
Category Audio Production / Experimental
Version 7.3.4
Format App
Compatibility MaxMacOS X Intel
License Commercial Software
Price $399 - $499
369€ - 461€
3.4 / 5 , 5 votes
Updated On Jun 3, 2017
Total Downloads 7,280
Mac Downloads 4,766
Category Audio Production / Experimental
Version 7.3.4
Format App
Compatibility MaxWindows
License Commercial Software
Price $399 - $499
369€ - 461€
3.4 / 5 , 5 votes
Updated On Jun 3, 2017
Total Downloads 7,280
PC Downloads 2,514

Graphical programming environment

Max gives you the parts to create unique sounds, stunning visuals, and engaging interactive media. These parts are called 'objects' – visual boxes that contain tiny programs to do something specific. Each object does something different. Some make noises, some make video effects, others just do simple calculations or make decisions. In Max you add objects to a visual canvas and connect them together with patchcords. You can use as many as you like. By combining objects, you create interactive and unique software without ever writing any code (you can do that too if you really want to). Just connect.
Objects that Connect

With native support for a wide variety of controllers and devices, Max lets you connect anything together.
- Add live camera or audio input to create an immersive...
Max gives you the parts to create unique sounds, stunning visuals, and engaging interactive media. These parts are called 'objects' – visual boxes that contain tiny programs to do something specific. Each object does something different. Some make noises, some make video effects, others just do simple calculations or make decisions. In Max you add objects to a visual canvas and connect them together with patchcords. You can use as many as you like. By combining objects, you create interactive and unique software without ever writing any code (you can do that too if you really want to). Just connect.
Objects that Connect

With native support for a wide variety of controllers and devices, Max lets you connect anything together.
- Add live camera or audio input to create an immersive and interactive experience.
- Attach sensors to your Max using Arduino, Eobody or other devices.
- Plug in MIDI devices and USB gaming controllers to control things exactly the way you want to.
- Combine a variety of devices and software together using MIDI, serial communication, or network protocols like OpenSoundControl to create hybrid systems.
- Collaborate using OpenSoundControl across a local network with other computers or OSC-enabled mobile apps.

The diverse tools and accessible interface has made Max an indispensible tool in a variety of disciplines where realtime media and interactivity are needed. Here are things people near you are doing with Max.
- Electronic Musicians use Max to develop unique sound-making tools, unusual instruments, and custom performance systems.
- Live Visualists use Jitter and Vizzie tools to create images that respond to sound and other inputs.
- Exhibition Designers develop rich, educational exhibits that engage museum visitors.
- Interactive Media Artists combine technologies that sense the environment with responsive Max patches to entertain and challenge the viewer.
- Scientists and Researchers use the quick prototyping and compatibility of Max to develop experiments and record data.
- Public Artists and Architects use Max to develop enhanced public spaces.
- Video Game Developers and Sound Designers use Max to prototype game sound, develop custom toolchains, and test new controller prototypes.
Mac OS X 10.7 (or later)
Windows 7 (or later)
Max Max v 7.3.4 Jun 3, 2017 MacOS X Intel
Attrui / nslider / tab: fixed memory leak
BEAP: miscellaneous fixes
Debugging: fixed error when patch cord is disabled
Export amxd from Project: device appropriately frozen
fpic: no longer grows when force aspect is on
Install: Max starts normally on other user accounts (Windows)
jit.anim.path: no longer crashes on 'next' message / fix for strange behavior with capture @cull_mode 2 to finds model file in Project when using @file attr in object box / : mat_diffuse is appropriately applied to all instances fixed crash when second argument is > 10 fixed drawing with certain rotatexyz values fixed capture output when sent directly to syphon fix recursion crashes due to user error when setting layer and child attributes fixed issues with only setting a @min param fixed crash when changing subdiv attribute fixed errors when processing texture from capturing misc bug fixes
jit.grab: fixed clear message fixed unique behavior with still images no longer outputs after 'dispose' and @unique is set to 1 restarts after stop when rate is set to -1 fixed usage in Max For Live
jit.phys: fixed crash when filter count arg exceeds 10
jit.playlist AVF engine: fixed playback when playing clip slot that is not looped
jit.pwindow / OpenGL: fixes for rendering in Max For Live if certain vst plugs are loaded
jit.pwindow: fixed use in bpatcher
jit.record: fixed misaligned planes for certain dims
jit.rubix: fix crash with 64 bit and fix all warnings
Jitter OpenGL: fixed invisible GL contexts in windows
Jitter OpenGL: fixed 'turn' message errors
Jitter: fix for software rendering with matrix context on Windows
live.remote~ / gen~: fixed threading issues that was causing Live UI freezing
Max For Live: fixed issues when clicking 'edit' in device toolbar
maxurl: stability fixes
midiformat: pitch bend input is constrained
mira.frame: added to standalones
miraweb multislider: size attribute is updated in browser when changed with list input
Patching: color is not retained when duplicating more than once
Patching: Fixed crash when deleting patch cord
pattrstorage: improved state recall and subscription list updates
peak / trough: second inlet is hot
playlist~: Fixed file ordering when dragging/dropping a folder
playlist~: Playback properly continues after 'remove' message
qlist: ‘fwd’ message with arg no longer freezes Max
qlist: ‘set’ message appropriately uses arguments
seq: fixed crash when reading saved text file
Standalones: improvements for signing issues
VIDDLL engine: fixes for memory leaks, a rework of 'File Open' functionality & misc other updates
VIDDLL: Can now play pcm audio files
VIDDLL: Fixed crash when audio-only files are loaded
VIDDLL: Fixed photo-jpeg output_texture
VIDDLL: Improved support for prores codecs
vst~ / character encoding: fixed charset issues when reloading Max patchers with VST snapshots
Cycling '74 Max Max v 7.3.3 Mar 4, 2017 MacOS X Intel
Fixed Bugs:

pattrstorage: Fixed issues with subscription list initialization/save (fixes Sonic Faction Hypermorph Live Pack)
seq: fixed issue with 'write' message absolute path arguments
seq: fixed multi track save issues with type 1 MIDI files
vst~: fixed plugin path garbage characters in context of pattrstorage / parameters
Cycling '74 Max v 7.3.2 Feb 19, 2017 MacOS X Intel
New Features:

AVF grab: allow capturing connected iOS device
Gen: gen.chucker~, gen~.gcd_and_lcm, gen~.interpolation, gen~.interpolation.splinecurve, gen~.routing examples new heightmap_mode attribute support for capturing to texture non-automatic objects via “begin_capture” notification / new rectangle attribute
jit.vcr: support for audio bitrate options (see help patcher)
Max: 'clearmaxwindow' message to Max
Projects: sort files within sections in Project window via attribute in Project Inspector
seq/follow: supports Type 1 standard MIDI files

Fixed Bugs:

AVF grab: fix for some crashes
combine: fixed crash with 'list' input
Database: fix for crash on startup when a corrupt obj-qlookup.json file is in a pacakge interfaces folder Negative int values are preserved
embedded bpatcher: new view window sized appropriately
Gen: param declaration as an attribute in object box no longer gives error
groove~: lock 1 no longer causes playback distortion
jit.matrixset: fixed 'read' in 64 bit mode
jit.matrixset: fixed exportmovie with AVF engine (forces VIDDLL usage) fix for wrong height value return on getmoviedim on win 64 fixed flatten in place / jitter crash
jit.record avf engine: fixed overwriting existing files
jit.streak / jit.sprinkle: now work in 64 bit
Jitter colormodes: fixes for AVF and VIDDLL colormodes
JS: fixed issues with tasks from a non-jsthis-bound callback
JS: fixed XMLHttpRequest intermittent crash
JSUI: fixed setpixel method
live.remote~: fixed stack corruption and possible threading issues
Max For Live: fixed conditions for when automation would become disabled
MFL Crash Recovery: fixed
MFL devices / amxd~: only freeze AMXDs when they have been frozen before
MFL devices: Fixed issue with deactivated devices not outputting any sound when they have been hot-swapped/replaced
MIDI setup: improvements to disabling MIDI ports
mira.frame: arbitrary frame size attribute (for Miraweb only)
Packages: removing a package also removes its enabled/disabled state from the prefs
pattrhub: eliminated unnecessary error message
pattrstorage: improved performance when using @subscribemode
seq: when file is not found, correctly posts error and no longer opens a file open dialog window
Snapshots: fixed save issues
spectroscope~: fixed crash under special conditions
spray: works with symbols
vst~: implement 'get -11' to return the count of user presets, as documented
develop Max v 7.3.1 Oct 23, 2016 MacOS X Intel
Codebox: Fixed autocompile
live.object: fixed 'type' message parsing (which also fixes Push "takeover" mode issues)
MFL parameters: eliminated memory leak with Blobs
jitlib: fix for using hapQ files on Mac OS
create Max v 7.3.0 Oct 13, 2016 MacOS X Intel
New Features:

live.remote~: smoothing attribute and ramp messages (requires Live 9.7 or higher)
Java: support on Mac x64 for Java versions other than the legacy Apple Java
Max paths: 'usermax' points to '~/Documents/Max 7' on both platforms
Max / Max For Live: can now launch without Java installed

Fixed Bugs:

File / Ref Browser: no longer uses port 7474
Gen Code Export: Improvements for ARM processors
Gen codebox: fixed command + click crash in unlocked patcher render draw bang is correctly output when @visible 0
Max paths: '~/' appropriately points to user home on Windows
MFL additional texture_output fixes

Other Changes:

Gen Code Export: Updated License
connect Max v 7.2.5 Sep 17, 2016 MacOS X Intel
Fixed Bugs:

hi: fixed 64bit usage
jit.expr: fixed functors for 64 bit fixed for Mac El Capitan OS works in a standalone
Max For Live fixed texture_output glitches in Live in certain situations
MIDI: deleted devices are properly hidden from the UI and @name attribute
mpeparse: correct zone number in mpeevent output for channel pressure events
playbar: only bangs if @automatic is set to '0'
plot~: redraws properly after a buffer~'s size is changed
polymidiin: properly outputs all cc/pitchbend messages
VIDDLL fixed crash when asyncread sent with movie file already loaded
VIDDLL fixed issue with certain gifs when @output_texture is enabled
interactive Max v 7.2.4 Jul 31, 2016 MacOS X Intel
New Features:

Mira: supports USB connectivity (Mac only)
Mira: misc bug fixes and Max 7 compatibility
mpeparse: @index attribute to set mpeparse to output only on the specified voice number (from 1 to 15)
mpeparse: added third release velocity value for note output
mpeparse: accepts 'mpeevent' messages
MIDI: @name attribute to set the object's MIDI port based on a device name (case-sensitive partial string match)
VIDDLL video engine: can set ffmpeg options via dictionary input
VIDDLL video engine: jit.record & jit.vcr functionality
VIDDLL video engine: asyncread to read movie files in a background thread
VIDDLL video engine: loadram caches frames in a background thread (BETA)
VIDDLL video engine: external for sending movie files with audio tracks to MSP (BETA)
VIDDLL video engine: support for animated GIFs
VIDDLL video engine: support for reading from URLs

Fixed Bugs:

AVF video engine: fixed blackmagic crash when Blackmagic UltraStudio Mini-Monitor is plugged in
date: reports correct time / date
Gen codebox: appropriately locked in abstraction
Gen codebox: no longer replaced by default genpatcher on save (when hosted in poly~)
jit.grab/ fixed output_texture crash when enabled without valid gl context more consistency in behavior on loop end across video engines fix for non-unique output on VIDDLL and AVF engines
live.param~: now uses a 64 sample buffer to avoid distortion / zippering
Max For Live: fixed deadlock when freezing a device
MIDI input ports: properly registers Novation Launchpad multi-ports
Packages: fixed multi-arch packages on windows 32 bit OS
pictctrl: no longer ignores offset
serial: fixed crash when chunk attribute is > 1 (Win only)
devices Max v 7.2.3 May 17, 2016 MacOS X Intel
Fixed Bugs
  • autocomplete: no longer fails with delete key on Windows and fn+delete on Mac

  • AVF video engine: fixed movie load frame bug fix

  • dict: right inlet is properly ‘cold’

  • Gen: Code panel brackets expressions properly

  • Gen: delay operator ref appears in sidebar

  • gen~: further fixes for samplerate in exported code

  • jit.grab: Fixed fallback to dx engine

  • jit.matrix: importmovie fixes for VIDDLL engine

  • fixed crash with some m4v files and viddll engine

  • Jitter: Windows no longer requires Quicktime

  • Max For Live: fixed OpenGL-related crash when un-freezing some amxd devices

  • normalize~: fixed large value output miscalculation

  • Rewire: msprewiredevice.bundle back in installer

  • sfplay~ / buffer~: fixed issues with read / import mp3 in 64 bit when OS language is Polish

  • spigot~: fixed crash on Windows x86 when Quicktime is not installed

  • VIDDLL: properly found and used when included in standalone

  • VIZZIE / BEAP toolbar mini browser: fixed crash when scrolling mousewheel or two-finger swipe
  • download Max v 7.2.2 Apr 21, 2016 MacOS X Intel
    New Features:
  • Factory media: updated media movie files for better compatibility with VIDDLL

  • Gen: dattorro reverb example

  • help and ref: updated for new video engines

  • nslider: added @staffs attribute for display of staff lines

  • Package Manager: factory package updates, ratings, new toolbar item, etc

  • poly~: new @mpemode attribute for direct voice allocation based on MPE voice from mpeevent message

  • VIDDLL: Included in factory install and is the default video engine for Windows

  • Fixed Tickets:
  • buffer~: removed artificial 250 channel limit

  • Crash recovery: restores subpatcher changes

  • gen~: division optimization

  • gen~: fixed usage of loop iterator for poke() channel index

  • jit.pwindow: fixed crash in MFL when loadbanging fsaa and interp attributes

  • kslider: fixed polyphonic mode deselection issues

  • Max DB: fixed missing files in internal Packages

  • Max For Live Devices: movie files can be found in frozen amxd

  • MIDI: multiple midi devices of the same type are given a ‘#’ suffix

  • packages: .maxzip files are not added to ‘Recent’ menu, but the unzipped Project is

  • parameter: fixed crash when deferring output

  • parameter: fixed crash when deferring output

  • pipe: fixed crash with lots of floats

  • poly~: fixed ‘bad number’ error from note messages with symbols

  • poly~: fixed ‘target 0’ float input issues

  • poly~: fixed crash with midinote message when a bogus patcher is used

  • prototypes/styles: now saved to ~/Documents/Max 7/

  • standalone: fix for ‘fileusage’ problem when building a collective from a patcher

  • standalone: fixed numerous Jitter errors related to jit.gen, and friends

  • standalone: viddll.engine properly found when included in standalone

  • VIDDLL: fix for toggling output_texture and minor updates

  • VIDDLL: improved playback when looping, reverse, palindrome, etc
  • mac Max v 7.2.0 Mar 3, 2016 MacOS X Intel
    New Features:

    New Tutorials: Video & Graphics (found under Help->Reference->Documentation Home, links on the bottom of the left grey 'Contents' sidebar)
    Multidimensional Polyphonic Expression (MPE) support:
    midiparse / midiformat: @hires attribute to output a two-byte list to set high-resolution (14-bit) pitch bend output
    mpeconfig: Configure MIDI devices that support MPE
    mpeformat: prepare MPE-compatible MIDI messages
    mpeparse: Interpret and parse raw MPE data (similar to midiparse)
    polymidiin: Output MPE MIDI data in a patcher loaded by poly~
    poly~: @midimode attribute to send MIDI events to all voices
    poly~: @zone attribute for setting the MPE 'zone' that the poly~ will listen to (the default is to ignore zones)
    vst~: accepts 'mpeevent' message to handle MPE data

    Fixed Bugs:

    amxd~ / vst~ snapshots: check mark appropriately changes after new snapshot is added
    deferlow: no longer breaks 'stdlist' behavior (autofanning of lists to object inlets)
    dict.print: no longer changes dictionary if it contains strings
    function: documented mousemode and mousereport
    gen~: fix for gen~ curve~ emulation in the case of the curvature being zero
    gen~: fixed delay time calculations (spline/cubic delayed by proper amount and @feedback 0 works)
    gen~: fixed subpatchers reverting to default gen patcher issue fixed errors when sending texture to emission and heightmap inlets autonormals works with large dims
    jit.matrix: fixed exportimage memory leak
    jit.matrix: png image import correctly calculates alpha channel outputs file name on read failure
    jsui: fixed crash when parameter enabled (x64)
    live.dial: fixed mousing in 'enum' mode
    live.step added 'next' message
    live.step: added 'getcurrentstep' message
    live.step: dump_to_dict properly contains interval
    live.step: set message properly et the targeted sequence
    Max For Live: device development path respected in Max
    Max For Live: fixed / jit.pwindow memory leak after open / close in Max editor
    Max For Live: pattr in parameter mode properly outputs value when @_parameter_linknames is set to 1
    Max For Live Device Project: amxdtype attr is correct for default / old devices
    Max For Live Devices: SVGs appropriately deleted from User/Temp folder (Win only)
    Max For Live parameters: blob param fixes
    Max For Live parameters: automation optimizations
    maxurl: always process incoming headers
    playlist~ / jit.playlist: improved memory leak issues
    objects explorer: filters duplicates
    parameter: fixed problem when typing values into parameter box UI
    Parameters: fixed deferred parameter output
    seq: fixed crash on reading text files
    Side Bar: minimization behavior improvements
    standalone: fixed crash when building project
    standalone: no longer creates a ~/Documents/Max 7 folder
    toolbar calendar: fixed week start
    vst~: snapshot message works as expected when changing file name
    windows Max v 7.1 Dec 17, 2015 MacOS X Intel
    macintosh Max v 7.0.4 Jun 25, 2015 MacOS X Intel
    New Features:

    Beap: help files for all modules
    Gen: code export improvements
    gen~: added creepyreverb example
    jit.grab: native Blackmagic driver implementation
    message: added dontrestore attribute to clear contents on save/close/etc
    nslider: can use note names for input
    Preferences: added preference to disable adding saved patchers to the search path

    Fixed Bugs:

    amxd~: parameters can be changed with messages on Windows x64
    avf / grabbr: fixed crash when setting input attr / when instantiating vizzie abstraction
    bpatcher: properly keeps reference to abstraction when there is a space in the patcher name
    coll: fixed writeagain message memory leak
    coll: nsub message pushes to jit.cellblock
    crash recovery: fixed problems for patchers containing mira objects
    crash recovery: no longer fails to recreate patch cords to subpatchers in some situations
    dict: export_json no longer forces the extension
    dict: pattr properly stores state on save
    dict.route: fix for not matching identical dicts after whitespace change in jed
    dict.route: fixed syntax / matching issues
    dirac: now named ZTX
    Doc / File Browser: fixed minor deletion bugs
    Doc Browser: sidebar link generation works when target has no text
    File Browser: fixed blue drag and drop highlight sticky-ness
    File Browser: fixed jitter-examples/render and jitter-examples/javascript/render naming conflict
    Gen: generated code in Code sidebar is properly bracketed
    gen: prefix/classname/namespace that's added to gen~ exportcode struct and API
    gen~: fixed amxd crash
    gen~: fixed compile fail with "call to fasterpow is ambiguous"
    gen~: function declaration
    groove~: ‘set’ message fixes
    groove~/play~: fixed clicks when buffer reference is changed and in overdrive/siai
    Installer: fixed warnings in Chrome browser
    jit.dx.grab: @adapt functionality
    jit.dx.grab: output_texture support fixed mouse interaction when bound to
    jit.graph: fixed clearit attribute
    jit.matrix: avf engine properly displays large still images
    jit.matrix: importmovie with avf backend now properly handles single plane matrices
    jit.matrix: updates to exportimage reference to better reflect current functionality fixed dispose message to properly free movie file output_texture no longer outputs blue frame immediately after reading file
    jit.phys.picker: fixed touch message toggling fsaa no longer breaks escape fullscreen on Yosemite
    live.drop: fixed crash when freed (Win only)
    live.gain~: fixed graphical glitches with inlets / outlets
    live.step: dump_to_dict contains interval
    Max For Live: device width no longer changes on re-save
    Max For Live: fixed dragging width of "defined initial window position"
    Max For Live: fixed maxurl-related crash
    parameter: display device-only attributes in patchers opened from the device project
    playlist~: fixed pitchshift reset problems
    project: unfreezing no longer causes creation of a nested device folder
    Projects: adding a JSON file no longer tries to create a patcher
    Projects: dependencies are found when project is out of search path
    Projects: ensure that project-based patchers aren't added to the search path
    Projects: new files will be written directly into their correct category folders on creation
    Projects: reads .lua files
    Reference: enum descriptions are properly rendered
    retune~: properly respects pitches
    serial: sending 'open' message after valid port selection no longer kills connection (Win only)
    sflist~: sound files no longer cut off
    sfplay~: fixed clicks when re-enabling time stretching
    standalone: fixed issue where two instances of patcher would open on startup when built from a Project
    Styles: no longer makes copies of styles when saving patcher
    Text Editor: can paste into find bar text field (Windows only)
    pc Max v 7.0.3 Apr 3, 2015 MacOS X Intel
    Fixed Bugs:

    curve~: fixed crash when ramp time is 0
    ezdac~: fix for @local attribute fixed crash when receiving matricies of unexpected plane count
    Max For Live: Fixed compatibility issues with Mac OS 10.10.3
    serialosc.js: misc fix
    Max v 6.1.10 Apr 3, 2015 MacOS X Intel

    cycle~: offset arg works correctly when referencing a buffer using an arg that is not 16K
    javascript: fixed crash when declaring a function in a new Task
    Max For Live: Fixed compatibility issues with Mac OS 10.10.3
    udpreceive: fixed object_retain/release/free crashes
    Max v 7.0.2 Mar 13, 2015 MacOS X Intel
    New Features:

  • Beap New Modules: Poisson, One Shot, Freq Shifter

  • Beap Updates: Keyboard, Karplus, Mixer, Karakuls, Harmonic

  • database: added fallback database and db rebuilding progress indicator

  • dict in js: ‘getsize’ and ‘gettype’ methods

  • gen~ new operators: t60, t60time, slide, phi, elapsed, voice, round.

  • jit.gen: mixed matrix format input

  • ability to output collisions dictionary from

  • Jitter Gen new operators: nearestpix, samplepix

  • Max For Live: allow Live to authorize Max 7

  • Preferences: ‘lockdown’ message to thispatcher

  • Preferences: "Check for updates automatically" Max preference (enabled by default)

  • Preferences: URL Proxy preference to override system proxy settings for jweb and maxurl

  • umenu: @allowdrag attribute

  • Vizzie: modules now have an on/off toolbar

  • Fixed Bugs:

  • About Max window: added title to window

  • amxd~ in project: fixed internal project conflicts with parent

  • amxd~: save as project no longer results in extraneous and corrupt patcher files

  • amxd~: silenced "latency" error

  • amxd~: dspstate~ outputs status

  • amxd~: MIDI works regardless of DSP status

  • amxd~: patchername attr no longer lists name twice

  • audio file drag: no longer causes purple border in locked patch after the fact

  • Audio toolbar browser: faster opening when many files are present

  • borax: correctly calculates duration output when in an edited MFL device

  • CEF: can remove CEF for smaller standalone apps

  • click~: fixed differences in Max 7 vs Max 6.1.9 with SIAI

  • curve~: no longer bangs on tempo change

  • dict: fixed crash when "," is used as a key

  • dict: support ‘get’ message with int arg

  • dict: write/export message no longer adds .maxpat before the .json extension

  • dict/coll: properly reads on Live set load

  • dictionary: improvements for names that contain non-terminal brackets

  • Documentation Browser: documents on a non-system drive can be rendered

  • Documentation Browser: disabled cmd+click on navigation links

  • Encapsulation: background color no longer changes with objects that have text color changes

  • Export to Max Device: exported device no longer remains open, invisible

  • ezdac~: reflects DSP state in amxd~

  • Factory styles: added bgfillcolors

  • File Browser: can add new files to a pre-existing collection

  • File Browser: collection sub categories properly show up

  • file browser: fixed query errors when recalling saved searches of "Recently Added"

  • File Browser: nested popouts for sidebar entries

  • File Browser: fixed sidebar pop up overflow

  • filewatch: fixed crash when starting filewatcher multiple times

  • flonum: displays properly in Mira

  • Format palette: fixed extra characters in tooltips (Win only)

  • Gen / poly~: fixed memory corruption and crash when saving poly~ patcher containing gen~

  • Gen: Allow reserved words as param names

  • Gen: fix for setting title on gen subpatchers via first argument

  • Gen: fixed crash on gendsp use when the ‘require’ is outside codebox

  • Gen: genpatcher contents no longer revert to default when the same patch is open

  • gen~: crash in M4L if device has error on first load

  • gen~: fixed crash on starting audio

  • gen~: fixed link errors on code export

  • gen~: function declaration error improvements

  • Genpatcher: fixed using z / shift-z keys for zoom

  • groove~: sync improvements when timestreching is on

  • Help Menu: improvements for using key command to open Ref Browser

  • incdec: fixed arrow visiblity (Win)

  • Inspector: better positioning for color palette

  • Inspector: standalone inspector window works on windows

  • Javascript: fixed errors when attempting to convert non UTF-8 characters when converting patcher to project

  • Javascript: fixed errant open dialog after save

  • Javascript: fixed misc Task crashes

  • fixed issues with ctrl + mouse drag (Win x64 only)

  • fix for use when enable is set to 0 initially

  • fixes for shadows and hierarchical jit.anim.nodes

  • proper shape for shadows when OB3D rotatexyz is set to -90 0 0

  • disabled objects no longer cast shadows

  • fixed double-click to open text window

  • fixed position issues

  • jit.grab: @automatic support on Windows

  • AVF and uyvy with @adapt 0 no longer causes x-dim of video to be halved on read

  • avf/qt engine audio file usage consistency

  • clear and dispose messages works for avf engine

  • jit.op: fixed crash when @op is not followed by an arg

  • jit.pwindow: @shared attribute is persistent

  • jit.vcr: fixed glitches and audio / video sync issues

  • jit.window: fixed issue when toggling visible attribute

  • jit.window / fixed @fsaa 1 on Mac OS 10.10+

  • / fixed add to context bug

  • fixed worldtoscreen/screentoworld message handlers

  • join: fix for ‘set’ message with no arguments

  • kslider: note border is visible in Mira

  • Latest Support Information: opens in system’s default browser

  • Lessons: can be opened from File Browser, and non-lesson files are hidden

  • live.grid: fixed matrix mode multitouch crash

  • live.text: activebgcolor alpha of 0 no longer makes png invisible

  • Max For Live: fixed audio issues after starting audio in another patcher

  • Max For Live: fix width takes the view size in to account

  • Max For Live: fixed issues with exporting audio in Live

  • maxdb: AU plugins are no longer harvested on every restart of Max

  • metro: @active fires in MFL editor

  • metro: fixed lag when opening windows and using quantization (scheduler issues)

  • mira: increased package version to 1.1.18, now factory externals

  • Morphing Sequencer BEAP: fixed crash when deleting

  • mousestate: mode 2 accounts for toolbars

  • fixed multiple captures from

  • multislider: fixed reverse line scroll issues (Win only)

  • nslider: fixed making a preset in polyphonic mode

  • number: fixed Mira issues

  • number: renamed attribute mouseup to mousefilter

  • Object autocompletion: popup dismissed when patcher is not frontmost

  • OpenGL: fixed FBO errors when adding pwindows to MRT scene

  • OpenGL: fixed GL errors posted when context freed (Win only)

  • OpenGL: optimizations for how gl objects are added to their contexts (p/window,, matrix, gl.node)

  • panel: fixed bgcolor change crash

  • Patch cords: fixed problem where multiple duplicate patch cords can persist in a patcher

  • Patcher browser: removed duplicate entries

  • Patching: fixed issues with shift+drag on patch cord handle

  • pattrstorage: ‘write’ message can be triggered directly from the write operation of a pattrstorage

  • pattrstorage: fixed ‘no such file in collective’ error message in standalones

  • pattrstorage: fixed crash when closing patcher and audio is on

  • pattrstorage: storage window ‘interp’ column is wider

  • Performance: fixed interface slowness when large data is in the clipboard

  • phasor~: @lock 1 no longer drifts out of sync when signal vector is small

  • play~: plays entire sample when changing buffer by "set" message w/ SIAI

  • playlist: remembers file usage in standalones

  • playlist~: ‘append’ without arguments brings up dialog

  • playlist~: fixed ‘integer out of sound file range’ playback issue

  • playlist~: fixed crash when changing selection and speed

  • Preferences: "Import Patches Using Default Values" no longer dirties patchers on open

  • Projects: newly-added files appropriately get a filewatcher

  • Projects: suppress autoorganize if there are open specs

  • Projects: new JS file properly saved

  • Reference Browser: fixed key command usage

  • Reference Browser: fixed opening of object reference from inside some help patchers

  • Reference page / helpfile: objects can have help and ref fallbacks (JS/JSUI/etc)

  • scale~: fixed problems when calculating non-exponential output under certain circumstances

  • scope~: y axis is no longer reverted in xy mode

  • serial: improve iteration and connection strategy for devices on Windows

  • serial: permit output in timer thread

  • sflist~: fixed crash on Windows

  • sflist~: no longer cuts playback of audio files

  • sfplay~: fixed crash/hang when playing preloaded cues with close loop points

  • Snapshots: fixed possible crash when restoring from undo history

  • Standalones: collective is placed in Resources (Mac)

  • stretch~: fixed crash when deleteing referenced buffer~ while stretching

  • stretch~: fixed hang when changing quality during stretch

  • stretch~: fixed issues with multiple stretches when using buffer~ import

  • styles: no longer reset when typing in the object box

  • table: fixed issues with saved / recalled data (Win x64 only)

  • table: keeps range after second table with same name is created

  • textedit: imports textcolor properly

  • thispatcher: wclose properly asks to save dirty subpatcher (Win x64 only)

  • Toolbar Browsers: can click above patcher browser windows to close them

  • udpreceive: fixed object_retain/release/free crash

  • umenu: improved drag and drop behavior for legacy patches

  • umenu: mira fixes

  • umenu: properly saves compatibility bgcolor

  • vectral~: multiple instances work

  • Vizzie / Beap patcher toolbar browsers: fixed "sticky" categories

  • vst~: transport location synced

  • vst~: fixed audiounit crash when setting a menu parameter bigger than 1

  • vst~/amxd~: fixed ‘open’ message with window coordinate arguments

  • waveform~: improved drag & drop behavior for legacy patches
  • Max v 7.0.1 Dec 4, 2014 MacOS X Intel
    Fixed Bugs:

    audio file drag and drop: drag in locked patcher no longer causes purple border after the fact
    AVF video backend: fixed memory leak / crash
    bpatcher: fixed ui interaction issues with offsets and clickthrough
    buffer~: fixed issues with resizing buffer~ while recording
    calendar: fixed crash after opening a file in stream view
    comment: background color from a style is properly applied
    crash recovery: fixed issue for when there is nothing to recover
    dial: fixed drawing issues
    dict: documentation of js usage
    Doc Browser: properly escapes apostrophes and other characters
    docs: can open help files from refpages where helpfile name !== .maxhelp
    File Browser: sidebar is resizable
    filebrowser: proper path for bookmark when dropping folder from secondary volume to sidebar
    filebrowser: renaming collection snippet no longer removes it from the collection
    filebrowser: sidebar pop ups properly scroll on overflow
    filewatch: fixes for (some) paths containing accented characters
    gen patcher: snippets browser lists collections alphabetically
    Gen: clicking file->save while in the embedded gen offers 'save as' dialog
    Gen: double click on [in] and [out] in gen brings parent patcher forward
    Gen: fix for filename arg on gen subpatchers not being used
    Gen: fix for issues with gen subpatcher loading
    Gen: fix for Params when not connected with patchcords
    Gen: fixed problems with require
    gen~: fix for buffer not compiling due to missing symbols and prototype
    gen~: fixed codegen error with splat due to re-use of local variable name
    GenExpr: code that buffer is dependent on is not erroneously deleted
    groove~: buffer is properly cleared when timestretch is on
    groove~: loop points/loop start work with timestretch enabled
    inspector: fixed section header under 32-bit
    inspector: standalone inspector on Windows works
    inspector: restrict title bar size fixed @cache_mode vertexbuffer usage support for velocity render target MRT works with @adapt 0
    jit.grab: avf unique output_texture works as expected
    jit.phys.picker with fixed issues when modified by
    jit.record: fixed avf engine error in Max Console @hi-res 1 no longer posts "invalid object" message to the Max console fixed drawto attribute
    Lessons: bar captions properly disappear
    Max application: can rename
    Max Console: additional fix for mystery white columns
    maxdb: AU plugins are no longer reharvested on every restart of Max
    maxdb: files in subfolders of package aliases are properly harvested as package files
    maxdb: fixed harvesting metadata from plugins with a ' in the manufacturer name
    meter~: fixed orientation issues
    MFL editor: toolbars can be customized
    MFL MuBu device: fixed crash on load
    nslider: note color properly changed when setting patcher style
    number: properly converts values when switching between integer and decimal
    pach cords: implement revert to default for color
    Paste From: fixed conflicts with clippings and snippets in the same package
    patcher font: change is properly reflected in attrui, umenu, tab, textedit
    Patcher Inspector: fixed crash when clicking on 'show in reference'
    patching: click on inlet/outlet creates a connection even with segmented cords off
    path: fixes for OSX aliases on Yosemite
    playlist: added notifications for starting playback
    reference sidebar: section headers have gradient
    Rewire: misc fixes
    saveas dialog from patcher: removed entries for files we don't directly save
    scheduler: SIAI improvements
    sidebar: disabled in floating / nogrow windows
    snippets patcher browser: fixed status view for files
    snippets: conversion utility for clippings
    snippets: fixed crash when editing/saving a snippet with no contents
    snippets: fixed drag/drop from a non-known snippets location
    snippets: save notification / browser link appears longer in toolbar
    standalone: no longer crash on startup (Win)
    stretch~: fixed crash or hang when deleted while stretching
    subpatchers: pin state is saved
    Templates: first-time template creation properly updates menus
    Templates: subpatcher grid settings saved properly
    text fields: Max no longer crashes when hiding textfield attributes
    textbutton: fix for jspainter usage
    Toolbars: fixed double object creation issue
    typeroute~: added refpage
    umenu: arrow attribute is back
    umenu: fixed dropdown menu appearance in Mira with Max 7
    umenu: imports Max 4 colors properly
    umenu: popupmenu uses specified font
    umenu: setcheck always draws
    User Docs folder: fixed issues when username contains accented characters
    vst~: fixed crash when pressing recall directly after dropping
    wave~: fixed error when using @interp attr in the box
    Max v 7.0 Nov 14, 2014 MacOS X Intel
    Max v 6.1.9 Oct 28, 2014 MacOS X Intel

    closebang / freebang: no longer crashes when using to close Max
    Dict: embedded dict appropriately dirties the patcher
    Gen & MFL: fixed memory corruption triggered during editing of amxd with gen~
    Gen: caching respects connection count
    Gen: fix for .genexpr not loading
    Gen: fix for gendsp use when the 'require' is outside codebox
    Gen: fixed crash when param name has non-alpha-numeric character
    Gen: fixed crash when editing nested genpatcher via Modify-Read-Only
    Gen: fixed inlet creation issues in Max For Live context (and more)
    Gen: fixed inlet/outlet and crashing isssues (gen_patcher_load)
    gen~: fixed pfft usage
    gen~: fixed samplerate in nested poly~
    Inspector: fixed crash when hovering over "boxtextinfo" attribute
    Jitter Gen: respects the block level of declared values
    Max For Live: fixed dict save bug
    Max For Live: re-instate Java check
    Parameters: fix for parameter list corruption
    Parameters: fix invalid focus crash when deleting objects under certain circumstances
    pattrstorage: fixed writexml crashes
    regexp: fixed memory leak
    udpreceive: improved crash protection
    vst~: fix for invalid memory access of plugin program and presetname
    vst~: improvements to parameter change audio 'clicking' artifacts
    Max v 6.1.8 Aug 8, 2014 MacOS X Intel
    New Features:

  • Gen: Compilation optimizations

  • Gen: Gen editing included for all Max users


  • detonate: misc fixes

  • dict: memory leak fixes

  • Gen: creating project with .gendsp dependencies works as expected

  • gswitch: no longer changes input selection when receiving a bang in the right inlet

  • ISF export no longer fails with dim operator

  • js sqlite: request to fetch out-of-range results no longer crashes

  • JS: fixed DB access (fixes get_plugs.js for vst usage)

  • kernel: removed QtKit and Quicktime Frameworks for Mac App Store compatibility

  • matrixctrl: no longer complains about missing default images

  • maxurl: allows the setting of a proxy server

  • maxurl: misc fixes

  • Max For Live: fixed crash in Max for Live editor with poly~

  • Max For Live: fixed crash on unfreeze with certain devices

  • Max For Live: removed Java dependencies on OSX

  • Max For Live: ‘set’ message to Live UI objects no longer causes output

  • Multithreaded memory and symbol performance improvements

  • objects: dict, attrui, genpatcher, glstatus, etc, properly marked as factory externals

  • packages: makes a folder for Packages when Max is opened

  • pattrstorage: fixed cpu issues during modulation

  • pong~: attribute order fixes

  • Projects: app building properly includes gen~ abstractions

  • round: right inlet is now shown as cold

  • textedit: fix for random crashes

  • umenu: ‘set’ message accepts float as documented

  • Windows: keyboard shortcuts for the save dialog when closing a dirty patcher
  • Max v 6.1.7 Apr 23, 2014 MacOS X Intel
    New Features:

    Gen: added subpatcher message to gen subpatchers
    Gen: ISF export to gen patchers (see Gen Code Export ISF Wiki Article)
    maxurl: wrapper around libcurl that can perform HTTP requests
    poly~: prevents opening window if subpatcher was saved with the window open


    audio bitwise objects: work the same on all architectures
    buffer~: fixed 4th arg to the 'read' message so that a '0' will resize the number of channels
    buffer~: fixed behavior of 'replace' to resize the number of channels in addition to the length
    buffer~: fixed crashing on 'importreplace'
    buffer~: writes raw data
    coll: improvements for very long entries
    dict: 'contains' works with heirarchy
    dict: fix for not wrapping symbols in quotes if the symbol starts with a digit
    dict: fixed crashing when setting a value at an invalid array position
    dict: fixed memory leak
    dict: improved error reporting when using 'set'
    dict: improved syntax parsing when quotes are used
    dict.pack: added name argument
    gen~: fixed gate operator compilation under certain circumstances enabling @capture no longer affects the color of gl objects fix for cell operator
    jit.phys.body: no longer loses child shapes when enable toggled or shape changed
    jit.phys.ghost: fixed crash with colliding ghost objects
    jit.phys.multiple: @shape attribute no longer is reset when receiving a new mesh_matrix
    jit.release~: fixed possible hang on free
    jit.turtle: fixed crash / memory corruption
    jsui: new Image from graphics context preserves alpha
    kslider: fixed potential memory corruption
    live.drop: fixed spurious 'Attempting to convert non UTF-8 characters' warning
    live.drop: restores protected sample presets
    Max For Live: misc fixes for parameter blob recall and freeing
    Max For Live: reading of encrypted samples now works in 64-bit mode
    Max For Live: undo gesture improvements
    mxj: no longer crashes when it can't find a class
    number/flonum: no longer stops scrolling in bpatcher
    object defaults: fixed dialog box when saving settings
    Packages: Extensions folder can contain mxe64 files
    Packages: extras folders now added to the searchpath
    patchcord menu: 'delete' no longer removes text in object box
    poke~: fixed crash when there is no valid buffer
    poke~: fixed sound distortion issues
    polybuffer~: numeric sorting for channel in window
    pong: fixed fold mode
    pong~: properly reads attributes
    pow~: no longer sends NaNs or denormals
    Projects: app building includes gen~ abstractions
    Quicktime: removed API calls from Max kernel
    transport: fixed bar count with uneven time signatures
    uzi: middle outlet no longer stops firing under certain circumstances
    vst~: fixed cpu spike with pitchbend updates
    vst~: fixed midi out note velocity
    waveform~: fixed redrawing issue with channeloffset
    Max v 6.1.6 Dec 13, 2013 MacOS X Intel
    Attrui/inspector: properly displays certain numbers
    buffer~: fix for crash when writing to invalid or unauthorized directory on Windows 32/64
    cycle~: no longer crashes with 'set' message in certain circumstances
    docs: misc improvements for documentation usage by 3rd party developers
    equals~ etc: backwards compatibility for when incorrectly connected
    jit.anim.*: fix for breakage when context changes
    jit.anim.node: children reconnect after parent attributes updated on its box 'getfile' outputs proper path on Windows fix for arbitrary parameter usage fix for file attribute in inspector and wheel menu
    jit.matrix: 'exportimage' works in 64 bit fixes for running in 64 bit
    jit.qt.grab: iSight fixes for Mac Retina machines
    jit.window: shared + fsaa fixes
    Jitter: no longer requires Java installation
    js/sqlite: error reporting improvements
    js/sqlite: works with databases on a non-boot disk on Windows
    line~: no longer outputs bang when tempo is changed on global transport
    mxj: fixed hangs/crashes/running on Mavericks
    OpenGL: fix for software renderer on Windows
    parameters window: fixed crashing when clicking on items and sorting columns
    pattrstorage: fixed memory leak when interpolating presets
    preset: fix for setting a preset using shift+click
    live.thisdevice: 'setwidth' triggers correctly when device is in a rack
    startup: fixed crash restoring a prefs file on launch
    vst~: fixed hostsync inside Max For Live
    vst~: generic editor UI updates with messages to object
    Max v 6.1.5 Nov 5, 2013 MacOS X Intel

    Mac OS 10.9 Support: fixes for crashing on audio start/stop
    capture~: 'write' message no longer crashes
    genexpr: MRT no longer is being detected as dead code
    gl.window: no longer posts erroneous warnings
    Jitter Gen: gen patcher export naming fix
    kslider: recalls parameter/pattr properly
    Max startup: fixed crashing and improved error checking/reporting when creating temp files
    multislider: fix for hang on set/select
    OpenGL: gl texture memory use improvements
    patching: fix for crash when clicking on patch cord handles
    vst~: 'get' message works properly
    waveform~: improved fix for refresh/redraw
    Max v 6.1.4 Oct 18, 2013 MacOS X Intel
    New Features:

    join: argument usage for @triggers
    plot~: added 'definexorigin' and 'defineyorigin' messages to set the plot origin using max messages
    plot~: grid color is definable


    2d.wave~: no longer crashes when the buffer is empty
    bpatcher: audio works in embedded bpatcher
    buddy: no longer corrupts memory with big lists
    buffer~: read/import and offset argument fixes for x64
    buffer~: fixed import .mp3 crash on Win
    buffer~: write 32bit wave no longer produces files with bad values
    buffer~: fixed write format/samptype issues
    coll: fixes for closing a dirtied text editor window
    colorpanel: interaction improvements
    debugging: opens subpatchers and reveals send/receive pairs
    dict: fixed crash when setting subdictionary values in M4L
    dict: fixed problems saving dict data as param in MFL
    dict: improvements to 'set' message to dict when there are many dict instances
    dict: setting a subdictionary triggers notifications
    Gen: improvements to variable aliasing
    info~: no longer reports erroneous information
    javascript: fixed crash when setting a attr changing drawto of gl.cornerpin to a gl.node no longer posts error message index matrix and autonormals improvements memory use improvements
    jit.gen: fixed SWIZ 0 1 and SWIZ 2 error @args work as expected fixed errors with vbo mode fixed matrix parameters bug precision attribute is easier to set from an inspector/attrui
    jit.qt.grab: no longer crashes when there's no available devices
    JS: file creation fixes
    jsfolder: no longer corrupts memory with very long file names
    jssqlite: no longer crashes on open with incorrect arguments
    live.arrows: no longer grows when activating the same arrows
    live.grid: no longer corrupt memory in matrix mode
    live.text: easier to resizes when in button mode
    live.toggle: in right category in object browser
    Max for Live: help audio works in unauthorised Max
    packages: update searchpaths and menus when packages are added/removed while Max is running
    patcher toolbar: tooltips show in correct location when patcher is narrow
    pattr: can set @type attr
    play~: fixed issues with playing back long sound files
    polybuffer~: reports correct buffer~ information
    projects: paths are correct when updating dependencies for dicts
    standalone: unchecking usesearchpath attribute works as expected
    tab/ drawing improvements for when in multiple views
    table: respects load/normal historic mode
    translate: no longer crashes on close
    udpreceive: no longer crashes when packets are dropped
    uzi: fixed threading problems
    waveform~: redraws properly when the size of the buffer~ increase
    Windows OpenGL: improvements for some ATI cards
    zl.dequeue: properly dequeue with recursion
    zplane~: no longer crashes with unsupported order
    Max v 6.1.3 Jun 19, 2013 MacOS X Intel
    New Features:

    dict.deserialize: nested key support
    Gen: @default attribute for default value for unconnected gen inlets (ex: [in 1 @default 10])
    jit.lcd: works in x64 Max
    jit.mgraphics: reset alpha state
    jit.path: implementation in a javascript
    Jitter GL: quaternion conversion objects order-of-rotation attribute
    max/js: get the architecture of Max with ;max getarch or 'max.arch' (JS)


    ad_rewire: fixed sysmidi error when max is configured to use ad_rewire when launched
    attrui: mouse drag respects attribute type
    attrui: Moving an object by sending it a rect message updates an attached attrui's value for patching_rect
    Audio: fixed crash servicing scheduler when parallel audio processing is on with SIAI
    Audio: fixed startup crash when no core audio input devices
    Audio: NRT speed improvements
    bitxor~: mode 3 works as expected in 64-bit version
    bpatcher: audio objects created in bpatcher work
    buffer~: 'import' works on x64
    buffer~: 'read' duration arg is respected
    buffer~: 'read' message only resizes buffer if duration is -1 or channels change
    buffer~: 'write' overwrites existing file (Win only)
    buffer~: AIFF file reader improvements
    buffer~: clear/fill is now faster
    buffer~: fixes for write format/samptype issues
    buffer~: import features improved (64-bit)
    buffer~: loads .mov files
    buffer~: no longer crashes on Windows when importing .mov files
    buffer~: read dialog works the same as read message
    buffer~: read message with channel args works as expected
    buffer~: reads float32 AIFF files
    buffer~: sums channels when reading 2 channel file into 1 channel buffer
    buffer~: writeraw / writeflac / etc. bring up dialog with proper file type defaults
    closebang: works as expected in M4L devices and Max
    date: returns correct values for ticks message
    device projects: improved unfreeze behavior for global project members
    dict: setting data via JS notifies pattr
    dspstatus: fixed reporting of iovs
    flonum: fixed UI update issues
    Gen - 'swiz' handles numbers higher than 9
    Gen: code export AU project improvements
    Gen: expr op with [expr var] works
    Gen: fixes for abstraction usage
    Gen: fixes for AMDFX8150 CPUs
    Gen: GenExpr in-place operators
    Gen: iOS export example
    Gen: modifying gen abstraction no longer closes sub-patcher window
    Gen: neg() as function with > 1 arguments no longer generates errors
    Gen: scientific notation in gen code sidebar
    gen~ preserve Data contents between edits
    gen~: ability to return multiple variables @ui_listen improvements
    jit.cellblock: fix for 'clear all' crash
    jit.cellblock: no longer crashes with large list
    jit.convolve: works with 1 dim matrices object: fixes for using mat_* color values in a shader and lighting is disabled fix for mode attribute display attached to improved performance @axes attr no longer passed on to ob3d children works with shape attribute accept int and float fixed stroke message crash large textures render properly on windows
    jit.matrix: fixed importmovie crash on Win x64
    jit.matrixset: fix for importmovie message
    jit.pwindow: mouseidleout no longer reported when idlemouse is off
    jit.qt.grab: direct-to-window fixes fixes for flickering and possible non-display of single-frame movies when loading a new movie
    jit.window: RGB matrix no longer swaps colors
    jit.window/jit.pwindow: deletion no longer messes up textures in other contexts
    js and jsui: fixes for 10.5.8 x64 usage
    JS jitter: fixed render destination ordering issues
    jsjitter: callback function shared by multiple listeners has correct context
    jstrigger: improved behaviour in overdrive
    JSUI: re-freeze jsui with define path no longer loses script
    Live API: file_path property of a clip on Windows is properly delimited
    live.drop: correctly outputs with pattrstorage slot recall
    LOM: 'access' column info rendered (Win)
    M4L: fixes for IPC hang/crash when saving very parameter-heavy device on OSX
    Max patcher: memory usage improvements
    Max Runtime menu bar: Window->Hide Subwindows works
    Max: improved loading/startup performances
    maxzlib: encode and decode UTC time properly
    MFL devices: Freezing a device including a external which has a Framework in it's bundle will retain Framework
    MFL: fixed crash while consolidating amxd project
    MFL/Projects: conflicts no longer prevent unfreezing of devices
    MFL/Projects: matrixctrl and pfft~ no longer throw errors on unfreeze
    minimixer: refreshes properly
    packages: 'examples' folders added to the searchpath
    packages: improved support for java classes
    peek~: works properly with the value 1000
    peek~/poke~: improved thread-safety
    pong: mode attribute properly initialized
    pong: outputs float or list properly
    preset: stored preset number is properly output
    project window: reordering items works as expected
    quickref: no longer crashes with long description
    record~: no longer crashes on double-click when no buffer provided
    Max v 6.1.2 Apr 9, 2013 MacOS X Intel

    Gen: performance improvements when there are multiple Gen patchers
    Help files: old '.help' files now open in Max 6.1 fixed crash in color setter with less than 4 args
    jit.phy.ghost: fix for crash when re-instantiating
    jit.window: misc fixes for @shared usage
    jit.window: fixed crash on save in Max For Live context
    Keyserver: Max 6.1 Keyserver FAT/x64 support
    Max Ref: tags are properly rendered when illustration is text
    mxj: fixed crash when loading amxd using mxj
    oscbank~: works on Windows x64
    pictslider: fixed issue with mode attribute
    Projects: fix opening Windows zip/maxzip files containing folders on OSX
    Retina display: patches are rendered correctly across displays
    saving: fix for saving to location other than boot drive
    umenu: native text rendering with windows now works
    vst~: fix for param output from UI interaction
    waveform~: offset attribute no longer produces inf/nan when the buffer is not ready
    Max v 6.1.1 Mar 19, 2013 MacOS X Intel

    3rd party external objects: fixed notify_free() crashes for old third-party externs
    bendout: fixed
    buffer~: Fix for misc crashes
    closebang: fix for use in MFL
    Collective loading factory externals changes
    detonate: fix for read/import midi files
    Extras: fix for subfolder usage
    Gen: fix for freeverb x64 crash
    gen~: samplerate properly updates in subpatchers
    javascript: improved script load execution fix for order attribute
    jit.qt.grab: fixed memory leak
    Jitter Gen: fix for TWOPI and friends in object boxes
    JS: fixes for 'Max' method
    LOM: 'access' column info is rendered (Win)
    project: searchpaths are not forgotten on project load
    Projects: file singleton fixes
    Projects: fixed crash on windows
    regexp: reads arguments properly
    sfrecord~: fix for not writing any bytes to file (Win)
    standalones: remove Cg.framework error messages
    vst~: initialization improvements
    Max v 6.1.0 Mar 6, 2013 MacOS X Intel

    dict.print: optional arg to name the object in the max window
    dict.strip: ability to use hierarchical '::' key referencing
    function: line thickness attribute
    Gen documentation sidebar
    Gen subpatchers: @title attribute
    Gen type derivation for for loop counter
    Gen: [in 1 @comment foo] => [in 1 foo]
    Gen: objects with invalid constants throw a warning to the Max window
    Gen: operator attribute descriptions
    Gen: params/buffers etc. are visible in sub-gens
    gen~: add phase reset trigger to phasor operator
    gen~: assertion with Delay in a user function
    gen~: genexpr example for rate~
    gen~: new operators / new operator features
    GenExpr operator definition parameters
    GenExpr: better support for PHI nodes / returns in sub-blocks
    info~: new outlet which reports the number of channel add invert_corners attribute lock mode / filter - applying animations to matrixoutput : edit material properties before render destination is set read notification upgrade Assimp middleware library speed improvements non-automatic drawing calculate bounds to allow functionality with gl.handle and gl.picker Add an export of standard JXS files -> JXS export -> web OpenGL prototype
    jit.phys objects - upgrade bullet library to latest
    jit.phys.multiple - set individual body properties
    jit.phys.picker: option-drag z-transform - split impulse option
    jitter picker objects: return local and world coordinates
    live.grid: mouse interpolation
    live.step: dump_to_dict message
    live.step: grab middle of loop braces to change loop
    matrixctrl: getcolumn output
    Max user-domain in ~/Documents folder
    minmax~: can be reset by a signal
    OpenGL: depth_write attribute
    playbar: outputs control messages out left outlet
    pong: object to do clipping/wrapping/folding/etc.
    progress: color attributes
    Projects: added 'About Projects' documentation Vignette
    Projects: ignore various git files
    retina display support
    Support third party self contained folders inside and outside of the Max folder
    text justification in many objects
    version OS info clipboard copy button
    Waveform~: 'set' message
    zigzag~: mode and loopmode are now attribute
    zigzag~: stop message

    For full Live Object Model changes, please see LOMChanges.pdf

    API: retrieve all notes in a midiclip without selecting
    device width: settable
    Devices: improved patcher loading time
    live.dial: narrower in tiny mode
    LiveAPI: get AudioClip file path
    LiveAPI: misc improvements & changes
    LivePack: resolve file path
    MFL devices: all devices are Projects
    MFL keyboard focus: fixed various issues
    MFL parameters: enabled ordering of automatic mapping of on external MIDI controllers
    Rye Pluggo MFL device: minor gain improvments
    startup: improved Max for Live startup time
    textedit: un-focussing device un-focuses textedit
    undo events: events during a mouse down are merged into a single event


    ;max closefile: fix for crash if file is already closed
    attrui: displays enumindex with both index and label
    Audio drivers: Digi CoreAudio Manager 8.0.3+ compatibility
    bitshift~: fix for crash when toggling audio
    buffer~: fix for .mp3 import (fix for Win 32 bit only)
    cellblock: fixed some issue with inline editing and scrolling
    coll: 'refer' message gives error when name does not exist
    coll: fixed error with pasted text
    coll: fixed syntax parsing bug
    coll: fixed text editing window close with '\,' as text
    counter: properly responds to carryint and carrybang messages
    cross-dog example: fixed bad connection
    debugging: fixed crash while deleting patch cord while stopped at breakpoint
    dialer: closed subpatcher (and fixed the numbers)
    dict: 'remove' works with hierarchical references
    dict: fixed 'remove' message on windows no longer turns float values into symbols
    dict.slice: fixed misc crash
    docwindow: fall back to static rendering for third-party refpages and vignettes
    docwindow: provide stylesheet fallback for docs which lack stylesheets
    docwindow: support for 3rd-party refpages
    expr: % 0.01 no longer crashes
    ezdac~: border size updates correctly
    filtercoeff~: imprived error messages
    float object: fixed nan display
    follow: fixed memory corruption
    fpic: frozen attribute gets restored
    freqshift: fix for bad signal output
    Gen: better error reporting for param with no arg
    Gen: Fixed expr operator when using similar formatting as codebox
    gen~: Delay preserve memory between edits
    gen~: [in @comment] shows up in gen~ inlet assist
    gen~: fixed behavior with [fftinfo] in a non-fft gen patcher
    gen~: fixed compilation errors with history/interp
    gen~: fixed problem with if() and stateful user function
    groove~ able to reference buffers in polybuffer~
    jit.gen / jit.pix: fixed copy paste crash
    jit.gen: fixed compilation error with vec10*: improved memory use fix for crash related to changing drawto Java Jitter implementation fixed bug with colormode uyvy and textures fixed @lookat fog calculation improvements fixed crash with color property and index matrix fixed displaylist mode fixed behavior differences fixed memory leak
    jit.lcd: fix for misplaced $1 in readpict crash
    jit.mgraphics: fixed problems with dim attribute
    jit.phys: collision dictionaries update values
    jit.phys.*: improved Windows memory use
    jit.phys.ghost: CPU improvements
    jit.pwindow: fixed crash when deleting pwindow while rendering
    jit.qt.record: fix for two 'realtime' attributes / attrui display issue
    jit.window: fsaa/doublebuffer no longer triggers position/rect init (Win only)
    jit.window: doublebuffer 0 no longer posts erroneous warning (Win)
    jit.window: mouse listener no longer fails on name attr change
    jit.window: shared render context works on Windows
    JS: fixed delayed event crash
    JS: fixed usage of local property of a function
    JS: fix for script executing twice on load
    JS: fixed getlogical method
    JS: fixed NewString crash
    JS: fixed new Task() crash
    JS: fixed setoutletassist crash
    JS: increased maximum memory
    JS Canvas: fixed textAlign "center"
    List external/subpatcher: reports the full path of the abstractions
    live.grid: improved initialization
    live.grid: undo improvements
    live.param~: functions in subpatcher
    live.remote~: fix for crash when saving
    live.toolbar: rightmost text is no longer truncated
    Max console log messages: Mountain Lion fix
    Max For Live: fix for contextual menu when right-clicking in locked patcher
    Max/Runtime: does not try to open amxd files
    Max startup: improved startup on Windows with large search path and antivirus software enabled
    Max startup: visual feedback during startup on Windows
    maxpat files: fixed hang when a patcher exists with the same name as an extern
    MIDI: hot swap devices without needing to restart Max
    mxj: can find classes in project
    mxj: can load java classes from collectives
    nodes: fix for color change w/ attrui
    nodes: calculate properly the distances when the object is not square
    object box typing / autocompletion: fix for crash when editing object box
    Object Explorer: optimize filter change
    Object Help Launcher: fixed category / object menus
    ObjectHelpLauncher is now wider
    old mxt abstractions: found/loaded properly
    parameter: changes to the parameter window update the values in an open inspector
    paste picture: works on windows when 32 bpp image is on clipboard
    paste replace: does not overwrite existing scripting names of target objects
    patch cords: fix for changing color
    pattrstorage: fixed memory corruption
    pictctrl: functions as expected in Dial Mode
    poly~: fix for crash saving poly~ patcher with upsampling
    polybuffer~: updated information string to accept more RAM than before
    Projects: fixed 'hide project window after opening' project setting
    Projects: fixed crash when Project isn't found when selected in 'Open Recent Project'
    Projects: fixed issues with special characters in filenames
    Projects: project local vs global abstractions
    qlist: no longer outputs errors when the editor is not properly closed
    regexp: fixed substitutions issues
    rslider: properly refreshes after changing the range
    scope~: imports colors properly from Max 4 patches
    Sidebar Ref: some characters not being rendered properly
    stutter~: works in MFL when transport is not runnig
    Suckah: MBP Retina support
    techno: removed harmless "bad index" error message
    udpreceive: fix for negative numbers signed int problem
    umenu: disable color is now displayed properly
    vst~: fix for co-ordinate reporting and initialization
    vst~: fix for jumpy enum list params in default editor
    vst~: fixed crash in due to malformed AU componentSubType id
    wave~: properly accepts @interp attribute
    waveform~: changing the offset from the ruler updates the attribute
    Windows installer: properly overwrites app


    jit.fill & fixed problems in MFL context
    Live: fixed crash when calling callbacks when opening Max window
    Live UI: UI no longer turns white after saving a device with jit.window
    Live UI: fix for Live GUI issues after S/R change
    live.grid: improved undo
    ive.grid: fixed duplication issues
    live.drop: fix for Live hangs when setting live.drop from scheduler
    live.drop: fix for dropping recorded sample on Windows
    live.drop: order parameter fix
    live.drop: fixed undo/live.drop triggering crashes
    live.drop: fixed crash for when a device contains two live.drop objects
    live.meter~ / live.gain~: improved scaling visual consistency with Live
    live.object: fix for bogus values being output when saving a device in preview mode
    live.object: fixed unexpected error messages ("setting the Id cannot be triggered during undo or redo")
    live.param~: value output on load
    live.remote~: fix for controlling m4l-device-parameters
    live.thisdevice: fires reliably when coming back from the editor
    M4L device reandomizer: fixed crash on load
    MFL device automation: fixed 'click' when switching M4L device on/off via automation
    MFL LOM: calling the fire function of group tracks fires sub tracks
    MFL LOM: fixed LOM links in docs
    MFL audio performance: fixed issues related to multiprocessor support
    MFL device focus: space bar will trigger transport even when object is clicked
    MFL device saving: fixed Max crash when trying to save/cancel a patcher on win7
    MFL Devices: CPU/Audio performance improvements with automation
    MIDI control: works when parameter is deferred and has an update limit
    MIDI/Key map: fixed deactivation
    NoteEcho device: fixed crashes due to clear coll triggered from dump message
    Parmeters: changeable when other devices are open in editor
    Parameters: fix for M4L parameter focus issues
    Presets: shortened preset loading time (hotswap)
    Tab key: bpatcher no longer steals command to toggle Live arrange/Session (focus on windows)

    64-bit Limitations:
    Not supported:


    Other features currently unsupported or limited:

    gen~.freeverb.maxpat gen~ example crashes
    Reading non JPG or PNG files under Win64 (e.g. PICT, TIFF, GIF, etc.)
    Import features for buffer~ are limited
    jit.grab, jit.qt.grab, features are limited - on Windows x64 is currently limited to DirectShow supported movie files
    Max v 6.1.0beta Feb 28, 2013 MacOS X Intel

    dict.print: optional arg to name the object in the max window
    dict.strip: ability to use hierarchical '::' key referencing
    function: line thickness attribute
    Gen documentation sidebar
    Gen subpatchers: @title attribute
    Gen type derivation for for loop counter
    Gen: [in 1 @comment foo] => [in 1 foo]
    Gen: objects with invalid constants throw a warning to the Max window
    Gen: operator attribute descriptions
    Gen: params/buffers etc. are visible in sub-gens
    gen~: add phase reset trigger to phasor operator
    gen~: assertion with Delay in a user function
    gen~: genexpr example for rate~
    gen~: new operators / new operator features
    GenExpr operator definition parameters
    GenExpr: better support for PHI nodes / returns in sub-blocks
    info~: new outlet which reports the number of channel add invert_corners attribute lock mode / filter - applying animations to matrixoutput : edit material properties before render destination is set read notification upgrade Assimp middleware library speed improvements non-automatic drawing calculate bounds to allow functionality with gl.handle and gl.picker Add an export of standard JXS files -> JXS export -> web OpenGL prototype
    jit.phys objects - upgrade bullet library to latest
    jit.phys.multiple - set individual body properties
    jit.phys.picker: option-drag z-transform - split impulse option
    jitter picker objects: return local and world coordinates
    live.grid: mouse interpolation
    live.step: dump_to_dict message
    live.step: grab middle of loop braces to change loop
    matrixctrl: getcolumn output
    Max user-domain in ~/Documents folder
    minmax~: can be reset by a signal
    OpenGL: glDepthMask attribute
    playbar: outputs control messages out left outlet
    pong: object to do clipping/wrapping/folding/etc.
    progress: color attributes
    Projects: added 'About Projects' documentation Vignette
    Projects: ignore various git files
    retina display support
    Support third party self contained folders inside and outside of the Max folder
    text justification in many objects
    version OS info clipboard copy button
    Waveform~: 'set' message
    zigzag~: mode and loopmode are now attribute
    zigzag~: stop message

    For full Live Object Model changes, please see LOMChanges.pdf

    API: retrieve all notes in a midiclip without selecting
    device width: settable
    Devices: improved patcher loading time
    live.dial: narrower in tiny mode
    LiveAPI: get AudioClip file path
    LiveAPI: misc improvements & changes
    LivePack: resolve file path
    MFL devices: all devices are Projects
    MFL keyboard focus: fixed various issues
    MFL parameters: enabled ordering of automatic mapping of on external MIDI controllers
    Rye Pluggo MFL device: minor gain improvments
    startup: improved Max for Live startup time
    textedit: un-focussing device un-focuses textedit
    undo events: events during a mouse down are merged into a single event


    ;max closefile: fix for crash if file is already closed
    attrui: displays enumindex with both index and label
    Audio drivers: Digi CoreAudio Manager 8.0.3+ compatibility
    bitshift~: fix for crash when toggling audio
    buffer~: fix for .mp3 import (fix for Win 32 bit only)
    cellblock: fixed some issue with inline editing and scrolling
    coll: 'refer' message gives error when name does not exist
    coll: fixed error with pasted text
    coll: fixed syntax parsing bug
    coll: fixed text editing window close with '\,' as text
    counter: properly responds to carryint and carrybang messages
    cross-dog example: fixed bad connection
    debugging: fixed crash while deleting patch cord while stopped at breakpoint
    dialer: closed subpatcher (and fixed the numbers)
    dict: 'remove' works with hierarchical references
    dict: fixed 'remove' message on windows no longer turns float values into symbols
    dict.slice: fixed misc crash
    docwindow: fall back to static rendering for third-party refpages and vignettes
    docwindow: provide stylesheet fallback for docs which lack stylesheets
    docwindow: support for 3rd-party refpages
    expr: % 0.01 no longer crashes
    ezdac~: border size updates correctly
    filtercoeff~: imprived error messages
    float object: fixed nan display
    follow: fixed memory corruption
    fpic: frozen attribute gets restored
    freqshift: fix for bad signal output
    Gen: better error reporting for param with no arg
    Gen: Fixed expr operator when using similar formatting as codebox
    gen~: Delay preserve memory between edits
    gen~: [in @comment] shows up in gen~ inlet assist
    gen~: fixed behavior with [fftinfo] in a non-fft gen patcher
    gen~: fixed compilation errors with history/interp
    gen~: fixed problem with if() and stateful user function
    groove~ able to reference buffers in polybuffer~
    jit.gen / jit.pix: fixed copy paste crash
    jit.gen: fixed compilation error with vec10*: improved memory use fix for crash related to changing drawto Java Jitter implementation fixed bug with colormode uyvy and textures fixed @lookat fog calculation improvements fixed crash with color property and index matrix fixed displaylist mode fixed behavior differences fixed memory leak
    jit.lcd: fix for misplaced $1 in readpict crash
    jit.mgraphics: fixed problems with dim attribute
    jit.phys: collision dictionaries update values
    jit.phys.*: improved Windows memory use
    jit.phys.ghost: CPU improvements
    jit.pwindow: fixed crash when deleting pwindow while rendering
    jit.qt.record: fix for two 'realtime' attributes / attrui display issue
    jit.window: fsaa/doublebuffer no longer triggers position/rect init (Win only)
    jit.window: doublebuffer 0 no longer posts erroneous warning (Win)
    jit.window: mouse listener no longer fails on name attr change
    jit.window: shared render context works on Windows
    JS: fixed delayed event crash
    JS: fixed usage of local property of a function
    JS: fix for script executing twice on load
    JS: fixed getlogical method
    JS: fixed NewString crash
    JS: fixed new Task() crash
    JS: fixed setoutletassist crash
    JS: increased maximum memory
    JS Canvas: fixed textAlign "center"
    List external/subpatcher: reports the full path of the abstractions
    live.grid: improved initialization
    live.grid: undo improvements
    live.param~: functions in subpatcher
    live.remote~: fix for crash when saving
    live.toolbar: rightmost text is no longer truncated
    Max console log messages: Mountain Lion fix
    Max For Live: fix for contextual menu when right-clicking in locked patcher
    Max/Runtime: does not try to open amxd files
    Max startup: improved startup on Windows with large search path and antivirus software enabled
    Max startup: visual feedback during startup on Windows
    maxpat files: fixed hang when a patcher exists with the same name as an extern
    MIDI: hot swap devices without needing to restart Max
    mxj: can find classes in project
    mxj: can load java classes from collectives
    nodes: fix for color change w/ attrui
    nodes: calculate properly the distances when the object is not square
    object box typing / autocompletion: fix for crash when editing object box
    Object Explorer: optimize filter change
    Object Help Launcher: fixed category / object menus
    ObjectHelpLauncher is now wider
    old mxt abstractions: found/loaded properly
    parameter: changes to the parameter window update the values in an open inspector
    paste picture: works on windows when 32 bpp image is on clipboard
    paste replace: does not overwrite existing scripting names of target objects
    patch cords: fix for changing color
    pattrstorage: fixed memory corruption
    pictctrl: functions as expected in Dial Mode
    poly~: fix for crash saving poly~ patcher with upsampling
    polybuffer~: updated information string to accept more RAM than before
    Projects: fixed 'hide project window after opening' project setting
    Projects: fixed crash when Project isn't found when selected in 'Open Recent Project'
    Projects: fixed issues with special characters in filenames
    Projects: project local vs global abstractions
    qlist: no longer outputs errors when the editor is not properly closed
    regexp: fixed substitutions issues
    rslider: properly refreshes after changing the range
    scope~: imports colors properly from Max 4 patches
    Sidebar Ref: some characters not being rendered properly
    stutter~: works in MFL when transport is not runnig
    Suckah: MBP Retina support
    techno: removed harmless "bad index" error message
    udpreceive: fix for negative numbers signed int problem
    umenu: disable color is now displayed properly
    vst~: fix for co-ordinate reporting and initialization
    vst~: fix for jumpy enum list params in default editor
    vst~: fixed crash in due to malformed AU componentSubType id
    wave~: properly accepts @interp attribute
    waveform~: changing the offset from the ruler updates the attribute
    Windows installer: properly overwrites app


    jit.fill & fixed problems in MFL context
    Live: fixed crash when calling callbacks when opening Max window
    Live UI: UI no longer turns white after saving a device with jit.window
    Live UI: fix for Live GUI issues after S/R change
    live.grid: improved undo
    ive.grid: fixed duplication issues
    live.drop: fix for Live hangs when setting live.drop from scheduler
    live.drop: fix for dropping recorded sample on Windows
    live.drop: order parameter fix
    live.drop: fixed undo/live.drop triggering crashes
    live.drop: fixed crash for when a device contains two live.drop objects
    live.meter~ / live.gain~: improved scaling visual consistency with Live
    live.object: fix for bogus values being output when saving a device in preview mode
    live.object: fixed unexpected error messages ("setting the Id cannot be triggered during undo or redo")
    live.param~: value output on load
    live.remote~: fix for controlling m4l-device-parameters
    live.thisdevice: fires reliably when coming back from the editor
    M4L device reandomizer: fixed crash on load
    MFL device automation: fixed 'click' when switching M4L device on/off via automation
    MFL LOM: calling the fire function of group tracks fires sub tracks
    MFL LOM: fixed LOM links in docs
    MFL audio performance: fixed issues related to multiprocessor support
    MFL device focus: space bar will trigger transport even when object is clicked
    MFL device saving: fixed Max crash when trying to save/cancel a patcher on win7
    MFL Devices: CPU/Audio performance improvements with automation
    MIDI control: works when parameter is deferred and has an update limit
    MIDI/Key map: fixed deactivation
    NoteEcho device: fixed crashes due to clear coll triggered from dump message
    Parmeters: changeable when other devices are open in editor
    Parameters: fix for M4L parameter focus issues
    Presets: shortened preset loading time (hotswap)
    Tab key: bpatcher no longer steals command to toggle Live arrange/Session (focus on windows)

    64-bit Limitations:
    Not supported:


    Other features currently unsupported or limited:

    Reading non JPG or PNG files under Win64 (e.g. PICT, TIFF, GIF, etc.)
    Import features for buffer~ are limited
    jit.grab, jit.qt.grab, features are limited
    Max v 6.0.8 Nov 9, 2012 MacOS X Intel

    buffer~: 'import' message no longer crashes Max (Windows)
    cpost: now go to Console on Mac 10.8+
    cross-dog example: fixed connection
    degrade~: initialization fix
    documentation: Matrix operator tags are now rendered
    documentation: images in body of refpages are now being rendered
    function: miscellaneous fixes for redrawing
    installer: misc fixes
    jit.phys.body: fixes for spurious collision dictionary errors
    jit.phys.body: name attribute fix
    Jitter Gen: misc fixes and speed improvements for patcher parsing
    Jitter OpenGL: various fixes for rendering slowdowns and crashes
    Rewire driver: now installed on Mac
    Max v 6.0.7 Sep 11, 2012 MacOS X Intel

    buffer~: new 'offset' function to add a constant
    capture: precision attribute allows you to set the floating point precision
    coll: improved user experience for syntax errors
    cycle~: wavetable size attribute
    debugger: shows subpatcher when debugger steps into it
    function: cursor attribute
    function: line attribute
    function: linethickness attribute
    function: new features (curve, grid, snap2grid, copy/paste, quantization, line...)
    ggate and gswitch: UI updates
    installer: Mac 10.8 (Mountain Lion) OS compatibility & umenu objects's popup corners are now transparent
    live.step: binary mousing
    live.step: bipolar display, live.text and live toggle: rounded attribute
    mouse cursor: changes when text editing is started
    nodes: no longer display the cursor while dragging
    nodes: Nodes can now be rectangular
    Parameter view: speedlim and defer now settable for enum-parameters
    playbar: refreshrate attribute
    polybuffer~: sends a bang when dropping file/folder in the window
    Projects: preference for Project default locations
    tab: fadeunselect and fadetime attributes for animation
    text: precision attribute allows you to set the floating point precision
    ubutton: rounded attribute
    wave~: cubic interpolation mode
    waveform~: linecolor attribute
    zl.scramble: output a list of indices to the right outlet


    New modules: CROPPR and WYPR
    Vizzie now functions as an abstraction (vz.)
    Fully commented/hinted inlets and outlets
    All generator modules now have data inlets to set the operating parameters
    All modules now take ints (0/1) from a toggle to stop/start operation (the "stomp box switch")
    All modules with presets now take a message to choose presets
    All modules with presets now take a message to interpolate between two presets
    Selectable VIEWR window sizes


