Category Audio Production / Plug-ins & effects
Version 7.4.8
Format VST
Compatibility MUXMacOS X Intel
License Commercial Software
Price $64  /  59€
Updated On May 20, 2017
Total Downloads 470
Mac Downloads 89
Category Audio Production / Plug-ins & effects
Version 7.4.8
Format VST
Compatibility MUXWindows
License Commercial Software
Price $64  /  59€
Updated On May 20, 2017
Total Downloads 470
PC Downloads 381

Modular synth and effect

The MUX is a high-quality and super flexible modular synth and effect plug-in.

The MUX can be a vintage synthesizer or a hi-tec sample player, it can be a multi-band compressor or a stereo reverb, and it can be so much more... You can do almost anything with it!

The MUX is integrated into MuLab and is also available as a VST plug-in for Windows.

MUX Highlights
- Easy modular architecture.
- Top-quality uncompromised sound engine.
- Integrated world-class synths, samplers and effects.
- Plug-in any VST instrument or effect inside the MUX.
- Mix freely and limitless MUX modules and VST plug-ins.
- Modulate any VST parameter with any of the MUX modulators like LFO, ADSR, Multi-Segment Envelope, ...
- Includes the MuSynth workhorse synth/sampler.
- Includes the hybrid MuDrum module.
The MUX is a high-quality and super flexible modular synth and effect plug-in.

The MUX can be a vintage synthesizer or a hi-tec sample player, it can be a multi-band compressor or a stereo reverb, and it can be so much more... You can do almost anything with it!

The MUX is integrated into MuLab and is also available as a VST plug-in for Windows.

MUX Highlights
- Easy modular architecture.
- Top-quality uncompromised sound engine.
- Integrated world-class synths, samplers and effects.
- Plug-in any VST instrument or effect inside the MUX.
- Mix freely and limitless MUX modules and VST plug-ins.
- Modulate any VST parameter with any of the MUX modulators like LFO, ADSR, Multi-Segment Envelope, ...
- Includes the MuSynth workhorse synth/sampler.
- Includes the hybrid MuDrum module.
- Includes the MuSampla, MuPad and MultiSampla sample players.
- Deep modular editing lets you build your own synths and effects, including nice front panels.
- Includes hundreds of inspiring instruments and effect presets.
- Easy preset file management.
- ReWire Master.
- Restyled and streamlined user-friendly interface and workflow.
- Available in 32 bit and 64 bit plug-in versions.
MUX MUX v 7.4.8 May 20, 2017 MacOS X Intel
M7.4.8 18 May 2017

MuVerb: Improved editor layout.
MUX VST: Possible improved behavior in certain hosts when the host deletes the MUX plug-in while the MUX editor is still open.
Event monitor now also shows the block timestamp.
Composer: In some cases looped sequence parts did not show all events in the part content overview. Fixed.
Fixed a bug in the Frequency Spectrum Analyzer when 2 editors of the same FSA are open eg in the front panel and in the modular area.

