
Categorie Production Audio / Sequenceurs
Version 8
Format App
Compatibilité NuendoMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $2055  /  1899€
4.7 / 5 , 13 votes
Mis à jour le 24 juin 2017
Téléchargements 252 114
Télécharg. Mac 235 188
Categorie Production Audio / Sequenceurs
Version 8
Format App
Compatibilité NuendoWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $2055  /  1899€
4.7 / 5 , 13 votes
Mis à jour le 24 juin 2017
Téléchargements 252 114
Télécharg. PC 16 926

Enregistrement, Edition, Mixage...

Nuendo est un outil d'enregistrement professionnel, d'édition et de mixage automatisé pour musique de film, post production, il permet de créer une oeuvre musicale ou du son surround pour un jeu video, la télévision ou la radio.
OS X 10.11 / macOS Sierra
64-Bit Windows 7 / 8.x / 10
Nuendo Nuendo v 8 24 juin 2017 MacOS X Intel
Tailored to meet the demands of today’s audio professionals, Nuendo 8 introduces Game Audio Connect 2 and the Sound Randomizer for supreme game sound design and composing. Great workflow improvements such as the new MixConsole History and Direct Offline Processing round off the many further additions to our latest audio post-production software.

Further new features at a glance

Renamer for automatically renaming events in Nuendo projects
Sampler track for easy creations of sample-based instruments from audio files
New effects and updated plug-ins including Frequency EQ, HALion Sonic SE 3, Retrologue 2, AutoPan, Maximizer and many more
User Profile Manager to easily store and recall program settings and preferences
ADR improvements, including automatic speech alignment and remote ADR support (available in future maintenance update)
New video engine, now independent from QuickTime technology
Steinberg Nuendo Nuendo v 7.1.35 1 avril 2017 MacOS X Intel
Steinberg Nuendo v 7.1.30 26 févr. 2017 MacOS X Intel
mixage Nuendo v 7.1.20 30 oct. 2016 MacOS X Intel
telecharger Nuendo v 7.0.40 19 mai 2016 MacOS X Intel
mac Nuendo v 7.0 25 juin 2015 MacOS X Intel
Nuendo 7 pre?sente Game Audio Connect, un syste?me qui permet de transfe?rer directement des donne?es audio vers l'intergiciel Wwise d'Audiokinetic. De?veloppe?e pour les sound designers et tous ceux qui travaillent avec un grand nombre de fichiers, la nouvelle fonction Render Export permet d'exporter les fichiers audio se?lectionne?s vers une destination spe?cifique, tandis que Render-In-Place cre?e un rendu des pistes directement dans le projet.

Tous ceux qui travaillent directement sur l'audio aimeront ReConform : il suit les modifications apporte?es a? l'image et e?dite automatiquement les projets audio en fonction. E?galement nouveaux dans Nuendo 7, les faders VCA sont pre?cieux pour les mixages complexes et les projets de cine?ma et de te?le?vision. Ils facilitent l'automation en fusionnant la courbe d'automation d'un fader VCA et celle d'un fader ou d'un groupe de faders. Les possibilite?s d'e?dition ont e?te? ame?liore?es : Nuendo accepte maintenant un nombre d'images jusqu'a? 50 FPS, posse?de un syste?me de saisie du timecode et des courbes d'automation qui suivent le de?clenchement d'e?ve?nements. La liste des pistes et l'inspecteur ont aussi e?te? repense?s pour ame?liorer la lisibilite?. La nouvelle zone de racks VST fournit un cadre a? la MediaBay et au rack d'instruments VST au sein de la fene?tre du projet.
windows Nuendo v 6.5.40 25 févr. 2015 MacOS X Intel
macintosh Nuendo v 6.5.35 18 nov. 2014 MacOS X Intel
pc Nuendo v 6.5.30 5 sept. 2014 MacOS X Intel
Nuendo v 6.5 23 juil. 2014 MacOS X Intel
  • €¢ Automated Loudness processing to both industry standards such as EBU R128 and fully user-definable settings

  • €¢ Professional bass management including several routing and filter options coming with the new Bass Manager plug-in

  • €¢ ADR Taker 2.0 introduces a major update of Nuendo’s ADR taker system with enhancements for voice and foley recording such as new playback/recording modes, automated naming schemes and pre-record buffer

  • €¢ Nuendo TrackVersions allows for creating, renaming and managing parallel versions of the same track plus many addition features far beyond conventional playlists

  • €¢ Track visibility management speeds up handling especially of large projects by offering dynamic displaying of audio tracks and groups in the project window

  • €¢ Improved AAF Filter now supports even better import/export to Pro Tools and Media Composer

  • €¢ New monitoring and metering section for better source management and better overview on the most frequently used functions

  • €¢ Experience a richer sound with REVelation reverb and Magneto 2, a warm and smooth tape saturation plug-in

  • €¢ Track Quick Controls can now be saved as presets and loaded for immediate access

  • €¢ Steinberg Hub with direct access to user-defined folders and news section for the latest Nuendo product updates
  • plus...
    Nuendo v 6.0.7 4 févr. 2014 MacOS X Intel
    Nuendo v 6.0.6 22 sept. 2013 MacOS X Intel
    Nuendo v 5.5.6 25 juil. 2013 MacOS X Intel
    Nuendo v 6.0.5 27 juin 2013 MacOS X Intel
    Nuendo v 6.0.4 30 mai 2013 MacOS X Intel
    Nuendo v 6.0 7 mars 2013 MacOS X Intel
    Nuendo 6 provides new mixing facilities featuring full-screen mode and scalability, Insert View for displaying activated insert slots, plug-in and channel search and integrated Control Room. The brand-new channel strip comprises high-pass and low-pass filters, a noise gate with sidechain support, various compressors and a brickwall limiter while the overhauled Channel Settings window provides immediate access to channel parameters.

