
Categorie Education et composition / Partitions et tablatures
Version 8.2
Format App
Compatibilité SibeliusMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $599  /  519€
4 / 5 , 8 votes
Mis à jour le 3 avril 2016
Téléchargements 31 541
Télécharg. Mac 27 958
Categorie Education et composition / Partitions et tablatures
Version 8.2
Format App
Compatibilité SibeliusWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $599  /  519€
4 / 5 , 8 votes
Mis à jour le 3 avril 2016
Téléchargements 31 541
Télécharg. PC 3 583

Notation musicale

Logiciel de notation musicale, édition, lecture, et impression des partitions.
Mac OS X 10.9 or 10.10
64-bit Windows 7 (SP1 or later), Windows 8.1 (not Windows RT) or Windows 10
Sibelius Sibelius v 8.2 3 avril 2016 MacOS X Intel
Re-spelling of notes in parts — It’s now possible to have the same pitched note have a different accidental in a part versus the score.

Time signatures before repeat lines — By default, time signature changes now appear after the barline, but before repeat barlines.

Slide and move notes and rests — Notes and rests can now be moved horizontally in the score, with new keyboard shortcuts that simplify the process, eliminating time spent cutting and pasting music around staves.
Sibelius Sibelius Sibelius v 7.5.1 8 juil. 2014 MacOS X Intel
This update improves stability and performance, fixes bugs and is recommended for all Sibelius 7.5 users.
Sibelius Sibelius v 7.5 1 mars 2014 MacOS X Intel
New features in Sibelius 7.5 include:

Accelerated navigation—The new Timeline window allows for a quick view of the entire structure of a score for faster editing and playback, no matter how large or complex the score; composers can jump immediately to any section by clicking on any bar in the timecode ruler or on any landmark
More expressive playback—The fully redesigned Espressivo 2.0 feature delivers complete control over the customization of the rhythmic feel of any individual part of the score, plus improved notation interpretation adds more expressive and realistic feel, and can be customized for swing rhythms
Improved notation interpretation—Sibelius playback has been greatly enhanced, providing better interpretation of notation distinctions such as tempo markings, metric emphasis, grace notes, mordents, caesuras, and breath marks; composers can now hear every nuance of their score played back in realistic detail, without having to hire an expensive orchestra
Easy collaboration and sharing—Sibelius 7.5 enables enhanced collaboration and distribution of compositions through innovative score sharing and social media features; scores can be shared through email, uploaded and published as sheet music on, or shared as video or audio files on YouTube, Facebook, and SoundCloud
Full Scorch app integration—Sibelius scores can be exported directly to Avid Scorch® on iPad for fully interactive playback, practice, performance, and publishing; Sibelius automatically optimizes the score for iPad display, paying special consideration to page orientation, number of staves, margin sizes, and more
Localized for Brazil and Russia—Sibelius 7.5 includes local language support for Russian and Brazilian Portuguese in addition to English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese
notation Sibelius v 7.1.3 27 sept. 2012 MacOS X Intel
Improves stability and performance, fixes bugs
musicale Sibelius v 7.1.2 12 avril 2012 MacOS X Intel
This update is free for existing Sibelius 7 users, and includes more than 150 bug fixes and improvements.

Among the most significant improvements in this release are substantial performance improvements to both screen redraw and editing speed, improved support for 64-bit ReWire hosts, support for MusicXML 3.0 in both import and export, and changes in the way the single document interface works when closing score windows.
telecharger Sibelius v 7.1 20 déc. 2011 MacOS X Intel
The Sibelius 7.1 update is free for existing Sibelius 7 users. It improves stability and performance, fixes bugs, and is recommended for all Sibelius 7 users.
mac Sibelius v 7.0.3 24 oct. 2011 MacOS X Intel
The Sibelius 7.0.3 update is free for existing Sibelius 7 users. It improves stability and performance, fixes bugs, and is recommended for all Sibelius 7 users.
windows Sibelius v 7.0.2 10 sept. 2011 MacOS X Intel
This update fixes a small number of specific bugs, including two that were inadvertently introduced in Sibelius 7.0.1:

  • Sibelius no longer crashes when using the ARIA Player, as used by Garritan sound libraries including Garritan Personal Orchestra 4 (GPO4), Garritan Jazz and Big Band 3 (JABB3) and Garritan Concert and Marching Band 2 (CoMB2).

  • Sibelius now respects the choice of printer made in the File > Print page, instead of always printing to the system default printer.

  • It is once again possible to use characters from regular text (i.e. non-symbol fonts) as symbols in Edit Symbols (Mac only)

  • The leading (line spacing) of multi-line text objects is now consistent between Windows and Mac

  • The on-screen appearance of stretched font characters, e.g. braces on piano and other grand staff instruments, has been improved (Windows only)
  • macintosh Sibelius v 7.0.1 22 août 2011 MacOS X Intel
    This update addresses stability, performance and includes a good number of bug fixes.
    pc Sibelius v 7.0 28 juil. 2011 MacOS X Intel
    These are the major new features in Sibelius 7:

  • Completely redesigned and revamped user interface: We looked long and hard at Sibelius and its growing sophistication (and, yes, complexity) and tried to design an approach that would allow new users to get started with the program as quickly as possible, without driving existing users to distraction. At the same time, we have adopted a more modern approach to window management, using an SDI model rather than the old MDI model, adding document tabs, and making it possible to dock various windows around the edge of the screen to use screen real estate more efficiently. Not to mention the ribbon, the status bar, the Inspector, the redesigned Mixer, and on and on.

  • Fully native 64-bit application. Sibelius 7 is the world's first fully 64-bit notation software, which means that it's future proof and ready for today and tomorrow's most demanding applications. Sibelius can now access more than 4GB RAM directly, so you can run as many virtual instruments as your system can handle within Sibelius. Sibelius also includes a new multi-core-aware playback engine, so it can automatically balance the load of multiple virtual instruments between the available CPU cores.

