Metro SE

Category Audio Production / Sequencers
Version 6.3.6
Format App
Compatibility Metro SEMacOS X UB
License Commercial Software
Price $70  /  64€
Updated On Aug 14, 2006
Total Downloads 1,592
Mac Downloads 1,592

Audio And MIDI Sequencer

Metro SE is a streamlined version of Metro 6. While maintaining the power of Metro 6, some of the non-essential features have been eliminated thereby allowing us to offer this product at an incredibly low price.
Mac PPC or Intel
Metro SE Metro SE v 6.3.6 Aug 14, 2006 MacOS X UB
  • New: Multiple outs for track insert plug-ins. This makes it possible to assign multiple mixer channels to a single plug-in. Documentation on this new feature will be posted soon.

  • - New: Automation only tracks. This track type will affect the volume and pan of a sound generating track if it is assigned the same Metro output as the sound generating track (or multi-out) and the sound generating track has no automation of its own. Automation tracks can have independent track lengths and loop settings.
    - New: Sample accurate automation for AudioUnits (AU) if the AU plug-in permits.
    - New: Miscellaneous optimizations.
    - New: Software Audio Thru now works for 1/2 duplex audio devices. A 1/2 duplex audio device is one, such as some USB audio devices, that has un-synchronized input and output.
    - New: The last selected controller or automation parameter is correctly remembered for each track.
    - New: The Intel version (not LX or SE) now uses Intel's SSE vector processor to optimize Metro's performance.
    - New: When zoomed into the sample level it is now possible to right click on the sample to edit the sample numerically. It is also possible to edit 32 bit floating point sample data now.
    - New: A popup in the Metronome dialog now allows the user to route the Metronome sound to a particular Metro output.
    - New: Clicking on the output dots in the effects window (after the plug-in name) brings up a popup allowing the user to configure AU plug-ins number of outputs.

    Fixed in this version:
    - The Metronome has been updated to version 1.0.3. There was a problem when counting off with certain plug-ins loaded where the Metronome would produce noise during the count off.
    - Zipper noise when moving Mixer faders.
    - Muting or soloing a track insert soft-synthesizer now works as expected. Previously certain plug-ins would produce sound even when muted in case other tracks were sending MIDI to the plug-in.
    - If a realtime edit was performed while looping over the end of a track the playback bar could possibly be positioned incorrectly.
    - When cueing, automation starts at the right sample number.
    - The mixer's mute status was not being honored in certain cases.
    - Was crashing on initial paste of continuous data into blank audio track.
    - Effect automation data display in the graphic editor was sometimes displaying values out of range.
    - Changing audio devices would sometimes leave the default audio device as invalid.
    - Some error messages have improved.
    - Better support for aggregate devices.
    - Crash could occur when using the offline effects processor on 32 bit audio tracks.
    - When creating drum sets on the fly it was possible that the custom drum name entered would be ignored.
    - AU timing accuracy as reported to the plug-in is improved especially when count-off is enabled.
    - Was leaking memory for certain AU plug-ins.
    - Workaround for Intel Macintosh Apple OS bug where the cursor position is off by one pixel.
    - The internal version number was not being calculated correctly on Intel Macs. This could allow newer versions of Metro documents to attempted to be read instead of an error message presented. Caution should be used to not open newer documents when using previous versions of Metro on intel Macs.
    - Better defaults in the Modify outputs and busses dialog.
    - Selecting a folder in the jukebox during playback no longer messes up the play back position display of audio tracks.
    - Clearing velocity data when no MIDI data exists on a track no longer results in a crash.
    - Copying automation data was not possible from the graphic editor when a Software Instrument was selected in certain cases.
    - When pasting and the clipboard contents contain a track insert Software Instrument, the Software Instrument will be restored only if the destination track has no MIDI data.
    - It is now possible to paste automation data on to a completely empty track.
    - MIDI files are now written correctly on Intel Macs. Please delete any MIDI files written by Metro prior to this version on Intel Macs as they were invalid.
    - The Normalize output faders feature has been improved.
    - When closing a pane in the graphic editor, it was possible that the other views could change improperly.
    - Was possibly drawing the wrong data if two MIDI controller views were active in the graphic editor.
    - Stop was flashing in the Transport when audio device was changed in certain cases.
    - VU's in the mixer window would get stuck in certain rare cases.
    - The Input and Output contextual menu popups are improved.
    - Changing the Transport window's floating state would sometimes change the size of the Transport window and would also prevent help tags from working.
    Sagan Technology Metro SE Metro SE v Jul 2, 2006 MacOS X UB
    New to this version:
    - New: Normalize Faders function in the special menu. This function mixes audio for all track for the current selection and based on the resultant peak sets the mixer faders so that the mix does not clip in most cases.
    - New: View plug-ins by manufacturer or category. View all and view recently instantiated plug-ins. All this functionality in a simple menu and submenu interface directly from the graphic editor.
    - New: Metro will interpret the enclosing folder name of any (Mach-O) VST plug-ins as the manufacturer name.
    - New: When "manufacturer" is the selected plug-in sort field Metro will sort plug-ins by name if the manufacturer names are equal.
    - New: Menu item for inserting a random chord progression.
    - New: The Mouse Wheel can now be used for incrementing and decrementing numeric fields.
    - New: Metro now receives MIDI data from VST plug-ins that send it.
    - New: The jukebox now uses a triangle to indicate the currently playing song.
    - New: Humanize and Extract Data have been added to the LX version.

