Category Audio Production / Plug-ins & effects
Version 1.53
Format VST
Compatibility ArpWindows
License Commercial Software
Price $20  /  18€
Updated On Dec 1, 2011
Total Downloads 156
PC Downloads 156

Arpegiator and sequencer

ARP is an advanced Polyphonic Arp and Note Sequencer with Scale Remapping for powerful sequencing possibilities. Sequences can be re-mapped based on the played note so for example a sequence can be forced to fit to the major scale. The idea behind this is to break away from the typical note sequencer where every key simply transposes the sequence, the ability to remap each note results in a much more creative sequence.

The Muter Section is a gate sequencer which decides which notes will play. ARP is also polyphonic and so can be used as a typical Gate Sequencer, or even more interesting as a polyphonic sequencer that syncopates. There is also the ability to offset the start note of each sequence so that when 2 notes are pressed together they automatically play syncopated. Finally...
ARP is an advanced Polyphonic Arp and Note Sequencer with Scale Remapping for powerful sequencing possibilities. Sequences can be re-mapped based on the played note so for example a sequence can be forced to fit to the major scale. The idea behind this is to break away from the typical note sequencer where every key simply transposes the sequence, the ability to remap each note results in a much more creative sequence.

The Muter Section is a gate sequencer which decides which notes will play. ARP is also polyphonic and so can be used as a typical Gate Sequencer, or even more interesting as a polyphonic sequencer that syncopates. There is also the ability to offset the start note of each sequence so that when 2 notes are pressed together they automatically play syncopated. Finally there is OmniChorder which allows triggering up to another 2 notes when one note is pressed to create a chord, this becomes interesting when used with the Scale Remapper which can leave you with a selection of interesting one finger chords.

Full Feature List:

- Arpeggiator - Can be used as a classic ARP with the usual UP/Down/Alternate modes.
- Note/Sequence Repeats – This is used to play the note or sequence x amount of times before moving to the next note in sequence.
- 32 Note Sequencer Mode - This has a 2 octave range, centre value represents actual note pitch.
- 32 Note Muters – Basically a gate sequencer that decides if a note should play or not, can be used with the Sequencer or the Arpeggiator.
- 1-4 Octaves – Once the sequence is complete it will go up an octave as far as 4 Octaves.
- Fixed Velocity Mode – can use a fixed Velocity instead of played velocity, which is set via a knob.
- Latch Mode – Holds the note until the next one is played.
- Pulse Width – When Latch is off, this determines how long the pulse is, affecting how long the note trigger is held.
- Hold – This will hold any pressed keys until hold is depressed.
- OmniChorder - This can be used along with the Sequencer and also when the ARP is disabled. It allows setting 2 further notes to trigger to form a chord from pressing one key. Once this is enabled, the Scale Remapper can be used to manipulate the chord for each note in the octave, reminiscent of the classic Omnichord.
- Scale Remapper – Allows changing the Scale on each note (C – B) so that a sequence can be squashed to the scale:
- Over 70 scales to choose from.
- Sequence Offset – This allows offsetting the start note of each sequence when it is triggered. For example in Poly Mode pressing 2 keys together will start both sequences running, one could be set to start on step 2 so that it will syncopate. In Monophonic mode it allows building more complex sequence patterns as they iterate.
- Pitch Disable per note – This can prevent a sequence playing on the selected note, so that for example note C won't play the sequence but just C notes. This is useful in Polyphonic mode so that one key can be consistent whilst another note can play a sequence alongside it.
- 7 Scale Mapping Modes – The mode decides how the scale is altered, when a note doesn't match the scale, Up will select the next above, Down the next one down etc. There is also nearest, furthest and alternate. There is also a mode which holds the pitch of the octave, and simply uses the scale remapper to force the scale, useful for music without key changes.
- Works with the OmiChorder even when the ARP/Sequencer is switched off.
- Polyphonic – When used with a polyphonic instrument, notes can trigger individual sequences which is great for use with the Muters(Gate Sequencer) which can create complex rhythmic patterns.
- Midi Out – Can be used with any software or hardware midi instrument with host that support midi routing such as Reaper and Cantabile.
- Midi Volume and Pan – These can be used to set the volume and Pan of external gear (CC7 and CC10).
- Midi Channel – Use this to set which midi channel should be used.
- Manual Tempo – Normal Operation is based on the Host Tempo so that it remains in sync with the project, however manual mode can be used in the fashion of an old analog sequencer.
- Swing – Swing can be applied when the tempo is set to 32, speed can be reduced by changing the master clock tempo.
- Full VST Automation.
- Global / Local Randomizer/Default Buttons.
Arp Arp v 1.53 Dec 1, 2011 Windows
Hold Mode – Now when hold mode is active, if a note is triggered it will stick, but if it is triggered again it will be released.
Fixed a bug where some people where having issues with ARP loading in some hosts.

