Category Audio Production / Experimental
Version 4.0.0
Format App
Compatibility RadiumMacOS X Intel
License Commercial Software
Price $2 - $10
2€ - 9€
Updated On Jul 31, 2016
Total Downloads 228
Mac Downloads 114
Category Audio Production / Experimental
Version 4.0.0
Format App
Compatibility RadiumWindows
License Commercial Software
Price $2 - $10
2€ - 9€
Updated On Jul 31, 2016
Total Downloads 228
PC Downloads 114

Music editor

Radium is a music editor with a new and better interface.

The advantages of this interface compared to piano rolls (the normal sequencer interface), are that note editing is quicker, and that more musical data fits on the screen.

The advantage of this interface compared to trackers, is that note positions and effects are edited graphically, which is both quicker, provides more vertical space, and gives a better musically overview.

However, despite it's unusual appearance, it's a design goal for Radium to be straight forward to use, and easy to learn. It should not be harder to learn Radium than any tracker or most midi sequencers.

- Open source. Radium will never disappear.

- Audio:
LADSPA and VST + several built-in plugins: 20 Physical modelling instruments, 2 Soundfont...
Radium is a music editor with a new and better interface.

The advantages of this interface compared to piano rolls (the normal sequencer interface), are that note editing is quicker, and that more musical data fits on the screen.

The advantage of this interface compared to trackers, is that note positions and effects are edited graphically, which is both quicker, provides more vertical space, and gives a better musically overview.

However, despite it's unusual appearance, it's a design goal for Radium to be straight forward to use, and easy to learn. It should not be harder to learn Radium than any tracker or most midi sequencers.

- Open source. Radium will never disappear.

- Audio:
LADSPA and VST + several built-in plugins: 20 Physical modelling instruments, 2 Soundfont instruments, 1 Sampler instrument
High quality multiband compressor, reverb and limiter.
More than 100 LADSPA effect plugins are included. (OSX and Windows)
All Sound Objects have built-in high quality filters and equalizers.
Modular mixer

- Tickless:
Notes, tempo, and effects can be placed anywhere on a line. (unlimited precision)
Line-split. Easily split lines for sub-line note editing.

- Arpeggiator

- Automation:
Effects automation
Tempo automation
Velocity automation

- Polyphonic tracks

- No limitation on the number of:

- Zoom in/out. Press Keypad Plus / Keypad Minus, or F5/F6, to zoom in / out.

- Blazingly snappy graphics.

- Import standard MIDI files and MMD2/MMD3 modules

- Note sequence effects such as transpose, quantitize, glizzando, invert and reverse.

- Configurable key bindings, menues, fonts, and colors.

- Extension language support. Write programs that generates music or modifies your songs.

- Western style scores can be generated from radium songs with Common Music Notation (CMN).
Radium Radium v 4.0.0 Jul 31, 2016 MacOS X Intel
Changes 3.9.9 -> 4.0.0:
* Automation record: Don't show assertion warning when trying (and failing)
to add a new fx automation point at the same time position as an already
existing fx automation point.
* Thicker non-line-aligned beat lines. (0.6 pixels -> 2.3 pixels)
* Fix memory corruption when rendering block with non-line-aligned
beat lines.
* Option to render multiple sound files, one for each instrument.
* Fix memory corruption when using VST plugins. (bug introduced in 3.9.9)
* Fix rare startup crash. (bug introduced in 3.9.9)
* Fix crash when removing the system out instrument or loading
a song where the system out instrument has been removed.
(bug introduced in 3.9.9)
* Reorganize project menu a little bit.
* Fix note duplicator horizontal gui stretch.
* Fix play cursor following. It didn't always follow.
* Keep sample read position when switching from ping-pong
to non-ping-pong while playing.
* Fix a MIDI record position inaccuracy which could happen
when switching to a block with a different length than the
previous one.

Changes 3.9.8 -> 3.9.9:
* Don't let shift + mouse scroll wheel move editor cursor left/right.
* Cut/copy/paste individual fx-es in tracks.
* Record automation. (right-click a slider)
* Changed default play cursor color to black, and increased width to 4 pixels.
* Ensure the bottom bar volume slider is always updated.
* Don't show assertion window when loading older song with fxs->effectnum != fxs->fx->effect_num
* Fix track cut
* Fix copying/pasting/cutting tempo tracks
* More accurate play range looping.
* More time set off for for graphical updates.
* Should be noticable if using VST plugins on Windows or OSX.
* Workaround for OSX crash when deleting some VST plugins with open native GUI.
* Use non-native color selector on OSX (i.e. no separate window).
* MIDI learn. (right-click a slider or right-click a check box)
* Fix MIDI instrument widget stretch
* No 2-3 seconds freeze on Windows after starting up.