    Fixes in this version:
    - On Intel Macs, strange errors or crashes could occur after opening a Metro document saved prior to version 6.2 that contains audio.
    - Intel Mac could crash after cueing an empty audio track.
    - Intel Mac could crash after clearing an audio track while playing.
    - Turning the power off in the effects window did not work consistently.
    - Software audio through was not working properly in some cases where there was no audio data on the track.
    - Certain Virtual Instruments (VI) would become quiet if a Metro output was reassigned during playback.
    - A problem with pitch-preserving fast forward on multi-output audio devices was corrected.
    - If a core audio aggregate device was created and named 'built-in' a problem could result with subsequent recording.
    - Using an arrow on a note of Bb in the key of Ab minor would stick at Bb, instead of going to Cb.
    - Dragging a sample, when zoomed all the way in the graphic editor, now displays the sample value in the upper left.
    - After saving a .ins file the currently selected bank name is no longer replaced with the name of the .ins file.
    - Trim outputs was not preserving audio outputs that were the destinations for Virtual Instruments.
    - In certain cases the availability status of menus were not being set properly.
    - A new fatal error message was added if the user attempts to run a version of Metro that requires a G4 processor on a G3 or earlier processor.
    - A possible crash could result if the jukebox was empty and remote control was active.
    - The jukebox slider now indicates the time within the currently playing song as it is dragged.
    - Typing the name of the song in a long list of jukebox entries now works more reliably.
    - Copying track data and pasting it to a new section could result in a erroneously auto-muted aux buss virtual instrument.
    - Mixing down to 24 bits on an Intel Mac could create pops and clicks in certain scenarios.
    - Pasting note data or adding data to a VI track while cueing would not set the playback position for that track correctly.
    - Port change dialog no longer defaults the destination to a non existent core-audio port.
    - Better enabling and disabling of menus when the offline effects or progress dialogs are in front.
    - A problem whereby making changes to section events could affect track effect automation data detrimentally.
    - It was possible that a newly opened Metro document set to show effects automation using a AudioUnit plug-in would not initially show the correct information because the scale of the displayed parameter can not be determined until after the plug-in is loaded.
    - Dragging files into the tracks window would occasionally leave ugly blue lines.
    - Expand By Drum was not setting the correct resultant track type to MIDI.
    Sagan Technology Metro SE v May 5, 2006 MacOS X UB
  • A crash could occur when selecting a Metro output of a non-selected track in the tracks window.

