Cubase SL

Categorie Production Audio / Sequenceurs
Version 3.1.1
Format App
Compatibilité Cubase SLMacOS X PPC
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $500  /  462€
Mis à jour le 1 nov. 2005
Téléchargements 26 025
Télécharg. Mac 25 112
Categorie Production Audio / Sequenceurs
Version 3.1.1
Format App
Compatibilité Cubase SLWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $500  /  462€
Mis à jour le 1 nov. 2005
Téléchargements 26 025
Télécharg. PC 913

Outils de Production Musicale

Cubase SL est une version allégée de Cubase SX, sans les possibilités de traitement en son surround, et avec moins de possibilités d'automation.
Mac OS X v10.4 Power Mac G4 1 GHz Minimum (PowerPC) 512 MB RAM port USB pour Steinberg Key
Windows XP Home ou XP Professional Processeur Intel / AMD 1.4 GHz minimum 512 MB RAM lecteur DVD pour l'installation matériel audio compatible Windows MME (matériel compatible ASIO pour latence faible) port USB pour Steinberg Key connexion Internet pour activation
Cubase SL Cubase SL v 3.1.1 1 nov. 2005 MacOS X PPC
  • Video playback glitches with Decklink video cards when using PhotoJPEG

  • encoded video
    - Application crashes when dragging files from desktop to pool and project
    window again and again without dropping it
    - Crash when opening/closing multiple projects with Studio Manager (Studio
    Connections) in use
    - Toggle between two or more open windows using CTRL+TAB keys is not
    - Crash when playing back automation of MIDI Device Panels
    - With the "Sync Project & Mixer Selection" preference option enabled,
    selecting all tracks with shift+click on the first and last track will only select the
    last mixer channel
    - Crash when moving parts from inside a folder into another folder or subfolder
    - Device Maps that are not recognized at project load lead to orphaned
    automation data
    - Cubase SL only: number of MIDI plug-in slots in a MIDI track has to be 4
    - Cubase SL only: new Track Folding feature set is not available, although
    included in the specification and documentation
    - Project freeze when toggling between normal loop and inverted loop modes
    - On some Windows XP systems, a crash occurs with Multiprocessing enabled
    - GUI would hang if a project is played with missing video file(s)
    - Score Editor: crash when pressing "Ctrl + R"
    - OMF start time offset, when project start time has a negative value (SX only)
    - OMF volume information is now correctly translated as automation instead of
    clip gain (SX only)
    - OMF: reading of clips out of OMF sub-compositions failed
    Steinberg Cubase SL Cubase SL v 3.1 31 août 2005 MacOS X PPC
    - Copy/Paste channel settings for multiple selected channels in one go
    - New Panner Mode: Equal Power
    - Panner Bypass Function
    - New Key Command Set for Mixer functions
    - Command Target filters for Mixer functions
    - Inspector sub-section for MIDI Tracks routed to a VST Insert Plug-in

    Recording and playback
    - Smart controller reset after recording
    - Recovery of audio recordings after system failure
    - New pre-count options, sensitive to tempo and time signature changes
    - Optional Sample-Rate Conversion when importing Tracks

    - Glue multiple parts with single mouse-click
    - Glue all following parts on selected track
    - New Crosshair-Cursor option
    - Process Bars in Tempo Track
    - Duplicate Track option
    - Freeze MIDI Track Play Parameters
    - Optimize Display when dissolving Parts
    - Apply Legato to selected notes only
    - Select equal Pitch > all Octaves/same Octave for all Positions
    - Transpose for single or multiple Audio Events via Info Line

    - Associated External Instruments Track Inspector added to MIDI Track
    - Associated Audio Track Inspector added to MIDI track inspector routed to
    VST Insert Plug-in
    - New Appearance options: Brightness, Contrast and Saturation
    - Automatic Track Coloring
    - Incremental Auto-Save
    - Track Folding: Toggle Selected Track
    - Track Folding: Fold/Unfold Tracks
    - Track Folding: Flip Fold States
    - Resize Tracks without selecting
    - OSX Performance Optimization: integrated support for MacOSX Quartz 2D
    graphics system
    - Additional Processor Optimization: support for DualCore and Multi-Processor
    PC systems (systems with more than two processors)
    - Safe Recovery of corrupt projects after system failure

    MIDI & Music
    - Option to convert MIDI Controller Lane volume data to Track Automation
    volume data

    - Access Mixer Device Panels (user Panels) from Hardware Remote
    Controllers (SX-only, for Houston, Mackie Control/HUI, Yamaha DM xxxx
    series, 02r96/01v96, Radical SAC2K und CM Motormix)