Fixed an issue with the clocks in certain hosts.
Homegrown Sounds Arp Arp v 1.5 Nov 28, 2011 Windows
ARP Sequence Lights added – Now there is a row of lights below the main ARP Sequencer to demonstrate which position is currently active. Note that this is designed for monophonic mode, in Polyphonic mode the lights indicate the first triggered sequence.
4 x CC Sequencers added – This brings the total to 7 independent CC Sequencers.
CC Sequencer Modes – A new menu offers alternative modes for the CC Sequencers such as Envelope Mode which will draw a linear line between points sending out a CC Value every 32nd note. For this to be useful the CC sequencer should be set to a slow tempo.
Copy/Paste Functions – Allows copying the ARP Sequence and lanes from one patch to another.
Double/Quad Functions – Double will copy the first 16 beats of the ARP Sequencer and lanes to the last 16 beats, for easily repeating the pattern without manually editing the events. Quad will repeat the first 8 beats 3 times.
Colour Coded Step Markers – Beneath the lights are some markers to denote each bar start etc making it clearer which step is being edited.
CC Shift functions fixed – Shift Left/Right wasn't working on the CC Sequencers.
GUI Open Bug – Previously the GUI needed to be open at least once when opening an existing project for all the data to be initialised, this is now resolved.
CC Knob Assignments added.
Homegrown Sounds Arp v 1.4 Oct 17, 2011 Windows
  • 3 x CC Modulation Sequencers – For controlling any CC numbers of the target device,

  • with independent tempo and step size, Mid Point and Amount knobs.
  • Dedicated Velocity Sequencer – For setting the velocity of each note in the sequence, the tempo and step size are locked to the main sequencer.

  • Swing/Pulse Length localised – Swing will now work at any tempo, the odd notes will always have swing applied so no there's need to use the Master Tempo for this purpose. Pulse Length is now more controllable and a percentage of the the beat length. Note that all of this is newly coded and whilst I've tried to follow the original settings, there may be slight discrepancies especially with swing and so some adjustment to patches that use swing may be necessary.

  • Channel 16 Pitch Shift – If midi data is received on channel 16 it will be used to re-pitch the main Sequencer. Anything above middle C will increase the pitch and below will decrease.

  • Knob Resolution – The scope of the knob has been speeded up so there is less travel distance. Holding Shift or CTRL still allow fine adjustments.

  • Bug Fix - Pitch Bend, Aftertouch and Modulation Wheel now pass through correctly.

  • Bug Fix - Problem in FL Studio where the timing was erratic for some users.
  • sequence Arp v 1.3 Oct 11, 2011 Windows
    All Notes Off on Stop – Although some hosts do this automatically, the plugin will do it too which is handy for slow tempos especially if ties are used and prevents waiting for long notes to finish playing.

    Octavator row added – This row will force the step to follow the Octavator Mode, the following modes are available:

    Off – useful for temporarily disabling the octavator without having to switch off all the steps.

    +1, +2, +3, +4 – Will play an octave above on each step that is selected.

    -1, -2, -3, -4 – Will play an octave above on each step that is selected.

    Cycle +1, Cycle +2, Cycle +3, Cycle +4 – These cycle modes will be triggered when a selected step is reached. The cycle will go from root note (unchanged) then +1, +2 until the max is reached, and then begin again. Because the octave step is advanced only when an octavator step is played, it can lead to very complex, interesting and long cycles, especially if polyphonic.

    Cycle -1, Cycle -2, Cycle -3, Cycle -4 - These are the same as above but cycle through lower octaves instead.

    Cycle +-1, Cycle +-2 – As above but they will go from root note to + octaves, then -octaves.

    Vol row added – These allow using the secondary 'Vol Amount' knob as the volume level for the step as opposed to played volume or fixed volume. Very nice if velocity is linked to cutoff frequency in the target synth.

    There was a bug with the sliders, the upper eleventh note would come out as 12.

    There was a bug with the 32nd note when 32 steps were used, the value would be incorrect.
    sequencer Arp v 1.2 Sep 26, 2011 Windows
    Program Change Blocker – If the plugin received a program change in previous versions it would change the plugin program as expected, but would also pass through and change the synth connected to midi out. This is now disabled by default, but can be enabled if desired.

    Muters Upgraded – Now the muters align along the bottom of the sequencer making it much easier in sequence mode to see which step is which.

    Tie per Note Row Added – This allows tie-ing Notes together, which essentially prevents them from releasing for the tied step. Although ties are mostly used with monosynths to prevent the Envelopes from re-triggering, the ties are always linked to the oldest playing sequence and so can be used in polyphonic mode. This works in an interesting way because sequences can be syncopated, and so the notes tied can be at different locations in the sequence.

    ARP lights fixed – Now the lights will stay lit as long as a note of that key is held, previously holding 2 C notes and releasing one would end the light prematurely.

    Panic now sends to all 16 channels in case external channel routing is being used oppsed to the channel setting in the plugin.

    Note 2 CC Converter – This allows converting the arpeggiator into a control change sequencer with selectable CC and the option to use the notes at the same time.

    Set Scales to 1 button – At the top of the Scales column is a new button which will set all scales to whatever scale C has enabled.

    New Range Slider – The range slider has been newly built to be more accurate and reliable note that if patches were using the old slider to set a range the range will need re-selecting. This is unfortunate but unavoidable.

    Scale Remapper 4 new modes added – These are Lowest Note, Highest Note, First Note and Last Note. Whichever is selected, that note will determine the root note and scale used for all other notes. When it is released the next (whichever is chosen) note will determine the scale and root note.
    Homegrown Sounds
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