  • - Some problems with subsections have been corrected.
    - RNotes (Random Velocity Notes) are supported correctly in the new note edit dialog.
    - Changing different plug-ins when in continuous efx automation views could fail to refresh properly in certain instances.
    - VST plug-in editor windows would come up blank on the second edit.
    - New output is now always created when loading a soft-synth as a track insert.
    - Master fader VU is no longer updated for softsynths since the audio level of the softsynth is king.
    - Possible crash when stopping playback while direct-recording with software audio thru on.
    - Possible crash when expanding subsections with a frozen audio track contained in the subsection.
    - Program names loaded from the program names dialog on soft-synths ports were not being remembered correctly since Metro version 6.3.3.
    - The Jukebox was creating an internal error if certain OS errors occurred.
    - The Subsection edit dialog did not refresh the color swatch after it was changed.
    - New plug-in option for plug-ins that cannot be re-initialized (USB:Ultrafocus). Accessed, as usual, by a right-click or control-click on the plug-in in the plug-in's window.
    metro Metro SE v Apr 26, 2006 MacOS X UB
    New to this version:

    - New: A menu item 'Automation Record' has been added to the switches menu. With its corresponding key combination, the user can now invoke automation recording much more easily.
    - New: An item has been added to the Effects window output selection popup to allow for a new audio output to be created.
    - New: The qualification dialog has been rewritten to take advantage of OS X features.
    - New: The Note edit dialog (control-click a note event in graphic editor window) and the program change dialog have been updated to take advantage of OS X features and are now movable.
    - New: The pitch corresponding to the cursor position displayed in the graphic editor is now based on which slot the cursor is in.
    - New: More robust automatic bank and program matching when a MIDI file is imported. Previously Metro would automatically match a bank selection only if both the LSB and MSB of the bank select (MIDI controller 0 and 32) were present and sequenced directly after one another. This restriction has been lifted.
    - New: Automation has been improved for AudioUnits. This include new support for the "Gesture Type" callbacks in OS X 10.3 or greater.
    - New: Optimizations for AU plug-ins provides better support for plug-ins like Ultimate Sound Bank's Ultra Focus.