    Further highlights of Nuendo 6 are the EBU R128 standard compliant loudness metering with RMS metering scales, the Loudness Lane for tracking and editing loudness efficiently and the new ADR taker system including on-screen dialog for dialog recording and language dubbing.

    Prominent plug-ins are MixConvert v6 for individual downmixing, Voxengo’s 64-band CurveEQ and IOSONO’s Anymix Pro 1.3 for automatic EQ and loudness adjustments to surround sound signal panning and upmixing up to 8.1 surround sound.

    MemZap stores and recalls zoom settings and positions within the project, VST Connect SE plug-in allows for online collaboration and the Remote Control Editor is utilized for easy mapping of effect and instrument parameters to external controllers.

    Other newly implemented features include a redesigned user interface, VariAudio 2.0, ASIO-Guard with drop-out prevention algorithms, a 1.5 GB library by Pro Sound Effects and 90 minutes of free online video tutorials.

    The optional Nuendo 6 Expansion Kit (NEK) comprises features that turn Nuendo into a fully fledged composing application. Included are the new Chord Track, which detects and modifies the harmony structure of MIDI and audio tracks edited in VariAudio, and Chord Assistant, newly introduced to bridge chords and generate harmonic chord progressions. The feature set is complemented by Hermode tuning for dynamic retuning in real time, 300 new instrument sounds for HALion Sonic SE as well as the Retrologue virtual-analog and Padshop granular synthesizers.
    Nuendo v 5.5.5 11 sept. 2012 MacOS X Intel
    Nuendo v 5.5.4 2 août 2012 MacOS X Intel
    Nuendo v 5.5.3 18 avril 2012 MacOS X Intel
    Nuendo v 5.5.2 25 janv. 2012 MacOS X Intel
    Version 5.5.2 addresses several issues, including the video engine performance and the MediaBay usability.
    Nuendo v 5.5.1 20 sept. 2011 MacOS X Intel
    Issues resolved in 5.5.1

  • When using the "Gridlines in front of parts/events" function, the performance of the User Interface does not diminish anymore.

  • When using audio samples as metronome click, toggling the metronome on/off doesn't lead to interruption of audio recordings.

  • When Control Room with more than one Studio bus is active, the metronome click doesn't drop out.

  • Steinberg CI series audio hardware and Yamaha MOX synthesizer specific VST Connection port naming issues under Mac OS X Lion (10.7) systems is resolved.

  • Using the Altiverb plug-in or Yamaha MOTIF Editors in a Project together with video material does not render the application unreliable anymore.
  • Nuendo v 5.5 1 août 2011 MacOS X Intel
  • MacOS 64-bit Support

  • Video Engine Update

  • o Video playout card support for Nuendo 5.5. 64- bit.
    o Performance improvements especially for HD video material.

  • Editing Features added:

  • o Folder Track Edit Groups for Multitrack Editing
    o New Comping / Lane Editing
    o Controller Lane and Automation Scaling function
    o Additional Folder Track functions
    o Audio Warp with élastique Pro algorithm
    o Offline Processing edit-handles
    o Export Note Pad Data as text
    o Overhauled Recording Modes
    o Changed orientation of Pop-up Toolbox on right-click
    o Direct recall for Workspaces using key commands

  • Compatibility

  • o New file suffixes for split file operations
    o AAF improvements
    o Export: event levels above +12dB will be set to a maximum of +12dB
    o Export (embedded format): multichannel tracks will be split automatically

  • Mixing Features added

  • o Automation – Unveil Parameter on Write
    o Quick Controls
    o VST Amp Rack plug-in

  • Music Features added

  • o Automatic Tempo Detection and Alignment
    o Updated Hit point Detection
    o VST Expression – Dynamics*
    o NoteExpression*
    o Extended Vari Audio-to-MIDI Conversion
    o VST Expression – Extended Output Mapping*
    o Key Editor Inspector
    o Quantize Improvements
    o HALionSonicSE*
    o GrooveAgentOne1.2*
    o LoopMash2*
    o MIDIFileImport–OutputPreference *) exclusive feature of Nuendo Expansion Kit 5.5
    *) exclusive feature of Nuendo Expansion Kit 5.5

  • Bug fixes (please refer to the document provided separately)
  • Nuendo v 5.1.1 7 févr. 2011 MacOS X UB
    Nuendo v 5.1.0 13 oct. 2010 MacOS X UB
    The Nuendo 5.1 update adds MXF Audio support, as well as several stability and performance improvements, focusing on the AAF import/export, the editing functions, the video engine and the MediaBay.
    Nuendo v 5.0.1 6 juil. 2010 MacOS X UB
    The following issues have been fixed in version 5.0.1:

  • Area Title :

  • AAF OMF and AAF: Wrong media is referenced

  • VST / Plugins / Audio Engine :

