
Category Education and composition / Arrangers
Version 3.3
Format AppVST
Compatibility RapidComposerMacOS X Intel
License Commercial Software
Price $79 - $236
73€ - 218€
Updated On Sep 9, 2017
Total Downloads 3,680
Mac Downloads 2,036
Category Education and composition / Arrangers
Version 3.3
Format AppVST
Compatibility RapidComposerWindows
License Commercial Software
Price $79 - $236
73€ - 218€
Updated On Sep 9, 2017
Total Downloads 3,680
PC Downloads 1,644

Assisted composition

RapidComposer is a rapid music prototyping software designed for composers, song-writers and musicians of all musical styles.

Features :
- Advanced tools for phrase editing, phrase generation, phrase morphing, phrase grouping, motif development, chord progression editing,
- Timeline with chords which all phrases automatically conform to
- Piano roll with scale notes, visually editable chord notes, and smart arranging of overlapped notes in two styles.
- In-place non-destructive phrase-level and note-level editing
- 2D view of the composition with structure editor as opposed to 1D view of DAW applications
- Sophisticated MIDI CC editing and recording
- Articulations can be assigned to phrases or even individual notes
- Extensive scale, chord, guitar chord, chord progression...
RapidComposer is a rapid music prototyping software designed for composers, song-writers and musicians of all musical styles.

Features :
- Advanced tools for phrase editing, phrase generation, phrase morphing, phrase grouping, motif development, chord progression editing,
- Timeline with chords which all phrases automatically conform to
- Piano roll with scale notes, visually editable chord notes, and smart arranging of overlapped notes in two styles.
- In-place non-destructive phrase-level and note-level editing
- 2D view of the composition with structure editor as opposed to 1D view of DAW applications
- Sophisticated MIDI CC editing and recording
- Articulations can be assigned to phrases or even individual notes
- Extensive scale, chord, guitar chord, chord progression databases,
- Taggable instrument database of all MIDI, VSTi and SF2 presets in one place
- IdeaTool that can generate a multitrack composition based on the provided parameters and rules
- Unlimited undo and the ability to make several versions of the same composition
- Fully customizable user interface with preset themes
- Virtual instruments (VSTi v2.4 plugins) support
- SoundFont (.SF2) support
- Standalone and VST version with 128-channel MIDI output
RapidComposer RapidComposer v 3.3 Sep 9, 2017 MacOS X Intel
Redesigned chord palette, Chord Builder and Circle of Fifths added
New, improved progression editor built into the Chord Selector, "Progression Editor" tab was removed
The chord progression generator can use borrowed chords for more interesting progressions
New configurable 'Quick Suggestions' pop-up that offers chord suggestions, borrowed chords, chord substitutions, displays chords on scale and chord builder
Improved workflow when editing master track chords. It is easy to enter chords from computer or MIDI keyboard
'Circle OF Fifths' available for master track chords
Built-in Quick Start Tutorial
Improved audio file support: 16/24/32 bit signed/unsigned PCM or single precision floating point (mono or stereo) WAV/AIFF files can be loaded without limitation for the sampling rate
Double-click on an audio track will let you quickly import an audio file
MIDI file drag and drop improvements: drop files on master track, hold Ctrl to insert chord-relative phrases, trimming empty bars
One-click phrase preview can be activated at the top of the phrase browser ('play' icon)
Assign colors to parts and lines in the structure inspector
Chords displayed in the structure inspector
Structure inspector workflow improvements: add/remove/duplicate buttons are shown after adding or removing, no need to click again
Merge Compositions
Notes may have two articulations assigned
New variation: "Make Monophonic" that removes polyphonic notes and shortens notes to avoid overlapping
New option for "Convert To Relative Form": "Set Notes To Nearest Scale/Chord Note"
New setting: "Send VST Editor Keystrokes To RapidComposer"
New setting: "Make VST Editors Always On Top"
The preferred MIDI controllers and variations are added to imported MIDI tracks
'Transpose' can be added to newly created tracks with optional slider in track header
New 'Octave Transpose' slider in 'Transpose'
'Swing' improvements: negative values are possible, offset is specified in percent instead of an absolute duration
Settings / Preview offers chord preview octave and 'note on' velocity settings
Option to invert the piano roll vertical scroll direction in Settings
'Split Notes On Grid' and 'Split Notes On Playback Position' added to Phrase Editor
Many other small improvements and bug fixes
MusicDevelopments RapidComposer RapidComposer v 3.13 Dec 24, 2016 MacOS X Intel
Fixed: "Active Track (Chord+Bass)" could not be chosen from the chord preview menu
Fixed: Changing chord naming for the master track does not transpose phrases
Fixed: The downloaded extra phrases were not sorted into subdirectories as in earlier versions
[VST] Chord preview did not work without a track selection, and other issues
[VST] Problems with Local Sequencer fixed
[VST] Fixes for non-sounding notes at the beginning when host provides strange sample offsets
[OS X] Fixed crash when initiating dragging
[OS X] Shift key did not work with shortcuts
MusicDevelopments RapidComposer v 3.11 Nov 12, 2016 MacOS X Intel
MIDI Import: chord detection improved
MIDI Import: errors in MIDI files (overlapped and zero-length notes) handled gracefully during import
Fixed crash that occured during startup under some circumstances
Fixed regression (rendering problems when using 'Join Notes' in a track)
chord RapidComposer v 3.04 Jul 31, 2016 MacOS X Intel
June 27, 2016: v3.04 (OS X and Windows)

Fixed the issue when EZkeys/EZdrummer had no sound when the composition was reloaded

June 20, 2016: v3.03 (OS X and Windows)

[OS X] VST editor window size was not correct for NI Massive. Dynamic sizing of the VST editor window by the plug-in works well.
Fixed division by zero crash when there was no valid audio interface set
Better error handling when setting up audio. Alert windows appear over the application window rather than behind it...
Text editing issue fixed which appeared in v3.01. Second Enter press was ignored.
Fixed: pop-up help did not appear after some time

June 5, 2016: v3.02 (OS X and Windows)

"Deactivate License" button added under Support
All issues with the timeline resize handle were fixed. Better visibility when scrolling to the rightmost position.
Sometimes chords with an octave '5' appeared in generated progressions. This is fixed.
Possible crash in melody generator fixed
[OS X] Rare crash fixed when clicking with the mouse
[OS X] Text editing box remained on screen when editing the timecode or song position

May 24, 2016: v3.01 (OS X and Windows)

Ctrl-Alt-O (Windows) or command-option-O (OS X) or Alt/option+click on "Open Composition..." will skip loading the VST plug-ins
Added 'group' entry in the Save Phrase dialog
'Expression' can be used for velocity scaling. Its value goes from 0 to 200% which means the velocity values can be multiplied by 2
Fixed hanging during dropping a rhythm pattern to 'Apply Rhythm'
Fixed a bug when saving custom phrases
[OS X] Fixed crash during chord entry in Chord Rules Editor

