Liquid Rhythm

Category Audio Production / Virtual Instruments
Compatibility Liquid RhythmMacOS X Intel
License Commercial Software
Price $49 - $129
45€ - 119€
Updated On Jul 28, 2015
Total Downloads 465
Mac Downloads 272
Category Audio Production / Virtual Instruments
Compatibility Liquid RhythmWindows
License Commercial Software
Price $49 - $129
45€ - 119€
Updated On Jul 28, 2015
Total Downloads 465
PC Downloads 193

Beat generator

Liquid Rhythm is an innovative beat generator that enables users to access literally ten quadrillion rhythmic patterns, import pre-existing tracks created using their DAW of choice, or mine Liquid Rhythm’s huge library of loops and kits to create uniquely natural sounding rhythm tracks more quickly and easily than ever before.

- Develop musical ideas by instantly inserting and swapping bar-long rhythm patterns.
- Create beats fast by painting groups of notes directly onto the arranger.
- Humanize the velocity and groove of multiple notes simultaneously based on their underlying color-patterns.
- Generate musically-informed rhythm patterns from a customizable palette.
- Create tom fills and multi-instrument percussion patterns.
OS X 10.7.5 or later
Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8
Liquid Rhythm Liquid Rhythm v Jul 28, 2015 MacOS X Intel
Major Improvements

Support for Max 7 on both Mac OS and Windows

Bug Fixes

Better Max 7.0.4 support for the Max for Live plugin for both Mac OS and Windows
If users only had Max 7 installed, they might not have been able to install the Max for Live plugin; this is also fixed.
WaveDNA Liquid Rhythm Liquid Rhythm v Jun 26, 2015 MacOS X Intel
Major Improvements

Support for Max 7 on both Mac OS and Windows

Bug Fixes

WaveDNA Liquid Rhythm v 1.4.5 May 23, 2015 MacOS X Intel
Support for Max 7 on both Mac OS and Windows
rhythm Liquid Rhythm v 1.4.4 Apr 8, 2015 MacOS X Intel
Major Improvements

Support of VST 3.0 API
Support for Livid Base 2
Direct support for iConPad hardware controller (built-in factory MIDI mapping presets)
Support for Bitwig Studio
Support for FL Studio (Windows only)
Support for Sonar Platinum (Windows only)


Loading a MIDI Mapping file into Standalone could cause a crash. The table that showed the current MIDI mapping was inefficiently accessing the data while the load was occurring.
Using the MIDI Mapping-specific Shift Beat Sequencer MIDI controls could cause a crash. Also, the UI update after they function would linger, and not update the borders around themselves.
The Rename MIDI device would occur visually in the MIDI Mapping table, but wouldn’t actually allow the use of the device in that rename mode immediately (without a restart of Liquid Rhythm). This has been fixed, rename devices are immediately usable.
MIDI note timing issues for VST in Studio One 2 (OS X).
Audio issues when deactivating the Liquid Rhythm plugin in Studio One 2 and Cubase 7.5 (OS X only).
Repaired the code signature for Windows so it is not blocked by anti-virus systems.
Repaired Lemur MIDI mapping problems.
patterns Liquid Rhythm v 1.4.3 Dec 19, 2014 MacOS X Intel
Major Improvements
Compatible with OSX Yosemite
Snazzy new single-click installer for OSX
Fixed OSX GateKeeper’s “throw application in trash” error message after install

Changes to Minimum Requirements
Minimum requirements OSX: 10.7.5. and higher (Snow Leopard 10.6.8 is no longer supported.)
Minimum requirements Windows: Windows Vista and higher (Windows XP is no longer supported.)

Fixed playback issues with longer samples
GUI Client in OSX is now full 64 bit and uses embedded java 1.9.0.
OSX plugins now use embedded java 1.9.0 for 64 bit mode
Removed VLC video player and replaced with JavaFX for Windows and OSX
Version 2 Apple Developer code signature for all OSX packages (master build now on Yosemite)
Removed popup window with web Windows installer
AMXD (Max For Live) installer now uses Ableton custom library setting on MAC and Windows
Installer will remove old AMXDs from Ableton Library
Uninstaller on Windows will remove AMXD from library
Installer will place AMXD in every Ableton library location and in /Applications/WaveDNA folder
Fixed “My Documents” localization issue on Windows
OSX installer will shut down Ableton, Liquid Rhythm and Audio engine if they are running before installing

Known Issues and Limitations
(Liquid Rhythm Max for Live Clip mode): Windows users may experience repeated crashes while attempting to load Liquid Rhythm Max patch. Please see this link for help:
Liquid Rhythm Standalone may not launch for Windows 8 users. Right-click on the application and choose “Run as Administrator.”
Option-clicking on a pattern to audition it (in the BarForm or BeatForm Maps) will not audition if the BeatWeaver is not open.
Liquid Rhythm Max for Live Clip mode: Moving MIDI tracks around in live while Liquid Rhythm is open may cause Live to crash.
Liquid Rhythm Max for Live Clip mode: Moving the Liquid Rhythm Max plugin, or any of its Audition plugins around while Liquid Rhythm is open may cause Live to crash.
Overdub recording mode is glitchy.
Real-time MIDI recording has some lag.
Repeatedly pressing Undo during MIDI record can cause Liquid Rhythm to crash.
MIDI scripting for some devices (QuNeo, Livid Base) is limited to Liquid Rhythm Standalone mode. We are currently working to add support for other modes.
Liquid Rhythm may be unresponsive when computer goes to sleep and wakes.
MIDI Mapping track-specific controls (such as volume, solo, mute) can be lost after quitting Liquid Rhythm and relaunching.
No automatic software updates or notifications (yet).
create Liquid Rhythm v 1.3.4 Apr 10, 2014 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and Updates

