Sonic Synth is very capable FM Synthesizer app with 3 oscillators. Every oscillator is independent and can generate 4 wave forms. The app works with 44100 Hz...
    Watch the demo of latest release at : Watch the initial release demo at: Make high quality music on the...
    SoundScaper is an experimental sound mini lab for creating unusual soundscapes, atmospheric textures, drones, glitches and noises based on circuit bending...
    Sparkle is a tool for advanced spectral hybridizations made of several algorithms that operate on frequency domain. By means of envelope preservation and...
    "This really is the synth that keeps on giving! Inspiration and intuition truly blend together in this musical instrument." Alan Parsons Sunrizer Synth is a...
    Low $1.99 price extended! Compatibility: Requires iOS 4.3 to iOS 6.1.3 Features • Three virtual-analog synthesizers, each with three oscillators • More than...
    TC-11 est le seul entièrement programmable Multi-Touch synthétiseur pour l'iPad. Choisissez parmi les 185 préréglages inclus, ou construire votre propre aide de...
    Tera Synth - Modular Analog Synthesizer Explore new sound spaces with Tera Synth that go beyond the emulation of synthesizer legends. Use the power of analog...
    Play with light – Theremin I/O turns your iPhone into a touchless music instrument. It uses your camera and flash to measure the distance to your hand, this...
    Theremin Pro You touch the screen and a tone resounds. Move your finger and the sound changes. Easy to play and to adjust for your personal wishes.
    TOPLAPapp is a sonic puzzle based around a virtual machine for sound synthesis. This machine accepts a few valid instructions represented by the letters T, O, P,...
    ToyTone is simple synthesizer! Usage - Select waveform, and move the slider. - Tap the pad at bottom, you can play. iPhone/iPodTouch only (In iPad, please use...
    Voice Synth est un processeur de voix en direct professionnel et un synthesizer que vous jouez avec votre voix. Avec l’énorme ensemble d’outils intégrés tels que...
    Xynthesizr is a streamlined yet capable 32-step matrix sequencer/monotimbral synthesizer with generative features and MIDI. "This really is a lot of fun and,...
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