
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 2.3.1
Compatibilité MorphMacOS X Intel
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $179  /  199€
Mis à jour le 5 août 2017
Téléchargements 2 306
Télécharg. Mac 2 132
Categorie Production Audio / Plug-ins et Effets
Version 2.3.1
Compatibilité MorphWindows
Licence Logiciel Commercial
Prix $179  /  199€
Mis à jour le 5 août 2017
Téléchargements 2 306
Télécharg. PC 174

Morphing sonore en temps réel

PROSONIQ morph est un plug-in contrôlable par MIDI et entièrement automatisable qui permet de créer des transitions par morphing continu et des sons hybrides en croisant les caractères de vos pistes audio. Basé sur la même technologie que tous les produits Prosoniq, morph distingue les caractéristiques importantes de vos sons et les égalise automatiquement pour créer un morphing musicalement convaincant.
OSX 10.6.8 or newer
Windows Vista or newer (XP SP3 may work but is untested in-house)
Morph Morph v 2.3.1 5 août 2017 MacOS X Intel
These free updates address code-signing related compatibility issues with Mac OS X 10.8.x, and feature multiple under-the-hood optimizations.
Zynaptiq Morph Morph v 2.1.1 20 févr. 2016 MacOS X Intel
MIDI Learn functionality for all relevant controls, including options for non-linear response curves.
Tooltips can now be disabled.
Manual can now be opened directly from the GUI.
Manual now also contains setup guides for Fruity Loops and Bitwig.
Fixed a rare issue where CPU load would increase when plugin was active but idle.
Various under-the-hood optimisations.
Zynaptiq Morph v 2.0 16 mars 2015 MacOS X Intel
MORPH is now a Zynaptiq-branded product - it has been zynaptified.
Now supports AAX Native (incl. AS), RTAS, VST and AU formats on Mac OS X & Windows.
New INTERWEAVE, TIGHT, CLASSIC (Low-Latency) and INTERWEAVE (Low-Latency) morphing algorithms.
Increased resolution for the original CLASSIC Morph 1.x algorithm.
New high-quality Formant-Shifter.
New Amplitude Sensitivity and Complexity parameters for more detailed control of the morphing process.
New seamless control of reverb parameters.
New Damping parameter for the reverb section.
Re-designed signal flow in the mixer section.
New preset manager.
New, super-slick user interface.
Now uses PACE EDEN copy protection for Machine- or iLok 2-based authorization.
Essentially new everything...
morphing Morph v 1.3.6 6 sept. 2012 MacOS X UB
Fixes crashes and freezes with Carbon-based hosts on 10.8 Mountain Lion.
prosoniq Morph v 1.3.5 3 févr. 2012 MacOS X UB
Updated to be more compatible with the latest MacOS X 10.7 Lion. The 64bit version of the plug ins is now installed by default.
caract Morph v 1.3.4 5 janv. 2011 MacOS X UB
This version improves general stability and fixes several issues that have been reported by our customers, including numerical instabilities on PPC systems. This version also includes a separate MacOS X 10.4/Carbon compatible build, which will likely be the last build that we'll release for this legacy OS.
telecharger Morph v 1.3.3 6 déc. 2010 MacOS X UB
This version fixes a problem where the vocoder's keyboard was inaccessible on some hosts (PreSonus StudioOne in particular), it adds support for pitch bend to the vocoder's built-in synth and fixes an issue where morph refused to load on some systems due to a dylib link error. This update is highly recommended for all users of the two products. New demo versions have also been made available.
mac Morph v 1.3.2 4 nov. 2010 MacOS X UB
This update makes plug-in fully 64bit compatible and improves compatibility and overall performance. This update installs the 32/64bit Cocoa version of the plug in by default and requires MacOS X 10.5 or better. A 32bit legacy Carbon compatible version is provided for manual installation in order to be backward compatible with older hosts that do no support Cocoa.
windows Morph v 1.3.1 31 août 2009 MacOS X UB
This is a major compatibility update that adds and improves compatibility with Logic 7.x - 9.x, Peak Pro 6, Sound Studio 3, DSP Quattro, Metro, Plogue Bidule and Live 8. When running the software click the plug-in product name in the plug-in window to see a full list of changes and additions.
macintosh Morph v 1.2.5 15 juin 2009 MacOS X UB
This update improves the performance of morph AU in hosts that do not yet fully support the Cocoa interface technology, such as Ableton Live 6 and newer, and DSP Quattro. Click the plug-in product name in the plug-in window to see a full list of changes and additions.
pc Morph v 1.2.4 9 janv. 2009 MacOS X UB
This update improve general stability of the products and fix several issues with presets and "resource not found" problems under Mac OS X 10.5.6.
Morph v 1.2.0 16 sept. 2008 MacOS X UB
This update enables morph in hosts that do not support the Cocoa interface technology, such as Ableton Live 6 and newer, and Digital Performer. Click the plug-in product name in the plug-in window to see a full list of changes and additions.
Morph v 1.10 16 avril 2008 MacOS X UB
This version improves overall stability of the program and fixes bugs in the underlying framework that have been reported by our users over the past months. It also displays a warning screen with further details on hosts that do not support Cocoa AudioUnit plug ins.
Morph v 1.0.2 5 janv. 2008 MacOS X UB
Version Audio Unit et Universal Binary
Morph Morph v 2.3.1 5 août 2017 Windows
These free updates address code-signing related compatibility issues with Mac OS X 10.8.x, and feature multiple under-the-hood optimizations.
Zynaptiq Morph Morph v 2.1.1 20 févr. 2016 Windows
MIDI Learn functionality for all relevant controls, including options for non-linear response curves.
Tooltips can now be disabled.
Manual can now be opened directly from the GUI.
Manual now also contains setup guides for Fruity Loops and Bitwig.
Fixed a rare issue where CPU load would increase when plugin was active but idle.
Various under-the-hood optimisations.
Zynaptiq Morph v 2.0 16 mars 2015 Windows
MORPH is now a Zynaptiq-branded product - it has been zynaptified.
Now supports AAX Native (incl. AS), RTAS, VST and AU formats on Mac OS X & Windows.
New INTERWEAVE, TIGHT, CLASSIC (Low-Latency) and INTERWEAVE (Low-Latency) morphing algorithms.
Increased resolution for the original CLASSIC Morph 1.x algorithm.
New high-quality Formant-Shifter.
New Amplitude Sensitivity and Complexity parameters for more detailed control of the morphing process.
New seamless control of reverb parameters.
New Damping parameter for the reverb section.
Re-designed signal flow in the mixer section.
New preset manager.
New, super-slick user interface.
Now uses PACE EDEN copy protection for Machine- or iLok 2-based authorization.
Essentially new everything...
Acheter Morph près de Columbus, United States chez:

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