M7.4.6 29 April 2017

New Frequency Spectrum Analyser module.
Modular areas: When connecting modules, now the dragged connection snaps to the closest connectable jack. That's more comfortable.
Both the MultiMode Filter as the TF Lowpass Filter now include a frequency spectrum display that shows the filter graph.
Added a curve parameter to the Oscillator Super Layers Quick Edit so to have more control over the detune spread.
Projects, MUX presets and MuClips can now include creator info. Editable via the context menu.
For projects: Project menu -> at the end of the menu = "Show Creator Info" For MUX patches, racks and MuClips: Context menu -> Presets -> "Show Creator Info"
Fixed a problem when using a picture as MUX front panel background. When a MUX front panel background is a picture, the picture now will be automatically resized to match the front panel size.
MUX Front panels that are smaller than the window are now centered within that window. (cfr small VST plugins) As a result of that, when you drag the window border of a window with a small front panel then this does not automatically resize the front panel anymore cause that would give unexpected results. In such case you can still resize the front panel via its property panel. (double-click or right-click the front panel background) And to have more control over the window background which becomes visible in such case, each front panel now has 2 extra color preferences "Filler Color 1" and "Filler Color 2". That way even a small front panel in a wider window (due to the top controls) will still look fine.
MUX front panel edit button now clearly indicates edit state.
Sequence Editor: Improved behavior wrt automatic mouse tool selection when hovering notes.
Sequence Editor: When using different MIDI channels per note, the "Choose Focused Channel" function was not working anymore. Fixed.
Grid editor: The mouse display showed a percentage value but it's irrelevant in the grid editor. Fixed.
MuLab for Windows: Key strokes that are unused by a focused VST editor are now processed by MuLab.
Clicking the background of the top control bar of a VST editor moves keyboard focus to MuLab.
MUX Modular VST for Windows: Unused key strokes are forwarded to the host.
Fixed a stereo signal processing issue in the Pure Delay. At the same time the "Stereo Mode" option has been removed as now the Pure Delay does automatic mono/stereo signal handling like most other modules.
Improved behavior wrt sound files with invalid marker data, which could potentially even cause a crash. Fixed.
Renamed "Set Beats Per Bar" to "Set Time Signature".
Added explicit crash protection against a unreal case in PolySynth processing that was/is assumed to never happen. (The log file will tell if it ever does happen)
Improved behavior in case a VST causes a problem during instanciation.
When there are multiple edit fields in a panel, the Tab key now steps thru these fields.
Text string fields: Sometimes the selection was not indicated when it should. Fixed.
Several improvements which make the GUI more instant and snappy.
In some cases while live resizing windows, they were not immediately fully updated. Fixed.
Fixed a potential crash bug when lassoing a selection in an empty string display.
When opening a project with missing audio files and choosing the Search All option, then in some cases the dialog could get in an infinite loop. Fixed.
An important bug fix, too technical to describe, but besides unexpected behavior it could potentially even cause a crash, so it's an important fix.
Doubled the maximum supported screen width from 4096 to 8192 pixels.
Plus other improvements.
Mutools MUX MUX v 7.3.6 Mar 11, 2017 MacOS X Intel
The whole GUI now is rescalable up to 200%. See the "GUI Scale" preference. A rescalable UI is relevant for users using high-res monitors and/or who need an increased size for eye comfort. Also relevant wrt touch-screens. Screens are getting bigger and bigger and hence the MuLab & MUX GUI was getting smaller and smaller on those screens. This new feature handles that.
