Category Audio Production / Plug-ins & effects
Version 2.9.1
Format AUVST
Compatibility TB EZQMacOS X Intel
License Freeware
Price Free
Updated On Sep 14, 2013
Total Downloads 6,657
Mac Downloads 3,162
Category Audio Production / Plug-ins & effects
Version 2.9.1
Format VST
Compatibility TB EZQWindows
License Freeware
Price Free
Updated On Sep 14, 2013
Total Downloads 6,657
PC Downloads 3,495

Intuitive audio equalizer

TB EZQ is a zero-latency, VST implementation of the work by Andrew Sabin and Bryan Pardo from the interactive audio lab at Northwestern University, IL, USA. They developed a method to automatically map common equalization manipulations involving multiple equalizer controls onto descriptive terms such as 'warm', 'dark' and 'bright'. These descriptive labels can subsequently be placed onto a 2-dimensional space, in which each point represents a certain amount of 'warmth', 'darkness', and 'brightness'. More information can be found in their paper.

TB EZQ consists of a static implementation of their results with fixed descriptors. With this plugin, common equalization tasks to manipulate warmth or brightness can be performed much more efficient than with common equalizers involving many...
TB EZQ is a zero-latency, VST implementation of the work by Andrew Sabin and Bryan Pardo from the interactive audio lab at Northwestern University, IL, USA. They developed a method to automatically map common equalization manipulations involving multiple equalizer controls onto descriptive terms such as 'warm', 'dark' and 'bright'. These descriptive labels can subsequently be placed onto a 2-dimensional space, in which each point represents a certain amount of 'warmth', 'darkness', and 'brightness'. More information can be found in their paper.

TB EZQ consists of a static implementation of their results with fixed descriptors. With this plugin, common equalization tasks to manipulate warmth or brightness can be performed much more efficient than with common equalizers involving many controls that require manipulation.

- It's free!
- Zero-latency processing
- Support of all sampling rates from 44.1 to 192 kHz
- Simple and intuitive user interface
- Based on the VST 2.4 specification to allow compatibility with virtually all host programs
TB EZQ TB EZQ v 2.9.1 Sep 14, 2013 MacOS X Intel
All plugins

Improved key press handling when plugins are in and out of focus
Improved stability on OSX

TB ReelBus
New tape model (Glue tape II)
New control for adjustable low/high frequency pre-post emphasis
New control for adjustable mid/side pre-post emphasis
New tape stop simulation feature
New noise reduction simulation
Various quality improvements
“Normal” (low CPU) and “High Quality” modes available to reduce the CPU load by almost a factor of 3 (depending on platform)
ToneBooster TB EZQ TB EZQ v 2.8.9 Aug 13, 2013 MacOS X Intel
All plugins

Improved scanning speed by host
Fixed compatibility with Ocenaudio editor


New control to reset all peak meters
CPU load reduction for ISP mode


CPU load reduction for high sampling rates


Improved latency correction / communication to host
Added new control to switch between low complexity and high quality modes

FlX / FlX4

Added FlX4 plugin with external side chain option
ToneBooster TB EZQ v 2.8.8 May 22, 2013 MacOS X Intel

CPU load reduction on Windows platform (up to a factor of 3 faster, depending on CPU)
Added spectrum analyzer mode selector (Total energy, only, side only, or off)


Fixed potential clicking issues when beat-syncing with hosts that are not sample accurate
common TB EZQ v 2.8.7 Apr 21, 2013 MacOS X Intel
All plugins

Resolved issue that key files are sometimes not found on Windows 7+


Fixed some GUI bugs when running in demo mode
Added X=Y helper line in compressor editor
Removed y-axis dependency on compressor make-up gain
Reduced CPU load by a factor of two (latency has increased)
Fixed a bug sometimes causing wrong filter types when a non-auto link node was in-between auto-link nodes
Added global dry/wet control
Effect of global input gain, output gain and dry/wet controls are now visualized in the equalizer curve