    - Fixed: A crash could occur if multiple sections were cleared during playback.
    - Fixed: A crash could occur when trying to transpose, time stretch, or apply an effect to an archived audio track.
    - Fixed: A crash could occur if an audio track was cut or cleared while the overview was building. This problem has existed since 6.3.
    - Fixed: A crash when selecting the clef in the notation track setup dialog.
    - Fixed: A problem caused the selection of certain popup menus within plug-ins (e.g. FabFilter Twin) to be ignored.
    - Fixed: The master VU was not showing activity for MIDI data if the individual MIDI data VU's were not visible.
    - Fixed: The implementation from 6.3.5 of having the Master Fader not affect softsynth MIDI faders was not completed properly. This would result in MIDI softsynth levels (controller 7) being erroneously sent to the softsynth plug-ins in certain circumstances.
    - Fixed: Scale Time would occasionally set the tracks length incorrectly.
    - Fixed: Clicking on a plug-in in the plug-ins window was not working in some rare instances.
    - Fixed: When mixing or rendering to 24 bit audio data, the last sample was garbage and could cause a glitch at the end of the audio.
    - Fixed: It was possible in some rare cases that edits made to effects automation would not show up unless there was MIDI or audio data on the track first.
    - Fixed: If a Graphic editor slot was zoomed out and the track contained in that slot was selected from the tracks window it would not show up. This has been corrected. Now when the track is selected the zoomed in slot is zoomed out first and then the new track's slot is zoomed in.
    - Fixed: It was possible that menus were erroneously being enabled when in certain modal dialogs.
    - Fixed: Mighty mouse support was not working when the graphic editor was zoomed in to an audio sample level.
    - Fixed: Groove Quantize to user defined grooves was not always working correctly.
    - Fixed: Saving chord progressions was recently broken.
    - Fixed: The cursor type was being erroneously reset when the cursor was over certain plug-in windows.
    - Fixed: The input popup menu would erroneously popup in the remote control window after clicking in a different field in some rare instances.
    - Fixed: The Intel version was reporting incorrect version numbers in the Plug-ins window.
    - Fixed: The Intel version was not mixing or rendering 24 bit source audio data to 16 bit audio data correctly when the sample rates of the source and destination audio were the same.
    - Fixed: Dragging an item in the jukebox would sometimes change the selected file to be played incorrectly.
    - Fixed: Some miscellaneous problems with reassigning soft-synth tracks to audio and visa versa has been corrected.
    - Fixed: A problem whereby if "Paste And..." was previously performed, the Rhythm Explorer would not function correctly.
    - Fixed: Double clicking in the tracks window erroneously did nothing in certain circumstances.
    - Fixed: A problem whereby the notation was not being completed disposed of upon exit. This could leave orphaned printer description files in the directory /private/var/tmp.
    download Metro SE v 6.3.5 Mar 11, 2006 MacOS X UB
    New to this version: 6.3.5
    - New: Full Mac Intel processor support.
    - New: Mighty mouse support allows horizontal scrolling with the mouse wheel.
    - New: Vastly improved remote-control event support. Support for RC output events. A preset fully supporting Frontier Design's Tranzport included. The persist option allows the current setting to persist over document loads and Metro restarts. These features will be more fully documented on our web site soon.
    - New: Drastically improved MIDI scrubbing.
    - New: The Jukebox plays back faster and more file types correctly including 32 bit wave files.
    - New: Files of type .wav and .bndl are now recognized by their extensions if their file type is not set correctly.
    - New: Cosmetic changes to the drums editor dialog.
    - New: Holding the option-key down while selecting device option in the digital audio dialog erases the current stream names so that the original device names can be restored to factory settings.
    - New: Better VST support including support for VST 2.4.
    - New: A new option allows effects plug-in's editors to be placed in a compositing window.
    - New: Removed outdated styles, appearance, grey, etc.
    - New: Text justification is handled correctly when justification is selected for text items in the notation window.
    - New: The internal metronome has been changed to use native Mach-O format.
    - New: Better error messages when a plug-in fails to load.
    - New: An option to specify the MIDI input source of an audio and MIDI track. This is a kind of track that sends both MIDI and Audio to its insert plug-in.
    - New: An option to turn off the audio input source of an audio and MIDI track.
    - New: A new option added to the output assign menu allows a new Metro output to be created before being assigned to a track.
    - New: Dragging the tempo ruler in the transports rounds the BPM to a whole number.
    - New: The return and fast forward buttons in the transport now move all edit windows when not playing.
    - New: Trim outputs to tracks menu item. This option rearranges in section, track order and also removes all unused outputs from the Metro document.
    - New: Option for sending tempo changes to plug-ins early. This makes it possible for AudioUnit plug-ins like Stylus RMX to work correctly with multiple tempo changes. This is selectable for each plug-in by right-clicking or ctrl-clicking on the plug-in in the plug-ins window.