New "Plug-In Slot" module. It's like a single rack slot and can be put on a front panel.
Preferences panel now includes a search field.
All tree lists: Improved search behavior:
Starts searching from the cursor downwards, eventually looping to the start of the list.
[Ctrl]+G searches again for the next match.
After 1 sec, typing new characters for the search string will create a new search string.
Popup value dialogs could be positioned on a improper position. Fixed.
Text inputs: Improved and more compliant behavior, including support for undo, stepping/selecting thru words by holding Ctrl, ...
VST editors: Finetuned layout when the VST editor itself is smaller than the minimum width for the host wrapper window.
Project browser -> Audio Files: Support for selecting multiple files.
Renaming Tracks, Racks, etc...: The current name is always filled into the edit field, even when it's using the automatic name.
Moving windows via [Alt]+drag border does not limit the window at the top anymore, the window is freely movable.
Added protection against resizing the top of a window into the non-accessible area of the main screen, eg. avoid dragging the top of a window under the MacOS title bar area.
MuLab top keyboard now takes all width it can take.
Step sequencer: When the composition is cycling, then in a very exceptional case the step sequencer could be confused about the start of a bar/beat/loop and hence only start playing the pattern a bar/beat/loop later. Fixed.
Dropping an Input/Output module on a rack slot caused a crash. Fixed.
Resizing a MUX front panel, making it too small resulted in odd behavior. Fixed.
Fixed a potential sonic bug in the noise generator.
Added "Right-Click Deletes Notes" preference.
MUX VST: When editing meta-parameters, in some hosts there could be an editing lag. Fixed.
More detailed log file wrt. diagnosing VST issues.
Mutools MUX v 7.2.23 Jan 14, 2017 MacOS X Intel
Support for "New.MuRack" preset file: Whenever you create a new rack, then the "New.MuRack" preset file will automatically be loaded if it exists.
Sequence Player: When used inside the PolySynth the sequence editor was not showing the play position. Fixed.
Event Delay module: When using heavy randomization on short note events, that could lead to hanging notes. Fixed.
Inserting or dropping a module, MUX preset or VST into a rack now is an undoable step. At the same time this also fixes a potential crash issue when undoing related steps.
When having deleted a Send from a rack and undoing that, the Send's connections were not restored. Fixed.
Dropping a meta-parameter on another meta-parameter could cause a crash in specific cases. Fixed.
Oscillator: When used outside PolySynth, switching it off/on now resets the multi-layers.
Copy-pasting multi-layer setups between oscillators didn't work anymore. Fixed.
Fixed a potential crash when opening VST editors.
Note Dispatcher module: Overlapping notes with the same key could result in hanging notes. Fixed.
Fixed a recent new bug that could potentially cause some playback issues with parallel automation parts.
Finetuned rendering of automation and modulation envelopes into controller and parameter events. Previously in specific cases there could be small value offsets. Fixed.
As a consequence of the finetuned rendering of automation and modulation envelopes, the "Resolution" parameter has been removed from the Parameter Event Generator module editor.
MuLab: Pasting sequence parts now creates unique sequence parts, unless the "Standard Copy Part Is Shared Copy" preference is switched on.
MuLab: Double-clicking a MuProject file to launch MuLab with that project file did not properly work anymore due to a recent new bug. Fixed.
MuLab Free: Removed the limit on using multi-channel / multi-timbral MIDI tracks.
MuLab Free: Removed the limit on the number of MIDI inputs/outputs.
MUX Modular VST: Fixed a bug that could lead to crashes upon deleting the last MUX VST instance in the host.
MUX Modular VST: Fixed a broken link towards the docs.
includes MUX v 7.2.17 Dec 10, 2016 MacOS X Intel