Changed channel mode menu to have automatic, stereo, and 5.1 modes
intuitive TB EZQ v 2.8.6 Apr 14, 2013 MacOS X Intel
All plugins

Added check marks to drop-down menus
Added control and alt key modifiers to lock x/y-only movement for nodes
Added snap to zero functionality for nodes
Various GUI redraw CPU complexity reductions
Slightly increased font size in almost all plugins for better readability on high-resolution screens


Added output level control


Modified GUI color schemes; filter section control colors are now context dependent
Improved octave-based averaging in frequency analyzer
Doubled frequency resolution of the frequency analyser


Fixed GUI display bug when automating input gain level
Improved auto-saturation algorithm


Added mode without peak hold on VU meters in realtime analysis display


Almost complete redesign of the internal DSP core
Added 30 new filter prototypes, including non-resonating shelving filters, spectral balance filters, analog filters, and many others
Filters now have Q controls
Filters can now be set to process in stereo, mid, side, left or right modes
Automatic filter shape generation + visualization when in “node link” filter mode to give a smooth, interpolated EQ
Added additional, more traditional controls (frequency, gain) to facilitate easier editing
Improvement in spectrum analyzer frequency resolution – now features a 4096-point frequency analyzer with zoom functionality
Soft/hard knee compressor curve can now be set independently from the number of active nodes
Compressor nodes snap to X=Y for easier editing
Compressor side chain can use stereo, mid, side, left, right, or side/mid for input level detection
Added compressor make-up level control
Added processing “amount” control for each filter section
Context-dependent control colors to guide editing
Larger GUI for easier editing
Auto-phase option: equalizer phase automatically blends between linear and minimum phase for better transient response
Note: due to the significant changes in this plugin, the current version is not compatible with its initial release.
controls TB EZQ v 2.8.5 Jan 27, 2013 MacOS X Intel
All plugins

Fixed GUI redraw issue for preset selection in some hosts.


Improved bounce behavior in Logic Pro.
Inclusion of a new tape model

Compressor and EZCompressor

Two new compressor algorithms included.


First release.
descriptive TB EZQ v 2.8.3 Aug 2, 2012 MacOS X Intel
True peak measurement accuracy improvement in EBULoudness & EBUCompact
Improved true-peak handling in Barricade
All plugins: fixed key up/down and mousewheel operation for non-linear knobs
zero-latency TB EZQ v 2.8.2 Jul 24, 2012 MacOS X Intel
  • Fixed frequency labels for high and low cut filters

  • Changed default value of Q factor to 0.71

  • Changed default value of the frequency slider

  • Added option to de-select all equalizer sections

  • Added precision X/Y labels

  • Barricade
  • Improved handling of true peaks / ISP processing

  • Output meter now shows true peak levels if ISP switch is enabled

  • Output ceiling control now gives the exact peak output limit

  • EBU Loudness
  • Added G10 and G70 relative/absolute gate activity indicators
  • download TB EZQ v 2.8.1 Jul 10, 2012 MacOS X Intel
    Fixed an issue that could cause hosts to crash when opening/editing the user interface
    mac TB EZQ v 2.8.0 Jul 4, 2012 MacOS X Intel
    All plugins

    Improved GUI refresh handling for lower ASIO/CPU load
    Small improvements in GUIs


    Fixed bug that could crash AU host on Mac when resetting output VU meter


    Fixed an issue that could result in incorrect screen refresh in Sonar x64 when selecting a preset


    Added dedicated stereo and surround modes
    Improvement in true-peak detection algorithm
    Loudness integration time is now virtually unlimited (display time up to 2 hours)
    Loudness history view now has a variable display time
    Loudness history view now has hover functionality for detailed readings
    Loudness history view now has select/zoom functionality
    Added indicators of 10% and 95% percentiles of short-term loudness
    Redesigned user interface
    Improved loudness accuracy if meter is switched to different loudness standards on the fly
    Added extra modes (K scales)