Live 9 Max For Live plugin mode only:
Scale Selector: Generate melodic patterns by hiding away note lanes not in a specific key. Select root, mode, and octaves.
Lock Clip button (from the Clip Selector) added to the Ableton Push layout.
Improved performance when switching Live clips and loading larger Live clips in Liquid Rhythm.
Clip selector feature is accessible when no clip in selected within Ableton.
Liquid Rhythm.amxd patch now has a very small version number printed in the bottom right corner.
Untitled Live clips now display as track name and clip number in Liquid Rhythm.
Hitting User mode in Ableton Push to gain access to Liquid Rhythm features will perform an auto-refresh to capture any changes made to the clip.
Kit Editor: Organize and save instruments together as a Kit in Liquid Rhythm. (Available in the Kit Tab in the Library Browser, and the View Menu.)
The Randomizer panel’s fourth slider can now be used to control randomization of Velocity, Groove Offset, or Both together, via a dropdown menu.
In Diagnostics tab, enabling Diagnostic logging has been changed from a drop-down to a checkbox for ease of selection.
Added the option to swap between eighth-note and quarter-note based indicators in the BeatBuilder. (Right-Click on the numbers above the BeatForm Sequencer or BarForm List to choose.)


Fixed an issue that would cause the first light in the step sequencer to not illuminate on the Push during playback.
Fixed an issue causing MIDI exports to double the .mid extension.
Fixed an issue that would cause a crash when dragging BeatForms from the BeatForm Palette while the Accent Modifiers had a non-zero groove setting.
Changing clip name within Liquid Rhythm is now undo/redoable.
The connection between Liquid Rhythm’s UI and the Audio Engine has been improved to avoid startup issues. (Better cleanup strategy on launch.)
Fixed an issue caused by using the GrooveMover to change the Barform color pattern and later using the BeatBuilder’s next/previous Barform buttons.
Fixed an issue that would cause the “Focus Region follows Playhead” command to not handle loops less than a bar in length.
Fixed an issue that would cause Liquid Rhythm to enter into a bad state when unlocking a Live clip with the Clip Selector.
Fixed the option to trigger playback of a Live clip from the Clip Selector.
Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause Ableton Push to receive updates from Liquid Rhythm when not in User Mode.
Fixed an issue that would prevent Beat Sequencer preferences from saving.
Fixed an issue that would cause track headers to lose their colour when deleting multiple tracks and then choosing undo.
Fixed an issue that would cause the ruler bar to display an incorrect bar number (off-by-one).
Audio Export remembers settings, and it is saved with the project. But it could contain stale track information if a track exported was later deleted. This is now fixed.
Fixed an issue that would cause the file chooser dialog box to appear behind Liquid Rhythm on Windows.

Known Issues and Limitations

Liquid Rhythm Max for Live Clip mode: Moving MIDI tracks around in live while Liquid Rhythm is open may cause Live to crash.
Liquid Rhythm Max for Live Clip mode: Does not support created Drum Racks that have multiple samples loaded into a single drum pad (i.e. “Multis”.
Overdub recording mode is glitchy.
Real-time MIDI recording has some lag.
Pressing Undo during MIDI record can cause Liquid Rhythm to crash.
MIDI scripting for some devices (QuNeo, Base) is limited to Liquid Rhythm Standalone mode. We are currently working to add support for other modes.
Liquid Rhythm may be unresponsive when computer goes to sleep and wakes.
notes Liquid Rhythm v 1.3.2 Mar 6, 2014 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and Updates

Liquid Rhythm’s MaxForLive Clips patch has been redone to show a button that opens up the main window.
Ability to audition the individual elements of a kit when right clicked on the kit within the library.
Standalone mode has a new option that, when moving the loop region, confines the playhead to it.
Consolidated installer for all plugin modes. (Note: In the installer for Mac, the MaxForLive Clips plugin indicates that it’s 0 bytes in size. This is normal. :)
Silent instruments (instruments without samples) will now send MIDI notes in plugin and standalone mode. (Useful for connecting another MIDI device to Liquid Rhythm to use as a controller.)
Mute/Solo changes in an Ableton Live drum rack are now automatically updated in Liquid Rhythm.
Performance improvements when selecting regions in the arranger.