    - Fixed: A possible crash could have occurred when closing one of the program names dialogs.
    - Fixed: A possible crash could have occurred when clearing a plug-in.
    - Fixed: Softsynth outputs MIDI volumes are now correctly unaffected by changes to master volume. In previous versions the MIDI and audio volume of softsynths were both being changed when the master volume was changed.
    - Fixed: Text using auto-replacement fields such as #D for date, now center and work properly in the notation window.
    - Fixed: The quality slider in the mixdown dialog was not being handled or remembered properly.
    - Fixed: It was possible that a recently loaded plug-ins audio output would not be assigned to the default audio stream.
    - Fixed: The splash screen does not come up blank any more.
    - Fixed: An error message displays when the jukebox does not have a valid Metro output selected.
    - Fixed: Improved software audio through.
    - Fixed: VST ranges for parameters in the automation view were sometimes incorrect.
    - Fixed: Latencies now include individual audio stream latency as well as device latency.
    - Fixed: Audio devices input and output sample rates are set correctly now. This may have caused problems with certain USB audio devices.
    - Fixed: Default audio stream names provided by audio devices drivers were being processed incorrectly.
    - Fixed: Help tags were being displayed incorrectly in some cases.
    - Fixed: Improvements and bug fixes related to effect automation.
    - Fixed: Sometimes the sound font name would not appear immediately after it was selected in the effects window.
    - Fixed: Miscellaneous cosmetic changes.
    - Fixed: Changing tracks in the graphic editor would not always update the current selection properly.
    - Fixed: Many notation problems since converting to the carbon event model have been addressed including double-clicking to open items and selecting fonts.
    - Fixed: Video recording functionality is working correctly again.
    - Fixed: Video transitions and effects are working correctly again.
    - Fixed: Changing a softsynth track's port to original:audio port works correctly now.
    - Fixed: Certain plug-in version numbers are parsed correctly in the plug-ins window.
    - Fixed: Better support for bank names in .ins files that have more than 31 characters.
    - Fixed: It was possible that the aux buss outputs would be changed inadvertently by visiting the 'modify output and busses' dialog.
    - Fixed: The windows menu is updated properly after a plug-in is cleared.
    - Fixed: Setting the PPQ or dragging bar lines was recently broken. This has been corrected.
    - Fixed: A dragged MIDI file no longer overwrites existing track names.
    - Fixed: Improved support for subsections, soft-synths and tempo changes.
    - Fixed: Transport's float setting was not being saved properly in preferences and when in non-floating mode would activate inappropriately.
    - Fixed: All notes would incorrectly be selected when the Graphic editor window was deactivated.
    mac Metro SE v Sep 7, 2005 Carbon (OS 9+10)
    New to this version:
    - New: Software Audio Thru now has the ability to send audio data through an aux buss effect chain. When any aux send is up and software audio thru is on, an additional audio packet size of latency will be added.
    - New: Minor cosmetic improvements.
    - New: The help tags in the graphic editor display pitch as well as time when in a MIDI view.
    - New: Quantize now works when dragging audio regions. Also the note popup is selectable from the audio view to set the quantize amount.

    - Fixed: Selecting 'R' in the input select for audio recording was not working properly.
    - Fixed: Undo and redo now save and restore the current views properly like they used to before multiple undo was implemented.
    - Fixed: There was a problem where the audio overview was incorrectly displayed after insert or delete time when multiple tempo changes existed.
    - Fixed: Cue looping was partially broken in
    - Fixed: Undo was producing a small memory leak.
    windows Metro SE v 6.3.2pre Aug 20, 2005 Carbon (OS 9+10)
    New to this version:
    - New: All MIDI tracks can now be routed to accept input from a particular MIDI input controller (keyboard).
    - New: Multi-MIDI thru allows all MIDI record-enabled tracks to be routed from their input to their output. Automatic MIDI thru must be enabled for this feature to take effect.
    - New: Metro now listens for AudioUnits that change their Factory-Presets.
    - New: Effect are now supported when placed on the ReWire Aux buss.
    - New: The jukebox will now correctly plays back high bit sizes and sample rates within SE and LX.
    - New: Support for dragging samples of stereo audio files from either the left or right channel.
    - New: A new dialog option for finding program names (Full Version Only). This allows you to easily search for a particular sound in your MIDI or soft-synth name library.
    - New: The cue button is highlighted when loop recording.
    - New: If many Core Audio overloads are detected, Metro brings up a dialog allowing you to immediate increase the audio buffer packet size.
    - New: Muted Movie tracks do not play.
    - New: Recent files under OS X show long file names.
    - New: Changing parameters related to record looping in the Play Record Setup dialog will automatically enable the record loop setting in the transport.

