Category Audio Production / Plug-ins & effects
Version 3.0.5
Compatibility R2MacOS X Intel
License Commercial Software
Price $299  /  276€
Updated On Jul 29, 2017
Total Downloads 628
Mac Downloads 349
Category Audio Production / Plug-ins & effects
Version 3.0.5
Compatibility R2Windows
License Commercial Software
Price $299  /  276€
Updated On Jul 29, 2017
Total Downloads 628
PC Downloads 279


Created for mixes where the sound of the reverb is part of the sound of the mix. Reverb tails are alive with character.

Flexible chorusing inside the reverb structure can give gentle (or not so gentle) fluctuations of pitch. Or it can 'fatten' up the sound without obvious pitch changes.

R2 also has a gate, driven by the reverb's input. Whether for the dramatic effect of a fat reverb that's suddenly swallowed up, or for gentle ducking, you have power you can explore.

Just like PhoenixVerb, R2 makes quick work of adjusting early reflections for convincing small rooms. You can create Plates, Chambers and Halls with a wholly different flavor from R2.

The flexible EQ of PhoenixVerb is extended, with separate EQs for early reflections and reverb tail.

Preset keyword organization lets you organize your presets for the way you use them.
OS X 10.8 or later
Windows (Vista, Win7, Win8)
R2 R2 v 3.0.5 Jul 29, 2017 MacOS X Intel
Lots of fixes and improvements.
Exponential Audio R2 R2 v 2.1.1b2 Dec 23, 2014 MacOS X Intel
This Beta addresses an issue in automation that appeared only in Pro Tools. There is only one other feature in the beta, which is the new automatic version check.
Exponential Audio R2 v 2.1.0 Nov 18, 2014 MacOS X Intel
This newest version adds VST3 support (32 and 64-bit) and now supports all major plugin formats for both Mac and Windows workstations.

In addition to VST3, PhoenixVerb and R2 now feature an expanded preset management page with the ability to import and export user presets. It's now possible to share presets among friends or across a facility.

New presets have been added to both plugins, with a special set of PhoenixVerb presets from well-known producer Pete 'Boxsta' Martin.
reverb R2 v 2.1.0beta Oct 7, 2014 MacOS X Intel
Compliance with new OSX digital signing requirements.
VST3 - in 32 and 64 bit form. If your DAW supports VST3, it will automatically load the VST3 form if you've installed it. If you haven't installed the VST3 plugins, you'll get regular VST.
Preset Import/Export - there are new buttons on the Store page. You can select any user presets and export them to a folder of your choice. This makes it easier to share with friends or colleagues, who can import the presets just as easily. And of course, Exponential Audio is always interested in any presets you might like to share with the world.
There's now a global parameter that lets you control gain for the mix parameter. The previous choice was a linear fade (and that's still the default). But you can now select a power-based fade to maintain overall gain more accurately.
State-saving is a little faster. You're not likely to notice this unless your session is on a network drive.
Processing threshold is now stored/restored properly in session data
Several small stability tweaks.
Other changes in the release notes (in the installer packages)
sound R2 v 2.0.2 May 29, 2014 MacOS X Intel
The primary feature of this new version is an even greater improvement in plugin efficiency (already best in class and now even better). There are many new presets for both plugins. There is also a fix for a rare Mac bug which could cause a crash when starting up very large projects.

A new capability has been added to the download pages for any users with slower internet service. Installers may be loaded in smaller chunks and then reassembled on the users' computers with easily available (and free) software. Links are also provided to this archival software for both Mac and Windows.
gentle R2 v 2.0.1 Apr 1, 2014 MacOS X Intel
PhoenixVerb and R2 have been updated.
This is a bug fix release that addresses a very rare crash
That could appear when multiple copies of the plugin
were loaded in opening a session.
phoenixverb R2 v 2.0.0 Feb 22, 2014 MacOS X Intel
  • Fixed a problem with mouse wheel fine adjust that only appeared on Windows. Some parameters jumped more than a single value. That's been corrected.