Changes 3.9.7 -> 3.9.8:
* Turn off custom put-dialog-in-front system. Using the Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint flag instead.
(Less weird behavior when raising windows in front of others.)
* Fix "Make track monophonic". It didn't handle velocities and pitch changes,
and it didn't create undo data at the correct time.
* Fix race condition when recording MIDI (fix rare crash).
* OSX: Fix VST plugin keyboard focus for qt5.
* Don't estimate monitor refresh rate when using qt5. The estimation is technically
necessary since we need to know the refresh rate according to the sound card
clock, and not the gfx card clock. But in practice it makes no difference since
we interpolate the screen position anyway to avoid jumps. In qt5 there is a
single function call to get the refresh rate without having to measure
or dive into the OS APIs.
* Faust: Allocate hash tables with malloc to avoid large .bss sections
(This causes shorter garbage collector pause times.)
* BDW-GC: Don't include data segments for dynamically loaded libraries.
(This causes shorter garbage collector pause times.)
* Use Qt::FramelessWindowHint instead of Qt::Popup for the progress window,
to avoid locking up the X server on Linux.
* Removed some unnecessary paint calls

Changes 3.9.6 -> 3.9.7:
* Fixed mod/xm import on OSX.
* OSX: dont show dock icons for the helper programs
* Clean up gfx update handling a bit. Should improve graphical performance.
* Remove some pre-opengl gfx buffers that were not used. Using less memory now,
and resizing might be noticable faster.
* macosx: Enable full screen. Doesn't crash now, probably because of using Qt5 instead of Qt4.
* Progress dialog when opening songs.
* Option to save song with audio samples embedded. Works for the Sampler and
Fluidsynth instruments. Could be useful when sending songs to other people
or transfer songs between computers.
* Add Reverse and Ping-Pong loop to the sampler instrument
* Fix graphics for show/hide bpm track and tempo multiplier track
* Double the number of effect columns before using tabs.
* Tweak Patchbay gui a bit.
* Adjusted tapiir gui.
* Removed the custom Ctrl+C handler. Ctrl+C seems to work properly now without it.
* OpenGL: Call glMakeCurrent / glDoneCurrent before and after rendering each frame.
Before we only called glMakeCurrent during program startup.
Don't know if it makes a difference.
* disk: Give error message if the last step when saving
a file (i.e. copying new file over the old file) failed.
* Fix bug that could cause non-glide automation not to be played.
* Force additional windows, such as the preferences window,
to always display in front of the main window.
* Upgrade to Qt5. It seems like the seemingly
random OpenGL related crashes are gone now.
* Some blocklist/playlist gfx tweaks
* Don't ask for effect display value string when
the effect is an on/off button (crash fix)
* Fix pasting effects from other instruments
* Tweak when to paint stipled automation node lines

Changes 3.9.5 -> 3.9.6:
* Update bus slider strings immediately when changing a bus instrument name
* Fix freeze that could happen when pasting tracks and other situations
* Fix crash when pasting block using a sampler instrument pointing
to a directory with lots of samples.
* Timeskew plugin. Like a delay, except that you can set negative
values as well.
* Plugin delay compensation.
* Optimize rendering performance. Should especially be noticable
on Windows 32 computers with slow disk.
* Apply faust scroll wheel behavior to the mixer and editor as well,
and document this behavior in the help menu.
* Don't record CPU usage data for plugins that are not visible.
* Draw missing horizontal lines to connect nodes where glide is set to OFF.
This is not only visually better, but also necessary in order
to show the last values without enabling text.
* Update mute/solo/bypass buttons when automated
* Upgrade BDW garbage collector to 7.4.4
* More detailed information when getting "unknown effect number" error.
* Add missing sustain pedal effect name handling in
the Fluidsynth instrument.
* Fix memory leak in FaustDev undo.
* Fix splitting block while playing
* Check errors when reading file from disk
* Gray out selected objects in the mixer again.

Changes 3.9.4 -> 3.9.5:
* Fix Linux binary
* Draw a rounded rectangle around the current sound object in
the mixer.
* Various mixer graphics improvements.
* Various thread sanitizer fixes
* Finally fixed an old pesky race condition bug.
* Updated package list for debian/ubuntu and fedora.
* Remove xmessage, pygtk and libglade from bin/packages.
* Mixer: Only open GUI if double clicking on the instrument name.
* Mixer: double clicking is normally handled as two single clicks.
* Add solo buttons to the sound objects in the mixer and the
instrument window.
* Change the Faust "Show C++" and "Options" buttons into checkboxes.
* Make sure all dialogs remember geometry when they are reopened.
* Fix loading LADSPA plugins.
* Add options for LLVM optimization level and Faust GUI style
in the preferences dialog.
* Automatically increase slider font size when the instrument
window is full size
* Replaced the "maximum" checkbox with "half" and "full" checkboxes.
* Don't crash if we can't read a song file.