    Code Sidebar
    gen~ recompiles if vs/sr changes
    gen~: Data, Buffer, and Delay are now supported in GenExpr code
    gen~: poke and splat support @index attributes like peek, sample etc
    GenExpr branching: if(expr) {} else {}
    GenExpr Break / continue statements: for(...) { break/continue; }
    GenExpr Loops: while(cond) {}, for(i=0; i < 10; i+=1) {}
    Improved compile error reporting
    Jitter Gen: gate and selector operators
    New data typing
    New examples
    Object argument expressions: [+ pi/2], [param foo @min 0 @max pi*2]
    send/receive: only works within the same patch (not cross patchers or patcher to sub-patcher)
    Subpatchers (embedded and abstractions)
    User Functions


    jit.anim.path - @position, @quat and @scale attributes
    jit.anim.path and @eval_report attribute
    jit.anim.path and target objects now updated wirelessly*: better handling of mouse picking in opengl context window and @ui_priority attribute*: gl object matrixoutput notifications @corner_color attribute @drawcorners mouse mode and @mousereport attribute
    jit.phys.6dof: spring motor feature
    jit.phys.body: @collisions attribute to support individual body collision dictionary output
    jit.phys.body/jit.phys.multiple: local_scaling attribute for more accurate and efficient scaling
    jit.phys.constraint: @strength and @stretch attributes
    jit.phys.constraint: @worldpos and @worldquat attributes
    jit.phys.ghost: @central_exp and @central_mode attributes added to adjust central force
    jit.phys.ghost: shape can be convexhull or concave
    jit.phys.multiple: @constraint attribute for creating constraints between bodies
    jit.phys.multiple: body names now created using matrix cell address
    jit.phys.multiple: mesh matrix input for drawing multiple mesh shapes
    jit.phys.picker and mouse up notification
    jit.phys.picker: @enable attribute @collision_mode attribute for extended collision info @raytest_mode attribute collision force and normal added to collision dict collisions dictionary accessible in javascript
    jsjitter: anim.path js support
    jsjitter: Jitter physics objects in javascript
    jsjitter: ob3d matrixoutput notify for javascript
    New examples


    abstractions: properly updates when window closed then saved
    allpass~: fix for incorrect step-response
    attrui: drawing enhancements
    attrui: number text reappears properly after undo
    audio: fixed deadlock when closing a patcher with the Audio running
    audio: fixed error when starting audio in a subpatcher
    auto-completion: fixes for slowness
    auto-completion: works with shortcuts
    autocompletion: down arrow key in object box no longer duplicates box text
    average~: no longer reports negative zero in absolute mode
    bpatcher in Max For Live: can map through
    bpatcher: click through on empty bpatcher works
    bpatcher: double-clicking in explorer window no longer adds a @name argument
    bpatcher: fixed crash entering text after bpatcher is deleted
    bpatcher: fixed number box output issues when clicking on a toplevel UI
    capture: no longer crashes when trying to display very long text
    cellblock: resizing the object refreshes properly in in-line edit mode
    change: sending set with no args no longer crashes
    codebox: pasting into codebox works when multiple views are shown
    coll: fixed crash when 'refer' message is sent from scheduler and main thread at the same time
    coll: no longer crashes when receiving a nth message with wrong arguments
    count~: attributes typed in object box are now recognized
    cursor: positioning fixes
    cycle~: phase no longer clipped
    database: launch optimizations
    DB search: improved performance on PC
    debugger: animation improvements
    debugger: fixes for disappearing patch cords
    debugger: prevention for auto-debug on patcher loading
    dict: exposed "append" method to js
    dict: fixed 'pull_from_coll' crash
    dict: fixed syntax parsing bug when values contain colons
    dict: value setting improvements fix for values starting with a numeral
    dict.iter: fixed memory leak with certain keys/values
    dynamicdocs: fixed search broken for certain terms and queries
    external drives: no longer prevented from being removed
    file paths: resolved path is sent to editor
    File search paths: Max now finds patchers when typed
    filebrowser: fixed dragging audio files from the filebrowser
    filtergraph~: no longer crashes when dragging a filter
    filtergraph~: no longer hangs when receiving bad queries
    flonum: goes slower when shift key is down (like number)
    function: pattr connection improvements
    Gen codebox: Edit->Copy/Paste are no longer greyed out
    Gen dependencies: gen 'externals' are not added to the dependency list
    Gen: copied gen patchers now have correct title bars
    Gen: fixed issues with changing genpatcher name
    Gen: fixed missing help descriptions
    Gen: fixed unnecessary dirtying of some genpatchers
    Gen: improved performance after error reporting
    Gen: misc noise op fixes
    Gen: MRO with gen subpatchers respects edits and compiles changes
    gen~: buffer name parsing improvements
    gen~: control-rate processing improvements
    gen~: fixed compile error with abs (integer input)
    gen~: fixes for inlet/outlet assist strings from in/out comments
    gen~: improved interpolation
    gen~: undo improvements in genpatcher
    GenExpr: color coded constants
    genpatcher: (unlocked) in title bar when unlocked
    groove~: fixed sync issue when there are four channels
    groove~: properly plays four channels
    if: == correctly evaluates NaN values
    inspector: fixes for opening the inspector in a help file after closing sidebar
    itable: fix for Max hang when itable is in a bpatcher
    Java: Jitter works in Windows standalone applications
    jit.catch: frame size can be controlled with attrui
    jit.gen: fixed crash when adding/removing patch cord to clip (Win only) @lighting_enable 0 with material uses color attribute @enable 0 does not draw when attached to node @erase @capture 1 color no longer clears rendering context for a second non-capturing camera cameras allowed to be part of anim.node hierarchy auto_handle disabled when connected to any object fix for and screenraytest message crash object dragging improvements improvements for adding/removing lights works with outlets assistance improvements fix for errors when switching render contexts fixed issues with switching render contexts "texgroup 0" message no longer crashes multi-texturing fixes overrides child object attrs when set via max box re-instantiating in non-automatic mode no longer crashes drawto now updated when typed in box and transform_reset now propagated to child gl objects @axes 1 draws the axes drawing of matrixoutput matrices applies source object's state to result message "drawclients" works fix for miscalculated screentoworld output Fixes for error when drawing screentoworld output improvements transform_reset fixes changing wrap attr properly rebuilds the texture copy works when cull_face is enabled uyvy colormode fixes
    jit.grab: (Windows) @colormode uyvy works @connected updates and outputs properly
    jit.phys.body: reset message affects dynamic and kinematic bodies
    jit.phys.multiple: kinematic works when set via max-box
    jit.phys.picker: fix for setting filter attribute from max box @raytest mode no longer affects jit.phys.picker behavior fixed crashes when changing box args fixed render destination deletion crash (Win) raytest messages no longer causes world update
    jit.pwindow: @erase_color alpha now works
    jit.pwindow: @shared 1 no longer stops texture rendering
    jit.pwindow: fix for gl render visibility when context is implicit (Win ony)
    jit.pwindow: pwindow as render context in bpatcher no longer stops drawing in MFL @noaccel supresses output
    jit.window: @sync attr is recognised
    jit.window: fixed flickering with umenu interaction
    jit.window: deleting with scripting works as expected
    jit.window: set visible 0 before rendering works properly
    jitter Gen objects: now respond to reset button
    Jitter Gen: attrui properly updates if a message has been used to set the attr
    jitter Gen: objects now set param value to new default when param op is changed
    Jitter Gen: setting @dirty no longer crashes
    Jitter GL readback: fix for changing readback on windows
    live.colors: fix for proper output
    live.dial: Shift + arrows do fine adjustments
    live.drop: fixed ordering issue on device load
    live.drop: respects 'order' parameter
    live.grid: changes via pattr update update parameter blob
    live.grid: flexible direction height
    live.grid: output the correct value on mouse drag out the mouseover information outlet
    live.grid: points can be set if they are out of range
    live.step: steps are no longer missed when quickly click-dragging fix for button mode persistence issues
    live.thisdevice/parameters: fires / reports values after return to live after edit
    loading: Max 4 patch loading improvements
    magnifier: works in MFL device patcher
    Max for Live: Fixed crash when making M4L device invisible
    Max for Live: Live UI objects dB unit style improvements
    Max for Live: live.* objects no longer output values triggered by keys when inactive
    Max for Live: thispatcher 'path' message works in frozen Max device
    message box: fix for crash when updating message box contents from scheduler with overdrive on
    mgraphics: select_font_face no longer increases font_size
    midiout: works after it has received a negative value
    midi: midi ports are now available after sleep/wake
    minimixer: fixed crash after deleting subpatcher after opening minimixer
    multislider: fix for disappearing outline
    multislider: properly display reverse scroll mode when the border are not visible
    multislider: set message sets every slider (without requiring the index)
    nodes: fixes for pattr integration
    nodes: mouse coordinate are correct when the object isn't squared
    nodes: setnode message properly updates the active state
    number box (MIDI display format): correct results when values are typed in
    panel: @ignoreclick 0 is saved in json
    parameter: fixes for irregular output when defer + speedlim are enabled
    parameters: values are no longer output when saving a device in preview mode
    patch cord: fix for crash dragging starting connection on a disabled patch cord
    patch cords: fix for color inconsistencies
    patching: fixes for disappearing patch cords and assistance
    pattrstorage: locked slots are stored in initial value
    pfft~: fix for crash with bad arg values
    playbar: posts a warning when connected to a non valid object
    playbar: refreshes when scrubbing while the playback is off
    playbar: works properly when changing movie with autostart attribute set to 0
    plot~: filters are applied when data source is a buffer~ reference
    poke~: no longer redraw buffer~ when the samples don't change
    poly~: midinote no longer crashes with bad arguments
    poly~/send~: changing voices in MFL no longer crashes Live with certain SR
    polybuffer~ list is properly updated after using the replace message
    preset write file dialog
    project: better management of duplicates in the project folder
    project: unfound files have the correct file class
    ref browser: title bar matches content on Windows
    regexp: fixed additional issues with substitution output
    regexp: fixed crash when trying to match against an invalid regexp
    regexp: fixed issues with substitution output
    regexp: fixed substitute with empty string crash
    scheduler: improved timing when using multiple schedulers and larger buffer sizes
    scripting: fixed issue with scripting MSP objects
    select: fixed compatibility with list
    standalone: fixed Windows file dialog extension
    standalones: write extracted externals into application support folder on Mac
    teeth~: no longer crashes when turning of the audio
    thispatcher: fix for menu disappearance on window flags nogrow on Windows
    translation: improved layout of Japanese text on Windows
    trunc~: calculation improvements
    umenu: misc optimisations
    vst~: handles fxp files
    waveform~: redraws properly when the size is set at loadbang
    Max v 6.0.5 May 8, 2012 MacOS X Intel
    New Features:

    jit.phys.multiple @mass attribute
    projects: added file icons for stylesheet and vectorimagefile
    project: known, but non-explicitly-supported files can now be added to projects (e.g. html)
    triangle~: lo and hi are now attributes

    Bugs Fixed:

    projects: added file icons for stylesheet and vectorimagefile
    allpass~: fixed various issues
    audio: fix for starting audio while being notified audio is stopping
    bitshift~: now sounds the same as Max 5
    dac~: fix for 'set' message
    database: improved startup times and CPU load when database is being built
    dialog: window no longer appears behind floating windows
    dict.route: fix for various crashes
    export image: no longer shows selection highlight
    gen~: no longer loses buffer association when patcher is re-compiled.
    gl texture: fixed planeswap on readback to matrix
    gl.cornerpin: fixed issue with texture flipping
    gl.handle: @auto_handle can be set in max box
    inspector: inspecting in a max for live device doesn't switch objects properly
    inspector: fixed crash on inspecting lots of objects
    jit.buffer~ / jit.catch~: fixed crash if QuickTime isn't installed
    jit.gen / jit.pix: misc math fixes
    jit.gen/jit.pix/ fixed crash when typing an argument in box (Win only) / fixed viewport and resizing texture issues fix for crash caused by error post fix for "unavailable context" error subtex_matrix now works fix for Windows double-reverse planemapping
    jit.path: fix for crash when dimension is less than 3, and the evallength message is called
    jit.phys.*: constraint position2 attribute no longer ignored
    jit.phys.*:constraint motor attributes typed in max box now work
    jit.phys.body: fix for crash when reinstantiating while connected to a constraint
    jit.phys.body: misc fixes for @forces_relative attribute
    jit.phys.body and phys.multiple: @enable 0 typed in box now works
    jit.phys.conetwist: misc limit attributes fixes
    jit.phys.ghost: fix for custom filters
    jit.pix: fix for input planecount < 4 causing garbled data
    jweb: @autosize attribute now works
    Max For Live: fixed paste & replace crash when audio running
    Max For Live: When M4L editor is open, M4L devices in other tracks are editable
    Max For Live parameters: parameters not limited to 512 (was causing non-operable UI)
    Max for Live: deferred events being run in the scheduler thread
    nslider: fix for mouse in poly mode
    pattrforward: object in a subpatcher is retargeted after save
    project: known, but non-explicitly-supported files can now be added to projects (e.g. html)
    reference browser: re-enabled a preference for static docs (to be used if dynamic docs are slow)
    scheduler: fixed miscellaneous crashes
    spectroscope~: fixed crash in sonogram mode
    tapin~/tapout~: provide more informative warning when objects are in different dsp chains
    threadsafety: fixed issue with calling typed methods
    uzi: outputs proper value when interrupted
    vst~: parameters can be modulated by full name
    Max v 6.0.4 Feb 16, 2012 MacOS X Intel
    New Features:

    attrui: tab key support
    filterdesign: double-click to see dictionary
    Gen: GenExpr include files
    jit.anim.node new features:
    - new messages: concat, worldtolocal, localtoworld
    - new attribute: invtransform object
    jit.phys.* new features:
    - @enable attribute
    - physics constraints now have rotate/rotatexyz attributes new features:
    - attributes for simulation updates
    - remove_plane attribute for 2D functionality
    sqlite: faster database update startup
    standalone: improved dependency inclusion for some components

    Bugs Fixed:

    audio: fixed start/stop UI delay glitch
    audio: closing patcher window now fades properly (Mixer Crossfade)
    audio: clicking then silence / crashing when changing audio settings
    audio: fixed crash when turning mixer parallel on/off when signal vector size is smaller than 64
    audio: hot-swap devices without needing to restart Max
    audio: patcher muting respected when audio started
    audio: fixed deadlock when closing a patcher with the Audio running
    preferences: fixed crash on corrupted Windows preference files
    cascade~: fixed zipper noise on coefficient change
    cellblock: resizing the object refreshes properly in in-line edit mode
    codebox: require disposes of filewatcher when closed
    codebox: retains inlet/outlet count even with an error with GenExpr
    cycle~: proper handling of attrs/args
    dac~: start/startwindow in right inlet
    dialog: text field does not have focus (Mac OS 10.6)
    dict: automatically add missing extension for the 'import' message
    dict.iter: fix crashes with references to dangling subdictionaries.
    enable SSE2 instructions for windows non-audio projects
    Encapsulating with disabled patch cord causes crash
    File > New Text, typing, File > Save causes text to disappear
    filtergraph~ no longer crash when receiving a message with the wrong filter index
    filtergraph~: @edit_maxfreq @edit_minfreq swap
    fpic: opt+drag no longer loses image
    Gen: patcher type visual display on inlets and outlets
    Gen: 'f' can be used in GenExpr as a variable
    Gen: .genexpr files now associated with Max6
    grab: Works with 'set' receives / multiple output
    groove~: fix for output gain variations depending up transposition with resampling on
    groove~: fix for stuttering, distortion, and other glitches with resampling on and looping a small portion of a large buffer
    groove~: fixed crash when loop max is smaller than loop min
    groove~: resampling aliasing on loop points
    groove~: resampling and loopinterp should work together ui_map dictionary functionality fixes
    jit.cellblock: .txt extension added to written files
    jit.cellblock: misc fixes
    jit.gen: fixed noise() .lua files: now associated with Max6 fixed crash when closing patch after deleting gl.node erase_color attribute bug fix fixed GLSL compilation errors fixed fullscreen crash
    jit.phys.body: fixed @shape compound crashes when collision reporting
    jit.phys.ghost: fixed help file crash fixed flatten + inplace crash attrui @dim updates with @adapt 1
    jitter Gen: math binops with vec2 arguments produce valid output
    KeyMIDI: octaves buttons works properly again
    live.step: editlooponly respects loop start > 1
    matrixctrl: updates when recalling a preset in Max for Live
    minimixer: fixed sizing issues
    nodes: mouse coordinate are correct when the object isn't squared
    nodes: no longer produce NaN when the size of a node is set to 0.
    nodes: setnode message properly updates the active state
    ob3d matrixoutput 2 memory leak
    object details panel: fixed GUI glitch
    polybuffer~ help file: fixed crash on Windows
    phasor~: improved @lock 1 performance
    plot~: editing domain labels in the editor does not trigger a re-paint
    poly~: decreased the CPU usage for non-dsp (and non-active DSP) patchers
    polybuffer~: fixed getshortname crash
    Projects: auto localize setting results in missing file entry
    reference: fixed Tutorial 1 missing text
    reference browser: removed mouseover popup in search results
    regexp: fixed substring crash
    saving: saving an abstraction (or poly~ patcher) as another file no longer causes other instances to reload
    saving: fixed open rect bpatcher save issue
    scale: fixed ref and scale vignette namespace collision
    scale/scale~: exponent base is no longer inverted in non-classic mode
    send~/receive~: mismatched pair no longer crashes Max when DSP is on
    sidebar: improved reference appearance at small sizes
    standalone: better default audio driver selection
    standalone: fixed java dependency issues
    standalone: fixed issues on Windows with javascript inclusion
    table: object box attrs now work properly
    vst~: window coordinate arguments work again with 'open' message
    watchpoints: improved positioning when watchpoint is below patcher when patcher is floating
    Max v 6.0.3 Jan 5, 2012 MacOS X Intel
    Over the last few weeks, it came to our attention that there were some critical issues that were introduced in 6.0.2 that we needed to fix in short order, so I'd like to present to you Max 6.0.3. There are no new features to speak of. Fixes included in this installer are:

    Core Audio: Fixes for various crashes, especially when audio inputs are greater than two
    adc~/dac~: Poundsign arguments (#1, #2, etc) work again in object box
    patch cords: can change color (Windows)
    jit.phys.ghost: help patcher now opens (Windows)
    polybuffer~: help patcher now opens (Windows)
    jit.phys.multiple: Misc. fixes
    Max v 6.0.2 Dec 22, 2011 MacOS X Intel
    New Features:

  • Support for 4GB RAM under 64bit versions of Windows

  • code editor: Cmd+arrow keys extends selection

  • code editor: error/warning highlight with message

  • code editor: line number display

  • code editor: support for indentation key commands (Cmd+[, Cmd+] on OSX and Tab, Shift+Tab on Windows)

  • Core Audio: new Mac core audio driver

  • dict: added functionality of appending values to existing dict keys

  • dict: added getsize message

  • dict: added hierarchical value access

  • dict: new ability to access values in an array at arbitrary positions

  • dict.view: option click now allows you to collapse/expand items

  • documentation window search field allows for Cut/Copy/Paste commands

  • Gen: added reset_param for jit.gen

  • Gen: new option-click help bubble

  • jit.anim.path: loop and end notifications

  • misc. stereo/frustum features

  • @erase_mode addition

  • added depth_clear() message

  • jit.phys.*: collision filtering attributes

  • jit.phys.ghost: new object for collision sensors and force fields

  • jit.phys.multiple: full rigid body attributes

  • jit.phys.picker: added multitouch picking

  • jit.proxy: now supports objects with scripting names

  • jit.window: reports mouse scroll events

  • Jitter Javascript garbage collection fixes

  • Lua: files open via File > Open now not have syntax highlighting

  • Material Browser: various additions

  • max-fileformats.txt: added "Mp3 " file type (mp3 drag n drop on buffer~ now works)

  • nslider: displays flats, hide-able clefs

  • OpenGL Status: added ;jitter glreadback settings

  • text editors: ctrl+a/ctrl+e go to the beginning/end of a line

  • Bugs Fixed:

  • Added a more robust way to share OpenGL contexts with @shared 1/0

  • adstatus: no longer ouputs extra messages in switch mode

  • asio: windows asio devices that don't have audio input now work

  • attribute updates now showing in attrui

  • attrui: now updates properly the jit.gen attributes

  • audio status no longer clicks when stepping through output

  • audio status: clears unused option slots

  • avoid object_tinge pile-on

  • buffer~: creates channel arg in object box when dragging audio file

  • buffer~: waveform view sizing updates after sizeinsamps message

  • cascade~: fixed noise on DSP initialization

  • circular menu: show after click drawing improvement when zoomed

  • circular menu: various wheel drawing fixes

  • clocker reset fixes in MFL editor

  • codebox: added key command for recompiling while editing (shift+enter)

  • codebox: fixed errors on opening inspector in gen

  • Codebox: global Gen Patcher Params Accessible

  • codebox: scrollbars are functional

  • codebox/expr in genpatcher: fixed random numbering in outlet assistance

  • color attribute undo fixes

  • color schemes changed for extras

  • colorpicker: compatibility mode respect RGB format

  • comment.svg: fixed 'no such file' standalone error

  • core audio: fixed input SR mismatch crash

  • cycle~: fix for incorrect behavior when frequency is out of range and both frequency and phase inlets are driven by signals

  • delay~: calculated properly at sampling rates > 48000

  • dict: export message adds the file extension properly

  • dict: optional arg imports a json file

  • dict.view: fixed crash during rapid dict updates

  • dynamic attribute notifications

  • File Browser: fix for crash when adding folder to 'Search For' column

  • filterdetail: no longer produces a phase of zero for the first point

  • Fix for crashes when changing IOVS with ad_portaudio

  • fixed erratic behavior of ctrl-click on inlet contextual menu

  • fixed errors when re-editing an inspector color

  • Fixed Max crash on Windows without Quicktime

  • fixed mousing problem with the circular menu

  • fixed some texdisplace shaders

  • fixes for audio crackling / distortion on Mac

  • gen: fixed compilation error with non latin characters

  • gl shared contexts now initializing properly

  • gl.handle output transform messages when autohandle enabled

  • gl.handle: fixed position tracking

  • gn.gloop.jsx-help.maxpat: fixed error on startup

  • jit.desktop: fixed memory leak

  • fixed material browser diffuse texture loading errors

  • fixed drawmode displaylist bug

  • fixed empty matrix crash with draw_mode triangles

  • improved binding of model nodes to anim.nodes

  • @targetname now being properly initialized from object box

  • collision points and attributes for draw flags

  • inlets get updated immediately

  • fixed example

  • drawobject 0/1 and now taking into account target object's transform

  • drawobject transform_reset now being respected

  • texture bindings retained after drawobject capture

  • depth attr no longer causes strange lighting (Win only)

  • fixed depth attr causing strange lighting (Win only)

  • shows up when in a sub-context

  • jit.phys.body: fix for kinematic mode

  • jit.phys.multiple: fix for changing shape

  • fixed crash when freeing

  • fixed looppoints attrui issues

  • improved thread handling

  • jit.window: fixed jitter js callback issues (added mousewheel support)

  • jit.window: fixed modifier keys

  • jit.window: suppress ctrl+click window switching popup

  • Kontakt plug-in with vst~ now works

  • line: fixed erratic behavior in MFL

  • live.drop: now works properly in Max

  • live.gain~: no longer jumps to 0dB when clicking in the name

  • live.toolbar: text fixed in the editor

  • M4L fixes for out of memory issues

  • Max for Live: fixed distorted audio when live buffersize is not divisible by 64

  • menubar: custom menus no longer cause problems for '?' tab

  • MFL parameter: stored value now overrides initial value

  • MFL: OB3D now visible in jit.pwindow after switching tracks

  • minimixer: fix for hang when deleting ezdac~

  • minimixer: fixed patcher focus issues

  • minimixer: now reappears if it is hidden when partially off-screen

  • mxj: in subpatcher no longer causes audio distortion

  • noise~ driven groove~ with resample 1 no longer crashes

  • number of signal used/function calls properly displayed when the DSP is off

  • Object Explorer double-click location screen awareness

  • opening a help patcher that is already open no longer closes the sidebar

  • patch cords: fixed drawing issue when starting Max from a patcher (Mac only)

  • patcher key commands now work after dismissing key command popup window

  • pfft~ no longer crashes when editing while the dsp is on

  • playbar: connected to sfplay~ does a play/pause

  • playbar: properly redraws after sfplay~/ loop attribute changed

  • plot~: fixed aberrations in the first couple of points of plotted data, particularly when using curved lines.

  • plot~: reduced irregularities in curved lines when the data set includes negative infinities

  • plugsend~: deleting from MFL device no longer crashes max editor

  • poly~: fixed audio gaps when loading patcher with gen~ object

  • project: fix for explicit members turning implicit

  • Projects: fixed consolidating twice issues

  • radiogroup: no longer crashes when the number of items is too high

  • re-enabled custom install locations for windows installer

  • Reference: changed css to make links more of a blue color

  • removed contents item from doc window toolbar

  • Removed the 'eye' icon from the docs window toolbar

  • see also tab/pop ups: no longer eats keyboard commands and persistence

  • send~ / recieve~: now working between patches

  • send~ and receive~: now working in poly~/pfft~

  • seq: dump message no longer hangs Max

  • spigot~: asyncread message to combination with spigot~ improvements

  • standalone preferences now writing to custom folder

  • standalone: application-specific menu item names

  • standalone: fixed MaxLua.dll error

  • standalone: no longer putting preferences in ~/Library/Application Support

  • status bar removed in the About Max

  • tapin~/tapout: fixed issue in poly~ with different vector size

  • tapin~/tapout~: fix for delay time reset after dsp is started

  • Text editor: always give window two scrollbars that are always visible

  • textbutton: can now be easily resized when corners are rounded

  • textfield justification improvements (while typing)

  • toolbar / statusbar area now hidden in fullscreen patcher

  • undo command while dragging an object fixes

  • undo command: fixed confusion if chosen while dragging an object

  • vst~ @genericeditor 1 works (some au plugs do not have this ability)

  • vst~ plug path in Mac standalones

  • vst~: fixes for audio distortions on Mac

  • vst~: output no longer limited to first two channels

  • vst~: updates program names after reading in a preset bank file

  • windows audio drivers support extended characters in names
  • Max v 6.0.1 Nov 9, 2011 MacOS X Intel
    New Features:

    highlight patcher object box via double click on inlet/outlet
    autocompletion now filters out redundancy messages to open/close material browser window
    pfft~: open original patch under contextual menu
    persistence of object explorer disclosable headers
    autocompletion dimmed text and enter/tab/space/defocus completes text
    implement gen access to the object via help
    new jit.gen, gen, and examples vignette
    MSP optimizations on both platforms
    minimixer improvements
    Gen documentation updates
    reveal preferences toolbar item

    Bugs Fixed:

    keyboard shortcuts working in save as dialog
    mxj: outletHigh fixes
    documentation browser: now work on Windows
    hint: documented delay time of 0
    patch cords at edge of window cause no longer cause scroll bars
    jit.pwindow: works as a rendering destination in MFL
    added missing clues in Max Preferences / Patcher Window
    setclock: fixed "mul" mode
    bogus objects now respect Object Defaults color
    Projects: .avi files added to 'Media' section
    dict: 'export' message fix
    cycle~: fixes for high frequency setting
    jit.displays: verifies that displaymode < count before sending
    cycle~: no longer goes from sinusoid to negative DC with ramp slab processing/parameter fixes glparam "color" now works in all cases
    cycle~: improvements to sound "quality" differences between Max 5 and 6
    buffer~: 'sizeinsamps' allocates channels properly
    vst~: audio throughput when no plug present
    documentation browser: Forward button now works
    vst~: output no longer limited to first two channels
    'Open help patcher' from reference: does not open an additional copy
    deencapsulate: now disabled for all UI objects
    dict.route: fixed crash for when it receives a dictionary and has no args
    Removing objects from presentation mode: fixed crash
    inspector in the explorer: now gets the focus
    menubar: help menu no longer missing from custom menubar (Mac only)
    Max For Live: fixes for Live windows graphic issues and crash
    waveform~: Ruler BPM now updates
    function: 'setdomain' and 'setrange' now notify attrui/getattr
    gen~: adding a filename argument to an existing gen~ now loads the file
    .genjit/.gendsp files: can be added to Projects fixed matrixoutput
    gen patchers: no longer accept inappropriate key commands
    plot~: range caption clipping and positioning fixes
    text editor: now shows correct line number for initial insertion point
    text editing is immediately enabled after dragging an object into a patcher from the object explorer
    circular menu pop-up: fixed positioning
    color: improvements when using color... in the object menu for objects and patch cords
    dropfile: can now resize when corners are very round
    Inspector menus: regularized inspector pop-up menu locating behavior and appearance
    clicking a separator or disabled item closes a JUCE pop-up menu
    attrui: has an icon in object explorer
    Gen: comparison == op improvements
    jit.window: src/dst rect fixes
    audio driver: NRT audio driver now works with new mixer engine
    pattrstorage: 'setstoragestate' updates value in param mode
    'open original': disabled for original patcher
    slash in path: Max 6 now opens files with a slash in the path (Mac)
    text editor window: pasting text into jed sets dirty flag for window fixed texture message error from JS
    ob3d matrixoutput mode 2 documentation
    Inspector menus: clicking on other windows no longer causes crash
    oscbank~: fixed 'glitches'
    jitter: geometry shaders now work
    zl: fixed frozen @zlmaxsize attribute/argument priority
    bitsafe~: works properly in Max 6
    enable minimum IOVS of 32
    windows support for larger patches
    MaxAPI framework: Apple AppStore-compatible
    nan: fixed issues with average~,atodb~,dbtoa~,sqrt~,ftom~,mtof~,saw~,tri~ and mgraphics
    jit.window: support for modifier keys
    jit.window: suppress ctrl+click window switching popup
    line: fix for erratic behavior in MFL devices while in Max Editor
    projects: eliminated file/folder deletion issue which occurred under certain circumstances when moving project files in the Finder/Explorer
    Max v 6.0 Oct 27, 2011 MacOS X Intel
    Enhancements to Max 6 include extensive user interface improvements, higher-quality audio, extended multi-processor support, organization tools for projects, and improved OpenGL animation and rendering tools.