  • Command-drag (fine adjust) requires a shorter distance to make adjustments.

  • Several graphic tweaks.

  • Added several new presets: Med Mid Plate, Med Thin Plate 2, Med Chamber 2, Lge Wooden Church 2, Large Perc Plate 2, Lge Sizzle Plate 2, Neutral Hall 2, Lge Neutral Hall 2, and some more rooms.

  • GUI replaced with brand new look, now in the same family as surrounds. GUI is slightly smaller overall.

  • Added 'Favorites' list and preset marking capability.

  • Added Preferences page, with all preferences from Surround plugins.

  • Installer has been reduced in size considerably.

  • Fixed an issue that would cause a crash when a session required user presets that were no longer present on the system. The settings are properly recalled but the preset is shown as missing.
  • early R2 v 1.5.0 Jan 21, 2014 MacOS X Intel
    There are a number of bug fixes, more presets and AudioSuite support on AAX
    download R2 v 1.4.06 Nov 13, 2013 MacOS X Intel
    Many fixes in this release. Startup noises at high sample rates have been eliminated. Crash in exiting Studio One Mac is fixed (Please be
    sure to update to the most recent version of Studio One). Lowered CPU load at rollback. GUI issues fixed in WaveLab and VePro.
    mac R2 v 1.4.02 Oct 14, 2013 MacOS X Intel
  • Version 1.4.02 released. Oct 13, 2013

  • This is a very minor but important tweak. An optimization error was found in the diffuser section which could make small sonic differences. Small issues from 1.4.01 remain. Please see the The FAQ .

  • Version 1.4.01 released. Oct 12, 2013

  • The 1.4 build had some hidden nasties that didn't turn up until it went out into the world. On the Mac, those included some crashes of VST DAWs on plugin unload or shutdown. A few DAWs, such as Cubase also didn't restore correct parameter values to plugins that were part of a session. That's all been cleaned up. A few issues may remain for a small minority of users. The FAQ also has a new section on known issues.

  • Version 1.4.0 released. Oct 5, 2013

  • A number of small fixes: A little better performance, a little faster startup, eliminated some audible ticks from program load, processor load is spread out, reducing spikes. Also fixed some issues with preset saving, fixed mono bypass and added wrapper code to make redeeming license codes easier. Several new presets.
    windows R2 v 1.3.12 Aug 16, 2013 MacOS X Intel
    This repairs some issues that arose with ProTools 9. Also fixes a handful of other minor issues.
    macintosh R2 v 1.3.11 Aug 11, 2013 MacOS X Intel
    An issue in Version 1.3.10 has been fixed and a new Version 1.3.11 is now available. This issue affected loading of presets and affected all users--especially users of PhoenixVerb.
    There is a secondary issue that affects users of ProTools 9. PhoenixVerb and R2 are likely to cause crashes when loaded. This may relate to PACE protection, and appears to affect earlier versions of the plugins that ran without difficulty. Resolution may take longer.
    pc R2 v 1.3.10 Aug 7, 2013 MacOS X Intel
    This is a minor update focused primarily on ProTools AAX users. GUI automation support is now enabled. Other users will find a few more presets as well as some improvements for rare stability problems related to iLok. Alt/Click now resets any parameter to its default (as stored in the current preset).
    R2 v 1.3.00 Jun 25, 2013 MacOS X Intel
    Support for ProTools 11 on Mac and Windows. EuControl support for Avid and Euphonics control surfaces. Bug fixes, new presets.
    R2 v 1.2 Apr 11, 2013 MacOS X Intel
    PhoenixVerb and R2 now support 64-bit Windows VST and Windows AAX. There are many other improvements--a better preset loader, faster startup, better performance.
    R2 v 1.1.1 Feb 14, 2013 MacOS X Intel
    There was a problem in 1.1.0 that needed addressing. While most evident in ProTools, it could also appear elsewhere. Meters could 'stick' on transition between windows. There was no audible effect, but meters need to tell the truth. This is the only change that's been made in 1.1.1.
    R2 v 1.1.0 Feb 12, 2013 MacOS X Intel
    RTAS support for Windows Pro Tools.
    Big efficiency gains. Plugins start up and scan more quickly. Snits, crackles and pops that some users have experienced are eliminated in most cases. Overall processor load is significantly reduced.
    Delay compensation is now correct
    Several new presets have been added to both plugins.
    R2 v 1.0 Jan 7, 2013 MacOS X Intel
    R2 R2 v 3.0.5 Jul 29, 2017 Windows
    Lots of fixes and improvements.
    Exponential Audio R2 R2 v 2.1.1b2 Dec 23, 2014 Windows
    This Beta addresses an issue in automation that appeared only in Pro Tools. There is only one other feature in the beta, which is the new automatic version check.
    Exponential Audio R2 v 2.1.0 Nov 18, 2014 Windows
    This newest version adds VST3 support (32 and 64-bit) and now supports all major plugin formats for both Mac and Windows workstations.