Fixed a possible crash bug in the VST plug-in scanner.
MUX Modular VST: Improved support using MUX Modular VST in Bitwig Studio on MacOS.
MUX Modular VST: Fixed a possible little memory leak.


MUX Modular VST

MUX Modular VST for MacOS 64 bit!
Features all improvements and extensions from M7.1.28 to M7.2.8 thus including the new Grain Player module and much more.
Unused keyboard events are forwarded to the host. It still depends on the host how it handles such events.
Improved protection against hosts that do invalid multi-threaded UI function calls.
Upon opening the editor there could be a black background for a split second. Fixed.

Common Improvements (MuLab and MUX Modular)

Grain Player: Added a new "Playback II" mode: In this mode the effective grain length is independent of the pitch.
The "Rounded Corners" preference has been renamed to "Button & Frame Corners" and now has 3 options instead of only 2 before. The default rounding of buttons and corners now is a more subtle one.
Added a new preference "Button Gradient Intensity". The more this goes to zero, the more flat the buttons are.
The "Audio Level Solid Display" preference has been renamed to "Audio Level Display Style" and now is a percent value so you have smooth control over whether audio level meters should look solid or interleaved, or something in-between. The new default is a quite solid one but with a subtle interleaving.
Fixed an audio waveform drawing bug that occurred in certain cases.
Dropping a parameter on a meta-parameter did not always popup the meta-parameter map dialog. Fixed.
The meta-parameter map dialog did not always close when pressing [Esc] as should. Fixed.
While scanning VSTs, even more detailed info is logged to the system log.
Upon startup, when opening projects using samples that have changed in length meanwhile, now any updated markers are reported for your info.
When ReWire is not installed, this could create an error log. Fixed.
Event List Editor: Clicking events only highlighted them after the mouse was moved again. Fixed.
Sequence editor: Event Property Panel tooltips were not always the right ones for the selected event type. Fixed.
Moving VST editors: Position was not restored exactly. Fixed.
Finetuned behavior for editor windows that are too much off screen.
Improved Factory Library.
MUX MUX v 7.4.8 May 20, 2017 Windows
M7.4.8 18 May 2017

MuVerb: Improved editor layout.
MUX VST: Possible improved behavior in certain hosts when the host deletes the MUX plug-in while the MUX editor is still open.
Event monitor now also shows the block timestamp.
Composer: In some cases looped sequence parts did not show all events in the part content overview. Fixed.
Fixed a bug in the Frequency Spectrum Analyzer when 2 editors of the same FSA are open eg in the front panel and in the modular area.