  • Exclusive, professional-quality 35GB sound library. We've been very fortunate over the years to have partnerships with great companies like Native Instruments, Garritan and Tapspace to provide sounds for Sibelius's included sample libraries, but with this version we wanted something really special, and really unique, that you can't get anywhere else. So we went out and, with the help of a top Hollywood sound designer, recorded a whole symphony orchestra, and the result – called Avid Orchestra – forms the basis of the new Sibelius 7 Sounds library, but there's a heck of a lot more besides: great sounding jazz instruments; fantastic drums and percussion; a 20-stop pipe organ from Hauptwerk; and a selection of sounds from Sample Logic's new marching brass and percussion libraries, Fanfare and Rumble. The result is something on a par with libraries that retail separately for hundreds of dollars, and it's all included with Sibelius 7, seamlessly integrated with the built-in Sibelius Player.

  • Full MusicXML interchange. Sibelius has had MusicXML import since version 4, but if you wanted to export a MusicXML file, you previously required the separate Dolet plug-in from Recordare, which carries a price tag of $200. With Sibelius 7, we've built MusicXML export directly into the program, so you can easily export files to send to colleagues running Finale or another music program. The export is faster than Dolet and includes features that Dolet can't include, because Dolet can only access the information made available by Sibelius's plug-in language, ManuScript, including detailed score formatting information such as bar widths and note spacing, improving the fidelity of the transfer between Sibelius and other programs.

  • Text and typography improvements. Text has been given a complete overhaul in Sibelius 7. There's far too much to go into here, but here's a quick checklist: hierarchical text styles; character styles; DTP-style text frames with automatic word wrap and full justification; leading; tracking; character scaling; per-object rotation; OpenType font support on Windows; improved font substitution, including warnings about missing fonts when opening existing scores; and much more besides.

  • Graphics import improvements. Previous versions of Sibelius allowed you to import TIFF files, but they were awkward to work with. Sibelius 7 allows you to import graphics in all standard formats (apart from EPS, though you can instead import SVG, which most programs that can save EPS files can also save), and manipulate them with a dramatically improved graphics frame. You can crop, scale (proportionally or not), rotate, flip and adjust the colour of any imported graphic with ease. You can link a graphic to an external file so that the graphic in the score updates automatically when the file changes. You can even use any graphic as a symbol, opening up all sorts of possibilities for special notations.

  • Graphics export improvements. Sibelius 7 includes one-click PDF export, a particular boon on Windows, which previously required the installation of a separate PDF driver. Even on Mac, which has always included built-in PDF export provided by the operating system, there are benefits to Sibelius's built-in export, as you can export the score and parts together in a single PDF, or just the parts in a single PDF, or batch export all the parts to separate PDFs, all with a single click. EPS export has also been improved, with better, more comprehensive font embedding, and you can also export graphics in SVG format if you like.

  • Note input improvements. Sibelius 7 includes a whole new kind of step-time note input, similar to Finale's popular Speedy Entry input method, in which you specify the pitch on your MIDI keyboard before you specify the duration, rather than the usual Sibelius approach where you specify the duration before the pitch. We've also added my own personal favourite new feature, sticky lines (which automatically extend during note input), and there are sticky tuplets too.
  • plus...
    Sibelius v 6.1 29 sept. 2009 MacOS X UB
    * Sibelius will now avoid collisions between magnetic slurs and objects under their arc -- e.g. notes, articulations and accidentals -- by adjusting the shape of the slur and moving its end points to produce the best shape.
    * New Play > Repeats dialog, allowing you to specify any sequence of bars for playback, and also to specify that nth-time endings should be played back after a D.C./D.S. jump
    * Live Tempo can now include tap points, so that you can specify where you will tap, allowing the use of advanced conducting techniques such as melded and dead beats.
    * Sibelius is now compatible with HyperControl , the new two-way communication standard built in to M-Audio's Axiom Pro range of keyboards. HyperControl automatically maps the keyboard's controls to playback, Mixer and note input controls in Sibelius, and the Axiom Pro's LCD display constantly updates to show the current values.
    * Improvements in keyboard navigation between notes in different voices, and in which notes are played when individual notes in chords are selected.
    * New Sibelius 6-style chord symbols can now be left-aligned.
    * New baseline and superscript chord symbol suffix appearances for word-based suffixes (e.g. add, omit, sus, etc.)
    * Further options for the numbering of 2- and 4-bar repeat bars.
    * It is now possible to specify the width of leger lines on half note (minim) and whole note (semibreve) rests.
    * Improvements to the positioning of the left- and right-hand ends of tuplet brackets.
    * The Word Menus page of Preferences now shows the words as they will appear in the actual word menu, rather than plain text versions of them.
    * It is now possible to adjust the Y position of rests once more, using a new Rest Y control on the Notes panel of Properties.
    * New Merge Bars plug-in.
    * Export anti-aliased bitmap graphics via File > Export > Graphics.
    * Export embedded TIFF files in grayscale via File > Export > Graphics.
    * Pick-up bars at the start of a score can now be exported as a short irregular bar rather than a full-length bar padded with rests when exporting a MIDI file.
    * Many improvements to MusicXML import.
    * Many improvements to the ManuScript language.
    * Sibelius is now compatible with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard and Windows 7.
    * Sibelius for Windows is now a Large Address Aware application, allowing it to access up to 3GB RAM on 32-bit Windows, and up to 4GB RAM on 64-bit Windows. many other small improvements and fixes.
    Sibelius v 6.0.3 4 sept. 2009 MacOS X UB
    This update provides compatibility with the newly-released Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard.