    Improvement in true-peak detection algorithm
    Loudness integration time is now virtually unlimited
    Improved loudness accuracy if meter is switched to different loudness standards on the fly
    Added extra modes (K scales)


    Improvement in true-peak detection algorithm and true-peak handling


    Updated user interface
    windows TB EZQ v 2.7.0 Jun 18, 2012 MacOS X Intel
    Fixed bugs that caused AU plugins to crash in Logic when running in 64 bits mode
    Registration key file handling simplified – key files can now simply be copied in the same folder as the component itself (same procedure as for VST plugins)
    macintosh TB EZQ v 2.6.2 May 29, 2012 MacOS X Intel
    All plugins
  • Audio Units for Mac OSX available (beta!)
  • pc TB EZQ v 2.6.1 Apr 16, 2012 MacOS X Intel
    All plugins
  • Fixed operation of VU meters for some 64 bit OSX hosts (Reaper, Studio One).

  • ReelBus
  • Added -30dB pad controls to tape hiss and asperity noise.

  • Improved wow&flutter model.
  • TB EZQ v 2.6 Apr 3, 2012 MacOS X Intel
    All plugins
  • Reduced CPU load if GUI is not visible and/or with silence as input

  • Added info buttons

  • Fixed mouse wheel operation for knobs with non-linear/logarithmic behavior

  • Fixed compatibility with Adobe Premiere CS5.5 – x64

  • Minor GUI improvements

  • Barricade
  • Resolved peak hold issue with digital silence input signals

  • Redesigned user interface

  • Reverb
  • Added modulation option for a more natural reverberation tail

  • DeEsser
  • Added new stereo link, attack and release controls

  • Improvements in sibilance detection algorithm

  • EBULoudness
  • Fixed compatibility with some hosts on stereo tracks (Steinberg Wavelab)

  • IsoneSurround
  • Fixed compatibility with some hosts on stereo tracks (e.g. Steinberg Wavelab)

  • Equalizer
  • Spectrum view now switches to bar graph if analyzer bandwidth >= 0.3 octaves

  • Resolved subtle zipper noises resulting from spectrum analyzer bandwidth changes

  • ReelBus
  • First release
  • TB EZQ v 2.5 Feb 7, 2012 MacOS X Intel
    All plugins

    VU meter peak hold values have been extended beyond the visible range for more accurate peak tracking.
    Various CPU load optimizations.
    All GUIs have been enhanced.
    Plugins are now compatible with OSX Lion.
    No more PPC support on Mac.
    Fixed mousewheel control of knobs with non-linear behavior.


    Added new auto-saturation module for better transparency and warmer character.
    Added quantizer/dithering/perceptual noise shaping modules for high-quality bit-depth reduction.
    CPU load reduction for true-peak / ISP detection.
    Output gain parameter changed to maximum output peak variable for more consistent gain handling.


    First release of OmniSone spatial image processor


    Complete re-design of de-essing algorithm – please check settings for DAW projects created with older DeEsser releases.
    DeEsser now functions indepedent of signal levels (as opposed to a multi-band compressor approach).
    Added GUI elements to visualize the detected amount of sibilance.
    Added control to change amount of de-essing independent from threshold/sensitivity.
    Listen mode now only passes the removed sibilance as output.

    EBULoudness and EBUCompact

    Resolved plugin reset issue in some hosts when stopping playback.
    Removed gating mechanism from ATSC A/85 mode for ATSC standard compliance.
    CPU load reduction.