Walkthrough would sometimes crash when attempting to access a part of the Liquid Rhythm window that was not visible.
Changing the colour of multiple tracks and pressing undo wouldn’t revert the colour changes.
BeatForm Mute toggle on Medium and Weak wouldn’t toggle.
When selecting a clip in Live, the first instrument track in Liquid Rhythm wouldn’t be selected by default; instead it would have the ‘focused region’ indicator, with some other track selected.
Mouse Wheel now consistently scrolls horizontally across the molecule tools panel. If you need to scroll vertically in a sub-panel, how down Alt or Option key with the mouse wheel.
On some setups, the audio engine would sometimes cause an error on startup (it would access memory when it wasn’t ready).
MIDI Export Wizard and Audio Export Wizard would sometimes appear behind the application, and appear like the system is hung. Now forcing it to appear in front.
Downloading a new kit with standalone or plugin would cause a crash when simultaneously using the library.
If the ‘welcome to Liquid Rhythm’ window was closed, the menu bars would remain disabled in MaxForLive Liquid Clips mode.
Moving the loop region very quickly in clip mode would cause the loop region to grow.
Bug in destructive record fixed, where recordin in destructive mode and changing the arranger with the mouse at the same time would cause a crash.
BeatWeaver would disable in note edit mode when selecting a note even though there is region focus.
Windows XP now installs Liquid Rhythm MaxForLive Clip mode automatically.
Accent modifier note hilights would sometimes get stuck on-screen if you press escape key.
BarForm Family in-place dropdown menu in the arranger wasn’t working.
tracks Liquid Rhythm v 1.3.1 Feb 12, 2014 MacOS X Intel
Improvements and Updates

Novation LaunchPad now has MIDI scripting support in Ableton MaxLive Clips mode. Users can control Liquid Rhythm through LaunchPad scripting. (LaunchPad, LaunchPad S, LaunchPad Mini)
Duplicate Loop Region has been added to the right-click of the loop region bar.
Revamped the Export MIDI to have its own wizards. MIDI files can now be exported as individual tracks.
Added the ability to quickly delete notes that are muted. Right-click option on region selection within Note Edit mode.
The contents of the BeatForm Sequencer can now be automatically loaded by selecting BeatForm Palettes in the Molecule Tools bar.
BeatForms can be dragged out of the Palette and dropped anywhere on the arranger.
Touchscreen-friendly features: Thicker scrollbars and floating window with buttons for commonly-used commands (available in the Options menu).
Right-Click on BeatForm Tumbler Dial gives you a list of BeatForms to immediately change the dial to.
Mute and Delete for notes based on their underlying colours.
Silent General MIDI Percussion Kit has been added for users who want to exclusively trigger MIDI on an external device (without hearing any sound from Liquid Rhythm’s audio engine).
‘Region Focus follows Playhead’ mode added to Options menu. Useful when using a MIDI Controller to edit the region that is currently being played.
New MIDI mapping feature in Accent Modifier Panel allows MIDI Mapping dials to control the range size of the velocity and groove sliders.
The Beat Weaver will now always open with the BarForm wheel.
Randomizer sliders now display the names of their functions on in the Molecule Tools.
A sample’s instrument type can now be changed to any other instrument type.

BeatForms are note sequences. They are 1/8th of a bar long. (They can be thought of as building blocks of rhythm.)
BarForms are BeatForm sequences. They are one bar long. (They can be thought of as patterns of build blocks.)

Liquid Rhythm would sometimes fail after downloading a new kit from online.
BeatForm Tumbler would sometimes not clear a location when dialed to the initial position.
Notes could sometimes fail to highlight when hovering over the Velocity shapers in the Accent Modifier Panel in Molecule Tools.
Removed the ‘Track Add’ in Liquid Rhythm Clip mode because you cannot create new lanes in clip mode.
Deleting a Beatform Palette would make the new selection appear empty. This has been fixed.
Mouse Wheel Scroll on the Molecule Tools would be interrupted if there was another panel or feature that consumed mouse wheel actions. They have been changed to consume alt/option-mouse-wheel instead. Allows seemless scrolling in the molecule tool panels.
Fixed bug where changing the selected BeatForm will cause an error when BeatForm Tumblers are in use.
Tumblers would sometimes get out of sync with the focus region and the dials would change unexpectedly to the wrong BeatForm.
Arrows for MIDI Mapping or MIDI Scripting would not work if there wasn’t already a region hilighted in the arranger. Now they automatically jump into selecting either the first region or last region.
Windows Launcher for Liquid Rhythm in MaxLive patch fixed, where the patch would load fine, but the UI wouldn’t appear. DLL includes all required dependancies, so no need to install Microsoft Redistributable.
Fixed a Liquid Rhythm crash in MaxLive Mode where choosing a loop from Liquid Rhythm library would cause a crash.
Switching from BeatWeaver to BeatBuilder after selecting a row from the Molecule table would cause a crash.
BeatForm Tumbler in “Position” mode would get disabled when focussed on an empty region. Instead, it’s enabled and uses the all-blue BarForm as default.
Fixed a bug that would prevent Liquid Rhythm from preserving MIDI mapping changes between application launches.
Loading Audio Unit plugin for the first time could cause an audio artifact to play.
Fixed a startup timing issue where the audio engine would not connect to the UI.
Fixed issue of playhead disappearing in Ableton Live through Liquid Rhythm MaxLive mode.
Removed unnecessary and non-functioning devices that appeared in Windows when scanning for controllers in the Device Panel in the Settings Window.
Velocity shaper button icons would sometimes get out of sync with their underlying state through MIDI mapping.
download Liquid Rhythm v 1.3 Dec 31, 2013 MacOS X Intel