  • Bypassed UAD PlugIn creates crackling if "Suspend VST PlugIn processing" is activated
    Control Room has no audio after loading a CR preset
    Batch export creates wrong time stamp for BWF
    Pitch Driver default detune setting should be "0"
    Pitch Driver can't automate 'Spatial' parameter

  • Export Audio:

  • Export cycle marker naming scheme sometimes not working
    Exported files incompatibility with certain Mac applications

  • Video:

  • Matrox driver crashes when the video engine is initialized
    Certain DV PAL video file(s) creates error when imported into N5
    No video display when function audio warp to picture is used
    Nuendo v 5.0 1 juin 2010 MacOS X UB
    New features include an integrated ADR toolset for spotting and organizing recording takes as well as the brand-new video engine with overall improvements in performance and usability. The practical Clip Packages feature allows for organizing clusters of audio clips as one clip package file, and Wave Meters enables the user to view waveforms of audio events directly from within the mixer window. Nuendo 5 also holds a new generation of VST3 plug-ins and has seen major refinements to many of its well-touted tools, such as the mixer, MediaBay, VST Bridge, and Crossfade Editor to name but a few.
    Nuendo v 4.3 31 juil. 2009 MacOS X UB
    The following issues have been fixed in version 4.3.0:
  • 24306 Improved / changed behaviour of soloed or muted tracks in folder

  • 24305 Improved / changed behaviour of various solo or mute status of tracks regarding automation

  • 24304 Improved / changed behaviour of various copy / paste functions for soloed or muted tracks

  • 23891 Improved stability of Network collaboration.

  • 23720 Improved stability for malformed iXML data.

  • 24044 Fixed: Offline Process History does not work after copying project to another computer

  • 14439 Fixed: "Save to new project" fails if a Video track is in the project.

  • 20390 Fixed: QuickTime videos at 29.97df are truncated.

  • 23325 Fixed: QuickTime fullscreen mode on multi-display setups results in bad picture quality.

  • 20545 Fixed: Crash when Nuendo is set to timecode 60 FPS but recieves 25 FPS.

  • 21186 Fixed: Day wrap in 29.97df showed a gap.

  • 23305 Fixed: After importing some OMF files the required audio files are missing.

  • 22782 Fixed: Crash when importing BWAV files created with Cantar.

  • 23338 Fixed: Crashes with certain Macros and the audio editor.

  • 24302 Fixed: Occasionally Nuendo became unresponsive (freeze) when switching between projects or changing the routing if Direct-Monitoring was active.

  • 21734 Fixed: Occasional crashes during frequent punch in/punch out operations

  • 23261 Fixed: Occasional crashes when Auto Save option was enabled with certain projects

  • 19393 Fixed: Importing via X-Send is missing

  • 22475 Fixed: Automation read was inaccurate when using Virgin Territory.

  • 22237 Fixed: Delete overlaps function does not delete all overlapping regions

  • 22846 Fixed: Project window will scroll to the top after adding a marker in split track mode

  • 21242 Fixed: Suspend Autoscroll and preference "locate when clicking in empty space" resulted in unexpected behaviour

  • 23326 Fixed: Logical Editor functions "Linear Change in Loop" and "Relative Change in Loop" do not work with tracks in "Linear Time" mode.

  • 21090 Fixed: Occassionally changing the control name for the Generic Remote did not work.

  • 23445 Fixed: Some VST2 plug ins crash in surround formats 7.0 or higher.
  • Nuendo v 4.2.2 11 sept. 2008 MacOS X UB
  • support des interfaces MR816 CSX et MR816 X, du contrôleur CC121, de la gamme Yamaha MOTIF XS.

  • nouvelles options de synchronisation

  • VST Sound pour la gestion des médias
  • Nuendo v 4.1.2 6 févr. 2008 MacOS X UB
    Officially compatible with Mac OS X Leopard (version 10.5)
    bugs fixes
    Nuendo v 4.0 14 oct. 2007 MacOS X UB
  • New Post Pro Editing Features

  • 38 all-New VST 3 Audio Effect Plug-ins

  • Advanced Routing and Recording from Summing Objects

  • Side Chaining and Drag & Drop for FX plug-ins

  • Track Quick Controls

  • Track Presets

  • New state-of-the-art Channel EQ

  • Ready for Intel-based Macintosh computers, Windows Vista 64

  • Redesigned Sample Editor

  • Project Logical Editor

  • Instrument Tracks

  • MPEX 3 – High-quality audio time-stretching and pitch-shifting

  • New Nuendo EuCon Adapter (Optional)

  • Additional New Features:

  • VST Plug-in Bridge
    Updated WK-Audio ID Support
    Use Mouse Wheel for Event Volume and Fades
    Fade Handles always-on-top option
    Advanced QuickTime 7 Support
    Separate Goto Timecode command window
    Apple Remote support
    Direct X ASIO 64 Bit
    MP3 Surround
    New Trim Tool
    Load Projects inactive
    Arranger Track: new performance funtions
    Global Track Transpose
    New File Type: MIDI Loop
  • Important Product Improvements:

  • Improvement for Output Configuration of VSTi's
    Improved Channel Strip
    Improved Waveform Resolution
    Improved Audio Warp Real-time Transpose
    Track Control Context Functions Improvements
    Improvements on the Track Inspector
    Improved Audio & MIDI Hardware Setup
    Track Sheet Printing Improvements
    Time Displays Windows Improvements
    Improved Remote Controller Support
    Improved XML scripts for EuCon mapping of VST plug-in parameters
    ADM (ASIO Direct Monitoring) Improvements
    Nuendo v 3.2.1 20 avril 2006 MacOS X PPC
  • nouvelle option "process all" dans le dialogue Detect Silence permettant le traitement de tous les événements sélectionnés dans un projet à la fois