    Compressor and EZCompressor

    Added a new vintage/classic compressor mode for colored compression, especially suitable for buss processing and to glue tracks together.
    TB EZQ v 2.4 Nov 27, 2011 MacOS X UB
    All plugins

    Many improvements in resource management and GUI updates


    Fixed bug to open web page twice when clicking on info button
    Added activate/deactivate functionality to the draggable node

    Isone and Isone Surround

    Improvement in HRTF transfer functions and early reflections simulation
    Added output VU meter (Isone) to identify signal levels and clipping
    TB EZQ v 2.3 Oct 11, 2011 MacOS X UB
    EBU Loudness / EBU Compact

    Algorithms updated to reflect the recent (2011) changes in ITU-R 1770, EBU R128, and ATSC A/85 (change in relative gating levels).


    Added a control for logarithmic spectrum analysis. Power spectrum, left/right pan, and mid/side ratio can now be computed with logarithmic filters with any width between 0 and 1 octave.

    All plugins

    Several minor changes to improve readability of GUIs.
    TB EZQ v 2.2 Aug 27, 2011 MacOS X UB

    Reduced resonance in tape filter simulation
    Fixed VU meter level indication (0dB is now full scale)
    Presets included

    EBU Loudness / EBU Compact

    Fixed bug in k-weighting filters that could result in wrong loudness reading


    Fixed URL in info button
    Minor GUI changes


    Included presets
    TB EZQ v 2.1 Jul 30, 2011 MacOS X UB
    All plugins
    Minor GUI beautifications

    Added new detection time parameter
    Added new parameter to set the gate-closed gain

    Fixed white space bug in preset names
    Extended number of available program slots

    EBU Loudness / EBU Compact
    Support of additional loudness standards (ITU-R 1770-1, ITU-R 1770-2)
    Improved accuracy in inter-sample peak (ISP) detection

    Improved accuracy in inter-sample peak (ISP) detection

    Revised and improved algorithm for better audio quality
    Reduced screen real-estate

    First release
    TB EZQ TB EZQ v 2.9.1 Sep 14, 2013 Windows
    All plugins

    Improved key press handling when plugins are in and out of focus
    Improved stability on OSX

    TB ReelBus
    New tape model (Glue tape II)
    New control for adjustable low/high frequency pre-post emphasis
    New control for adjustable mid/side pre-post emphasis
    New tape stop simulation feature
    New noise reduction simulation
    Various quality improvements
    “Normal” (low CPU) and “High Quality” modes available to reduce the CPU load by almost a factor of 3 (depending on platform)
    ToneBooster TB EZQ TB EZQ v 2.8.9 Aug 13, 2013 Windows
    All plugins

    Improved scanning speed by host
    Fixed compatibility with Ocenaudio editor


    New control to reset all peak meters
    CPU load reduction for ISP mode


    CPU load reduction for high sampling rates


    Improved latency correction / communication to host
    Added new control to switch between low complexity and high quality modes

    FlX / FlX4

    Added FlX4 plugin with external side chain option
    ToneBooster TB EZQ v 2.8.8 May 22, 2013 Windows

    CPU load reduction on Windows platform (up to a factor of 3 faster, depending on CPU)
    Added spectrum analyzer mode selector (Total energy, only, side only, or off)


    Fixed potential clicking issues when beat-syncing with hosts that are not sample accurate
    common TB EZQ v 2.8.7 Apr 21, 2013 Windows
    All plugins

    Resolved issue that key files are sometimes not found on Windows 7+


    Fixed some GUI bugs when running in demo mode
    Added X=Y helper line in compressor editor
    Removed y-axis dependency on compressor make-up gain
    Reduced CPU load by a factor of two (latency has increased)
    Fixed a bug sometimes causing wrong filter types when a non-auto link node was in-between auto-link nodes
    Added global dry/wet control
    Effect of global input gain, output gain and dry/wet controls are now visualized in the equalizer curve


    Changed channel mode menu to have automatic, stereo, and 5.1 modes
    intuitive TB EZQ v 2.8.6 Apr 14, 2013 Windows
    All plugins

