    Interactive musician’s environment. AudioMulch is an interactive musician's environment for PC and Mac. AudioMulch is used for live electronic music performance, composition and sound design....
    Modular audio processing application. Audulus is a minimalist modular audio processing application. With Audulus you can build synthesizers from first principles, design new sounds, or process audio....
    Virtual Modular Studio. Bidule is a realtime modular creation studio aimed mainly at artists seeking a new creative environment to experiment with. With Bidule, you create your own live...
    Advanced stochastic synthesizer. Cosmosƒ is a real-time dynamic stochastic synthesis engine, which does generate sonic textures with a complex event distribution process. Having a recursive...
    Granular synthesis sound system. CrusherX-Live! is a stand alone synthesizer application whose powerful real-time granular synthesizer algorithm enables you to synthesize very complex sounds and...
    Density Granular Synthesis
    Granular Synthesis. Density is a new interactive real-time program for asynchronous granular synthesis sound file granulation, to generate a wide range of effects: time/pitch...
    Instrument assisted by computer for live performance. With the Expresseur, experience the pleasure of playing music live, without having to worry about the complex problem of notes. Go directly to the world of...
    Composition and performance tool. From the concert hall to avant-garde performance spaces, whether you're filling a stadium or a CD, Kenaxis can handle your vision. KEY FEATURES: * Powerful...
    Granular synthesis. MacPOD/WinPOD reprises the original MacPOD, first released in 1998 (and recipient of a Bourges Festival award). MacPOD/WinPOD uses granular synthesis of...
    Graphical programming environment. Max gives you the parts to create unique sounds, stunning visuals, and engaging interactive media. These parts are called 'objects' – visual boxes that contain...
    Max for Live
    Max/MSP integrated into Ableton Live. Max for Live puts the power and potential of Max/MSP inside Live. Create all the instruments, effects and extensions you've ever wanted. Go beyond the common and...
    Generative Music System & 12 Track Mixer (Audio/MIDI) with FX. Simply put, Mixtikl lets you easily create beguiling generative music mixes, new ideas & live loop mixing performances from mixing together up to 12 tracks of...
    Generative Music MIDI Software System. Noatikl is a generative (MIDI) music engine. Using generative / aleatoric / stochastic / algorithms and rules it creates musical information in the form of MIDI...
    Generative music. Nodal is a generative software application for composing music. It uses a novel method for the notation and playing of MIDI based music. This method is based...
    Programmable Audio Generator. PAG is a program for creating audio files containing a series of tones. It is useful for creating files of test tones, for testing audio software, or equipment.
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