Changes 3.9.3 -> 3.9.4:
* Show min/avg/max CPU usage for each individual instrument.
* Fix rare divide by zero bug when displaying CPU usage.
* 2Bar Demo Track by Tobias Lutzenkirchen included in the Project menu.
* FaustDev instrument. Develop faust instruments inside Radium.
* Instrument maximimize button.
* Faust instruments GUI button. Only the blue style available for now.
* Add separator between plugin and system effects in the effect popup menu.
* Start counting tab pages from 0 (not 1) in the plugin effect widgets.
* Don't play if pressing shift or altgr when the cursor is placed in a text field.
* Load song: Inform user when the effect names of a plugin has changed and
will be ignored.
* LADSPA/Linux: Search for plugins in LADSPA_PATH (and bin/ladspa) before
searching in the default locations.
* Don't create undo data when loading song, and when exiting.
* Ensure faust effect names are unique. Important when saving and
loading songs since effects values are stored by name, not by index.
* Make sure editor is updated when the instrument widget automatically
adjusts its height.

Changes 3.9.2 -> 3.9.3:
* Fix crash when changing the pitch of a note
* Don't show assertion window when a midi device
name read from config file could not be found.

Changes 3.9.1 -> 3.9.2:
* Added some workaround code in an attempt to not crash if hitting an old bug (which I thought was gone).
* Fix loading presets which were saved before 3.9.1
* text: 0x80 is always 50% (instead of around 50.2%), and 0xff is now interpreted as 0x100.
Setting an actual 0xff value is not possible.
* Larger font for help texts

Changes 3.9.0 -> 3.9.1:
* Added "chance text", similar to velocity text, fx text, etc.
Specify the chance of whether to play a note or a pitch.
* Don't crash if trying to set centtext value on an end note
* Fix the various show gui automations.
* Fix old songs that was saved with "Gain (dB)" as volume effect name
instead of "System Volume".
* Add another voice to the note duplicator
* Added three extra buses
* Add highpass filter to equalizer
* Add "chance" column to note duplicator. This can also be automated.
* Add 16x16 and 24x24 patchbays
* Change editor redraw mode on Windows and OSX to be similar to Linux.
Might make a difference.
* Don't show warning window if trying to switch solo mode
on non-existing track
* Fix keybindings in the menu for switching track on/off and track solo.
* Prefix LADSPA and VST effect names with effect number to ensure
effect names are always unique.
* Some midi recording fixes. Might fix rare crashes.

Changes 3.8.9 -> 3.9.0:
* Make sure cursor is placed correctly when switching blocks
* Dont show warning window when a vst plugin sends a MIDI sysex message
* Fix block switch crash introduced in 3.8.9
* Accept drag-and-dropped radium songs into the editor

Changes 3.8.8 -> 3.8.9: (removed, unstable)
* Check for for note name(s) under cursor first when finding note(s) to increase/decrease velocity of
when pressing AltGr+left/right
* pressing AltGtr+down/up jumps to next waveform start/end position when cursor is in the automation area.
* api: cursorNextWaveform/cursorPrevWaveform
* FX range: Fix copying automation for instruments with empty effect names
* Fix adding new fx from another instrument when the track already has an fx with the same number
* MIDI: Ask system to open default device when creating new midi instrument, instead of using the first one available
* windows/midi: Use default device (instead of the first device) for output if the requested device could not be found
* 32x32 patchbay instrument
* Clean up MIDI recording code. More stable and accurately, and recording over several blocks should work better.
* Fix potential undefined behavior when cutting track
* Use JUCE instead of RtMidi for sending and receiving MIDI
* More than one MIDI input port simultaneously.
* Show most used plugins in the bottom of the pluginmenu.
(All previously used plugins are shown in the "next" sub menues.)
* Remove "keep left input", etc. instruments from the plugin menu
(they take up space and the patchbay is better anyway)
* Some assertions to try to hunt down ladspa initialization crash on osx
* Ensure current line is legal when changing the LZ value
* Send around midi channels in the note event system
* patchbay plugin: Fix situation that theoretically could silence all
channels when loading song or preset

Changes 3.8.7 -> 3.8.8:
* api: currentLine / setCurrentLine
* Make scroll wheel behave as pressing up / down arrow key
instead of scrolling up / down
* Paint current connections in more distinct colors
* Fix 1L1 key on apple keyboards. On ISO keyboards the 1L1 key
has moved down to the ZL1 key. Dont know how to detect whether
we are using an apple or iso keyboard, but mac users probably
usually use apple keyboards.
* OSX: Enable and fix crashreporter
* Wait until opengl widget has updated before returning
from gl_create_window
* mouse: Fix editing lines below LZ * number of lines in block.
* Another attempt to fix window reconfiguration crash on osx.
* OSX: Fix keyboard focus in native VST GUIs