May 11, 2016: v3.0 (OS X and Windows)

The whole user interface was reworked
Standard cut/copy/paste/delete/duplicate... operations work on the 4 keyboard focus areas (track list, composition, timeline, master track)
Customizing all colors is possible, import/export UI themes
Customizing keyboard shortcuts, import/export shortcuts, export them as html, or open in browser
The newly rewritten Idea Tool is more flexible, logical and easier to use than before and is part of the main composition workspace
Standard cut/copy/paste/delete operations work in the phrase editor
Various note transformations through shortcuts and more note coloring options in the phrase editor
More note coloring options
New rhythm browser
Rhythm can be dragged from one phrase to the other, or from the rhythm browser to phrases
Improved rhythm editing, add rests, alter note lengths
New variation: "Apply Rhythm". You can slice notes of an existing phrase using a rhythm pattern.
New rhythm generator: "Euclidean Rhythm"
New phrase generator: "Arpeggiator"
Improved stability
Dozens of other improvements
editing RapidComposer v 2.9 Jun 19, 2015 MacOS X Intel
Harmonization of melody using two different algorithms.
Brand new VST plug-in which communicates with the application through a bridge
The new note inspector lets you conveniently edit the properties of multiple notes, with several transformations on selected notes
Improved rhythm editing
New variation: 'Simplify Phrase' to make the rhythm simpler of any phrase
New variation: 'Adjust Note Lengths v2' for fine control of note lengths, even with envelopes
New variation: 'Add Chord Notes' which is similar to 'Add Interval' but adds only chord notes
New variation: 'Extract Rhythm'
Ghost copies can be moved to other tracks. This opens new possibilities in the program.
It is possible to specify the length of the rhythm to allow rhythmic repetitions for longer phrases.
'Join Notes' has a new option to inhibit joining notes at chord boundaries
'Add Interval' offers interval of 'second'
New note mappings: 'Bass note+semitones' and 'Bass note+scale steps'
The application can send certain keystrokes to the VST host in VST bridge mode (see Settings / Miscellaneous)
It is possible to use 'Render Phrase With Variations' on absolute phrases.
Octave is not shown in chord names on the master track when using roman numeral notation
Chord inversion is displayed on the master track using less space to improve readability
New phrase generator preview button to play back all other tracks with the phrase
'Apply' button is enabled when you edit a phrase from the phrase inspector
'Add To Clipboard' button added in the phrase editor
Dragging the piano keyboard vertically and zooming (Ctrl-drag) works in the Phrase Editor and Phrase Inspector
The master track inspector opens when you right-click on the master track header
Pressing Shift during moving or resizing notes will ignore the snap setting
The Idea Tool has a new setting to leave existing track configuration untouched.\tThis means the instruments, variations and MIDI controllers will not be overwritten by the Idea Tool.
Note lengths are not expressed in beats anymore. Quarter note (1/4) is used as a 'beat'.
[VST] fix a crashing bug during MIDI import
Bug fix: the state of some VST plug-ins were not saved in the history (program change was not always detected)
Bug fix: a MIDI file importing problem when tracks with the same name and channel were treated as one track fixed
Bug fix: sometimes the window became very wide when the application started
Other fixes and increased stability
phrase RapidComposer v 2.83 Feb 16, 2015 MacOS X Intel
MIDI rendering bug fixed during loop playback
MIDI export handles overlapping notes correctly when beginning at the same time
.rcUI extension is added automatically when saving UI themes
When filling a track with phrases, the default length for generators is used
It is not possible to fill a track with Phrase Morpher anymore
Fixed wrong colors when 'Color: By Common Notes' was used in palette
New color scheme for 'Color: By Common Notes'
Bug fix for the chord buttons displaying '...' in the phrase preview
notes RapidComposer v 2.82 Jan 28, 2015 MacOS X Intel
Faster Undo/Redo when VST plug-ins used; VST states are not restored unnecessarily
'Collapse All' button added in the Variations browser
New setting: Remember browser positions and sizes (disabled by default)
Import MIDI continuous controllers from MIDI files
'Loading composition...' is displayed during loading a composition and loading VST plug-ins, which may take seconds
MIDI controllers are reset when playback is starting (Reset All Controllers + reset pan and volume)
Browser filter button colors can be set in the preferences and are part of the UI theme
Fixed timeline selection by Shift-dragging which selected beats beyond the end of line
Fixed 'Remove First Beat' and 'Insert One Beat Before First' in phrase editor
Bug fix: when a chord progression was dropped on the timeline sometimes the previously selected progression was used
Bug fix: Undo sometimes created unwanted VSTi plug-in instances
Bug fix: compositions containing 'Line' generator were not loaded
Bug fix: loading an idea preset made phrases and variations appear multiple times
Bug fix: note velocity values were reset sometimes during loop playback
Various other optimizations and bug fixes
composition RapidComposer v 2.8 Jan 6, 2015 MacOS X Intel
Brand new redesigned phrase/instrument/scale/chord/chord progression browsers with advanced searching, filtering, tagging, grouping, sorting, displaying capabilities, using conditional expressions when needed. Use the 'right click' to preview or add tags.
It is possible to arrange custom phrases in hierarchical directories.
Removing a phrase is non-destructive (a dot is inserted in front of the filename which will be ignored)
Assign tags to multiple instruments, phrases. It is also possible to display and filter by tags.
Very precise MIDI sequencer used automatically when all tracks are MIDI
MIDI only usage is possible without setting an audio interface
[VST] An internal sequencer is added. It is possible to choose between local transport or host transport.
[VST] The internal logic was reworked. As a result the plug-in will work better (especially looping) in some hosts.
Each track has its own midi output device, allowing virtually unlimited number of midi outputs
MIDI drag-and-drop is possible directly on a track or in the phrase editor
Holding down the Ctrl key when dropping a phrase from the browser over a phrase in the composition will extract the rhythm from the source phrase which is then applied to the target phrase
It is possible to specify key-switch velocity for articulations
New note shape preference offers note graphical rendering with narrowing end
16th note triplet added to the available snap and grid options
'Collapse All' button is added to browsers
Exporting tracks as individual WAV/AIFF files
'Split Phrases At Bar Boundaries' added to Timeline inspector
New scale type: Auto (scale is assigned automatically based on the chord)
Fixed note articulations
Other bug fixes
download RapidComposer v 2.73 Sep 25, 2014 MacOS X Intel
Melody Generator handles scale changes inside the phrase
New option in melody generator to use scale+chord notes (even if chord has notes that are outside the scale)
New preference: "Allow transposition in guitar tracks"
New preference: "Open VST plug-in editor window after it was loaded"
Fix a bug when the phrases were not recalculated when the chord changed in the chord suggestion pop-up
Bass Generator fixed (connecting notes were transposed unnecessarily)
Chord suggestion popup does not close for an inside click, only closed when you click outside
MIDI program change is not inserted into MIDI clips for VST/SF2 tracks, and for MIDI tracks using the 'No Patch Change' preset
Issues with gluing phrases in a guitar track fixed
[OS X][VST] due to a software build issue logging was enabled, making the plug-in irresponsive
mac RapidComposer v 2.7 Aug 13, 2014 MacOS X Intel
Chord suggestions (left click on a chord)
It is easier to input chords using the MIDI keyboard or by entering text
Phrase local history implemented: save and recall previous states of phrase generation
The scale, tempo and signature properties are displayed on the master track and editable with a single click\tRight/secondary click on the master track allows you to add or remove scale/tempo/signature.
Chord progression rules editing
Chord progression generation based on probability rules
About 260 new chord progressions for major and minor scales used in pop music (registered version only)
It is possible to set the initial length of the inserted phrase generators
New phrase variation: 'Spread Out Chord Notes' to make a fuller sound from any phrase
4 new schemes are added to the Chord Generator to spread out chord notes in octaves
Chord names fixed in traditional notation
Fixes in chord palette to remember window size
Bug fix: crashing issues when enabling "Start With Empty Master Track" fixed
Bug fix: freezing when saving composition for the first time eliminated
Bug fix: MIDI export and MIDI drag and drop from the VST plug-in to the host did not work well
Bug fix: chord preview did not work well in the VST plug-in
Other bug fixes
windows RapidComposer v 2.63 Apr 30, 2014 MacOS X Intel
[VST] Serious bug when restoring the VST plug-in state fixed
Bug fix for selecting a timeline range
macintosh RapidComposer v 2.62 Apr 17, 2014 MacOS X Intel
[OS X] Fix MIDI drag-and-drop on Studio One
Fix for a crashing bug when renaming parts or lines in the structure inspector
pc RapidComposer v 2.61 Apr 12, 2014 MacOS X Intel
April 9, 2014: v2.61 (Windows only)