    Cycling '74 also released Gen, a high-performance new patching domain that lets you create powerful audio, video, or Jitter matrix objects without leaving the comfort of Max.
    Max v 5.1.9 Aug 26, 2011 MacOS X UB asyncread no longer ignores the @window
    live.* restores to the default value when pressing delete key
    table no longer crashes when instantiated with incorrect arguments
    live.gain~ and live.slider drawing improvements when slider background color's alpha is set to 0
    ad_coreaudio fix for problems with Digidesign driver sampling rate changes in Max
    large messages (> 256) no longer leak memory
    pattrstorage: pattrstorage objects inside of poly~ patchers are properly initialized (for instance, priority, autorestore, etc.). Previously, only the first instance was correctly initialized.
    pattr: in parameter mode, single-atom int blob values are no longer automatically converted to floats.
    jit.textfile: reports 'read <0/1>' on file read, like and others
    jit.qt.record: timescale argument to 'write' message is no longer ignored.
    jsjitter: fixed potential crash while calling Jitter object functions from JavaScript. @unique 1 no longer interferes with @loopnotify 1 with @loop 0 on Windows
    mxj: fix for crash on constructor with missing class or jar
    Mac OS 10.7 compatibility fixes
    chucker~: rewrite in order to solve step ordering and memory issues - affects Buffershuffler Max for Live device
    Max v 5.1.8 Mar 29, 2011 MacOS X UB
    # trigger no longer outputs a list when there's only one numeric item
    # pattrstorage: client and storage windows show new pattr and autopattr arrivals immediately, rather than requiring the windows to be closed and reopened
    # coll: renumbering dirties the coll, so that refer clients (cellblock) can know that the contents change changed
    # message box fix for crash appending or prepending items
    # filebrowser: fix for crashes opening browser when no prefs exist.
    # pattrstorage: @changemode now reliable for integer values.
    # fixed crash when applying a prototype to an object when the inspector is viewing the object
    # pattrstorage: inspector attributes @savemode and @autorestore are disabled when pattrstorage is in parameter mode with 'Initial Enable' enabled
    # live.object: calling 'get' on a property with no value (for instance, 'get devices' called on a track with 0 devices) now returns 'propertyname <empty>', rather than simply 'propertyname'.
    # observing a property with no value causes the symbol '<empty>' to be reported from the object's outlet, rather than an empty list.
    # fix for Max for Live multiprocessor dropouts
    # live.dial restore properly its size when the patching and presentation rect differ
    # umenu: display items longer than 255 characters
    # umenu no longer crash when receiving "delete 0" while the menu is empty
    # spigot~: fix for custom cache path
    # umenu: delete 74 doesn't attempt to remove the 74th item if it is not there
    # adsr~ clock unset fix
    # slider works properly in automatic orentation when the patching_size and presentation_size are different
    # sfplay~ displays the correct error message when trying to clear while the dsp is on
    # stutter~ dirties the buffer properly
    # preset now displays slotnames when linked to a pattrstorage
    # Hide Subwindows no longers hides an abstraction that has been modified with MRO. Prevents crashes when abstraction's parent patcher is subsequently closed.
    # pictctrl: mouse delta improvements in dial mode
    # jit.wake: fix for garbage memory when resizing
    # text no longer crashes when the patch is closed while the editor is open
    # pattrstorage: setting or removing a slotname dirties the patcher
    # live.text and live.toggle display the focus
    # live.meter~: no longer output erroneous value when controled by a float
    # live.text and live.toggle now reacts on key input
    # seq~: properly output single int/float elements (introduced in 5.1.5)
    # nodes: speed improvements when the slider is visible
    # jit.freeframe: 'FreeFramePlugins' folder in the Max search path will be found, as documented.
    # objects in subpatches no longer break when duplicating devices.
    # live.thisdevice: new rightmost outlet reports preview state for the current context (a 1 will be sent in the Editor while a 0 is sent in Live and vice versa, as preview mode is enabled and disabled.
    # live.grid: in matrix mode, a constraint column can now be totally empty
    # jit.displays: (Windows only) no longer resets display (in @resetmode 1) if no changes have been made to the initial/snapshotted settings
    # pattr objects: (Windows) pattr-incompatible objects are no longer displayed by pattrstorage/bound to autopattr and pattr objects
    # stripnote properly converts float to int as the documentation says
    # pattrstorage: fix for an endless loop in @activewrite mode + parameter mode when restoring the active state
    # live.remote~: when changing targets, live.remote~ resends its last value to the new target.
    # js: post() no longer crashes on strings longer than 2k characters
    # rect~: no longer crashes when receiving bad syncrhronization values
    # Support for reading encoded (mp3/m4v/etc) and encrypted samples from Ableton's browser via live.drop.
    # re-enabled late window binding (in case the window isn't available when requested, will try a few times until giving up.
    # eliminated a crash when loading movies in direct-to-window mode
    Max v 5.1.7 Dec 4, 2010 MacOS X UB
    # vst~: fix for byte ordering issues saving and loading preset files
    # nodes: fixed memory leak with pictures
    # nodes: display properly default picture on windows
    # pattrstorage: new @fileusagemode - when 1, JSON/XML storage files will not be included in collectives and standalones. Default = 0 (include storage file)
    # table redraws after being recalled by pattrstorage
    # pattrstorage: no longer prompts for file saving when in parameter mode
    # pattrstorage: @paraminitmode is now properly/consistently visible in the inspector (Auto-Update Initial Value flag)
    # pattrstorage: updating the initial value when Initial Enable is on dirties the patcher
    # pattrstorage: implemented logic for interaction between 'native' pattrstorage attrs and additional parameter attrs, as follows: if Initial Enable is on, pattrstorage ignores @autorestore and @savemode (since the storage data is written to the patcher file). If Initial Enable is off (or if pattrstorage's Parameter Enable attribute is off), @autorestore and @savemode function as per the pattrstorage documentation. Note that you can still save JSON (or XML) files in Parameter Mode, but those files will not be loaded automatically if Initial Enable is on
    # Parameter Window: pop-up menu no longer offers 'Update Initial Value' option for attributes in read-only patchers (abstractions, bpatchers, poly~)
    # "buffer~ audio jongly.aif 0 2" creates a stereo buffer from a mono file as it used to
    # nodes includes the knobpicture automatically in a collective/standalone/device
    # snapshot~: properly updates time interval specified in ITM units when tempo changes
    Max v 5.1.6 Nov 20, 2010 MacOS X UB
    # pattr: fix for crash upon receipt of 'bindto' with no argument twice (caused by previous bug fix reinstating helpful error messages when binding fails)
    # parameter: resolves a condition where, under certain circumstances, moving a parameter would cause an automation event to be generated for another parameter
    # plugged memory leak when loading movies with @window set
    # subpatchers set to open in presentation mode when parent patcher is opened now first draw in presentation mode to prevent first rendering from happening in patching mode
    # floating point byte ordering fixes for audio, network, and jitter objects
    # empty lists are now output in the editor, as well as within Live (for instance, observing the 'devices' property of a track, when all devices are removed, an empty list is output)
    # can now apply prototype via box context menu when multiple objects of same class are selected
    # undo of applying a prototype to multiple boxes with one command now undoes the application of all boxes in one shot
    # pattrstorage: more efficient redraw handling
    # lcd refreshes properly after receiving a clear message
    # lcd: clear erases presentation and patching view properly when the size is different
    # -jit.pwindow / fix for no readback with pwindow OpenGL context
    # loadbang fires again for all instances of a poly~ or pfft~ that is inside a patcher loaded by another poly~ or pfft~
    # - fix for context switch crash (win only)
    # unconnected signal inputs now align signal vectors on 16 byte boundaries
    # function no longer crashes when recalling presets quickly
    # swatch: restores appearance properly when the saturation changed
    # pattrstorage: edits to storage slots made from the storagewindow are no longer ignored under certain conditions
    # live.gui objects: 'set' no longer causes output when the parameter speedlim > 0
    # pattr: renaming an object bound to a pattr will cause the binding to be dropped
    # pattrstorage: changing the varname of a client object no longer causes the clientwindow to be cleared
    # average~: rms no longer outputs NaN
    # capture~ no longer hangs Max when opening the window
    # coll no longer crashes when receiving min/max message with wrong index
    # buffer~ properly updates its window when changing the number of channels via a size message
    # text window now disappears when the text object is deleted
    # spectroscope's inspector displays the correct active colors
    # buffer~ no longer resize the buffer when using the read message with the filename as argument (introduced in 5.1.5)
    # multislider now has a setlist message to set all slider values at once without causing the output
    # file browser: clippings in sub-folders of the clippings folder are now properly listed as clippings
    # file browser: now has a 'movie files' search by default.
    # file browser: now has a 'clippings' search by default.
    # tri~ no longer crashes when synched with a click~
    # fix for matrix render when no text message has been sent
    # function no longer crashes nor displays weirdnesses when the domain/range is very small
    # function: next message no longer repeats the last segment indefinitely
    # colorpicker outputs correct green value
    # nodes object addition
    # jit.peek~: fix for freezes when changing matrix_name
    # jit.poke~: fix for freezes when changing matrix_name
    # spectroscope~: background color is now properly displayed before turning on the DSP
    # regexp: dumpout now works properly
    # mxj: sendMessageToBound() returns the correct success state
    # live.* objects output their values when re-enabling a device if the value changed
    # disposing a movie cleans up the edit state (used for undo when using edit operations such as 'trim'), preventing a crash under certain circumstances
    # patcherargs now reports the invalid use of commas and semi-colons as arguments
    # poly~ no longer spawns too many inlets after patchername attr is changed when contained patcher has no in~ objects
    # seq writes the extension properly when missing
    # seq: write fufu.txt exports as text, write yoyo.mid export as Midi
    # jit.buffer: fixes for generating vizualization for small buffers
    # jit.matrix: fix for matrix probe
    # live.path: after setting the path to 'no path' with 'path' (no args), 'getpath' returns 'path' instead of the previously set path
    Max v 5.1.5 Aug 27, 2010 MacOS X UB
    # jit.matrix: fix for read message problem with absolute path
    # combine: fix for crashes caused when the number of items in a list to a given inlet overflowed the number of inlets
    # vst~: fixed crashes when hosting NI's Kontakt plug-in.
    # fixed the suspend object
    # (windows) ctrl + '.' no longer stops scheduler when max is in the background
    # vectral~: fix for premature cutouts on Intel processors
    # live.step: down message works as expected when display_seq is set to All
    # double clicking on a bogus poly~ no longer causes crashes
    # levelmeter~ displays the marker color properly
    # levelmeter~'s shadow respects needle transparency
    # textbutton no longer crashes when text is empty
    # nslider stores empty state in pattr (polyphonic mode)
    # live.guilib: objects' default values with non standard ranges are properly initialized when initial_enable is not set
    # fix for jitter crash with Spanish language chosen for Regional setting on Windows
    # pattrstorage: scroll positions retained when rebuilding client and storage windows.
    # pattrstorage: setting 'active' state no longer causes a complete client/storage window redraw
    # sfplay~ can now open audio files with long names
    # buffer~ updates number of channels on import
    # live.gain~ colors can be customized
    # patch cords are deselected when switching to presentation mode thus preventing accidental cord deletion or floating diamonds
    # file browser: fixed 'reveal in finder' function for items displayed in a folder listing.
    # Toolbar buttons change state immediately after clicking now
    # bpatcher: de-encapsulating a subpatcher in an MRO'd view of a bpatcher works.
    # pattr: error message on @bindto failure restored
    # vst~: fixed operation of the default plug-in.
    # vst~: editor window for the default plug-in now displays correct gain values.
    # vst~: the generic interface (for plug-ins with no ui) now updates the value column when the parameters are changed.
    # file browser: file information in the preview area is now accurate when browsing nested sub-folders.
    # buffer~: read message with only 2 arguments imports the number of channels specified in the sound file header
    # js: Eliminated a source of GC-related memory leakage when querying Patcher object properties.
    # jsliveapi: eliminated random crashing in GC code
    # poly~ no longer crashes when the patchername message has a bad argument
    # cellblock: A -1/-1 entry eliminates the visible cell selection.
    # "; max showclue" displays the clue window in runtime and standalones (for objects which have annotation attributes set)
    # jit.openexr includes Cg frameworks automatically when making a standalone
    # fix for memory leak
    # pattr: eliminated potential memory corruption when bound objects are re-instantiated
    # fixed saving from a subpatcher in an abstraction that was edited by issuing the MRO command on a new view of a bpatcher
    # closing top-level-patcher when an abstraction is open, MRO'd and dirty now gives the user a choice of what to do (save, discard, cancel)
    # svg files are properly included in a collective
    # more memory leak fixes
    # fix for possible crash showing clue window on startup
    # fix for warning message called on invalid object messages when jitter objects are instantiated but jitter is not authorized
    # fix for crashes when loading jit.vcr or when jitter is not authorized
    # loadbang in patcher containing poly~ no longer fires inappropriately first time the poly~ reloads its patcher
    # disabling the debugger now restores original overdrive setting automatically
    # jit.conway:fix for divide by zero crashes with birthmark enabled
    # watchpoints and breakpoints are disabled for a device open in the MFL editor to avoid crashes
    # when Debug is enabled and an MFL device is open in the editor the debugger will now ignore any breakpoints or watchpoints that are hit from the scheduler thread
    # DSP Status patcher is now automatically included in a standalone application
    # window getsize -> thispatcher now works before subpatcher or abstraction window is opened for a first time
    # preset can now store large multisliders
    # large multislider no longer crashes when recalled by a preset object through send/receive
    # jit.vcr: fix for crash when Jitter is not authorized
    # fixed crash when a jgraphics context is deleted before all pushed jgraphics state objects have been restored
    # jweb: better clipping behavior, particularly within bpatchers
    # removed some Rewire errors
    # text: fix for the 'editwith' message following the opening of a file using the dialog to open the file.
    # jweb: eliminate potential crashes on OSX when closing patcher window
    # pattr: eliminate crash when receiving 'bindto' with no argument
    # windows: no longer drops sysex messages when too many are received too quickly
    # cellblock: Fix calculations for horizontal scrolling boundries.
    # parameters: new attribute to toggle deferral of automation and remote control output to the GUI thread; off by default, this attribute can be used to reduce the frequency of value changes resulting from automation and significantly reduce processor load. In combination with the new parameter_speedlim attribute, device developers now have fairly comprehensive control over the automation of their parameters.
    # fix for CoreAudio support for Tascam US-1641
    # filtergraph~ now has a hfgcolor attribute to set the highlight foreground color
    # cellblock: Improve vertical and horizontal cell visibility calculations.
    # cellblock: Implement new 'automouse' attribute and message to disable mouse-drag scrolling.
    # the typed-in property argument was getting lost under certain circumstances.
    # file browser: hyperlinks for opening the help patcher or ref page appear properly in the file preview for objects.
    # file browser: double-clicking an object's name in file browser will open that object's help patcher.
    # fix for errors when recreating contexts with floating point textures that are read back to jit.matrix
    # fix for memory leak when reading back to jit.matrix
    # fix for floating point resolution issues
    # uninitialized memory fix (occasionally led to mysterious non-reproducible problems)
    Max v 5.1.4 Apr 30, 2010 MacOS X UB
    # lcd now longer hangs Max when the titlepict message doesn't have correct arguments
    # fix for broken @thru 0 argument
    # rand~: no longer produces noises when the frequency is too close to zero
    # ad_rewire: fixed crash when using ReWire as an ITM clocksource when ReWire is not the selected audio driver
    # file browser: now provides tooltips when hovering over a cell whose text doesn't fit in the view.
    # auto-completion: fixed incorrect completion for object names containing unicode characters.
    # nslider: changes to the fgcolor attribute now set the color of the clefs and notehead in addition to the staves and note stem.
    # patch cord connection editing is improved
    # export image as well as jgraphics_image_surface_writepng now include dpi information in png metadata
    # preset properly outputs the preset number out the second outlet in response to a int message (as in Max 4.x)
    # fix for crashes with glutess functions under windows
    # live.gui objects no longer break when their @varname is set twice to the same name.
    # live.remote~ now accepts integer values as well
    # cellblock: Fix to non-grid display drawing.
    # cellblock: add row height dim-specific message to help file.
    # cellblock: fixes to inline editing when connected to a jit_matrix
    # cellblock: support for scroll wheel changes
    # automatic dim handling and wrapping with new dimparam attribute
    # jit.scanwrap: fix for ndim wrapping in mode 3
    # live.meter~ can now be controlled by float/list
    # linklist: fix for list corruption when calling the 'reverse' method
    # jit.op/expr: fix for processing large 1d matrices (>10000) on multi-processor machines
    # cellblock: fix to tab key support
    # cellblock: fixes to select message crashes
    # jit.matrix: added fillplane message to fill a single plane with a value
    # jit.dx.grab: sets alpha channel to 255
    # improved redrawing of live.meter~/live.gain~
    # cellblock: fixes to key movement on single-col cellblock
    # cellblock: fixes to key movement in inline edit mode.
    # live.drop now outputs file type
    # umenu: changes to @showdotfiles, @types, @depth properly repopulate the menu (if autopopulate is enabled and a valid file path is set as the prefix), and send a 'populate [count]' message out of the umenu object's right outlet
    # pattrstorage: fixed a bug introduced in 5.1.3 where pattrstorage with the default @savemode requests file-saving too aggressively (for instance, when closing a patcher in which nothing has been changed wrt pattrstorage state)
    # pictctrl: improved mouse dragging in dial mode
    # cellblock: addition of old cell definition conversion code
    # cellblock: proper transparancy handling of selected cell
    # live.remote~ no longer crashes outside of a device
    # cellblock: fixes to crashes during wide column scrolling.
    # two in~ objects with the same index number in a resampled poly~ now works for each in~ iinstance
    # function: no longer hangs Max when a clear message is received
    # improved stockhausen-studie-II example
    # alpha background color of live.step no longer affects the overall transparency
    # line outputs a bang at the end of the ramp even if the grain size is bigger than the segment
    # waveform can now inverse zoom orientation
    # multislider: fix for crashes when dragging in the interface while the size of the multislider is changing in another thread.
    # objects such as "metro 4n" no longer output excessive bangs when in a max device that becomes enabled after being disabled while set is playing
    # loadbang now works when creating a poly~ object where the poly~ subpatcher contains another poly~ or pfft~
    # Windows open dialog now defaults to something that makes more sense then "All Files"
    # sustain: now has a repeatmode attribute and a flush message
    # editing and saving a device after modifying the buffer~ duration now applies the new duration correctly (when only one instance of the device is open in Live)
    # if user cancels a "Save As" operation on a max device and then closes the editor, abandoning edits, and then opens device in editor again, previously abandoned edits now remain abandoned
    # loadbanging a replace message to a bpatcher now works correctly
    # cellblock: fixed sync click output to properly display current scroll view.
    # function no longer leaks memory when receiving getsustain or getfix message
    # jit.matrix fix for double registration of named matrices not being freed on patcher close, or object reinstantiation
    # jit.matrix: fix for crashes when renaming jit.matrix objects which have more than one reference
    # fixed crash when deleting an object in the editor while a metro or similar object is sending output to said object
    # retyping an object box now preserves the background color
    # umenu: when using autopopulate with a file type filter, umenu longer adds non-matching files/folders
    # change: deals properly with big integers
    # table:redraws its window after receiving a refer message
    # textbutton properly uses borderoncolor when clicked (in button mode)
    # live.guilib objects now have an outputvalue message
    # fixes for absolute path filenames in jit.matrix, jit.fprint, jit.qt.broadcast, and jit.textfile
    # live.step no longer crashes in direction mode 2 with a small loop
    # (i)table no longer produces an error when receiving a write message without argument (windows only)
    # cellblock: Properly deals with output for select and inline editing options.
    # menubar: now reports windows menu item chosen
    # cellblock: fixed cell and dimension definition corruption when reading old patch settings.
    # fpic now has an alpha attribute to set the transparency
    # fpic properly restores xoffset and yoffset attributes when autofit is set
    # fix for crash when instantiated in js, java, or C without a render destination name argument
    # umenu: changes to the umenu contents (append, delete, insert, etc.) now properly update the 'items' attribute. When there are no items in the menu, the value of @items is the symbol ''
    # paste and duplicate of a large number of objects while the inspector is open is no longer slow
    # MSP on windows no longer changes rounding mode from the default
    # standalone: new option to include the C74:/extensions folder in the application bundle when building an application.
    # loading speed for patchers containing large numbers of parameter-aware objects improved.
    # improved drawing refresh rate when using hundreds of bpatcher instances in a patcher
    # UI objects that use JBOX_NODRAWBOX should now use less CPU time when redrawing
    # blue focus rect now shows up when editing an existing object box, message box, or comment
    # live.meter~ colors can be customized
    # pattr: frozen @bindto attributes are now restored at patcher load.
    # pattrstorage: @outputmode 1 doesn't trigger output during object initialization.
    # loadbang -> window size -> thispatcher no longer causes window recreation on mac
    Max v 5.1.3 Feb 10, 2010 MacOS X UB
    # tinge no longer blocks mouse clicks on an object (such as when choosing one from send or receive double click menu)
    # audio processing updated properly when multiple signal patch cords are deleted at the same time while audio is running
    # sampstoms~ outputs correct result when the DSP hasn't been turned on yet
    # numkey no longer crashes when receiving too many numbers
    # fix for jit.window fullscreen issues on Windows
    # MSP audio buffers in t_signal are now aligned on 16 byte boundaries to enable third party external developers to add vector optimizations
    # pattrstorage: simplified pattrstorage write dialog.
    # Stored-only parameters with exponents should now be correctly recalled.
    # filepath: fix for set method called after an initial bang on an empty path slot
    # live.guilib: improved mousing of small ranges (parameter type int)
    # possible fix for crashes that have PrototypeButtonComponent::~PrototypeButtonComponent() on the stack
    # pattrstorage: fixed timing issue when loading/restoring pattrstorage data from Live devices
    # using send and receive to send many events (i.e. midi) from scheduler thread between Live and Editor now works properly
    # grab now works in max for live when grabbing output of things connected to receive objects
    # new glu tesselation commands
    # export image as well as jgraphics_image_surface_writepng now include dpi information in the png file
    # matrix probe's scope works properly after changing mode
    # round no longer attempts to free twice when receiving a list
    # fixed crash after closing DelayLine.tutorial.als (crash only started with Max 5.1.2)
    # transposer properly works in Max for Live devices
    Max v 5.0.8 Sep 16, 2009 MacOS X UB
    # extensions that are the same file type as the default type (such as .maxhelp) can be chosen via a pop-up menu
    # inlet and outlet objects no longer cause crashes upon viewing assistance if the "comment" attribute contains more than 512 characters
    # zl: fix for list truncation when the list begins with a symbol and the list is the same size as the maximum limit for list length.
    # filebrowser: the preview pane now correctly displays the full path of all files when there are multiples of the same file in the searchpath.
    # filebrowser: the reveal-in-finder button no correctly locates all files when there are multiples of the same file in the searchpath.
    # round: fix for bug when receiving list input where round would modify its input directly in memory before outputting the new values.
    # improved updating when monitors are added or deleted
    # annotation attributes are disabled for objects that ignore clicks
    # pattrstorage: fixed memory access bug during 'renumber' and 'remove'
    # bpatchers as well as objects in bpatchers now support annotations
    # DLS Synth: now compatible with Snow Leopard
    # filewatcher: fixed crashes on the Mac caused by dramatic changes to the searchpath while Max is running.
    # +=~: now has a second inlet to be reset in a sample accurate way
    # bucket: freeze/thaw works properly when the include argument is set
    # option-titlebar click menu on abstraction disabled for runtime builds
    # dirty subpatchers inside an abstraction that has been edited via Modify Read Only can now be closed without prompting for save
    # jit.cellblock no longer crash when displaying big symbols
    # multislider: fixed display of vertical sliders in signed mode where the display of zero values appeared to look like non-zero values.
    # matrixctrl: clickvalue attribute is displayed in italic, you can freeze it to restore its value
    # spectroscope~: when in spectrogram mode, the frequency and amplitude of the current mouse position is sent out via an outlet.
    # detonate: fix for incorrect note durations of imported midi files.
    # colorpicker has a compatibility attribute to deal with RGB or RGBA values
    # zmap accepts lists now
    # scale accpets lists now
    # umenu has now an insert message
    # filebrowser: fix for crash when attempting to update a previously saved search (problem introduced in Max 5.0.7).
    # count~: now supports an optional signal input to turn counting on and off with sample accuracy.
    # tab: now responds to object-defaults
    # textbutton: now responds to object-defaults
    # meter~: now responds to object-defaults
    # scope~: now responds to object-defaults
    # jit.qball supports list of more than 256 items
    # spectrogram~: now responds to object-defaults.
    # waveform~: now responds to object-defaults
    # zplane~: responds to object-defaults
    # new improved tab display in the Object Defaults window
    # table: no longer loose its name when reading a preset from disk
    # vst~: fixed errors when trying to read a vst preset file specified with a complete path.
    # api: calls to saveasdialog_extended() with 0 types no longer crashes
    # drawing of the patcher grid is now more accurate when zooming the patch
    # matrixctrl with 1 row and 1 column now initializes properly
    # number and flonum now output value and end edit if window is deactivated before entering typed entry
    # vst~: fixed intermittent problems with dropped midi events, such as noteoff messages, particularly when under heavy cpu load.
    # added exportimage message to max with syntax ";max exportimage patchername [pathname] [dpi] [x y width height]" where params in brackets are optional, patchername is a name previously used for the openfile message to max to open a patcherr, dpi is the resolution of the resulting image, and x,y,width,height specify the portion of the patcher to export.
    # function now has zoom_x and zoom_y attributes
    # itable now has a legend attribute
    # editing a patcher owned by a poly~ via MRO now triggers an audio recompile
    # ubutton: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
    # radiogroup: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
    # nslider: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
    # multislider: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
    # kslider: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
    # led: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
    # jit.fpsgui: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
    # function: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
    # incdec: colors definable as attributes, works with object-defaults.
    # waveform~: can now select the all buffer with the mouse
    # filebrowser: the clue window now shows the item name and its location for the item over which the mouse is hovering.
    # waveform~: undo message causes changed values to be sent from the object's outlets as in Max 4.
    # coll: can now read text files that have been assigned a filetype
    # function: fixed obscure crashes in extreme situations
    # file extensions are now forced on the Mac in save as dialogs
    # pattrstorage: changing the boxname updates the name attribute of the pattrstorage/window titles
    # pattrstorage: changing the name updates the title bars of the client and storage windows
    # fixed problem where memory was not being freed when clearing the max window
    # lookup~: fixed crash when a buffer~ becomes multi-channel
    # fpic and comment are copied in a standalone to show default about box
    # rslider can be duplicated properly with a range of 1 in floating point mode
    # makenote has a new repeatmode attribute to deal with note repetition
    # swatch restores the colors with the correct saturation
    # textbutton: draws correct state after being clicked when connected to opendialog
    # poly~ accepts @target as typed attribute of the box
    # funnel is no longer confused by offset changes
    # jit.freeframe: fix for endian issues on Intel Mac
    # groove~ respects jumping at a position after changing the loop point (as in Max 4.x)
    # regexp: fix for @tosymbol output -- it was not always a symbol
    # rslider: command key move the range selection
    # rslider: option key + vertical drag increase/decrease the selection
    # colorpicker: now sends notifications when a color is chosen (in addition to sending values via the outlet), allowing the object to be used as an embedded object inside of other externals.
    # The "Show Horizontal Scrollbar" and "Show Vertical Scrollbar" settings in the patcher inspector now work
    # fix for vst~ causing excessing cpu usage in syslogd
    # tosymbol no longer crash when attemping to create too large symbols
    # dialog now sends a bang to the right outlet when user cancels
    # zl: fixed possible memory corruption using messages of more than 256 items
    # mtr: fixed duration output of next message with stored lists
    # pfft~: fixed crash starting audio when the subpatcher has no MSP objects in it
    # fix for case where object box in subpatcher could have its text highlighted for editing after locking, closing, and opening said subpatcher
    # umenu: trucated text indicated with an ellipsis is now sized to fit within the viewable area of the umenu.
    # umenu: new truncate attribute determines whether text is truncated at the right side or in the middle
    # object palette now won't show during double click if one or more of the clicks is on a patch cord
    # coll: fix for possible crash opening colls containing large lists
    # pfft~: new 'clear' message zeros internal buffers.
    # text entered in entry dialog now accepted when edit button is pressed while editing text
    # detonate: graphic editing in max 5 is now supported
    # gate~: signal input select the right most outlet if it is greater than the number of outlet
    # fix for crash dragging in matrixctrl
    # gain~ outputs its value when a bang message is received
    # matrixctrl is more cooperative with mouse clicks
    Max v 5.0.7 Apr 15, 2009 MacOS X UB
    # textbutton: blinktime attribute allows you to change the blinking time in button mode
    # improved max application performance during and shortly after launching the application, and reduced the time required to start Max.
    # fix for off-by-one error when getting and setting looppoints
    # anything based on linklist_sort() is much faster for lists with lots of elements
    # windows: adding a folder with lots (i.e. 1000) of files to the search path is much faster
    # filebrowser: information about internal objects and patchers saved in ref pages now properly displays in the file browser preview pane.
    # strippath:fix for stripping folder names with trailing path separator characters
    # vst~:compatibility with latest waveshell: new subname message, new printids message, new ability to specify a subname as a second argument to the plug message
    # fixed crash loading patcher file that has a UI object name as the text of a newobj
    # fixed "Align Connections" problem where objects keep moving to the right when multiple connections exist between the same two selected objects.
    # pattrstorage: fix for exp/pow interpolation mode
    # pattrstorage: unnamed slots output '<(unnamed)>' in response to the 'getslotname' message, as documented.
    # meter~: display will now go to zero when disconnected from audio input
    # rewire~: no longer crashes when receiving a midi message while another ReWire mixer application was initially running
    # pipe: fixed clock message
    # delay~: maxsize now works even when the object does not have arguments
    # thispatcher: script new to thispatcher when creating a hidden object can now set the scripting name properly
    # key / keyup: control keys now report appropriate ascii values out first outlet
    # key / keyup on windows: fourth outlet is now consistent with mac: a-z keys are reported with lowercase ascii values
    # makenote: unpacked list of four ints now sets channel number properly
    # omx objects now work at any signal vector size between 1 and 2048
    # lcd: sprite content now included in PNG files created with writepict message
    # fix for drawpict message to lcd not drawing in some situations
    # fixed crash dragging a patcher from the filebrowser over a bpatcher object in a locked patcher
    # fixes for udp.send limitations and udp.send/recv crashes
    # poke~: no longer offset when the channel is improperly set
    # new objects now trigger dsp chain rebuild after doing something bad with poly~ (setting its patcher name to something that is not a patcher)
    # creating new msp objects now reliably restarts audio
    # cellbock: Updated to provide a new 'refresh message' (to avoid the repeated use of the 'refer' message), and to allow a '0' refresh interval for matrix and coll references.
    # jit.expr: fix for non symbol expressions-e.g. float or integer only
    # mxj list.Mth: now instantiates properly
    Max v 5.0.6 Feb 25, 2009 MacOS X UB
  • fixed excessive memory allocation when zooming in very far

  • filebrowser: new 'description' column displays description metadata about objects in the search path.

  • filebrowser: fixed bug where files that have been deleted from the searchpath still show in the filebrowser.

  • pattrhub: fixed parent resolution bug introduced in 5.0.5

  • delay~: fixed problem with setting delay time in samples -- accuracy was messed up and value was corrupted by sample rate changes

  • sysexout doesn't appear in the autocompletion anymore, because it doesn't exist.

  • curve~ now restarts properly after a stop message

  • displaying contextual menu on a bogus poly~ doesn't crash anymore.

  • dial: minimum number of steps set to 2

  • out~: fixed crash when loading patcher into a poly~ without outlets

  • poly~: fixed error messages when loading a patcher containing omx.4band~ or tapin~ / tapout~ via the patchername attribute

  • groove~ doesn't crash when double clicking on the object when it's not attached to a valid buffer~

  • delay~: delay time conversion via ITM or initial argument uses rounding rather than truncation

  • fix for crash with the combination of quickref menu,*, and frozen attributes

  • args attribute now visible (only takes effect with each patcher load). made parallel message an attribute. removed redundancies of messages and attributes for steal, voices, and vs.

  • fix for stack overflows with large chains of message boxes

  • seq: hook message accepts floats again

  • sfrecord~ can use 2 symbols as arguments as documented

  • fseventwatcher: fix for some reported crashes

  • poly~: improved safeties and error message for nested, parallel enabled poly~ objects

  • buffer~: writewave automatically select the sound file type

  • fix for wclose message with no open views

  • fix for crash in certain vst plugs (when vst_refresh is on call stack from non-main thread)

  • textbutton now has an active attribute

  • zigzag~ no longer crashes when receiving bad looppoints

  • signal probe: fixed crashes

  • mxj: isPatcher() is now compatible with Max 5

  • umenu: prev and next message a la tab object

  • timepoint: changing time to < current time no longer makes timepoint fire immediately

  • translate: input to notevalues output is rounded to the nearest int when calculating the ticks, eliminates errors when converting ms to notevalues

  • augraph: audio is now stopped before loading a sound bank to avoid crashes

  • minmax~ works properly with vector size of 1 sample

  • line: removed useless dump outlet

  • multiple instances of different standalone applications can now be launched

  • sleep interval no longer shown in preferences window (or saved), since it didn't do anything

  • preferences window label for Refresh Interval (ms) changed to Refresh Rate (Hz) to match documentation (and what it actually does)

  • json parser now understands json character escapes of form \uxxxx (where x is one hex digit) and this can be a convenient way of inserting a special character into a patcher

  • vst~: reports changes in host edit window (for plug-ins without editors) out fourth outlet

  • lookup~: fixed for negative input values

  • lookup~: fixed for negative input values

  • Windows max now supports network paths such as \\sharename\folder\foo.txt

  • Windows: runtime and standalones now work when launched from a network share

  • improved speed of saving patchers that have a lot of subpatchers

  • cascade~ doesn't go crazy when it does not receive signal

  • Open Recent item moves to the top of the menu after it is chosen

  • svf~ is now denormal proof

  • filebrowser: fix for silent audio playback in the preview pane

  • fix for crash that could happen after encapsulating a buffer~ object

  • coll: when embedding data in a patcher, data is now saved in a modern, easy-to-edit format that preserves backslashed semicolons, dollar-args, etc.

  • coll: #N is no longer converted to $N when opening an editing window

  • coll: #N rather than $N arguments are now replaced in a subpatcher, which is more consistent with other uses of #N

  • function outputs up to 128 pairs for line~

  • fixed crashes happening due to assertions being enabled in release version

  • tab output integers when the tab elements are integers

  • mxj: embedMessage() can now store up to 4094 Atoms

  • creating a message box from the quickref menu for messages with more than one argument adds $1 $2 etc. to the message box

  • improved accuracy of quantized timing with external clocksources

  • ad_coreaudio: when switching input devices, the device is properly updated with the io vector size.

  • rslider works smoothly with range of 1 in floating point mode

  • fix for some memory leaks that could happen when patching

  • fix for crashes after removing objects from presentation view via the inspector when the patcher is in presentation mode

  • MaxAPI.framework: updated to expose header files more recently added to the Max 5 SDK

  • dragging a patch cord segment that is over another object no longer jumps segment position at times

  • patch cord align no longer hangs if source object is on top of destination object

  • if patcher is too complex for automatic patch cord align will now give up and do a simple align instead of trying too hard to find a good path

  • closing extra views of a subpatcher now really frees those views instead of just hiding them

  • file browser: fixed crash dragging a file whose kind is shown as a "file" onto any box in a patcher

  • fixed hang when using signal probe and creating a new patch cord

  • when time value is changed from bbu to non-bbu (raw ticks), it is now unaffected by time signature recalculations when seeking -- this fixes bug where changing a time point from a bbu value to a ticks value retained the old bbu value after a change to the transport time

  • timepoints and other permanent events do not fire after transport has been turned off

  • zl displays an error when the arguments are incorrect

  • combine now accepts also lists as input

  • fix for msp object scheduler corruption problems with overdrive off

  • (windows only) fix for substantial memory leak when painting text based objects with native text rendering on

  • metro: autostarttime is now automatically set to transport via @transport attribute

  • metro: fixed crashes when using autostarttime together with transport attribute

  • fix for crash after bad attempt at scripting connections

  • fix for crash after deleting inlet or outlet objects in an abstraction in response to loadbang

  • spectroscope~: orientation attribute displayed properly in the inspector

  • function works properly with any box size

  • filebrowser: a drag into a patcher, when initiated from a folder listing and the folder is in the search path, passes just the name of the file rather than the complete path.

  • new message to max: 'db.dump' will dump the contents of Max's database to JSON files for debugging or examination.

  • jit.plot: byte order fix for little endian machines

  • number~ now has a second background color to change pict background

  • fix for crash when using poly~ with patchers that don't contain the same number of inlets as one another

  • (windows) font names such as "Arial Italic Bold" now work on windows (as such font names often come from mac)

  • for crashes when resizing font cache

  • jit.spill:support for listlength up to 16384

  • meter~: improved responsiveness

  • sprintf can display % by using the standard %% syntax

  • file browser: metadata for an item in the file browser may be edited.

  • suckah: added @boundmode, constrains output to coordinates within the object box's rect.

  • new message to max: sortpatcherdictonsave - sending this message to max with an argument of 1 will tell max to sort the patcher dictionary before saving.

  • waveform~: cropping is more precise

  • jit.expr: fixed crashes with malformed expressions

  • tri~: fixed crash when modulating high frequencies

  • choosing the Preferences item on the Mac no longer crashes if menus defined by the menubar object are in use

  • the ESC key will now move the focus from the currently focused object in a locked patcher to the patcher -- useful, for example, so key objects can then report numbers typed

  • thispatcher now supports select message which will cause patcher to grab keyboard focus away from another object (i.e. number) if said patcher is active

  • dial: outline color can have its own alpha

  • Added "Route Patch Cords" command (which does automated routing) and changed "Align" on patch cords to make simple segmented cords.

  • fixed issues with ReWire sync and events triggering at time 0

  • fixed problem where seeking while using the translate object would cause negative bbu to ticks conversion output

  • fix for inconsistent outermost patcherargs triggering before innermost in a patcher hierarchy

  • Fix for @loop 3 audio playback bug

  • vexpr now accepts list of up to 4096 items

  • pattrstorage: eliminated application hang when opening windows when there are many client objects

  • mxj: MaxSystem.isRuntime() reports if the class runs inside the MaxMSP Runtime

  • signal probe now works when line is over part of a box

  • makenote now accepts a third argument to specify the channel

  • round~: nearest is now an attribute

  • round now has a nearest attribute and can also round to any step

  • fixed problem where opening a patch via the finder didn't turn audio on for the opened patch

  • filebrowser: the filebrowser and autocompletion now list the % and %~ objects.

  • fixed enablement of "color..." menu item on box context popup menu

  • mxj: fixed crashed with newDefault()

  • instantiating a juibogus doesn't crash anymore

  • text editors (i.e. text editors, textedit object, etc) now convert carriage return to line feed so line endings are always consistent in order to avoid problems with text object

  • waveform~: multichannel portion of the helppatcher now links the control modes of the waveform~ objects.

  • textedit: improved text positioning

  • Opening a help file a second time will bring previously opened instance to the front.

  • dropping files on the max window takes an appropriate action (opens patchers, installs externals, etc)

  • umenu accepts floats (and automatically converts them to ints)

  • (windows) date object now reports local time instead of gmc time

  • buffer~:fix for import message with 24bit AIFF and WAVE files

  • patcherargs: args passed to poly~ are now available to its patcher using patcherargs.

  • javascript "visible" property of wind object property of patcher object is now settable as well as gettable allowing a patcher window to be hidden / shown without destroying patcher (which wclose method of patcher would do)

  • waveform~: line followed by a negative number hides the vertical line

  • maxversion() max API function now properly sets bit 0x4000 when inside a standalone

  • dial: improved vertical dragging with small ranges (integer mode)

  • improved debug window resizing

  • pictslider: notify pattr on mousedown

  • cellblock: Fix restoration of column widths on patcher open.

  • slider and dial can have a minimum range of 1. in floating mode

  • select message to textedit, number, etc, now works in runtime and standalones

  • kslider: fixed velocity output when dragging across keyboard in monophonic mode

  • pattrstorage: 'insert' and 'remove' no longer result in missing entries in the storagewindow

  • windows: save / don't save / cancel dialog can now be navigated via keyboard

  • pictslider: fixed "jump to position" mouse tracking

  • fixed issues with timepoint firing and time signature changes

  • items dropped into a patcher (i.e. from File Browser or from inspector) while the patcher is scrolled now are created in the correct place

  • zl: plugged memory leak in zl filter mode

  • front -> thispatcher on a notitle window that has its y position at 0 no longers moves the window down 20 pixels or so

  • Windows: key shortcuts now work when created via menubar (i.e. ctrl+G in menubar.maxhelp)

  • onepole~ now accepts integer cutoff frequency as argument

  • zl: mode stream unrolls lists

  • seconds are a valid unit for translate object conversion purposes only

  • cellblock: initialization routine changed to improve stability of row adds and deletes.

  • colons are now stripped from scripting names, as this character is reserved and cannot be used.

  • vst~: subfolders of the vst plug-ins folder are no longer automatically added to Max's database when the folder is automatically added to the searchpath.

  • fix for memory leak

  • fix for memory leak

  • fixed problem where Tahoma could not be selected using the Mac Font Panel

  • fixed a Font Panel problem that would lead to the text color of a selected object being set to a random color

  • windows: keyboard accelerators now work when windows without menus are topmost (such as the clue window or a jit.window window)

  • windows: fix for jit.openexr (and possibly others) when building a standalone -- now maxcrt_p.dll is copied to the standalone's application folder automatically

  • eliminated 128 x 128 minimum window size on Mac when resizing a window by hand

  • udpsend: fixed memory leak when changing the host or port

  • fix for crash when right clicking on a poly~ object who's patcher wasn't found

  • movie: fixed behavior of time message with no arguments

  • mxj net.*: fixed crash when changing the host or port ceaselessly

  • jit.buffer~:fix for crashes when visualizing soundfiles

  • mxj buf.Op: normalize doesn't invert the phase anymore

  • radiogroup: doesn't produce harmless warning when saving a preset

  • poly~: fix for parallel attribute argument not taking effect

  • fpic: now includes its image file in a collective automatically

  • hint: fixed positioning on second monitors
  • Max v 5.0.5 Oct 2, 2008 MacOS X UB
  • seq~: can add a simple symbol (aka "add 1 0.74 honk")

  • dial now has a floatoutput attribute like slider

  • dial better mouse interaction with small ranges

  • jit.fprint: read no longer produces a -1 error for every read attempt.

  • dial now has a setminmax message like slider and multislider

  • metro: fixed quantization when starting

  • fix for crash when # args are used in certain attribute values (as exposed by examples/max-tricks/send-receive-tricks/send-receive-hoard-#0.maxpat)

  • paste picture works on windows again

  • importing patcher with embedded bpatcher that contains a non-embedded bpatcher no longer crashes

  • textedit: new attribute, bangmode, controls whether bang updates value while user is typing, defaults to max 4 behavior

  • textedit: enter message to textedit no longer documented

  • fromsymbol: 'separator' method to mirror the 'separator' in tosymbol

  • textedit: new fourth outlet sends "textchanged" when text changes (when typing or otherwise)

  • wclose -> thispatcher no longer crashes

  • quickref menu now enabled for non-left inlets of user-interface objects

  • number~ now correctly imports minimum and maximum values from old patches

  • clocksource support for transport external sync to ReWire

  • ad_rewire: creates a clock source for transport sync

  • transport: now has a clocksource attribute (currently set to internal / rewire)

  • button: draws correct state after being clicked when connected to opendialog

  • waveform~: border color works properly

  • jit.buffer~: automatically includes the buffer~ object in standalone applications

  • audio can now be turned on without any DSP objects present; this permits use of sync for ReWire without audio generation

  • imovie: added PICT to list of known types

  • @moviepath is not settable.

  • @movie_name attribute hidden (it's just an alias for @moviename)

  • regexp: backslashes (escapes) are no longer modified in-place in an incoming atom list

  • improved reliability of the searchpath for Mac OS 10.5 in situations where the contents of the searchpath are changed by non-notifying processes (such as network access) while Max is running.

  • opening large colls on windows is faster

  • runtime version and standalones no longer register filetypes that should be registered to max application

  • Windows runtime no longer requires MS C runtime library when run on computers without it.

  • file browser: now lists vst plug-ins that are present in the searchpath

  • setting box's visible attribute to true via sending "hidden 1" to box when patch is locked, followed by unlocking and locking the patch, followed by making the box visible by sending "hidden 0" to it, now works properly

  • clearing various entries in max preferences no longer causes max to crash

  • pending segmented patch cord is aborted when patcher is locked

  • new localization support -- use localize_lookupstring() to get a string associated with a symbol

  • combine: supports list input

  • outputlength message has greater consistency with buffer~ size message

  • removed Debug Panel from the debug menu

  • pattrmarker: names are no longer accidentally retained under certain circumstances

  • biquad~:now only incurs new "smooth" performance hit when coefficients actually change

  • movie volume is automatically set to 0 if a 'soc' is requested, but either not (yet) found or DSP disabled

  • zigzag~: solved freezing

  • and 3d: fix for bogus chars with multiline text on windows

  • jit.qt.grab: eliminated error warnings re: DFG when opening inspector

  • Jitter Java: fixed signed byte problems with copyMatrixToArray, and planar offset problems with copyArrayToVectorPlanar and copyVectorToArrayPlanar

  • fixes for lost parameters when windows are rebuilt as going to/from fullscreen

  • scope~: now displays y axis properly

  • menubar: fixed "Max Menus" menu item when a menubar is made active if an existing menubar is already active

  • freeze and revert toolbar icons are properly enabled for read-only attributes

  • De-encapsulate: #-arguments are now preserved upon de-encapsulation, as they were in Max 4

  •* fixed quickref attribute selection crash for jitter objects

  • modal text dialog now prevents title bar clicks, preventing crashes when used inside an inspector

  • jit.qt.grab: changes to @framerate are properly applied to the digitizer when it is (re-)opened.

  • modal text dialog now prevents title bar clicks, preventing crashes when used inside an inspector

  • file browser: menus for specifying search criteria now use the 'system font' specified in Max's preferences.

  • textedit no longer starts editing when previously focused and patcher window is activated

  • coreaudio audio driver: now unicode-compatible

  • poly~: fix for clicking with parallel on

  • fixed crash when using the finder to change the contents of the clippings folder

  • sfplay~: fix for looping rather than stopping when playing certain audio files at certain vector sizes

  • Select Window contextual menu item for All Windows Active is now properly enabled on the Mac

  • jweb: 'read' with no argument loads the about:blank empty URL

  • rewire sync now supports host looping and seeking

  • overdrive~ works now properly with signal in the right inlet

  • timepoint: fixed bug where other timepoints before current time would fire when scheduled time was changed

  • pattrstorage: increased maximum length of parsed symbols from XML from 256 to 2048 characters.

  • pattrstorage: increased maximum length of parsed symbols from XML from 256 to 2048 characters.