M7.4.6 29 April 2017

New Frequency Spectrum Analyser module.
Modular areas: When connecting modules, now the dragged connection snaps to the closest connectable jack. That's more comfortable.
Both the MultiMode Filter as the TF Lowpass Filter now include a frequency spectrum display that shows the filter graph.
Added a curve parameter to the Oscillator Super Layers Quick Edit so to have more control over the detune spread.
Projects, MUX presets and MuClips can now include creator info. Editable via the context menu.
For projects: Project menu -> at the end of the menu = "Show Creator Info" For MUX patches, racks and MuClips: Context menu -> Presets -> "Show Creator Info"
Fixed a problem when using a picture as MUX front panel background. When a MUX front panel background is a picture, the picture now will be automatically resized to match the front panel size.
MUX Front panels that are smaller than the window are now centered within that window. (cfr small VST plugins) As a result of that, when you drag the window border of a window with a small front panel then this does not automatically resize the front panel anymore cause that would give unexpected results. In such case you can still resize the front panel via its property panel. (double-click or right-click the front panel background) And to have more control over the window background which becomes visible in such case, each front panel now has 2 extra color preferences "Filler Color 1" and "Filler Color 2". That way even a small front panel in a wider window (due to the top controls) will still look fine.
MUX front panel edit button now clearly indicates edit state.
Sequence Editor: Improved behavior wrt automatic mouse tool selection when hovering notes.
Sequence Editor: When using different MIDI channels per note, the "Choose Focused Channel" function was not working anymore. Fixed.
Grid editor: The mouse display showed a percentage value but it's irrelevant in the grid editor. Fixed.
MuLab for Windows: Key strokes that are unused by a focused VST editor are now processed by MuLab.
Clicking the background of the top control bar of a VST editor moves keyboard focus to MuLab.
MUX Modular VST for Windows: Unused key strokes are forwarded to the host.
Fixed a stereo signal processing issue in the Pure Delay. At the same time the "Stereo Mode" option has been removed as now the Pure Delay does automatic mono/stereo signal handling like most other modules.
Improved behavior wrt sound files with invalid marker data, which could potentially even cause a crash. Fixed.
Renamed "Set Beats Per Bar" to "Set Time Signature".
Added explicit crash protection against a unreal case in PolySynth processing that was/is assumed to never happen. (The log file will tell if it ever does happen)
Improved behavior in case a VST causes a problem during instanciation.
When there are multiple edit fields in a panel, the Tab key now steps thru these fields.
Text string fields: Sometimes the selection was not indicated when it should. Fixed.
Several improvements which make the GUI more instant and snappy.
In some cases while live resizing windows, they were not immediately fully updated. Fixed.
Fixed a potential crash bug when lassoing a selection in an empty string display.
When opening a project with missing audio files and choosing the Search All option, then in some cases the dialog could get in an infinite loop. Fixed.
An important bug fix, too technical to describe, but besides unexpected behavior it could potentially even cause a crash, so it's an important fix.
Doubled the maximum supported screen width from 4096 to 8192 pixels.
Plus other improvements.
Mutools MUX MUX v 7.3.6 Mar 11, 2017 Windows
The whole GUI now is rescalable up to 200%. See the "GUI Scale" preference. A rescalable UI is relevant for users using high-res monitors and/or who need an increased size for eye comfort. Also relevant wrt touch-screens. Screens are getting bigger and bigger and hence the MuLab & MUX GUI was getting smaller and smaller on those screens. This new feature handles that.
New "Plug-In Slot" module. It's like a single rack slot and can be put on a front panel.
Preferences panel now includes a search field.
All tree lists: Improved search behavior:
Starts searching from the cursor downwards, eventually looping to the start of the list.
[Ctrl]+G searches again for the next match.
After 1 sec, typing new characters for the search string will create a new search string.
Popup value dialogs could be positioned on a improper position. Fixed.
Text inputs: Improved and more compliant behavior, including support for undo, stepping/selecting thru words by holding Ctrl, ...
VST editors: Finetuned layout when the VST editor itself is smaller than the minimum width for the host wrapper window.
Project browser -> Audio Files: Support for selecting multiple files.
Renaming Tracks, Racks, etc...: The current name is always filled into the edit field, even when it's using the automatic name.
Moving windows via [Alt]+drag border does not limit the window at the top anymore, the window is freely movable.
Added protection against resizing the top of a window into the non-accessible area of the main screen, eg. avoid dragging the top of a window under the MacOS title bar area.
MuLab top keyboard now takes all width it can take.
Step sequencer: When the composition is cycling, then in a very exceptional case the step sequencer could be confused about the start of a bar/beat/loop and hence only start playing the pattern a bar/beat/loop later. Fixed.
Dropping an Input/Output module on a rack slot caused a crash. Fixed.
Resizing a MUX front panel, making it too small resulted in odd behavior. Fixed.
Fixed a potential sonic bug in the noise generator.
Added "Right-Click Deletes Notes" preference.
MUX VST: When editing meta-parameters, in some hosts there could be an editing lag. Fixed.
More detailed log file wrt. diagnosing VST issues.
Mutools MUX v 7.2.23 Jan 14, 2017 Windows
Support for "New.MuRack" preset file: Whenever you create a new rack, then the "New.MuRack" preset file will automatically be loaded if it exists.
Sequence Player: When used inside the PolySynth the sequence editor was not showing the play position. Fixed.
Event Delay module: When using heavy randomization on short note events, that could lead to hanging notes. Fixed.
Inserting or dropping a module, MUX preset or VST into a rack now is an undoable step. At the same time this also fixes a potential crash issue when undoing related steps.
When having deleted a Send from a rack and undoing that, the Send's connections were not restored. Fixed.
Dropping a meta-parameter on another meta-parameter could cause a crash in specific cases. Fixed.
Oscillator: When used outside PolySynth, switching it off/on now resets the multi-layers.
Copy-pasting multi-layer setups between oscillators didn't work anymore. Fixed.
Fixed a potential crash when opening VST editors.
Note Dispatcher module: Overlapping notes with the same key could result in hanging notes. Fixed.
Fixed a recent new bug that could potentially cause some playback issues with parallel automation parts.
Finetuned rendering of automation and modulation envelopes into controller and parameter events. Previously in specific cases there could be small value offsets. Fixed.
As a consequence of the finetuned rendering of automation and modulation envelopes, the "Resolution" parameter has been removed from the Parameter Event Generator module editor.
MuLab: Pasting sequence parts now creates unique sequence parts, unless the "Standard Copy Part Is Shared Copy" preference is switched on.
MuLab: Double-clicking a MuProject file to launch MuLab with that project file did not properly work anymore due to a recent new bug. Fixed.
MuLab Free: Removed the limit on using multi-channel / multi-timbral MIDI tracks.
MuLab Free: Removed the limit on the number of MIDI inputs/outputs.
MUX Modular VST: Fixed a bug that could lead to crashes upon deleting the last MUX VST instance in the host.
MUX Modular VST: Fixed a broken link towards the docs.
includes MUX v 7.2.17 Dec 10, 2016 Windows