[Windows] Drag-and-drop stopped working in the program. Fixed.

April 9, 2014: v2.6 (OS X and Win)

[OS X] 64-bit VST plug-in and standalone is included
Idea Tool is usable in the VST plug-in (in full edition)
New phrase generator: Strings Staccato Generator with Density setting
New phrase generator: Piano Run Generator with several techniques
New phrase generator: Dyads Run
New variation: Mirror Vertically (melodic inversion)
Two new phrase properties added: 'Mask Beginning' and 'Time Offset'
Dragging the left edge of a phrase masks notes at the beginning
Shift-dragging a phrase changes the time offset of the phrase events
Sending and receiving MIDI Start/Stop/Continue and sending MIDI Clock messages implemented
'Velocity' added to variations so that you have full control over note on velocities
Unghost phrases
Timeline range selection changed: use Shift-drag and Shift-click for selection/deselection
Fill track with phrases can use the timeline range
[OS X] Virtual MIDI Output created that you can select as source in your DAW
During note editing the note name is displayed next to the mouse pointer
'Persist Name' and 'Auto Increment' added to the phrase editor to improve workflow
An optional name field is added to 'Save Selected Phrases' which is auto-incremented if it contains a number.
Progress information is displayed when saving phrases, loading and analysing MIDI files
MIDI drag-and-drop improvements: drag selected range on the timeline or active part/line only
UI improvements on the VST settings page, "Scan For Plug-ins" implemented
'Triplet' and 'Eighth Note Triplet' snap and grid is available in rhythm 'Manual Editing'
'Split Phrases At Chord Boundaries' in timeline inspector (Keyboard shortcut: '|')
Batch conversion of MIDI files to phrases
Adjustable Popup Help Delay in the preferences
'New composition' default settings can be specified in the preferences
It is possible to disable soundfont rendering in the RC VST plug-in
[OS X] UI rendering improvements to decrease processor usage during playback
[OS X] Foundation classes and VST plug-in handling reworked to increase stability
New keyboard shortcut for 'Select All Phrases In Current Track': Ctrl-A
New keyboard shortcut for 'Regenerate All Selected Generators' : Ctrl-G
New keyboard shortcut for 'Select Nth Track' : Alt-1..9
Fix for a bug when splitting phrases that had 'scale' as the resizing mode
Fix window resizing issue when in full screen mode
Built-in sequencer was made very precise
Latency issues with loop playback were fixed
Occasional muted notes during playback of a humanized track fixed
Chord palette does not reset its settings and window size when new chord selected
Empty beats are not removed when saving a phrase in the Phrase Editor
General MIDI Controller set was not added to imported MIDI tracks when set in the preferences.
MIDI controllers are named from the controller set when a composition is loaded
Fix for a possible chord progression library corruption in the Idea Tool
Fix for various problems during MIDI import
[Windows] MIDI drag and drop improvements (with StudioOne)
[OS X] Fix for a crashing menu handling bug
RapidComposer v 2.55 Jan 21, 2014 MacOS X Intel
It is possible to resize phrases by dragging the left edge
Group name can be specified when saving phrases from the inspector
Zoom tracks vertically by Ctrl-drag or click-and-hold in the track header
Settings like loop/region/zoom/scrollbar positions saved with the composition
Besides double-click you can also use Alt-click to split/join chords
Browsers and inspectors can be placed on top when clicked inside
Loading custom MIDI instruments/presets is possible
Phrase preview shows note accents/velocities by shading the notes
Ghost phrases did not render the expressions properly
Fix for the KORG M1 VSTi plug-in crash
Fix Schillinger's Interference: 'No Event' did not work well
[VST] Looping fixed when using Sonar
[OS X] Several fixes to improve stability
Under the hood: program initialization reworked
RapidComposer v 2.53 Dec 5, 2013 MacOS X Intel
Variations can be muted
'Collapsed' state preserved in the variation list when adding or deleting variations
Rests variation uses 1/8th beat increments
Chord Magnet can be applied for lines, parts or the whole composition
Pressing 'W' closes all open browser and inspector windows
Save Composition (or pressing 'S') provides visual feedback about the success of the save operation
Confirmation window opened when deleting phrases
New Master Track inspector button: 'Open Chords in Progression Editor'
Bug Fix: importing MIDI files that began with a 'note off' or 'note on with 0 velocity' crashed the program
Bug Fix: various issues with VSTi plug-ins used in the Idea Tool fixed
Bug Fix: possible crash when saving a long chord progression fixed (using 'Save Selected Chords As Progression')
Bug Fix: due to an internal reference issue composition sometimes could not be loaded
Bug Fix: the preview instrument menu in the phrase and progression browser is updated when new tracks added
Bug Fix: history was not saved sometimes
RapidComposer v 2.52 Dec 1, 2013 MacOS X Intel
Bug Fix: using 'Save Selected Chords As Progression' crashed
Bug fix: [OS X] VST plug-ins could not be added and used
RapidComposer v 2.52 Nov 27, 2013 MacOS X Intel
November 27, 2013: v2.52 (OS X only!)