  • jweb: followed links are now properly added to the page history

  • jweb: untitled pages now use the absolute URL, rather than the relative path, as the title

  • jweb: 'url' is now properly reported after page load in Windows

  • borax ignores pitches out of MIDI range properly

  • buffer~: removed long-standing check that prevented increasing the number of channels when reading in a file

  • incdec now allosw automatic incrementation/decrementation while the mouse is pressed

  • max useslowbutcompletesearching option for examining the disk when files are not found in the search path

  • zl mode sect sends bangs when nothing is common between the two input lists

  • rewire sync now sends time signature changes

  • transport: restriction on changing time signature when time > 0 has been eliminated

  • kslider outputs velocity 0 when turning notes off in polyphonic mode

  • fix for crash when changing shape attribute

  • itable: second background color can now be transparent

  • fix for persistent pbuffer errors

  • transport: new "resetbarcount" (reset bar counter on time signature changes) attribute

  • transport: prevents time signature changes from happening if externally synchronized

  • menubar: fixed problems with extra items added to file and edit menus after deleting the object

  • menubar: implemented maxinwmenu 0 message to max for runtime version (removes Max window menu item)

  • mxj now checks for bad inlet numbers, and posts an error

  • pattrstorage: @outputmode 1 properly reported recalled values originating at a pattr object

  • pattrhub: @patcher properly resolves poly~ instances

  • umenu: depth now works properly when a file type is specified

  • toggle: fixed redraw on int message after set message

  • embedded bpatchers no longer save over their parents in obscure circumstances
  • less...
    Max Max v 7.3.4 Jun 3, 2017 Windows
    Attrui / nslider / tab: fixed memory leak
    BEAP: miscellaneous fixes
    Debugging: fixed error when patch cord is disabled
    Export amxd from Project: device appropriately frozen
    fpic: no longer grows when force aspect is on
    Install: Max starts normally on other user accounts (Windows)
    jit.anim.path: no longer crashes on 'next' message / fix for strange behavior with capture @cull_mode 2 to finds model file in Project when using @file attr in object box / : mat_diffuse is appropriately applied to all instances fixed crash when second argument is > 10 fixed drawing with certain rotatexyz values fixed capture output when sent directly to syphon fix recursion crashes due to user error when setting layer and child attributes fixed issues with only setting a @min param fixed crash when changing subdiv attribute fixed errors when processing texture from capturing misc bug fixes
    jit.grab: fixed clear message fixed unique behavior with still images no longer outputs after 'dispose' and @unique is set to 1 restarts after stop when rate is set to -1 fixed usage in Max For Live
    jit.phys: fixed crash when filter count arg exceeds 10
    jit.playlist AVF engine: fixed playback when playing clip slot that is not looped
    jit.pwindow / OpenGL: fixes for rendering in Max For Live if certain vst plugs are loaded
    jit.pwindow: fixed use in bpatcher
    jit.record: fixed misaligned planes for certain dims
    jit.rubix: fix crash with 64 bit and fix all warnings
    Jitter OpenGL: fixed invisible GL contexts in windows
    Jitter OpenGL: fixed 'turn' message errors
    Jitter: fix for software rendering with matrix context on Windows
    live.remote~ / gen~: fixed threading issues that was causing Live UI freezing
    Max For Live: fixed issues when clicking 'edit' in device toolbar
    maxurl: stability fixes
    midiformat: pitch bend input is constrained
    mira.frame: added to standalones
    miraweb multislider: size attribute is updated in browser when changed with list input
    Patching: color is not retained when duplicating more than once
    Patching: Fixed crash when deleting patch cord
    pattrstorage: improved state recall and subscription list updates
    peak / trough: second inlet is hot
    playlist~: Fixed file ordering when dragging/dropping a folder
    playlist~: Playback properly continues after 'remove' message
    qlist: ‘fwd’ message with arg no longer freezes Max
    qlist: ‘set’ message appropriately uses arguments
    seq: fixed crash when reading saved text file
    Standalones: improvements for signing issues
    VIDDLL engine: fixes for memory leaks, a rework of 'File Open' functionality & misc other updates
    VIDDLL: Can now play pcm audio files
    VIDDLL: Fixed crash when audio-only files are loaded
    VIDDLL: Fixed photo-jpeg output_texture
    VIDDLL: Improved support for prores codecs
    vst~ / character encoding: fixed charset issues when reloading Max patchers with VST snapshots
    Cycling '74 Max Max v 7.3.3 Mar 4, 2017 Windows
    Fixed Bugs:

    pattrstorage: Fixed issues with subscription list initialization/save (fixes Sonic Faction Hypermorph Live Pack)
    seq: fixed issue with 'write' message absolute path arguments
    seq: fixed multi track save issues with type 1 MIDI files
    vst~: fixed plugin path garbage characters in context of pattrstorage / parameters
    Cycling '74 Max v 7.3.2 Feb 19, 2017 Windows
    New Features:

    AVF grab: allow capturing connected iOS device
    Gen: gen.chucker~, gen~.gcd_and_lcm, gen~.interpolation, gen~.interpolation.splinecurve, gen~.routing examples new heightmap_mode attribute support for capturing to texture non-automatic objects via “begin_capture” notification / new rectangle attribute
    jit.vcr: support for audio bitrate options (see help patcher)
    Max: 'clearmaxwindow' message to Max
    Projects: sort files within sections in Project window via attribute in Project Inspector
    seq/follow: supports Type 1 standard MIDI files

    Fixed Bugs:

    AVF grab: fix for some crashes
    combine: fixed crash with 'list' input
    Database: fix for crash on startup when a corrupt obj-qlookup.json file is in a pacakge interfaces folder Negative int values are preserved
    embedded bpatcher: new view window sized appropriately
    Gen: param declaration as an attribute in object box no longer gives error
    groove~: lock 1 no longer causes playback distortion
    jit.matrixset: fixed 'read' in 64 bit mode
    jit.matrixset: fixed exportmovie with AVF engine (forces VIDDLL usage) fix for wrong height value return on getmoviedim on win 64 fixed flatten in place / jitter crash
    jit.record avf engine: fixed overwriting existing files
    jit.streak / jit.sprinkle: now work in 64 bit
    Jitter colormodes: fixes for AVF and VIDDLL colormodes
    JS: fixed issues with tasks from a non-jsthis-bound callback
    JS: fixed XMLHttpRequest intermittent crash
    JSUI: fixed setpixel method
    live.remote~: fixed stack corruption and possible threading issues
    Max For Live: fixed conditions for when automation would become disabled
    MFL Crash Recovery: fixed
    MFL devices / amxd~: only freeze AMXDs when they have been frozen before
    MFL devices: Fixed issue with deactivated devices not outputting any sound when they have been hot-swapped/replaced
    MIDI setup: improvements to disabling MIDI ports
    mira.frame: arbitrary frame size attribute (for Miraweb only)
    Packages: removing a package also removes its enabled/disabled state from the prefs
    pattrhub: eliminated unnecessary error message
    pattrstorage: improved performance when using @subscribemode
    seq: when file is not found, correctly posts error and no longer opens a file open dialog window
    Snapshots: fixed save issues
    spectroscope~: fixed crash under special conditions
    spray: works with symbols
    vst~: implement 'get -11' to return the count of user presets, as documented
    develop Max v 7.3.1 Oct 23, 2016 Windows
    Codebox: Fixed autocompile
    live.object: fixed 'type' message parsing (which also fixes Push "takeover" mode issues)
    MFL parameters: eliminated memory leak with Blobs
    jitlib: fix for using hapQ files on Mac OS
    create Max v 7.3.0 Oct 13, 2016 Windows
    New Features:

    live.remote~: smoothing attribute and ramp messages (requires Live 9.7 or higher)
    Java: support on Mac x64 for Java versions other than the legacy Apple Java
    Max paths: 'usermax' points to '~/Documents/Max 7' on both platforms
    Max / Max For Live: can now launch without Java installed

    Fixed Bugs:

    File / Ref Browser: no longer uses port 7474
    Gen Code Export: Improvements for ARM processors
    Gen codebox: fixed command + click crash in unlocked patcher render draw bang is correctly output when @visible 0
    Max paths: '~/' appropriately points to user home on Windows
    MFL additional texture_output fixes

    Other Changes:

    Gen Code Export: Updated License
    connect Max v 7.2.5 Sep 17, 2016 Windows
    Fixed Bugs:

    hi: fixed 64bit usage
    jit.expr: fixed functors for 64 bit fixed for Mac El Capitan OS works in a standalone
    Max For Live fixed texture_output glitches in Live in certain situations
    MIDI: deleted devices are properly hidden from the UI and @name attribute
    mpeparse: correct zone number in mpeevent output for channel pressure events
    playbar: only bangs if @automatic is set to '0'
    plot~: redraws properly after a buffer~'s size is changed
    polymidiin: properly outputs all cc/pitchbend messages
    VIDDLL fixed crash when asyncread sent with movie file already loaded
    VIDDLL fixed issue with certain gifs when @output_texture is enabled
    interactive Max v 7.2.4 Jul 31, 2016 Windows
    New Features:

    Mira: supports USB connectivity (Mac only)
    Mira: misc bug fixes and Max 7 compatibility
    mpeparse: @index attribute to set mpeparse to output only on the specified voice number (from 1 to 15)
    mpeparse: added third release velocity value for note output
    mpeparse: accepts 'mpeevent' messages
    MIDI: @name attribute to set the object's MIDI port based on a device name (case-sensitive partial string match)
    VIDDLL video engine: can set ffmpeg options via dictionary input
    VIDDLL video engine: jit.record & jit.vcr functionality
    VIDDLL video engine: asyncread to read movie files in a background thread
    VIDDLL video engine: loadram caches frames in a background thread (BETA)
    VIDDLL video engine: external for sending movie files with audio tracks to MSP (BETA)
    VIDDLL video engine: support for animated GIFs
    VIDDLL video engine: support for reading from URLs

    Fixed Bugs:

    AVF video engine: fixed blackmagic crash when Blackmagic UltraStudio Mini-Monitor is plugged in
    date: reports correct time / date
    Gen codebox: appropriately locked in abstraction
    Gen codebox: no longer replaced by default genpatcher on save (when hosted in poly~)
    jit.grab/ fixed output_texture crash when enabled without valid gl context more consistency in behavior on loop end across video engines fix for non-unique output on VIDDLL and AVF engines
    live.param~: now uses a 64 sample buffer to avoid distortion / zippering
    Max For Live: fixed deadlock when freezing a device
    MIDI input ports: properly registers Novation Launchpad multi-ports
    Packages: fixed multi-arch packages on windows 32 bit OS
    pictctrl: no longer ignores offset
    serial: fixed crash when chunk attribute is > 1 (Win only)
    devices Max v 7.2.3 May 17, 2016 Windows
    Fixed Bugs
  • autocomplete: no longer fails with delete key on Windows and fn+delete on Mac

  • AVF video engine: fixed movie load frame bug fix

  • dict: right inlet is properly ‘cold’

  • Gen: Code panel brackets expressions properly

  • Gen: delay operator ref appears in sidebar

  • gen~: further fixes for samplerate in exported code

  • jit.grab: Fixed fallback to dx engine

  • jit.matrix: importmovie fixes for VIDDLL engine

  • fixed crash with some m4v files and viddll engine

  • Jitter: Windows no longer requires Quicktime

  • Max For Live: fixed OpenGL-related crash when un-freezing some amxd devices

  • normalize~: fixed large value output miscalculation

  • Rewire: msprewiredevice.bundle back in installer

  • sfplay~ / buffer~: fixed issues with read / import mp3 in 64 bit when OS language is Polish

  • spigot~: fixed crash on Windows x86 when Quicktime is not installed

  • VIDDLL: properly found and used when included in standalone

  • VIZZIE / BEAP toolbar mini browser: fixed crash when scrolling mousewheel or two-finger swipe
  • download Max v 7.2.2 Apr 21, 2016 Windows
    New Features:
  • Factory media: updated media movie files for better compatibility with VIDDLL

  • Gen: dattorro reverb example

  • help and ref: updated for new video engines

  • nslider: added @staffs attribute for display of staff lines

  • Package Manager: factory package updates, ratings, new toolbar item, etc

  • poly~: new @mpemode attribute for direct voice allocation based on MPE voice from mpeevent message

  • VIDDLL: Included in factory install and is the default video engine for Windows

  • Fixed Tickets:
  • buffer~: removed artificial 250 channel limit

  • Crash recovery: restores subpatcher changes

  • gen~: division optimization

  • gen~: fixed usage of loop iterator for poke() channel index

  • jit.pwindow: fixed crash in MFL when loadbanging fsaa and interp attributes

  • kslider: fixed polyphonic mode deselection issues

  • Max DB: fixed missing files in internal Packages

  • Max For Live Devices: movie files can be found in frozen amxd

  • MIDI: multiple midi devices of the same type are given a ‘#’ suffix

  • packages: .maxzip files are not added to ‘Recent’ menu, but the unzipped Project is

  • parameter: fixed crash when deferring output

  • parameter: fixed crash when deferring output

  • pipe: fixed crash with lots of floats

  • poly~: fixed ‘bad number’ error from note messages with symbols

  • poly~: fixed ‘target 0’ float input issues

  • poly~: fixed crash with midinote message when a bogus patcher is used

  • prototypes/styles: now saved to ~/Documents/Max 7/

  • standalone: fix for ‘fileusage’ problem when building a collective from a patcher

  • standalone: fixed numerous Jitter errors related to jit.gen, and friends

  • standalone: viddll.engine properly found when included in standalone

  • VIDDLL: fix for toggling output_texture and minor updates

  • VIDDLL: improved playback when looping, reverse, palindrome, etc
  • mac Max v 7.2.0 Mar 3, 2016 Windows
    New Features:

    New Tutorials: Video & Graphics (found under Help->Reference->Documentation Home, links on the bottom of the left grey 'Contents' sidebar)
    Multidimensional Polyphonic Expression (MPE) support:
    midiparse / midiformat: @hires attribute to output a two-byte list to set high-resolution (14-bit) pitch bend output
    mpeconfig: Configure MIDI devices that support MPE
    mpeformat: prepare MPE-compatible MIDI messages
    mpeparse: Interpret and parse raw MPE data (similar to midiparse)
    polymidiin: Output MPE MIDI data in a patcher loaded by poly~
    poly~: @midimode attribute to send MIDI events to all voices
    poly~: @zone attribute for setting the MPE 'zone' that the poly~ will listen to (the default is to ignore zones)
    vst~: accepts 'mpeevent' message to handle MPE data

    Fixed Bugs:

    amxd~ / vst~ snapshots: check mark appropriately changes after new snapshot is added
    deferlow: no longer breaks 'stdlist' behavior (autofanning of lists to object inlets)
    dict.print: no longer changes dictionary if it contains strings
    function: documented mousemode and mousereport
    gen~: fix for gen~ curve~ emulation in the case of the curvature being zero
    gen~: fixed delay time calculations (spline/cubic delayed by proper amount and @feedback 0 works)
    gen~: fixed subpatchers reverting to default gen patcher issue fixed errors when sending texture to emission and heightmap inlets autonormals works with large dims
    jit.matrix: fixed exportimage memory leak
    jit.matrix: png image import correctly calculates alpha channel outputs file name on read failure
    jsui: fixed crash when parameter enabled (x64)
    live.dial: fixed mousing in 'enum' mode
    live.step added 'next' message
    live.step: added 'getcurrentstep' message
    live.step: dump_to_dict properly contains interval
    live.step: set message properly et the targeted sequence
    Max For Live: device development path respected in Max
    Max For Live: fixed / jit.pwindow memory leak after open / close in Max editor
    Max For Live: pattr in parameter mode properly outputs value when @_parameter_linknames is set to 1
    Max For Live Device Project: amxdtype attr is correct for default / old devices
    Max For Live Devices: SVGs appropriately deleted from User/Temp folder (Win only)
    Max For Live parameters: blob param fixes
    Max For Live parameters: automation optimizations
    maxurl: always process incoming headers
    playlist~ / jit.playlist: improved memory leak issues
    objects explorer: filters duplicates
    parameter: fixed problem when typing values into parameter box UI
    Parameters: fixed deferred parameter output
    seq: fixed crash on reading text files
    Side Bar: minimization behavior improvements
    standalone: fixed crash when building project
    standalone: no longer creates a ~/Documents/Max 7 folder
    toolbar calendar: fixed week start
    vst~: snapshot message works as expected when changing file name
    windows Max v 7.1 Dec 17, 2015 Windows
    macintosh Max v 7.0.4 Jun 25, 2015 Windows
    New Features:

    Beap: help files for all modules
    Gen: code export improvements
    gen~: added creepyreverb example
    jit.grab: native Blackmagic driver implementation
    message: added dontrestore attribute to clear contents on save/close/etc
    nslider: can use note names for input
    Preferences: added preference to disable adding saved patchers to the search path

    Fixed Bugs:

    amxd~: parameters can be changed with messages on Windows x64
    avf / grabbr: fixed crash when setting input attr / when instantiating vizzie abstraction
    bpatcher: properly keeps reference to abstraction when there is a space in the patcher name
    coll: fixed writeagain message memory leak
    coll: nsub message pushes to jit.cellblock
    crash recovery: fixed problems for patchers containing mira objects
    crash recovery: no longer fails to recreate patch cords to subpatchers in some situations
    dict: export_json no longer forces the extension
    dict: pattr properly stores state on save
    dict.route: fix for not matching identical dicts after whitespace change in jed
    dict.route: fixed syntax / matching issues
    dirac: now named ZTX
    Doc / File Browser: fixed minor deletion bugs
    Doc Browser: sidebar link generation works when target has no text
    File Browser: fixed blue drag and drop highlight sticky-ness
    File Browser: fixed jitter-examples/render and jitter-examples/javascript/render naming conflict
    Gen: generated code in Code sidebar is properly bracketed
    gen: prefix/classname/namespace that's added to gen~ exportcode struct and API
    gen~: fixed amxd crash
    gen~: fixed compile fail with "call to fasterpow is ambiguous"
    gen~: function declaration
    groove~: ‘set’ message fixes
    groove~/play~: fixed clicks when buffer reference is changed and in overdrive/siai
    Installer: fixed warnings in Chrome browser
    jit.dx.grab: @adapt functionality
    jit.dx.grab: output_texture support fixed mouse interaction when bound to
    jit.graph: fixed clearit attribute
    jit.matrix: avf engine properly displays large still images
    jit.matrix: importmovie with avf backend now properly handles single plane matrices
    jit.matrix: updates to exportimage reference to better reflect current functionality fixed dispose message to properly free movie file output_texture no longer outputs blue frame immediately after reading file
    jit.phys.picker: fixed touch message toggling fsaa no longer breaks escape fullscreen on Yosemite
    live.drop: fixed crash when freed (Win only)
    live.gain~: fixed graphical glitches with inlets / outlets
    live.step: dump_to_dict contains interval
    Max For Live: device width no longer changes on re-save
    Max For Live: fixed dragging width of "defined initial window position"
    Max For Live: fixed maxurl-related crash
    parameter: display device-only attributes in patchers opened from the device project
    playlist~: fixed pitchshift reset problems
    project: unfreezing no longer causes creation of a nested device folder
    Projects: adding a JSON file no longer tries to create a patcher
    Projects: dependencies are found when project is out of search path
    Projects: ensure that project-based patchers aren't added to the search path
    Projects: new files will be written directly into their correct category folders on creation
    Projects: reads .lua files
    Reference: enum descriptions are properly rendered
    retune~: properly respects pitches
    serial: sending 'open' message after valid port selection no longer kills connection (Win only)
    sflist~: sound files no longer cut off
    sfplay~: fixed clicks when re-enabling time stretching
    standalone: fixed issue where two instances of patcher would open on startup when built from a Project
    Styles: no longer makes copies of styles when saving patcher
    Text Editor: can paste into find bar text field (Windows only)
    pc Max v 7.0.3 Apr 3, 2015 Windows
    Fixed Bugs:

    curve~: fixed crash when ramp time is 0
    ezdac~: fix for @local attribute fixed crash when receiving matricies of unexpected plane count
    Max For Live: Fixed compatibility issues with Mac OS 10.10.3
    serialosc.js: misc fix
    Max v 6.1.10 Apr 3, 2015 Windows

    cycle~: offset arg works correctly when referencing a buffer using an arg that is not 16K
    javascript: fixed crash when declaring a function in a new Task
    Max For Live: Fixed compatibility issues with Mac OS 10.10.3
    udpreceive: fixed object_retain/release/free crashes
    Max v 7.0.2 Mar 13, 2015 Windows
    New Features:

  • Beap New Modules: Poisson, One Shot, Freq Shifter

  • Beap Updates: Keyboard, Karplus, Mixer, Karakuls, Harmonic

  • database: added fallback database and db rebuilding progress indicator

  • dict in js: ‘getsize’ and ‘gettype’ methods

  • gen~ new operators: t60, t60time, slide, phi, elapsed, voice, round.

  • jit.gen: mixed matrix format input

  • ability to output collisions dictionary from

  • Jitter Gen new operators: nearestpix, samplepix

  • Max For Live: allow Live to authorize Max 7

  • Preferences: ‘lockdown’ message to thispatcher

  • Preferences: "Check for updates automatically" Max preference (enabled by default)

  • Preferences: URL Proxy preference to override system proxy settings for jweb and maxurl

  • umenu: @allowdrag attribute

  • Vizzie: modules now have an on/off toolbar

  • Fixed Bugs:

  • About Max window: added title to window

  • amxd~ in project: fixed internal project conflicts with parent

  • amxd~: save as project no longer results in extraneous and corrupt patcher files

  • amxd~: silenced "latency" error

  • amxd~: dspstate~ outputs status

  • amxd~: MIDI works regardless of DSP status

  • amxd~: patchername attr no longer lists name twice

  • audio file drag: no longer causes purple border in locked patch after the fact

  • Audio toolbar browser: faster opening when many files are present

  • borax: correctly calculates duration output when in an edited MFL device

  • CEF: can remove CEF for smaller standalone apps

  • click~: fixed differences in Max 7 vs Max 6.1.9 with SIAI

  • curve~: no longer bangs on tempo change

  • dict: fixed crash when "," is used as a key

  • dict: support ‘get’ message with int arg

  • dict: write/export message no longer adds .maxpat before the .json extension

  • dict/coll: properly reads on Live set load

  • dictionary: improvements for names that contain non-terminal brackets

  • Documentation Browser: documents on a non-system drive can be rendered

  • Documentation Browser: disabled cmd+click on navigation links

  • Encapsulation: background color no longer changes with objects that have text color changes

  • Export to Max Device: exported device no longer remains open, invisible

  • ezdac~: reflects DSP state in amxd~

  • Factory styles: added bgfillcolors

  • File Browser: can add new files to a pre-existing collection

  • File Browser: collection sub categories properly show up

  • file browser: fixed query errors when recalling saved searches of "Recently Added"

  • File Browser: nested popouts for sidebar entries

  • File Browser: fixed sidebar pop up overflow

  • filewatch: fixed crash when starting filewatcher multiple times

  • flonum: displays properly in Mira

  • Format palette: fixed extra characters in tooltips (Win only)

  • Gen / poly~: fixed memory corruption and crash when saving poly~ patcher containing gen~

  • Gen: Allow reserved words as param names

  • Gen: fix for setting title on gen subpatchers via first argument

  • Gen: fixed crash on gendsp use when the ‘require’ is outside codebox

  • Gen: genpatcher contents no longer revert to default when the same patch is open

  • gen~: crash in M4L if device has error on first load

  • gen~: fixed crash on starting audio

  • gen~: fixed link errors on code export

  • gen~: function declaration error improvements

  • Genpatcher: fixed using z / shift-z keys for zoom

  • groove~: sync improvements when timestreching is on

  • Help Menu: improvements for using key command to open Ref Browser

  • incdec: fixed arrow visiblity (Win)

  • Inspector: better positioning for color palette

  • Inspector: standalone inspector window works on windows

  • Javascript: fixed errors when attempting to convert non UTF-8 characters when converting patcher to project

  • Javascript: fixed errant open dialog after save

  • Javascript: fixed misc Task crashes

  • fixed issues with ctrl + mouse drag (Win x64 only)

  • fix for use when enable is set to 0 initially

  • fixes for shadows and hierarchical jit.anim.nodes

  • proper shape for shadows when OB3D rotatexyz is set to -90 0 0

  • disabled objects no longer cast shadows

  • fixed double-click to open text window

  • fixed position issues

  • jit.grab: @automatic support on Windows

  • AVF and uyvy with @adapt 0 no longer causes x-dim of video to be halved on read

  • avf/qt engine audio file usage consistency

  • clear and dispose messages works for avf engine

  • jit.op: fixed crash when @op is not followed by an arg

  • jit.pwindow: @shared attribute is persistent

  • jit.vcr: fixed glitches and audio / video sync issues

  • jit.window: fixed issue when toggling visible attribute

  • jit.window / fixed @fsaa 1 on Mac OS 10.10+

  • / fixed add to context bug

  • fixed worldtoscreen/screentoworld message handlers

  • join: fix for ‘set’ message with no arguments

  • kslider: note border is visible in Mira

  • Latest Support Information: opens in system’s default browser

  • Lessons: can be opened from File Browser, and non-lesson files are hidden

  • live.grid: fixed matrix mode multitouch crash

  • live.text: activebgcolor alpha of 0 no longer makes png invisible

  • Max For Live: fixed audio issues after starting audio in another patcher

  • Max For Live: fix width takes the view size in to account

  • Max For Live: fixed issues with exporting audio in Live

  • maxdb: AU plugins are no longer harvested on every restart of Max

  • metro: @active fires in MFL editor

  • metro: fixed lag when opening windows and using quantization (scheduler issues)

  • mira: increased package version to 1.1.18, now factory externals

  • Morphing Sequencer BEAP: fixed crash when deleting

  • mousestate: mode 2 accounts for toolbars

  • fixed multiple captures from

  • multislider: fixed reverse line scroll issues (Win only)

  • nslider: fixed making a preset in polyphonic mode

  • number: fixed Mira issues

  • number: renamed attribute mouseup to mousefilter

  • Object autocompletion: popup dismissed when patcher is not frontmost

  • OpenGL: fixed FBO errors when adding pwindows to MRT scene

  • OpenGL: fixed GL errors posted when context freed (Win only)

  • OpenGL: optimizations for how gl objects are added to their contexts (p/window,, matrix, gl.node)

  • panel: fixed bgcolor change crash

  • Patch cords: fixed problem where multiple duplicate patch cords can persist in a patcher

  • Patcher browser: removed duplicate entries

  • Patching: fixed issues with shift+drag on patch cord handle

  • pattrstorage: ‘write’ message can be triggered directly from the write operation of a pattrstorage

  • pattrstorage: fixed ‘no such file in collective’ error message in standalones

  • pattrstorage: fixed crash when closing patcher and audio is on

  • pattrstorage: storage window ‘interp’ column is wider

  • Performance: fixed interface slowness when large data is in the clipboard

  • phasor~: @lock 1 no longer drifts out of sync when signal vector is small

  • play~: plays entire sample when changing buffer by "set" message w/ SIAI

  • playlist: remembers file usage in standalones

  • playlist~: ‘append’ without arguments brings up dialog

  • playlist~: fixed ‘integer out of sound file range’ playback issue

  • playlist~: fixed crash when changing selection and speed

  • Preferences: "Import Patches Using Default Values" no longer dirties patchers on open

  • Projects: newly-added files appropriately get a filewatcher

  • Projects: suppress autoorganize if there are open specs

  • Projects: new JS file properly saved

  • Reference Browser: fixed key command usage

  • Reference Browser: fixed opening of object reference from inside some help patchers

  • Reference page / helpfile: objects can have help and ref fallbacks (JS/JSUI/etc)

  • scale~: fixed problems when calculating non-exponential output under certain circumstances

  • scope~: y axis is no longer reverted in xy mode

  • serial: improve iteration and connection strategy for devices on Windows

  • serial: permit output in timer thread

  • sflist~: fixed crash on Windows

  • sflist~: no longer cuts playback of audio files

  • sfplay~: fixed crash/hang when playing preloaded cues with close loop points

  • Snapshots: fixed possible crash when restoring from undo history

  • Standalones: collective is placed in Resources (Mac)

  • stretch~: fixed crash when deleteing referenced buffer~ while stretching

  • stretch~: fixed hang when changing quality during stretch

  • stretch~: fixed issues with multiple stretches when using buffer~ import

  • styles: no longer reset when typing in the object box

  • table: fixed issues with saved / recalled data (Win x64 only)

  • table: keeps range after second table with same name is created

  • textedit: imports textcolor properly

  • thispatcher: wclose properly asks to save dirty subpatcher (Win x64 only)

  • Toolbar Browsers: can click above patcher browser windows to close them

  • udpreceive: fixed object_retain/release/free crash

  • umenu: improved drag and drop behavior for legacy patches

  • umenu: mira fixes

  • umenu: properly saves compatibility bgcolor

  • vectral~: multiple instances work

  • Vizzie / Beap patcher toolbar browsers: fixed "sticky" categories

  • vst~: transport location synced

  • vst~: fixed audiounit crash when setting a menu parameter bigger than 1

  • vst~/amxd~: fixed ‘open’ message with window coordinate arguments

  • waveform~: improved drag & drop behavior for legacy patches
  • Max v 7.0.1 Dec 3, 2014 Windows
    Fixed Bugs:

    audio file drag and drop: drag in locked patcher no longer causes purple border after the fact
    AVF video backend: fixed memory leak / crash
    bpatcher: fixed ui interaction issues with offsets and clickthrough
    buffer~: fixed issues with resizing buffer~ while recording
    calendar: fixed crash after opening a file in stream view
    comment: background color from a style is properly applied
    crash recovery: fixed issue for when there is nothing to recover
    dial: fixed drawing issues
    dict: documentation of js usage
    Doc Browser: properly escapes apostrophes and other characters
    docs: can open help files from refpages where helpfile name !== .maxhelp
    File Browser: sidebar is resizable
    filebrowser: proper path for bookmark when dropping folder from secondary volume to sidebar
    filebrowser: renaming collection snippet no longer removes it from the collection
    filebrowser: sidebar pop ups properly scroll on overflow
    filewatch: fixes for (some) paths containing accented characters
    gen patcher: snippets browser lists collections alphabetically
    Gen: clicking file->save while in the embedded gen offers 'save as' dialog
    Gen: double click on [in] and [out] in gen brings parent patcher forward
    Gen: fix for filename arg on gen subpatchers not being used
    Gen: fix for issues with gen subpatcher loading
    Gen: fix for Params when not connected with patchcords
    Gen: fixed problems with require
    gen~: fix for buffer not compiling due to missing symbols and prototype
    gen~: fixed codegen error with splat due to re-use of local variable name
    GenExpr: code that buffer is dependent on is not erroneously deleted
    groove~: buffer is properly cleared when timestretch is on
    groove~: loop points/loop start work with timestretch enabled
    inspector: fixed section header under 32-bit
    inspector: standalone inspector on Windows works
    inspector: restrict title bar size fixed @cache_mode vertexbuffer usage support for velocity render target MRT works with @adapt 0
    jit.grab: avf unique output_texture works as expected
    jit.phys.picker with fixed issues when modified by
    jit.record: fixed avf engine error in Max Console @hi-res 1 no longer posts "invalid object" message to the Max console fixed drawto attribute
    Lessons: bar captions properly disappear
    Max application: can rename
    Max Console: additional fix for mystery white columns
    maxdb: AU plugins are no longer reharvested on every restart of Max
    maxdb: files in subfolders of package aliases are properly harvested as package files
    maxdb: fixed harvesting metadata from plugins with a ' in the manufacturer name
    meter~: fixed orientation issues
    MFL editor: toolbars can be customized
    MFL MuBu device: fixed crash on load
    nslider: note color properly changed when setting patcher style
    number: properly converts values when switching between integer and decimal
    pach cords: implement revert to default for color
    Paste From: fixed conflicts with clippings and snippets in the same package
    patcher font: change is properly reflected in attrui, umenu, tab, textedit
    Patcher Inspector: fixed crash when clicking on 'show in reference'
    patching: click on inlet/outlet creates a connection even with segmented cords off
    path: fixes for OSX aliases on Yosemite
    playlist: added notifications for starting playback
    reference sidebar: section headers have gradient
    Rewire: misc fixes
    saveas dialog from patcher: removed entries for files we don't directly save
    scheduler: SIAI improvements
    sidebar: disabled in floating / nogrow windows
    snippets patcher browser: fixed status view for files
    snippets: conversion utility for clippings
    snippets: fixed crash when editing/saving a snippet with no contents
    snippets: fixed drag/drop from a non-known snippets location
    snippets: save notification / browser link appears longer in toolbar
    standalone: no longer crash on startup (Win)
    stretch~: fixed crash or hang when deleted while stretching
    subpatchers: pin state is saved
    Templates: first-time template creation properly updates menus
    Templates: subpatcher grid settings saved properly
    text fields: Max no longer crashes when hiding textfield attributes
    textbutton: fix for jspainter usage
    Toolbars: fixed double object creation issue
    typeroute~: added refpage
    umenu: arrow attribute is back
    umenu: fixed dropdown menu appearance in Mira with Max 7
    umenu: imports Max 4 colors properly
    umenu: popupmenu uses specified font
    umenu: setcheck always draws
    User Docs folder: fixed issues when username contains accented characters
    vst~: fixed crash when pressing recall directly after dropping
    wave~: fixed error when using @interp attr in the box
    Max v 7.0 Nov 14, 2014 Windows
    Max v 6.1.9 Oct 28, 2014 Windows

    closebang / freebang: no longer crashes when using to close Max
    Dict: embedded dict appropriately dirties the patcher
    Gen & MFL: fixed memory corruption triggered during editing of amxd with gen~
    Gen: caching respects connection count
    Gen: fix for .genexpr not loading
    Gen: fix for gendsp use when the 'require' is outside codebox
    Gen: fixed crash when param name has non-alpha-numeric character
    Gen: fixed crash when editing nested genpatcher via Modify-Read-Only
    Gen: fixed inlet creation issues in Max For Live context (and more)
    Gen: fixed inlet/outlet and crashing isssues (gen_patcher_load)
    gen~: fixed pfft usage
    gen~: fixed samplerate in nested poly~
    Inspector: fixed crash when hovering over "boxtextinfo" attribute
    Jitter Gen: respects the block level of declared values
    Max For Live: fixed dict save bug
    Max For Live: re-instate Java check
    Parameters: fix for parameter list corruption
    Parameters: fix invalid focus crash when deleting objects under certain circumstances
    pattrstorage: fixed writexml crashes
    regexp: fixed memory leak
    udpreceive: improved crash protection
    vst~: fix for invalid memory access of plugin program and presetname
    vst~: improvements to parameter change audio 'clicking' artifacts
    Max v 6.1.8 Aug 8, 2014 Windows
    New Features:

  • Gen: Compilation optimizations

  • Gen: Gen editing included for all Max users


  • detonate: misc fixes

  • dict: memory leak fixes

  • Gen: creating project with .gendsp dependencies works as expected

  • gswitch: no longer changes input selection when receiving a bang in the right inlet

  • ISF export no longer fails with dim operator

  • js sqlite: request to fetch out-of-range results no longer crashes

  • JS: fixed DB access (fixes get_plugs.js for vst usage)

  • kernel: removed QtKit and Quicktime Frameworks for Mac App Store compatibility

  • matrixctrl: no longer complains about missing default images

  • maxurl: allows the setting of a proxy server

  • maxurl: misc fixes

  • Max For Live: fixed crash in Max for Live editor with poly~

  • Max For Live: fixed crash on unfreeze with certain devices

  • Max For Live: removed Java dependencies on OSX

  • Max For Live: ‘set’ message to Live UI objects no longer causes output

  • Multithreaded memory and symbol performance improvements

  • objects: dict, attrui, genpatcher, glstatus, etc, properly marked as factory externals

  • packages: makes a folder for Packages when Max is opened

  • pattrstorage: fixed cpu issues during modulation

  • pong~: attribute order fixes

  • Projects: app building properly includes gen~ abstractions

  • round: right inlet is now shown as cold

  • textedit: fix for random crashes

  • umenu: ‘set’ message accepts float as documented

  • Windows: keyboard shortcuts for the save dialog when closing a dirty patcher
  • Max v 6.1.7 Apr 23, 2014 Windows
    New Features:

    Gen: added subpatcher message to gen subpatchers
    Gen: ISF export to gen patchers (see Gen Code Export ISF Wiki Article)
    maxurl: wrapper around libcurl that can perform HTTP requests
    poly~: prevents opening window if subpatcher was saved with the window open


    audio bitwise objects: work the same on all architectures
    buffer~: fixed 4th arg to the 'read' message so that a '0' will resize the number of channels
    buffer~: fixed behavior of 'replace' to resize the number of channels in addition to the length
    buffer~: fixed crashing on 'importreplace'
    buffer~: writes raw data
    coll: improvements for very long entries
    dict: 'contains' works with heirarchy
    dict: fix for not wrapping symbols in quotes if the symbol starts with a digit
    dict: fixed crashing when setting a value at an invalid array position
    dict: fixed memory leak
    dict: improved error reporting when using 'set'
    dict: improved syntax parsing when quotes are used
    dict.pack: added name argument
    gen~: fixed gate operator compilation under certain circumstances enabling @capture no longer affects the color of gl objects fix for cell operator
    jit.phys.body: no longer loses child shapes when enable toggled or shape changed
    jit.phys.ghost: fixed crash with colliding ghost objects
    jit.phys.multiple: @shape attribute no longer is reset when receiving a new mesh_matrix
    jit.release~: fixed possible hang on free
    jit.turtle: fixed crash / memory corruption
    jsui: new Image from graphics context preserves alpha
    kslider: fixed potential memory corruption
    live.drop: fixed spurious 'Attempting to convert non UTF-8 characters' warning
    live.drop: restores protected sample presets
    Max For Live: misc fixes for parameter blob recall and freeing
    Max For Live: reading of encrypted samples now works in 64-bit mode
    Max For Live: undo gesture improvements
    mxj: no longer crashes when it can't find a class
    number/flonum: no longer stops scrolling in bpatcher
    object defaults: fixed dialog box when saving settings
    Packages: Extensions folder can contain mxe64 files
    Packages: extras folders now added to the searchpath
    patchcord menu: 'delete' no longer removes text in object box
    poke~: fixed crash when there is no valid buffer
    poke~: fixed sound distortion issues
    polybuffer~: numeric sorting for channel in window
    pong: fixed fold mode
    pong~: properly reads attributes
    pow~: no longer sends NaNs or denormals
    Projects: app building includes gen~ abstractions
    Quicktime: removed API calls from Max kernel
    transport: fixed bar count with uneven time signatures
    uzi: middle outlet no longer stops firing under certain circumstances
    vst~: fixed cpu spike with pitchbend updates
    vst~: fixed midi out note velocity
    waveform~: fixed redrawing issue with channeloffset
    Max v 6.1.6 Dec 13, 2013 Windows
    Attrui/inspector: properly displays certain numbers
    buffer~: fix for crash when writing to invalid or unauthorized directory on Windows 32/64
    cycle~: no longer crashes with 'set' message in certain circumstances
    docs: misc improvements for documentation usage by 3rd party developers
    equals~ etc: backwards compatibility for when incorrectly connected
    jit.anim.*: fix for breakage when context changes
    jit.anim.node: children reconnect after parent attributes updated on its box 'getfile' outputs proper path on Windows fix for arbitrary parameter usage fix for file attribute in inspector and wheel menu
    jit.matrix: 'exportimage' works in 64 bit fixes for running in 64 bit
    jit.qt.grab: iSight fixes for Mac Retina machines
    jit.window: shared + fsaa fixes
    Jitter: no longer requires Java installation
    js/sqlite: error reporting improvements
    js/sqlite: works with databases on a non-boot disk on Windows
    line~: no longer outputs bang when tempo is changed on global transport
    mxj: fixed hangs/crashes/running on Mavericks
    OpenGL: fix for software renderer on Windows
    parameters window: fixed crashing when clicking on items and sorting columns
    pattrstorage: fixed memory leak when interpolating presets
    preset: fix for setting a preset using shift+click
    live.thisdevice: 'setwidth' triggers correctly when device is in a rack
    startup: fixed crash restoring a prefs file on launch
    vst~: fixed hostsync inside Max For Live
    vst~: generic editor UI updates with messages to object
    Max v 6.1.5 Nov 5, 2013 Windows