    This is a compatibility release only: it does not provide any improvements other than fixing a small number of compatibility problems with running Sibelius on Snow Leopard. There is no new update for Windows users, and users running Mac OS X 10.5 or earlier do not require this update.
    Sibelius v 6.0.1 4 août 2009 MacOS X UB
    * Sibelius's memory usage no longer grows unbounded when scrolling through the pages of a large score without editing (e.g. during playback)
    * Sibelius no longer crashes when pasting material at the start of a score where the first item in the top staff of the selection would need to be pasted before the start of the first bar.
    * Creating a key signature in a dynamic part no longer causes Sibelius to crash.
    * The initial volume used by Sibelius when clicking on a note in the score, or inputting a note via the Keyboard or Fretboard windows, before the score has been played back is now correct.
    * The Allow first syllable to overhang barline option in House Style > Note Spacing Rule now works as expected once more.
    * Lyric hyphens are now correctly centered between syllables, as they were in Sibelius 5 and earlier versions.
    * It was possible for Mixer redraws to cause a crash under some obscure circumstances. This bug has now been fixed.
    * A minor problem with the Essentials Choral Combo sound set (for users of Sibelius Sounds Choral for Sibelius 6) has been corrected.
    * Plug-ins > Simplify Notation > Combine Tied Notes and Rests now runs without an error.
    * Non-magnetic lines no longer perform the look-ahead associated with the new slur direction rule for magnetic slurs, resulting in a small performance increase in scores with many lines.
    * Various small problems related to the appearance and positioning of lines that cross system or page breaks when exporting scores to Sibelius 5 format or earlier have been fixed.
    * A number of small improvements to the order in which scores are compared when exporting Rich Text Format log exported via the Export Log dialog, which now also includes line breaks.
    Sibelius v 6.0 21 mai 2009 MacOS X UB
    * Magnetic Layout – dramatically cuts the writing time in half between the moment of inspiration and the final printed score – delivering the added assurance that all individual objects are positioned conventionally on the score where musicians expect to find them. The software automatically spaces and lays out scores to look professional and clear from the very first note. Previously, aligning individual score objects required time-consuming manual adjustments which now occur transparently to the user.

    * Versions – enables educators to efficiently track student progress, spot plagiarism and promote collaboration. Students can record progress and submit creative commentary with their final coursework. Professionals now have a robust, effective way to track changes or collaborations with copyists, orchestrators and publishers by saving, manipulating and comparing revisions of a work piece within a single file.

    * Keyboard and Fretboard Windows – provide a visual approach to the music education process, allowing aspiring musicians and composers to follow lighted key and finger positions as a score plays back – reinforcing the relationship between staff and tab notation with real instruments. These windows also create a new way for customers to input music directly from an on-screen piano keyboard or guitar fretboard, as opposed to using conventional methods such as clicking on the staff of the note or typing the note names on the computer keyboards via a separate MIDI keyboard.

    * Classroom Control – offers a simple and single window for common classroom management tasks. This enables educators to keep students on subject by creating a streamlined approach for sharing files across the network during review cycles and facilitating daily classroom instruction. Messages sent by the educator appear on the student's workstation screen. Now, educators can easily attract attention despite any challenges in the teaching environment, such as students wearing headphones.

    * ReWire Support – simplifies the once challenging process of incorporating audio tracks into notation-focused projects, making it an ideal tool to facilitate a film's orchestral session. By synchronizing Sibelius software with Pro Tools software (or other DAWs running on the same computer,) customers can start real-time playback in Sibelius and the DAW will follow, or vice versa. Further, composers or orchestrators can easily add a vocal to a song created with Sibelius or augment an existing recording for enhanced creative options.
    Sibelius v 5.2.5 23 sept. 2008 MacOS X UB
    Sibelius 5.2.5 features a small number of feature enhancements:
  • It is now possible to delete multiple user-defined text styles in a single operation in House Style > Edit Text Styles.

  • New Notebook (laptop) features keyboard shortcut set for recent model MacBook and MacBook Pro computers, that do not have an embedded keypad.

  • You can now Shift-click on the device and sound menus in an expanded staff strip in the Mixer to reset the device or sound for all staves in the score by choosing (Auto) from the menu.

  • Sibelius 5.2.5 also features a number of bug fixes, including:
  • When importing a house style, Sibelius now checks to see whether an incoming user-defined style matches by name to an existing user-defined style in the score, and if it does, Sibelius replaces the existing user-defined style with the incoming one (provided they are compatible, e.g. both are staff-attached).

  • When using Kontakt Player 2 for playback and inputting very short notes in step-time, notes played as they are input would hang forever; this problem has now been fixed.

  • When using Sibelius Sounds Essentials for playback, some General MIDI sounds would not play back during input until after you had played back the score at least once; this problem has now been fixed.

  • When Play notes as you edit is switched on, Sibelius will always play the appropriate sound when a note is input or selected, even if the staff to which the note belongs is muted in the Mixer.

  • Adding an articulation, slur, or some other markings no longer causes the playback sound to be incorrect or causes playback to be silent until the score is closed and reopened.

  • The message box that appears when the score you are opening uses a different configuration to the one you currently have chosen now correctly responds both to the Don't say this again checkbox on the message box itself, and the Warn if configuration used in score is different to the active configuration checkbox on the Files page of Preferences.

  • If you have Restore score window sizes and positions switched on (on the Files page of Preferences) and leave a score window maximised on a secondary display that is no longer connected to your computer when you next open the score, the score window is now correctly repositioned on the primary display, rather than opening up completely out of view (Mac only).

  • Remaining problems with booklet printing with scores where the first page number is not 1 have been fixed.

  • Remaining problems with duplicate instrument styles being created when copying and pasting music from and to staves using user-defined instrument types have been fixed.
  • Sibelius v 5.1 4 nov. 2007 MacOS X UB
    Input maps
  • Use all the extra buttons, faders and rotary controls on your M-Audio keyboard to control the Playback window and the Mixer in Sibelius

  • Simply choose the appropriate input map on the Input Devices page of

  • Preferences

    Playback improvements
  • Choose a default playback configuration to speed up start-up

  • Sort and rename devices in Playback Devices

  • Better playback of rolls and other unpitched percussion effects

  • Improved pitch bend and glissando playback in Kontakt Player 2

  • Support for loading and saving VST presets

  • Use any MIDI device without a sound set by setting up a Manual Sound Set, including program and bank numbers to use for each channel, and the ability to change a staff's channel in the Mixer

  • Mixer improvements
  • Display program names instead of sound IDs: simply set Display to Program names on the Playback page of Preferences