Fixed a possible crash bug in the VST plug-in scanner.
MUX Modular VST: Improved support using MUX Modular VST in Bitwig Studio on MacOS.
MUX Modular VST: Fixed a possible little memory leak.


MUX Modular VST

MUX Modular VST for MacOS 64 bit!
Features all improvements and extensions from M7.1.28 to M7.2.8 thus including the new Grain Player module and much more.
Unused keyboard events are forwarded to the host. It still depends on the host how it handles such events.
Improved protection against hosts that do invalid multi-threaded UI function calls.
Upon opening the editor there could be a black background for a split second. Fixed.

Common Improvements (MuLab and MUX Modular)

Grain Player: Added a new "Playback II" mode: In this mode the effective grain length is independent of the pitch.
The "Rounded Corners" preference has been renamed to "Button & Frame Corners" and now has 3 options instead of only 2 before. The default rounding of buttons and corners now is a more subtle one.
Added a new preference "Button Gradient Intensity". The more this goes to zero, the more flat the buttons are.
The "Audio Level Solid Display" preference has been renamed to "Audio Level Display Style" and now is a percent value so you have smooth control over whether audio level meters should look solid or interleaved, or something in-between. The new default is a quite solid one but with a subtle interleaving.
Fixed an audio waveform drawing bug that occurred in certain cases.
Dropping a parameter on a meta-parameter did not always popup the meta-parameter map dialog. Fixed.
The meta-parameter map dialog did not always close when pressing [Esc] as should. Fixed.
While scanning VSTs, even more detailed info is logged to the system log.
Upon startup, when opening projects using samples that have changed in length meanwhile, now any updated markers are reported for your info.
When ReWire is not installed, this could create an error log. Fixed.
Event List Editor: Clicking events only highlighted them after the mouse was moved again. Fixed.
Sequence editor: Event Property Panel tooltips were not always the right ones for the selected event type. Fixed.
Moving VST editors: Position was not restored exactly. Fixed.
Finetuned behavior for editor windows that are too much off screen.
Improved Factory Library.
modular MUX v 7.0 Jun 1, 2016 Windows
* Enhanced Audio Tracks
* Easified Audio Recording
* Improved Audio Parts
* Snap Markers
* Step Sequencer / Arpeggiator
* Audio-rate Parameter Modulation (Also realizes modular FM)
* Modulation Sample & Hold
* Parameter Value Randomizer
* Pitch Bend Generator
* Enhanced Racks
* Rack Freeze/Render
* User Definable Grids
* Swing Parameter (Global + Per Part)
* Improved Piano Roll
* Improved Look & Feel
* Enhanced Sound & Factory Library
* Many many more improvements!
plug-in MUX v 6.1.29 Dec 6, 2014 Windows
MUX Modular

New synth module: "Multiform Oscillator". Supports creating, importing and using wave tables in a high-quality and modular way. See this intro video.
Improved sound quality when importing arbitrary sized waveforms.
Waveforms: New "Clipboard -> Append" function that appends the waveform on the clipboard to the target waveform.
All sounds using the internal oscillator might sound a little bit better by fixing a specific rounding error.
Optimized sample memory management.
VST plug-ins: Enhanced denormalizations guard.
Note Modifier: Velocity parameter can be set to 12700% so to practically max out all velocities.
Fixed a potential crash bug when trying to paste a module while no module is on the clipboard.
Fixed a couple of issues with the Parameter Event Generator module.
Fixed a specific problem in the VST engine which caused that the timing info given to the plugin was not ok at the end of the composition loop in case the audio engine block size was an integer multiple of the loop length.
MUX Modular Plug-In: Improved host compatibility.
MUX Modular Plug-In: All MUX-related benefits of MuLab 6.0.35: New MuSampla version 2, improved MuDrum, rack slots now include a process on/off switch, improved multi-sample editor, and many more improvements which all together make a big difference! Cfr the M6.0.35 change log below.


Rename automation parts didn't work as expected. Fixed.
Automation parts: In some cases the play position line was not positioned right. Fixed.
When importing MuClips, the session could contain multiple similar grids. Fixed.
Sequence function Quantize Length will now avoid creating triggered notes.
Fixed an issue in the composer when using overlapped parts.
The "MIDI Output Time Compensation" setting now is a real-time editable preference: See Edit Preferences -> "MIDI Output Time Shift".