    Mac OS 10.9 Support: fixes for crashing on audio start/stop
    capture~: 'write' message no longer crashes
    genexpr: MRT no longer is being detected as dead code
    gl.window: no longer posts erroneous warnings
    Jitter Gen: gen patcher export naming fix
    kslider: recalls parameter/pattr properly
    Max startup: fixed crashing and improved error checking/reporting when creating temp files
    multislider: fix for hang on set/select
    OpenGL: gl texture memory use improvements
    patching: fix for crash when clicking on patch cord handles
    vst~: 'get' message works properly
    waveform~: improved fix for refresh/redraw
    Max v 6.1.4 Oct 18, 2013 Windows
    New Features:

    join: argument usage for @triggers
    plot~: added 'definexorigin' and 'defineyorigin' messages to set the plot origin using max messages
    plot~: grid color is definable


    2d.wave~: no longer crashes when the buffer is empty
    bpatcher: audio works in embedded bpatcher
    buddy: no longer corrupts memory with big lists
    buffer~: read/import and offset argument fixes for x64
    buffer~: fixed import .mp3 crash on Win
    buffer~: write 32bit wave no longer produces files with bad values
    buffer~: fixed write format/samptype issues
    coll: fixes for closing a dirtied text editor window
    colorpanel: interaction improvements
    debugging: opens subpatchers and reveals send/receive pairs
    dict: fixed crash when setting subdictionary values in M4L
    dict: fixed problems saving dict data as param in MFL
    dict: improvements to 'set' message to dict when there are many dict instances
    dict: setting a subdictionary triggers notifications
    Gen: improvements to variable aliasing
    info~: no longer reports erroneous information
    javascript: fixed crash when setting a attr changing drawto of gl.cornerpin to a gl.node no longer posts error message index matrix and autonormals improvements memory use improvements
    jit.gen: fixed SWIZ 0 1 and SWIZ 2 error @args work as expected fixed errors with vbo mode fixed matrix parameters bug precision attribute is easier to set from an inspector/attrui
    jit.qt.grab: no longer crashes when there's no available devices
    JS: file creation fixes
    jsfolder: no longer corrupts memory with very long file names
    jssqlite: no longer crashes on open with incorrect arguments
    live.arrows: no longer grows when activating the same arrows
    live.grid: no longer corrupt memory in matrix mode
    live.text: easier to resizes when in button mode
    live.toggle: in right category in object browser
    Max for Live: help audio works in unauthorised Max
    packages: update searchpaths and menus when packages are added/removed while Max is running
    patcher toolbar: tooltips show in correct location when patcher is narrow
    pattr: can set @type attr
    play~: fixed issues with playing back long sound files
    polybuffer~: reports correct buffer~ information
    projects: paths are correct when updating dependencies for dicts
    standalone: unchecking usesearchpath attribute works as expected
    tab/ drawing improvements for when in multiple views
    table: respects load/normal historic mode
    translate: no longer crashes on close
    udpreceive: no longer crashes when packets are dropped
    uzi: fixed threading problems
    waveform~: redraws properly when the size of the buffer~ increase
    Windows OpenGL: improvements for some ATI cards
    zl.dequeue: properly dequeue with recursion
    zplane~: no longer crashes with unsupported order
    Max v 6.1.3 Jun 19, 2013 Windows
    New Features:

    dict.deserialize: nested key support
    Gen: @default attribute for default value for unconnected gen inlets (ex: [in 1 @default 10])
    jit.lcd: works in x64 Max
    jit.mgraphics: reset alpha state
    jit.path: implementation in a javascript
    Jitter GL: quaternion conversion objects order-of-rotation attribute
    max/js: get the architecture of Max with ;max getarch or 'max.arch' (JS)


    ad_rewire: fixed sysmidi error when max is configured to use ad_rewire when launched
    attrui: mouse drag respects attribute type
    attrui: Moving an object by sending it a rect message updates an attached attrui's value for patching_rect
    Audio: fixed crash servicing scheduler when parallel audio processing is on with SIAI
    Audio: fixed startup crash when no core audio input devices
    Audio: NRT speed improvements
    bitxor~: mode 3 works as expected in 64-bit version
    bpatcher: audio objects created in bpatcher work
    buffer~: 'import' works on x64
    buffer~: 'read' duration arg is respected
    buffer~: 'read' message only resizes buffer if duration is -1 or channels change
    buffer~: 'write' overwrites existing file (Win only)
    buffer~: AIFF file reader improvements
    buffer~: clear/fill is now faster
    buffer~: fixes for write format/samptype issues
    buffer~: import features improved (64-bit)
    buffer~: loads .mov files
    buffer~: no longer crashes on Windows when importing .mov files
    buffer~: read dialog works the same as read message
    buffer~: read message with channel args works as expected
    buffer~: reads float32 AIFF files
    buffer~: sums channels when reading 2 channel file into 1 channel buffer
    buffer~: writeraw / writeflac / etc. bring up dialog with proper file type defaults
    closebang: works as expected in M4L devices and Max
    date: returns correct values for ticks message
    device projects: improved unfreeze behavior for global project members
    dict: setting data via JS notifies pattr
    dspstatus: fixed reporting of iovs
    flonum: fixed UI update issues
    Gen - 'swiz' handles numbers higher than 9
    Gen: code export AU project improvements
    Gen: expr op with [expr var] works
    Gen: fixes for abstraction usage
    Gen: fixes for AMDFX8150 CPUs
    Gen: GenExpr in-place operators
    Gen: iOS export example
    Gen: modifying gen abstraction no longer closes sub-patcher window
    Gen: neg() as function with > 1 arguments no longer generates errors
    Gen: scientific notation in gen code sidebar
    gen~ preserve Data contents between edits
    gen~: ability to return multiple variables @ui_listen improvements
    jit.cellblock: fix for 'clear all' crash
    jit.cellblock: no longer crashes with large list
    jit.convolve: works with 1 dim matrices object: fixes for using mat_* color values in a shader and lighting is disabled fix for mode attribute display attached to improved performance @axes attr no longer passed on to ob3d children works with shape attribute accept int and float fixed stroke message crash large textures render properly on windows
    jit.matrix: fixed importmovie crash on Win x64
    jit.matrixset: fix for importmovie message
    jit.pwindow: mouseidleout no longer reported when idlemouse is off
    jit.qt.grab: direct-to-window fixes fixes for flickering and possible non-display of single-frame movies when loading a new movie
    jit.window: RGB matrix no longer swaps colors
    jit.window/jit.pwindow: deletion no longer messes up textures in other contexts
    js and jsui: fixes for 10.5.8 x64 usage
    JS jitter: fixed render destination ordering issues
    jsjitter: callback function shared by multiple listeners has correct context
    jstrigger: improved behaviour in overdrive
    JSUI: re-freeze jsui with define path no longer loses script
    Live API: file_path property of a clip on Windows is properly delimited
    live.drop: correctly outputs with pattrstorage slot recall
    LOM: 'access' column info rendered (Win)
    M4L: fixes for IPC hang/crash when saving very parameter-heavy device on OSX
    Max patcher: memory usage improvements
    Max Runtime menu bar: Window->Hide Subwindows works
    Max: improved loading/startup performances
    maxzlib: encode and decode UTC time properly
    MFL devices: Freezing a device including a external which has a Framework in it's bundle will retain Framework
    MFL: fixed crash while consolidating amxd project
    MFL/Projects: conflicts no longer prevent unfreezing of devices
    MFL/Projects: matrixctrl and pfft~ no longer throw errors on unfreeze
    minimixer: refreshes properly
    packages: 'examples' folders added to the searchpath
    packages: improved support for java classes
    peek~: works properly with the value 1000
    peek~/poke~: improved thread-safety
    pong: mode attribute properly initialized
    pong: outputs float or list properly
    preset: stored preset number is properly output
    project window: reordering items works as expected
    quickref: no longer crashes with long description
    record~: no longer crashes on double-click when no buffer provided
    Max v 6.1.2 Apr 9, 2013 Windows

    Gen: performance improvements when there are multiple Gen patchers
    Help files: old '.help' files now open in Max 6.1 fixed crash in color setter with less than 4 args
    jit.phy.ghost: fix for crash when re-instantiating
    jit.window: misc fixes for @shared usage
    jit.window: fixed crash on save in Max For Live context
    Keyserver: Max 6.1 Keyserver FAT/x64 support
    Max Ref: tags are properly rendered when illustration is text
    mxj: fixed crash when loading amxd using mxj
    oscbank~: works on Windows x64
    pictslider: fixed issue with mode attribute
    Projects: fix opening Windows zip/maxzip files containing folders on OSX
    Retina display: patches are rendered correctly across displays
    saving: fix for saving to location other than boot drive
    umenu: native text rendering with windows now works
    vst~: fix for param output from UI interaction
    waveform~: offset attribute no longer produces inf/nan when the buffer is not ready
    Max v 6.1.1 Mar 19, 2013 Windows

    3rd party external objects: fixed notify_free() crashes for old third-party externs
    bendout: fixed
    buffer~: Fix for misc crashes
    closebang: fix for use in MFL
    Collective loading factory externals changes
    detonate: fix for read/import midi files
    Extras: fix for subfolder usage
    Gen: fix for freeverb x64 crash
    gen~: samplerate properly updates in subpatchers
    javascript: improved script load execution fix for order attribute
    jit.qt.grab: fixed memory leak
    Jitter Gen: fix for TWOPI and friends in object boxes
    JS: fixes for 'Max' method
    LOM: 'access' column info is rendered (Win)
    project: searchpaths are not forgotten on project load
    Projects: file singleton fixes
    Projects: fixed crash on windows
    regexp: reads arguments properly
    sfrecord~: fix for not writing any bytes to file (Win)
    standalones: remove Cg.framework error messages
    vst~: initialization improvements
    Max v 6.1.0 Mar 6, 2013 Windows

    dict.print: optional arg to name the object in the max window
    dict.strip: ability to use hierarchical '::' key referencing
    function: line thickness attribute
    Gen documentation sidebar
    Gen subpatchers: @title attribute
    Gen type derivation for for loop counter
    Gen: [in 1 @comment foo] => [in 1 foo]
    Gen: objects with invalid constants throw a warning to the Max window
    Gen: operator attribute descriptions
    Gen: params/buffers etc. are visible in sub-gens
    gen~: add phase reset trigger to phasor operator
    gen~: assertion with Delay in a user function
    gen~: genexpr example for rate~
    gen~: new operators / new operator features
    GenExpr operator definition parameters
    GenExpr: better support for PHI nodes / returns in sub-blocks
    info~: new outlet which reports the number of channel add invert_corners attribute lock mode / filter - applying animations to matrixoutput : edit material properties before render destination is set read notification upgrade Assimp middleware library speed improvements non-automatic drawing calculate bounds to allow functionality with gl.handle and gl.picker Add an export of standard JXS files -> JXS export -> web OpenGL prototype
    jit.phys objects - upgrade bullet library to latest
    jit.phys.multiple - set individual body properties
    jit.phys.picker: option-drag z-transform - split impulse option
    jitter picker objects: return local and world coordinates
    live.grid: mouse interpolation
    live.step: dump_to_dict message
    live.step: grab middle of loop braces to change loop
    matrixctrl: getcolumn output
    Max user-domain in ~/Documents folder
    minmax~: can be reset by a signal
    OpenGL: depth_write attribute
    playbar: outputs control messages out left outlet
    pong: object to do clipping/wrapping/folding/etc.
    progress: color attributes
    Projects: added 'About Projects' documentation Vignette
    Projects: ignore various git files
    retina display support
    Support third party self contained folders inside and outside of the Max folder
    text justification in many objects
    version OS info clipboard copy button
    Waveform~: 'set' message
    zigzag~: mode and loopmode are now attribute
    zigzag~: stop message

    For full Live Object Model changes, please see LOMChanges.pdf

    API: retrieve all notes in a midiclip without selecting
    device width: settable
    Devices: improved patcher loading time
    live.dial: narrower in tiny mode
    LiveAPI: get AudioClip file path
    LiveAPI: misc improvements & changes
    LivePack: resolve file path
    MFL devices: all devices are Projects
    MFL keyboard focus: fixed various issues
    MFL parameters: enabled ordering of automatic mapping of on external MIDI controllers
    Rye Pluggo MFL device: minor gain improvments
    startup: improved Max for Live startup time
    textedit: un-focussing device un-focuses textedit
    undo events: events during a mouse down are merged into a single event


    ;max closefile: fix for crash if file is already closed
    attrui: displays enumindex with both index and label
    Audio drivers: Digi CoreAudio Manager 8.0.3+ compatibility
    bitshift~: fix for crash when toggling audio
    buffer~: fix for .mp3 import (fix for Win 32 bit only)
    cellblock: fixed some issue with inline editing and scrolling
    coll: 'refer' message gives error when name does not exist
    coll: fixed error with pasted text
    coll: fixed syntax parsing bug
    coll: fixed text editing window close with '\,' as text
    counter: properly responds to carryint and carrybang messages
    cross-dog example: fixed bad connection
    debugging: fixed crash while deleting patch cord while stopped at breakpoint
    dialer: closed subpatcher (and fixed the numbers)
    dict: 'remove' works with hierarchical references
    dict: fixed 'remove' message on windows no longer turns float values into symbols
    dict.slice: fixed misc crash
    docwindow: fall back to static rendering for third-party refpages and vignettes
    docwindow: provide stylesheet fallback for docs which lack stylesheets
    docwindow: support for 3rd-party refpages
    expr: % 0.01 no longer crashes
    ezdac~: border size updates correctly
    filtercoeff~: imprived error messages
    float object: fixed nan display
    follow: fixed memory corruption
    fpic: frozen attribute gets restored
    freqshift: fix for bad signal output
    Gen: better error reporting for param with no arg
    Gen: Fixed expr operator when using similar formatting as codebox
    gen~: Delay preserve memory between edits
    gen~: [in @comment] shows up in gen~ inlet assist
    gen~: fixed behavior with [fftinfo] in a non-fft gen patcher
    gen~: fixed compilation errors with history/interp
    gen~: fixed problem with if() and stateful user function
    groove~ able to reference buffers in polybuffer~
    jit.gen / jit.pix: fixed copy paste crash
    jit.gen: fixed compilation error with vec10*: improved memory use fix for crash related to changing drawto Java Jitter implementation fixed bug with colormode uyvy and textures fixed @lookat fog calculation improvements fixed crash with color property and index matrix fixed displaylist mode fixed behavior differences fixed memory leak
    jit.lcd: fix for misplaced $1 in readpict crash
    jit.mgraphics: fixed problems with dim attribute
    jit.phys: collision dictionaries update values
    jit.phys.*: improved Windows memory use
    jit.phys.ghost: CPU improvements
    jit.pwindow: fixed crash when deleting pwindow while rendering
    jit.qt.record: fix for two 'realtime' attributes / attrui display issue
    jit.window: fsaa/doublebuffer no longer triggers position/rect init (Win only)
    jit.window: doublebuffer 0 no longer posts erroneous warning (Win)
    jit.window: mouse listener no longer fails on name attr change
    jit.window: shared render context works on Windows
    JS: fixed delayed event crash
    JS: fixed usage of local property of a function
    JS: fix for script executing twice on load
    JS: fixed getlogical method
    JS: fixed NewString crash
    JS: fixed new Task() crash
    JS: fixed setoutletassist crash
    JS: increased maximum memory
    JS Canvas: fixed textAlign "center"
    List external/subpatcher: reports the full path of the abstractions
    live.grid: improved initialization
    live.grid: undo improvements
    live.param~: functions in subpatcher
    live.remote~: fix for crash when saving
    live.toolbar: rightmost text is no longer truncated
    Max console log messages: Mountain Lion fix
    Max For Live: fix for contextual menu when right-clicking in locked patcher
    Max/Runtime: does not try to open amxd files
    Max startup: improved startup on Windows with large search path and antivirus software enabled
    Max startup: visual feedback during startup on Windows
    maxpat files: fixed hang when a patcher exists with the same name as an extern
    MIDI: hot swap devices without needing to restart Max
    mxj: can find classes in project
    mxj: can load java classes from collectives
    nodes: fix for color change w/ attrui
    nodes: calculate properly the distances when the object is not square
    object box typing / autocompletion: fix for crash when editing object box
    Object Explorer: optimize filter change
    Object Help Launcher: fixed category / object menus
    ObjectHelpLauncher is now wider
    old mxt abstractions: found/loaded properly
    parameter: changes to the parameter window update the values in an open inspector
    paste picture: works on windows when 32 bpp image is on clipboard
    paste replace: does not overwrite existing scripting names of target objects
    patch cords: fix for changing color
    pattrstorage: fixed memory corruption
    pictctrl: functions as expected in Dial Mode
    poly~: fix for crash saving poly~ patcher with upsampling
    polybuffer~: updated information string to accept more RAM than before
    Projects: fixed 'hide project window after opening' project setting
    Projects: fixed crash when Project isn't found when selected in 'Open Recent Project'
    Projects: fixed issues with special characters in filenames
    Projects: project local vs global abstractions
    qlist: no longer outputs errors when the editor is not properly closed
    regexp: fixed substitutions issues
    rslider: properly refreshes after changing the range
    scope~: imports colors properly from Max 4 patches
    Sidebar Ref: some characters not being rendered properly
    stutter~: works in MFL when transport is not runnig
    Suckah: MBP Retina support
    techno: removed harmless "bad index" error message
    udpreceive: fix for negative numbers signed int problem
    umenu: disable color is now displayed properly
    vst~: fix for co-ordinate reporting and initialization
    vst~: fix for jumpy enum list params in default editor
    vst~: fixed crash in due to malformed AU componentSubType id
    wave~: properly accepts @interp attribute
    waveform~: changing the offset from the ruler updates the attribute
    Windows installer: properly overwrites app


    jit.fill & fixed problems in MFL context
    Live: fixed crash when calling callbacks when opening Max window
    Live UI: UI no longer turns white after saving a device with jit.window
    Live UI: fix for Live GUI issues after S/R change
    live.grid: improved undo
    ive.grid: fixed duplication issues
    live.drop: fix for Live hangs when setting live.drop from scheduler
    live.drop: fix for dropping recorded sample on Windows
    live.drop: order parameter fix
    live.drop: fixed undo/live.drop triggering crashes
    live.drop: fixed crash for when a device contains two live.drop objects
    live.meter~ / live.gain~: improved scaling visual consistency with Live
    live.object: fix for bogus values being output when saving a device in preview mode
    live.object: fixed unexpected error messages ("setting the Id cannot be triggered during undo or redo")
    live.param~: value output on load
    live.remote~: fix for controlling m4l-device-parameters
    live.thisdevice: fires reliably when coming back from the editor
    M4L device reandomizer: fixed crash on load
    MFL device automation: fixed 'click' when switching M4L device on/off via automation
    MFL LOM: calling the fire function of group tracks fires sub tracks
    MFL LOM: fixed LOM links in docs
    MFL audio performance: fixed issues related to multiprocessor support
    MFL device focus: space bar will trigger transport even when object is clicked
    MFL device saving: fixed Max crash when trying to save/cancel a patcher on win7
    MFL Devices: CPU/Audio performance improvements with automation
    MIDI control: works when parameter is deferred and has an update limit
    MIDI/Key map: fixed deactivation
    NoteEcho device: fixed crashes due to clear coll triggered from dump message
    Parmeters: changeable when other devices are open in editor
    Parameters: fix for M4L parameter focus issues
    Presets: shortened preset loading time (hotswap)
    Tab key: bpatcher no longer steals command to toggle Live arrange/Session (focus on windows)

    64-bit Limitations:
    Not supported:


    Other features currently unsupported or limited:

    gen~.freeverb.maxpat gen~ example crashes
    Reading non JPG or PNG files under Win64 (e.g. PICT, TIFF, GIF, etc.)
    Import features for buffer~ are limited
    jit.grab, jit.qt.grab, features are limited - on Windows x64 is currently limited to DirectShow supported movie files
    Max v 6.1.0beta Feb 28, 2013 Windows

    dict.print: optional arg to name the object in the max window
    dict.strip: ability to use hierarchical '::' key referencing
    function: line thickness attribute
    Gen documentation sidebar
    Gen subpatchers: @title attribute
    Gen type derivation for for loop counter
    Gen: [in 1 @comment foo] => [in 1 foo]
    Gen: objects with invalid constants throw a warning to the Max window
    Gen: operator attribute descriptions
    Gen: params/buffers etc. are visible in sub-gens
    gen~: add phase reset trigger to phasor operator
    gen~: assertion with Delay in a user function
    gen~: genexpr example for rate~
    gen~: new operators / new operator features
    GenExpr operator definition parameters
    GenExpr: better support for PHI nodes / returns in sub-blocks
    info~: new outlet which reports the number of channel add invert_corners attribute lock mode / filter - applying animations to matrixoutput : edit material properties before render destination is set read notification upgrade Assimp middleware library speed improvements non-automatic drawing calculate bounds to allow functionality with gl.handle and gl.picker Add an export of standard JXS files -> JXS export -> web OpenGL prototype
    jit.phys objects - upgrade bullet library to latest
    jit.phys.multiple - set individual body properties
    jit.phys.picker: option-drag z-transform - split impulse option
    jitter picker objects: return local and world coordinates
    live.grid: mouse interpolation
    live.step: dump_to_dict message
    live.step: grab middle of loop braces to change loop
    matrixctrl: getcolumn output
    Max user-domain in ~/Documents folder
    minmax~: can be reset by a signal
    OpenGL: glDepthMask attribute
    playbar: outputs control messages out left outlet
    pong: object to do clipping/wrapping/folding/etc.
    progress: color attributes
    Projects: added 'About Projects' documentation Vignette
    Projects: ignore various git files
    retina display support
    Support third party self contained folders inside and outside of the Max folder
    text justification in many objects
    version OS info clipboard copy button
    Waveform~: 'set' message
    zigzag~: mode and loopmode are now attribute
    zigzag~: stop message

    For full Live Object Model changes, please see LOMChanges.pdf

    API: retrieve all notes in a midiclip without selecting
    device width: settable
    Devices: improved patcher loading time
    live.dial: narrower in tiny mode
    LiveAPI: get AudioClip file path
    LiveAPI: misc improvements & changes
    LivePack: resolve file path
    MFL devices: all devices are Projects
    MFL keyboard focus: fixed various issues
    MFL parameters: enabled ordering of automatic mapping of on external MIDI controllers
    Rye Pluggo MFL device: minor gain improvments
    startup: improved Max for Live startup time
    textedit: un-focussing device un-focuses textedit
    undo events: events during a mouse down are merged into a single event


    ;max closefile: fix for crash if file is already closed
    attrui: displays enumindex with both index and label
    Audio drivers: Digi CoreAudio Manager 8.0.3+ compatibility
    bitshift~: fix for crash when toggling audio
    buffer~: fix for .mp3 import (fix for Win 32 bit only)
    cellblock: fixed some issue with inline editing and scrolling
    coll: 'refer' message gives error when name does not exist
    coll: fixed error with pasted text
    coll: fixed syntax parsing bug
    coll: fixed text editing window close with '\,' as text
    counter: properly responds to carryint and carrybang messages
    cross-dog example: fixed bad connection
    debugging: fixed crash while deleting patch cord while stopped at breakpoint
    dialer: closed subpatcher (and fixed the numbers)
    dict: 'remove' works with hierarchical references
    dict: fixed 'remove' message on windows no longer turns float values into symbols
    dict.slice: fixed misc crash
    docwindow: fall back to static rendering for third-party refpages and vignettes
    docwindow: provide stylesheet fallback for docs which lack stylesheets
    docwindow: support for 3rd-party refpages
    expr: % 0.01 no longer crashes
    ezdac~: border size updates correctly
    filtercoeff~: imprived error messages
    float object: fixed nan display
    follow: fixed memory corruption
    fpic: frozen attribute gets restored
    freqshift: fix for bad signal output
    Gen: better error reporting for param with no arg
    Gen: Fixed expr operator when using similar formatting as codebox
    gen~: Delay preserve memory between edits
    gen~: [in @comment] shows up in gen~ inlet assist
    gen~: fixed behavior with [fftinfo] in a non-fft gen patcher
    gen~: fixed compilation errors with history/interp
    gen~: fixed problem with if() and stateful user function
    groove~ able to reference buffers in polybuffer~
    jit.gen / jit.pix: fixed copy paste crash
    jit.gen: fixed compilation error with vec10*: improved memory use fix for crash related to changing drawto Java Jitter implementation fixed bug with colormode uyvy and textures fixed @lookat fog calculation improvements fixed crash with color property and index matrix fixed displaylist mode fixed behavior differences fixed memory leak
    jit.lcd: fix for misplaced $1 in readpict crash
    jit.mgraphics: fixed problems with dim attribute
    jit.phys: collision dictionaries update values
    jit.phys.*: improved Windows memory use
    jit.phys.ghost: CPU improvements
    jit.pwindow: fixed crash when deleting pwindow while rendering
    jit.qt.record: fix for two 'realtime' attributes / attrui display issue
    jit.window: fsaa/doublebuffer no longer triggers position/rect init (Win only)
    jit.window: doublebuffer 0 no longer posts erroneous warning (Win)
    jit.window: mouse listener no longer fails on name attr change
    jit.window: shared render context works on Windows
    JS: fixed delayed event crash
    JS: fixed usage of local property of a function
    JS: fix for script executing twice on load
    JS: fixed getlogical method
    JS: fixed NewString crash
    JS: fixed new Task() crash
    JS: fixed setoutletassist crash
    JS: increased maximum memory
    JS Canvas: fixed textAlign "center"
    List external/subpatcher: reports the full path of the abstractions
    live.grid: improved initialization
    live.grid: undo improvements
    live.param~: functions in subpatcher
    live.remote~: fix for crash when saving
    live.toolbar: rightmost text is no longer truncated
    Max console log messages: Mountain Lion fix
    Max For Live: fix for contextual menu when right-clicking in locked patcher
    Max/Runtime: does not try to open amxd files
    Max startup: improved startup on Windows with large search path and antivirus software enabled
    Max startup: visual feedback during startup on Windows
    maxpat files: fixed hang when a patcher exists with the same name as an extern
    MIDI: hot swap devices without needing to restart Max
    mxj: can find classes in project
    mxj: can load java classes from collectives
    nodes: fix for color change w/ attrui
    nodes: calculate properly the distances when the object is not square
    object box typing / autocompletion: fix for crash when editing object box
    Object Explorer: optimize filter change
    Object Help Launcher: fixed category / object menus
    ObjectHelpLauncher is now wider
    old mxt abstractions: found/loaded properly
    parameter: changes to the parameter window update the values in an open inspector
    paste picture: works on windows when 32 bpp image is on clipboard
    paste replace: does not overwrite existing scripting names of target objects
    patch cords: fix for changing color
    pattrstorage: fixed memory corruption
    pictctrl: functions as expected in Dial Mode
    poly~: fix for crash saving poly~ patcher with upsampling
    polybuffer~: updated information string to accept more RAM than before
    Projects: fixed 'hide project window after opening' project setting
    Projects: fixed crash when Project isn't found when selected in 'Open Recent Project'
    Projects: fixed issues with special characters in filenames
    Projects: project local vs global abstractions
    qlist: no longer outputs errors when the editor is not properly closed
    regexp: fixed substitutions issues
    rslider: properly refreshes after changing the range
    scope~: imports colors properly from Max 4 patches
    Sidebar Ref: some characters not being rendered properly
    stutter~: works in MFL when transport is not runnig
    Suckah: MBP Retina support
    techno: removed harmless "bad index" error message
    udpreceive: fix for negative numbers signed int problem
    umenu: disable color is now displayed properly
    vst~: fix for co-ordinate reporting and initialization
    vst~: fix for jumpy enum list params in default editor
    vst~: fixed crash in due to malformed AU componentSubType id
    wave~: properly accepts @interp attribute
    waveform~: changing the offset from the ruler updates the attribute
    Windows installer: properly overwrites app


    jit.fill & fixed problems in MFL context
    Live: fixed crash when calling callbacks when opening Max window
    Live UI: UI no longer turns white after saving a device with jit.window
    Live UI: fix for Live GUI issues after S/R change
    live.grid: improved undo
    ive.grid: fixed duplication issues
    live.drop: fix for Live hangs when setting live.drop from scheduler
    live.drop: fix for dropping recorded sample on Windows
    live.drop: order parameter fix
    live.drop: fixed undo/live.drop triggering crashes
    live.drop: fixed crash for when a device contains two live.drop objects
    live.meter~ / live.gain~: improved scaling visual consistency with Live
    live.object: fix for bogus values being output when saving a device in preview mode
    live.object: fixed unexpected error messages ("setting the Id cannot be triggered during undo or redo")
    live.param~: value output on load
    live.remote~: fix for controlling m4l-device-parameters
    live.thisdevice: fires reliably when coming back from the editor
    M4L device reandomizer: fixed crash on load
    MFL device automation: fixed 'click' when switching M4L device on/off via automation
    MFL LOM: calling the fire function of group tracks fires sub tracks
    MFL LOM: fixed LOM links in docs
    MFL audio performance: fixed issues related to multiprocessor support
    MFL device focus: space bar will trigger transport even when object is clicked
    MFL device saving: fixed Max crash when trying to save/cancel a patcher on win7
    MFL Devices: CPU/Audio performance improvements with automation
    MIDI control: works when parameter is deferred and has an update limit
    MIDI/Key map: fixed deactivation
    NoteEcho device: fixed crashes due to clear coll triggered from dump message
    Parmeters: changeable when other devices are open in editor
    Parameters: fix for M4L parameter focus issues
    Presets: shortened preset loading time (hotswap)
    Tab key: bpatcher no longer steals command to toggle Live arrange/Session (focus on windows)

    64-bit Limitations:
    Not supported:


    Other features currently unsupported or limited:

    Reading non JPG or PNG files under Win64 (e.g. PICT, TIFF, GIF, etc.)
    Import features for buffer~ are limited
    jit.grab, jit.qt.grab, features are limited
    Max v 6.0.8 Nov 9, 2012 Windows

    buffer~: 'import' message no longer crashes Max (Windows)
    cpost: now go to Console on Mac 10.8+
    cross-dog example: fixed connection
    degrade~: initialization fix
    documentation: Matrix operator tags are now rendered
    documentation: images in body of refpages are now being rendered
    function: miscellaneous fixes for redrawing
    installer: misc fixes
    jit.phys.body: fixes for spurious collision dictionary errors
    jit.phys.body: name attribute fix
    Jitter Gen: misc fixes and speed improvements for patcher parsing
    Jitter OpenGL: various fixes for rendering slowdowns and crashes
    Rewire driver: now installed on Mac
    Max v 6.0.7 Sep 11, 2012 Windows

    buffer~: new 'offset' function to add a constant
    capture: precision attribute allows you to set the floating point precision
    coll: improved user experience for syntax errors
    cycle~: wavetable size attribute
    debugger: shows subpatcher when debugger steps into it
    function: cursor attribute
    function: line attribute
    function: linethickness attribute
    function: new features (curve, grid, snap2grid, copy/paste, quantization, line...)
    ggate and gswitch: UI updates
    installer: Mac 10.8 (Mountain Lion) OS compatibility & umenu objects's popup corners are now transparent
    live.step: binary mousing
    live.step: bipolar display, live.text and live toggle: rounded attribute
    mouse cursor: changes when text editing is started
    nodes: no longer display the cursor while dragging
    nodes: Nodes can now be rectangular
    Parameter view: speedlim and defer now settable for enum-parameters
    playbar: refreshrate attribute
    polybuffer~: sends a bang when dropping file/folder in the window
    Projects: preference for Project default locations
    tab: fadeunselect and fadetime attributes for animation
    text: precision attribute allows you to set the floating point precision
    ubutton: rounded attribute
    wave~: cubic interpolation mode
    waveform~: linecolor attribute
    zl.scramble: output a list of indices to the right outlet


    New modules: CROPPR and WYPR
    Vizzie now functions as an abstraction (vz.)
    Fully commented/hinted inlets and outlets
    All generator modules now have data inlets to set the operating parameters
    All modules now take ints (0/1) from a toggle to stop/start operation (the "stomp box switch")
    All modules with presets now take a message to choose presets
    All modules with presets now take a message to interpolate between two presets
    Selectable VIEWR window sizes


    Code Sidebar
    gen~ recompiles if vs/sr changes
    gen~: Data, Buffer, and Delay are now supported in GenExpr code
    gen~: poke and splat support @index attributes like peek, sample etc
    GenExpr branching: if(expr) {} else {}
    GenExpr Break / continue statements: for(...) { break/continue; }
    GenExpr Loops: while(cond) {}, for(i=0; i < 10; i+=1) {}
    Improved compile error reporting
    Jitter Gen: gate and selector operators
    New data typing
    New examples
    Object argument expressions: [+ pi/2], [param foo @min 0 @max pi*2]
    send/receive: only works within the same patch (not cross patchers or patcher to sub-patcher)
    Subpatchers (embedded and abstractions)
    User Functions


    jit.anim.path - @position, @quat and @scale attributes
    jit.anim.path and @eval_report attribute
    jit.anim.path and target objects now updated wirelessly*: better handling of mouse picking in opengl context window and @ui_priority attribute*: gl object matrixoutput notifications @corner_color attribute @drawcorners mouse mode and @mousereport attribute
    jit.phys.6dof: spring motor feature
    jit.phys.body: @collisions attribute to support individual body collision dictionary output
    jit.phys.body/jit.phys.multiple: local_scaling attribute for more accurate and efficient scaling
    jit.phys.constraint: @strength and @stretch attributes
    jit.phys.constraint: @worldpos and @worldquat attributes
    jit.phys.ghost: @central_exp and @central_mode attributes added to adjust central force
    jit.phys.ghost: shape can be convexhull or concave
    jit.phys.multiple: @constraint attribute for creating constraints between bodies
    jit.phys.multiple: body names now created using matrix cell address
    jit.phys.multiple: mesh matrix input for drawing multiple mesh shapes
    jit.phys.picker and mouse up notification
    jit.phys.picker: @enable attribute @collision_mode attribute for extended collision info @raytest_mode attribute collision force and normal added to collision dict collisions dictionary accessible in javascript
    jsjitter: anim.path js support
    jsjitter: Jitter physics objects in javascript
    jsjitter: ob3d matrixoutput notify for javascript
    New examples


    abstractions: properly updates when window closed then saved
    allpass~: fix for incorrect step-response
    attrui: drawing enhancements
    attrui: number text reappears properly after undo
    audio: fixed deadlock when closing a patcher with the Audio running
    audio: fixed error when starting audio in a subpatcher
    auto-completion: fixes for slowness
    auto-completion: works with shortcuts
    autocompletion: down arrow key in object box no longer duplicates box text
    average~: no longer reports negative zero in absolute mode
    bpatcher in Max For Live: can map through
    bpatcher: click through on empty bpatcher works
    bpatcher: double-clicking in explorer window no longer adds a @name argument
    bpatcher: fixed crash entering text after bpatcher is deleted
    bpatcher: fixed number box output issues when clicking on a toplevel UI
    capture: no longer crashes when trying to display very long text
    cellblock: resizing the object refreshes properly in in-line edit mode
    change: sending set with no args no longer crashes
    codebox: pasting into codebox works when multiple views are shown
    coll: fixed crash when 'refer' message is sent from scheduler and main thread at the same time
    coll: no longer crashes when receiving a nth message with wrong arguments
    count~: attributes typed in object box are now recognized
    cursor: positioning fixes
    cycle~: phase no longer clipped
    database: launch optimizations
    DB search: improved performance on PC
    debugger: animation improvements
    debugger: fixes for disappearing patch cords
    debugger: prevention for auto-debug on patcher loading
    dict: exposed "append" method to js
    dict: fixed 'pull_from_coll' crash
    dict: fixed syntax parsing bug when values contain colons
    dict: value setting improvements fix for values starting with a numeral
    dict.iter: fixed memory leak with certain keys/values
    dynamicdocs: fixed search broken for certain terms and queries
    external drives: no longer prevented from being removed
    file paths: resolved path is sent to editor
    File search paths: Max now finds patchers when typed
    filebrowser: fixed dragging audio files from the filebrowser
    filtergraph~: no longer crashes when dragging a filter
    filtergraph~: no longer hangs when receiving bad queries
    flonum: goes slower when shift key is down (like number)
    function: pattr connection improvements
    Gen codebox: Edit->Copy/Paste are no longer greyed out
    Gen dependencies: gen 'externals' are not added to the dependency list
    Gen: copied gen patchers now have correct title bars
    Gen: fixed issues with changing genpatcher name
    Gen: fixed missing help descriptions
    Gen: fixed unnecessary dirtying of some genpatchers
    Gen: improved performance after error reporting
    Gen: misc noise op fixes
    Gen: MRO with gen subpatchers respects edits and compiles changes
    gen~: buffer name parsing improvements
    gen~: control-rate processing improvements
    gen~: fixed compile error with abs (integer input)
    gen~: fixes for inlet/outlet assist strings from in/out comments
    gen~: improved interpolation
    gen~: undo improvements in genpatcher
    GenExpr: color coded constants
    genpatcher: (unlocked) in title bar when unlocked
    groove~: fixed sync issue when there are four channels
    groove~: properly plays four channels
    if: == correctly evaluates NaN values
    inspector: fixes for opening the inspector in a help file after closing sidebar
    itable: fix for Max hang when itable is in a bpatcher
    Java: Jitter works in Windows standalone applications
    jit.catch: frame size can be controlled with attrui
    jit.gen: fixed crash when adding/removing patch cord to clip (Win only) @lighting_enable 0 with material uses color attribute @enable 0 does not draw when attached to node @erase @capture 1 color no longer clears rendering context for a second non-capturing camera cameras allowed to be part of anim.node hierarchy auto_handle disabled when connected to any object fix for and screenraytest message crash object dragging improvements improvements for adding/removing lights works with outlets assistance improvements fix for errors when switching render contexts fixed issues with switching render contexts "texgroup 0" message no longer crashes multi-texturing fixes overrides child object attrs when set via max box re-instantiating in non-automatic mode no longer crashes drawto now updated when typed in box and transform_reset now propagated to child gl objects @axes 1 draws the axes drawing of matrixoutput matrices applies source object's state to result message "drawclients" works fix for miscalculated screentoworld output Fixes for error when drawing screentoworld output improvements transform_reset fixes changing wrap attr properly rebuilds the texture copy works when cull_face is enabled uyvy colormode fixes
    jit.grab: (Windows) @colormode uyvy works @connected updates and outputs properly
    jit.phys.body: reset message affects dynamic and kinematic bodies
    jit.phys.multiple: kinematic works when set via max-box
    jit.phys.picker: fix for setting filter attribute from max box @raytest mode no longer affects jit.phys.picker behavior fixed crashes when changing box args fixed render destination deletion crash (Win) raytest messages no longer causes world update
    jit.pwindow: @erase_color alpha now works
    jit.pwindow: @shared 1 no longer stops texture rendering
    jit.pwindow: fix for gl render visibility when context is implicit (Win ony)
    jit.pwindow: pwindow as render context in bpatcher no longer stops drawing in MFL @noaccel supresses output
    jit.window: @sync attr is recognised
    jit.window: fixed flickering with umenu interaction
    jit.window: deleting with scripting works as expected
    jit.window: set visible 0 before rendering works properly
    jitter Gen objects: now respond to reset button
    Jitter Gen: attrui properly updates if a message has been used to set the attr
    jitter Gen: objects now set param value to new default when param op is changed
    Jitter Gen: setting @dirty no longer crashes
    Jitter GL readback: fix for changing readback on windows
    live.colors: fix for proper output
    live.dial: Shift + arrows do fine adjustments
    live.drop: fixed ordering issue on device load
    live.drop: respects 'order' parameter
    live.grid: changes via pattr update update parameter blob
    live.grid: flexible direction height
    live.grid: output the correct value on mouse drag out the mouseover information outlet
    live.grid: points can be set if they are out of range
    live.step: steps are no longer missed when quickly click-dragging fix for button mode persistence issues
    live.thisdevice/parameters: fires / reports values after return to live after edit
    loading: Max 4 patch loading improvements
    magnifier: works in MFL device patcher
    Max for Live: Fixed crash when making M4L device invisible
    Max for Live: Live UI objects dB unit style improvements
    Max for Live: live.* objects no longer output values triggered by keys when inactive
    Max for Live: thispatcher 'path' message works in frozen Max device
    message box: fix for crash when updating message box contents from scheduler with overdrive on
    mgraphics: select_font_face no longer increases font_size
    midiout: works after it has received a negative value
    midi: midi ports are now available after sleep/wake
    minimixer: fixed crash after deleting subpatcher after opening minimixer
    multislider: fix for disappearing outline
    multislider: properly display reverse scroll mode when the border are not visible
    multislider: set message sets every slider (without requiring the index)
    nodes: fixes for pattr integration
    nodes: mouse coordinate are correct when the object isn't squared
    nodes: setnode message properly updates the active state
    number box (MIDI display format): correct results when values are typed in
    panel: @ignoreclick 0 is saved in json
    parameter: fixes for irregular output when defer + speedlim are enabled
    parameters: values are no longer output when saving a device in preview mode
    patch cord: fix for crash dragging starting connection on a disabled patch cord
    patch cords: fix for color inconsistencies
    patching: fixes for disappearing patch cords and assistance
    pattrstorage: locked slots are stored in initial value
    pfft~: fix for crash with bad arg values
    playbar: posts a warning when connected to a non valid object
    playbar: refreshes when scrubbing while the playback is off
    playbar: works properly when changing movie with autostart attribute set to 0
    plot~: filters are applied when data source is a buffer~ reference
    poke~: no longer redraw buffer~ when the samples don't change
    poly~: midinote no longer crashes with bad arguments
    poly~/send~: changing voices in MFL no longer crashes Live with certain SR
    polybuffer~ list is properly updated after using the replace message
    preset write file dialog
    project: better management of duplicates in the project folder
    project: unfound files have the correct file class
    ref browser: title bar matches content on Windows
    regexp: fixed additional issues with substitution output
    regexp: fixed crash when trying to match against an invalid regexp
    regexp: fixed issues with substitution output
    regexp: fixed substitute with empty string crash
    scheduler: improved timing when using multiple schedulers and larger buffer sizes
    scripting: fixed issue with scripting MSP objects
    select: fixed compatibility with list
    standalone: fixed Windows file dialog extension
    standalones: write extracted externals into application support folder on Mac
    teeth~: no longer crashes when turning of the audio
    thispatcher: fix for menu disappearance on window flags nogrow on Windows
    translation: improved layout of Japanese text on Windows
    trunc~: calculation improvements
    umenu: misc optimisations
    vst~: handles fxp files
    waveform~: redraws properly when the size is set at loadbang
    Max v 6.0.5 May 8, 2012 Windows
    New Features:

    jit.phys.multiple @mass attribute
    projects: added file icons for stylesheet and vectorimagefile
    project: known, but non-explicitly-supported files can now be added to projects (e.g. html)
    triangle~: lo and hi are now attributes