  • New "test" button to audition chosen sound

  • New pan slider for virtual instrument outputs (for e.g. VSL Vienna Instruments)

  • Change a staff's MIDI channel directly via the Mixer when that device uses a manual sound set

  • MusicXML support
  • Now supports MusicXML 2.0

  • Imports compressed (.mxl) files

  • Better layout support (e.g. system layout, object positioning, blank pages, multirests)

  • Better instrument detection

  • Imports unpitched percussion, nested tuplets, page-attached text, notehead shapes, hidden objects, chord diagrams, tab staves that use capos, and more

  • Bugs relating to incorrect bar lengths fixed

  • Mac OS X support
  • Spotlight support now included: find Sibelius files by any text contained within them

  • Quick Look support for Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard now included: look inside Sibelius scores directly via the Finder without opening them

  • Plus many bugs fixed
    Sibelius v 5.0 15 juin 2007 MacOS X UB
  • Ideas Hub : fonction permettant de capturer, utiliser et ré-utliser des fragments de musique. En plus de vos propres idées, 2000 prêtes à l'emploi sont incluses

  • plus de 150 sons intégrés haute qualité

  • support des instruments VST et Audio Unit

  • nouveau mode d'affichage Panorama: bande continue sans fin

  • gestion des parties instrumentales encore plus facile

  • pages blanches

  • numérotation de mesures avancée

  • police Reprise et autres polices musicales

  • - nouveaux plug-ins "undoables"
    Sibelius v 4.1.5 26 août 2006 MacOS X PPC
    * Fixed a problem that caused Sibelius to slow down during editing in scores using French beams.
    * Fixed a problem that caused Sibelius to crash sometimes after stopping playback when using GPO Sibelius Edition.
    * Fixed a problem whereby lines following text (e.g. lyric lines, or guitar lines) would appear at different distances away from the text at different zoom levels.
    * Fixed a problem that could cause Sibelius to crash upon exiting after editing instrument names.
    Sibelius v 4.1 5 janv. 2006 MacOS X PPC
  • support pour nouveaux produits Garritan Personal Orchestra Sibelius Edition et Sibelius Rock and Pop Collection

  • deux nouveaux plug-ins

  • amélioration du numérotage des mesures

  • lecture des vidéos attachées image par image

  • création de message CC MIDI via Play > Dictionary

  • création de parties dynamiques dans différentes transpositions à partir du même instrument

  • nouveaux formats de timecode (15fps, 29.97 (drop) fps) et amélioration de l'import de timecode à partir de fichiers MIDI

  • support pour Apple Mighty Mouse (Mac OS X 10.4.2 ou plus)

  • support des polices musicales PostScript (Type 1)

  • nombreuses autres corrections et améliorations
    Sibelius v 3.1 23 janv. 2004 Carbon (OS 9+10)
  • 4 nouveaux plug-ins (Color Pitches, Boomwhacker Note Colors, Harmonics Playback, Remove Overlapping Notes)

  • 16 nouveaux instruments

  • Nouvelle fonctionnalité d'enregistrement permettant d'utiliser Sibelius sur plusieurs ordinateurs

  • Update de PhotoScore Lite & Professional

  • Support de la molette de souris sous OS X

  • Nombreuses améliorations et corrections
  • Sibelius v 3.0 23 nov. 2003 Carbon (OS 9+10)
    170 nouveautés ont été ajoutées, plus une version spéciale de Kontakt, issue d'une collaboration avec Native Instruments, permettant de jouer les playbacks à partir de samples instruments de haute qualité (terminé les instruments QuickTime miteux), vous aurez désormais la possibilité de graver directement vos créations sur CD et créer des fichiers audio pour le Web.

    Voici quelques unes des plus intéressantes nouveautés :

    Lissage de police : Le lissage de police d'OS X a déjà rendu le look de Sibelius clairement meilleur que les versions OS 9 de Sibelius et Finale, mais une nouvelle fonctionnalité d'affichage lissera à l'écran tous les élements graphiques vous faisant croire à la vision d'une page imprimée.

    Nouveaux modèles. 60 nouveaux instruments sont ajoutés (plus jamais vous n'aurez à vous rappeler la tessiture d'une steel guitar hawaïenne), ainsi que de nouveaux papiers à musique, groupes et orchestres, comme ce pupitre d'orchestration de films créé par le compositeur des Simpsons Alf Clausen.

    Le Zoom sur les portées vous permet de masquer les autres et de vous concentrer sur une partie quand vous composez.

    L'enregistrement de deux sons simultanés sur une seule portée peut maintenant se faire, la restitution de la dynamique et du temps est semblable à celle d'un séquenceur, avec la possibilité que votre performance devienne playback.

    Les notes fantômes vous montrent où sera la note avant que vous ne la déposiez à la souris, comme dans Finale.

    Le lecteur Silver Kontact, émanation de Kontact, sera téléchargeable gratuitement pour Mac en novembre 2003 (donc manifestement en retard pour être intégré dans Sibelius 3, tant pis, on lui fera sa fête pour ThanksGiving). Cette version spéciale du synthé Native possède 20 sons instrumentaux, que l'on pourra étendre à 64 et plus via Gold Kontact. Etant donné la qualité des synthés Native, c'est plutôt une bonne nouvelle.

    Le playback de Sibelius, en plus d'être capable de graver les playbacks issus de Kontact, permet désormais les répétitions complexes, avec réglages dynamiques indépendants, et supporte enfin la dynamique des claviers, les changements de métrique et les glissandi.

    Les sauts de page automatiques placent les fins de page dans les parties extraites (une fonctionnalité qui sera présente également dans la nouvelle version de Finale, disponible le mois prochain).

    Des Plug-ins d'arpèges et de gammes instructeurs, réjouissant.

    Edition améliorée. En travaillant avec "plusieurs des plus grands éditeurs de partition du monde", Sibelius a amélioré ses algorithmes d'espacement de notes. Difficile à décrire, mais cela a l'air révolutionnaire. Le pointage, qui était connu pour se comporter parfois de façon étrange dans Sibelius 2, a été radicalement amélioré.