Changes 3.8.6 -> 3.8.7:
* Clean up instruments when loading new song. Can significantly
reduce memory usage. (Tito Latini)
* Don't disable garbage collector when loading song. Can significantly
reduce memory usage.
* Improve mouse performance significantly. This may reduce overall
gfx stutter when doing operations with the mouse, or just moving the pointer,
especially on Windows. More work is possible here though.
* Fix fx popup menu when there are many instrument with many effects.
* Show a message in the editor when the garbage collector is turned off.
* Actually turn off the garbage collector when unselecting
"Enable Garbage Collector" in the preferences.
* Try to fix window reconfiguration crash on OSX.
* Update s7 scheme interpreter
* Fix VECTOR_clean and VECTOR_move. (Tito Latini)
Kjetil Svalastog Matheussen Radium Radium v 3.8.6 May 14, 2016 MacOS X Intel
* Allow fx from other patches than the track patch
* Fix windows startup.
* Fix playing note when editing in the piano roll for a MIDI instrument,
and similarly, fix playing note when editing in the piano roll for
an audio instruments that uses pitch instead of note id to identify
which sound to turn off (e.g. fluid synth and VST instruments).
Kjetil Svalastog Matheussen Radium v 3.4.4 Dec 5, 2015 MacOS X Intel
* Fixed crash reporter on windows, which was broken in 3.4.3
* Updated s7 scheme interpreter to latest version
effects Radium v 3.1.2 Jun 19, 2015 MacOS X Intel
Most important changes 3.1.0 -> 3.1.2
* Fix automation after loading song
* Fix a memory corruption for plugins with more than 2 channels
* Send automation messages when track is ON, not OFF

Most important changes 3.0.7 -> 3.1.0
* Weak-link to the Jack library to avoid having to use the included version of Jack.
* Dont crash if EL=0 and mousewheeling, plus behave like EL=1 if just scrolling and EL=0 ("edit lines").
* Don't crash if pressing redo after loading a song.
* Write notename above notes in the pianobar, and other graphical improvements.
* Fix mouse issues when first pitch or first velocity in a note.
* A new sound object called "Midi Messages" which can be used to send MIDI messages
to other sound objects. Can for instance be used to send pitch bend changes to VST plugins.
* Option to show linenumbers instead of bars/beats
* Updated ladspa rdf info for the kokkinizita plugins.
* Customly compiled LADSPA plugins for OSX, Win32, and Win64. The included
plugin sets are now: calf, caps, cmt, swh, tap, and all kokkinizita plugins.
* 64 binaries for windows
* Include instructions on how to get audio from other simultaneously running ASIO programs
in and out of the Radium mixer.

Most important changes 3.0.6 -> 3.0.7
* Fix track-width mouse handling when pianoroll is visible

Most important changes 3.0.5 -> 3.0.6
* Simple pianoroll (Left Alt + P or Let Ctrl + P to enable/disable)
* Fix crash that sometimes could happen if scrolling to rightmost track
* Updated s7 scheme to latest version
* Some minor changes to VST initialization which might prevent some plugins from crashing
during startup.

Most important changes 3.0.4 -> 3.0.5
* Always scroll-play when pressing up or down arrow, even "edit lines" is bigger than 1
* Fix more than two vst plugins in the full version
* load/save: Fix bug where empty string was saved as "" instead of "_________empty__________",
plus hack so that some old songs where this happened can be loaded again.

Most important changes 3.0.3 -> 3.0.4
* MIDI: Option to always record velocity
automation Radium v 3.0.2 May 26, 2015 MacOS X Intel
* Ctrl+J jumps to bar/beat instead of line. (line numbers are not visible anymore)
* Don't update effect values for plugin while loading a plugin. Might
stop buggy plugins from crashing.
* Option to record MIDI line by line and monophonic in the MIDI menu. (as before)
* Fix realtime color update in the editor when using the color config dialog
* Append "-qt4" to the last resort value in find_moc_and_uic_paths.c. (Arch linux fix)
interface Radium v 3.0rc5 Feb 11, 2015 MacOS X Intel
Most important changes 3.0.rc4 -> 3.0.rc5
* Workaround for empty TLS when loading VST plugins
(Fix for u-he plugins)
* Support VST shell plugins
* Fix VST GUI close and re-open (not just show/hide window)
* VST sub menues
* Only keep LADSPA plugin libraries in memory when they are used
* Cleaned up native keyboard handling a little bit
* Force message window in front
* Various OSX fixes
* Improved gfx driver warnings
* Give specific information about Intel GFX, instead of warning about using MESA
* fix "./" in the sample file requester
* More unicode fixes
music Radium v 3.0beta2 Dec 23, 2014 MacOS X Intel
Most important changes 3.0.beta1 -> 3.0.beta2
* Set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE for Visualisation library to RelWithDebInfo