    Bugs Fixed:

    projects: added file icons for stylesheet and vectorimagefile
    allpass~: fixed various issues
    audio: fix for starting audio while being notified audio is stopping
    bitshift~: now sounds the same as Max 5
    dac~: fix for 'set' message
    database: improved startup times and CPU load when database is being built
    dialog: window no longer appears behind floating windows
    dict.route: fix for various crashes
    export image: no longer shows selection highlight
    gen~: no longer loses buffer association when patcher is re-compiled.
    gl texture: fixed planeswap on readback to matrix
    gl.cornerpin: fixed issue with texture flipping
    gl.handle: @auto_handle can be set in max box
    inspector: inspecting in a max for live device doesn't switch objects properly
    inspector: fixed crash on inspecting lots of objects
    jit.buffer~ / jit.catch~: fixed crash if QuickTime isn't installed
    jit.gen / jit.pix: misc math fixes
    jit.gen/jit.pix/ fixed crash when typing an argument in box (Win only) / fixed viewport and resizing texture issues fix for crash caused by error post fix for "unavailable context" error subtex_matrix now works fix for Windows double-reverse planemapping
    jit.path: fix for crash when dimension is less than 3, and the evallength message is called
    jit.phys.*: constraint position2 attribute no longer ignored
    jit.phys.*:constraint motor attributes typed in max box now work
    jit.phys.body: fix for crash when reinstantiating while connected to a constraint
    jit.phys.body: misc fixes for @forces_relative attribute
    jit.phys.body and phys.multiple: @enable 0 typed in box now works
    jit.phys.conetwist: misc limit attributes fixes
    jit.phys.ghost: fix for custom filters
    jit.pix: fix for input planecount < 4 causing garbled data
    jweb: @autosize attribute now works
    Max For Live: fixed paste & replace crash when audio running
    Max For Live: When M4L editor is open, M4L devices in other tracks are editable
    Max For Live parameters: parameters not limited to 512 (was causing non-operable UI)
    Max for Live: deferred events being run in the scheduler thread
    nslider: fix for mouse in poly mode
    pattrforward: object in a subpatcher is retargeted after save
    project: known, but non-explicitly-supported files can now be added to projects (e.g. html)
    reference browser: re-enabled a preference for static docs (to be used if dynamic docs are slow)
    scheduler: fixed miscellaneous crashes
    spectroscope~: fixed crash in sonogram mode
    tapin~/tapout~: provide more informative warning when objects are in different dsp chains
    threadsafety: fixed issue with calling typed methods
    uzi: outputs proper value when interrupted
    vst~: parameters can be modulated by full name
    Max v 6.0.4 Feb 16, 2012 Windows
    New Features:

    attrui: tab key support
    filterdesign: double-click to see dictionary
    Gen: GenExpr include files
    jit.anim.node new features:
    - new messages: concat, worldtolocal, localtoworld
    - new attribute: invtransform object
    jit.phys.* new features:
    - @enable attribute
    - physics constraints now have rotate/rotatexyz attributes new features:
    - attributes for simulation updates
    - remove_plane attribute for 2D functionality
    sqlite: faster database update startup
    standalone: improved dependency inclusion for some components

    Bugs Fixed:

    audio: fixed start/stop UI delay glitch
    audio: closing patcher window now fades properly (Mixer Crossfade)
    audio: clicking then silence / crashing when changing audio settings
    audio: fixed crash when turning mixer parallel on/off when signal vector size is smaller than 64
    audio: hot-swap devices without needing to restart Max
    audio: patcher muting respected when audio started
    audio: fixed deadlock when closing a patcher with the Audio running
    preferences: fixed crash on corrupted Windows preference files
    cascade~: fixed zipper noise on coefficient change
    cellblock: resizing the object refreshes properly in in-line edit mode
    codebox: require disposes of filewatcher when closed
    codebox: retains inlet/outlet count even with an error with GenExpr
    cycle~: proper handling of attrs/args
    dac~: start/startwindow in right inlet
    dialog: text field does not have focus (Mac OS 10.6)
    dict: automatically add missing extension for the 'import' message
    dict.iter: fix crashes with references to dangling subdictionaries.
    enable SSE2 instructions for windows non-audio projects
    Encapsulating with disabled patch cord causes crash
    File > New Text, typing, File > Save causes text to disappear
    filtergraph~ no longer crash when receiving a message with the wrong filter index
    filtergraph~: @edit_maxfreq @edit_minfreq swap
    fpic: opt+drag no longer loses image
    Gen: patcher type visual display on inlets and outlets
    Gen: 'f' can be used in GenExpr as a variable
    Gen: .genexpr files now associated with Max6
    grab: Works with 'set' receives / multiple output
    groove~: fix for output gain variations depending up transposition with resampling on
    groove~: fix for stuttering, distortion, and other glitches with resampling on and looping a small portion of a large buffer
    groove~: fixed crash when loop max is smaller than loop min
    groove~: resampling aliasing on loop points
    groove~: resampling and loopinterp should work together ui_map dictionary functionality fixes
    jit.cellblock: .txt extension added to written files
    jit.cellblock: misc fixes
    jit.gen: fixed noise() .lua files: now associated with Max6 fixed crash when closing patch after deleting gl.node erase_color attribute bug fix fixed GLSL compilation errors fixed fullscreen crash
    jit.phys.body: fixed @shape compound crashes when collision reporting
    jit.phys.ghost: fixed help file crash fixed flatten + inplace crash attrui @dim updates with @adapt 1
    jitter Gen: math binops with vec2 arguments produce valid output
    KeyMIDI: octaves buttons works properly again
    live.step: editlooponly respects loop start > 1
    matrixctrl: updates when recalling a preset in Max for Live
    minimixer: fixed sizing issues
    nodes: mouse coordinate are correct when the object isn't squared
    nodes: no longer produce NaN when the size of a node is set to 0.
    nodes: setnode message properly updates the active state
    ob3d matrixoutput 2 memory leak
    object details panel: fixed GUI glitch
    polybuffer~ help file: fixed crash on Windows
    phasor~: improved @lock 1 performance
    plot~: editing domain labels in the editor does not trigger a re-paint
    poly~: decreased the CPU usage for non-dsp (and non-active DSP) patchers
    polybuffer~: fixed getshortname crash
    Projects: auto localize setting results in missing file entry
    reference: fixed Tutorial 1 missing text
    reference browser: removed mouseover popup in search results
    regexp: fixed substring crash
    saving: saving an abstraction (or poly~ patcher) as another file no longer causes other instances to reload
    saving: fixed open rect bpatcher save issue
    scale: fixed ref and scale vignette namespace collision
    scale/scale~: exponent base is no longer inverted in non-classic mode
    send~/receive~: mismatched pair no longer crashes Max when DSP is on
    sidebar: improved reference appearance at small sizes
    standalone: better default audio driver selection
    standalone: fixed java dependency issues
    standalone: fixed issues on Windows with javascript inclusion
    table: object box attrs now work properly
    vst~: window coordinate arguments work again with 'open' message
    watchpoints: improved positioning when watchpoint is below patcher when patcher is floating
    Max v 6.0.3 Jan 5, 2012 Windows
    Over the last few weeks, it came to our attention that there were some critical issues that were introduced in 6.0.2 that we needed to fix in short order, so I'd like to present to you Max 6.0.3. There are no new features to speak of. Fixes included in this installer are:

    Core Audio: Fixes for various crashes, especially when audio inputs are greater than two
    adc~/dac~: Poundsign arguments (#1, #2, etc) work again in object box
    patch cords: can change color (Windows)
    jit.phys.ghost: help patcher now opens (Windows)
    polybuffer~: help patcher now opens (Windows)
    jit.phys.multiple: Misc. fixes
    Max v 6.0.2 Dec 22, 2011 Windows
    New Features:

  • Support for 4GB RAM under 64bit versions of Windows

  • code editor: Cmd+arrow keys extends selection

  • code editor: error/warning highlight with message

  • code editor: line number display

  • code editor: support for indentation key commands (Cmd+[, Cmd+] on OSX and Tab, Shift+Tab on Windows)

  • Core Audio: new Mac core audio driver

  • dict: added functionality of appending values to existing dict keys

  • dict: added getsize message

  • dict: added hierarchical value access

  • dict: new ability to access values in an array at arbitrary positions

  • dict.view: option click now allows you to collapse/expand items

  • documentation window search field allows for Cut/Copy/Paste commands

  • Gen: added reset_param for jit.gen

  • Gen: new option-click help bubble

  • jit.anim.path: loop and end notifications

  • misc. stereo/frustum features

  • @erase_mode addition

  • added depth_clear() message

  • jit.phys.*: collision filtering attributes

  • jit.phys.ghost: new object for collision sensors and force fields

  • jit.phys.multiple: full rigid body attributes

  • jit.phys.picker: added multitouch picking

  • jit.proxy: now supports objects with scripting names

  • jit.window: reports mouse scroll events

  • Jitter Javascript garbage collection fixes

  • Lua: files open via File > Open now not have syntax highlighting

  • Material Browser: various additions

  • max-fileformats.txt: added "Mp3 " file type (mp3 drag n drop on buffer~ now works)

  • nslider: displays flats, hide-able clefs

  • OpenGL Status: added ;jitter glreadback settings

  • text editors: ctrl+a/ctrl+e go to the beginning/end of a line

  • Bugs Fixed:

  • Added a more robust way to share OpenGL contexts with @shared 1/0

  • adstatus: no longer ouputs extra messages in switch mode

  • asio: windows asio devices that don't have audio input now work

  • attribute updates now showing in attrui

  • attrui: now updates properly the jit.gen attributes

  • audio status no longer clicks when stepping through output

  • audio status: clears unused option slots

  • avoid object_tinge pile-on

  • buffer~: creates channel arg in object box when dragging audio file

  • buffer~: waveform view sizing updates after sizeinsamps message

  • cascade~: fixed noise on DSP initialization

  • circular menu: show after click drawing improvement when zoomed

  • circular menu: various wheel drawing fixes

  • clocker reset fixes in MFL editor

  • codebox: added key command for recompiling while editing (shift+enter)

  • codebox: fixed errors on opening inspector in gen

  • Codebox: global Gen Patcher Params Accessible

  • codebox: scrollbars are functional

  • codebox/expr in genpatcher: fixed random numbering in outlet assistance

  • color attribute undo fixes

  • color schemes changed for extras

  • colorpicker: compatibility mode respect RGB format

  • comment.svg: fixed 'no such file' standalone error

  • core audio: fixed input SR mismatch crash

  • cycle~: fix for incorrect behavior when frequency is out of range and both frequency and phase inlets are driven by signals

  • delay~: calculated properly at sampling rates > 48000

  • dict: export message adds the file extension properly

  • dict: optional arg imports a json file

  • dict.view: fixed crash during rapid dict updates

  • dynamic attribute notifications

  • File Browser: fix for crash when adding folder to 'Search For' column

  • filterdetail: no longer produces a phase of zero for the first point

  • Fix for crashes when changing IOVS with ad_portaudio

  • fixed erratic behavior of ctrl-click on inlet contextual menu

  • fixed errors when re-editing an inspector color

  • Fixed Max crash on Windows without Quicktime

  • fixed mousing problem with the circular menu

  • fixed some texdisplace shaders

  • fixes for audio crackling / distortion on Mac

  • gen: fixed compilation error with non latin characters

  • gl shared contexts now initializing properly

  • gl.handle output transform messages when autohandle enabled

  • gl.handle: fixed position tracking

  • gn.gloop.jsx-help.maxpat: fixed error on startup

  • jit.desktop: fixed memory leak

  • fixed material browser diffuse texture loading errors

  • fixed drawmode displaylist bug

  • fixed empty matrix crash with draw_mode triangles

  • improved binding of model nodes to anim.nodes

  • @targetname now being properly initialized from object box

  • collision points and attributes for draw flags

  • inlets get updated immediately

  • fixed example

  • drawobject 0/1 and now taking into account target object's transform

  • drawobject transform_reset now being respected

  • texture bindings retained after drawobject capture

  • depth attr no longer causes strange lighting (Win only)

  • fixed depth attr causing strange lighting (Win only)

  • shows up when in a sub-context

  • jit.phys.body: fix for kinematic mode

  • jit.phys.multiple: fix for changing shape

  • fixed crash when freeing

  • fixed looppoints attrui issues

  • improved thread handling

  • jit.window: fixed jitter js callback issues (added mousewheel support)

  • jit.window: fixed modifier keys

  • jit.window: suppress ctrl+click window switching popup

  • Kontakt plug-in with vst~ now works

  • line: fixed erratic behavior in MFL

  • live.drop: now works properly in Max

  • live.gain~: no longer jumps to 0dB when clicking in the name

  • live.toolbar: text fixed in the editor

  • M4L fixes for out of memory issues

  • Max for Live: fixed distorted audio when live buffersize is not divisible by 64

  • menubar: custom menus no longer cause problems for '?' tab

  • MFL parameter: stored value now overrides initial value

  • MFL: OB3D now visible in jit.pwindow after switching tracks

  • minimixer: fix for hang when deleting ezdac~

  • minimixer: fixed patcher focus issues

  • minimixer: now reappears if it is hidden when partially off-screen

  • mxj: in subpatcher no longer causes audio distortion

  • noise~ driven groove~ with resample 1 no longer crashes

  • number of signal used/function calls properly displayed when the DSP is off

  • Object Explorer double-click location screen awareness

  • opening a help patcher that is already open no longer closes the sidebar

  • patch cords: fixed drawing issue when starting Max from a patcher (Mac only)

  • patcher key commands now work after dismissing key command popup window

  • pfft~ no longer crashes when editing while the dsp is on

  • playbar: connected to sfplay~ does a play/pause

  • playbar: properly redraws after sfplay~/ loop attribute changed

  • plot~: fixed aberrations in the first couple of points of plotted data, particularly when using curved lines.

  • plot~: reduced irregularities in curved lines when the data set includes negative infinities

  • plugsend~: deleting from MFL device no longer crashes max editor

  • poly~: fixed audio gaps when loading patcher with gen~ object

  • project: fix for explicit members turning implicit

  • Projects: fixed consolidating twice issues

  • radiogroup: no longer crashes when the number of items is too high

  • re-enabled custom install locations for windows installer

  • Reference: changed css to make links more of a blue color

  • removed contents item from doc window toolbar

  • Removed the 'eye' icon from the docs window toolbar

  • see also tab/pop ups: no longer eats keyboard commands and persistence

  • send~ / recieve~: now working between patches

  • send~ and receive~: now working in poly~/pfft~

  • seq: dump message no longer hangs Max

  • spigot~: asyncread message to combination with spigot~ improvements

  • standalone preferences now writing to custom folder

  • standalone: application-specific menu item names

  • standalone: fixed MaxLua.dll error

  • standalone: no longer putting preferences in ~/Library/Application Support

  • status bar removed in the About Max

  • tapin~/tapout: fixed issue in poly~ with different vector size

  • tapin~/tapout~: fix for delay time reset after dsp is started

  • Text editor: always give window two scrollbars that are always visible

  • textbutton: can now be easily resized when corners are rounded

  • textfield justification improvements (while typing)

  • toolbar / statusbar area now hidden in fullscreen patcher

  • undo command while dragging an object fixes

  • undo command: fixed confusion if chosen while dragging an object

  • vst~ @genericeditor 1 works (some au plugs do not have this ability)

  • vst~ plug path in Mac standalones

  • vst~: fixes for audio distortions on Mac

  • vst~: output no longer limited to first two channels

  • vst~: updates program names after reading in a preset bank file

  • windows audio drivers support extended characters in names
  • Max v 6.0.1 Nov 9, 2011 Windows
    New Features:

    highlight patcher object box via double click on inlet/outlet
    autocompletion now filters out redundancy messages to open/close material browser window
    pfft~: open original patch under contextual menu
    persistence of object explorer disclosable headers
    autocompletion dimmed text and enter/tab/space/defocus completes text
    implement gen access to the object via help
    new jit.gen, gen, and examples vignette
    MSP optimizations on both platforms
    minimixer improvements
    Gen documentation updates
    reveal preferences toolbar item

    Bugs Fixed:

    keyboard shortcuts working in save as dialog
    mxj: outletHigh fixes
    documentation browser: now work on Windows
    hint: documented delay time of 0
    patch cords at edge of window cause no longer cause scroll bars
    jit.pwindow: works as a rendering destination in MFL
    added missing clues in Max Preferences / Patcher Window
    setclock: fixed "mul" mode
    bogus objects now respect Object Defaults color
    Projects: .avi files added to 'Media' section
    dict: 'export' message fix
    cycle~: fixes for high frequency setting
    jit.displays: verifies that displaymode < count before sending
    cycle~: no longer goes from sinusoid to negative DC with ramp slab processing/parameter fixes glparam "color" now works in all cases
    cycle~: improvements to sound "quality" differences between Max 5 and 6
    buffer~: 'sizeinsamps' allocates channels properly
    vst~: audio throughput when no plug present
    documentation browser: Forward button now works
    vst~: output no longer limited to first two channels
    'Open help patcher' from reference: does not open an additional copy
    deencapsulate: now disabled for all UI objects
    dict.route: fixed crash for when it receives a dictionary and has no args
    Removing objects from presentation mode: fixed crash
    inspector in the explorer: now gets the focus
    menubar: help menu no longer missing from custom menubar (Mac only)
    Max For Live: fixes for Live windows graphic issues and crash
    waveform~: Ruler BPM now updates
    function: 'setdomain' and 'setrange' now notify attrui/getattr
    gen~: adding a filename argument to an existing gen~ now loads the file
    .genjit/.gendsp files: can be added to Projects fixed matrixoutput
    gen patchers: no longer accept inappropriate key commands
    plot~: range caption clipping and positioning fixes
    text editor: now shows correct line number for initial insertion point
    text editing is immediately enabled after dragging an object into a patcher from the object explorer
    circular menu pop-up: fixed positioning
    color: improvements when using color... in the object menu for objects and patch cords
    dropfile: can now resize when corners are very round
    Inspector menus: regularized inspector pop-up menu locating behavior and appearance
    clicking a separator or disabled item closes a JUCE pop-up menu
    attrui: has an icon in object explorer
    Gen: comparison == op improvements
    jit.window: src/dst rect fixes
    audio driver: NRT audio driver now works with new mixer engine
    pattrstorage: 'setstoragestate' updates value in param mode
    'open original': disabled for original patcher
    slash in path: Max 6 now opens files with a slash in the path (Mac)
    text editor window: pasting text into jed sets dirty flag for window fixed texture message error from JS
    ob3d matrixoutput mode 2 documentation
    Inspector menus: clicking on other windows no longer causes crash
    oscbank~: fixed 'glitches'
    jitter: geometry shaders now work
    zl: fixed frozen @zlmaxsize attribute/argument priority
    bitsafe~: works properly in Max 6
    enable minimum IOVS of 32
    windows support for larger patches
    MaxAPI framework: Apple AppStore-compatible
    nan: fixed issues with average~,atodb~,dbtoa~,sqrt~,ftom~,mtof~,saw~,tri~ and mgraphics
    jit.window: support for modifier keys
    jit.window: suppress ctrl+click window switching popup
    line: fix for erratic behavior in MFL devices while in Max Editor
    projects: eliminated file/folder deletion issue which occurred under certain circumstances when moving project files in the Finder/Explorer
    Max v 6.0 Oct 27, 2011 Windows
    Enhancements to Max 6 include extensive user interface improvements, higher-quality audio, extended multi-processor support, organization tools for projects, and improved OpenGL animation and rendering tools.