    Scan amélioré. Photoscore, le logiciel de scan de la marque Sibelius ayant également été mis à jour, la version light qui est intégrée à Sibelius en a profité.

    Compatibilité des versions antérieures. Heureusement, vous pouvez toujours sauvegarder au format Sibelius 2 dans Sibelius 3 ! Sibelius est également capable d'importer des fichiers Finale 2004, restant en paix avec le format de fichier de son rival.
    Sibelius Sibelius v 8.2 3 avril 2016 Windows
    Re-spelling of notes in parts — It’s now possible to have the same pitched note have a different accidental in a part versus the score.

    Time signatures before repeat lines — By default, time signature changes now appear after the barline, but before repeat barlines.

    Slide and move notes and rests — Notes and rests can now be moved horizontally in the score, with new keyboard shortcuts that simplify the process, eliminating time spent cutting and pasting music around staves.
    Sibelius Sibelius Sibelius v 7.5.1 8 juil. 2014 Windows
    This update improves stability and performance, fixes bugs and is recommended for all Sibelius 7.5 users.
    Sibelius Sibelius v 7.5 1 mars 2014 Windows
    New features in Sibelius 7.5 include:

    Accelerated navigation—The new Timeline window allows for a quick view of the entire structure of a score for faster editing and playback, no matter how large or complex the score; composers can jump immediately to any section by clicking on any bar in the timecode ruler or on any landmark
    More expressive playback—The fully redesigned Espressivo 2.0 feature delivers complete control over the customization of the rhythmic feel of any individual part of the score, plus improved notation interpretation adds more expressive and realistic feel, and can be customized for swing rhythms
    Improved notation interpretation—Sibelius playback has been greatly enhanced, providing better interpretation of notation distinctions such as tempo markings, metric emphasis, grace notes, mordents, caesuras, and breath marks; composers can now hear every nuance of their score played back in realistic detail, without having to hire an expensive orchestra
    Easy collaboration and sharing—Sibelius 7.5 enables enhanced collaboration and distribution of compositions through innovative score sharing and social media features; scores can be shared through email, uploaded and published as sheet music on, or shared as video or audio files on YouTube, Facebook, and SoundCloud
    Full Scorch app integration—Sibelius scores can be exported directly to Avid Scorch® on iPad for fully interactive playback, practice, performance, and publishing; Sibelius automatically optimizes the score for iPad display, paying special consideration to page orientation, number of staves, margin sizes, and more
    Localized for Brazil and Russia—Sibelius 7.5 includes local language support for Russian and Brazilian Portuguese in addition to English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese
    notation Sibelius v 7.1.3 27 sept. 2012 Windows
    Improves stability and performance, fixes bugs
    musicale Sibelius v 7.1.2 12 avril 2012 Windows
    This update is free for existing Sibelius 7 users, and includes more than 150 bug fixes and improvements.

    Among the most significant improvements in this release are substantial performance improvements to both screen redraw and editing speed, improved support for 64-bit ReWire hosts, support for MusicXML 3.0 in both import and export, and changes in the way the single document interface works when closing score windows.
    telecharger Sibelius v 7.1 20 déc. 2011 Windows
    The Sibelius 7.1 update is free for existing Sibelius 7 users. It improves stability and performance, fixes bugs, and is recommended for all Sibelius 7 users.
    mac Sibelius v 7.0.3 24 oct. 2011 Windows
    The Sibelius 7.0.3 update is free for existing Sibelius 7 users. It improves stability and performance, fixes bugs, and is recommended for all Sibelius 7 users.
    windows Sibelius v 7.0.2 10 sept. 2011 Windows
    This update fixes a small number of specific bugs, including two that were inadvertently introduced in Sibelius 7.0.1:

  • Sibelius no longer crashes when using the ARIA Player, as used by Garritan sound libraries including Garritan Personal Orchestra 4 (GPO4), Garritan Jazz and Big Band 3 (JABB3) and Garritan Concert and Marching Band 2 (CoMB2).

  • Sibelius now respects the choice of printer made in the File > Print page, instead of always printing to the system default printer.

  • It is once again possible to use characters from regular text (i.e. non-symbol fonts) as symbols in Edit Symbols (Mac only)

  • The leading (line spacing) of multi-line text objects is now consistent between Windows and Mac

  • The on-screen appearance of stretched font characters, e.g. braces on piano and other grand staff instruments, has been improved (Windows only)
  • macintosh Sibelius v 7.0.1 22 août 2011 Windows
    This update addresses stability, performance and includes a good number of bug fixes.
    pc Sibelius v 7.0 28 juil. 2011 Windows
    These are the major new features in Sibelius 7:

  • Completely redesigned and revamped user interface: We looked long and hard at Sibelius and its growing sophistication (and, yes, complexity) and tried to design an approach that would allow new users to get started with the program as quickly as possible, without driving existing users to distraction. At the same time, we have adopted a more modern approach to window management, using an SDI model rather than the old MDI model, adding document tabs, and making it possible to dock various windows around the edge of the screen to use screen real estate more efficiently. Not to mention the ribbon, the status bar, the Inspector, the redesigned Mixer, and on and on.

  • Fully native 64-bit application. Sibelius 7 is the world's first fully 64-bit notation software, which means that it's future proof and ready for today and tomorrow's most demanding applications. Sibelius can now access more than 4GB RAM directly, so you can run as many virtual instruments as your system can handle within Sibelius. Sibelius also includes a new multi-core-aware playback engine, so it can automatically balance the load of multiple virtual instruments between the available CPU cores.

  • Exclusive, professional-quality 35GB sound library. We've been very fortunate over the years to have partnerships with great companies like Native Instruments, Garritan and Tapspace to provide sounds for Sibelius's included sample libraries, but with this version we wanted something really special, and really unique, that you can't get anywhere else. So we went out and, with the help of a top Hollywood sound designer, recorded a whole symphony orchestra, and the result – called Avid Orchestra – forms the basis of the new Sibelius 7 Sounds library, but there's a heck of a lot more besides: great sounding jazz instruments; fantastic drums and percussion; a 20-stop pipe organ from Hauptwerk; and a selection of sounds from Sample Logic's new marching brass and percussion libraries, Fanfare and Rumble. The result is something on a par with libraries that retail separately for hundreds of dollars, and it's all included with Sibelius 7, seamlessly integrated with the built-in Sibelius Player.