    - Fixed: Software audio thru was usually introducing noise at the end of every playback buffer.
    - Fixed: Soft-synth compatibility improvements including better support for when the Synful orchestra plug-in is placed on an aux buss.
    - Fixed: Group Normalize was not working properly on 32 bit audio files.
    - Fixed: Master volume automation was not being chased properly. This could result in the wrong volume being set for MIDI or soft synths if Master Volume Automation was in use.
    - Fixed: Many improvements in regard to Quicktime Movie support including eliminating a potential crash when using undo.
    - Fixed: Miscellaneous minor cosmetic issues.
    - Fixed: Notes are no longer eaten during the end of count-off.
    - Fixed: Problem related to saving grooves for use with Groove Quantize.
    - Fixed: A couple of problems when honoring core MIDI time stamps. Including offset errors when counting off and record looping.
    - Fixed: Problem whereby sys-ex could be recorded even if Record Criteria had it disabled.
    - Fixed: Better Core MIDI compatibility.
    - Fixed: More robust loop recording compatibility. Multi-take record looping improvements when audio is being recorded.
    - Fixed: A problem introduced in Tiger whereby Audio files would not import unless they were created with Metro.
    - Fixed: More accurate support for 'wait for note' when doing audio recording. Because of technical issues there is still a gap of one audio-buffer-packet after a note is pressed.
    - Fixed: Version numbers are more accurately printed in the plug-in window.
    - Fixed: Better support for plug-ins that cannot be found when a Metro document is opened.
    - Fixed: Minor problems related to changed ports and the change ports dialog.
    - Fixed: A problem whereby changing the PPQ setting in MIDI setup did not always work properly.
    - Fixed: A problem with the internal Metronome.
    macintosh Metro SE v Jun 30, 2005 Carbon (OS 9+10)
    New to this version:
    - New: support for plug-ins dragged from the plug-ins window to the graphic editor.
    - New: Rhythm Explorer drum insertion algorithm now respects the currently displayed set of drums in the graphic editor's drum view. If there are no notes in the selection it will try to create a standard drum pattern using only those drums. If there are no drum names displayed it will go ahead and add them to the graphic editors drum display.
    - New: The about dialog displays the complete version number.
    - New: Freeze quality sub menu. Freeze quality has three settings ranging from best to fast. The difference in speed at the 'fast' setting can be up to 30 times (or more) faster than Metro 6.3.1. The difference in the quality of the mix when set to 'fast' ranges from none, depending on the plug-in being rendered/mixed, to particular defects in the resultant audio file. Freeze quality is saved with each section since it may be dependent on the plug-ins in use.
    - New: A Mix quality slider has been added to the Mix/Render dialog. See above about Freeze quality for more information on this setting.

    - Fixed: A crash that could occur if a soft-synth plug-in has no factory presets.
    - Fixed: Rhythm Explorer recording now works much better and no longer places data way in the future if the user pressed the record button during preview.
    - Fixed: Expand subsections can now be undone properly. There was a problem whereby the Metro outputs were not being sufficiently restored.
    - Fixed: Importing a MIDI file by dragging it to the graphic editor or tracks window could have messed up the tempo (and thereby the audio) of the current document.
    - Fixed: Minor plug-in support enhancements.
    - Fixed: Importing of indirectly supported audio types (such as 24 bit for SE or compressed for LX) by dragging to the graphic editor or tracks window would sometimes fail silently after being converted to aif.
    - Fixed: Better support for detecting changes in plug-in factory presets and synchronizing the current preset with the plug-in.
    - Fixed: Miscellaneous display enhancements in the markers window.
    - Fixed: A problem whereby plugin effect automation being recorded would play back during the recording process. This was making it very difficult to move the mixer fader (or pan knob) assigned to a MIDI controller of a soft-synth plug-in.
    pc Metro SE v 6.2.5 Feb 24, 2005 Carbon (OS 9+10)
  • New: French language version available to current users.