Audio Files and Samples: New context functions "Add Recurring Markers" and "Delete Selected Markers".
New preference "Middle C Index" allows you to set the middle C to C3 or C4 or C5. Default is C4.
REX file loader: Improved protection against exceptional/wrong REX files.
In some cases when deleting multiple objects at the same time, only some of them were effectively deleted. Fixed.
Factory Library Folder and User Library Folder are now editable preferences. This allows for a more customizable setup.
effect MUX v 5.5.2 Apr 25, 2014 Windows
When using mono legato the filters are now also properly applying key tracking.
The Multi-point Envelope velocity sensitivity was not working correctly. Fixed.
synth MUX v 5.5.1 Mar 4, 2014 Windows
OSX: Fixed a problem with certain VST editors turning white.
OSX: After having clicked on VST editors clicking in the main window only activated the window without actually processing that click. Fixed.
MUX VST: Added a workaround for a possible crash problem in Steinberg hosts eg Cubase.
MUX VST: Added a workaround for a resize problem in Steinberg hosts eg Cubase.
MUX VST: Fixed a possible UI lag problem when using multiple MUX VST plug-ins.
MUX VST: In some hosts, in certain situations where note-ons and note-offs are sent on the same time, there were hanging notes. Fixed.
New "Audio Pos/Neg Splitter" module.
More subtle and less dense time bar.
Windows: Default Audio Setup now uses MME Sound Mapper.
Windows: "MME Audio" renamed to "MME Audio Output".
New preference: DefaultAutoScroll defines the default value for the auto scroll feature of the editors.
When deleting a module that is a track's target module, the track header was not immediately redrawn. Fixed.
Sometimes small tooltips were displayed incorrectly vertically. Fixed.
VST plug-ins "Edit In Generic Editor" function not shown in context menu when the VST plug-in has no parameters.
download MUX v 5.4.1 Feb 2, 2014 Windows
New "Note Mapper" module. Can be used to map single notes to chords, apply a key scale, ...
For details, see this doc page.
The popup list for rack slots now also contains all relevant modules so these can be used directly without the need for a wrapper MUX.
Composer, Note Editor and Multi-Sample Editor: Control+click in the middle of a part/note/zone now also deletes it. (Control+drag still copies)
When docked browser is minimized, the "Show Browser" function will make sure it is not minimized anymore as that could be confusing.
Composer, Note Editor and Multi-Sample Editor: When hovering the start/end of a part/note/zone, the cursor now shows a left-right resize cursor, which is more appropriate/standard than a pencil cursor.
When deleting parts/notes using Ctrl+mouse, and when just clicking (i.e. not lassoing) then all selected parts/events are deleted. (if the clicked part/event is selected too)
When recording new parts, the newly recorded part becomes the only selected part.
MultiSampla: Clicking the multi-sample display didn't popup the multi-sample list. Fixed.
Audio Editor: Right-click on time bar -> "Create Locator" caused a crash. Fixed.
Audio Editor: Right-click on time bar -> "Set Locator" wasn't properly working. Fixed.
Increased the VST MIDI input buffer size.
Windows: New preference "WindowsProcessPriority" which allows to set a higher process priority on Windows, resulting in a more solid audio engine.
mac MUX v 5.2.16 Sep 23, 2013 Windows

Reworked UI system resulting in a better looking and more uniform look & feel.
Redesigned all factory devices: MuSynth, MuDrum, MuPad, MuSampla, MultiSampla, MuVerb and MuEcho!
Factory device colors can be easily customized.
Oscillators: All super layers (cfr "Fatness") can now be edited in detail, resulting in many more sound options. Such osc layer setups can also be copy-pasted and saved as presets.
MuSynth and PolySynth now have a polyphony setting.
PolySynth now also supports mono mode. (Legato mono mode)
New "Monophonic Note Tracker" module with which you can do retriggered mono mode.
Factory Devices also available via the Browser -> MUX -> Factory Library.
Automatic conversion from MuVerb 1 to MuVerb 2.
Renamed the "Stereo Echo" factory device to "MuEcho" for uniformity.
MuDrum editor: You can also right-click jacks, just like in the deep modular editors.
Improved the multi-mode filter response.
Improved "Drum Note Processor" editor.
Editable colors for the factory devices.
MUX deep editor now also includes the preset display/selector at the top.
Module process on/off button now shows a standard power on/off icon. The voice count now is shown in the tool tip.
The module process on/off LED will turn red if the voice count is at max so to easily diagnose voice overflows. (eg because of (too) long release times)
Larger modular jacks, thus easier to connect.
Disabled parameters (eg filter "Gain" when set to lowpass) are drawn in a ghostly way instead of fully hidden.
Added support for copy-pasting parameter values, as well via the context menu, as well via drag-drop.
Audio recorder editor: Improved layout.
Audio recorder: Auto Normalize is off by very default. (but still a user's choice)
Recorded part(s) are automatically selected.
Added protection against VSTs that send events that are outside the valid time range.
"Insert User Key" dialog uses a more wide input field and also shows an already inserted key.
Session mixdown setup is also stored in session file.
MUX Vst: Added protection against improper reported sample rates by the host.
Improved factory library. Also thanks to Andreas!