  • Full MusicXML interchange. Sibelius has had MusicXML import since version 4, but if you wanted to export a MusicXML file, you previously required the separate Dolet plug-in from Recordare, which carries a price tag of $200. With Sibelius 7, we've built MusicXML export directly into the program, so you can easily export files to send to colleagues running Finale or another music program. The export is faster than Dolet and includes features that Dolet can't include, because Dolet can only access the information made available by Sibelius's plug-in language, ManuScript, including detailed score formatting information such as bar widths and note spacing, improving the fidelity of the transfer between Sibelius and other programs.

  • Text and typography improvements. Text has been given a complete overhaul in Sibelius 7. There's far too much to go into here, but here's a quick checklist: hierarchical text styles; character styles; DTP-style text frames with automatic word wrap and full justification; leading; tracking; character scaling; per-object rotation; OpenType font support on Windows; improved font substitution, including warnings about missing fonts when opening existing scores; and much more besides.

  • Graphics import improvements. Previous versions of Sibelius allowed you to import TIFF files, but they were awkward to work with. Sibelius 7 allows you to import graphics in all standard formats (apart from EPS, though you can instead import SVG, which most programs that can save EPS files can also save), and manipulate them with a dramatically improved graphics frame. You can crop, scale (proportionally or not), rotate, flip and adjust the colour of any imported graphic with ease. You can link a graphic to an external file so that the graphic in the score updates automatically when the file changes. You can even use any graphic as a symbol, opening up all sorts of possibilities for special notations.

  • Graphics export improvements. Sibelius 7 includes one-click PDF export, a particular boon on Windows, which previously required the installation of a separate PDF driver. Even on Mac, which has always included built-in PDF export provided by the operating system, there are benefits to Sibelius's built-in export, as you can export the score and parts together in a single PDF, or just the parts in a single PDF, or batch export all the parts to separate PDFs, all with a single click. EPS export has also been improved, with better, more comprehensive font embedding, and you can also export graphics in SVG format if you like.

  • Note input improvements. Sibelius 7 includes a whole new kind of step-time note input, similar to Finale's popular Speedy Entry input method, in which you specify the pitch on your MIDI keyboard before you specify the duration, rather than the usual Sibelius approach where you specify the duration before the pitch. We've also added my own personal favourite new feature, sticky lines (which automatically extend during note input), and there are sticky tuplets too.
  • plus...
    Sibelius v 6.1 29 sept. 2009 Windows
    * Sibelius will now avoid collisions between magnetic slurs and objects under their arc -- e.g. notes, articulations and accidentals -- by adjusting the shape of the slur and moving its end points to produce the best shape.
    * New Play > Repeats dialog, allowing you to specify any sequence of bars for playback, and also to specify that nth-time endings should be played back after a D.C./D.S. jump
    * Live Tempo can now include tap points, so that you can specify where you will tap, allowing the use of advanced conducting techniques such as melded and dead beats.
    * Sibelius is now compatible with HyperControl , the new two-way communication standard built in to M-Audio's Axiom Pro range of keyboards. HyperControl automatically maps the keyboard's controls to playback, Mixer and note input controls in Sibelius, and the Axiom Pro's LCD display constantly updates to show the current values.
    * Improvements in keyboard navigation between notes in different voices, and in which notes are played when individual notes in chords are selected.
    * New Sibelius 6-style chord symbols can now be left-aligned.
    * New baseline and superscript chord symbol suffix appearances for word-based suffixes (e.g. add, omit, sus, etc.)
    * Further options for the numbering of 2- and 4-bar repeat bars.
    * It is now possible to specify the width of leger lines on half note (minim) and whole note (semibreve) rests.
    * Improvements to the positioning of the left- and right-hand ends of tuplet brackets.
    * The Word Menus page of Preferences now shows the words as they will appear in the actual word menu, rather than plain text versions of them.
    * It is now possible to adjust the Y position of rests once more, using a new Rest Y control on the Notes panel of Properties.
    * New Merge Bars plug-in.
    * Export anti-aliased bitmap graphics via File > Export > Graphics.
    * Export embedded TIFF files in grayscale via File > Export > Graphics.
    * Pick-up bars at the start of a score can now be exported as a short irregular bar rather than a full-length bar padded with rests when exporting a MIDI file.
    * Many improvements to MusicXML import.
    * Many improvements to the ManuScript language.
    * Sibelius is now compatible with Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard and Windows 7.
    * Sibelius for Windows is now a Large Address Aware application, allowing it to access up to 3GB RAM on 32-bit Windows, and up to 4GB RAM on 64-bit Windows. many other small improvements and fixes.
    Sibelius v 6.0.1 4 août 2009 Windows
    * Sibelius's memory usage no longer grows unbounded when scrolling through the pages of a large score without editing (e.g. during playback)
    * Sibelius no longer crashes when pasting material at the start of a score where the first item in the top staff of the selection would need to be pasted before the start of the first bar.
    * Creating a key signature in a dynamic part no longer causes Sibelius to crash.
    * The initial volume used by Sibelius when clicking on a note in the score, or inputting a note via the Keyboard or Fretboard windows, before the score has been played back is now correct.
    * The Allow first syllable to overhang barline option in House Style > Note Spacing Rule now works as expected once more.
    * Lyric hyphens are now correctly centered between syllables, as they were in Sibelius 5 and earlier versions.
    * It was possible for Mixer redraws to cause a crash under some obscure circumstances. This bug has now been fixed.
    * A minor problem with the Essentials Choral Combo sound set (for users of Sibelius Sounds Choral for Sibelius 6) has been corrected.
    * Plug-ins > Simplify Notation > Combine Tied Notes and Rests now runs without an error.
    * Non-magnetic lines no longer perform the look-ahead associated with the new slur direction rule for magnetic slurs, resulting in a small performance increase in scores with many lines.
    * Various small problems related to the appearance and positioning of lines that cross system or page breaks when exporting scores to Sibelius 5 format or earlier have been fixed.
    * A number of small improvements to the order in which scores are compared when exporting Rich Text Format log exported via the Export Log dialog, which now also includes line breaks.
    Sibelius v 6.0 21 mai 2009 Windows
    * Magnetic Layout – dramatically cuts the writing time in half between the moment of inspiration and the final printed score – delivering the added assurance that all individual objects are positioned conventionally on the score where musicians expect to find them. The software automatically spaces and lays out scores to look professional and clear from the very first note. Previously, aligning individual score objects required time-consuming manual adjustments which now occur transparently to the user.