NEW! BeatForm Shifter*: Nudge BeatForms across selected regions in the Arranger. More info here.
NEW! BeatForm Tumbler*: Tumble BeatForms through regions in the Arranger to quickly dial-in rhythmic variations. More info here.
NEW! Accent Modifier Shapers: Instantly apply crescendos and decrescendos to the velocities of BeatForms.
NEW! BarForm Tumbler: Quickly swap BarForm patterns from the BarForm list for one or more regions in the Arranger
Drag and drop BeatForms from the BeatForm Palette directly into the Arranger.
Drag and drop BarForms from the BarForm List directly into the Arranger.
New drum kit: Download and play with the new Industrial Kit.

* BeatForm Tumbler and BeatForm Shifter only available in full version of Liquid Rhythm.

BeatForms are note sequences. They are 1/8th of a bar long. (They can be thought of as building blocks of rhythm.)
BarForms are BeatForm sequences. They are one bar long. (They can be thought of as patterns of build blocks.)

Improvements and Updates

Added key command to switch between ‘pencil’ and ‘paint’ Note Editing modes.
ReGroover renamed to GrooveMover
In Max-For-Live bridge mode (a.k.a. Liquid Clips), selecting the Arranger’s channel header will now select regions in the Arranger (as a shortcut).
Panels in the Molecule Tools bar will now remember their expand / collapse states for each time Liquid Rhythm is launched.
Moving notes around the Arranger will cause a BarForm pattern to appear as a ghost in empty regions.
Modifying MIDI Maps is now easier: Input devices can be changed and input channel IDs can be renumbered.
Shift-clicking on a BarForm in the BarForm list will insert that relatively indexed BarForm into each selected region according to the instrument type in that track.
Tempo can now be MIDI mapped (and controlled with a MIDI device).


MIDI mappable commands were broken after 1.2.3 and are now are fixed in 1.3.0
Fixed a crash that would occur when using the BeatBuilder’s ‘Suggested List’ when a region in the Arranger had been BarForm swapped.
Fixed issues connecting to the audio engine
Activation codes would sometimes be invalid if entered with leading / trailing blank space
In some instances, BeatWeaver would glitch when a region was selected and moved
In some instances, BeatWeaver would glitch when a BarForm was swapped in a region that was duplicated.
Fixed bug when selecting multiple notes and dragging to change relative velocity.
Fixed a bug that would cause the undo history to not be saved when running as a plugin
Fixed a bug that would cause the audio engine to linger if the user force quit the application launcher.

Known Issues and Limitations

Overdub recording mode is glitchy in this version.
Real-time MIDI recording has noticeable lag.
Pressing Undo during MIDI record can cause Liquid Rhythm to crash.
MIDI Scripting for all devices [QuNeo, Base, LaunchPad] is limited to Liquid Rhythm Standalone mode. We are currently working to add support for the other modes.
Liquid Rhythm may be unresponsive when computer goes to sleep and wakes
Windows XP: Installer will not install the Ableton Live 9 Max for Live patch. Please follow these instructions here.
mac Liquid Rhythm v 1.2.5 Dec 3, 2013 MacOS X Intel
Among many small tweaks and bugfixes, the WaveDNA team focused efforts on two major improvements for this update. The first one was to improve stability when running Liquid Rhythm as a plugin with Ableton Live through the Max-For-Live bridge plugin. We received a lot of feedback from our growing Liquid Rhythm community and worked many hours to tighten the Max-For-Live bridge. The second major improvement features a MIDI script for the incredibly powerful, versatile, and fun-to-use Livid Base. Plug in your Livid Base into standalone Liquid Rhythm and have fun building and mashing drum loops with the Base’s MIDI-mapped interface. (Note: this is only for the standalone version of Liquid Rhythm for now – the development team is actively working to port MIDI scripting to the Liquid Rhythm Max-For-Live bridge.)
windows Liquid Rhythm v 1.2.4 Nov 20, 2013 MacOS X Intel

“Select Regions In Row” now selects regions within the loop region in the row
“Quick MIDI Export” (Cmd-B) for bypassing the “Export” dialog box
“Quick Audio Export” (Cmd-Shift-B) for bypassing the “Export” dialog box
Liquid Rhythm Max patch now has a link to our webpage that has setup instructions and detailed workflow guides, found here
MIDI Scripting in standalone mode: Novation Launchpad S and Keith McMillen QuNeo automatically map to Liquid Rhythm (full implementation and control with blinky lights!) (in BETA)
BeatForm “Suggested” list (in BeatForm Palette) and BarForm “Suggested” list now follow BeatSeeker settings (more info on the feature here


Changed modifier key for “Zoom to Default”. (Was (Cmd-B), is now (Cmd-G).)
Auto-selected first region for improved MIDI control workflow
All kits downloaded can now be selected in the Import Midi section. Previously it was only limited to the default kits.


