Library Monkey

Category Tools / Collecting and Cataloging
Version 4.2.4
Format App
Compatibility Library MonkeyMacOS X Intel
License Commercial Software
Price $129  /  119€
Updated On Jan 24, 2015
Total Downloads 211
Mac Downloads 211

Audio asset librarian and batch-processor

Library Monkey was built to offer exceptional ease of use, efficient features, and rock solid operation with advanced asset management and audio batch processing.

Features include:
- iTunes Database Importing
- Powerfully efficient and fast database structure
- Sets and Smart Sets for custom organizing
- Bins for temporary project searches
- Recent Search lists
- 30 custom user definable fields
- Comprehensive metadata editing
- Support for AIFF, AMR Narrowband, AU, FLAC, MP3 (LAME Codec support), MPEG4, OGG Vorbis/FLAC, Quicktime, Sound Designer II, and WAVE/BWAV
- Drag-n-drop into Pro Tools and other DAW sessions
- Droplets for instant drag-and-drop conversion within the OS X Finder
- Rapid Convert for conversion through Apple Services, the OS X Dock and Contextual Menus
- Peak and...
Library Monkey was built to offer exceptional ease of use, efficient features, and rock solid operation with advanced asset management and audio batch processing.

Features include:
- iTunes Database Importing
- Powerfully efficient and fast database structure
- Sets and Smart Sets for custom organizing
- Bins for temporary project searches
- Recent Search lists
- 30 custom user definable fields
- Comprehensive metadata editing
- Support for AIFF, AMR Narrowband, AU, FLAC, MP3 (LAME Codec support), MPEG4, OGG Vorbis/FLAC, Quicktime, Sound Designer II, and WAVE/BWAV
- Drag-n-drop into Pro Tools and other DAW sessions
- Droplets for instant drag-and-drop conversion within the OS X Finder
- Rapid Convert for conversion through Apple Services, the OS X Dock and Contextual Menus
- Peak and RMS normalizing
- Finder/Spotlight comment support
- Pull-up/pull-down and custom sample rates
- Forced sample rate option
- Retain Folder Structure option
- Naming options for Pro Tools compatibility with split audio files
- 31 Character Name Limit
- Playback preview
- and much more...
Library Monkey Library Monkey v 4.2.4 Jan 24, 2015 MacOS X Intel
Fixed Master List Font Issue
Fixed an issue where the Master List was difficult to read on Mac OS X Yosemite.

General enhancements
This version contains several other fixes and enhancements providing greater stability and efficiency.
Monkey Tools Library Monkey Library Monkey v 4.2.2 Sep 21, 2014 MacOS X UB
Fixed an issue in creating split audio files
Fixed an issue when creating split stereo audio files where the 2 channels would inadvertently be mixed before export.

Fixed an issue with metadata sourcing in the Metadata Tab
Fixed an issue that prevented sourcing metadata from the Database in the Metadata Tab.

Fixed an issue with Split File Extension Sets
Fixed an issue that prevented changing the Default Split File Extension Set.

Fixed an issue with opening Sessions
Fixed an issue that prevented opening Sessions.

Fixed issues with searching
  • Fixed an issue where the metadata fields to search would not be selected properly. -Fixed an issue where searching could cause the application to hang.

  • General enhancements
    This version contains several other fixes and enhancements providing greater stability and efficiency.
    Monkey Tools Library Monkey v 4.2 Nov 8, 2013 MacOS X UB
    Brand new Cocoa User Interface
    The entire User Interface has been rebuilt using Apple's Cocoa!

    Enhanced Volume Slider
  • Added current output gain display. -Added ability to OPTION+click to reset to unity gain.

  • Enhanced Broadcast WAVE functionality
    Introduced Broadcast WAVE as its own output file type. Selecting Broadcast WAVE ensures the Broadcast Extension is written to the file even if "Produce Metadata" is turned off.

    Enhanced MPEG 4 Support
  • Improved MPEG 4 import support to remove potential crash issues with malformed files.

  • Enhanced QuickTime File Support
  • Added a fix to workaround a crash in QuickTime that could be encountered when importing invalid audio files.

  • Added additional error handling when using QuickTime to read a movie's audio track and it fails.

  • Fixed an issue with storing the contents of Sets
    Fixed an issue where changing the name of a Library would cause any Sets containing Assets from the Library to not be stored properly.

    Fixed playback crashes
  • Fixed an issue where pressing the Fwd/Rew keyboard keys while the Asset List was empty would result in a crash. -Fixed an issue where holding Fwd would crash when reaching the end of the Asset.

  • General enhancements
    This version contains several other fixes and enhancements providing greater stability and efficiency.
    support Library Monkey v 4.1.7 Sep 18, 2012 MacOS X UB
    Fixed a potential crash issue with searches
    Fixed a crash issue when entering a search string with exclude keys where there were more include keys than exclude keys.

    Enhanced AIFF Support
  • Updated the AIFF support to calculate more accurate file durations.

  • Improved read support for 24 bit Integer encoded AIFC.

  • Enhanced WAVE Support
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a crash with malformed WAVE files.

  • Added import and read support for IEEE Float samples.

  • Enhanced SD2 Support
    Fixed some issues that could cause crashes when importing certain SD2 files.

    Fixed Mountain Lion Issues
  • Fixed MP3 file reading.

  • Fixed Edit menu issues.

  • Enhanced Float32 Audio Code Playback Support
    Audio files encoded as Float32 samples should now playback on recent versions of OS X.

    General enhancements
    This version contains several other fixes and enhancements providing greater stability and efficiency.
    audio Library Monkey v 4.1.5 Aug 8, 2012 MacOS X UB
    Mountain Lion Compatibility
    Fixed all known issues with Mountain Lion

    Fixed an issue with Serial Number Authorization
    Fixed an issue where the name text field did not appear when authorizing a Serial Number.

    General enhancements
    This version contains several other fixes and enhancements providing greater stability and efficiency.
    custom Library Monkey v 4.1.4 Jul 24, 2012 MacOS X UB
    Fixed an AIFF import issue
    Fixed a new issue introduced in previous AIFF import bug fixes that would cause some AIFF files to be imported incorrectly.

    Fixed issue with Apple Lossless export
    Fixed an issue with Apple Lossless export as a result of revisions to CoreAudio.

    General enhancements
    This version contains several other fixes and enhancements providing greater stability and efficiency.
    efficient Library Monkey v 4.1.3 May 1, 2012 MacOS X UB
  • Fixed a crash in Preferences

  • Fixed a crash when adjusting Preferences when there were no Preferences previously stored.

  • Fixed a hang on startup

  • Fixed a startup hang when there was no database present.

  • General enhancements

  • This version contains several other fixes and enhancements providing greater stability and efficiency.
    Monkey Tools
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