    * Versions – enables educators to efficiently track student progress, spot plagiarism and promote collaboration. Students can record progress and submit creative commentary with their final coursework. Professionals now have a robust, effective way to track changes or collaborations with copyists, orchestrators and publishers by saving, manipulating and comparing revisions of a work piece within a single file.

    * Keyboard and Fretboard Windows – provide a visual approach to the music education process, allowing aspiring musicians and composers to follow lighted key and finger positions as a score plays back – reinforcing the relationship between staff and tab notation with real instruments. These windows also create a new way for customers to input music directly from an on-screen piano keyboard or guitar fretboard, as opposed to using conventional methods such as clicking on the staff of the note or typing the note names on the computer keyboards via a separate MIDI keyboard.

    * Classroom Control – offers a simple and single window for common classroom management tasks. This enables educators to keep students on subject by creating a streamlined approach for sharing files across the network during review cycles and facilitating daily classroom instruction. Messages sent by the educator appear on the student's workstation screen. Now, educators can easily attract attention despite any challenges in the teaching environment, such as students wearing headphones.

    * ReWire Support – simplifies the once challenging process of incorporating audio tracks into notation-focused projects, making it an ideal tool to facilitate a film's orchestral session. By synchronizing Sibelius software with Pro Tools software (or other DAWs running on the same computer,) customers can start real-time playback in Sibelius and the DAW will follow, or vice versa. Further, composers or orchestrators can easily add a vocal to a song created with Sibelius or augment an existing recording for enhanced creative options.
    Sibelius v 5.2.5 23 sept. 2008 Windows
    Sibelius 5.2.5 features a small number of feature enhancements:
  • It is now possible to delete multiple user-defined text styles in a single operation in House Style > Edit Text Styles.

  • New Notebook (laptop) features keyboard shortcut set for recent model MacBook and MacBook Pro computers, that do not have an embedded keypad.

  • You can now Shift-click on the device and sound menus in an expanded staff strip in the Mixer to reset the device or sound for all staves in the score by choosing (Auto) from the menu.

  • Sibelius 5.2.5 also features a number of bug fixes, including:
  • When importing a house style, Sibelius now checks to see whether an incoming user-defined style matches by name to an existing user-defined style in the score, and if it does, Sibelius replaces the existing user-defined style with the incoming one (provided they are compatible, e.g. both are staff-attached).

  • When using Kontakt Player 2 for playback and inputting very short notes in step-time, notes played as they are input would hang forever; this problem has now been fixed.

  • When using Sibelius Sounds Essentials for playback, some General MIDI sounds would not play back during input until after you had played back the score at least once; this problem has now been fixed.

  • When Play notes as you edit is switched on, Sibelius will always play the appropriate sound when a note is input or selected, even if the staff to which the note belongs is muted in the Mixer.

  • Adding an articulation, slur, or some other markings no longer causes the playback sound to be incorrect or causes playback to be silent until the score is closed and reopened.

  • The message box that appears when the score you are opening uses a different configuration to the one you currently have chosen now correctly responds both to the Don't say this again checkbox on the message box itself, and the Warn if configuration used in score is different to the active configuration checkbox on the Files page of Preferences.

  • If you have Restore score window sizes and positions switched on (on the Files page of Preferences) and leave a score window maximised on a secondary display that is no longer connected to your computer when you next open the score, the score window is now correctly repositioned on the primary display, rather than opening up completely out of view (Mac only).

  • Remaining problems with booklet printing with scores where the first page number is not 1 have been fixed.

  • Remaining problems with duplicate instrument styles being created when copying and pasting music from and to staves using user-defined instrument types have been fixed.
  • Sibelius v 5.1 4 nov. 2007 Windows
    Input maps
  • Use all the extra buttons, faders and rotary controls on your M-Audio keyboard to control the Playback window and the Mixer in Sibelius

  • Simply choose the appropriate input map on the Input Devices page of

  • Preferences

    Playback improvements
  • Choose a default playback configuration to speed up start-up

  • Sort and rename devices in Playback Devices

  • Better playback of rolls and other unpitched percussion effects

  • Improved pitch bend and glissando playback in Kontakt Player 2

  • Support for loading and saving VST presets

  • Use any MIDI device without a sound set by setting up a Manual Sound Set, including program and bank numbers to use for each channel, and the ability to change a staff's channel in the Mixer

  • Mixer improvements
  • Display program names instead of sound IDs: simply set Display to Program names on the Playback page of Preferences

  • New "test" button to audition chosen sound

  • New pan slider for virtual instrument outputs (for e.g. VSL Vienna Instruments)

  • Change a staff's MIDI channel directly via the Mixer when that device uses a manual sound set

  • MusicXML support
  • Now supports MusicXML 2.0

  • Imports compressed (.mxl) files

  • Better layout support (e.g. system layout, object positioning, blank pages, multirests)

  • Better instrument detection

  • Imports unpitched percussion, nested tuplets, page-attached text, notehead shapes, hidden objects, chord diagrams, tab staves that use capos, and more

  • Bugs relating to incorrect bar lengths fixed

  • Plus many bugs fixed
    Sibelius v 5.0 13 juil. 2007 Windows
  • Ideas Hub : fonction permettant de capturer, utiliser et ré-utliser des fragments de musique. En plus de vos propres idées, 2000 prêtes à l'emploi sont incluses