    - Preferences: Redesigned Appearance settings panel
    - New preference: Use Up/Down Navigation Commands for selecting Tracks
    - New Preference: Default Track Time Type (Audio and MIDI)
    - New Preference: Auto Track Color Mode
    - New Preference: Sync Project and Mixer Selection
    - New Preference: Deep Track Folding
    - New Preference: Enlarge Selected Track
    - New Preference: Select Channel/Track on Solo
    - New Preference: Select Channel/Track on Edit Setting
    - New Preference: Maximum Backup Files
    - New Preference: Insert Reset Events after Record
    - New Preference: Chase Events – Chase not limited to Part Boundaries
    - New Preference: Option to export warnings as text file
    - New Preference: Warn on Processing Overloads
    - New Preference: Map Input Bus Metering to Audio Track (in Direct
    - Single Key command to open and close Pool Window
    - New Key Command to open Device for selected Track
    - Appearance: User-definable intensity for active drum lane
    - New Key Command to toggle status of "Select Channel/Track on Edit
    Steinberg Cubase SL v 3.0.2 25 mars 2005 MacOS X PPC
  • sauvegarde du statut de Play Order Track avec la session

  • options additionnelles "Appearance"

  • nombreux bugs corrigés
  • possibilit Cubase SL v 2.2b35 29 mai 2004 MacOS X PPC
    Améliorations et corrections diverses
    cubase Cubase SL v 2.2 23 févr. 2004 MacOS X PPC
  • Support pour Mackie Control Extender

  • Amélioration de l'implémentation Generic Remote

  • Nouvelle option "Use System Timestamp" dans le DirectMusic Setup améliore le timing MIDI pour les appareils DirectMusic

  • Nouvel instrument virtuel : Monologue, synthétiseur monophonique à modélisation analogique

  • Nouvel instrument virtuel : Embracer, synthétiseur de pad polyphonique avec surround

  • Nouveau plug-in VST : Tonic, filtre multimode à modélisation analogique

  • Diverses améliorations mineures
  • telecharger Cubase SL v 2.0 10 oct. 2003 MacOS X PPC
    Moteur audio VST 2.3
    compensation complète du délai des plug-ins
    nouvelle interface graphique
    nouveau mixeur avec retours d'effets
    Fonction Freeze
    nouvel outil Time Warp
    amélioration de la gestion de parts multiples
    bar d'outils configurable
    mac Cubase SL v 1.052 23 janv. 2003 MacOS X PPC
  • Cette update fixe le problème de blocage total de Cubase SL qui pouvait survenir suite à la mise à jour Mac OS 10.2.3.

  • - Cette mise à jour nécessite que Cubase SL 1.051 soit déjà installée sur votre Mac.
    Cubase SL Cubase SL v 3.1.1 1 nov. 2005 Windows
  • Video playback glitches with Decklink video cards when using PhotoJPEG

  • encoded video
    - Application crashes when dragging files from desktop to pool and project
    window again and again without dropping it
    - Crash when opening/closing multiple projects with Studio Manager (Studio
    Connections) in use
    - Toggle between two or more open windows using CTRL+TAB keys is not
    - Crash when playing back automation of MIDI Device Panels
    - With the "Sync Project & Mixer Selection" preference option enabled,
    selecting all tracks with shift+click on the first and last track will only select the
    last mixer channel
    - Crash when moving parts from inside a folder into another folder or subfolder
    - Device Maps that are not recognized at project load lead to orphaned
    automation data
    - Cubase SL only: number of MIDI plug-in slots in a MIDI track has to be 4
    - Cubase SL only: new Track Folding feature set is not available, although
    included in the specification and documentation
    - Project freeze when toggling between normal loop and inverted loop modes
    - On some Windows XP systems, a crash occurs with Multiprocessing enabled
    - GUI would hang if a project is played with missing video file(s)
    - Score Editor: crash when pressing "Ctrl + R"
    - OMF start time offset, when project start time has a negative value (SX only)
    - OMF volume information is now correctly translated as automation instead of
    clip gain (SX only)
    - OMF: reading of clips out of OMF sub-compositions failed
    Acheter Cubase SL en ligne chez:
    Acheter Cubase SL près de Columbus, United States chez:

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    Identifiez vous grace à votre compte 440Software (MacMusic, PcMusic, 440TV, 440Forums, 440Software, ...) ou via votre compte FaceBook, Twitter ou Google.

    version 2.2b35, MacOS X PPC
    Tres bon logiciel
    version 2.0, MacOS X PPC

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