    Added check marks to drop-down menus
    Added control and alt key modifiers to lock x/y-only movement for nodes
    Added snap to zero functionality for nodes
    Various GUI redraw CPU complexity reductions
    Slightly increased font size in almost all plugins for better readability on high-resolution screens


    Added output level control


    Modified GUI color schemes; filter section control colors are now context dependent
    Improved octave-based averaging in frequency analyzer
    Doubled frequency resolution of the frequency analyser


    Fixed GUI display bug when automating input gain level
    Improved auto-saturation algorithm


    Added mode without peak hold on VU meters in realtime analysis display


    Almost complete redesign of the internal DSP core
    Added 30 new filter prototypes, including non-resonating shelving filters, spectral balance filters, analog filters, and many others
    Filters now have Q controls
    Filters can now be set to process in stereo, mid, side, left or right modes
    Automatic filter shape generation + visualization when in “node link” filter mode to give a smooth, interpolated EQ
    Added additional, more traditional controls (frequency, gain) to facilitate easier editing
    Improvement in spectrum analyzer frequency resolution – now features a 4096-point frequency analyzer with zoom functionality
    Soft/hard knee compressor curve can now be set independently from the number of active nodes
    Compressor nodes snap to X=Y for easier editing
    Compressor side chain can use stereo, mid, side, left, right, or side/mid for input level detection
    Added compressor make-up level control
    Added processing “amount” control for each filter section
    Context-dependent control colors to guide editing
    Larger GUI for easier editing
    Auto-phase option: equalizer phase automatically blends between linear and minimum phase for better transient response
    Note: due to the significant changes in this plugin, the current version is not compatible with its initial release.
    controls TB EZQ v 2.8.5 Jan 27, 2013 Windows
    All plugins

    Fixed GUI redraw issue for preset selection in some hosts.


    Improved bounce behavior in Logic Pro.
    Inclusion of a new tape model

    Compressor and EZCompressor

    Two new compressor algorithms included.


    First release.
    descriptive TB EZQ v 2.8.3 Aug 2, 2012 Windows
    True peak measurement accuracy improvement in EBULoudness & EBUCompact
    Improved true-peak handling in Barricade
    All plugins: fixed key up/down and mousewheel operation for non-linear knobs
    zero-latency TB EZQ v 2.8.2 Jul 24, 2012 Windows
  • Fixed frequency labels for high and low cut filters

  • Changed default value of Q factor to 0.71

  • Changed default value of the frequency slider

  • Added option to de-select all equalizer sections

  • Added precision X/Y labels

  • Barricade
  • Improved handling of true peaks / ISP processing

  • Output meter now shows true peak levels if ISP switch is enabled

  • Output ceiling control now gives the exact peak output limit

  • EBU Loudness
  • Added G10 and G70 relative/absolute gate activity indicators
  • download TB EZQ v 2.8.1 Jul 10, 2012 Windows
    Fixed an issue that could cause hosts to crash when opening/editing the user interface
    mac TB EZQ v 2.8.0 Jul 4, 2012 Windows
    All plugins

    Improved GUI refresh handling for lower ASIO/CPU load
    Small improvements in GUIs


    Fixed bug that could crash AU host on Mac when resetting output VU meter


    Fixed an issue that could result in incorrect screen refresh in Sonar x64 when selecting a preset


    Added dedicated stereo and surround modes
    Improvement in true-peak detection algorithm
    Loudness integration time is now virtually unlimited (display time up to 2 hours)
    Loudness history view now has a variable display time
    Loudness history view now has hover functionality for detailed readings
    Loudness history view now has select/zoom functionality
    Added indicators of 10% and 95% percentiles of short-term loudness
    Redesigned user interface
    Improved loudness accuracy if meter is switched to different loudness standards on the fly
    Added extra modes (K scales)


    Improvement in true-peak detection algorithm
    Loudness integration time is now virtually unlimited
    Improved loudness accuracy if meter is switched to different loudness standards on the fly
    Added extra modes (K scales)


    Improvement in true-peak detection algorithm and true-peak handling


    Updated user interface
    windows TB EZQ v 2.6.2 May 29, 2012 Windows
    All plugins
  • Audio Units for Mac OSX available (beta!)
  • macintosh TB EZQ v 2.6.1 Apr 16, 2012 Windows
    All plugins
  • Fixed operation of VU meters for some 64 bit OSX hosts (Reaper, Studio One).