Performance improvements and bug fixes for Liquid Rhythm Max patch (for Ableton Live 9)
Importing a MIDI file with the ‘techno kit’ caused crash
Bug fixes in standalone and plugin mode
Fixed “stuck BeatSeeker” bug on the BeatForm Map
Bug fixes with the guided Walkthrough
macintosh Liquid Rhythm v 1.2.3 Nov 3, 2013 MacOS X Intel
Many bug reports have been addressed and fixed, and suggestions for workflow improvements have been heavily considered and implemented.
pc Liquid Rhythm v 1.0 Oct 8, 2013 MacOS X Intel
Liquid Rhythm Liquid Rhythm v Jul 28, 2015 Windows
Major Improvements

Support for Max 7 on both Mac OS and Windows

Bug Fixes

Better Max 7.0.4 support for the Max for Live plugin for both Mac OS and Windows
If users only had Max 7 installed, they might not have been able to install the Max for Live plugin; this is also fixed.
WaveDNA Liquid Rhythm Liquid Rhythm v Jun 26, 2015 Windows
Major Improvements

Support for Max 7 on both Mac OS and Windows

Bug Fixes

WaveDNA Liquid Rhythm v 1.4.5 May 23, 2015 Windows
Support for Max 7 on both Mac OS and Windows
rhythm Liquid Rhythm v 1.4.4 Apr 8, 2015 Windows
Major Improvements

Support of VST 3.0 API
Support for Livid Base 2
Direct support for iConPad hardware controller (built-in factory MIDI mapping presets)
Support for Bitwig Studio
Support for FL Studio (Windows only)
Support for Sonar Platinum (Windows only)


Loading a MIDI Mapping file into Standalone could cause a crash. The table that showed the current MIDI mapping was inefficiently accessing the data while the load was occurring.
Using the MIDI Mapping-specific Shift Beat Sequencer MIDI controls could cause a crash. Also, the UI update after they function would linger, and not update the borders around themselves.
The Rename MIDI device would occur visually in the MIDI Mapping table, but wouldn’t actually allow the use of the device in that rename mode immediately (without a restart of Liquid Rhythm). This has been fixed, rename devices are immediately usable.
MIDI note timing issues for VST in Studio One 2 (OS X).
Audio issues when deactivating the Liquid Rhythm plugin in Studio One 2 and Cubase 7.5 (OS X only).
Repaired the code signature for Windows so it is not blocked by anti-virus systems.
Repaired Lemur MIDI mapping problems.
patterns Liquid Rhythm v 1.4.3 Dec 19, 2014 Windows
Major Improvements
Compatible with OSX Yosemite
Snazzy new single-click installer for OSX
Fixed OSX GateKeeper’s “throw application in trash” error message after install

Changes to Minimum Requirements
Minimum requirements OSX: 10.7.5. and higher (Snow Leopard 10.6.8 is no longer supported.)
Minimum requirements Windows: Windows Vista and higher (Windows XP is no longer supported.)

Fixed playback issues with longer samples
GUI Client in OSX is now full 64 bit and uses embedded java 1.9.0.
OSX plugins now use embedded java 1.9.0 for 64 bit mode
Removed VLC video player and replaced with JavaFX for Windows and OSX
Version 2 Apple Developer code signature for all OSX packages (master build now on Yosemite)
Removed popup window with web Windows installer
AMXD (Max For Live) installer now uses Ableton custom library setting on MAC and Windows
Installer will remove old AMXDs from Ableton Library
Uninstaller on Windows will remove AMXD from library
Installer will place AMXD in every Ableton library location and in /Applications/WaveDNA folder
Fixed “My Documents” localization issue on Windows
OSX installer will shut down Ableton, Liquid Rhythm and Audio engine if they are running before installing

Known Issues and Limitations
(Liquid Rhythm Max for Live Clip mode): Windows users may experience repeated crashes while attempting to load Liquid Rhythm Max patch. Please see this link for help:
Liquid Rhythm Standalone may not launch for Windows 8 users. Right-click on the application and choose “Run as Administrator.”
Option-clicking on a pattern to audition it (in the BarForm or BeatForm Maps) will not audition if the BeatWeaver is not open.
Liquid Rhythm Max for Live Clip mode: Moving MIDI tracks around in live while Liquid Rhythm is open may cause Live to crash.
Liquid Rhythm Max for Live Clip mode: Moving the Liquid Rhythm Max plugin, or any of its Audition plugins around while Liquid Rhythm is open may cause Live to crash.
Overdub recording mode is glitchy.
Real-time MIDI recording has some lag.
Repeatedly pressing Undo during MIDI record can cause Liquid Rhythm to crash.
MIDI scripting for some devices (QuNeo, Livid Base) is limited to Liquid Rhythm Standalone mode. We are currently working to add support for other modes.
Liquid Rhythm may be unresponsive when computer goes to sleep and wakes.
MIDI Mapping track-specific controls (such as volume, solo, mute) can be lost after quitting Liquid Rhythm and relaunching.
No automatic software updates or notifications (yet).
create Liquid Rhythm v 1.3.4 Apr 10, 2014 Windows
Improvements and Updates