Audio file -> Rename Source File function was not working accurately when the new file name already existed. Fixed.
When muting a MuSynth/MuPad/MuSampla FX slot, and moving the module away from that slot, then this left a confusing virtual mute on the FX slot. Fixed.
When mixing down, MuLab now returns "kVstProcessLevelOffline" to the VST "audioMasterGetCurrentProcessLevel" opcode. Important for the behavior of some VST plugins during mixdown.
Dropping a multi-channel MuClip on a new track properly sets the new track's MIDI channel to "Per Part".
In certain situations, note-offs that happened at the same time as a new note on, did not get prioritized. Even more they could be a sample frame too late. Fixed.
Fixed an issue in the shortcut system when using certain 'Specific' target functions.
Fixed a bug wrt popup menu font sizes eg in case user had set a "MenuFontSize" preference.
Fixed some crash bugs in case dropping things on the composer while no composition is selected i.e. when composer shows "No Composition".
Fixed a rare potential memory leak.
windows MUX v 1.2.0 Oct 19, 2012 Windows

Note Key/Velocity Filter module.
Bit Reducer module.
Samplerate Reducer module.
Modulation Monitor module.
You can now copy-paste selections of audio files/samples directly into an oscillator.


Waveform -> "Open" now previews the audio files while browsing.
The "SetChunkMustCallUpdateDispay" preference now defaults to 1 so this feature is active by default.
Text string editors: Shift+Home selects from start to cursor, Shift+End selects from cursor to end.
"Audio To Note Gate" renamed to "Audio Envelope Follower" and includes a modulation output.
Finetuned the "Manage Audio/Sample Files" function.
File path editors are much wider by default so to display more of longer file paths.
By default VST parameter values are shown as % values, no mixed situations anymore.
More relaxed checking of the user key e.g. line breaks in the key are filtered out.
Event Monitor now has a "Clear" context function.
Finetuned an UI detail in the parameter drag-drop system.
Finetuned a detail in the module parameter handling resulting in even smoother parameter slides via UI or automation.
All windows now properly do maximize/restore. So after a maximize you can restore to the previous position/size.
Double-clicking a window title bar also does maximize/restore.
Tweaked several other aspects in the UI.
Extended and tuned preset library.


In some cases "Show Clipboard Contents" didn't show the most detailed info.
OSX: When doing "Move To Top-Left" for a window, the apple title bar now is taken into account.
Fixed a bug when using parent modulation towards the PolySynth.
Fixed a bug w.r.t. using VST synths in a MUX, then such saved MUX preset was not categorized as an instrument preset.
Fixed a bug which could cause different kinds of problems in the 64 bit version.
Improved MIDI input controller support.
Fixed a little bug that caused an improper focus box in some situations.
Audio Envelope Follower now properly saves Key and Velocity properties.
Fixed a little bug in the object naming system.
Fixed: UI splitters didn't show a hand cursor anymore.
When editing a parameter mapping, Cancel did not restore the original values.
Fixed a bug in the parameter modulation system which caused individual modulations to be unintendedly bound to the [-100% - +100%] range.
macintosh MUX v 1.0.38 Aug 14, 2012 Windows
* Finetuned Multi-Point Envelope: Now only starts auto-playing when event input is not connected.
pc MUX v 1.0.37 Aug 11, 2012 Windows
* Finetuned ReWire engine.
* Fixed a bug in the VST plugin manager when there were more than 1 plugins with the same name.
* Improved multi-monitor support on Windows.
MUX v 1.0.36 Aug 7, 2012 Windows
* Finetuned support for external drag-drop.
* Shortcut system: For MIDI Controller shortcuts you can now define a value range.
* Event Delay module: In the meta-parameter map editor, the displayed Delay Time value was not the right one. Fixed.
* Parameter Event Generator: When changing connections while editor was open, the parameter list was not updated. Fixed.
* VST plugins can now also be opened with the generic editor.
* Finetuned Fair Syn Vox preset.
* Finetuned the Stereo Echo UI.
MUX v 1.0.31 Jul 27, 2012 Windows
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Other Software by Mutools (3)

Audio/midi sequencer. MU.LAB is an alternative, state of the art software application for OSX and Windows, transforming your computer into a rich virtual music studio! It does not...
Audio-midi sequencer. MU.LAB is an alternative, state of the art software application for OSX and Windows, transforming your computer into a rich virtual music studio! It does not...
Reverberation. The MuVerb is a very nice sounding reverb plug-in that adds reverberation on the incoming audio The MuVerb is integrated into MuLab, and is now also available...
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