  • implémentation des User Defined Functions (UDF) sur la Yamaha 02R96:

  • o UDF1 - Project To Front
    o UDF2 - Bank Left
    o UDF3 - Bank Right
    o UDF4 - User 4
    o UDF5 - User 5
    o UDF6 - User 6
    o UDF7 - User 7
    o UDF8 - User 8
    o UDF9 - Mixer Window
    o UDF10 - Channel Left
    o UDF11 - Channel Right
    o UDF12 - Toggle Automation Button (read/write)
    o UDF13 - Read All
    o UDF14 - Write All
    o UDF15 - User 15 / Undo
    o UDF16 - User 16 / Save
    Nuendo v 3.2 19 nov. 2005 MacOS X PPC
    Control Room
  • bus de sortie séparés pour Main Mix, Control Room et Headphone

  • jusqu'à 4 Monitors Setups spécifiques

  • fonction Fold down

  • fonction Speaker solo

  • jusqu'à 6 entrées en retour externe

  • jusqu'à 4 Studios séparés

  • départs Studio dans le mixer

  • fonction Talkback

  • "Click Bus" séparé

  • assignement rapide des volumes/pan depuis le main mix vers les départs studio

  • Dim automatique et manuel

  • support matériel
  • support pour nouvel adaptateur EuCon avec intégration de joysticks automatisés

  • support pour WK Audio ID

  • divers
  • meilleure qualité de conversion de taux d'échantillonage

  • mode de normalisation optionnel pour MixConverter

  • nouvelles préférences

  • nouvelles options de metering
  • Nuendo v 3.1 6 sept. 2005 MacOS X PPC
    - Audio Pull up / Pull Down
    - Support for HDTV frame-rates
    - Thumbnail Pre-Cache option

    Network Collaboration
    - Support for markers
    - Online Merge functionality

    - Mixing and Monitoring of External Instruments in VST Mixer
    - Copy/Paste channel settings for multiple selected channels in one go
    - New Panner Mode: Equal Power
    - Panner Bypass Function
    - New Key Command Set for Mixer functions
    - Command Target filters for Mixer functions
    - Inspector sub-section for MIDI Tracks routed to a VST Insert Plug-in

    Files and Formats (Import and Export)
    - Exclude Media when exporting Tracks as Track Archive
    - Select individual Tracks when importing a Track Archive

    Recording and playback
    - Smart controller reset after recording
    - Recovery of audio recordings after system failure
    - New precount options, sensitive to tempo and time signature changes
    - Optional Sample-Rate Conversion when importing Tracks

    - Freeze Function for External Instruments and FX
    - Glue multiple parts with single mouse-click
    - Glue all following parts on selected track
    - New Crosshair-Cursor option
    - Process Bars in Tempo Track
    - Duplicate Track option
    - Freeze MIDI Track Play Parameters
    - Optimize Display when dissolving Parts
    - Apply Legato to selected notes only
    - Select equal Pitch > all Octaves/same Octave for all Positions
    - Transpose for single or multiple Audio Events via Info Line

    - New "External Instruments" options in VST Connections
    - External Instruments added to VST Instrument Rack
    - Associated External Instruments Track Inspector added to MIDI Track
    - Associated Audio Track Inspector added to MIDI track inspector routed to
    VST Insert Plug-in
    - External FX/Instruments Favorites
    - Advanced CPU-saving scrubbing mode
    - New Appearance options: Brightness, Contrast and Saturation
    - Sophisticated user-definable level meter coloring
    - Automatic Track Coloring
    - Incremental Auto-Save
    - Track Folding: Toggle Selected Track
    - Track Folding: Fold/Unfold Tracks
    - Track Folding: Flip Fold States
    - Resize Tracks without selecting
    - OSX Performance Optimization: integrated support for MacOSX Quartz 2D
    graphics system
    - Additional Processor Optimization: support for DualCore and Multi-Processor
    PC systems (systems with more than two processors)
    - Safe Recovery of corrupt projects after system failure

    MIDI & Music
    - MIDI Output Delay Compensation for External Instruments
    - Associate MIDI Device to External FX
    - Associate MIDI Device to External Instruments
    - Option to convert MIDI Controller Lane volume data to Track Automation
    volume data

    Studio Connections
    - Studio Connections Audio Integration

    - Access Mixer Device Panels (user Panels) from Hardware Remote

    - Preferences: Redesigned Appearance settings panel
    - New preference: Use Up/Down Navigation Commands for selecting Tracks
    - New Preference: Default Track Time Type (Audio and MIDI)
    - New Preference: Auto Track Color Mode
    - New Preference: Sync Project and Mixer Selection
    - New Preference: Deep Track Folding
    - New Preference: Enlarge Selected Track
    - New Preference: Select Channel/Track on Solo
    - New Preference: Select Channel/Track on Edit Setting
    - New Preference: Maximum Backup Files
    - New Preference: Insert Reset Events after Record
    - New Preference: Chase Events – Chase not limited to Part Boundaries
    - New Preference: Option to export warnings as text file
    - New Preference: Warn on Processing Overloads
    - New Preference: global Tail value for External Instruments and FX
    - New Preference: Map Input Bus Metering to Audio Track (in Direct
    - Single Key command to open and close Pool Window
    - New Key Command to open Device for selected Track
    - Appearance: User-definable intensity for active drum lane
    - New Key Command to toggle status of "Select Channel/Track on Edit
    Nuendo v 3.0.2 25 mars 2005 MacOS X PPC
    Nombreux bugs corrigés
    Nuendo v 2.2b35 29 mai 2004 MacOS X PPC
    Améliorations et corrections diverses
    Nuendo v 2.2 23 janv. 2004 MacOS X PPC
  • Support pour Mackie Control Extender