Bug fix: [OS X] VST plug-ins could not be added and used

November 26, 2013: v2.51 (OS X and Win)

New variations: 'Rests' and 'Adjust Note Lengths'
Snap allows until 1/256 beat
Click&hold zoom implemented on the timeline: hold the mouse button for a short time without moving the mouse to zoom
Bug Fix: playback played the previous timeline region even when it was turned off
Bug Fix: 'Regenerate All Selected Generators' crashed when using ghosts
Bug Fix: visual anomalies when new item added in browser windows fixed
Bug Fix: [Win] ASIO compatibility with some soundcards improved
Bug Fix: [OS X] regenerating phrase generators in the idea tool caused sluggish behaviour
Bug Fix: [OS X] resizing browser windows work now
RapidComposer v 2.5 Nov 19, 2013 MacOS X Intel
New phrase generator specialized for making melodies: Melody Generator (not found in LE version)
New rhythm generator: Bass Rhythm to create interesting rhythm patterns for bass
Custom phrases are saved in separate files. A phrase is written to file immediately when added to the browser.
Directory can be specified to store custom phrases in (Settings/Directories tab)
Chord palette reworked, bugs fixed, flats and sharps correctly displayed
Metronome added and redesigned UI in phrase editor
UI improvements on the MIDI Import panel
Composition templates supported, several templates provided
Note editing: 'Move Notes To New Phrase' in context pop-up menu
Add composition to history with comments (shortcut: K). It is easy to look up an earlier state.
[VST] stability improvements (Reaper does not crash at exit)
New keyboard shortcuts added for filling tracks with phrases and some shortcuts changed
Various fixes and improvements in the structure editor. Rearrange parts and lines by drag and drop.
Snap/Grid: Bar option
New phrase transpose mode: Octave
Shortcuts '1' to '9' to start editing lines 1 to 9, Ctrl-'1' to Ctrl-'9' edits parts 1 to 9
Shortcut 'Insert' inserts one beat at the timeline position, Ctrl-'Insert' inserts one bar
Shortcut '\' splits selected phrases at the timeline position
Resizing the generator phrases (dragging the right edge) works again
Specifying manual rhythm works in the idea tool
Exported MIDI sometimes included the metronome track. This is fixed.
The rhythm was not saved in the phrase browser for custom phrases that used "Manual Editing"
Scale preview fixed in the scale browser
Possible crash at MIDI import fixed (for corrupted MIDI files, or files containing unexpected data). MIDI import stability improved.
New editing setting to reset transposition when phrase is added by doubleclicking
Small size soundfonts added
Chord progression preview will use the right scale for major and minor scale formulas (in progression browser and progression editor)
Dozens of other smaller improvements and fixes
RapidComposer v 2.21 Aug 27, 2013 MacOS X Intel
User interface rendering optimized
Automatic update checking implemented
It is possible to add bank select messages to MIDI instruments (by manually editing an .rcINST file)
Fixed the crash when using 'Add Imported Tracks To Current Composition'
Fixed an issue with MIDI import that could cause the program to hang or crash
Fixed the crash when the MIDI keyboard sent a message to the chord palette which was opened in the phrase editor.
[VSTi] Window sizing problems with VST plug-in fixed
[OS X] Standalone version properly terminates when the window is closed
[OS X] Several bugs fixed in the VST plug-in (especially using with DP8)
Other bug fixes
RapidComposer v 2.2 Jun 30, 2013 MacOS X Intel
[OS X]: VSTi plug-in version released
It is possible to cut and join notes simply with a doubleclick inside the note
[Win] ASIO channel selection implemented
[OS X]: scrolling is smoother and in the right direction
[VSTi] race condition eliminated which fixes crashes with Nexus and results better stability with plug-ins
Editing ghost copies is disabled in note editing mode
Modal alert windows removed during start-up
Various fixes to increase stability
RapidComposer v 2.1 Jun 11, 2013 MacOS X Intel
Global and per-track phrase envelopes which phrases may automatically follow
4 algorithms offered for absolute-to-relative note conversion. Now you can work with scale-relative notes only, without depending on chord notes in the phrase.
AI improvements in chord detection when importing MIDI files
New master track option: magnet. Chords are automatically transposed and inverted for better voice leading
Magnet option is implemented for phrases. When enabled the phrase will be automatically transposed to minimize note distance between the previous and current phrase or from the phrase envelope (choose from 2 algorithms)
The Idea Tool is prepared to use the new voice leading improvements to produce musically more useful results
'Recents' menu added for opening compositions and importing MIDI files
Absoluterelative conversion is easier than ever by pressing keys '0' to '4'
3 new view options for the piano roll
Inspectors and browser panels can be resized by dragging the right bottom corner
Mouse wheel works over the workspace to scroll and zoom
New 'Support' panel
Cosmetic UI changes
Bug fix for highlighting the wrong buttons in the chord palette
Additional bug fixes
RapidComposer v 2.06 Apr 15, 2013 MacOS X Intel
It is possible to resize the timeline (add/remove beats to the line being edited) by dragging the right edge of the timeline
you can change the key of an existing composition (e.g. from C major to D minor) with chord harmonization if you check 'Harmonize Chords to Match Scale' in the master track inspector
fixed a bug which inhibited loading an idea in the Idea Tool
[Win] ASIO improvements
Lots of minor fixes and extra checks to increase stability especially on OS X
RapidComposer v 2.04 Mar 18, 2013 MacOS X Intel
Importing audio is possible and more convenient in the phrase inspector than in the track inspector
inspector fade in/out time can be set in the settings
new option in Idea Tool: selection of chord progression for the specified scale
fixed scale note shading on the piano roll
fixed an issue when after phrase editing the phrase was not updated in the composition
Ableton Live! called the VST plug-in 'close' function without calling 'open' first. This is handled gracefully now.
[Win64] windows x64 version will download the x64 update instead of the x86 file
[OS X] a problem was fixed when importing MIDI files that could cause crash or hanging
[OS X] an endianness bug was fixed when importing/exporting audio files
note parameters are fixed in sample phrases #9,#10,#11
other stability fixes
RapidComposer v 1.93 Jul 2, 2012 MacOS X Intel
X64 version of Windows standalone and VST plug-in
Snap and grid: Triplet added
Quantize added in Phrase Editor
Save phrase to database directly from context popup
SPACE starts/stops playback, Enter jumps back to start
[OS X] no annoying beep sound for key presses
Fixed possible crash in Idea Tool when the Edit button was clicked
Fixed bugs with 'Render Phrase With Variations' (note on velocity and editing in Phrase Editor)
Various bug fixes to increase stability (e.g. for unassigned chords, editing Line Generator)
RapidComposer v 1.91 May 15, 2012 MacOS X Intel
Fixed crash in LE version when the view (eye) icon is clicked in the track header
Fixed crash when clicking on "Scan Soundfonts"
Fixed a rare crash during building MIDI device menu
RapidComposer v 1.9 Apr 23, 2012 MacOS X Intel
First OS X release
RapidComposer RapidComposer v 3.3 Sep 9, 2017 Windows
Redesigned chord palette, Chord Builder and Circle of Fifths added
New, improved progression editor built into the Chord Selector, "Progression Editor" tab was removed
The chord progression generator can use borrowed chords for more interesting progressions
New configurable 'Quick Suggestions' pop-up that offers chord suggestions, borrowed chords, chord substitutions, displays chords on scale and chord builder
Improved workflow when editing master track chords. It is easy to enter chords from computer or MIDI keyboard
'Circle OF Fifths' available for master track chords
Built-in Quick Start Tutorial
Improved audio file support: 16/24/32 bit signed/unsigned PCM or single precision floating point (mono or stereo) WAV/AIFF files can be loaded without limitation for the sampling rate
Double-click on an audio track will let you quickly import an audio file
MIDI file drag and drop improvements: drop files on master track, hold Ctrl to insert chord-relative phrases, trimming empty bars
One-click phrase preview can be activated at the top of the phrase browser ('play' icon)
Assign colors to parts and lines in the structure inspector
Chords displayed in the structure inspector
Structure inspector workflow improvements: add/remove/duplicate buttons are shown after adding or removing, no need to click again
Merge Compositions
Notes may have two articulations assigned
New variation: "Make Monophonic" that removes polyphonic notes and shortens notes to avoid overlapping
New option for "Convert To Relative Form": "Set Notes To Nearest Scale/Chord Note"
New setting: "Send VST Editor Keystrokes To RapidComposer"
New setting: "Make VST Editors Always On Top"
The preferred MIDI controllers and variations are added to imported MIDI tracks
'Transpose' can be added to newly created tracks with optional slider in track header
New 'Octave Transpose' slider in 'Transpose'
'Swing' improvements: negative values are possible, offset is specified in percent instead of an absolute duration
Settings / Preview offers chord preview octave and 'note on' velocity settings
Option to invert the piano roll vertical scroll direction in Settings
'Split Notes On Grid' and 'Split Notes On Playback Position' added to Phrase Editor
Many other small improvements and bug fixes
MusicDevelopments RapidComposer RapidComposer v 3.13 Dec 24, 2016 Windows
Fixed: "Active Track (Chord+Bass)" could not be chosen from the chord preview menu
Fixed: Changing chord naming for the master track does not transpose phrases
Fixed: The downloaded extra phrases were not sorted into subdirectories as in earlier versions
[VST] Chord preview did not work without a track selection, and other issues
[VST] Problems with Local Sequencer fixed
[VST] Fixes for non-sounding notes at the beginning when host provides strange sample offsets
[OS X] Fixed crash when initiating dragging
[OS X] Shift key did not work with shortcuts
MusicDevelopments RapidComposer v 3.11 Nov 12, 2016 Windows
MIDI Import: chord detection improved
MIDI Import: errors in MIDI files (overlapped and zero-length notes) handled gracefully during import
Fixed crash that occured during startup under some circumstances
Fixed regression (rendering problems when using 'Join Notes' in a track)
chord RapidComposer v 3.04 Jul 31, 2016 Windows
June 27, 2016: v3.04 (OS X and Windows)

