA (disponible en téléchargement gratuit sur Ceci permet aux étudiants de modifier le tempo, de visualiser leurs fautes, de s'enregistrer pour auto-évaluation.
amélioration de la gestion et de l'affichage des triolets et autres subdivisions irrégulières
amélioration de la fonction Human Playback
répétitions intelligentes
améliorations de la gestion des espacements
nouveau plug-in TG Tools
listes de portées déplaçables
possibilité d'enregistrer des données continues dans HyperScribe
support des polices tierce-partie
Finale v 2004c
22 sept. 2004
Export EPS
Finale v 2004c
21 sept. 2004
MacOS 9
Export EPS
Finale v 2004b
23 mars 2004
Cette mise à jour dispose d'une nouvelle fenêtre de gestion des fichiers et corrige un nombre de bugs assez important : sauvegarde audio plus rapide, export en 300 dpi tiff plus rapide, et corrections d'erreurs dans presque la totalité des outils et menus (outil triolet, outil portée, saisie rapide, panoramique Midi désormais fonctionnelle avec les H.P. internes,...).
Finale v 2004b
22 mars 2004
MacOS 9
Cette mise à jour dispose d'une nouvelle fenêtre de gestion des fichiers et corrige un nombre de bugs assez important : sauvegarde audio plus rapide, export en 300 dpi tiff plus rapide, et corrections d'erreurs dans presque la totalité des outils et menus (outil triolet, outil portée, saisie rapide, panoramique Midi désormais fonctionnelle avec les H.P. internes,...).
Finale v 2004
22 nov. 2003
amélioration du "simple note entry"
extensions de mot intelligentes
tourne de page intelligente
liaisons intelligentes
améliorations de la gestion des voix (layers)
plug-in de regroupement de notes par-dessus les barres de mesures
plug-in de regroupement de notes entre plusieurs portées
mélanges de polices dans les "expressions"
playback "humain"
police SmartMusic
amélioration de l'accompagnement SmartMusic
plug-in "drum groove"
fonction de sauvegarde en fichier Audio CD
amélioration du MicNotator
FinaleScript (écrire des macros pour Finale)
Support Mac OS X
... et bien plus
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