Most important changes 1.9.x -> 3.0.beta1
* Rewritten editor graphics. Using OpenGL instead of Qt.
* Smooth scrolling.
built-in Radium v 1.9.30 Apr 16, 2014 MacOS X Intel
Radium Radium v 4.0.0 Jul 31, 2016 Windows
Changes 3.9.9 -> 4.0.0:
* Automation record: Don't show assertion warning when trying (and failing)
to add a new fx automation point at the same time position as an already
existing fx automation point.
* Thicker non-line-aligned beat lines. (0.6 pixels -> 2.3 pixels)
* Fix memory corruption when rendering block with non-line-aligned
beat lines.
* Option to render multiple sound files, one for each instrument.
* Fix memory corruption when using VST plugins. (bug introduced in 3.9.9)
* Fix rare startup crash. (bug introduced in 3.9.9)
* Fix crash when removing the system out instrument or loading
a song where the system out instrument has been removed.
(bug introduced in 3.9.9)
* Reorganize project menu a little bit.
* Fix note duplicator horizontal gui stretch.
* Fix play cursor following. It didn't always follow.
* Keep sample read position when switching from ping-pong
to non-ping-pong while playing.
* Fix a MIDI record position inaccuracy which could happen
when switching to a block with a different length than the
previous one.

Changes 3.9.8 -> 3.9.9:
* Don't let shift + mouse scroll wheel move editor cursor left/right.
* Cut/copy/paste individual fx-es in tracks.
* Record automation. (right-click a slider)
* Changed default play cursor color to black, and increased width to 4 pixels.
* Ensure the bottom bar volume slider is always updated.
* Don't show assertion window when loading older song with fxs->effectnum != fxs->fx->effect_num
* Fix track cut
* Fix copying/pasting/cutting tempo tracks
* More accurate play range looping.
* More time set off for for graphical updates.
* Should be noticable if using VST plugins on Windows or OSX.
* Workaround for OSX crash when deleting some VST plugins with open native GUI.
* Use non-native color selector on OSX (i.e. no separate window).
* MIDI learn. (right-click a slider or right-click a check box)
* Fix MIDI instrument widget stretch
* No 2-3 seconds freeze on Windows after starting up.

Changes 3.9.7 -> 3.9.8:
* Turn off custom put-dialog-in-front system. Using the Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint flag instead.
(Less weird behavior when raising windows in front of others.)
* Fix "Make track monophonic". It didn't handle velocities and pitch changes,
and it didn't create undo data at the correct time.
* Fix race condition when recording MIDI (fix rare crash).
* OSX: Fix VST plugin keyboard focus for qt5.
* Don't estimate monitor refresh rate when using qt5. The estimation is technically
necessary since we need to know the refresh rate according to the sound card
clock, and not the gfx card clock. But in practice it makes no difference since
we interpolate the screen position anyway to avoid jumps. In qt5 there is a
single function call to get the refresh rate without having to measure
or dive into the OS APIs.
* Faust: Allocate hash tables with malloc to avoid large .bss sections
(This causes shorter garbage collector pause times.)
* BDW-GC: Don't include data segments for dynamically loaded libraries.
(This causes shorter garbage collector pause times.)
* Use Qt::FramelessWindowHint instead of Qt::Popup for the progress window,
to avoid locking up the X server on Linux.
* Removed some unnecessary paint calls

Changes 3.9.6 -> 3.9.7:
* Fixed mod/xm import on OSX.
* OSX: dont show dock icons for the helper programs
* Clean up gfx update handling a bit. Should improve graphical performance.
* Remove some pre-opengl gfx buffers that were not used. Using less memory now,
and resizing might be noticable faster.
* macosx: Enable full screen. Doesn't crash now, probably because of using Qt5 instead of Qt4.
* Progress dialog when opening songs.
* Option to save song with audio samples embedded. Works for the Sampler and
Fluidsynth instruments. Could be useful when sending songs to other people
or transfer songs between computers.
* Add Reverse and Ping-Pong loop to the sampler instrument
* Fix graphics for show/hide bpm track and tempo multiplier track
* Double the number of effect columns before using tabs.
* Tweak Patchbay gui a bit.
* Adjusted tapiir gui.
* Removed the custom Ctrl+C handler. Ctrl+C seems to work properly now without it.
* OpenGL: Call glMakeCurrent / glDoneCurrent before and after rendering each frame.
Before we only called glMakeCurrent during program startup.
Don't know if it makes a difference.
* disk: Give error message if the last step when saving
a file (i.e. copying new file over the old file) failed.
* Fix bug that could cause non-glide automation not to be played.
* Force additional windows, such as the preferences window,
to always display in front of the main window.
* Upgrade to Qt5. It seems like the seemingly
random OpenGL related crashes are gone now.
* Some blocklist/playlist gfx tweaks
* Don't ask for effect display value string when
the effect is an on/off button (crash fix)
* Fix pasting effects from other instruments
* Tweak when to paint stipled automation node lines