Fixed the issue when EZkeys/EZdrummer had no sound when the composition was reloaded

June 20, 2016: v3.03 (OS X and Windows)

[OS X] VST editor window size was not correct for NI Massive. Dynamic sizing of the VST editor window by the plug-in works well.
Fixed division by zero crash when there was no valid audio interface set
Better error handling when setting up audio. Alert windows appear over the application window rather than behind it...
Text editing issue fixed which appeared in v3.01. Second Enter press was ignored.
Fixed: pop-up help did not appear after some time

June 5, 2016: v3.02 (OS X and Windows)

"Deactivate License" button added under Support
All issues with the timeline resize handle were fixed. Better visibility when scrolling to the rightmost position.
Sometimes chords with an octave '5' appeared in generated progressions. This is fixed.
Possible crash in melody generator fixed
[OS X] Rare crash fixed when clicking with the mouse
[OS X] Text editing box remained on screen when editing the timecode or song position

May 24, 2016: v3.01 (OS X and Windows)

Ctrl-Alt-O (Windows) or command-option-O (OS X) or Alt/option+click on "Open Composition..." will skip loading the VST plug-ins
Added 'group' entry in the Save Phrase dialog
'Expression' can be used for velocity scaling. Its value goes from 0 to 200% which means the velocity values can be multiplied by 2
Fixed hanging during dropping a rhythm pattern to 'Apply Rhythm'
Fixed a bug when saving custom phrases
[OS X] Fixed crash during chord entry in Chord Rules Editor

May 11, 2016: v3.0 (OS X and Windows)