  • Amélioration de l'implémentation Generic Remote

  • Nouvelle option "Use System Timestamp" dans le DirectMusic Setup améliore le timing MIDI pour les appareils DirectMusic

  • Nouvel instrument virtuel : Monologue, synthétiseur monophonique à modélisation analogique

  • Nouvel instrument virtuel : Embracer, synthétiseur de pad polyphonique avec surround

  • Nouveau plug-in VST : Tonic, filtre multimode à modélisation analogique

  • Diverses améliorations mineures
  • Nuendo v 1.6.1 28 août 2002 MacOS 9
  • Gestion de la mackie Control

  • Bug Import/export OMF fixé
  • moins...
    Nuendo Nuendo v 8 24 juin 2017 Windows
    Tailored to meet the demands of today’s audio professionals, Nuendo 8 introduces Game Audio Connect 2 and the Sound Randomizer for supreme game sound design and composing. Great workflow improvements such as the new MixConsole History and Direct Offline Processing round off the many further additions to our latest audio post-production software.

    Further new features at a glance

    Renamer for automatically renaming events in Nuendo projects
    Sampler track for easy creations of sample-based instruments from audio files
    New effects and updated plug-ins including Frequency EQ, HALion Sonic SE 3, Retrologue 2, AutoPan, Maximizer and many more
    User Profile Manager to easily store and recall program settings and preferences
    ADR improvements, including automatic speech alignment and remote ADR support (available in future maintenance update)
    New video engine, now independent from QuickTime technology
    Steinberg Nuendo Nuendo v 7.1.35 1 avril 2017 Windows
    Steinberg Nuendo v 7.1.30 26 févr. 2017 Windows
    mixage Nuendo v 7.1.20 30 oct. 2016 Windows
    telecharger Nuendo v 7.0.40 19 mai 2016 Windows
    mac Nuendo v 7.0 25 juin 2015 Windows
    Nuendo 7 pre?sente Game Audio Connect, un syste?me qui permet de transfe?rer directement des donne?es audio vers l'intergiciel Wwise d'Audiokinetic. De?veloppe?e pour les sound designers et tous ceux qui travaillent avec un grand nombre de fichiers, la nouvelle fonction Render Export permet d'exporter les fichiers audio se?lectionne?s vers une destination spe?cifique, tandis que Render-In-Place cre?e un rendu des pistes directement dans le projet.

    Tous ceux qui travaillent directement sur l'audio aimeront ReConform : il suit les modifications apporte?es a? l'image et e?dite automatiquement les projets audio en fonction. E?galement nouveaux dans Nuendo 7, les faders VCA sont pre?cieux pour les mixages complexes et les projets de cine?ma et de te?le?vision. Ils facilitent l'automation en fusionnant la courbe d'automation d'un fader VCA et celle d'un fader ou d'un groupe de faders. Les possibilite?s d'e?dition ont e?te? ame?liore?es : Nuendo accepte maintenant un nombre d'images jusqu'a? 50 FPS, posse?de un syste?me de saisie du timecode et des courbes d'automation qui suivent le de?clenchement d'e?ve?nements. La liste des pistes et l'inspecteur ont aussi e?te? repense?s pour ame?liorer la lisibilite?. La nouvelle zone de racks VST fournit un cadre a? la MediaBay et au rack d'instruments VST au sein de la fene?tre du projet.
    windows Nuendo v 6.5.40 25 févr. 2015 Windows
    macintosh Nuendo v 6.5.35 18 nov. 2014 Windows
    pc Nuendo v 6.5.30 5 sept. 2014 Windows
    Nuendo v 6.5 23 juil. 2014 Windows
  • €¢ Automated Loudness processing to both industry standards such as EBU R128 and fully user-definable settings

  • €¢ Professional bass management including several routing and filter options coming with the new Bass Manager plug-in

  • €¢ ADR Taker 2.0 introduces a major update of Nuendo’s ADR taker system with enhancements for voice and foley recording such as new playback/recording modes, automated naming schemes and pre-record buffer

  • €¢ Nuendo TrackVersions allows for creating, renaming and managing parallel versions of the same track plus many addition features far beyond conventional playlists

  • €¢ Track visibility management speeds up handling especially of large projects by offering dynamic displaying of audio tracks and groups in the project window

  • €¢ Improved AAF Filter now supports even better import/export to Pro Tools and Media Composer

  • €¢ New monitoring and metering section for better source management and better overview on the most frequently used functions

  • €¢ Experience a richer sound with REVelation reverb and Magneto 2, a warm and smooth tape saturation plug-in

  • €¢ Track Quick Controls can now be saved as presets and loaded for immediate access