Changes 3.9.5 -> 3.9.6:
* Update bus slider strings immediately when changing a bus instrument name
* Fix freeze that could happen when pasting tracks and other situations
* Fix crash when pasting block using a sampler instrument pointing
to a directory with lots of samples.
* Timeskew plugin. Like a delay, except that you can set negative
values as well.
* Plugin delay compensation.
* Optimize rendering performance. Should especially be noticable
on Windows 32 computers with slow disk.
* Apply faust scroll wheel behavior to the mixer and editor as well,
and document this behavior in the help menu.
* Don't record CPU usage data for plugins that are not visible.
* Draw missing horizontal lines to connect nodes where glide is set to OFF.
This is not only visually better, but also necessary in order
to show the last values without enabling text.
* Update mute/solo/bypass buttons when automated
* Upgrade BDW garbage collector to 7.4.4
* More detailed information when getting "unknown effect number" error.
* Add missing sustain pedal effect name handling in
the Fluidsynth instrument.
* Fix memory leak in FaustDev undo.
* Fix splitting block while playing
* Check errors when reading file from disk
* Gray out selected objects in the mixer again.

Changes 3.9.4 -> 3.9.5:
* Fix Linux binary
* Draw a rounded rectangle around the current sound object in
the mixer.
* Various mixer graphics improvements.
* Various thread sanitizer fixes
* Finally fixed an old pesky race condition bug.
* Updated package list for debian/ubuntu and fedora.
* Remove xmessage, pygtk and libglade from bin/packages.
* Mixer: Only open GUI if double clicking on the instrument name.
* Mixer: double clicking is normally handled as two single clicks.
* Add solo buttons to the sound objects in the mixer and the
instrument window.
* Change the Faust "Show C++" and "Options" buttons into checkboxes.
* Make sure all dialogs remember geometry when they are reopened.
* Fix loading LADSPA plugins.
* Add options for LLVM optimization level and Faust GUI style
in the preferences dialog.
* Automatically increase slider font size when the instrument
window is full size
* Replaced the "maximum" checkbox with "half" and "full" checkboxes.
* Don't crash if we can't read a song file.

Changes 3.9.3 -> 3.9.4:
* Show min/avg/max CPU usage for each individual instrument.
* Fix rare divide by zero bug when displaying CPU usage.
* 2Bar Demo Track by Tobias Lutzenkirchen included in the Project menu.
* FaustDev instrument. Develop faust instruments inside Radium.
* Instrument maximimize button.
* Faust instruments GUI button. Only the blue style available for now.
* Add separator between plugin and system effects in the effect popup menu.
* Start counting tab pages from 0 (not 1) in the plugin effect widgets.
* Don't play if pressing shift or altgr when the cursor is placed in a text field.
* Load song: Inform user when the effect names of a plugin has changed and
will be ignored.
* LADSPA/Linux: Search for plugins in LADSPA_PATH (and bin/ladspa) before
searching in the default locations.
* Don't create undo data when loading song, and when exiting.
* Ensure faust effect names are unique. Important when saving and
loading songs since effects values are stored by name, not by index.
* Make sure editor is updated when the instrument widget automatically
adjusts its height.

Changes 3.9.2 -> 3.9.3:
* Fix crash when changing the pitch of a note
* Don't show assertion window when a midi device
name read from config file could not be found.

Changes 3.9.1 -> 3.9.2:
* Added some workaround code in an attempt to not crash if hitting an old bug (which I thought was gone).
* Fix loading presets which were saved before 3.9.1
* text: 0x80 is always 50% (instead of around 50.2%), and 0xff is now interpreted as 0x100.
Setting an actual 0xff value is not possible.
* Larger font for help texts

Changes 3.9.0 -> 3.9.1:
* Added "chance text", similar to velocity text, fx text, etc.
Specify the chance of whether to play a note or a pitch.
* Don't crash if trying to set centtext value on an end note
* Fix the various show gui automations.
* Fix old songs that was saved with "Gain (dB)" as volume effect name
instead of "System Volume".
* Add another voice to the note duplicator
* Added three extra buses
* Add highpass filter to equalizer
* Add "chance" column to note duplicator. This can also be automated.
* Add 16x16 and 24x24 patchbays
* Change editor redraw mode on Windows and OSX to be similar to Linux.
Might make a difference.
* Don't show warning window if trying to switch solo mode
on non-existing track
* Fix keybindings in the menu for switching track on/off and track solo.
* Prefix LADSPA and VST effect names with effect number to ensure
effect names are always unique.
* Some midi recording fixes. Might fix rare crashes.