  • - New: The LX version now supports bit sizes up to 24.
    - New: It is now possible for the user to name audio input and output streams under OS X. This makes it possible to work around the fact that many audio drivers are not publishing names for the different streams of their devices. This makes it possible to have names like SPDIF-1 or ADat-2.
    - New: A stop delay setting has been added to the device options dialog for Core Audio. This prevents glitching on stop for certain audio devices (e.g. Gina).
    - New: The audio fade dialog box has been enhanced to include fade in and fade out buttons.
    - New: Many more menu items are now available while playing. Selecting them, however, will cause playback to be temporarily halted.
    - New: Jukebox now recalculates the bit-rate when the user gets info on the file.
    - New: Jukebox now moves the currently playing item to the beginning of the file list when the shuffle button is checked.
    - New: Mixer output vu's now fall off their current values more gradually providing a more professional look.
    - New: Typing keys in the plug-in window now moves to the correct category when the plug-ins are sorted by category.
    - New: Subsection edits are now undoable.
    - New: Instrument definition for the Korg Triton Extreme included.
    - New: Minor audio optimizations.

    - Fixed: A very serious bug involving sub-sections was introduced with multiple-undo. It could cause a crash when attempting to undo a subsection drag procedure. This has been corrected.
    - Fixed: It was possible that a lengthy high-resolution MIDI file, when imported, would be incorrect due to integer math overflow. Such a MIDI file could easily be written by programs such as propellerhead's reason (Thank you Todd Rundgren for finding this).
    - Fixed: It was impossible to record in stereo on certain audio devices that published multiple streams such as Echo's Gina.
    - Fixed: Changing the output in real time now works correctly for audio outputs and aux sends.
    - Fixed: Change ports was not changing the output's unique. This would cause Metro output ports, but not their names, to revert to old settings mysteriously.
    - Fixed: The default core audio input and output device were not being restored properly when Metro was restarted if they were not the same device.
    - Fixed: The factory setting Metronome was missing beats and behaving erratically in certain situations. Usually when the audio packet size was small. It was also not following the time signature and tempo changes if section events were set to loop.
    - Fixed: When externally syncing the Metronome could tick once even though it was not on (this problem was introduced in 6.2.3).
    - Fixed: There is no need to stop and resume playback after the jukebox output is selected any more.
    - Fixed: Using the continuous data dialog on the Master fader only worked for 'Set to'. This has been corrected by completing the implementation.
    - Fixed: The note display in the graphic editor was not being drawn behind EFX automation.
    - Fixed: Double clicking in the tracks window would not always bring up the correct display in the graphic editor.
    - Fixed: When audio outputs were dragged or pasted in the mixer window, the vu's would not be correctly reflected until playback was stopped and then resumed.
    - Fixed: Enhanced AU plug-in support.
    - Fixed: The preset popup item "Save AS" in the Effects window is now correctly grayed out if the plug-in has been specified as handling its own presets.
    - Fixed: Scale time was not working properly on mixed audio and MIDI tracks. This could even have caused a crash when dragging bar lines.
    - Fixed: It was possible to have the Metronome included when mixing audio. It was also possible that a count off would occur when mixing. Now the Metronome is always disabled when mixing.
    - Fixed: Notation was unable to insert notes when an audio track was the only existing track.
    - Fixed: Change ports also changes the default audio output. This helps the internal Metronome playback to make sound on the default audio device.
    - Fixed: There was an incorrect latency calculation when recording using core-audio direct as the input selection.
    - Fixed: Output vu's would on rare occasions stick.
    Metro SE v 6.2.3 Jan 26, 2005 Carbon (OS 9+10)
  • New: The Jukebox now supports playback of MP4 files, lossless audio and other variable bit rate (VBR) formats in OS X. This makes it even more convenient for using the Jukebox as a library for quick access to all your audio files.