    In addition to VST3, PhoenixVerb and R2 now feature an expanded preset management page with the ability to import and export user presets. It's now possible to share presets among friends or across a facility.

    New presets have been added to both plugins, with a special set of PhoenixVerb presets from well-known producer Pete 'Boxsta' Martin.
    reverb R2 v 2.1.0beta Oct 7, 2014 Windows
    Compliance with new OSX digital signing requirements.
    VST3 - in 32 and 64 bit form. If your DAW supports VST3, it will automatically load the VST3 form if you've installed it. If you haven't installed the VST3 plugins, you'll get regular VST.
    Preset Import/Export - there are new buttons on the Store page. You can select any user presets and export them to a folder of your choice. This makes it easier to share with friends or colleagues, who can import the presets just as easily. And of course, Exponential Audio is always interested in any presets you might like to share with the world.
    There's now a global parameter that lets you control gain for the mix parameter. The previous choice was a linear fade (and that's still the default). But you can now select a power-based fade to maintain overall gain more accurately.
    State-saving is a little faster. You're not likely to notice this unless your session is on a network drive.
    Processing threshold is now stored/restored properly in session data
    Several small stability tweaks.
    Other changes in the release notes (in the installer packages)
    sound R2 v 2.0.2 May 29, 2014 Windows
    The primary feature of this new version is an even greater improvement in plugin efficiency (already best in class and now even better). There are many new presets for both plugins. There is also a fix for a rare Mac bug which could cause a crash when starting up very large projects.

    A new capability has been added to the download pages for any users with slower internet service. Installers may be loaded in smaller chunks and then reassembled on the users' computers with easily available (and free) software. Links are also provided to this archival software for both Mac and Windows.
    gentle R2 v 2.0.1 Apr 1, 2014 Windows
    PhoenixVerb and R2 have been updated.
    This is a bug fix release that addresses a very rare crash
    That could appear when multiple copies of the plugin
    were loaded in opening a session.
    phoenixverb R2 v 2.0.0 Feb 22, 2014 Windows
  • Fixed a problem with mouse wheel fine adjust that only appeared on Windows. Some parameters jumped more than a single value. That's been corrected.

  • Command-drag (fine adjust) requires a shorter distance to make adjustments.

  • Several graphic tweaks.

  • Added several presets: Small Tight Chamb2, Small Guitar Hall, Guitar Wash, Guitar Wash 2, Guitar Texture, Med Mid Plate, Med Mid Hall, Lge Random Plate 2, Thick Chamb 2, Lge Gated Chamber 2, Lge Mid Hall 2, Rich Gated Guitar Hall, and some rooms.

  • GUI replaced with brand new look, now in the same family as surrounds. GUI is slightly smaller overall.