The whole user interface was reworked
Standard cut/copy/paste/delete/duplicate... operations work on the 4 keyboard focus areas (track list, composition, timeline, master track)
Customizing all colors is possible, import/export UI themes
Customizing keyboard shortcuts, import/export shortcuts, export them as html, or open in browser
The newly rewritten Idea Tool is more flexible, logical and easier to use than before and is part of the main composition workspace
Standard cut/copy/paste/delete operations work in the phrase editor
Various note transformations through shortcuts and more note coloring options in the phrase editor
More note coloring options
New rhythm browser
Rhythm can be dragged from one phrase to the other, or from the rhythm browser to phrases
Improved rhythm editing, add rests, alter note lengths
New variation: "Apply Rhythm". You can slice notes of an existing phrase using a rhythm pattern.
New rhythm generator: "Euclidean Rhythm"
New phrase generator: "Arpeggiator"
Improved stability
Dozens of other improvements
editing RapidComposer v 2.9 Jun 19, 2015 Windows
Harmonization of melody using two different algorithms.
Brand new VST plug-in which communicates with the application through a bridge
The new note inspector lets you conveniently edit the properties of multiple notes, with several transformations on selected notes
Improved rhythm editing
New variation: 'Simplify Phrase' to make the rhythm simpler of any phrase
New variation: 'Adjust Note Lengths v2' for fine control of note lengths, even with envelopes
New variation: 'Add Chord Notes' which is similar to 'Add Interval' but adds only chord notes
New variation: 'Extract Rhythm'
Ghost copies can be moved to other tracks. This opens new possibilities in the program.
It is possible to specify the length of the rhythm to allow rhythmic repetitions for longer phrases.
'Join Notes' has a new option to inhibit joining notes at chord boundaries
'Add Interval' offers interval of 'second'
New note mappings: 'Bass note+semitones' and 'Bass note+scale steps'
The application can send certain keystrokes to the VST host in VST bridge mode (see Settings / Miscellaneous)
It is possible to use 'Render Phrase With Variations' on absolute phrases.
Octave is not shown in chord names on the master track when using roman numeral notation
Chord inversion is displayed on the master track using less space to improve readability
New phrase generator preview button to play back all other tracks with the phrase
'Apply' button is enabled when you edit a phrase from the phrase inspector
'Add To Clipboard' button added in the phrase editor
Dragging the piano keyboard vertically and zooming (Ctrl-drag) works in the Phrase Editor and Phrase Inspector
The master track inspector opens when you right-click on the master track header
Pressing Shift during moving or resizing notes will ignore the snap setting
The Idea Tool has a new setting to leave existing track configuration untouched.\tThis means the instruments, variations and MIDI controllers will not be overwritten by the Idea Tool.
Note lengths are not expressed in beats anymore. Quarter note (1/4) is used as a 'beat'.
[VST] fix a crashing bug during MIDI import
Bug fix: the state of some VST plug-ins were not saved in the history (program change was not always detected)
Bug fix: a MIDI file importing problem when tracks with the same name and channel were treated as one track fixed
Bug fix: sometimes the window became very wide when the application started
Other fixes and increased stability
phrase RapidComposer v 2.83 Feb 16, 2015 Windows
MIDI rendering bug fixed during loop playback
MIDI export handles overlapping notes correctly when beginning at the same time
.rcUI extension is added automatically when saving UI themes
When filling a track with phrases, the default length for generators is used
It is not possible to fill a track with Phrase Morpher anymore
Fixed wrong colors when 'Color: By Common Notes' was used in palette
New color scheme for 'Color: By Common Notes'
Bug fix for the chord buttons displaying '...' in the phrase preview
notes RapidComposer v 2.82 Jan 28, 2015 Windows
Faster Undo/Redo when VST plug-ins used; VST states are not restored unnecessarily
'Collapse All' button added in the Variations browser
New setting: Remember browser positions and sizes (disabled by default)
Import MIDI continuous controllers from MIDI files
'Loading composition...' is displayed during loading a composition and loading VST plug-ins, which may take seconds
MIDI controllers are reset when playback is starting (Reset All Controllers + reset pan and volume)
Browser filter button colors can be set in the preferences and are part of the UI theme
Fixed timeline selection by Shift-dragging which selected beats beyond the end of line
Fixed 'Remove First Beat' and 'Insert One Beat Before First' in phrase editor
Bug fix: when a chord progression was dropped on the timeline sometimes the previously selected progression was used
Bug fix: Undo sometimes created unwanted VSTi plug-in instances
Bug fix: compositions containing 'Line' generator were not loaded
Bug fix: loading an idea preset made phrases and variations appear multiple times
Bug fix: note velocity values were reset sometimes during loop playback
Various other optimizations and bug fixes
composition RapidComposer v 2.8 Jan 6, 2015 Windows
Brand new redesigned phrase/instrument/scale/chord/chord progression browsers with advanced searching, filtering, tagging, grouping, sorting, displaying capabilities, using conditional expressions when needed. Use the 'right click' to preview or add tags.
It is possible to arrange custom phrases in hierarchical directories.
Removing a phrase is non-destructive (a dot is inserted in front of the filename which will be ignored)
Assign tags to multiple instruments, phrases. It is also possible to display and filter by tags.
Very precise MIDI sequencer used automatically when all tracks are MIDI
MIDI only usage is possible without setting an audio interface
[VST] An internal sequencer is added. It is possible to choose between local transport or host transport.
[VST] The internal logic was reworked. As a result the plug-in will work better (especially looping) in some hosts.
Each track has its own midi output device, allowing virtually unlimited number of midi outputs
MIDI drag-and-drop is possible directly on a track or in the phrase editor
Holding down the Ctrl key when dropping a phrase from the browser over a phrase in the composition will extract the rhythm from the source phrase which is then applied to the target phrase
It is possible to specify key-switch velocity for articulations
New note shape preference offers note graphical rendering with narrowing end
16th note triplet added to the available snap and grid options
'Collapse All' button is added to browsers
Exporting tracks as individual WAV/AIFF files
'Split Phrases At Bar Boundaries' added to Timeline inspector
New scale type: Auto (scale is assigned automatically based on the chord)
Fixed note articulations
Other bug fixes
download RapidComposer v 2.73 Sep 25, 2014 Windows
Melody Generator handles scale changes inside the phrase
New option in melody generator to use scale+chord notes (even if chord has notes that are outside the scale)
New preference: "Allow transposition in guitar tracks"
New preference: "Open VST plug-in editor window after it was loaded"
Fix a bug when the phrases were not recalculated when the chord changed in the chord suggestion pop-up
Bass Generator fixed (connecting notes were transposed unnecessarily)
Chord suggestion popup does not close for an inside click, only closed when you click outside
MIDI program change is not inserted into MIDI clips for VST/SF2 tracks, and for MIDI tracks using the 'No Patch Change' preset
Issues with gluing phrases in a guitar track fixed
[OS X][VST] due to a software build issue logging was enabled, making the plug-in irresponsive
mac RapidComposer v 2.7 Aug 13, 2014 Windows
Chord suggestions (left click on a chord)
It is easier to input chords using the MIDI keyboard or by entering text
Phrase local history implemented: save and recall previous states of phrase generation
The scale, tempo and signature properties are displayed on the master track and editable with a single click\tRight/secondary click on the master track allows you to add or remove scale/tempo/signature.
Chord progression rules editing
Chord progression generation based on probability rules
About 260 new chord progressions for major and minor scales used in pop music (registered version only)
It is possible to set the initial length of the inserted phrase generators
New phrase variation: 'Spread Out Chord Notes' to make a fuller sound from any phrase
4 new schemes are added to the Chord Generator to spread out chord notes in octaves
Chord names fixed in traditional notation
Fixes in chord palette to remember window size
Bug fix: crashing issues when enabling "Start With Empty Master Track" fixed
Bug fix: freezing when saving composition for the first time eliminated
Bug fix: MIDI export and MIDI drag and drop from the VST plug-in to the host did not work well
Bug fix: chord preview did not work well in the VST plug-in
Other bug fixes
windows RapidComposer v 2.63 Apr 30, 2014 Windows
[VST] Serious bug when restoring the VST plug-in state fixed
Bug fix for selecting a timeline range
macintosh RapidComposer v 2.62 Apr 16, 2014 Windows
[Windows XP] Fix for a freezing issue with new locks introduced in v2.6 (affects only Windows XP users).
pc RapidComposer v 2.61 Apr 12, 2014 Windows
April 9, 2014: v2.61 (Windows only)

[Windows] Drag-and-drop stopped working in the program. Fixed.