    Cycling '74 also released Gen, a high-performance new patching domain that lets you create powerful audio, video, or Jitter matrix objects without leaving the comfort of Max.
    Max v 5.1.9 Aug 26, 2011 Windows asyncread no longer ignores the @window
    live.* restores to the default value when pressing delete key
    table no longer crashes when instantiated with incorrect arguments
    live.gain~ and live.slider drawing improvements when slider background color's alpha is set to 0
    ad_coreaudio fix for problems with Digidesign driver sampling rate changes in Max
    large messages (> 256) no longer leak memory
    pattrstorage: pattrstorage objects inside of poly~ patchers are properly initialized (for instance, priority, autorestore, etc.). Previously, only the first instance was correctly initialized.
    pattr: in parameter mode, single-atom int blob values are no longer automatically converted to floats.
    jit.textfile: reports 'read <0/1>' on file read, like and others
    jit.qt.record: timescale argument to 'write' message is no longer ignored.
    jsjitter: fixed potential crash while calling Jitter object functions from JavaScript. @unique 1 no longer interferes with @loopnotify 1 with @loop 0 on Windows
    mxj: fix for crash on constructor with missing class or jar
    Mac OS 10.7 compatibility fixes
    chucker~: rewrite in order to solve step ordering and memory issues - affects Buffershuffler Max for Live device
    Max v 5.1.8 Mar 29, 2011 Windows
    # trigger no longer outputs a list when there's only one numeric item
    # pattrstorage: client and storage windows show new pattr and autopattr arrivals immediately, rather than requiring the windows to be closed and reopened
    # coll: renumbering dirties the coll, so that refer clients (cellblock) can know that the contents change changed
    # message box fix for crash appending or prepending items
    # filebrowser: fix for crashes opening browser when no prefs exist.
    # pattrstorage: @changemode now reliable for integer values.
    # fixed crash when applying a prototype to an object when the inspector is viewing the object
    # pattrstorage: inspector attributes @savemode and @autorestore are disabled when pattrstorage is in parameter mode with 'Initial Enable' enabled
    # live.object: calling 'get' on a property with no value (for instance, 'get devices' called on a track with 0 devices) now returns 'propertyname <empty>', rather than simply 'propertyname'.
    # observing a property with no value causes the symbol '<empty>' to be reported from the object's outlet, rather than an empty list.
    # fix for Max for Live multiprocessor dropouts
    # live.dial restore properly its size when the patching and presentation rect differ
    # umenu: display items longer than 255 characters
    # umenu no longer crash when receiving "delete 0" while the menu is empty
    # spigot~: fix for custom cache path
    # umenu: delete 74 doesn't attempt to remove the 74th item if it is not there
    # adsr~ clock unset fix
    # slider works properly in automatic orentation when the patching_size and presentation_size are different
    # sfplay~ displays the correct error message when trying to clear while the dsp is on
    # stutter~ dirties the buffer properly
    # preset now displays slotnames when linked to a pattrstorage
    # Hide Subwindows no longers hides an abstraction that has been modified with MRO. Prevents crashes when abstraction's parent patcher is subsequently closed.
    # pictctrl: mouse delta improvements in dial mode
    # jit.wake: fix for garbage memory when resizing
    # text no longer crashes when the patch is closed while the editor is open
    # pattrstorage: setting or removing a slotname dirties the patcher
    # live.text and live.toggle display the focus
    # live.meter~: no longer output erroneous value when controled by a float
    # live.text and live.toggle now reacts on key input
    # seq~: properly output single int/float elements (introduced in 5.1.5)
    # nodes: speed improvements when the slider is visible
    # jit.freeframe: 'FreeFramePlugins' folder in the Max search path will be found, as documented.
    # objects in subpatches no longer break when duplicating devices.
    # live.thisdevice: new rightmost outlet reports preview state for the current context (a 1 will be sent in the Editor while a 0 is sent in Live and vice versa, as preview mode is enabled and disabled.
    # live.grid: in matrix mode, a constraint column can now be totally empty
    # jit.displays: (Windows only) no longer resets display (in @resetmode 1) if no changes have been made to the initial/snapshotted settings
    # pattr objects: (Windows) pattr-incompatible objects are no longer displayed by pattrstorage/bound to autopattr and pattr objects
    # stripnote properly converts float to int as the documentation says
    # pattrstorage: fix for an endless loop in @activewrite mode + parameter mode when restoring the active state
    # live.remote~: when changing targets, live.remote~ resends its last value to the new target.
    # js: post() no longer crashes on strings longer than 2k characters
    # rect~: no longer crashes when receiving bad syncrhronization values
    # Support for reading encoded (mp3/m4v/etc) and encrypted samples from Ableton's browser via live.drop.
    # re-enabled late window binding (in case the window isn't available when requested, will try a few times until giving up.
    # eliminated a crash when loading movies in direct-to-window mode
    Max v 5.1.7 Dec 4, 2010 Windows
    # vst~: fix for byte ordering issues saving and loading preset files
    # nodes: fixed memory leak with pictures
    # nodes: display properly default picture on windows
    # pattrstorage: new @fileusagemode - when 1, JSON/XML storage files will not be included in collectives and standalones. Default = 0 (include storage file)
    # table redraws after being recalled by pattrstorage
    # pattrstorage: no longer prompts for file saving when in parameter mode
    # pattrstorage: @paraminitmode is now properly/consistently visible in the inspector (Auto-Update Initial Value flag)
    # pattrstorage: updating the initial value when Initial Enable is on dirties the patcher
    # pattrstorage: implemented logic for interaction between 'native' pattrstorage attrs and additional parameter attrs, as follows: if Initial Enable is on, pattrstorage ignores @autorestore and @savemode (since the storage data is written to the patcher file). If Initial Enable is off (or if pattrstorage's Parameter Enable attribute is off), @autorestore and @savemode function as per the pattrstorage documentation. Note that you can still save JSON (or XML) files in Parameter Mode, but those files will not be loaded automatically if Initial Enable is on
    # Parameter Window: pop-up menu no longer offers 'Update Initial Value' option for attributes in read-only patchers (abstractions, bpatchers, poly~)
    # "buffer~ audio jongly.aif 0 2" creates a stereo buffer from a mono file as it used to
    # nodes includes the knobpicture automatically in a collective/standalone/device
    # snapshot~: properly updates time interval specified in ITM units when tempo changes
    Max v 5.1.6 Nov 20, 2010 Windows
    # pattr: fix for crash upon receipt of 'bindto' with no argument twice (caused by previous bug fix reinstating helpful error messages when binding fails)
    # parameter: resolves a condition where, under certain circumstances, moving a parameter would cause an automation event to be generated for another parameter
    # plugged memory leak when loading movies with @window set
    # subpatchers set to open in presentation mode when parent patcher is opened now first draw in presentation mode to prevent first rendering from happening in patching mode
    # floating point byte ordering fixes for audio, network, and jitter objects
    # empty lists are now output in the editor, as well as within Live (for instance, observing the 'devices' property of a track, when all devices are removed, an empty list is output)
    # can now apply prototype via box context menu when multiple objects of same class are selected
    # undo of applying a prototype to multiple boxes with one command now undoes the application of all boxes in one shot
    # pattrstorage: more efficient redraw handling
    # lcd refreshes properly after receiving a clear message
    # lcd: clear erases presentation and patching view properly when the size is different
    # -jit.pwindow / fix for no readback with pwindow OpenGL context
    # loadbang fires again for all instances of a poly~ or pfft~ that is inside a patcher loaded by another poly~ or pfft~
    # - fix for context switch crash (win only)
    # unconnected signal inputs now align signal vectors on 16 byte boundaries
    # function no longer crashes when recalling presets quickly
    # swatch: restores appearance properly when the saturation changed
    # pattrstorage: edits to storage slots made from the storagewindow are no longer ignored under certain conditions
    # live.gui objects: 'set' no longer causes output when the parameter speedlim > 0
    # pattr: renaming an object bound to a pattr will cause the binding to be dropped
    # pattrstorage: changing the varname of a client object no longer causes the clientwindow to be cleared
    # average~: rms no longer outputs NaN
    # capture~ no longer hangs Max when opening the window
    # coll no longer crashes when receiving min/max message with wrong index
    # buffer~ properly updates its window when changing the number of channels via a size message
    # text window now disappears when the text object is deleted
    # spectroscope's inspector displays the correct active colors
    # buffer~ no longer resize the buffer when using the read message with the filename as argument (introduced in 5.1.5)
    # multislider now has a setlist message to set all slider values at once without causing the output
    # file browser: clippings in sub-folders of the clippings folder are now properly listed as clippings
    # file browser: now has a 'movie files' search by default.
    # file browser: now has a 'clippings' search by default.
    # tri~ no longer crashes when synched with a click~
    # fix for matrix render when no text message has been sent
    # function no longer crashes nor displays weirdnesses when the domain/range is very small
    # function: next message no longer repeats the last segment indefinitely
    # colorpicker outputs correct green value
    # nodes object addition
    # jit.peek~: fix for freezes when changing matrix_name
    # jit.poke~: fix for freezes when changing matrix_name
    # spectroscope~: background color is now properly displayed before turning on the DSP
    # regexp: dumpout now works properly
    # mxj: sendMessageToBound() returns the correct success state
    # live.* objects output their values when re-enabling a device if the value changed
    # disposing a movie cleans up the edit state (used for undo when using edit operations such as 'trim'), preventing a crash under certain circumstances
    # patcherargs now reports the invalid use of commas and semi-colons as arguments
    # poly~ no longer spawns too many inlets after patchername attr is changed when contained patcher has no in~ objects
    # seq writes the extension properly when missing
    # seq: write fufu.txt exports as text, write yoyo.mid export as Midi
    # jit.buffer: fixes for generating vizualization for small buffers
    # jit.matrix: fix for matrix probe
    # live.path: after setting the path to 'no path' with 'path' (no args), 'getpath' returns 'path' instead of the previously set path
    Max v 5.1.5 Aug 27, 2010 Windows
    # jit.matrix: fix for read message problem with absolute path
    # combine: fix for crashes caused when the number of items in a list to a given inlet overflowed the number of inlets
    # vst~: fixed crashes when hosting NI's Kontakt plug-in.
    # fixed the suspend object
    # (windows) ctrl + '.' no longer stops scheduler when max is in the background
    # vectral~: fix for premature cutouts on Intel processors
    # live.step: down message works as expected when display_seq is set to All
    # double clicking on a bogus poly~ no longer causes crashes
    # levelmeter~ displays the marker color properly
    # levelmeter~'s shadow respects needle transparency
    # textbutton no longer crashes when text is empty
    # nslider stores empty state in pattr (polyphonic mode)
    # live.guilib: objects' default values with non standard ranges are properly initialized when initial_enable is not set
    # fix for jitter crash with Spanish language chosen for Regional setting on Windows
    # pattrstorage: scroll positions retained when rebuilding client and storage windows.
    # pattrstorage: setting 'active' state no longer causes a complete client/storage window redraw
    # sfplay~ can now open audio files with long names
    # buffer~ updates number of channels on import
    # live.gain~ colors can be customized
    # patch cords are deselected when switching to presentation mode thus preventing accidental cord deletion or floating diamonds
    # file browser: fixed 'reveal in finder' function for items displayed in a folder listing.
    # Toolbar buttons change state immediately after clicking now
    # bpatcher: de-encapsulating a subpatcher in an MRO'd view of a bpatcher works.
    # pattr: error message on @bindto failure restored
    # vst~: fixed operation of the default plug-in.
    # vst~: editor window for the default plug-in now displays correct gain values.
    # vst~: the generic interface (for plug-ins with no ui) now updates the value column when the parameters are changed.
    # file browser: file information in the preview area is now accurate when browsing nested sub-folders.
    # buffer~: read message with only 2 arguments imports the number of channels specified in the sound file header
    # js: Eliminated a source of GC-related memory leakage when querying Patcher object properties.
    # jsliveapi: eliminated random crashing in GC code
    # poly~ no longer crashes when the patchername message has a bad argument
    # cellblock: A -1/-1 entry eliminates the visible cell selection.
    # "; max showclue" displays the clue window in runtime and standalones (for objects which have annotation attributes set)
    # jit.openexr includes Cg frameworks automatically when making a standalone
    # fix for memory leak
    # pattr: eliminated potential memory corruption when bound objects are re-instantiated
    # fixed saving from a subpatcher in an abstraction that was edited by issuing the MRO command on a new view of a bpatcher
    # closing top-level-patcher when an abstraction is open, MRO'd and dirty now gives the user a choice of what to do (save, discard, cancel)
    # svg files are properly included in a collective
    # more memory leak fixes
    # fix for possible crash showing clue window on startup
    # fix for warning message called on invalid object messages when jitter objects are instantiated but jitter is not authorized
    # fix for crashes when loading jit.vcr or when jitter is not authorized
    # loadbang in patcher containing poly~ no longer fires inappropriately first time the poly~ reloads its patcher
    # disabling the debugger now restores original overdrive setting automatically
    # jit.conway:fix for divide by zero crashes with birthmark enabled
    # watchpoints and breakpoints are disabled for a device open in the MFL editor to avoid crashes
    # when Debug is enabled and an MFL device is open in the editor the debugger will now ignore any breakpoints or watchpoints that are hit from the scheduler thread
    # DSP Status patcher is now automatically included in a standalone application
    # window getsize -> thispatcher now works before subpatcher or abstraction window is opened for a first time
    # preset can now store large multisliders
    # large multislider no longer crashes when recalled by a preset object through send/receive
    # jit.vcr: fix for crash when Jitter is not authorized
    # fixed crash when a jgraphics context is deleted before all pushed jgraphics state objects have been restored
    # jweb: better clipping behavior, particularly within bpatchers
    # removed some Rewire errors
    # text: fix for the 'editwith' message following the opening of a file using the dialog to open the file.
    # jweb: eliminate potential crashes on OSX when closing patcher window
    # pattr: eliminate crash when receiving 'bindto' with no argument
    # windows: no longer drops sysex messages when too many are received too quickly
    # cellblock: Fix calculations for horizontal scrolling boundries.
    # parameters: new attribute to toggle deferral of automation and remote control output to the GUI thread; off by default, this attribute can be used to reduce the frequency of value changes resulting from automation and significantly reduce processor load. In combination with the new parameter_speedlim attribute, device developers now have fairly comprehensive control over the automation of their parameters.
    # fix for CoreAudio support for Tascam US-1641
    # filtergraph~ now has a hfgcolor attribute to set the highlight foreground color
    # cellblock: Improve vertical and horizontal cell visibility calculations.
    # cellblock: Implement new 'automouse' attribute and message to disable mouse-drag scrolling.
    # the typed-in property argument was getting lost under certain circumstances.
    # file browser: hyperlinks for opening the help patcher or ref page appear properly in the file preview for objects.
    # file browser: double-clicking an object's name in file browser will open that object's help patcher.
    # fix for errors when recreating contexts with floating point textures that are read back to jit.matrix
    # fix for memory leak when reading back to jit.matrix
    # fix for floating point resolution issues
    # uninitialized memory fix (occasionally led to mysterious non-reproducible problems)
    Max v 5.1.4 Apr 30, 2010 Windows
    # lcd now longer hangs Max when the titlepict message doesn't have correct arguments
    # fix for broken @thru 0 argument
    # rand~: no longer produces noises when the frequency is too close to zero
    # ad_rewire: fixed crash when using ReWire as an ITM clocksource when ReWire is not the selected audio driver
    # file browser: now provides tooltips when hovering over a cell whose text doesn't fit in the view.
    # auto-completion: fixed incorrect completion for object names containing unicode characters.
    # nslider: changes to the fgcolor attribute now set the color of the clefs and notehead in addition to the staves and note stem.
    # patch cord connection editing is improved
    # export image as well as jgraphics_image_surface_writepng now include dpi information in png metadata
    # preset properly outputs the preset number out the second outlet in response to a int message (as in Max 4.x)
    # fix for crashes with glutess functions under windows
    # live.gui objects no longer break when their @varname is set twice to the same name.
    # live.remote~ now accepts integer values as well
    # cellblock: Fix to non-grid display drawing.
    # cellblock: add row height dim-specific message to help file.
    # cellblock: fixes to inline editing when connected to a jit_matrix
    # cellblock: support for scroll wheel changes
    # automatic dim handling and wrapping with new dimparam attribute
    # jit.scanwrap: fix for ndim wrapping in mode 3
    # live.meter~ can now be controlled by float/list
    # linklist: fix for list corruption when calling the 'reverse' method
    # jit.op/expr: fix for processing large 1d matrices (>10000) on multi-processor machines
    # cellblock: fix to tab key support
    # cellblock: fixes to select message crashes
    # jit.matrix: added fillplane message to fill a single plane with a value
    # jit.dx.grab: sets alpha channel to 255
    # improved redrawing of live.meter~/live.gain~
    # cellblock: fixes to key movement on single-col cellblock
    # cellblock: fixes to key movement in inline edit mode.
    # live.drop now outputs file type
    # umenu: changes to @showdotfiles, @types, @depth properly repopulate the menu (if autopopulate is enabled and a valid file path is set as the prefix), and send a 'populate [count]' message out of the umenu object's right outlet
    # pattrstorage: fixed a bug introduced in 5.1.3 where pattrstorage with the default @savemode requests file-saving too aggressively (for instance, when closing a patcher in which nothing has been changed wrt pattrstorage state)
    # pictctrl: improved mouse dragging in dial mode
    # cellblock: addition of old cell definition conversion code
    # cellblock: proper transparancy handling of selected cell
    # live.remote~ no longer crashes outside of a device
    # cellblock: fixes to crashes during wide column scrolling.
    # two in~ objects with the same index number in a resampled poly~ now works for each in~ iinstance
    # function: no longer hangs Max when a clear message is received
    # improved stockhausen-studie-II example
    # alpha background color of live.step no longer affects the overall transparency
    # line outputs a bang at the end of the ramp even if the grain size is bigger than the segment
    # waveform can now inverse zoom orientation
    # multislider: fix for crashes when dragging in the interface while the size of the multislider is changing in another thread.
    # objects such as "metro 4n" no longer output excessive bangs when in a max device that becomes enabled after being disabled while set is playing
    # loadbang now works when creating a poly~ object where the poly~ subpatcher contains another poly~ or pfft~
    # Windows open dialog now defaults to something that makes more sense then "All Files"
    # sustain: now has a repeatmode attribute and a flush message
    # editing and saving a device after modifying the buffer~ duration now applies the new duration correctly (when only one instance of the device is open in Live)
    # if user cancels a "Save As" operation on a max device and then closes the editor, abandoning edits, and then opens device in editor again, previously abandoned edits now remain abandoned
    # loadbanging a replace message to a bpatcher now works correctly
    # cellblock: fixed sync click output to properly display current scroll view.
    # function no longer leaks memory when receiving getsustain or getfix message
    # jit.matrix fix for double registration of named matrices not being freed on patcher close, or object reinstantiation
    # jit.matrix: fix for crashes when renaming jit.matrix objects which have more than one reference
    # fixed crash when deleting an object in the editor while a metro or similar object is sending output to said object
    # retyping an object box now preserves the background color
    # umenu: when using autopopulate with a file type filter, umenu longer adds non-matching files/folders
    # change: deals properly with big integers
    # table:redraws its window after receiving a refer message
    # textbutton properly uses borderoncolor when clicked (in button mode)
    # live.guilib objects now have an outputvalue message
    # fixes for absolute path filenames in jit.matrix, jit.fprint, jit.qt.broadcast, and jit.textfile
    # live.step no longer crashes in direction mode 2 with a small loop
    # (i)table no longer produces an error when receiving a write message without argument (windows only)
    # cellblock: Properly deals with output for select and inline editing options.
    # menubar: now reports windows menu item chosen
    # cellblock: fixed cell and dimension definition corruption when reading old patch settings.
    # fpic now has an alpha attribute to set the transparency
    # fpic properly restores xoffset and yoffset attributes when autofit is set
    # fix for crash when instantiated in js, java, or C without a render destination name argument
    # umenu: changes to the umenu contents (append, delete, insert, etc.) now properly update the 'items' attribute. When there are no items in the menu, the value of @items is the symbol ''
    # paste and duplicate of a large number of objects while the inspector is open is no longer slow
    # MSP on windows no longer changes rounding mode from the default
    # standalone: new option to include the C74:/extensions folder in the application bundle when building an application.
    # loading speed for patchers containing large numbers of parameter-aware objects improved.
    # improved drawing refresh rate when using hundreds of bpatcher instances in a patcher
    # UI objects that use JBOX_NODRAWBOX should now use less CPU time when redrawing
    # blue focus rect now shows up when editing an existing object box, message box, or comment
    # live.meter~ colors can be customized
    # pattr: frozen @bindto attributes are now restored at patcher load.
    # pattrstorage: @outputmode 1 doesn't trigger output during object initialization.
    # loadbang -> window size -> thispatcher no longer causes window recreation on mac
    Max v 5.1.3 Feb 10, 2010 Windows
    # tinge no longer blocks mouse clicks on an object (such as when choosing one from send or receive double click menu)
    # audio processing updated properly when multiple signal patch cords are deleted at the same time while audio is running
    # sampstoms~ outputs correct result when the DSP hasn't been turned on yet
    # numkey no longer crashes when receiving too many numbers
    # fix for jit.window fullscreen issues on Windows
    # MSP audio buffers in t_signal are now aligned on 16 byte boundaries to enable third party external developers to add vector optimizations
    # pattrstorage: simplified pattrstorage write dialog.
    # Stored-only parameters with exponents should now be correctly recalled.
    # filepath: fix for set method called after an initial bang on an empty path slot
    # live.guilib: improved mousing of small ranges (parameter type int)
    # possible fix for crashes that have PrototypeButtonComponent::~PrototypeButtonComponent() on the stack
    # pattrstorage: fixed timing issue when loading/restoring pattrstorage data from Live devices
    # using send and receive to send many events (i.e. midi) from scheduler thread between Live and Editor now works properly
    # grab now works in max for live when grabbing output of things connected to receive objects
    # new glu tesselation commands
    # export image as well as jgraphics_image_surface_writepng now include dpi information in the png file
    # matrix probe's scope works properly after changing mode
    # round no longer attempts to free twice when receiving a list
    # fixed crash after closing DelayLine.tutorial.als (crash only started with Max 5.1.2)
    # transposer properly works in Max for Live devices
    Max v 5.1.2 Jan 22, 2010 Windows
    Max v 5.0.8 Sep 16, 2009 Windows
    # extensions that are the same file type as the default type (such as .maxhelp) can be chosen via a pop-up menu
    # inlet and outlet objects no longer cause crashes upon viewing assistance if the "comment" attribute contains more than 512 characters
    # zl: fix for list truncation when the list begins with a symbol and the list is the same size as the maximum limit for list length.
    # filebrowser: the preview pane now correctly displays the full path of all files when there are multiples of the same file in the searchpath.
    # filebrowser: the reveal-in-finder button no correctly locates all files when there are multiples of the same file in the searchpath.
    # round: fix for bug when receiving list input where round would modify its input directly in memory before outputting the new values.
    # improved updating when monitors are added or deleted
    # annotation attributes are disabled for objects that ignore clicks
    # pattrstorage: fixed memory access bug during 'renumber' and 'remove'
    # bpatchers as well as objects in bpatchers now support annotations
    # DLS Synth: now compatible with Snow Leopard
    # filewatcher: fixed crashes on the Mac caused by dramatic changes to the searchpath while Max is running.
    # +=~: now has a second inlet to be reset in a sample accurate way
    # bucket: freeze/thaw works properly when the include argument is set
    # option-titlebar click menu on abstraction disabled for runtime builds
    # dirty subpatchers inside an abstraction that has been edited via Modify Read Only can now be closed without prompting for save
    # jit.cellblock no longer crash when displaying big symbols
    # multislider: fixed display of vertical sliders in signed mode where the display of zero values appeared to look like non-zero values.
    # matrixctrl: clickvalue attribute is displayed in italic, you can freeze it to restore its value
    # spectroscope~: when in spectrogram mode, the frequency and amplitude of the current mouse position is sent out via an outlet.
    # detonate: fix for incorrect note durations of imported midi files.
    # colorpicker has a compatibility attribute to deal with RGB or RGBA values
    # zmap accepts lists now
    # scale accpets lists now
    # umenu has now an insert message
    # filebrowser: fix for crash when attempting to update a previously saved search (problem introduced in Max 5.0.7).
    # count~: now supports an optional signal input to turn counting on and off with sample accuracy.
    # tab: now responds to object-defaults
    # textbutton: now responds to object-defaults
    # meter~: now responds to object-defaults
    # scope~: now responds to object-defaults
    # jit.qball supports list of more than 256 items
    # spectrogram~: now responds to object-defaults.
    # waveform~: now responds to object-defaults
    # zplane~: responds to object-defaults
    # new improved tab display in the Object Defaults window
    # table: no longer loose its name when reading a preset from disk
    # vst~: fixed errors when trying to read a vst preset file specified with a complete path.
    # api: calls to saveasdialog_extended() with 0 types no longer crashes
    # drawing of the patcher grid is now more accurate when zooming the patch
    # matrixctrl with 1 row and 1 column now initializes properly
    # number and flonum now output value and end edit if window is deactivated before entering typed entry
    # vst~: fixed intermittent problems with dropped midi events, such as noteoff messages, particularly when under heavy cpu load.
    # added exportimage message to max with syntax ";max exportimage patchername [pathname] [dpi] [x y width height]" where params in brackets are optional, patchername is a name previously used for the openfile message to max to open a patcherr, dpi is the resolution of the resulting image, and x,y,width,height specify the portion of the patcher to export.
    # function now has zoom_x and zoom_y attributes
    # itable now has a legend attribute
    # editing a patcher owned by a poly~ via MRO now triggers an audio recompile
    # ubutton: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
    # radiogroup: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
    # nslider: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
    # multislider: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
    # kslider: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
    # led: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
    # jit.fpsgui: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
    # function: color attributes work with the object-defaults system
    # incdec: colors definable as attributes, works with object-defaults.
    # waveform~: can now select the all buffer with the mouse
    # filebrowser: the clue window now shows the item name and its location for the item over which the mouse is hovering.
    # waveform~: undo message causes changed values to be sent from the object's outlets as in Max 4.
    # coll: can now read text files that have been assigned a filetype
    # function: fixed obscure crashes in extreme situations
    # file extensions are now forced on the Mac in save as dialogs
    # pattrstorage: changing the boxname updates the name attribute of the pattrstorage/window titles
    # pattrstorage: changing the name updates the title bars of the client and storage windows
    # fixed problem where memory was not being freed when clearing the max window
    # lookup~: fixed crash when a buffer~ becomes multi-channel
    # fpic and comment are copied in a standalone to show default about box
    # rslider can be duplicated properly with a range of 1 in floating point mode
    # makenote has a new repeatmode attribute to deal with note repetition
    # swatch restores the colors with the correct saturation
    # textbutton: draws correct state after being clicked when connected to opendialog
    # poly~ accepts @target as typed attribute of the box
    # funnel is no longer confused by offset changes
    # jit.freeframe: fix for endian issues on Intel Mac
    # groove~ respects jumping at a position after changing the loop point (as in Max 4.x)
    # regexp: fix for @tosymbol output -- it was not always a symbol
    # rslider: command key move the range selection
    # rslider: option key + vertical drag increase/decrease the selection
    # colorpicker: now sends notifications when a color is chosen (in addition to sending values via the outlet), allowing the object to be used as an embedded object inside of other externals.
    # The "Show Horizontal Scrollbar" and "Show Vertical Scrollbar" settings in the patcher inspector now work
    # fix for vst~ causing excessing cpu usage in syslogd
    # tosymbol no longer crash when attemping to create too large symbols
    # dialog now sends a bang to the right outlet when user cancels
    # zl: fixed possible memory corruption using messages of more than 256 items
    # mtr: fixed duration output of next message with stored lists
    # pfft~: fixed crash starting audio when the subpatcher has no MSP objects in it
    # fix for case where object box in subpatcher could have its text highlighted for editing after locking, closing, and opening said subpatcher
    # umenu: trucated text indicated with an ellipsis is now sized to fit within the viewable area of the umenu.
    # umenu: new truncate attribute determines whether text is truncated at the right side or in the middle
    # object palette now won't show during double click if one or more of the clicks is on a patch cord
    # coll: fix for possible crash opening colls containing large lists
    # pfft~: new 'clear' message zeros internal buffers.
    # text entered in entry dialog now accepted when edit button is pressed while editing text
    # detonate: graphic editing in max 5 is now supported
    # gate~: signal input select the right most outlet if it is greater than the number of outlet
    # fix for crash dragging in matrixctrl
    # gain~ outputs its value when a bang message is received
    # matrixctrl is more cooperative with mouse clicks
    Max v 5.0.7 Apr 15, 2009 Windows
    # textbutton: blinktime attribute allows you to change the blinking time in button mode
    # improved max application performance during and shortly after launching the application, and reduced the time required to start Max.
    # fix for off-by-one error when getting and setting looppoints
    # anything based on linklist_sort() is much faster for lists with lots of elements
    # windows: adding a folder with lots (i.e. 1000) of files to the search path is much faster
    # filebrowser: information about internal objects and patchers saved in ref pages now properly displays in the file browser preview pane.
    # strippath:fix for stripping folder names with trailing path separator characters
    # vst~:compatibility with latest waveshell: new subname message, new printids message, new ability to specify a subname as a second argument to the plug message
    # fixed crash loading patcher file that has a UI object name as the text of a newobj
    # fixed "Align Connections" problem where objects keep moving to the right when multiple connections exist between the same two selected objects.
    # pattrstorage: fix for exp/pow interpolation mode
    # pattrstorage: unnamed slots output '<(unnamed)>' in response to the 'getslotname' message, as documented.
    # meter~: display will now go to zero when disconnected from audio input
    # rewire~: no longer crashes when receiving a midi message while another ReWire mixer application was initially running
    # pipe: fixed clock message
    # delay~: maxsize now works even when the object does not have arguments
    # thispatcher: script new to thispatcher when creating a hidden object can now set the scripting name properly
    # key / keyup: control keys now report appropriate ascii values out first outlet
    # key / keyup on windows: fourth outlet is now consistent with mac: a-z keys are reported with lowercase ascii values
    # makenote: unpacked list of four ints now sets channel number properly
    # omx objects now work at any signal vector size between 1 and 2048
    # lcd: sprite content now included in PNG files created with writepict message
    # fix for drawpict message to lcd not drawing in some situations
    # fixed crash dragging a patcher from the filebrowser over a bpatcher object in a locked patcher
    # fixes for udp.send limitations and udp.send/recv crashes
    # poke~: no longer offset when the channel is improperly set
    # new objects now trigger dsp chain rebuild after doing something bad with poly~ (setting its patcher name to something that is not a patcher)
    # creating new msp objects now reliably restarts audio
    # cellbock: Updated to provide a new 'refresh message' (to avoid the repeated use of the 'refer' message), and to allow a '0' refresh interval for matrix and coll references.
    # jit.expr: fix for non symbol expressions-e.g. float or integer only
    # mxj list.Mth: now instantiates properly
    Max v 5.0.6 Feb 25, 2009 Windows
  • fixed excessive memory allocation when zooming in very far

  • filebrowser: new 'description' column displays description metadata about objects in the search path.

  • filebrowser: fixed bug where files that have been deleted from the searchpath still show in the filebrowser.

  • pattrhub: fixed parent resolution bug introduced in 5.0.5

  • delay~: fixed problem with setting delay time in samples -- accuracy was messed up and value was corrupted by sample rate changes

  • sysexout doesn't appear in the autocompletion anymore, because it doesn't exist.

  • curve~ now restarts properly after a stop message

  • displaying contextual menu on a bogus poly~ doesn't crash anymore.

  • dial: minimum number of steps set to 2

  • out~: fixed crash when loading patcher into a poly~ without outlets

  • poly~: fixed error messages when loading a patcher containing omx.4band~ or tapin~ / tapout~ via the patchername attribute

  • groove~ doesn't crash when double clicking on the object when it's not attached to a valid buffer~

  • delay~: delay time conversion via ITM or initial argument uses rounding rather than truncation

  • fix for crash with the combination of quickref menu,*, and frozen attributes

  • args attribute now visible (only takes effect with each patcher load). made parallel message an attribute. removed redundancies of messages and attributes for steal, voices, and vs.

  • fix for stack overflows with large chains of message boxes

  • seq: hook message accepts floats again

  • sfrecord~ can use 2 symbols as arguments as documented

  • fseventwatcher: fix for some reported crashes

  • poly~: improved safeties and error message for nested, parallel enabled poly~ objects

  • buffer~: writewave automatically select the sound file type

  • fix for wclose message with no open views

  • fix for crash in certain vst plugs (when vst_refresh is on call stack from non-main thread)

  • textbutton now has an active attribute

  • zigzag~ no longer crashes when receiving bad looppoints

  • signal probe: fixed crashes

  • mxj: isPatcher() is now compatible with Max 5

  • umenu: prev and next message a la tab object

  • timepoint: changing time to < current time no longer makes timepoint fire immediately

  • translate: input to notevalues output is rounded to the nearest int when calculating the ticks, eliminates errors when converting ms to notevalues

  • augraph: audio is now stopped before loading a sound bank to avoid crashes

  • minmax~ works properly with vector size of 1 sample

  • line: removed useless dump outlet

  • multiple instances of different standalone applications can now be launched

  • sleep interval no longer shown in preferences window (or saved), since it didn't do anything

  • preferences window label for Refresh Interval (ms) changed to Refresh Rate (Hz) to match documentation (and what it actually does)

  • json parser now understands json character escapes of form \uxxxx (where x is one hex digit) and this can be a convenient way of inserting a special character into a patcher

  • vst~: reports changes in host edit window (for plug-ins without editors) out fourth outlet

  • lookup~: fixed for negative input values

  • lookup~: fixed for negative input values

  • Windows max now supports network paths such as \\sharename\folder\foo.txt

  • Windows: runtime and standalones now work when launched from a network share

  • improved speed of saving patchers that have a lot of subpatchers

  • cascade~ doesn't go crazy when it does not receive signal

  • Open Recent item moves to the top of the menu after it is chosen

  • svf~ is now denormal proof

  • filebrowser: fix for silent audio playback in the preview pane

  • fix for crash that could happen after encapsulating a buffer~ object

  • coll: when embedding data in a patcher, data is now saved in a modern, easy-to-edit format that preserves backslashed semicolons, dollar-args, etc.

  • coll: #N is no longer converted to $N when opening an editing window

  • coll: #N rather than $N arguments are now replaced in a subpatcher, which is more consistent with other uses of #N

  • function outputs up to 128 pairs for line~

  • fixed crashes happening due to assertions being enabled in release version

  • tab output integers when the tab elements are integers

  • mxj: embedMessage() can now store up to 4094 Atoms

  • creating a message box from the quickref menu for messages with more than one argument adds $1 $2 etc. to the message box

  • improved accuracy of quantized timing with external clocksources

  • ad_coreaudio: when switching input devices, the device is properly updated with the io vector size.

  • rslider works smoothly with range of 1 in floating point mode

  • fix for some memory leaks that could happen when patching

  • fix for crashes after removing objects from presentation view via the inspector when the patcher is in presentation mode

  • MaxAPI.framework: updated to expose header files more recently added to the Max 5 SDK

  • dragging a patch cord segment that is over another object no longer jumps segment position at times

  • patch cord align no longer hangs if source object is on top of destination object

  • if patcher is too complex for automatic patch cord align will now give up and do a simple align instead of trying too hard to find a good path

  • closing extra views of a subpatcher now really frees those views instead of just hiding them

  • file browser: fixed crash dragging a file whose kind is shown as a "file" onto any box in a patcher

  • fixed hang when using signal probe and creating a new patch cord

  • when time value is changed from bbu to non-bbu (raw ticks), it is now unaffected by time signature recalculations when seeking -- this fixes bug where changing a time point from a bbu value to a ticks value retained the old bbu value after a change to the transport time

  • timepoints and other permanent events do not fire after transport has been turned off

  • zl displays an error when the arguments are incorrect

  • combine now accepts also lists as input

  • fix for msp object scheduler corruption problems with overdrive off

  • (windows only) fix for substantial memory leak when painting text based objects with native text rendering on

  • metro: autostarttime is now automatically set to transport via @transport attribute

  • metro: fixed crashes when using autostarttime together with transport attribute

  • fix for crash after bad attempt at scripting connections

  • fix for crash after deleting inlet or outlet objects in an abstraction in response to loadbang

  • spectroscope~: orientation attribute displayed properly in the inspector

  • function works properly with any box size

  • filebrowser: a drag into a patcher, when initiated from a folder listing and the folder is in the search path, passes just the name of the file rather than the complete path.

  • new message to max: 'db.dump' will dump the contents of Max's database to JSON files for debugging or examination.

  • jit.plot: byte order fix for little endian machines

  • number~ now has a second background color to change pict background

  • fix for crash when using poly~ with patchers that don't contain the same number of inlets as one another

  • (windows) font names such as "Arial Italic Bold" now work on windows (as such font names often come from mac)

  • for crashes when resizing font cache

  • jit.spill:support for listlength up to 16384

  • meter~: improved responsiveness

  • sprintf can display % by using the standard %% syntax

  • file browser: metadata for an item in the file browser may be edited.

  • suckah: added @boundmode, constrains output to coordinates within the object box's rect.

  • new message to max: sortpatcherdictonsave - sending this message to max with an argument of 1 will tell max to sort the patcher dictionary before saving.

  • waveform~: cropping is more precise

  • jit.expr: fixed crashes with malformed expressions

  • tri~: fixed crash when modulating high frequencies

  • choosing the Preferences item on the Mac no longer crashes if menus defined by the menubar object are in use

  • the ESC key will now move the focus from the currently focused object in a locked patcher to the patcher -- useful, for example, so key objects can then report numbers typed

  • thispatcher now supports select message which will cause patcher to grab keyboard focus away from another object (i.e. number) if said patcher is active

  • dial: outline color can have its own alpha

  • Added "Route Patch Cords" command (which does automated routing) and changed "Align" on patch cords to make simple segmented cords.

  • fixed issues with ReWire sync and events triggering at time 0

  • fixed problem where seeking while using the translate object would cause negative bbu to ticks conversion output

  • fix for inconsistent outermost patcherargs triggering before innermost in a patcher hierarchy

  • Fix for @loop 3 audio playback bug

  • vexpr now accepts list of up to 4096 items

  • pattrstorage: eliminated application hang when opening windows when there are many client objects

  • mxj: MaxSystem.isRuntime() reports if the class runs inside the MaxMSP Runtime

  • signal probe now works when line is over part of a box

  • makenote now accepts a third argument to specify the channel

  • round~: nearest is now an attribute

  • round now has a nearest attribute and can also round to any step

  • fixed problem where opening a patch via the finder didn't turn audio on for the opened patch

  • filebrowser: the filebrowser and autocompletion now list the % and %~ objects.

  • fixed enablement of "color..." menu item on box context popup menu

  • mxj: fixed crashed with newDefault()

  • instantiating a juibogus doesn't crash anymore

  • text editors (i.e. text editors, textedit object, etc) now convert carriage return to line feed so line endings are always consistent in order to avoid problems with text object

  • waveform~: multichannel portion of the helppatcher now links the control modes of the waveform~ objects.

  • textedit: improved text positioning

  • Opening a help file a second time will bring previously opened instance to the front.

  • dropping files on the max window takes an appropriate action (opens patchers, installs externals, etc)

  • umenu accepts floats (and automatically converts them to ints)

  • (windows) date object now reports local time instead of gmc time

  • buffer~:fix for import message with 24bit AIFF and WAVE files

  • patcherargs: args passed to poly~ are now available to its patcher using patcherargs.

  • javascript "visible" property of wind object property of patcher object is now settable as well as gettable allowing a patcher window to be hidden / shown without destroying patcher (which wclose method of patcher would do)

  • waveform~: line followed by a negative number hides the vertical line

  • maxversion() max API function now properly sets bit 0x4000 when inside a standalone

  • dial: improved vertical dragging with small ranges (integer mode)

  • improved debug window resizing

  • pictslider: notify pattr on mousedown

  • cellblock: Fix restoration of column widths on patcher open.

  • slider and dial can have a minimum range of 1. in floating mode

  • select message to textedit, number, etc, now works in runtime and standalones

  • kslider: fixed velocity output when dragging across keyboard in monophonic mode

  • pattrstorage: 'insert' and 'remove' no longer result in missing entries in the storagewindow

  • windows: save / don't save / cancel dialog can now be navigated via keyboard

  • pictslider: fixed "jump to position" mouse tracking

  • fixed issues with timepoint firing and time signature changes

  • items dropped into a patcher (i.e. from File Browser or from inspector) while the patcher is scrolled now are created in the correct place

  • zl: plugged memory leak in zl filter mode

  • front -> thispatcher on a notitle window that has its y position at 0 no longers moves the window down 20 pixels or so

  • Windows: key shortcuts now work when created via menubar (i.e. ctrl+G in menubar.maxhelp)

  • onepole~ now accepts integer cutoff frequency as argument

  • zl: mode stream unrolls lists

  • seconds are a valid unit for translate object conversion purposes only

  • cellblock: initialization routine changed to improve stability of row adds and deletes.

  • colons are now stripped from scripting names, as this character is reserved and cannot be used.

  • vst~: subfolders of the vst plug-ins folder are no longer automatically added to Max's database when the folder is automatically added to the searchpath.

  • fix for memory leak

  • fix for memory leak

  • fixed problem where Tahoma could not be selected using the Mac Font Panel

  • fixed a Font Panel problem that would lead to the text color of a selected object being set to a random color

  • windows: keyboard accelerators now work when windows without menus are topmost (such as the clue window or a jit.window window)

  • windows: fix for jit.openexr (and possibly others) when building a standalone -- now maxcrt_p.dll is copied to the standalone's application folder automatically

  • eliminated 128 x 128 minimum window size on Mac when resizing a window by hand

  • udpsend: fixed memory leak when changing the host or port

  • fix for crash when right clicking on a poly~ object who's patcher wasn't found

  • movie: fixed behavior of time message with no arguments

  • mxj net.*: fixed crash when changing the host or port ceaselessly

  • jit.buffer~:fix for crashes when visualizing soundfiles

  • mxj buf.Op: normalize doesn't invert the phase anymore

  • radiogroup: doesn't produce harmless warning when saving a preset

  • poly~: fix for parallel attribute argument not taking effect

  • fpic: now includes its image file in a collective automatically

  • hint: fixed positioning on second monitors
  • Max v 5.0.5 Oct 2, 2008 Windows
  • seq~: can add a simple symbol (aka "add 1 0.74 honk")

  • dial now has a floatoutput attribute like slider

  • dial better mouse interaction with small ranges

  • jit.fprint: read no longer produces a -1 error for every read attempt.

  • dial now has a setminmax message like slider and multislider

  • metro: fixed quantization when starting

  • fix for crash when # args are used in certain attribute values (as exposed by examples/max-tricks/send-receive-tricks/send-receive-hoard-#0.maxpat)

  • paste picture works on windows again

  • importing patcher with embedded bpatcher that contains a non-embedded bpatcher no longer crashes

  • textedit: new attribute, bangmode, controls whether bang updates value while user is typing, defaults to max 4 behavior

  • textedit: enter message to textedit no longer documented

  • fromsymbol: 'separator' method to mirror the 'separator' in tosymbol

  • textedit: new fourth outlet sends "textchanged" when text changes (when typing or otherwise)

  • wclose -> thispatcher no longer crashes

  • quickref menu now enabled for non-left inlets of user-interface objects

  • number~ now correctly imports minimum and maximum values from old patches

  • clocksource support for transport external sync to ReWire

  • ad_rewire: creates a clock source for transport sync

  • transport: now has a clocksource attribute (currently set to internal / rewire)

  • button: draws correct state after being clicked when connected to opendialog

  • waveform~: border color works properly

  • jit.buffer~: automatically includes the buffer~ object in standalone applications

  • audio can now be turned on without any DSP objects present; this permits use of sync for ReWire without audio generation

  • imovie: added PICT to list of known types

  • @moviepath is not settable.

  • @movie_name attribute hidden (it's just an alias for @moviename)

  • regexp: backslashes (escapes) are no longer modified in-place in an incoming atom list

  • improved reliability of the searchpath for Mac OS 10.5 in situations where the contents of the searchpath are changed by non-notifying processes (such as network access) while Max is running.

  • opening large colls on windows is faster

  • runtime version and standalones no longer register filetypes that should be registered to max application

  • Windows runtime no longer requires MS C runtime library when run on computers without it.

  • file browser: now lists vst plug-ins that are present in the searchpath

  • setting box's visible attribute to true via sending "hidden 1" to box when patch is locked, followed by unlocking and locking the patch, followed by making the box visible by sending "hidden 0" to it, now works properly

  • clearing various entries in max preferences no longer causes max to crash

  • pending segmented patch cord is aborted when patcher is locked

  • new localization support -- use localize_lookupstring() to get a string associated with a symbol

  • combine: supports list input

  • outputlength message has greater consistency with buffer~ size message

  • removed Debug Panel from the debug menu

  • pattrmarker: names are no longer accidentally retained under certain circumstances

  • biquad~:now only incurs new "smooth" performance hit when coefficients actually change

  • movie volume is automatically set to 0 if a 'soc' is requested, but either not (yet) found or DSP disabled

  • zigzag~: solved freezing

  • and 3d: fix for bogus chars with multiline text on windows

  • jit.qt.grab: eliminated error warnings re: DFG when opening inspector

  • Jitter Java: fixed signed byte problems with copyMatrixToArray, and planar offset problems with copyArrayToVectorPlanar and copyVectorToArrayPlanar

  • fixes for lost parameters when windows are rebuilt as going to/from fullscreen

  • scope~: now displays y axis properly

  • menubar: fixed "Max Menus" menu item when a menubar is made active if an existing menubar is already active

  • freeze and revert toolbar icons are properly enabled for read-only attributes

  • De-encapsulate: #-arguments are now preserved upon de-encapsulation, as they were in Max 4

  •* fixed quickref attribute selection crash for jitter objects

  • modal text dialog now prevents title bar clicks, preventing crashes when used inside an inspector

  • jit.qt.grab: changes to @framerate are properly applied to the digitizer when it is (re-)opened.

  • modal text dialog now prevents title bar clicks, preventing crashes when used inside an inspector

  • file browser: menus for specifying search criteria now use the 'system font' specified in Max's preferences.

  • textedit no longer starts editing when previously focused and patcher window is activated

  • coreaudio audio driver: now unicode-compatible

  • poly~: fix for clicking with parallel on

  • fixed crash when using the finder to change the contents of the clippings folder

  • sfplay~: fix for looping rather than stopping when playing certain audio files at certain vector sizes

  • Select Window contextual menu item for All Windows Active is now properly enabled on the Mac

  • jweb: 'read' with no argument loads the about:blank empty URL

  • rewire sync now supports host looping and seeking

  • overdrive~ works now properly with signal in the right inlet

  • timepoint: fixed bug where other timepoints before current time would fire when scheduled time was changed

  • pattrstorage: increased maximum length of parsed symbols from XML from 256 to 2048 characters.

  • pattrstorage: increased maximum length of parsed symbols from XML from 256 to 2048 characters.

  • jweb: followed links are now properly added to the page history

  • jweb: untitled pages now use the absolute URL, rather than the relative path, as the title

  • jweb: 'url' is now properly reported after page load in Windows

  • borax ignores pitches out of MIDI range properly

  • buffer~: removed long-standing check that prevented increasing the number of channels when reading in a file

  • incdec now allosw automatic incrementation/decrementation while the mouse is pressed

  • max useslowbutcompletesearching option for examining the disk when files are not found in the search path

  • zl mode sect sends bangs when nothing is common between the two input lists

  • rewire sync now sends time signature changes

  • transport: restriction on changing time signature when time > 0 has been eliminated

  • kslider outputs velocity 0 when turning notes off in polyphonic mode

  • fix for crash when changing shape attribute

  • itable: second background color can now be transparent

  • fix for persistent pbuffer errors

  • transport: new "resetbarcount" (reset bar counter on time signature changes) attribute

  • transport: prevents time signature changes from happening if externally synchronized

  • menubar: fixed problems with extra items added to file and edit menus after deleting the object

  • menubar: implemented maxinwmenu 0 message to max for runtime version (removes Max window menu item)

  • mxj now checks for bad inlet numbers, and posts an error

  • pattrstorage: @outputmode 1 properly reported recalled values originating at a pattr object

  • pattrhub: @patcher properly resolves poly~ instances

  • umenu: depth now works properly when a file type is specified

  • toggle: fixed redraw on int message after set message

  • embedded bpatchers no longer save over their parents in obscure circumstances
  • less...
    Cycling '74
    Buy Max online at:
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    version 5.0.5, MacOS X UB
    Just to counteract the above reviews (which are about the PACE copy protection that is actually made by another company).
    Max/MSP is the ultimate music software, hands down. I use it on stage multiple times a week. Version 5 has a few rough edges still, but in general it is a great advancement. This update seems to address many of those rough edges, including the bug I found:
    -* fixed quickref attribute selection crash for jitter objects
    So, exactly the same for me:
    -> PowerBook G4 12", freshly re-installed and updated 10.4.7
    doggg powder
    Strange bug for me: The installer installs PACE. When I want to start the app it says theres a need for another PACE version and it links me to the interlok page. After downloading and installing the latest version, same procedure again. Strange: no one is able to buy
    Rien à redire sur ce logiciel, pour peu que l'on ait l'envie et la patience, Max/MSP offre une liberté totale de création, permettant d'aller toujours plus loin dans l'utilisation de l'ordinateur pour la création musicale. Pour moi, c'est certainement le meilleur logiciel existant actuellement pour la création musicale.
    Un must

    Other Software by Cycling '74 (12)

    Granular, spectral, and filter/delay-based plug-ins. Hipno is a hell-raising horde of audio plug-ins and virtual instruments for Audio Unit, RTAS, and VST host applications. The Hipno collection, designed by...
    Video programming environment. Jitter is a set of 135 brilliant new video, matrix, and 3D graphics objects for the Max graphical programming environment. The Jitter objects extend the...
    Interactive composing and performing system. M is an interactive composing and performing system that takes notes and chords that you specify and manipulates them, under your control, to create musical...
    Max for Live
    Max/MSP integrated into Ableton Live. Max for Live puts the power and potential of Max/MSP inside Live. Create all the instruments, effects and extensions you've ever wanted. Go beyond the common and...
    Max runtime
    For Max-based applications. Max runtime makes it possible to use Max-based audio applications. Installing the Pluggo Runtime is not necessary if you have already installed the full version...
    Bundle of plug-ins. The MODE plug-ins set, built using Pluggo technology, includes five primary plugins: POLY (polyphonic synthesizer), MONO (synth with a dual 2-op FM engine), BANG...
    Surround mastering. Octirama is the first full-featured dynamics processor for 5.1 surround mastering for the Digidesign TDM environment. Octirama incorporates sophisticated four-...
    Collection of Plug ins. Pluggo is a collection of more than seventy-four audio plug-ins that work with Mac OS sequencers and audio applications. Effects categories include delays,...
    Pluggo runtime
    For Max/MSP-based plug-ins. The Pluggo Runtime Installer makes it possible to use Max/MSP-based audio plug-ins within VST, Audio Unit, and RTAS host applications. It does not install any...
    Loop-based performance software. RadiaL is a loop-based performance software with an unique interface thoughtfully optimized for playing live or composing and designing in the moment. RadiaL...
    Inter-application virtual audio bus. This is yet another core-audio plug-in which will let you get inter-application audio routing possible. It has been reported that it is easier to configure than...
    Stereo to 5.1 Immersive Audio Conversion Tools. UpMix has been developed and tested by a team of surround sound professionals and utilizes proprietary algorithms to convert stereo audio into an immersive...
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