  • plus de 150 sons intégrés haute qualité

  • support des instruments VST

  • nouveau mode d'affichage Panorama: bande continue sans fin

  • gestion des parties instrumentales encore plus facile

  • pages blanches

  • numérotation de mesures avancée

  • police Reprise et autres polices musicales

  • - nouveaux plug-ins "undoables"
    Sibelius v 4.1.5 26 août 2006 Windows
    * Fixed a problem that caused Sibelius to slow down during editing in scores using French beams.
    * Fixed a problem that caused Sibelius to crash sometimes after stopping playback when using GPO Sibelius Edition.
    * Fixed a problem whereby lines following text (e.g. lyric lines, or guitar lines) would appear at different distances away from the text at different zoom levels.
    * Fixed a problem that could cause Sibelius to crash upon exiting after editing instrument names.
    Sibelius v 4.1 5 janv. 2006 Windows
  • support pour nouveaux produits Garritan Personal Orchestra Sibelius Edition et Sibelius Rock and Pop Collection

  • deux nouveaux plug-ins

  • amélioration du numérotage des mesures

  • lecture des vidéos attachées image par image

  • création de message CC MIDI via Play > Dictionary

  • création de parties dynamiques dans différentes transpositions à partir du même instrument

  • nouveaux formats de timecode (15fps, 29.97 (drop) fps) et amélioration de l'import de timecode à partir de fichiers MIDI

  • support pour Apple Mighty Mouse (Mac OS X 10.4.2 ou plus)

  • support des polices musicales PostScript (Type 1)

  • nombreuses autres corrections et améliorations
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    Identifiez vous grace à votre compte 440Software (MacMusic, PcMusic, 440TV, 440Forums, 440Software, ...) ou via votre compte FaceBook, Twitter ou Google.

    Avec Sibelius la vie du Compositeur change car écrire de la musique devient plus qu'une fonction naturelle mais une necessité pleine de joie et de bonheur .... On reste ebahi devant sa précision et son efficacité ....
    Dommage qu'à part Finale, on ne puisse pas relire directement les ficiers Cubase et autres. Passer par les MIDI Files ou par Phocoscore reste un sport des plus fastidieux pour les grandes partitions!
    Superbe logiciel de mise en page pour les oeuvres musicales déjà conceptualisées.
    Le "Guide de l'utilisateur" (1,2 Kg., 617 pages) en français dans cette version 3 est très structuré et didactique. Comme tous ceux de ce genre il faut :
    - plonger dedans,
    - le digérer,
    - s'en imprégner
    ... et en en retirer la "substantifique moelle".
    Le rendu graphique est certainement, en février 2005, le meilleur du marché.
    À noter qu'il est livré avec PhotoScore Lite, programme de numérisation de partitions assez efficace
    qui peut être upgrader en PhotoScore Professionnal 3.
    Sur le site presque 40 000 partitions libres ou pour quelques €,
    (compositions persos / originaux classiques et jazz / arrangements de concerts ou pédagogiques ...)
    de tout et du n'importe quoi, comme du plus qu'intéressant !
    à voir et à écouter ... avec le viewer-player SCORCH, qui est tout de même une des petites merveilles du net.
    version 3.1, Carbon (OS 9+10)
    Fini Finale
    version 2.1, Carbon (OS 9+10)
    Logiciel intuitif et assez facile à utiliser compatible 9 et X peut-être pas aussi complet que Finale ? C'est pas sur. Un seul défaut, la doc est en Anglais y a pas de français prévu. Pareil pour l'aide internet encre qu'ils font un effort mais c'est un peu juste pour expliquer les difficultés qu'il arrive de renconter. Sauf si on cause bien english oeufcorse.
    version 4.1, MacOS X PPC
    Things which annoy me about Sibelius;
    * Makes too many choices for you, hard to overrule and get things looking the way *you* want them to look
    * No scroll view
    * No resizeable text boxes
    * Smug documentation
    * 'Major' releases contain little new to justify cost
    * Easily leads students into writing pages & pages of terrible non-music
    A follow-up to my previous remarks from July 2004:
    Sibelius 4.1 (upgrade released mid-December 2005) is now the champion for we former MOTU "Composer's Mosaic" users.
    With the addition of "Dynamic Parts" in version 4.0, Sibelius has adopted the one file per project approach and brought MOTU's concepts into the 21st century. (My first project in Sib. 4 was a full score for concert band. Not having to extract parts, correct parts, correct the score, etc., but quickly flip back and forth from score to specific part saved me hours of unneccesary time and effort. Dynamic Parts just work.
    The "Save as Audio" function, although now offered with Finale, was also a Sibelius feature first. Recently Sibelius made the GPO samples available as well.
    Sibelius 4 is a tool for composers AND engravers. I still can't say that about Finale.
    ... A. Eric Heukeshoven
    Sibelius has come a long way. I've never been a Finale fan and for almost everything I do, Sibelius meets or exceeds my needs.
    As a long-time user of MOTU's now orphaned notation package, "Mosaic", the only major change I'd like to see Sibelius make is making parts and score dynamically linked.
    Mosaic did this exceptionally well. One file for all score(s) and part(s). No other program, with the exception of "Igor" from Sweden, has every duplicated this simple and elegant solution to part extraction.
    Note to MOTU; Stop advertising the "Mosaic" is a state-of-the-art notation proram. You have not upgraded the product since 1997, it will not even run in Classic mode and those of us who used the program on a daily basis have had to move on to other notation apps to keep pace with the rest of the world!
    ... Eric Heukeshoven

    Autres Logiciels par Sibelius (2)

    éditeur de partitions et tablatures pour guitare. Conçu par des guitaristes pour des guitaristes, G7 permet de créer et modifier des tablatures ou des partitions de guitare. Un manche de guitare virtuel facilite...
    Sibelius First
    Notation musicale. First est en quelque sorte une version allégée de Sibelius. Il s'agît d'un éditeur de partitions/tablatures basé sur la version 5 de Sibelius. Limité à 12...
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