  • ReelBus
  • Added -30dB pad controls to tape hiss and asperity noise.

  • Improved wow&flutter model.
  • pc TB EZQ v 2.6 Apr 3, 2012 Windows
    All plugins
  • Reduced CPU load if GUI is not visible and/or with silence as input

  • Added info buttons

  • Fixed mouse wheel operation for knobs with non-linear/logarithmic behavior

  • Fixed compatibility with Adobe Premiere CS5.5 – x64

  • Minor GUI improvements

  • Barricade
  • Resolved peak hold issue with digital silence input signals

  • Redesigned user interface

  • Reverb
  • Added modulation option for a more natural reverberation tail

  • DeEsser
  • Added new stereo link, attack and release controls

  • Improvements in sibilance detection algorithm

  • EBULoudness
  • Fixed compatibility with some hosts on stereo tracks (Steinberg Wavelab)

  • IsoneSurround
  • Fixed compatibility with some hosts on stereo tracks (e.g. Steinberg Wavelab)

  • Equalizer
  • Spectrum view now switches to bar graph if analyzer bandwidth >= 0.3 octaves

  • Resolved subtle zipper noises resulting from spectrum analyzer bandwidth changes

  • ReelBus
  • First release
  • TB EZQ v 2.5 Feb 7, 2012 Windows
    All plugins

    VU meter peak hold values have been extended beyond the visible range for more accurate peak tracking.
    Various CPU load optimizations.
    All GUIs have been enhanced.
    Plugins are now compatible with OSX Lion.
    No more PPC support on Mac.
    Fixed mousewheel control of knobs with non-linear behavior.


    Added new auto-saturation module for better transparency and warmer character.
    Added quantizer/dithering/perceptual noise shaping modules for high-quality bit-depth reduction.
    CPU load reduction for true-peak / ISP detection.
    Output gain parameter changed to maximum output peak variable for more consistent gain handling.


    First release of OmniSone spatial image processor


    Complete re-design of de-essing algorithm – please check settings for DAW projects created with older DeEsser releases.
    DeEsser now functions indepedent of signal levels (as opposed to a multi-band compressor approach).
    Added GUI elements to visualize the detected amount of sibilance.
    Added control to change amount of de-essing independent from threshold/sensitivity.
    Listen mode now only passes the removed sibilance as output.

    EBULoudness and EBUCompact

    Resolved plugin reset issue in some hosts when stopping playback.
    Removed gating mechanism from ATSC A/85 mode for ATSC standard compliance.
    CPU load reduction.

    Compressor and EZCompressor

    Added a new vintage/classic compressor mode for colored compression, especially suitable for buss processing and to glue tracks together.
    TB EZQ v 2.4 Nov 27, 2011 Windows
    All plugins

    Many improvements in resource management and GUI updates


    Fixed bug to open web page twice when clicking on info button
    Added activate/deactivate functionality to the draggable node

    Isone and Isone Surround

    Improvement in HRTF transfer functions and early reflections simulation
    Added output VU meter (Isone) to identify signal levels and clipping
    TB EZQ v 2.3 Oct 11, 2011 Windows
    EBU Loudness / EBU Compact

    Algorithms updated to reflect the recent (2011) changes in ITU-R 1770, EBU R128, and ATSC A/85 (change in relative gating levels).


    Added a control for logarithmic spectrum analysis. Power spectrum, left/right pan, and mid/side ratio can now be computed with logarithmic filters with any width between 0 and 1 octave.