Changes 3.8.9 -> 3.9.0:
* Make sure cursor is placed correctly when switching blocks
* Dont show warning window when a vst plugin sends a MIDI sysex message
* Fix block switch crash introduced in 3.8.9
* Accept drag-and-dropped radium songs into the editor

Changes 3.8.8 -> 3.8.9: (removed, unstable)
* Check for for note name(s) under cursor first when finding note(s) to increase/decrease velocity of
when pressing AltGr+left/right
* pressing AltGtr+down/up jumps to next waveform start/end position when cursor is in the automation area.
* api: cursorNextWaveform/cursorPrevWaveform
* FX range: Fix copying automation for instruments with empty effect names
* Fix adding new fx from another instrument when the track already has an fx with the same number
* MIDI: Ask system to open default device when creating new midi instrument, instead of using the first one available
* windows/midi: Use default device (instead of the first device) for output if the requested device could not be found
* 32x32 patchbay instrument
* Clean up MIDI recording code. More stable and accurately, and recording over several blocks should work better.
* Fix potential undefined behavior when cutting track
* Use JUCE instead of RtMidi for sending and receiving MIDI
* More than one MIDI input port simultaneously.
* Show most used plugins in the bottom of the pluginmenu.
(All previously used plugins are shown in the "next" sub menues.)
* Remove "keep left input", etc. instruments from the plugin menu
(they take up space and the patchbay is better anyway)
* Some assertions to try to hunt down ladspa initialization crash on osx
* Ensure current line is legal when changing the LZ value
* Send around midi channels in the note event system
* patchbay plugin: Fix situation that theoretically could silence all
channels when loading song or preset

Changes 3.8.7 -> 3.8.8:
* api: currentLine / setCurrentLine
* Make scroll wheel behave as pressing up / down arrow key
instead of scrolling up / down
* Paint current connections in more distinct colors
* Fix 1L1 key on apple keyboards. On ISO keyboards the 1L1 key
has moved down to the ZL1 key. Dont know how to detect whether
we are using an apple or iso keyboard, but mac users probably
usually use apple keyboards.
* OSX: Enable and fix crashreporter
* Wait until opengl widget has updated before returning
from gl_create_window
* mouse: Fix editing lines below LZ * number of lines in block.
* Another attempt to fix window reconfiguration crash on osx.
* OSX: Fix keyboard focus in native VST GUIs

Changes 3.8.6 -> 3.8.7:
* Clean up instruments when loading new song. Can significantly
reduce memory usage. (Tito Latini)
* Don't disable garbage collector when loading song. Can significantly
reduce memory usage.
* Improve mouse performance significantly. This may reduce overall
gfx stutter when doing operations with the mouse, or just moving the pointer,
especially on Windows. More work is possible here though.
* Fix fx popup menu when there are many instrument with many effects.
* Show a message in the editor when the garbage collector is turned off.
* Actually turn off the garbage collector when unselecting
"Enable Garbage Collector" in the preferences.
* Try to fix window reconfiguration crash on OSX.
* Update s7 scheme interpreter
* Fix VECTOR_clean and VECTOR_move. (Tito Latini)
Kjetil Svalastog Matheussen Radium Radium v 3.8.6 May 14, 2016 Windows
* Allow fx from other patches than the track patch
* Fix windows startup.
* Fix playing note when editing in the piano roll for a MIDI instrument,
and similarly, fix playing note when editing in the piano roll for
an audio instruments that uses pitch instead of note id to identify
which sound to turn off (e.g. fluid synth and VST instruments).
Kjetil Svalastog Matheussen Radium v 3.4.4 Dec 5, 2015 Windows
* Fixed crash reporter on windows, which was broken in 3.4.3
* Updated s7 scheme interpreter to latest version
effects Radium v 3.1.2 Jun 19, 2015 Windows
Most important changes 3.1.0 -> 3.1.2
* Fix automation after loading song
* Fix a memory corruption for plugins with more than 2 channels
* Send automation messages when track is ON, not OFF

Most important changes 3.0.7 -> 3.1.0
* Weak-link to the Jack library to avoid having to use the included version of Jack.
* Dont crash if EL=0 and mousewheeling, plus behave like EL=1 if just scrolling and EL=0 ("edit lines").
* Don't crash if pressing redo after loading a song.
* Write notename above notes in the pianobar, and other graphical improvements.
* Fix mouse issues when first pitch or first velocity in a note.
* A new sound object called "Midi Messages" which can be used to send MIDI messages
to other sound objects. Can for instance be used to send pitch bend changes to VST plugins.
* Option to show linenumbers instead of bars/beats
* Updated ladspa rdf info for the kokkinizita plugins.
* Customly compiled LADSPA plugins for OSX, Win32, and Win64. The included
plugin sets are now: calf, caps, cmt, swh, tap, and all kokkinizita plugins.
* 64 binaries for windows
* Include instructions on how to get audio from other simultaneously running ASIO programs
in and out of the Radium mixer.