Live 9 Max For Live plugin mode only:
Scale Selector: Generate melodic patterns by hiding away note lanes not in a specific key. Select root, mode, and octaves.
Lock Clip button (from the Clip Selector) added to the Ableton Push layout.
Improved performance when switching Live clips and loading larger Live clips in Liquid Rhythm.
Clip selector feature is accessible when no clip in selected within Ableton.
Liquid Rhythm.amxd patch now has a very small version number printed in the bottom right corner.
Untitled Live clips now display as track name and clip number in Liquid Rhythm.
Hitting User mode in Ableton Push to gain access to Liquid Rhythm features will perform an auto-refresh to capture any changes made to the clip.
Kit Editor: Organize and save instruments together as a Kit in Liquid Rhythm. (Available in the Kit Tab in the Library Browser, and the View Menu.)
The Randomizer panel’s fourth slider can now be used to control randomization of Velocity, Groove Offset, or Both together, via a dropdown menu.
In Diagnostics tab, enabling Diagnostic logging has been changed from a drop-down to a checkbox for ease of selection.
Added the option to swap between eighth-note and quarter-note based indicators in the BeatBuilder. (Right-Click on the numbers above the BeatForm Sequencer or BarForm List to choose.)


Fixed an issue that would cause the first light in the step sequencer to not illuminate on the Push during playback.
Fixed an issue causing MIDI exports to double the .mid extension.
Fixed an issue that would cause a crash when dragging BeatForms from the BeatForm Palette while the Accent Modifiers had a non-zero groove setting.
Changing clip name within Liquid Rhythm is now undo/redoable.
The connection between Liquid Rhythm’s UI and the Audio Engine has been improved to avoid startup issues. (Better cleanup strategy on launch.)
Fixed an issue caused by using the GrooveMover to change the Barform color pattern and later using the BeatBuilder’s next/previous Barform buttons.
Fixed an issue that would cause the “Focus Region follows Playhead” command to not handle loops less than a bar in length.
Fixed an issue that would cause Liquid Rhythm to enter into a bad state when unlocking a Live clip with the Clip Selector.
Fixed the option to trigger playback of a Live clip from the Clip Selector.
Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause Ableton Push to receive updates from Liquid Rhythm when not in User Mode.
Fixed an issue that would prevent Beat Sequencer preferences from saving.
Fixed an issue that would cause track headers to lose their colour when deleting multiple tracks and then choosing undo.
Fixed an issue that would cause the ruler bar to display an incorrect bar number (off-by-one).
Audio Export remembers settings, and it is saved with the project. But it could contain stale track information if a track exported was later deleted. This is now fixed.
Fixed an issue that would cause the file chooser dialog box to appear behind Liquid Rhythm on Windows.

Known Issues and Limitations

Liquid Rhythm Max for Live Clip mode: Moving MIDI tracks around in live while Liquid Rhythm is open may cause Live to crash.
Liquid Rhythm Max for Live Clip mode: Does not support created Drum Racks that have multiple samples loaded into a single drum pad (i.e. “Multis”.
Overdub recording mode is glitchy.
Real-time MIDI recording has some lag.
Pressing Undo during MIDI record can cause Liquid Rhythm to crash.
MIDI scripting for some devices (QuNeo, Base) is limited to Liquid Rhythm Standalone mode. We are currently working to add support for other modes.
Liquid Rhythm may be unresponsive when computer goes to sleep and wakes.
notes Liquid Rhythm v 1.3.2 Mar 6, 2014 Windows
Improvements and Updates

Liquid Rhythm’s MaxForLive Clips patch has been redone to show a button that opens up the main window.
Ability to audition the individual elements of a kit when right clicked on the kit within the library.
Standalone mode has a new option that, when moving the loop region, confines the playhead to it.
Consolidated installer for all plugin modes. (Note: In the installer for Mac, the MaxForLive Clips plugin indicates that it’s 0 bytes in size. This is normal. :)
Silent instruments (instruments without samples) will now send MIDI notes in plugin and standalone mode. (Useful for connecting another MIDI device to Liquid Rhythm to use as a controller.)
Mute/Solo changes in an Ableton Live drum rack are now automatically updated in Liquid Rhythm.
Performance improvements when selecting regions in the arranger.


Walkthrough would sometimes crash when attempting to access a part of the Liquid Rhythm window that was not visible.
Changing the colour of multiple tracks and pressing undo wouldn’t revert the colour changes.
BeatForm Mute toggle on Medium and Weak wouldn’t toggle.
When selecting a clip in Live, the first instrument track in Liquid Rhythm wouldn’t be selected by default; instead it would have the ‘focused region’ indicator, with some other track selected.
Mouse Wheel now consistently scrolls horizontally across the molecule tools panel. If you need to scroll vertically in a sub-panel, how down Alt or Option key with the mouse wheel.
On some setups, the audio engine would sometimes cause an error on startup (it would access memory when it wasn’t ready).
MIDI Export Wizard and Audio Export Wizard would sometimes appear behind the application, and appear like the system is hung. Now forcing it to appear in front.
Downloading a new kit with standalone or plugin would cause a crash when simultaneously using the library.
If the ‘welcome to Liquid Rhythm’ window was closed, the menu bars would remain disabled in MaxForLive Liquid Clips mode.
Moving the loop region very quickly in clip mode would cause the loop region to grow.
Bug in destructive record fixed, where recordin in destructive mode and changing the arranger with the mouse at the same time would cause a crash.
BeatWeaver would disable in note edit mode when selecting a note even though there is region focus.
Windows XP now installs Liquid Rhythm MaxForLive Clip mode automatically.
Accent modifier note hilights would sometimes get stuck on-screen if you press escape key.
BarForm Family in-place dropdown menu in the arranger wasn’t working.
tracks Liquid Rhythm v 1.3.1 Feb 12, 2014 Windows
Improvements and Updates