April 9, 2014: v2.6 (OS X and Win)

[OS X] 64-bit VST plug-in and standalone is included
Idea Tool is usable in the VST plug-in (in full edition)
New phrase generator: Strings Staccato Generator with Density setting
New phrase generator: Piano Run Generator with several techniques
New phrase generator: Dyads Run
New variation: Mirror Vertically (melodic inversion)
Two new phrase properties added: 'Mask Beginning' and 'Time Offset'
Dragging the left edge of a phrase masks notes at the beginning
Shift-dragging a phrase changes the time offset of the phrase events
Sending and receiving MIDI Start/Stop/Continue and sending MIDI Clock messages implemented
'Velocity' added to variations so that you have full control over note on velocities
Unghost phrases
Timeline range selection changed: use Shift-drag and Shift-click for selection/deselection
Fill track with phrases can use the timeline range
[OS X] Virtual MIDI Output created that you can select as source in your DAW
During note editing the note name is displayed next to the mouse pointer
'Persist Name' and 'Auto Increment' added to the phrase editor to improve workflow
An optional name field is added to 'Save Selected Phrases' which is auto-incremented if it contains a number.
Progress information is displayed when saving phrases, loading and analysing MIDI files
MIDI drag-and-drop improvements: drag selected range on the timeline or active part/line only
UI improvements on the VST settings page, "Scan For Plug-ins" implemented
'Triplet' and 'Eighth Note Triplet' snap and grid is available in rhythm 'Manual Editing'
'Split Phrases At Chord Boundaries' in timeline inspector (Keyboard shortcut: '|')
Batch conversion of MIDI files to phrases
Adjustable Popup Help Delay in the preferences
'New composition' default settings can be specified in the preferences
It is possible to disable soundfont rendering in the RC VST plug-in
[OS X] UI rendering improvements to decrease processor usage during playback
[OS X] Foundation classes and VST plug-in handling reworked to increase stability
New keyboard shortcut for 'Select All Phrases In Current Track': Ctrl-A
New keyboard shortcut for 'Regenerate All Selected Generators' : Ctrl-G
New keyboard shortcut for 'Select Nth Track' : Alt-1..9
Fix for a bug when splitting phrases that had 'scale' as the resizing mode
Fix window resizing issue when in full screen mode
Built-in sequencer was made very precise
Latency issues with loop playback were fixed
Occasional muted notes during playback of a humanized track fixed
Chord palette does not reset its settings and window size when new chord selected
Empty beats are not removed when saving a phrase in the Phrase Editor
General MIDI Controller set was not added to imported MIDI tracks when set in the preferences.
MIDI controllers are named from the controller set when a composition is loaded
Fix for a possible chord progression library corruption in the Idea Tool
Fix for various problems during MIDI import
[Windows] MIDI drag and drop improvements (with StudioOne)
[OS X] Fix for a crashing menu handling bug
RapidComposer v 2.55 Jan 21, 2014 Windows
It is possible to resize phrases by dragging the left edge
Group name can be specified when saving phrases from the inspector
Zoom tracks vertically by Ctrl-drag or click-and-hold in the track header
Settings like loop/region/zoom/scrollbar positions saved with the composition
Besides double-click you can also use Alt-click to split/join chords
Browsers and inspectors can be placed on top when clicked inside
Loading custom MIDI instruments/presets is possible
Phrase preview shows note accents/velocities by shading the notes
Ghost phrases did not render the expressions properly
Fix for the KORG M1 VSTi plug-in crash
Fix Schillinger's Interference: 'No Event' did not work well
[VST] Looping fixed when using Sonar
[OS X] Several fixes to improve stability
Under the hood: program initialization reworked
RapidComposer v 2.53 Dec 5, 2013 Windows
Variations can be muted
'Collapsed' state preserved in the variation list when adding or deleting variations
Rests variation uses 1/8th beat increments
Chord Magnet can be applied for lines, parts or the whole composition
Pressing 'W' closes all open browser and inspector windows
Save Composition (or pressing 'S') provides visual feedback about the success of the save operation
Confirmation window opened when deleting phrases
New Master Track inspector button: 'Open Chords in Progression Editor'
Bug Fix: importing MIDI files that began with a 'note off' or 'note on with 0 velocity' crashed the program
Bug Fix: various issues with VSTi plug-ins used in the Idea Tool fixed
Bug Fix: possible crash when saving a long chord progression fixed (using 'Save Selected Chords As Progression')
Bug Fix: due to an internal reference issue composition sometimes could not be loaded
Bug Fix: the preview instrument menu in the phrase and progression browser is updated when new tracks added
Bug Fix: history was not saved sometimes
RapidComposer v 2.52 Dec 1, 2013 Windows
Bug Fix: using 'Save Selected Chords As Progression' crashed
Bug fix: [OS X] VST plug-ins could not be added and used
RapidComposer v 2.51 Nov 27, 2013 Windows
New variations: 'Rests' and 'Adjust Note Lengths'
Snap allows until 1/256 beat
Click&hold zoom implemented on the timeline: hold the mouse button for a short time without moving the mouse to zoom
Bug Fix: playback played the previous timeline region even when it was turned off
Bug Fix: 'Regenerate All Selected Generators' crashed when using ghosts
Bug Fix: visual anomalies when new item added in browser windows fixed
Bug Fix: [Win] ASIO compatibility with some soundcards improved
Bug Fix: [OS X] regenerating phrase generators in the idea tool caused sluggish behaviour
Bug Fix: [OS X] resizing browser windows work now
RapidComposer v 2.5 Nov 19, 2013 Windows
New phrase generator specialized for making melodies: Melody Generator (not found in LE version)
New rhythm generator: Bass Rhythm to create interesting rhythm patterns for bass
Custom phrases are saved in separate files. A phrase is written to file immediately when added to the browser.
Directory can be specified to store custom phrases in (Settings/Directories tab)
Chord palette reworked, bugs fixed, flats and sharps correctly displayed
Metronome added and redesigned UI in phrase editor
UI improvements on the MIDI Import panel
Composition templates supported, several templates provided
Note editing: 'Move Notes To New Phrase' in context pop-up menu
Add composition to history with comments (shortcut: K). It is easy to look up an earlier state.
[VST] stability improvements (Reaper does not crash at exit)
New keyboard shortcuts added for filling tracks with phrases and some shortcuts changed
Various fixes and improvements in the structure editor. Rearrange parts and lines by drag and drop.
Snap/Grid: Bar option
New phrase transpose mode: Octave
Shortcuts '1' to '9' to start editing lines 1 to 9, Ctrl-'1' to Ctrl-'9' edits parts 1 to 9
Shortcut 'Insert' inserts one beat at the timeline position, Ctrl-'Insert' inserts one bar
Shortcut '\' splits selected phrases at the timeline position