  • Added 'Favorites' list and preset marking capability.

  • Added Preferences page, with all preferences from Surround plugins.

  • Installer has been reduced in size considerably.

  • Fixed an issue that would cause a crash when a session required user presets that were no longer present on the system. The settings are properly recalled but the preset is shown as missing.
  • early R2 v 1.5.0 Jan 21, 2014 Windows
    There are a number of bug fixes, more presets and AudioSuite support on AAX
    download R2 v 1.4.06 Nov 13, 2013 Windows
    Many fixes in this release. Startup noises at high sample rates have been eliminated. Crash in exiting Studio One Mac is fixed (Please be
    sure to update to the most recent version of Studio One). Lowered CPU load at rollback. GUI issues fixed in WaveLab and VePro.
    mac R2 v 1.4.02 Oct 14, 2013 Windows
  • Version 1.4.02 released. Oct 13, 2013

  • This is a very minor but important tweak. An optimization error was found in the diffuser section which could make small sonic differences. Small issues from 1.4.01 remain. Please see the The FAQ .

  • Version 1.4.01 released. Oct 12, 2013

  • The 1.4 build had some hidden nasties that didn't turn up until it went out into the world. On the Mac, those included some crashes of VST DAWs on plugin unload or shutdown. A few DAWs, such as Cubase also didn't restore correct parameter values to plugins that were part of a session. That's all been cleaned up. A few issues may remain for a small minority of users. The FAQ also has a new section on known issues.

  • Version 1.4.0 released. Oct 5, 2013

  • A number of small fixes: A little better performance, a little faster startup, eliminated some audible ticks from program load, processor load is spread out, reducing spikes. Also fixed some issues with preset saving, fixed mono bypass and added wrapper code to make redeeming license codes easier. Several new presets.
    windows R2 v 1.3.12 Aug 16, 2013 Windows
    This repairs some issues that arose with ProTools 9. Also fixes a handful of other minor issues.
    macintosh R2 v 1.3.11 Aug 11, 2013 Windows
    An issue in Version 1.3.10 has been fixed and a new Version 1.3.11 is now available. This issue affected loading of presets and affected all users--especially users of PhoenixVerb.
    There is a secondary issue that affects users of ProTools 9. PhoenixVerb and R2 are likely to cause crashes when loaded. This may relate to PACE protection, and appears to affect earlier versions of the plugins that ran without difficulty. Resolution may take longer.
    pc R2 v 1.3.10 Aug 7, 2013 Windows
    This is a minor update focused primarily on ProTools AAX users. GUI automation support is now enabled. Other users will find a few more presets as well as some improvements for rare stability problems related to iLok. Alt/Click now resets any parameter to its default (as stored in the current preset).
    R2 v 1.3.00 Jun 25, 2013 Windows
    Support for ProTools 11 on Mac and Windows. EuControl support for Avid and Euphonics control surfaces. Bug fixes, new presets.
    R2 v 1.2 Apr 11, 2013 Windows
    PhoenixVerb and R2 now support 64-bit Windows VST and Windows AAX. There are many other improvements--a better preset loader, faster startup, better performance.
    R2 v 1.1.1 Feb 14, 2013 Windows
    There was a problem in 1.1.0 that needed addressing. While most evident in ProTools, it could also appear elsewhere. Meters could 'stick' on transition between windows. There was no audible effect, but meters need to tell the truth. This is the only change that's been made in 1.1.1.
    R2 v 1.1.0 Feb 12, 2013 Windows
    RTAS support for Windows Pro Tools.
    Big efficiency gains. Plugins start up and scan more quickly. Snits, crackles and pops that some users have experienced are eliminated in most cases. Overall processor load is significantly reduced.
    Delay compensation is now correct
    Several new presets have been added to both plugins.
    R2 v 1.0 Jan 7, 2013 Windows
    Exponential Audio
    Buy R2 near Columbus, United States at:

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