Novation LaunchPad now has MIDI scripting support in Ableton MaxLive Clips mode. Users can control Liquid Rhythm through LaunchPad scripting. (LaunchPad, LaunchPad S, LaunchPad Mini)
Duplicate Loop Region has been added to the right-click of the loop region bar.
Revamped the Export MIDI to have its own wizards. MIDI files can now be exported as individual tracks.
Added the ability to quickly delete notes that are muted. Right-click option on region selection within Note Edit mode.
The contents of the BeatForm Sequencer can now be automatically loaded by selecting BeatForm Palettes in the Molecule Tools bar.
BeatForms can be dragged out of the Palette and dropped anywhere on the arranger.
Touchscreen-friendly features: Thicker scrollbars and floating window with buttons for commonly-used commands (available in the Options menu).
Right-Click on BeatForm Tumbler Dial gives you a list of BeatForms to immediately change the dial to.
Mute and Delete for notes based on their underlying colours.
Silent General MIDI Percussion Kit has been added for users who want to exclusively trigger MIDI on an external device (without hearing any sound from Liquid Rhythm’s audio engine).
‘Region Focus follows Playhead’ mode added to Options menu. Useful when using a MIDI Controller to edit the region that is currently being played.
New MIDI mapping feature in Accent Modifier Panel allows MIDI Mapping dials to control the range size of the velocity and groove sliders.
The Beat Weaver will now always open with the BarForm wheel.
Randomizer sliders now display the names of their functions on in the Molecule Tools.
A sample’s instrument type can now be changed to any other instrument type.

BeatForms are note sequences. They are 1/8th of a bar long. (They can be thought of as building blocks of rhythm.)
BarForms are BeatForm sequences. They are one bar long. (They can be thought of as patterns of build blocks.)

Liquid Rhythm would sometimes fail after downloading a new kit from online.
BeatForm Tumbler would sometimes not clear a location when dialed to the initial position.
Notes could sometimes fail to highlight when hovering over the Velocity shapers in the Accent Modifier Panel in Molecule Tools.
Removed the ‘Track Add’ in Liquid Rhythm Clip mode because you cannot create new lanes in clip mode.
Deleting a Beatform Palette would make the new selection appear empty. This has been fixed.
Mouse Wheel Scroll on the Molecule Tools would be interrupted if there was another panel or feature that consumed mouse wheel actions. They have been changed to consume alt/option-mouse-wheel instead. Allows seemless scrolling in the molecule tool panels.
Fixed bug where changing the selected BeatForm will cause an error when BeatForm Tumblers are in use.
Tumblers would sometimes get out of sync with the focus region and the dials would change unexpectedly to the wrong BeatForm.
Arrows for MIDI Mapping or MIDI Scripting would not work if there wasn’t already a region hilighted in the arranger. Now they automatically jump into selecting either the first region or last region.
Windows Launcher for Liquid Rhythm in MaxLive patch fixed, where the patch would load fine, but the UI wouldn’t appear. DLL includes all required dependancies, so no need to install Microsoft Redistributable.
Fixed a Liquid Rhythm crash in MaxLive Mode where choosing a loop from Liquid Rhythm library would cause a crash.
Switching from BeatWeaver to BeatBuilder after selecting a row from the Molecule table would cause a crash.
BeatForm Tumbler in “Position” mode would get disabled when focussed on an empty region. Instead, it’s enabled and uses the all-blue BarForm as default.
Fixed a bug that would prevent Liquid Rhythm from preserving MIDI mapping changes between application launches.
Loading Audio Unit plugin for the first time could cause an audio artifact to play.
Fixed a startup timing issue where the audio engine would not connect to the UI.
Fixed issue of playhead disappearing in Ableton Live through Liquid Rhythm MaxLive mode.
Removed unnecessary and non-functioning devices that appeared in Windows when scanning for controllers in the Device Panel in the Settings Window.
Velocity shaper button icons would sometimes get out of sync with their underlying state through MIDI mapping.
download Liquid Rhythm v 1.3 Dec 31, 2013 Windows

NEW! BeatForm Shifter*: Nudge BeatForms across selected regions in the Arranger. More info here.
NEW! BeatForm Tumbler*: Tumble BeatForms through regions in the Arranger to quickly dial-in rhythmic variations. More info here.
NEW! Accent Modifier Shapers: Instantly apply crescendos and decrescendos to the velocities of BeatForms.
NEW! BarForm Tumbler: Quickly swap BarForm patterns from the BarForm list for one or more regions in the Arranger
Drag and drop BeatForms from the BeatForm Palette directly into the Arranger.
Drag and drop BarForms from the BarForm List directly into the Arranger.
New drum kit: Download and play with the new Industrial Kit.