Most important changes 3.0.6 -> 3.0.7
* Fix track-width mouse handling when pianoroll is visible

Most important changes 3.0.5 -> 3.0.6
* Simple pianoroll (Left Alt + P or Let Ctrl + P to enable/disable)
* Fix crash that sometimes could happen if scrolling to rightmost track
* Updated s7 scheme to latest version
* Some minor changes to VST initialization which might prevent some plugins from crashing
during startup.

Most important changes 3.0.4 -> 3.0.5
* Always scroll-play when pressing up or down arrow, even "edit lines" is bigger than 1
* Fix more than two vst plugins in the full version
* load/save: Fix bug where empty string was saved as "" instead of "_________empty__________",
plus hack so that some old songs where this happened can be loaded again.

Most important changes 3.0.3 -> 3.0.4
* MIDI: Option to always record velocity
automation Radium v 3.0.2 May 26, 2015 Windows
* Ctrl+J jumps to bar/beat instead of line. (line numbers are not visible anymore)
* Don't update effect values for plugin while loading a plugin. Might
stop buggy plugins from crashing.
* Option to record MIDI line by line and monophonic in the MIDI menu. (as before)
* Fix realtime color update in the editor when using the color config dialog
* Append "-qt4" to the last resort value in find_moc_and_uic_paths.c. (Arch linux fix)
interface Radium v 3.0rc5 Feb 11, 2015 Windows
Most important changes 3.0.rc4 -> 3.0.rc5
* Workaround for empty TLS when loading VST plugins
(Fix for u-he plugins)
* Support VST shell plugins
* Fix VST GUI close and re-open (not just show/hide window)
* VST sub menues
* Only keep LADSPA plugin libraries in memory when they are used
* Cleaned up native keyboard handling a little bit
* Force message window in front
* Various OSX fixes
* Improved gfx driver warnings
* Give specific information about Intel GFX, instead of warning about using MESA
* fix "./" in the sample file requester
* More unicode fixes
music Radium v 3.0beta2 Dec 23, 2014 Windows
Most important changes 3.0.beta1 -> 3.0.beta2
* Set CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE for Visualisation library to RelWithDebInfo

Most important changes 1.9.x -> 3.0.beta1
* Rewritten editor graphics. Using OpenGL instead of Qt.
* Smooth scrolling.
built-in Radium v 1.9.37 Apr 16, 2014 Windows
Most important changes 1.9.35 -> 1.9.37:
* Add "All files" option to the file requesters
* Proper postfix filter in filerequester when importing midi file
* text draw: Fix for crash when painting ranged notes with subpitch
* vst: Return correct samplePos in audioMasterGetTime
* Fix GFX_Menu not being able to return selection higher than 9
* Pd: radium_time message (containing time and line information)
* Non-OSX: Search for VST plugins recursively
* Get "keys" file path the same way as color and config, plus support comment after key
* Bottom bar and mixer widget tooltips (Atte Jensen)
* Atte Jensen's patch to read key names from ~/.radium/keys
* Make left alt open menues
* Fix ESC and Arrow keys while navigating menues.
* Fix keys for non-US language setting
* Reset Font size resetted to the default font size, not user font size. Fixed
* Add missing key events, such as 0R1, LR1, etc.
* Turn off drunk velocity by default
* Changed default ADSR(+H) values to neutral
* Put the instruments first when selecting track instrument (F12)
* Always write cents if track is wide
* Fix keyboard modifier keys
* Configurable line separator opacity
* LPB line coloring (opacity can be set in edit -> global config)
* Renamed "MIDI input on/off" to "Edit On/off" (because that's what it really is)
* Update midi input checkbutton when pressing esc
* Fix SPS spinbox focus
* Only show song files in load/save requesters
* Added $HOME/.ladspa to the list of ladspa paths, when LADSPA_PATH is not defined
* Instructions on where radium gets menues.conf and keybindings.conf
* Use $HOME/.radium/menues.conf and $HOME/.radium/keybindings.conf if they exist
* Mapped XK_ISO_Level3_Shift to EVENT_ALT_R
* Fix open editor when editor is "emacs -nw"
* Make escape key exit string req, same as return
* Add "import radium as ra" in top of keybindings.conf, plus example code how to make space play/stop depending on whether you are playing
* New API function: isPlaying
* Updated ubuntu/debian package list in README
download Radium v 1.9.30 Apr 30, 2013 Windows
* Fix for saving floats in wrong format for certain country settings
* Always show slot indicator in mixer gui
mac Radium v 1.9.27 Feb 27, 2013 Windows
Kjetil Svalastog Matheussen
Buy Radium near , United States at:

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