    All plugins

    Several minor changes to improve readability of GUIs.
    TB EZQ v 2.2 Aug 27, 2011 Windows

    Reduced resonance in tape filter simulation
    Fixed VU meter level indication (0dB is now full scale)
    Presets included

    EBU Loudness / EBU Compact

    Fixed bug in k-weighting filters that could result in wrong loudness reading


    Fixed URL in info button
    Minor GUI changes


    Included presets
    TB EZQ v 2.1 Jul 30, 2011 Windows
    All plugins
    Minor GUI beautifications

    Added new detection time parameter
    Added new parameter to set the gate-closed gain

    Fixed white space bug in preset names
    Extended number of available program slots

    EBU Loudness / EBU Compact
    Support of additional loudness standards (ITU-R 1770-1, ITU-R 1770-2)
    Improved accuracy in inter-sample peak (ISP) detection

    Improved accuracy in inter-sample peak (ISP) detection

    Revised and improved algorithm for better audio quality
    Reduced screen real-estate

    First release

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    Other Software by ToneBooster (15)

    TB Barricade
    Brickwall limiter. TB Barricade is a simple yet very effective and transparent brickwall limiter that is suitable for individual tracks as well as mastering work. Features -...
    TB Dither
    Dithering and noise shaping. TB Dither is a plugin designed to modify the bit depth of audio signals, for example when authoring a CD or for archival purposes, with minimum quality...
    TB EBULoudness
    Loudness measurement. TB EBULoudness is a stereo and multi-channel loudness measurement plugin compliant with EBU-R BS.1770, EBU R-128, EBU TechReport 3341 and EBU TechReport 3342...
    TB Evoke
    Dynamics processor. TB Evoke consists of an integrated DC/rumble filter, a smart gate, a transparent compressor, a multi-band excess sibilance processor, and an exciter in one...
    TB FlX
    Dynamic equalizer. TB FlX (“Flex“) combines equalization and dynamics processing in one go. It works just as most equalizers; by moving 5 nodes along a frequency axis, a...
    TB Isone
    Binaural room and loudspeaker simulator. The perfect listening room… Many have experienced the difficulty to realize a listening environment free of standing waves, undesirable reflections, the perfect...
    TB IsoneSurround
    Binaural 5.1 Surround simulator. TB IsoneSurround targets multimedia enthusiasts using headphones. It can be used on stereo content (simulating a virtual stereo loudspeaker setup) and 6-channel...
    TB MidSideTransformer
    MS-LR conversion. TB MidSideTransformer is a free plugin. It just does one thing, and one thing only: transform left-right into mid-side, or transform mid-side back into...
    TB Module
    Modulation effects processor. TB Module is a generic framework for a wide variety feedback and modulation effects. It consists of a set of serialized processes such as panning, delay,...
    TB OmniSone
    Spatial image editor. TB OmniSone is a zero-latency VST plugin to (re-)pan sound sources, even outside the loudspeaker base. It also allows for increasing the perceived ‘width’ or...
    TB ReelBus
    Analog tape simulation plugin. TB ReelBus is an analog tape recording simulator that aims at accurate simulation of all properties related to tape, including its frequency and level dependent...
    TB Sibalance
    De-esser. Pristine vocals deserve top notch sibilance processing using matched-filter technology for ultra-transparent de-essing. De-essers can be an evil necessity....
    TB TimeMachine
    Vintage sampler simulator. Revisit the 4 or 8 bit era and re-create the characteristic sound of 12 bit samplers with TB TimeMachine. Awarded as best freeware VST plugin by Computer...
    TB VoicePitcher
    Voice pitch shifting. TB VoicePitcher is a simple, while very effective plugin to change the overall pitch of dialog and vocals, including singing voices. Because its algorithms are...
    9 plug-ins. - TB Equalizer Analyze and modify the spectral balance with TB Equalizer – a versatile EQ with digital and analog filter prototypes. - TB HumRemover...
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