* BeatForm Tumbler and BeatForm Shifter only available in full version of Liquid Rhythm.

BeatForms are note sequences. They are 1/8th of a bar long. (They can be thought of as building blocks of rhythm.)
BarForms are BeatForm sequences. They are one bar long. (They can be thought of as patterns of build blocks.)

Improvements and Updates

Added key command to switch between ‘pencil’ and ‘paint’ Note Editing modes.
ReGroover renamed to GrooveMover
In Max-For-Live bridge mode (a.k.a. Liquid Clips), selecting the Arranger’s channel header will now select regions in the Arranger (as a shortcut).
Panels in the Molecule Tools bar will now remember their expand / collapse states for each time Liquid Rhythm is launched.
Moving notes around the Arranger will cause a BarForm pattern to appear as a ghost in empty regions.
Modifying MIDI Maps is now easier: Input devices can be changed and input channel IDs can be renumbered.
Shift-clicking on a BarForm in the BarForm list will insert that relatively indexed BarForm into each selected region according to the instrument type in that track.
Tempo can now be MIDI mapped (and controlled with a MIDI device).


MIDI mappable commands were broken after 1.2.3 and are now are fixed in 1.3.0
Fixed a crash that would occur when using the BeatBuilder’s ‘Suggested List’ when a region in the Arranger had been BarForm swapped.
Fixed issues connecting to the audio engine
Activation codes would sometimes be invalid if entered with leading / trailing blank space
In some instances, BeatWeaver would glitch when a region was selected and moved
In some instances, BeatWeaver would glitch when a BarForm was swapped in a region that was duplicated.
Fixed bug when selecting multiple notes and dragging to change relative velocity.
Fixed a bug that would cause the undo history to not be saved when running as a plugin
Fixed a bug that would cause the audio engine to linger if the user force quit the application launcher.

Known Issues and Limitations

Overdub recording mode is glitchy in this version.
Real-time MIDI recording has noticeable lag.
Pressing Undo during MIDI record can cause Liquid Rhythm to crash.
MIDI Scripting for all devices [QuNeo, Base, LaunchPad] is limited to Liquid Rhythm Standalone mode. We are currently working to add support for the other modes.
Liquid Rhythm may be unresponsive when computer goes to sleep and wakes
Windows XP: Installer will not install the Ableton Live 9 Max for Live patch. Please follow these instructions here.
mac Liquid Rhythm v 1.2.5 Dec 3, 2013 Windows
Among many small tweaks and bugfixes, the WaveDNA team focused efforts on two major improvements for this update. The first one was to improve stability when running Liquid Rhythm as a plugin with Ableton Live through the Max-For-Live bridge plugin. We received a lot of feedback from our growing Liquid Rhythm community and worked many hours to tighten the Max-For-Live bridge. The second major improvement features a MIDI script for the incredibly powerful, versatile, and fun-to-use Livid Base. Plug in your Livid Base into standalone Liquid Rhythm and have fun building and mashing drum loops with the Base’s MIDI-mapped interface. (Note: this is only for the standalone version of Liquid Rhythm for now – the development team is actively working to port MIDI scripting to the Liquid Rhythm Max-For-Live bridge.)
windows Liquid Rhythm v 1.2.4 Nov 20, 2013 Windows

“Select Regions In Row” now selects regions within the loop region in the row
“Quick MIDI Export” (Cmd-B) for bypassing the “Export” dialog box
“Quick Audio Export” (Cmd-Shift-B) for bypassing the “Export” dialog box
Liquid Rhythm Max patch now has a link to our webpage that has setup instructions and detailed workflow guides, found here
MIDI Scripting in standalone mode: Novation Launchpad S and Keith McMillen QuNeo automatically map to Liquid Rhythm (full implementation and control with blinky lights!) (in BETA)
BeatForm “Suggested” list (in BeatForm Palette) and BarForm “Suggested” list now follow BeatSeeker settings (more info on the feature here


Changed modifier key for “Zoom to Default”. (Was (Cmd-B), is now (Cmd-G).)
Auto-selected first region for improved MIDI control workflow
All kits downloaded can now be selected in the Import Midi section. Previously it was only limited to the default kits.


Performance improvements and bug fixes for Liquid Rhythm Max patch (for Ableton Live 9)
Importing a MIDI file with the ‘techno kit’ caused crash
Bug fixes in standalone and plugin mode
Fixed “stuck BeatSeeker” bug on the BeatForm Map
Bug fixes with the guided Walkthrough
macintosh Liquid Rhythm v 1.2.3 Nov 3, 2013 Windows
Many bug reports have been addressed and fixed, and suggestions for workflow improvements have been heavily considered and implemented.
pc Liquid Rhythm v 1.0 Oct 8, 2013 Windows
Buy Liquid Rhythm near Columbus, United States at:

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