  • - New: The Jukebox now support batch audio file conversion. Any quicktime supported audio format can be batch converted to either AIF, MP4, Apple Lossles, MP3 (with LAME component, available separately), WAV, MOV, and more. Simply shift or command-click to select multiple items and then ctrl (or right) click to select the batch conversion options.
    - New: The controller popup of the graphics editor now contains an asterisk next to all controllers that exist within the current track. This makes it easier to find controller data.
    - New: Better support for Audio devices stream names if the audio driver supplies them.
    - New: If a core audio device returns an invalid stream while recording Metro now stops.
    - New: Better copy and paste support for dual audio and MIDI tracks. It is now possible to copy and paste the current view without affecting the other view.
    - New: Clicking on the search icon in the jukebox window now deletes the current search field.
    - New: removed workaround for IK Multimedia's T-RackS because these plug-ins are fixed as of 1.2.1. Please update to version 1.2.1 of T-Racks if necessary.
    - New: For insert or delete time, holding down the option key now forces the operation across all tracks. This makes it very easy to insert or delete time within the current sequence from the graphic editor.
    - New: Better support for mixing audio with VST 2.0 plug-ins that watch if the transport is playing. This makes it possible to mix across the end of a track and have playing stop during mixing.
    - New: Mix down audio now works across subsections.
    - New: If enabled, a playbar is now drawn in each pane of the graphic editor.
    - New: The shift-key will make all plug-ins shown in the graphic editor's plug-in popup.
    - New: Repeating multi-part time signatures.

    - Fixed: Wait 4 note recording mode now works properly for audio and soft-synths and if honoring core midi time stamps.
    - Fixed: Apple's alias manager (under OS 10.3.x at least) sometimes does not find a file in the same directory that this file was opened from. Metro now does simple file searching before calling the alias manager.
    - Fixed: Enhanced support for VST 2.0, including better compatibility with Sonic state's MicroTonic.
    - Fixed: Several problems with notation have been corrected.
    - Fixed: if a tempo change occurred at time 0:0:1, meaning there were duplicate tempo changes at that time, time was miscalculated. This would manifest itself as digital audio waveform overviews being incorrect or selections acting strangely.
    - Fixed: a problem where continuous audio or effect automation would occassionally not insert maximum values.
    - Fixed: double clicking in the tracks window would select a graphic editor view but that view was not always being remembered properly.
    - Fixed: so that if sampletime != MaxSampleTime it is now honored and not re-discovered by looking into
    - Fixed: the current play time is calculated properly when a new track is created in real time.
    - Fixed: A possible crash when creating aux busses, if the port was set to off.
    - Fixed: A problem where the jukebox scroll position was set wrong after filtering.
    - Fixed: A problem causing deferred remote control events to record at a very wrong time!!!
    - Fixed: a problem that could cause a crash if the audio packet size was set to 2048 or greater.
    - Fixed: a problem so that cutting a portion of a sequence with only one track does not cut sections events as well.
    - Fixed: a problem with vu meters in the mixer window staying on after mixing audio.
    - Fixed: Rendering audio does not remove MIDI data any more upon completion. This should be done manually to avoid doubling if the entire track is not rendered.
    - Fixed: a problem whereby changing the graphic editor view from, for example notes to controller, would leave the notes selected.
    - Fixed: Loop recording audio or soft synth tracks.
    - Fixed: Better support for Audio Unit Music Effects.
    - Fixed: A possible problem when asking for an audio directory.
    - Fixed: Miscellaneous display problems.
    - Fixed: Jukebox recent folder items were not being resolved properly in some cases.
    - Fixed: Aux send automation was not displaying properly.
    - Fixed: a problem when cueing soft synths past the end of a looped track
    Sagan Technology
    Buy Metro SE online at:
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    Très bon séquenceur, beaucoup de souplesse, excellent support sur le web et manuel html.

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