  • €¢ Steinberg Hub with direct access to user-defined folders and news section for the latest Nuendo product updates
  • plus...
    Nuendo v 6.0.7 4 févr. 2014 Windows
    Nuendo v 6.0.6 22 sept. 2013 Windows
    Nuendo v 5.5.6 25 juil. 2013 Windows
    Nuendo v 6.0.5 27 juin 2013 Windows
    Nuendo v 6.0.4 30 mai 2013 Windows
    Nuendo v 6.0.3 27 mars 2013 Windows
    Nuendo v 6.0 7 mars 2013 Windows
    Nuendo 6 provides new mixing facilities featuring full-screen mode and scalability, Insert View for displaying activated insert slots, plug-in and channel search and integrated Control Room. The brand-new channel strip comprises high-pass and low-pass filters, a noise gate with sidechain support, various compressors and a brickwall limiter while the overhauled Channel Settings window provides immediate access to channel parameters.

    Further highlights of Nuendo 6 are the EBU R128 standard compliant loudness metering with RMS metering scales, the Loudness Lane for tracking and editing loudness efficiently and the new ADR taker system including on-screen dialog for dialog recording and language dubbing.

    Prominent plug-ins are MixConvert v6 for individual downmixing, Voxengo’s 64-band CurveEQ and IOSONO’s Anymix Pro 1.3 for automatic EQ and loudness adjustments to surround sound signal panning and upmixing up to 8.1 surround sound.

    MemZap stores and recalls zoom settings and positions within the project, VST Connect SE plug-in allows for online collaboration and the Remote Control Editor is utilized for easy mapping of effect and instrument parameters to external controllers.

    Other newly implemented features include a redesigned user interface, VariAudio 2.0, ASIO-Guard with drop-out prevention algorithms, a 1.5 GB library by Pro Sound Effects and 90 minutes of free online video tutorials.

    The optional Nuendo 6 Expansion Kit (NEK) comprises features that turn Nuendo into a fully fledged composing application. Included are the new Chord Track, which detects and modifies the harmony structure of MIDI and audio tracks edited in VariAudio, and Chord Assistant, newly introduced to bridge chords and generate harmonic chord progressions. The feature set is complemented by Hermode tuning for dynamic retuning in real time, 300 new instrument sounds for HALion Sonic SE as well as the Retrologue virtual-analog and Padshop granular synthesizers.
    Nuendo v 5.5.5 11 sept. 2012 Windows
    Nuendo v 5.5.4 2 août 2012 Windows
    Nuendo v 5.5.3 18 avril 2012 Windows
    Nuendo v 5.5.2 25 janv. 2012 Windows
    Version 5.5.2 addresses several issues, including the video engine performance and the MediaBay usability.
    Nuendo v 5.5.1 20 sept. 2011 Windows
    Issues resolved in 5.5.1

  • When using the "Gridlines in front of parts/events" function, the performance of the User Interface does not diminish anymore.

  • When using audio samples as metronome click, toggling the metronome on/off doesn't lead to interruption of audio recordings.

  • When Control Room with more than one Studio bus is active, the metronome click doesn't drop out.

  • Steinberg CI series audio hardware and Yamaha MOX synthesizer specific VST Connection port naming issues under Mac OS X Lion (10.7) systems is resolved.

  • Using the Altiverb plug-in or Yamaha MOTIF Editors in a Project together with video material does not render the application unreliable anymore.
  • Nuendo v 5.5 1 août 2011 Windows
  • MacOS 64-bit Support

  • Video Engine Update

  • o Video playout card support for Nuendo 5.5. 64- bit.
    o Performance improvements especially for HD video material.

  • Editing Features added:

  • o Folder Track Edit Groups for Multitrack Editing
    o New Comping / Lane Editing
    o Controller Lane and Automation Scaling function
    o Additional Folder Track functions
    o Audio Warp with élastique Pro algorithm
    o Offline Processing edit-handles
    o Export Note Pad Data as text
    o Overhauled Recording Modes
    o Changed orientation of Pop-up Toolbox on right-click
    o Direct recall for Workspaces using key commands

  • Compatibility

  • o New file suffixes for split file operations
    o AAF improvements
    o Export: event levels above +12dB will be set to a maximum of +12dB
    o Export (embedded format): multichannel tracks will be split automatically

  • Mixing Features added

  • o Automation – Unveil Parameter on Write
    o Quick Controls
    o VST Amp Rack plug-in

  • Music Features added

  • o Automatic Tempo Detection and Alignment
    o Updated Hit point Detection
    o VST Expression – Dynamics*
    o NoteExpression*
    o Extended Vari Audio-to-MIDI Conversion
    o VST Expression – Extended Output Mapping*
    o Key Editor Inspector
    o Quantize Improvements
    o HALionSonicSE*
    o GrooveAgentOne1.2*
    o LoopMash2*
    o MIDIFileImport–OutputPreference *) exclusive feature of Nuendo Expansion Kit 5.5
    *) exclusive feature of Nuendo Expansion Kit 5.5

  • Bug fixes (please refer to the document provided separately)
  • Nuendo v 5.1.1 7 févr. 2011 Windows
    Nuendo v 5.1.0 13 oct. 2010 Windows
    The Nuendo 5.1 update adds MXF Audio support, as well as several stability and performance improvements, focusing on the AAF import/export, the editing functions, the video engine and the MediaBay.
    Nuendo v 5.0.1 6 juil. 2010 Windows
    The following issues have been fixed in version 5.0.1:

  • Area Title :

  • AAF OMF and AAF: Wrong media is referenced

  • VST / Plugins / Audio Engine :

  • Bypassed UAD PlugIn creates crackling if "Suspend VST PlugIn processing" is activated
    Control Room has no audio after loading a CR preset
    Batch export creates wrong time stamp for BWF
    Pitch Driver default detune setting should be "0"
    Pitch Driver can't automate 'Spatial' parameter

  • Export Audio:

  • Export cycle marker naming scheme sometimes not working
    Exported files incompatibility with certain Mac applications

  • Video:

  • Matrox driver crashes when the video engine is initialized
    Certain DV PAL video file(s) creates error when imported into N5
    No video display when function audio warp to picture is used
    Nuendo v 5.0 1 juin 2010 Windows
    New features include an integrated ADR toolset for spotting and organizing recording takes as well as the brand-new video engine with overall improvements in performance and usability. The practical Clip Packages feature allows for organizing clusters of audio clips as one clip package file, and Wave Meters enables the user to view waveforms of audio events directly from within the mixer window. Nuendo 5 also holds a new generation of VST3 plug-ins and has seen major refinements to many of its well-touted tools, such as the mixer, MediaBay, VST Bridge, and Crossfade Editor to name but a few.
    Nuendo v 4.3 31 juil. 2009 Windows
    The following issues have been fixed in version 4.3.0:
  • 24306 Improved / changed behaviour of soloed or muted tracks in folder

  • 24305 Improved / changed behaviour of various solo or mute status of tracks regarding automation

  • 24304 Improved / changed behaviour of various copy / paste functions for soloed or muted tracks

  • 23891 Improved stability of Network collaboration.

  • 23720 Improved stability for malformed iXML data.

  • 24044 Fixed: Offline Process History does not work after copying project to another computer

  • 14439 Fixed: "Save to new project" fails if a Video track is in the project.

  • 20390 Fixed: QuickTime videos at 29.97df are truncated.

  • 23325 Fixed: QuickTime fullscreen mode on multi-display setups results in bad picture quality.

  • 20545 Fixed: Crash when Nuendo is set to timecode 60 FPS but recieves 25 FPS.

  • 21186 Fixed: Day wrap in 29.97df showed a gap.

  • 23305 Fixed: After importing some OMF files the required audio files are missing.

  • 22782 Fixed: Crash when importing BWAV files created with Cantar.

  • 23338 Fixed: Crashes with certain Macros and the audio editor.

  • 24302 Fixed: Occasionally Nuendo became unresponsive (freeze) when switching between projects or changing the routing if Direct-Monitoring was active.

  • 21734 Fixed: Occasional crashes during frequent punch in/punch out operations

  • 23261 Fixed: Occasional crashes when Auto Save option was enabled with certain projects

  • 19393 Fixed: Importing via X-Send is missing

  • 22475 Fixed: Automation read was inaccurate when using Virgin Territory.

  • 22237 Fixed: Delete overlaps function does not delete all overlapping regions

  • 22846 Fixed: Project window will scroll to the top after adding a marker in split track mode

  • 21242 Fixed: Suspend Autoscroll and preference "locate when clicking in empty space" resulted in unexpected behaviour

  • 23326 Fixed: Logical Editor functions "Linear Change in Loop" and "Relative Change in Loop" do not work with tracks in "Linear Time" mode.

  • 21090 Fixed: Occassionally changing the control name for the Generic Remote did not work.

  • 23445 Fixed: Some VST2 plug ins crash in surround formats 7.0 or higher.
  • Nuendo v 4.2.2 11 sept. 2008 Windows
  • support des interfaces MR816 CSX et MR816 X, du contrôleur CC121, de la gamme Yamaha MOTIF XS.

  • nouvelles options de synchronisation

  • VST Sound pour la gestion des médias
  • Nuendo v 4.0 14 oct. 2007 Windows
  • New Post Pro Editing Features

  • 38 all-New VST 3 Audio Effect Plug-ins

  • Advanced Routing and Recording from Summing Objects

  • Side Chaining and Drag & Drop for FX plug-ins

  • Track Quick Controls

  • Track Presets

  • New state-of-the-art Channel EQ

  • Ready for Intel-based Macintosh computers, Windows Vista 64

  • Redesigned Sample Editor

  • Project Logical Editor

  • Instrument Tracks

  • MPEX 3 – High-quality audio time-stretching and pitch-shifting

  • New Nuendo EuCon Adapter (Optional)

  • Additional New Features:

  • VST Plug-in Bridge
    Updated WK-Audio ID Support
    Use Mouse Wheel for Event Volume and Fades
    Fade Handles always-on-top option
    Advanced QuickTime 7 Support
    Separate Goto Timecode command window
    Apple Remote support
    Direct X ASIO 64 Bit
    MP3 Surround
    New Trim Tool
    Load Projects inactive
    Arranger Track: new performance funtions
    Global Track Transpose
    New File Type: MIDI Loop
  • Important Product Improvements:

  • Improvement for Output Configuration of VSTi's
    Improved Channel Strip
    Improved Waveform Resolution
    Improved Audio Warp Real-time Transpose
    Track Control Context Functions Improvements
    Improvements on the Track Inspector
    Improved Audio & MIDI Hardware Setup
    Track Sheet Printing Improvements
    Time Displays Windows Improvements
    Improved Remote Controller Support
    Improved XML scripts for EuCon mapping of VST plug-in parameters
    ADM (ASIO Direct Monitoring) Improvements
    Nuendo v 3.2.1 20 avril 2006 Windows
  • nouvelle option "process all" dans le dialogue Detect Silence permettant le traitement de tous les événements sélectionnés dans un projet à la fois

  • implémentation des User Defined Functions (UDF) sur la Yamaha 02R96:

  • o UDF1 - Project To Front
    o UDF2 - Bank Left
    o UDF3 - Bank Right
    o UDF4 - User 4
    o UDF5 - User 5
    o UDF6 - User 6
    o UDF7 - User 7
    o UDF8 - User 8
    o UDF9 - Mixer Window
    o UDF10 - Channel Left
    o UDF11 - Channel Right
    o UDF12 - Toggle Automation Button (read/write)
    o UDF13 - Read All
    o UDF14 - Write All
    o UDF15 - User 15 / Undo
    o UDF16 - User 16 / Save
    Acheter Nuendo en ligne chez:
    Acheter Nuendo près de Columbus, United States chez:

    Vous devez vous identifier pour poster un commentaire:

    Identifiez vous grace à votre compte 440Software (MacMusic, PcMusic, 440TV, 440Forums, 440Software, ...) ou via votre compte FaceBook, Twitter ou Google.

    Alain FRANCAIS
    version 4.3, MacOS X UB
    La synchro a été simplifiée et le jam sync c'est génial...
    version 3.0.2, MacOS X PPC
    Rien a dire, c'est une petite merveille qui tire profit des enseignements du 2 en l'ameliorant encore. Gestion parfaite du routage, ecoute PFL AFL, parfait support des plug ins et très grande stabilité sont au rendez vous.
    Alain FRANCAIS
    version 3.0.2, MacOS X PPC
    version 3.0, MacOS X PPC
    Je suis d'accord avec toi ... il concurrence le ProTools de maniere frontale .. avec de bon convertisseurs c'est une pur bombe ...
    version 2.2, MacOS X PPC
    Je comprend pas pkoi on assimile systematiquement nuendo a la post prod franchement c un des milleurs sequenceurs audio midi sur le marche,c un concurent direct aux logic performer et autres protools meme si a la base ce soft fut concu pour la post prod la on ne peut plus en dire autant biensur on peut parfaitement faire de la syncro mais pas que ca
    version 3.0, MacOS X PPC
    version 4.3, Windows
    Thanks very much. the best of the this software.
    version 3.0, MacOS X PPC
    Is work the best
    version 3.2.1, MacOS X PPC
    Reading my review from a year ago and I still believe the same thing. Nuendo rocks and it is only getting better. Every should have gotten in when the price was only $600.00. Now it is much more expensive at $2500.00. It will do so much and is easy to use. Nuendo, Waves, Reason, what more do you need. Oh Spectrasonics.
    hussien fouad
    version 3.0, MacOS X PPC
    version 3.0.2, MacOS X PPC
    I have used Nuendo for 4 years and it is awesome! It has gone through it's developemnet stages that were very frustrating but it was well worth the wait. Nuendo runs great on my G5 2.0 gig tower and I do all kinds of Audio production which is creating and post production. It is very user friendly and the forums are of great help. I get more help from the forums than I get from TECH support. Yamaha bought Steinberg a few months ago and I know that it has a great future. What a merger! It can only get better.
    version 2.2b35, MacOS X PPC
    CooL Prog!
    version 2.2, MacOS X PPC
    Nirvanna in a box.

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    Groove Agent
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    Sampleur virtuel. HALion est un sampleur virtuel, il supporte le 32 bit et comprend diverses sortes de filtres avec de multiples paramètres. Précis au sample près, il est...
    HALion Sonic
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    Synthèse granulaire. Issu des laboratoires de Steinberg, Padshop est un synthétiseur granulaire doté d'une interface simple d'utilisation. Fonctions principales: - moteur de...
    Padshop Pro
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    Synthétiseur analogique virtuel. Idéal pour créer des mélodies et des lignes de basse grasses et funky, Retrologue procure ces bons vieux sons de synthétiseurs modulaires. Branchez votre clavier...
    RND Portico 5033 EQ
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    RND Portico 5043 Compressor
    Compresseur. - compresseur avec mesure d'entrée et de réduction de gain - mode Feed-Forward et Feed-Bank pour deux caractères de compression totalement différents - conçu...
    Séquenceur à boucles. Sequel est un séquenceur à boucles signé Steinberg.
    SLM 128
    Mesure de loudness. - mesure de loudness conforme EBU R 128 - méthodes momentanée, court terme et intégrée - affichage True Peak et Range - mesure classique - plug-in VST 3 non...
    The Grand
    Piano virtuel. Piano de concert virtuel. - son réaliste - contrôlable par clavier MIDI - Fonctionnalité réaliste des pédales - Vélocité adaptable - Variations complexes...
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    Music Studio est un environnement de production musicale complet pour l’iPad, iPhone ou l’iPod Touch. Que tu veuille simplement jouer directement sur les 124...
    VST Connect Performer for iPad offers absolute freedom when it comes to remote recording collaborations with producers and musicians. Connect your iPad to the...
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