Resizing the generator phrases (dragging the right edge) works again
Specifying manual rhythm works in the idea tool
Exported MIDI sometimes included the metronome track. This is fixed.
The rhythm was not saved in the phrase browser for custom phrases that used "Manual Editing"
Scale preview fixed in the scale browser
Possible crash at MIDI import fixed (for corrupted MIDI files, or files containing unexpected data). MIDI import stability improved.
New editing setting to reset transposition when phrase is added by doubleclicking
Small size soundfonts added
Chord progression preview will use the right scale for major and minor scale formulas (in progression browser and progression editor)
Dozens of other smaller improvements and fixes
RapidComposer v 2.21 Aug 27, 2013 Windows
User interface rendering optimized
Automatic update checking implemented
It is possible to add bank select messages to MIDI instruments (by manually editing an .rcINST file)
Fixed the crash when using 'Add Imported Tracks To Current Composition'
Fixed an issue with MIDI import that could cause the program to hang or crash
Fixed the crash when the MIDI keyboard sent a message to the chord palette which was opened in the phrase editor.
[VSTi] Window sizing problems with VST plug-in fixed
[OS X] Standalone version properly terminates when the window is closed
[OS X] Several bugs fixed in the VST plug-in (especially using with DP8)
Other bug fixes
RapidComposer v 2.2 Jun 30, 2013 Windows
[OS X]: VSTi plug-in version released
It is possible to cut and join notes simply with a doubleclick inside the note
[Win] ASIO channel selection implemented
[OS X]: scrolling is smoother and in the right direction
[VSTi] race condition eliminated which fixes crashes with Nexus and results better stability with plug-ins
Editing ghost copies is disabled in note editing mode
Modal alert windows removed during start-up
Various fixes to increase stability
RapidComposer v 2.1 Jun 11, 2013 Windows
Global and per-track phrase envelopes which phrases may automatically follow
4 algorithms offered for absolute-to-relative note conversion. Now you can work with scale-relative notes only, without depending on chord notes in the phrase.
AI improvements in chord detection when importing MIDI files
New master track option: magnet. Chords are automatically transposed and inverted for better voice leading
Magnet option is implemented for phrases. When enabled the phrase will be automatically transposed to minimize note distance between the previous and current phrase or from the phrase envelope (choose from 2 algorithms)
The Idea Tool is prepared to use the new voice leading improvements to produce musically more useful results
'Recents' menu added for opening compositions and importing MIDI files
Absoluterelative conversion is easier than ever by pressing keys '0' to '4'
3 new view options for the piano roll
Inspectors and browser panels can be resized by dragging the right bottom corner
Mouse wheel works over the workspace to scroll and zoom
New 'Support' panel
Cosmetic UI changes
Bug fix for highlighting the wrong buttons in the chord palette
Additional bug fixes
RapidComposer v 2.06 Apr 15, 2013 Windows
It is possible to resize the timeline (add/remove beats to the line being edited) by dragging the right edge of the timeline
you can change the key of an existing composition (e.g. from C major to D minor) with chord harmonization if you check 'Harmonize Chords to Match Scale' in the master track inspector
fixed a bug which inhibited loading an idea in the Idea Tool
[Win] ASIO improvements
Lots of minor fixes and extra checks to increase stability especially on OS X
RapidComposer v 2.04 Mar 18, 2013 Windows
Importing audio is possible and more convenient in the phrase inspector than in the track inspector
inspector fade in/out time can be set in the settings
new option in Idea Tool: selection of chord progression for the specified scale
fixed scale note shading on the piano roll
fixed an issue when after phrase editing the phrase was not updated in the composition
Ableton Live! called the VST plug-in 'close' function without calling 'open' first. This is handled gracefully now.
[Win64] windows x64 version will download the x64 update instead of the x86 file
[OS X] a problem was fixed when importing MIDI files that could cause crash or hanging
[OS X] an endianness bug was fixed when importing/exporting audio files
note parameters are fixed in sample phrases #9,#10,#11
other stability fixes
RapidComposer v 2.0 Feb 26, 2013 Windows
Redesigned user interface
improved workflow
chords and progressions can be based on scale degrees, several chord notations offered
cut/copy/paste works for phrases
simpler structure editor
MIDI drag and drop tracks or composition to DAWs
improved Idea Tool: generate a new composition for pressing a key
better reliability - the new recovery feature will recover your composition if the program or a plug-in crashes
lots of other minor features
RapidComposer v 1.93 Jul 2, 2012 Windows
X64 version of Windows standalone and VST plug-in
Snap and grid: Triplet added
Quantize added in Phrase Editor
Save phrase to database directly from context popup
SPACE starts/stops playback, Enter jumps back to start
[OS X] no annoying beep sound for key presses
Fixed possible crash in Idea Tool when the Edit button was clicked
Fixed bugs with 'Render Phrase With Variations' (note on velocity and editing in Phrase Editor)
Various bug fixes to increase stability (e.g. for unassigned chords, editing Line Generator)
RapidComposer v 1.91 Apr 23, 2012 Windows
Fixed a bug in demo mode when history files were sometimes written to the root directory
'Align To Beats' and 'Detect And Adjust Interval' work again in the phrase editor
Underlying chord notes can be edited only by holding down Ctrl-Shift to avoid accidental dragging during editing
Activation through the internet was removed, simple keycode is used for software protection
Documentation updated
RapidComposer v 1.9 Apr 4, 2012 Windows
  • Improved drag and drop experience; phrases/chords/scales are rendered into a small image that is shown during dragging

  • New preference: it is possible to disable selecting phrases from multiple tracks

  • New preference: using flats instead of sharps in chord names

  • A status window is displayed during loading a composition as the initialization of some VSTi plug-ins may take long

  • Scrollwheel works over lists and sliders

  • Some minor changes in keyboard commands to match the OS X version; left and right Shift/Ctrl is not distinguished. The biggest change is the direct access of underlying chord/scale notes: instead of pressing Right Ctrl, you should press Ctrl+Shift

  • Bug fix: crash during resizing the window fixed
  • RapidComposer v 1.8 Dec 31, 2011 Windows
    This major update includes the long-awaited VST version with 128-channel MIDI output. The rewrite of the manual has begun, from today it is available only in pdf format. The standalone version has some minor features and fixes for several bugs.
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